Newspaper Page Text
LATEST HEWS. Dasiied out to Fisherman and Farmer reader3 in small bites. C ourt at Gatesville next week. The negotiations for the JJebring sea modus vivendi are nearly com pleted. On the vote to lay the Blair bill on the table all the Democrats from North Carolina voted against the mo tion. The people of this State are re joicing at the tact that the peaches were not killed during the recent lreeze. Ail the cotton mills of Canada are bow the property of one company. The product ion will be lesened and expenses curtailed, if possible. There is fear that Hon. J. J. Davis or the Supreme Court, has ended his work. His attack is of paraljsis, and the stroke is the second or third cne. Walter Shaw, arre3ted for killing his mother an 1 aunt at Houston, Texas, confesses that he killed them to get $40 with which to continue a spree. It is now thought that the new railroad from the Albemarle and Ral Vigh junction to Washington, N. C, will be finished in time to ship truck of this season. While the col ton fire was raging last week at New Orleans another fire broke out in the residence section and four blocks were burned, tlie damage being estimated at$25o,ooo. Among the dead of North Carolina for March was Ex-Gov, William W. Holden. Rev. James E. Morrison, Maj Jonathan Evans, Judge John A. Gilmer, Capt. Edward G. Brodie, and James A. Leake. It is now alledged that a practical cotton picker is found and the owners ofTer to pick cotton, by contract, for 4O cents per iOO pounds. Alliances or agricultural associations or busi ness men can rent the machines and pick cotton in certain sections. The Agricultural Department of the United States gives the correct reason for low cotton when it says it is caused by overproduction. In two years it says, 2,000,000 bales in excess of what was needed have been rDroduced. You need look no farther. New Berne Journal. The following gentlemen are men tioned for the Democratic nomination for the office of Attorney-General: Oapt. R. 13. Peebles, of Bertie. Frank Osfjorue, of Charlotte, Col. Paul B. Means, of Cabarrus, Ed. Chambers Smith, of Raleigh, and C. L. Petti grew, of Plymouth. Either of the above are well fitted for the position. The confidence that people have in Ayer's Sarsapariila as a blood, medi ciift is the legitimate and natural growth of many years. It has been handed down from parent to child, and is the favorite family medicine in thousands of households. Congressman Everett, of Georgia, frays he is an Alliance Democrat and cannot go with the Third Party. PRONOU NGED HOPELESS. YET SAVED. Prom a letter written by Mrs Ada E. Hurd, of Groton, S. D., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on rnv Lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Consump tion. Four doctors gave me up, say ing I could livo but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, de termined if I conld not stay with mv friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all, eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am new a well and hear ty wo man.' Trial bottles free at W. I. Leary s Drugstore, regular size 5oc and $x. OUR COLORED PEOPLE. A Variety flttins Especially Interesting to that Race. this column is edited by W.H.Doggetj Ball playing seems to be tho go. Straw hats are coraiBg to the front Our town is fall of fun this week. Kev IT. H.Whedbee is home again. Yeur paper will stop if you don't pay. The merry-go-round is in town again. Rev H. P. Petegrew left on the 5th for Winfall. Mr Edward Leary left for Old Trap on the 5th Great many strangers in town this week attending court Mr A. Gibbs spent Suaday very pleasantly in our city. Mr. Wallace Heath of Suffolk, ia visiting relatives in Edentou. May will soon appear then for pic-nics and May-flowers Mr Willie Parker, of Berkley, has returned. He reports a line tune. April has pleased the farmers and fishermen with beautiful weather. Great many young ladies and gents will visit the fisheries soon. The first game of Base Ball was played on March 3I Game fine. This is only a local column; there fore 110 one must expect long items. The Roanoke Association will couvene in Plymouth next month. Miss Mattie Mabin spent Sunday with friends and relatives in Eden ton Miss Preeilla Mabin of New York, is visiting her sister Mrs Ellen Eason in this city The cemetery work is being talked up, and we hope the directors will be successful. Andrew Banks is a fine Dutch net fisherman, and has done well in the catch so fir Mr John Jordan of Roper, will soon leave for Cape May. Hopa him a pleasant visit Easter Sunday will soon be here and the young people are preparing