Newspaper Page Text
Tac Official Paper of Chowan County. A H. Mitchell, Editor and Manager Price $1.50 Per Year. Peliverad at door of elty subscribers, as ion as from press, by carrier, without extra The Editor discIaSroRBll reponibinty for the tiswj or HUixeraems or correspondents nncl re fcrven the right At ail times to levise or rdccl BiiHrucie ne may inmK proper BtSHt Advertising Medium in the Irtstrict. Ft?8 ver.v moderate hi pecial Kates on Lionr EDENTON, February 20, 1801. The time is near at harm when we '-all be called upon to select eonn cdnien for oar town, and as the law empowers the board to elect a M-iyor and Constable, it is highly important th t it should be well considered htd'ori the election which comes off in M.j. lie it 'paid to the creditor the present board that they hare showa, in a marked decree, their will ixriiess to advance the interest or' our town, and but for the lack of interest taken in our oiunicipul affairs by som? oi'oiir leading citiZ8ri9 tiiey douhitass would uavo made much gre iter progress. A wide field is open lor improvement vet. The ex tension of 'Magnolia and Court streets are yet to be done. The loag talkec of eisctric lights should ba introdue ed, aad a thousand and one sugges tions that we might make, will ba ex pectod of our next board of couuc'l- mu. In order to earrv out these improvement i; i absolutely neces sary to elect liberal minded, public spirited citizens, who in turn wii elect a Mayor whose views tro posi tively known to be in keeping witn the times. We say it much to oar own mortification aad regret, that maiiy of oar citizens are willing to let things continue in the old rut, to keep our oeautiful town, with its magnificent water front, its salubroua climate, its unequalled advantages for manu facturing industries, forsver in the rear. Around us we see our sister towns thriving, bouyed with hope and pregnant with energy, while we are rolling ia the waters made stagnant by our own inactivity. We had hoped that the present adminis tration would go fcaneatlj to work and aid and encourage ever enterprise that would likely benefit us; how for they have met our expectations, has already ben stated, but we deem thai a change is necessary, and we feel that we are betraying the trut im posed upon us, in allowing the elec tion to come upon us without sound , ing the alara, without calling upon every citizen to respond to the calls of progress; all the elements necsary for our success are at nnd, we have public spirited citizens sulUjieutiy imbued wit tue spirit of progress to grasp the situation, mun wao are cogniz ant of the fact that their individual welfare depends upon the prosperity of the community. Such a person adorning the offije of mayor, would m-ko success sure, would invite ex ami; itions of our facilities for manu facturiug, would iadace local capital to co?pjr te with taea in developing our resources, and causae prosperity and plenty to go hand in hand. A 'new era would dawn, Edenton wonld arouse from her Rip Van Winkle sleep to behold the old fogies skulk ing behind .their more enterprising neighbor, and entirely out&triped in the race. Let the election in May make this change. Let every voter be fully satisfied before casting the ballot for councilmen that the change will be made. GENERAL ASSEMBLY NOTES. Siacs our 'ast isae a gret many bill have been introduced in botk Houses of the iezisiature. but of a private character, and in which the peo ple graeral'y fee n9 Merest. Th'j bill before ths Legislature to amend the charter of Edenton has pass ed its tbtrd reading. It is now thought that the Railroad Comsoission bill will be passed as it came to the Houe from the Senate without amendment. Tie bill to amend the charter of Elizabeth City has become a iaw. The bill enlarges the town limits and takes in some of the suberbs. A Liil has passed the Senate provid- ing that count? commissioner shall go into office" the let Mondayain Au gust instead of December. The bill to amend tha constitution as to ive the Legislature power to in crease the jurisdiction ot magistrates has passed its final reading in the Sen ate. A bill is before tb lesislatnre to regulate the rate of interest and nro- viJe that it shall und3r no circum stances, be mo than 6 per cent. It is causing no iittie discussioa. Tlae rsveneu bill is one of the chief mattets now to be considered bv the T ! -1 - . rr-M . . m ' legislature. i ne question of an ap prepriatien for the extention of the inne assvlum at Raleigh 13 one of th; important questions. The senar- anon ot tne cieat mutes from the blind by means of separate institutions, is a. so being considered. Excuse us for saying that the late indications point to a change of the Legislative mind upos the oyster quss tion throagh the o)eration of the so ber second thoHght and in allowance of dredging with culling in water not less taau i2 feet . We are glad to hear that Senator Parker and Rep pesentative H. A. Bond Jr. are with us.