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if : t t ft J I '' A If i H it- f r t - f Pi- it' If It f 1 ! j 1 I 5 t 13 ti 3 I STOP AND THINK. The WilmiDgton Star ajs that an unusually large business has been done in Eastern North Carolina the past fall and this winter in the purchase of horses and mules for use on our farms. In some localities the purchases were the heaviest ever known. This fact is not so remark abFe as the other fact that nearly all these animals are brought in from btjier States, and that the money paid for them, a very large sum in the aggregate, goes out to other Statts. We sa'.v a statement in some of our Eastern exchanges some time ago that on3 car-load of these horses and mules were North Carolina atock. rais-ed-in the Western part of this State, hut only one. It is very singular considering th-5 demand there is in Eastern North Carolina and further South for horses and mules, that so little attention is given to the raising of them, and that our planters are almost entirely dependent upon the pastures of other States for their sup plies when our own State is so well dapted to stock raising, as has been lnlly demonstrated by those who have engaged in it. ..We can grow grass, clover, corn and oats as well hs Virginia, Tennessee or Kentucky, and yet, we go on year after year buy ing thousands of horses and mules from those States, which should be raised on our own lands and the money paid for which could and should be ket at home. SPECIMEN CASES. S. II. Clifford, New Cassel, Ws was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his stomach was disor dered, his liver wss effected to as ajarm ing Degree, appetite fell awav, and he was terribly reduced in flash and strength Three rottle.s of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg 111. Hal a running sore on his leg ot eight years' standing. ' Ued three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arniea Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Cat awba O., had five large Faver sores on his leg, doetors said he was incura ble. One bottle Elect-re Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him ent irely, Sold at W, 1. Leary's drugstore. Some discussion was created i3 the House at Raleigh, Monday, b a hill which provides that no novels, fruits or other merchandise sun I ha sold on trains on Sunday. Ntstv ppers, however, were exempted. An amendment was offered that no trains be allowed to run in the State at all on Sunday, but the bill was, alter some debated, re-referred to a committee.; A New York paper warns visitors to the Worid's Fair at Chicago to be ware of Chicago water if they do not want to be poisoned This "was kind but unnecessary. The visitors who carries his noe with him will not be apt to tackle that water while, as a Chicago, paper encouragingly says, there are fifteen acre of saloons in that town. Ex. Occidental Lortge, I. O. O. F., No. 5:5, at Gatesville, after a sleep of thirty odd years, ninin takes her place upon the roll of active, working Lodges, with twenty six charter members. John Brady, Esq., is N. G.; W. T. Cross, V. G.: J. A. Eas on, R. S.; VV. R. Hayes, Financial Secretary; R. M. Riddick, Treas urer. NOW TRY THIS. It will cost vou nothing: and will surely do you good, if you have a C&ugh, Cold, wr any trouble with thro it chest or lungs. Dr. Kiuiys New Discovery for Consumption, Congbs. and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Suffer