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CHOtVAN FARMERS' ALLIANCE TO THE FRIENDS jAND PUBLIC. IN SESSION APRIL7TH 1891 IN EDENTON. SUMMARY OF PROCEEDING. At 10 :30 a. m. lecture by S. F. Blair, the regularly appointed District Lecturer under the new lecture system. At 11 :15 a. m. address by Ker. R. T. Vann, who was invited by committee, appointed at the January meeting. Bro. Vann is not a mem ber of the order "nor indeed can be" bat is in thorough sympathy with the laboring people. He wants to know more of the Subtreasury sys tern. J. Tynch "master of ceremo nies" introducd the speakers and having listened attentively during the course of both speeches was raady to announce "Dinner on tke second floor for all." 2 :30 p. m. the Alliance convened for private business. Can tell only the following: All members present wero voted to be recognized as delegates. The factory prices which for some time has monopolized time and dis cussion was voted to be abandoned indefinately on account of the fin ancial inability of the farmer to engage in such work. R. I. Leary having tendered his resignation as President, VV. B. Fel ton was elected to that important position. Bro. Felton has recently been elected a member of the order, but already shows advancement in the cause. He will make an efficient officer. Bro. Tynch, County Lecturer, made a very favorable and encour ageing report of the progress and condition of the order in the county. A vote of thanks was extended the ladies who helped to serve dinner and who helped to encourage by lending their presence. Next meeting at Small a X Roads July 10th. The Brass Band of the Alliance will be there. Programme to be prepared by President Felton. WARD MEETINGS. The Democratic Voters of the Third and Fourth Wards of the Town of Edenton xaet at the Court House on Fri day evening last for the purpose of nominating Councilmen, &e. THIRD WARD. The meeting of the Third Ward was called to order by Mr. M. F. Bond, chairman, and E. L. Woodard, secre tary. The following business was then disposed of: Mr. F. A, White was nominated for Councilman of the Third Ward. Mr. A. L. White was endorsed for Town Treasurer, Mr. C. S. Vann for Mayor, and Joseph W. Spruill for Constable. The following resolution was then adopted: Resolved, That In Henry A. Bond, Esq., who has served so long as Treas urer, Edenton has had a most efficient and faithful officer, and in tendering the nomination to another we desire to express for him our highest confidence and good will and regret at his retire ment. FOURTH WARD. The meeting of the Voters of the Fourth Ward was called to order by Mr. L. F. Ziegler, chairman, and W. H Hedrick, Esq., secretury. Mr. Theo. Ralph whs unanimously nominated for councilman of the Fourth Ward, aDd A. L. White, Esq. endorsed for Tieasurer. The following resolutions were then adopted: ' Resolved That in J. L. Rogerson we find a man worthy, capable, honest and fearless, and we recomend him to- our Councilmen as our choice for Mayor. Resolved, That in J. W. Spruill we find all the requisites of a good officer and recomend him for reelection to the office of constable. Resolved, That the pressnt Board of Councilmen be requested to vote pay for the incoming Board. On motion Messrs. W. U. Hedrick, A. H. Mitchell and Jas. McCoy were appointed Ex. Committee of the 4th Ward. The dinin? hall at the B;ngliam ! school was set on tire hile Saturday j jiiglit. The building was entirely de-1 fclroyed. 1 The barrack buildi2s were ' eved. W 1 t ers. You are hereby mo9t respectfully invited to an entertainment to be given by the Public School at White Oak Grove. (Green Hall) April 21st, at 7:45 o'clock p. ia. John V. Parker, Teacher. OUR GOVERNMENT. city: Mayor J. R. B. Hathaway, Clerk A. T. Bush, Treasurer II. A. Bond, Sr. Chief Police J. W. Spruill, Councilmen J. L. Roorson, W. J, Leary, Jr., 31. II Dixon, J. VV. Bran! uiii, Alfred King, Anderson Lew ton. COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Sheriff Jos. II. Perry, Superior Court Cierk H. C. Privott. Register of Deeds T M. Small, Treasurer K. R. Pendleton, Jailer Joseph Spruill, Commissioners W. B. Shepard, A. J Waid, w. J. Wbb, A . P. Jones W. II. Bonner, Board of Education A. T. Bush, W. B. Felton, Miles W. Elliott. Public School Superintendent Rev. R. B. Diane, Itch, Mange and scratches on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Thia never fails. Sold by W. I. Leary, Druggist, Edenton Do you subscribe to the Fisherman & Farmer? If not we expect you to do so at once. Your name is needed on our list. HAVE JUST GOT A supply of American herbal medi cines. The Golded Seal compound cures dyspepsia, constipation and al! derangements of the liver, kidneys stomach aiad bowels, cleansing and purifiug the blood price . 