to have a nice time. Pleased to see out again Mrs Mary Blount and Mrs Mary L. Pax tou, alter a few days illness. Don't forget to call on Philip Mc Donald it you want to join the East ern Building and Loan. Terms, easy Married, Miss Sinda Leary and Mr Willie Bembery on the night of the 6th at the home of the bride. May their union be a happy one. Gen'l State Agent of the Eastern Building and Loan Association I. H. Smith, ot Newberne, lecture 1 to a large and appreciative audience at Kedesh church on Monday night. Among those who visited our town this week we notice Rev W. J. Har ris of Plymouth, Prof. I. II. Smith of Newberne, Mr I. J Leary of Old Trap, Mr E. D. Wright, Rev L. L. Elliott. We will give no church or Sunday School news in this column, unless p written report is brought us. We adopt this rule because we have here tofore been unable to give satisfac lion. Please note this. A convention was held on the 2d at the Court House to elect delegates t the btate and District convention which resulted in YV. L. Griihn and R. M. Lee being elected delegates to the- Republican Stine Convention, and T. YV. Draper and S, W. Luton delegates to the District convention. 'Doubt no Longer." The ques tion has often been asked : Will the Building & Loan Association lend money to its members? The answer is, Yes! They loaned Mr J. E. Creecy a nice littlo sum last week and give him oyer five years to pay the same back; by paying small monthly instalments The best and only way by which a man working at small wages can support himself and family and bay a home by pay ing the same amount each month that he pays for house rent. "Think and then act." Ast. We hope the Directors of the Cemetery will attend their meetings and push the nood work rapidly for ward. The following is the list of those appointed. directors: St. John Evans. John T. Page, T.F. Bembuiy. Providence D. M. Lee, W, E. Burke. J. E- Creecy. C. M. E. P. L. Little, J. Beasley, A. C. Sntter'ield. Kedesh J. B. Biount,PniIip McDouald V. D. Jones. Public J. E. Charlton, T. S. Wedti John H. Pax ton. assistants: Providence Mrs C. A. Harrell, Lizzie Cartwright. Cornelia Jerkins, Louisa Capehart, Caroline Skinner. St. John Mrs Ella McDouald. Nellie Jones, J. R. Page, T. F. Bembury, Willis Wh id bee. C. M. E. Mrs T. A. Little. M. L Bea3ley, Misses L. B. Little, Emma Ta tenj, Sallie Leary. Kedesh Mrs Eliza Li. Blount, Geo Rolan, Annie Sawyer, R. M. Lee, Florence Bradley. Public Misses Rosa Murder, Fannie Jerkins, Laura T.Page, Emma Nixon, Chiloe Owens. Anyone wishing this paper will please send the cash in advance. Then your paper will be forwarded atouce. WHEN YOU VMT E D ENTO ,s Don't torget to call at the 1IIIE MSMB OF H.E. WILLIAMS, ON KING STREET, The Popular Place oi the Town. The choicest and best Wines, Liquors &c. always on hand. The finest stock of .", 10 and lo cts. Cigars in the city One visit will guarantee the second. Thanking my friends and the public for tho very liberal patronage already received, I am still H. E. Williams. BTJCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Terte Chappe Hands, Chilblains Corns, nxid all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cento per box. For sale by V. I. Leary, Druggist. See Here Friend! Are you sick? Have you aches or pains of any description and desire to get better? It' so, get a bottle ol QUICK RELIEF and try that. It is worth its weight in gold, sold by V, T, Byrum, at Byruin'sX Roads, N. C, for 5O cts. If you try it once you wili never be without it. The Fisiiermax & Farmer wants a good, trustworthy and reliable agent in all the surrounding oca ities. Lib eral commision will be given right parties. Apply at once, by letter or at the office. r.3 o JL O lit: W gz W w 5?! s p 2. c s 3tlIIi2SlC S.B. MILLER & CO, WHOLESALE COMMISSION FISH Dealers, NO. 7 FULTON MARKET, New York. Samuel B. 3Ii!ler ) Clarence G. Miller. ) Special m Attention ' iven to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. Stencils and "-tanonery Furnished on Application. WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. Established 1501. SAML. M. LAW3ER & S0N5 Wliolesale Comialssion IXalers in Fresli Fisli, Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Etc. S. E. Cor. Pratt & Charles Sts. Baltimore, Md. Quick Sales ! f rornpt It3 turns REFERENCES: Trailers Nat.'. FtivA., Duns MerrmUile Asr.