Newspaper Page Text
7 'v v.".'- r i ri'-iM ir2 zt .Zr- i" Wl ' . . - - w I r -; -w ' Published Every Friday. Located in the Finest Fish, Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina. Ln ;iti(m Lul- A. H. MlTCIiKLL, Editor and Business Manater. "The Smallest Hair Throws a Shadow." Established 1886. EDENTON, N. C, FRIDAY. December 16. 1892 NO. 382 BUR LAST REEL A Y70NDSBFUL OFFER FOR THS HOLIDAYS. Tho celebrated St&nlaid Watch Company, of Syracuse, N.. T., are selling to all the large stores through out the country a quantity of Double Plated Spoons and Forks, which they want sold at a nominal price for an advertisement. We have them for this City, and will throw oat the fird lot to-morrow. Annua statement 1. T.- A , i uuys rvvu.iu inx nst and nuiaa "W B Shepavd, 5 d:n-a corarar. 1 dav at noor house. 2 .-jettlia 9ti eihriff, 2 days cancelling ordr. 1 day settling with tieasurtr aud 2 davs rev. tax iiat Of Chowan County during the year ended Nov. b b Hcmer, repairs on crk mdi ur-d-e BOth 1892 and to whom naid. iff "utl?h' ' t;iX ,ist adtowuship and stHttt Of Expenditures. T- M. Small. 4 fluys elk and fes fur Jiin? J i 1 3' J- w. flnruill. bd prionrB, T K fr-.s, euro O H D. iu!xi:.s. on MiMditou h.-nlA V tl CO Ca5 CO Deceiibp:r 9th, 1891 J. M. Forehand, witness ticket 8 1.30 Mra Howard M of Bettip Hunch A. J. Ward, 2 days revising tax list, 5 days &s cm- z. w. Evans, 2 ruouths supplies to P U missioner, 1 day at poor house and mileage 2P.90 w. M Bond, taking tax list und sturistics W. H. Bonner, 3 days commr. 1 day at P. H. mileage 13 69 . w Ratfr lumber for i iil M H Hughes, 2 " , , , , 9. SO ! j. t. Caddy, repairs on Blftuots bridge Mrs. a, nOFura, l uioi'.iu uuru oi ouuen Nancy Johnson, witness ticket J W. Spruell, bd of prisorers, T K fee3 &c. E. F. Waff, repairs Brick Mill and BoHons bridges Jas Bond wituess ticket. FisiiermaJT & Farmer, pub 4th quarter proceedings T. M. Small, 1 day elk to bd, 1 day at poor heuse, fees for November and county stationrey Fruden fe Vann, Attorneys to beard 9 25 1.10 14.05 40.79 1.C0 12.50 51.80 50.00 13.00 O r I" M O CO o Ok CO CD m "Of CO o ft o I 9 JO o o o r CO O o o Drs Coke & Hoskins, attending prisoners in jail January 4th 1S92. B B Hnffier, repairs on Warwick swamp bridge 1.40 W P Jones, 3 days rerising tax list, 5 days commiss ioner. 2 dp.vs at noor house and mileatre 26.30 J. W. Spruill, care C. H, carrying Abe Cale to P. H. 3.50 D. G: Bond, witness ticket " 8 10 Willie Williaais 41 MO Mrs. M. C. Howard, board of Bettie Bunch 9.25 H C Privott stationery and blanks for office 0.25 J. T Cuddy, repairs on Blounts Bridge 12.00 T. M. Small 1 dsy elk to bd, and fees 1 record of deed 2165 W B Shepard, 4 days commr, 2 days revising tax list, 1 day cancelling orders, 1 dzy at poor house 18. SO Februrary 1st. Mrs. t. Howard, baard of Bettie Bunch, 9.25 Z. W. Evans. 3 months supplies to P H, lumber &e 74 23 J. B. B. Hathaxray witness tickets 15.68 W O Elliott, 4 pr blankets, 1 mattress for P. H. 5.75 J. V7 Ppruil bd prisoners, T K fees, care C. H. &c. 4.90 T II Small, elk to bd and fees for Jan. 18.75 W H lirown 937 ft lumber for Blounts bridge 14.05 Wm By rum, 8 months salary and supplies for P H. 58.00 March 7th. J A Woodaid S tons coal, 95 lbs sailes A Q Elliott, serving notices on overseers of roads D W Kaper 720 feet lumber for jail Mrs M C. Howard board of Battie Bunch 1G.S0 4.50 9 00 9.25 10 30 w.H. Jrowii, mrnfcyr fr britlgea E. F. waff. 640 ft lumber and bwildiug footvay at Boltous bridge wm. By rum, o months salary keeper of P H, supplies Ff.ptkmrer Orh A. Q- Elliott, serving 4 notices on overseers or" roads J w Spruill bd nrisonwrs, T K fees &c IT Small, 1 day elk and fees, 1 day at poor house MSHERMAN & r aumer, 3rd (jiir.rtr pub