Newspaper Page Text
fisherman & The Official Paper of Chowan County. A. II. Mitchell, Editor and Manager Price $1.50 Per Year. Delivered at floods of city subscribers, as ssym aa froia pi'tKS, by carriers, without tstni charge. Thu I-litor disr-IuimsTjIl resTnsib-Iiiy forthe v1iws or suitemeii.s of corretsnondenti. and re- I 7&im the District. CouiivJtf ra,i1"uUi-sial lu,feS ou "S j fcOBXTON, April 8 1852. THE HONORED DEAD. in the unveiling of the tablet, in MEMORY Or THE HON. JUDGES OF EDENTON, AT THE COURT HOUSE MONDAY, APRIL 4TH. Monday last, the 4th inst, was a day lon to be remembered in the history nf thin ancient and honored town, the occasion of a beautiful marble tablet in the Court House 4 'To the Honorable Judges, of Eden ton, N. C," upon which we see in scribed the following names: Christopher Gale, James I red oil. Sr. James Irdeil, Jr. Augustus Moore, Robert II. Heath, Thomas C. Manning, Edmund W.Jones, William A. Moore, Henry A. Gilliam, For some time past it has been a cherished wish of some patriot 'ladios living hero, daughters of the Hon. Aug Moore and sister to the late Hon. Wm. A. Moore, to offer some appropriate memorial to the memory of their distinguished fattier and brother. When the thought occoured to them that as a number of others had gone from this historic town to adorn not only the Bench of this State but the highest judicial seats in other States, as well as the Supreme Court of the United States, it would bo eminently proper to communicate their wi8h and pur pose to those descendents of other Edenton Judges whom they knew tuat they might unite with them in . -. . A - . - I . 1 . I presenting me memorial mat w&s unveiled on Monday. Letters were accordingly written to various persons living now in different parts ot the Union, who are tlio lineal representatives of the dis tinguished names inscribed on the t iblet, inviting their co-operation Jin their patriotic effort. Favorable responses were received from several and a handsome fund having been collected the commission to execute thy work was given co Mr. Jno. D. Couper of Norfolk, Va., who gave them. in truth a most beautiful and ar istic piece of workmanship. It wm.s recently received and placed in rear of the Judges seat on the morning of Monday last. Notice of the ceromonies to take p'ace at 3 p. m. was given and letters of invitation to the bar of this section and the Supreme Court and Judges throughout tbi State to attend was duly extended. At the appointed hour. His Honor, Judge Shuford, having kindly con sented to suspend the session of his Court until the exercises were con cluded, the Court House was well filled with a large and intelligent audience to witness the ceremony Hon. W. D. Prudcn, in a felic itious manner presented the tablet, dwelling briefly but forcibly n the lives and character of many of the honored names chiselled upon the marble, and concluded by introduc ing Thos. S. Armistead Esq. of Ply mouth, who hid accepted the invi tation, to receive it. Miss Mary Armistead Righton, a grand daughter of Judge Aug Moore, drew aside tha veil when the beautiful gift stood unveiled to the admiration of the assembly. Mr. Armistead received the mem orial for the town of Edenton, com mending the patriotic spirit which prompted its erection, deploring that North CarolimVbsd preserved so few testimonials in monument or tablet of her reat events and honored dead anil nrf.Dz as a solemn and honored duty which we ove to ourselves and to the State to discharge, that tho example eel by Edenton in the days exercises should be followed through- lout the State, until every where in i North. Carolina vrhero sreat aQd heroic jiDcidcat had birth or honored names I have lived, some shaft of stoae or '! marbla soma memorial tablet 7 should arise to