5OC. Also Quick Relief for external and for aches and pains of all kinds; price 50c. Santonial Vermifuge never fails to destroy worms in children; price 25c. American Liver Pills for bilious attacks or sluggish feeling; price 25c. Also Dr. Moss' Indian Root PiL, known by everybody. For sale by W. J. BYRUM, Byrum's Crass Roads, Rylaxd, N.C Telephone 1523 CHARLES. iLLER & G General Commission Merchants For the sale of Jgresh Jish; No. 313 Light Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Highest Prices, Quick Returns, Cold Storage. Reference: German American Jlank, Consignnients Solicited. J. J. SCOGGiNS a CO. Wholesale Commission 222 Light St., Baltimore, Md. And llth Street Wharf, Washington, D. C. E, W. Albaugh & Son Wholesale Commission Merchants. FRESH FISH TERRAPIN, OYSTERS, GAME & POULTKl' N. 224 Jj;ht trc-et Wharf, BALTIMORE Consigumeuts Solicited, Prompt Returns, Our Motto. .00 in Ge!d will be paid snvone wl, wiiI bric as l- y,ariV subsorib A my-MM.y ?y iJ:y n;;,'. ;&y- -T.t O tn P Mj H CD q d . rr rc CD P O -02 in i, CD O P U -i - w Si 3 L " rt- ""4 . M 1 CD )- H-J X H- 1 CD J d i U2 O c r- p J3 O P .Established 1SG1. Wholesale Comaiission Dealers in rvnoh Hie 1 Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Etc. S. E. Cor. Pratt & Charles Sts. Baltimore, Md. Quick Sa,ie:s Prompt Returns! REFERENCES: Traders Nat' 1. fJaak, Duas M -rea- iti!.o -ney Win. J. tloop-n- fe Jc. J. Diikeinri i Oo, Sanner Bros. Wnllfl rAm,n;c.-;nn , . the sai-i of Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Game, &o. 11G Hollings worth St., Baltimore, Mcl. Prompt returns is our motto. I pft J 0. S. HABOiG WHOLESALE Oil MISSION DEALERS IN Special Attention Given to snle of NORTH CAROLINA SHAD. Prompt Returns. 9 & 10, 36 & 37 Dock St. Fish Mk't X illlOjClQipfllEl. I j The FisMLRB a?. X Farmki: want I i go vj, trustworthy and reliable aptJe! ?Vt"u the surrounding oca ities. Lib-jw. 4, 3. a. : Pr.ideu sta?K - ' jral cornraision wiil be aivcn rioht i Pniladt-I: hia bv P?:ii;r p i' parties. Apply at once, by letter or Eck St. S:atio: Netv Voifc bv P-u-at the oSee. jsylvania R. Ii., nVr 27 North k";ver. T you want goocl 3 1 .1 NORFOLk SOUTH:.l P UNLOAD COM PAXY. Schedule ix effect may 1. Mail Train leaver Norf'k 9:'i0 a. m.. aaily except Sunday, an-l arrives at teuton Vd:do i). rn L- v;s E-r.ton 1 :y0: I and arrives at Norfolk at p. ia. Ac Norfolk close- conneotions with ail rail and stvamcr line.n. At Eiizubtii City with staniooats tor all point-? on Pasquotank, North au! Alasystor river. At Elontoa -with N. 8. R-tilroau Mackey's Ferry and points on the A. x jf. K. u. The -teamer Pymouth, plvin be tweeu Eienton and. TvVdlia:.nstin. vvill go to Hamilton on Tuesday a,nd Fridav of each week, leaving thut piace tit 2 o Ciociv a. Saturilay. til. on We Inehday and i I -NT. Norfolk pas:;ns:?r and freiUt station I at Norfolk and w,'-n; Radrol Depot, j i. it-iiit icntu uiiuv, except bun- i davs. Through tickets on sale unci baseae checked bvitween EJeiiton ind Eliz iU-th ; City and Baltimore, Phila-i -ipMia ai.d j New York by Bay Liisa and Old Dtutdn- ; ion steuiiier and N. Y. P. and N. Ii. U. 1 j form Norfolk, and between Noi ioik- ar.d ; I Washington. Piyjuouth, vVilliiWiiStoi:. j Windsor ciiid James vi lie. ! M. K. KING, (ieneral Manager. : o " " ! EASTERN" CAKOLI.VA blSPATClI. ReeKr line f steamers betv."-er. I Atlautie.t North C.roliir; H. a., Nc ! Berne, Washington and ElU.u, cuv. Dadv ail rai i .service btu-Ki: i'M.-t,,', !Nyv York, Philadelphia, 3.t!timore and i.torfoik. Through car. as low rates arid quick tine than by xuv oilier rout!.. . Dl-Ct all n;;d to b-s.Si-i-.v- i by E;:St fc.. UUii, A.-t;nt, Edenton, N. c. O company s steamboats. Piymouth, ami i vvOs n t-:aiin jonr-rri Mary K. Ronert for nil points on Roanoke rivers, and Jamsvilie & vVash- KlciN':-- ;v-i i'i-. in-ton,and Albemarle R iUd-h Rai! yor i?m J. Ss. U'r. Roads, also wit.h Xrr Hv,, ill, Alv73 ti? tb3 rKtSft- '.rS t' " 1 - - ..... . v , jl y v hi; i UI i w f ivr n S ft P Sm J 2 ST.LCUI5 MD. Moreac ita to Tfvr rt-jrw.-.i. ". . t w.vv. '.7 tor. merr.fcantor toi.t J ' i ' and tko Orjua vill ba fchlr-r..! J? .'.'X ': i 'i.- '';:'.' ! rr-'y " gy' ml Ji''ijV;': ii - ? Go - Bf;.KLr;Nb a?nk;a Tlif. H sl S i! v-e ju ts:' v, oj i i "r ' iiii'.--I 'ct s-.ii U;j: -, u! t f o..i :; c u ; t i i : . i I . -O lice j.-r rot by V. i. JUai '. . Li a C..- ill. T UANTA.C3A CAS- 3 . ' ' ' Vlii