-Economist Falcon. Bills passed final reading in the House on Monday last allowing unr psrson to change his name one time Miiy under the provisions of constitu tion; to pay witnesses summoned at coroner's inquest; to allow countv com missioners to grut, free of co-t. li cense te ex-confederate soldier as peddlers; to protect married women who seperated bv consent from drunk en husbauns by forbidding tko latUr to enter their wives premises. JUST OPENED, Anrlovonn Ran-loTr JIt The Only Strictly L SJ wu.. HARDWARE STORE IN Z " r KOTO . HEATING STOVES, COOKING STOVES, RANGES. Wholesale Ccm:i.i-sion Dealers in JQiiick salps and prompt rrturns. Coirvvniicv nnd -fiiiiffmi,rl,t S,.H, rjt a Ifvon want obtain iho High est luaiket price for our" Chains, Hames And Collars, N V hiirictrees, &c Hoes. Spades, -Nbhove:s, 1 orKs. PIPING AND PIPE KITTIXGS. Belting. Packing, Ac , kc. NAILS Flat And Round Iron. NOTICE. E. T. Poweil, Sii- & "o. Plainiitls J. W. Lee, Defendant. Py virtue of an actua' levy made' after an Lxecution ;f thubd.t entitled aute, I jtluiH for c.isb bv nuhlie auction btore the Court II in Edentnn. rniuity of Choan ni.d State of North i; iro!ma on oiflcv the M d-y ot Marofi 1SU! at 1 oci.rk p. !. folio W-in.; described propertv to- il . t lie ust ill teuton u Inch the de- I ei.dant pui-ciiasfd of U. V. Ktn oil the I (jTci 2H6 fl 11 fl TT'Vo r-in ftbdayof Jm.uarv, Ibl Dee, fori L , . ... , 1 1 i11 ill the ollice of the Hej;isrt-i' I Ptevl, g A "T" (T y-J ti Ciwrt iu. cotiiii v. Uiuiijed t: the JL..'i,. ijftfi f C iH a.irtn by thy are house of J. A., JJ t W'ooilar.l Sr. und Ei,8..uii hih! Wt-st ! 17 & '2S Dock St Fish T . i 3?isi t stieets ana the tots of tuid Wou aid ' estate. J. H. PKKitY. Shei'ifT. -Plows Arid Plow Castings January 2t!i Chow.m N. y : U Ky - V V. Tl) K -'rr i uivii 1 u 1 ii:i i;K notic:k. Gen. William T. Sherman died at New York at 1 :50 p. m. on Saturday ast. CUTLERY AND EDGL TOOLS. '-Shipchan lierv v Sporting Goods. Powder Dupont's and Sc'iulrx's. Drop and Chilled .Shot, S;e. STPartie wanting anvthi.iegjJ in our lme will save mon gJev by examiniHtfgjJ OUR STOCK AND PRICES. ITarinjr quaSifh d k executor of the I 17 1 1 l g Y V K r' " .'Ktateoftlv-Mau At.--u.iu, A. Perry T i X i jOil J' f S I I neiehy mve noture to all persons ouin I -'-i Jl ti.em to sue i '& r before Feby.Ku P.t ID N. Did i ware Ave. thenn-d estate t Wiik? pi'oottit n;i'- ! menc. nuse li(:.iii cUnus a.!?dnL ine. etitate ilt iui-r nt fuonerly vei ij'ieu on or ant si NOTICE. I 1? ruler an orrJ-s in f.e cause of White ! ' J L.'1 1) EL PJ j. 1 nt other. r.-ai.K.t x lute, the under- North Carolina SilAI) is.m, ,! HUM vriM vnl ror caxi. at the Court! ',r J. spf(..a-t Louse dor in Fi.ieijlon, N. C , on Mon- aU"ril '.' Ao AjcUtM. .ir Mnf.'h 'M 1'JO) .1... , . . I " d.ty. Majvh-SiJ. 1831, the houe attd lot j in Edenton kuovn as Suburb Miil. ! f f I 9 rv e-j k, r4 n ooui.ed Et by theN.S ii 11. Nonh I J. 5. faHlL'IftG S TO t., the cemeteiv. UVt hy U.e vVI'F-.W.h ( O.M MISSION iti t the cemett-jy. WVst hy ;he V". 31. Hu.n, Coin:ri"r Feb. a-id. ISOt. -DiO A LKR.S IX Fresh Fish. NO! ICK. P'' '1 AttiMlf ion (iivrn (o ;ih; of NORTH CAROLINA SHAO. Prompt Returns. .'. & n. cs- Doe.k sr. Fish AiCt PiiiiadelDhia. Bond & Joistes. 'BARGAINS" '41LRGA1NS" The lata Mr. J. A. lionitz, of the vvdKiingtoQ Messsoer, left iS. 0U0 of insurance to his family. i Bishop Theodore B. Lyman has returned from Bermuda, to which is iaud lie wenc for the tern-fit of bis heaith. Senator Vance hit the Copyright bill some sledge hammtr blows Fri- dny. When our Zeb hits he always hits hard. Wilmington M.ur. TP I. . I i xi ma rarmera Alliance never does any other good thin', its defeat oi inuaiis is enough to merit the gratitude of the nation. Ex. The two Farmers' organizations of Arkansas have reorganised under one head; virtually the same as the armors' National Ajiance, with Paul (i. Davilaon President. The Governor