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Fisherman & farmer. [volume] (Edenton, N.C.) 1887-19??, June 16, 1893, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

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tft tsfftrraan avb ormrr.
Fisherman and Farmer PnMtsMng Co.
Ten Cases Before the Next House of
There will be tun contest before the House
of Representatives next winter. In Alabama
the seat of James E. Cobb, re-elected from the
Fifth District as a Democrat, will be con
tested by Martin W. Whatley, Populist. 1b
California the seat of 8. O. Hilborn, re-elected
as a Republican in the Third District. Is con
tested by W. B. English, Democrat, the plu
rality in thi.3 caae being only thirty-three
votes. In Georgia the seat of J. C. C. Black,
elected as a Democrat in the Tenth District,
Is contested -by Thomas E. Watson, Populist,
who had the seat in the last Congress. In
Illinois, the seat of Robert A. Childs, elected
as a Republican in the Eighth District, is con
tested by Lewis Stewart, Democrat, the plu
rality being only thirty-seven votes. In
Kansas, the seat of E. H.Funston. re-elected
as a Republican in the Second District, ia
contested by H. L Moore, Alliance Demo
crat, their difference beiag only eighty-three
In 3Iichigan is the closest contest. George
P. Richardson holds the seat for the Fifth
District by just ten votes in a total poll of
about 42,000. The contestant is the late
member, Charles E. Belknap. In Missouri.
Charles F. Joy, Republican, hoMs the seat
for the Eleventh Diutrict. It is contested by
John J. O'Neil, the late representative, who
will have a plurality of sixty-seven votes to
overcome. In North Carolina the Fifth Dis
trict seated Thomas Settle, Republican. 1L
A. Williams Democrat, contests his claim.
In Tennessee, the seat of B. A. Enloe, Demo
crat, from the Eighth District, is contested
by I'. II. Thrasher, Populist. In Virginia,
the seat for the Fourth District held by James
F. Epes, Dernoeratjis contested by J. Thomas
Goode. Ponulist.
During 3Iay a Net Decrease of $730,
4i5.99is Kcporlcd.
The public debt statement just issued from
Washington, shows that there was a net tie
crease of $739,425.39 during the month cf
May. Of this 657,175.50 was in the amount
of the bonded indebtedness of the Govern
znent. and $82,250.49 was in the increase of
the cash in the Treasurj.
The interest bearing debt increased fSOO.f 0,
debt on which interest has ceased sines ma
turity decreased 837.480. and the debt bear
ing no interest -S819.695.50. The aggregate
Interest and non-interest bearing debt May
31 was $961,750,885.63 ; on April 30 it was
9 962.407.764.13.
The certificates and Treasury notes, offset
by an equal amount of eash in Treasurv out
standing at the end of the month, was 594.
531,017, an increase of 1. 4?5.804.
The total cash in the Treasury was $754.
122.934. the gold reserve $95.O4S,G-10, and the
net cash balance 26.516,514.30.
In the month there was a decrease of $5.
764,749.32 in gold coin and bars, the total at
the close being 190.518.609.76. Of silver
there was an increase of $5,173,374.48 Of the
surplus there was in National bank deposi
tories 811.649.142.34, against $11,270,696.69 at
the end of the previous month.
Indefinitely Deposed From the Pres
byterian -Ministry;
Sitting as the Supreme Court of the Pres
oyterian Church in the United States of
America, the General Assembly at Washing
ton formally suspended Doctor Charle3
A. Briggs from the ministry of
the Presbyterian Church until he
Shall give satisfactory evidence of repent
ance to the General Assembly. The reason
lor this action, as given by the Assembly, is
a violation by him of his ordination vow. and
the judgment is based upon the verdict given
the night before as the result of the heresy
Now it will rest with the New York Synod
to present its case for acquitting the Professor.
If it can justify its action Briggs may be re
instated. If any defect is discovered in its
findings then the defendant will remaJii out
tor good.
'it Would Be Composed of Picked
Exhibits From Chicago.
California has come forward with a prop
osition to supplement the great Chicago
Exposition with a commercial world's fair ol
its own. The proposition comes from
Michael II. De Young, of the San Francisco
Chronicle, who is also Vice-President of the
National Commission of the Fair. This Cali
fornia Exposition is to follow the closing of
the international enterprise now in Chicago,
and will consist of a selection of tue best ex
hibits now on display at Jackson Park. That
is, if the adjunct meets with as much success
at home as Mr. De Youngs proposition to
hold it met with at the meeting at the Cali
fornijji Columbian Club, on Michigan ave
A Schooner Sails For Twenty-foiif
Hours Among Them.
Captain F. A. Green, of the schooner St.
Lawrence, while cruising off the coast near
Seattle, Washington, halibut fishing a few
days ago, fell in with an immense herd of
seals on their annual migration to the north
ern breeding grounds.
In all his sailing experience, Captain Green
said, he had never witnessed such a sight be
fore. There was not a gun aboard the ship,
and the crew could only stand idly by and
watch the sleek coated fellows bob up about
The St. Lawrence sailed for twenty-four
hours through the herd and their numbers
were estimated at hundreds of thousands.
The seals manifested no alarm at those aboard
the ship.
TnE grip seems to have no home,
though it makes itself at home every
where; the Eussians call it Chinese
catarrh, the Germans call it the Rus
sian pest, the Italians name it the
JermaD disease, the French call it
the Italian fever.
Strange Races of Primitive Men, Liv
ing and Dead, on Exhibition
Habits of Life of Cliff EHvellers,
Aztecs, Esquimaux and Other
Queer Inhabitants of the World.