-ucv Wra. .J . Ji(Hi;ei' Co. J. DukeJuiri a Co, E, W. Albangh & Son Wholesale Commission Merch.ants. Dresn Wish ' ,1 TERRA-IN, OYSTERS, (lAIE A roULTLit o. 2-21 Lighi Stiver Wbarf, 15 A LTIMORE Consignments Solicited. Prompt Returns. Our Motto. REFERENCE. Citizens Natiorsal Bank. W. J. Hoooer & Co. INDIAN SEEDS, Some seeds are like the Indiana-host when dead; as a, lifo lasts, they are dangemu. Don't Kt in the habit of juinjr scedi s0!olv hv the per cent of germination. Nohodv wants to lny a dozen leu in ol der to ketone plant, but tliat isn't by any means the worst thin- that eaM happen t the seed-buyer Suppose the seeds grow. but. after the seacrm U con? nnd a hundred times their cost has been spent in labor und fertilizers fail to make a salable crop ' "There's the rub." Any honest merchant will sell Voij seeds of" good i-itality hut he must have something besides honesty to mate bavin- from him safe. That something is a knowledge of se nroWinj. A (exv Honsrsmny jrow more seeds than we do. Vorv 'cr indeed know how to grow them as wed George Taif & Sons, f Mggmm$&! In compounamg a I Lay the hair over mmmrn 6 mmm&r IMce Of Queen's Anti TTaJHr.-I V, .:, ? t:? Torr :.s growth an 1. 1 r impofsjt sealed fro ob4rraS;nrier b0tt5?' sent lr Rrfetv ox. rcsfw x-tvA by u (c.n iy Pondence strtctly confldMtifti ne r amr -T.h m-r with full aMrw w ritt.-n r'.ain'y. ctrr.--contaias. WeSvLL Hk " '-nest ard nrn?.t 1o -ward In every , ' s.nd to-day. AddrOIJev ?Hriy;V',! li1!"'111 R: u , Cut thin rA rearisteryour lettt anv Porvtf .CAL C?" f,7t f?ace StrePt' CINCINNATI, O. Ycu o.a of failure orsli4,tt ,? 0lfiJe t0 ,nsure dt-hv.ry. Wo v. ill pays: OO for ni:y ra- Cnrni J y an" Tnr,-il'- Kvry bottle jraarnteed. oPEGlALlS'win Z2iZ?dTT1Tl3JS0?z ,heir 23 PoMlea cf Queen's Anti-Hr. v Mill! in ef Tlt r!tU 3 SI-L 5K3S. 13 Tarda best silk Kztra Ljrge Bottle and ssspic J V CI to select from sen: vi:h crder. G ood. Salary or Coraiaissioa to Agent. Anderson, Bagley 6c Co., 3 and o Eoanoke Dock, , NORFOLK. VA. Wholesale Commission 1 c ,crs " fc-r t j And all kinds of Country Produce. CTQuiek sales and prompt returns. Htgbet rer)wfc priepa ?uarerted. GerresDondeacc red eecsigxaafnts illoitd . gKwtli fprxrkfoed n applieatia . . . h . NOItFOLk SOCTMEN IMIMtOAP CM PA XV. Schedule ix f.ffect june Ui lyji. Train leares Edenton 1:10 p.n . daily, except Sutulav, arrives at Nor- I loii; 4:.; j p. m. ; Exprt-t Train leaves Etlenton Tus i day, Thursday and S.itu: day at 7:30 a. in i arrive at Norfolk 11a.m. j Connection made at Norfolk with all i raii and Steamer Line:, aril Mt F.liz . ' beth ty with Steamet ,Nenst Tmxla.' j Thursday nini Saturday for ItMjj,.ki Island, New Borne and Atiartic North Carolina R R. Stations, aad witu '. Steamer Burruss ToeMlay ;t!id l"i i.i.v -i for Fairfield and Alligator River i The Company's Strainers? leave I','.-.. ! ton p. in. as iodows: Trance Learner to 31 a c key s itrrv daily (ex cept Surdat ; with passeneia tor Rup, r, auteo. Belle Haven, eonnrot in; wir 1 Steamer Haven Belle lor Lay R:i, South Creek rCe. Steamer Plymouth, daily, (exce; t Sunday,) for Pivinoutli Ji JMsvi.;, ,' n, Windsor. ahi:iii)u OCe. Steadier M. E. Roberts, Tmrdav ihursdavand Satuidav for Chov. ;, River We iitsdav for Avoea and mon CiT-k. aud Morday and F;i.i.i i(r Seuppernonir River. NtrluiK asenjier atid freight station at Nori)ik and vvstern Railn eal D. j.ot. Tiii ouh tickets on sale ami uaao eliecked te nil prin'.:ij;al point.-;. , o EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH A X i.O A. a axaJaVJTaa A. a i A X 1 . AND PASSENGER ROUTE. Regular line of bteamers between Atlantic & N01 ih Carlina li. R., New Berne, and Elizabeth city. Daily aii rail service between Edentoi:, New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Norfolk. . Through cars, as low rates and quicker time titan by ;ny other route. Direct all ood;-. to be shipped 113- E:im ern Caroiiaa Disp;jtch. as Itnlow s: Fitm Norfolk by N. S. R. R. ; lialtimoi e y . w. t b. Ii. li. ; President St. Station, Pldludelpiiia by Pennsylvania U. li. Dock St. Station : New Vo l; lv Peno- sy! yania li. R., Tier 27 North River. For further information app! I E. OOD, Ajcnt. Edenton. N. (T, or i to the General Oiiiee oi th N. S. R. i R. Co., Norfolk, Va. j M. K. KING, General Manager, j H. C. I1UDGINS, G. F. & P. A-t. Norfolk. Ya. solution a part was accitu-mlv :-: ii:rri .'T, V , HasmnS;i"vw'i it was disc-fcvtrod that tie ) air v r,'. '- market and Wi h? ' it throughout the world under tL? name of QunN A ti-lVai i L ' IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE Y CUM hr.Asi nor .t rdi! an1 .r the mixture- for a few minnt-f. 9Iij i; ... applied or ever after, ard. Ii u-eciikv t.ny oit-trrprftuW r'o'cr u. fcra like r'urr.ot-e. Th ruU r.f I.A 1 1 1 V S v. ho liave Lv: ,-yru ' i Vr?V-r'lr " V( K K1 atto,t its v.riu:J ' find a priceless boor; n Vu-cu'n Ai!tl-l;iti !- .vVr, .. Fish, Oysters And Game. v4