has forwarded to Senator Vance his. commission for the next six years from March 4th 1801. The legislature of the new State oi Idaho has electo t four Uuited States Seuatnrs. The third was chosen because the term or one of the first two would expire with this Congress-; and the fourth was chosen because they said the third was improperly elected They are ;dl Republieai s, and we have no oilier interest in the matter than that light and the law shall be maintained News & Observer. BARGAINS. I wish to stale to ihf; - nronl tht I am still in. the market, wiih : nirv line of chsthine :.nd drv iruoiU- and will sy without fear of ' rnniraHir- tion that I will sell mr imire stock cheaper ihan any merchant in Kden ton cau or will se : . Now th;s may seem strange to (he reader, but it is done to make r,,m for ppringr Ptock and to close ut tall -lid wint' r stock. Now listen to some of the prices, and the Jarye qutnitics to be sold in ihe next six weeKs, 2o pairs mens pains atgr.'oo worth &2.o- . so oairs voinhs naiw worth S.rn furorilvSl o Tio o.-r i. - " ' r ' f oo s pants Jrouj 25c to 3-c, mens j 11 wool suits in all styles tor 4.50 well wrorth 8.00 Good over r.irtr wi 1 be sold fur 5 worth $5 00; Youths tuits for Si. 00 and .;4 fn worth 65 00 and 6" 00. Mens stiff Hats only soc that, has been K.dlin.r at $1:50, slouch and crushes from 3 ;c !0!.2a. A Jot of children over coats for only 76c Ladies new market clo d.s from 3 00 to 4 00 worth double the conev. A so a complete line of millinery joggs and Ladies dress in ai the latest sh.iries and styles and Ribons and trimm ns . Aprl'n;,'on.s fe rn-oJo .to ihe ir-.rir ssiois ,d : ho (ieio j a: A cm o!v of. . C to a n,:n 1 tie? t!ianr tiie Edenton Gr.-oded Sehoo!. W. J) f-i-udon Oi NOTICE. I have on my Eini Aood farm, ne ir Ednntoti, hu eiwitie. ho-Ivr rnd 01 her ! 1 or. 1 I ! 1 : f 11 . i .. i.r . . : 1 . jvvhicl; vvi.J m-1. i.n rwn bh tfru,.' I V liN i & WILSON' bur pm-tb-ulMra ..pj'lv to iVt;.n.n Whole-de Och -,nd si A-1L1: 1 WHEN YOU VISIT EDENTON Don't forget to call at the OF H. Fi. WILLIAMS, ON KING STREET, The Popular Place ol the Town. j Oysters And Game 00 v 4 J Wk St. Fnh M.uket. PtilbA DFLPll 1 A. IFNC -I'roduee National -r.k. , In.i a. J. F. IjoUon A Co., ttn, V:iVlTUli('' PS';J- I-iw The choicest and nesi Wines. Liquors i q TOrp''T'r""" . Ac. always on hand. L- &TORER & CO. I f I I I ! lu 1'.. : MMmiMMimi Uealeis ahU Shipper of all Kii.oh of Fresh. Fish, i he finest stock of ;", 11) and 15 cts. Cigars in the city One visit will guarantee the second Thank iu my friends and rlie public for tir very literal pHiionn-e ai.eadv receivd, 1 aid bte.l H. E. Williams, jobster, Turtle. Etc., . 1 t 1 16 rnnoii f idt M:trdet. to match. Homespun 5c vd. new Q 1 1T I I lT) P J .. , WYo'ltS lot of late stvle dress goods ioo vd ' 1 iJulj t ;(J., ! r, "kfr.0 urr v" '-rou Double width dress good, only WHOLESALE COMMISI0N j nXZ&l! ' The Legislative session is almost three-fifths gone. Entrlish -" w v tvLuuvca ait ward, boft or alloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins. Uirbs, Splints, Sweeney. Ringbone btifles. Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, Etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish cure ever known kia k j W. J. Leary, Druggist Edenton. yd Yard wide cottons unh'en'ip.i and Bleached 5ic yard. Canton fln nel 8c yard Umbrel! Thanking my many fr.'ends for the past favors, and hopeing to be favored with the sime in the , future- lam most respectfully your friend. O. Newman. Jan. 28, 1891. 4 fX. BUCKLEN B ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Sa?t Rheum' Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Erup lions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents rer hor. . For sale by W. I. Leary, Druggist. 1 FlSH Dealers, AU. 7 rULTON MARKET, New York. Samuel B. Miller ) Clarence G. Miller. J Special Attention Given-to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. Stencils and stationery Fornishe on a - application. hive Ho new Hi-iiiivinenU tr. -.(f. p you: -ve can't atl'ord t- b.iv wr hu . JH-r? or -;ve theio .:,....;.;',,.,. ,.llt u' have every fuei:ity to handle v.ur Ji.a to the very t.t mI vantage .t:, ho mid remit a sihiii s-dd. . miuest,MrShii,fito i- tiM-,r bsa well atd not put uo niuy ob:ui III ;i b't. J Si-FiHUaiitfotationerT furnishod ou application. HJLffiKROWH REMEDY. .i j.rT-:rioei physicians. IWt t- . SO I I Ia-V wttt.l.t It . . . , WE EMPLOY NO AGHNT.