j..oc?. d ings F.phriam Hollovei repairs on Dillards Mill bridge w. H. Bonuer, 3 days commr, 2 at ij II ntid mileage Mrs Howard, board of Bettia Bur-ch Octob::h 3rd Z. w. Evns, 2 snonthe suppiis j to poor house ?.lrs. Howard, bd of Bettis Buncii J. w. pruil bd prisoners. T K foes, carv of C h T M. Small, mating out tax list, making calculations, and copy lor .Sheriff R FChf-sliire for public well in rear of C Tl J w. Spruil. for cook rcoru at. jail R J Mitchell, blankets, mattrass-ea for jail Nove?.tb?;r 7th J w. Spruil, bd prisoners, T K feet., c re c H T D Byrum, fees in 9 Ktatn cases. Fall term 1802 J w Spruil foes as cvitablr and for witne tickets RE Colneld lumber for bridgts and wit tickets T J Jordan, witness tic kets Jas Bass, H. C, Privott. fees in 83 cbrs, Fail trtii 1891. L" vr. Parker, i fees in 10 atiite cases iuil trm J H Robison, 11 3 o 17 -0 21. c0 11 C3 ii7. 23.5 23.rn 1 19 62 i .. ' C .-iC l u 17 1".17 44.05 l.:0 5N CO :7 5 12. ;.' i 2.4C v 1 Payiag i i KJ 0. a f jr. mO 7 If "SOTfiKIC i bObBS-. blood balm THE GR"exT REMEDY - FOB Alt. 31 COD r.-,l ?KH DISEASES - fur !0 : .tf-.'i ii" r fKUJ U cart- yuiiii t' j-'tiiiiusutly m SCROfUU., ULC.!'S. CC2EMA, ami all v.. - o: Jl.V fl;, F, M!N( an-i l, Rl S IS4 i ' V. uii 'LP Utr l'Wt iofi' uo ...-.- i' '.-.t.- 'j'- ?ra '?!: r SWT J'tk.--,'lirA. VJ.ll I " - i ELOCO BliU CO.. A.ucia, ua. v 0 o y 0 W H Bonner 3 daj s commr, l at P H and mileage J w Spruil, bd prisoners, T K fes, 4150 ft lumber, l barrell tar, hauling &c B E white, 17 days worV on jail v ails F F w-iff, rf-pir- on n-Hers mill bridge T If Small, 1 c';iy elk to bd, 1 dav at P II, foes &c Fisherman & Farmer, pub 1st quarter proceedings A J ward, 3 days cemmr, 1 day at P H and mileage April 4th v P Jones, C days as commr, 1 day at P H and mileage 11.60 64 39 25 50 5.8C 14.60 12 50 15.60 Every .aiticlo fnlly worth $1 00 but will be sold for 25 cents only. A ni- o Christmas present for a little money. i?"Remeraber, this is my last week in the Bea Hive Store. I have in structed all ray clerks to s 11 goods r.t ar.y price, tc keep froiii moving them. OP Let us see you this week,j Ah opportunity you csn't afford to iT;is. We have lots of gend that will make tuck Christniub pieoents &t your own price. Remember the faithful old Bee Hive Store closes for good on Christ re rs Eve night. Bargains in Clothing, Shoes, and Dress goodg. Many goods going at half price. Ycrr last visit will be Appreciated by Your faithful servant, 43 47 9.25 6,80 fl 92 42.00 Bee Hive Store. R. J. Mitchell. Z w Evans, 3 months supplies to poor house Mrs How ard, board of Bettie isunch H. C. Privott, blanks, dockets, stationery, &c w II. Brown, oak lumber for jail B. E. white, 2S day-3 work on jail walls Zie&ler & Hintn. cotlla and burial of Mack Skinner, i dozen chairs for court house R. K. Hall, gutters auj tining jail walls Bond & Joaes, 82 lbs tir iron for jail door, 1 bucket, dipper &c for c?urt house to vv uoiuir i.-i ur-vfrH, lumoer ior naii, care j n E F waff 1044 ft lumber for bridges 2iAV 2nd Mrs Howard beard of Bettie !'uch A Q ht-.rtt, 93 r.itphcciuu .or Gr Jury L w Parker, summoning 36 juiors, services at court J H BlouBt, 4 convictions H C Privott fees of sheriff and 4 other officers J w Spruil, bd prisoners, T K fees, 5 days &t court, wood for jail, care C H &c J II r:-: r? wjsu'mrx ocu:t T Jtf Small 2 days elk to bd and fes for March & April 14.57 Hooper & co, medicine for prisoners 7.25 wm Byrum, 3 mouths salary, wood & supplies for PH 57.10 Jotiah llarrell, 7,000 herrings for P H 24.00 June 6th Z w Evass, 8 months supplies to P H w E Jordan, rebuilding burnt esill bridge Mrs HovTiird, bd of Bettie Bunch w H iioiiner, 3 days commr 3 day at P Haad mileage M H Hn.Tha. 5 H C rrivott, whitewashing nnd scouriug fflce J w Spruill, bd prisoners, T K fees, care C H &c J A woouard, 2 sacks salt for poor house T M Small, 1 day cik to bd and fees, 1 day at P H. Fishermax & FaRjIEK, 2nd quarter pub proceedings 8.50 25.75 3.22 64 eo 19.58 9.55 37.60 SO. SO 4 50 50 00 25.00 8.G0 44 79 4 100. 