keep the memory of 'rbnc.ft rrrpaf. dfda nr.dorsat II en OI ' r v. . . r f pasIi .1 Knnf i n fin f hcart3 forever. After sinking the Old North State .the audience dispersed, and His Honor and Solictor Blount resumed the duties rf the Court. What a debt of gratitude the world owes to euch men as Drs. Ayers and Tenner the latter for'tue great dis covery of vaccination, and the former for hi; Extract of Sarsiparilla the best of blood purifiers! Who ean es. tinute how much these discoveries have benefited the race! SUPERIOR COURT. The spring term of the Superior Court of this county was in session this week. His Honor Judge Shuford presiding. The following cases were disposed of: state vs J. P. Peele. affray, fined 5.00 and cost. Hllowell& Eason, selling liquor to minors, judgement $25 and cost each. Hoses Byrumand Miles Askew, affray, Byrum fined $15 and cost, Askew cost. E. W. Raymond, selling liquor on Sunday, discharged on payment of costs. Geo. K. Howell and Thos. J. Byrum, :;Tr:iv, both guilty, fined 5. and i cost eaoh. C H. Sansbury, Alfred Payne and Frank Paxtoo, affray, Sansbury dis charged, Payne and Paxton guilty, fined S2O and costs each. Walter Jordan and Freeman Britt. affray, guilty, Britt fined 5.00 and k cost, Jordan -J- cose. Wm. Bonner and Jno. Benbury, affray, Bern bury not guilty, Bonner guilty, fin.d 85.00 and costs. Tom Jones, abandonment of wife, guilty, judgement 12 months in jail unless sufficient bond is given to sup port sane. Reuban Blount, abandonment of wife, guilty, judgement suspended ox payment of costs, on condition that Defendant pay wife 3. per mouth for support of child. Crittenham Little, attempt to steal, submission, discharged on payment of costs. Annie Owena, larceay, guilty, 90 days in county jail and payment of costs. CIVIL DOCKET Harry Skinner vs S:rak Skiuner, divorce, granted. Daniel Wynn vs Aurelia Wynn, divorce, mistrial. O. B. Goodwin va R. B. Thatch, appeal withdrawn, judgement against Defendant for cost. C. A. Stokes ys S. k C. R. R. Co., judgement $200 according to compromise. Benj.T. Bockover vs Eliz. B. Paxion, plaintiff allowed to file amend, d complaint upon payment of costs to date. H. A. Bond, et als vs J. C. and Annie E- Bond, Extrs., for guardian claims, compromised, judgement $150. G. W. Rountree vs W. T. Wood ley, laborer's lien, judgement $a4. J. M. Wiggins vs W. J. Hollo well, claim doliverv. jaJgsmeaipossession ; f SIS or Silo m cae of rion delivery of male. j R- F. Chefchirevs R. J. Mitchell, money demand, judgement Frank Bell v Warren judgment $208 against $4.05. Skin ccr, dtfud- ant; Ha-riet and Louisa Jacobs vs Jack Benbury, jndemant po.spss'on of Ann Ritcsey lot and $i0 rent for same till Tany. 1st '92. D. H. Raynor vs C. 1 uamei;. mousy demand, judgement in fvii of Harden Janette Steward vs Dorsey Stew ard, divorce, granted. Carrington & Co.. vs E. F. WafF, money demand, judgement sgaiuU defendant. Appeal to Supreme Court- H. A. Bond Jr. et at3, vs J. C. and Annie Bond Extr' of II. A Bond dec VI. Judgement: 1. That the paper wiit ting propounded by the executors as the last will and testimeut of Henry A. Bond dee'd is his last will and ts timent and is hereby established as such. 2. That all claims for advance ments set out in said . will aainat his children including the sum of Three Hundred dollars duo by Jaa. A. Wcod ard and wife Annie be and are hereby 11 1 ,1 ..,..T..,,.o-.1l ?? Tlwt. Marv E. White shall have all allotted and set anart to her. one of the up town vacant lota of the testator Bond of tho i t nn.l fift.v ilnlliilt. iUv.w. t -olot.oH nn.1 fthnsHii hv arbitrat - ors to be selected bv Mary E White and the other by Annie E. Bond, who shall select a third in ca3e of disagree ment a deed for which lot shall o made to her by the other parties heieto and the said Mary E. White shall be paid out of the estate in additiou the sum of fifty dollars. 