ers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample at our expense and . learn for your self just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at W. I. Leary's Drug -tore. Large size 5OC and $1.0U. TO STORE KEEPERS. An agent wanted by a prominent New York Retail House to- sell first- class ready-made clothing from Sam- L pies, complete outht rree. Liberal' i : T" . - oinmsssjuins. i?or particulars ad dress P O. Box 1695, Nir York city. A SCHOOL FIGHT. Conisderable excitement has ben caused at Reidsville daring tht past few days on account of the white aid colored graded echoo's. The two building are so situated that the children meet after the schools close, and very often fight for the right-of-way, until the other day the thing was brought to a climax br one ot the negro teachers shoving ne of the dder girls of the white school off the sidewalk. A newspaper correspondent hap accused Superintendent E. L Hughe of siding with the negroes, which has been denied. Walter Bridges, Athens, Tenn.," writes: For six vears I had been afflicted with running Fores and an enlargement of the bones in my leg. I tried evervthing I heard of without any permanent benefit until Botanic Blood Balm was recommended to me. After using six bottles the seres heal ed, and I am now in better health thau I havo ever bten. I send this testimonial unsolicited, because I want others to be benefited. telephone 152 3 CHARLES. MILLER & CO. General Commission Merchants For the sale of v-iNo. 318 Light Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Highest Trices, Quick Returns, Cold Storage. Reference : German American Bank. Consignments Solicited . J. J. SCOGGINS t CO. VV liolosale Commission 222 Light St., Baltimore, Md. And 11th Street Wharf, Washington, D. C. E, W. Albaugh & Son Wholesale Commission Merchants. FRESH FISH TERRAPIN. OYSTERS, GAME & POULTKl" No. 221 Light Street Wharf, BALTIMORE Con sign m en ts S o i i cited. Prompt Returns, Our Motto. Established 1861. SAM;L K LAWQEB & SO Wholesale ('ommlssion Dealers in Fresli Fisli, Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Etc. S. E. Cor. Pratt & Charles Sts. Baltimore, Md. Quick Sales ! Prompt Returns! REFERENCES: Traders Nat'l. Bsmk, Duns'"Merintile Agency Vv'm. .J . iw)er & Co. J. Dukehart Co, Wholesalr Commission Merchaut-s for Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Game, &c. 116 Hollingsworth St., Baltimore, Md. Prompt returns is our motto. the. saie of 1 wm0 iLOOD The Best Eoussbold Medicine. Once or twice each year tJ sys tem needs purging of tbt impuri ties wliich dox the blood. Tronx childhood to old aire, no remedy meets all cases with vLe same cer tainty of gocd. results a3 BOTAXI(: RL00D.RALM, V. C. McG.-jhev, Webb City. Ari.t writes. " B. P. B. hs cj-k. me m- re yoo'l a id for Icsa morey than any ctr-er. H't-U ri'f-er 1 eur 'Jsed. -1 we the comfoit tf mv life to it." P. A.. Shepherd. Nr .ik. Ar?u?t 10, i?S, writes. " i depend on K. !. J'. tr the preservation of inv liea!tr. i have j ni it i my .Vnly : cw .leari .- two vears. and In nil ih- trii.e hae rrt have a doctor." f r AVrit" for JlMf'M " n -ok of Wonders N ORFOLk SOUTHERN P ILROAD COM- PA NY. Schedule in effect may 1. 