0 17 53 1 1 A 9!.fi5 10 45 14.15 14.1' 5 r; locie.1 in ild:ntt n fnr the i II V i ft; 1 U J L Rcgerson, w J Leary H DilB HooTier J. J- Eggleston, J O Thompson, E. F. Tvaff, M w Page. 1 1 tt it 1 It) 45 l.o'J "t'J 1 57 15 I Ic vinif j-i'lO ' ' lit pe t"i. 1 iiHi ptr:l.5 CI U) ve- roill!!:;: i-'t lie vci.v o:i v-iork. a:.d a I h.isc;!: bic prices i d' am n Kc- pjiiring rJid cu t r.. i i'.a'- . . uh c tock tif Foreign vnokn and Suii- A Q Elliott, serving 100 subphoenas for Gr jury and 5 days services at court Bond fe Jon 3. 2 locks, sciers &c w m Di Mi-p? i 2 da vs and 7 nights guard to prison HO PriTott 120 subphoeicas for Gr jury, witnesd tickets and oln.' supplies Y. A. White, 7S me!s for jurors Mrs Howard, board of Bettie Bunch T M Small. 2 days elk and fees for Sept and Oct John Elliott, iinesa ticket Taylor horton, 'k E F Oullifer, 1 dav eunrding prisoners R J Mitchell, 5 pr biankt-ts, 3 mttrasses for jail and other supplies for jail li w Parker summoning 36 reg jurorB and 10 .-pedal veniree Fail trm wni Byrum 3 months salary and supplies to P h Dr R winborne, 1 ear physician to poor iicu(? 40 0o 1..V' 9-00 07. 5'. 39 00 9 53 13.70 1.00 1 .00 1 00 21.18 r.r 75 CO ! faritioc-r-.- i :'o:i; ro h)iui fi;:-uc li fi't'.' i 1 "ui 'A ,ooO ittiug f'dt cf .io-iui id ii'-ii v out- w.-.n us. and a f;ood Taiiur hou Id be encouiag.-d. Special invit.'.ti'.'ii to yunug incrj. Leaser Newman, Merchant Tailor, ... vJ Li Ciiij t-.j on- Amount is .ufd by the Board Jary tickets issued Spi ic 1 erm i892 1 1.' Lil S8.00 60 03 9.25 10.30 25.i0 2.71 27 20 1.80 Total expenditures of the Courty -Vmouni. of Taz List for i892 Amount of orders outstanding and unpaid Balance in favor of the county Thebonrdheld i7 meeting including 4 at the Mr. V- B. Sncpaid attended i3days at 2.0a and traveled 82 miles at 5 cts Mr W P Joues attenced 1 7 dajsat 02. oo and traveled 3o8 miles at 5cts Mr- V. H. Bonijer attended 17 days at z. oo and fsvflrd 226 ruiles at octs Mr. A. J Ward attended 15 days at $2.00 and traveled .S98 mi'es at 5cts MrsM H Hughes attsnding i7 days at $2.o 1 -ii 1 j -j AXD- r.-..j.-..T:--7r"v -a t . T . ' 'Tl f J ... . 4794.fu j 2855 H P. H. 26 00 1.6O I 34.oo ! 1 5 40 ! 34.00 ! 1 1 3o So. 00 29.90 1. r: o t-i a. a. x CO.. irrht, ALT?:." tl':':, M . c COT TO H A ? 3 FLA X G I LL ft ETS. n uki)u Cotton ti leta IUi BUCKLENS A RSI A SALVE U.JJ X,- J JOM UJ.J A.U iflF The Fishkbman & FRMr? wants a good, trustworthy and reliable agent . A J whiu, 4 dara ana miieascs as commissioner in all the surrounding oca lties. Lib- !Mrs Howard, bd of Bettio Bunch eral commision will be given right i J w Prudl bd prisoners. T K fee, care C H parties Apply at onoe, by letter or ! tt&J!1 at the nffinfi. " v J - nn r A 12 5 0 and traveled 404 miles at 5cts TVio Tt intirj in'tbit world for f!ul. 3" ! Bruiiies, Sor Ulcers. Salt Rhenm, 20 20 ; Fever Sore. Tert-. Chapy Hand ! ;bilblain i Corna, all Skin Ernf)- $2"6 40 tins, and poaitivwly cures Filer, or no par required. It is ?uaranteri to give Jttt.v Ath su. v uiu-.'i... tao.uji lcA lob diU Uiniu ft svatBiiKa . t w . liiiu juv .j. 1 ! lceruiyiHaiu orC" P perfect Mtwf action, or momy rQfunde. on n ! ;iears 0iC Record ln the ctce of ComsaiESiouers of Chowan Prce 05 c-at3 TM?r box. o 7 ' County. i For saJeby V . I. Leary, Druxgist l5;03 , T. M. Small. Clk. Edenton, Nov. 30th 1892. w P. Jones, 3 days commr. 1 day at poor housa, 2 The largest, cheapest, and prettiest line of Zmas goods at wRicKt6es