4. Jno. O. Bond shall recover from the estate of IP A. Bond dee'd enough money which with the amount clue by him to testator Bond shall make Three hundred dollars 5. All Court ceststo be paid out of the estate of H. A Boad in the hands of the Executors. C. This settlement ters between said Executor as Extrs. and in their own right and the other parties to this case and between each and all of them, except thatit shall not effect any claim held by Mar E. V bite as lirdn oi Frank White against K. A. Bond dee'd. Let us Reason. If any one who suffers from Rheu matism would stop and reason a mo ment betore they decido to purchase some remedy, they could not he'p avoid any so-ca'ied care that is sold for 81. t Figuring the retailers, the jobbers, and the manufacturers profits out of thai soli'arv dillar, and there) is left not over 20 cents for the medi cine. Aside from its reputation, and the fact, Dr. Druuimodd's Lightning Remedy appeals to one's good sense. The price is ,35 per bottle, and to any one suffering from Rhsuaaalism it is Cj as cheap as it is ood and effective. Sent to aav address by Drummond Medicine Co.. 48 -50 Maideu Lane New York. HEUM ATISEIH neuralgia, and sciatica can always be successfully treated with yers arsaparida A cure is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. Has Cured Others wiii euro you. A boy to learn painting a trade worth having. The right kind of boy will do well by applying to me at once. DORSEY STEWART. Edentos, N, C. Q ijFOg 0X1J--Lij- VJO. Wholesale Com mission Merchants for the sale of 4. ; .." w Terrapin. Game, etc, 1 16 Ho: lings orth street, Baltimore. Md. Jf At t' - If you want to obtain mpwi1 inarivCt price lor uur a 4 M m I Game and Terrapin, ship 9 rfj 27 23 Dock St Fish Mkt, ' fc. Li. O 1 Di-!ZZ C ,9- i wholesale Oommisio'. Dealers and bhippers of ail kinds or , g.ri fj a b ! JL U JlJ K-il i -B- 4.ffc'- . Lobster, Turtle, etc. 10 Fulton !ish Mkt. NEW YORK. We acknovvlodge your very generous patrtm:-j;S'in the pass iiopo tu uierit acoiitiu uatioii ot the .muo Our shippers Mre ivque.sted to ice tlu ii fish well aiii not put too luuuy iloe shad in a box. Steneiis aai statione) y furnished on &pplication 1 1 B j S- v if a 5 i g .imfO i M-W - -W - - Wholesale IGrocers, Commission merchants, And Dealers in F TQ7T xx x J u xv Jl lJ xixJf CousigniiMmts of Nrth Carolina her rinii soliciied, and proceeds reuiitiad in cash On account of our intimate acquaint ance and frequent transaction:, u ith the (iroeery trade of the west arid .ouili w9 are able to handle North Carol ir.:. fish to thy very best posHiVjio ad van t;;." and we are known everywhere as the largest distributors in this market. FuLiurl FsSh Lnmfim Wholesale Commission Dealer: And Shippers of xerraiDin, No 15 Fulton Fish Market. TvT "V"?- IN tSW i Oiil. ! A. J. G. Warner. ) N. A. Gesuer. Shad a Specialty. No Agents. Established 1870 COOKE, CLARK & CO. Successors to Luther Sheldon, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Builders' Hardware, Paints, Oils, Brushes, AND BUILDING MATERIAL ,-Of Every Description,. Nos.16 west side Market Sqr. And 49 Roanoke Ave. N08F0LK, VA. Havmg locUett in EJcnton for the purpesiof conunttinir a nrH c is Slrchaat- Tailor bu:-e?s. l;;:vitt ;,aTona;4- A the p "p I sin T rcpiredto give nothing -the vn,. iw 'ork. and i ro.i-v.-an'e prices. 1 v.iil d t-icar.-nj b -iiir:." :i!it.i caw iv. ( have ; 1 K:e in lis i 'icv-'l P.-r:t!'on from ' up t-i""A tT'-'O-i 1 'in h',,i wh.i SjVi:i :i in iuii':!i t ymis i:u-n. Leaser vln ewmcui, p Hr,....u r'u; i: T ;i!'r. ()i);n..-,itO rrv '. i.'i VI ; j mV 1 It sr-N f Ly QML JB. d 4v' L a V7ri- T1 n "hl.of-r n i"! r "Pone Blank Books, &c. & nil At This: Office.