1890' Mail Train leaves Norfolk i:20 a. in., daily except Sunday, and arrives jU Edentoa 13:35 p.m. Reaves Ivienton 1 :U0, and arrives at Norfolk at 4:80 p. in. At Norfolk close connection! with all rail and stsamsr lines. At Elizabeth City with strain o oat a forall point-son Pasiiuotank, North a ud Alagator rivercs. At Edencon witli N. S. Railroad company's steamboats, Plymouth, and Mary E. Roberts for ;dl points ou Ch wan , Sc upper uoii Little, C-ifc U lesmi Roanoke rivers, and J;im viiie ic V Isl ington, and Albemarle & Rideijjh RhW Road s , a I so w i t h S t r . H a v e t. i ' e lie for Mackev's Ferrv and points' on ti.e A. 6c P. R. R. The steamer Pymontfj, plying be- j tween Eden ton and Vdliarut'u, will j o to Hamilton on Tuvsilny ai.d Friiiny j of each week, leaving that place at 2 j o'clock a. in., on w3 i net-day aiiil j Saturday. i Norfolk passenger and freij;ht srariou ' at Norfolk and western, it til 1 ron i D-; ot . ; Freight received daily, except Si-in- i days. Through tickets on sale nud'.e checked between Edentou ;tnfi EiizaiKfh City and Baltimore, Plii'cniflplsiii ;ii.d New York by Bay Lin-s and Old Domin ion steamers ami N. Y. r. and N. il. it. form Norfolk, and between Norfolk and Washington , Ply nj out i i . Willi nuston. Windsor and Ja-m.-s vi 1 ! e. M. K. KLNvi. Ge tural Manager. -o EASTERN CAROLINA DrsrATCI!. ID A. i? AXaLiAvJIaA A XiAAlAi a. a. Regular line of ste'amprs etv.f e;i Atlantic North Ciirolina il. ii , Berne, waahiusjton anil Kliz.ibetii air. Daily all rail service bet. veen E-ieji(n?j. New York, Philadelphia, U iltimoie and Norfolk. Through cars, as lox- rates and quicker J time than bv "4nr other t oute. - ! Direct all joods to be shipped by East ern Carolina Dispatch, as follows: Frowl Norfolk by N. S. li. K. : Baltimore by i B. 11. R. ; President 8t. Sration. Philadelphia, by Penusvi vania ll Jl. Dock St. Scation: Nen- York by Penn sylvania 11. R., Pier 27 North River. E. OOD, Aent. E-leuton, N. c. 1 DIEYCLES. Udies-Cemtlemen. CLEVEUAN3- 1 J l Pi .1 , IU ST.LCU15.MU. i j.i.y".- DALLAS.TEX. Job nntins: We guarantee the rery hest work ai astonishing low prices. DISEAS v. (T?. bo.&m 111 I i H IBS FOR SOUTEsERK Fil GRASS SEED. Our Gras Se33 are carrfallr px-tM and proTvn vrith special referent e U their PnrJty, Ceanliness from VTm!i: and ccxaiin&tiuk. We furnliii all standard varleiifg. CLOVER SEED. Red. Sanlin?, Alftlfrt, Japan, Al!ke, etc. Quality the leet. We &io satiy ele brativi mixre re cf GmFS and Oker Sd4 adapted to various so ill &ad uses. Our Soeds aro of tho Best Quality end Carefully Selected.' CSTB! nilC Contxinlnj Valuable Information Zlaltvd V ST AlttLyUyC prices quoted on application. a I;Sik T. W. WOOD & SOWS, 8 & $?isfoedgs&&BW FREE TO EVERYBODY (CUT THIS OUT.) We will send tl;s piper F'lEr fill up the following b'atik and m;il i ini inwiiig- u':i ess tor Mie mt ' wiil siibscnle for il: line Address Date vi-- - - d! MM r.v 7K T- you ptJv FT'"'-?,?is. rrrw W" tri "' :.! if. W M 8!-! W " J y LL v. )f fis mmm Getting THECmOU Boxzso,' for You.-vi-U HOLYOKE, Mass. I'),'i!? -V'-.-' --tr-"i --i,'v.rJ 'tiiT-?. i-'i "V ' - -wj5!!: 1 245; 247 and 243 V. 512: St., Cinchl), Q. cott6n seed. Ocr T.irleiif cf Cott n Sw!i 'sre rr mn mended by t x;rieucHl j lantrr tin give ti.e uiut tci;;sfac;jr rcsil-i. TEOSINTC. X m'-t -rnlcftMe yfm,c Pin t fr- tr S uit. turi'.issinK e;tr.. r tvrn r i-ornt.rsr .L-t a fod.ier r-las-t. Ai.iar.yr J.rty in t;i. i 10 Soifth 14th Street, RICMMOPJD, VA. ? Ti elm 0 -V "37 L1 &g. 2 Jl. lor One MrvH to air j:ic who it to this oirict: : 'a ; V .'.V i the 9 W Hx 'Ti. ;?'. t, 00& VV Ob XI. U 7 -T" t 3 to ' - , . Perfectly Simple - Ci&piy Perfect - APPARATUS 2 - :f1 a feck Keating and Venlilatinjr Co. r-r-r'fr'r"v-r fn t;-: rily friv:: vvAririG and ve:jt:latio:; ! -