All those who wish to study "Man and His
Works," as the motto over the building has
ft, will find in the Department of Ethnology,
at the World's Fair, wonderful facilities.
It has exhibits of live men and dead men of
the most strange varieties of color and cus
tom, and it presents remarkable collection?
showing the works of man from sj, far back
as any trace of him can be found down to the
present day.
as. a
Professor F. W. Putnam, of Harvard Cni
versity, has charge of the ethnological ex
hibit. It takes in ethnology, archaeology
and anthropology, history and natural his
tory. This, says the New York Herald, is a
very wide field, but the different branches are
well represented and the department must be
a continual source of delight to students of
primeval man and the untamed barbarian.
Da a plot of land one thousand feet long
and from one. hundred feet to two hundred
feet wide Professor Putnam has pitched his
camp. It adjoins the lake front and looks
upon the lagoon in which floats the New
Bedford whaling ship. The quaint convent
of La Ilabida, modeled after the original in
Palos, Spain, in which Columbus rested his
weary feet and soul before and after coming
to America, is part of the ethnological dis
play, but it is assigned to the Latin-American
division. Its red roof and white walls look
down upon the works of the American sav
age. Models of the ancient ruins found in Yuca
tan stand in the open air outside the an
thropological building. There are six of
these models. They were made under the
supervision of Edward H. Thompson, United
States Consul in that country, who had
papier maehe casts taken of the originais,
which are reproduced in "staff,"' a sort of
plaster with which almost all the fair build
ings are faced. By a little ingenuity "staff"
can be readily converted into the most sub
stantial looking marble or granite. These
Yucatan ruins, which have stood the weather
in South America for no one knows how
many years, will amaze people who are not
aware that a high civilization preceded Co
lumbus on this side of the world. In style
they resemble the architecture used at this
very date in the construction of trust com
pany buildings and banks in the more mod
ern city of Philadelphia. There is a portal
from the ruined group of Labra, a straight
arch from. Uxmal and the ''Facade of the
Serpent." from the same city Three por
tions of the ruin, which the early Spaniards
called the '"House of the Nuns,"' are repro
duced. Mr. Thompson, after erecting the
walls, returned to Yucatan for" a collection of
plants to place around them.
Near this group is a fae-similc of the homes
of the cliff dwellers of Utah, Colorado and
New Mexico, occupied long before those
lands resounded with the monotonous repeti
tion of the marriage ceremony and arguments
for free silver. The cliff dwellers' homes are
operated as a "concession," the builder put
ting them up at his own expense and reim
bursing himself by selling tickets of admis
sion. This is the only money making section
Of the ethnological exhibit, except tho Esqui
maux, who can only be seen after tho pro
duction cf twenty-five cents.
Oi ccurso tliere area ' any Uio ciiS dweil-
1 tf -S. VA
U. - mm l S
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i i V. "SiV V d a. 1 n A . a . J7JGL)i VU4. T W . II II fc "W - w
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i eis. as not even Chicago can resurrect tbern.
but there are plasty of savage?. The wild
man of Borneo has now come to town, but
the wild mg of America has exclusive o!
purely lay visitors to the Fair, some of whom
appear less cultured than the Indian, whose
face, daubed oyer with colors and looking like
a pen wiper, sees that none of the work that
is to be done escapes the notice of his wife.
The savages (those on exhibition be it un
derstood) are claced in habitations such as
! they occupy when in a state of nature. Per-
haps the most elaborate of the ethnological
contributions come from New lork, whose
Commissioners contributed delegates from
the six tribes of the Iroquois, and they will
live on the grounds for a period of six months,
entirely free from all care.
New York has a strip of tana fronting 55
feet on the border of the lagoon and extend-
ing 100 feet back. The State has erected a
; council house of bark 30 feet by 50 such as
were used for political caucuses by the
Iroquois when the whites arrived upon the
scene to take charge. In this structure the
Iroquois will carry on their strange and im
pressive ceremonies, beating the tomtom and
jumpincr about in their untamed way, free of
all charge to the spectator
! In a bark house 10 feet by 15 live a group
of New York Oneidas who have been sub-
i jected to an expensive process ol being
tamed. There are round bark houses 16 feet
in diameter inhahitcd by Mohawks, Onon
dagas, Cayugas and Tusearoras who are all
of the Iroquois raee. On the border of the
lagoon is a hunter's lodge and on its bank all
sorts of canoes and a big war canoe. The
exhibit altogether is moat picturesque and
r3flects great credit upon the Empire State.
Camped near them are a group of live
MinDes ota and .loaned for the Fair. A lot of
Navajos have been sent on by Colorado and
they are living in their native way. British
Guiana sent a lot of Arrawaks, and the Do
minion of Canada was pood enough tosparo
a quantity of their aborigines. There are
Flathead, Blackfeet, Pend d'QreilJes, Nez
Perces and Kootenais. One of the features
of the redskin display is the Columbian In
dian Band of sixty pieces.
Engineer Robert E. Peary, of the United
States Navy, has a collection of Esquimau
things that illustrate life in the Arctic re
gions. During his sojourn in the "Whale
Sound region of North Greenland, although
he failed at reaching a high latitude, he was
able to sret together skin tents, kh.va.ks or
j canoes, and the weapons of the ;Arctic.high-
landers," as the most Northern tribe of peo
I pie in the world are called. An imitation
snow house has been prepared and an ice
berg not made out of a very cooling sub
stance. The chase of the white bear is shown
and the method by which the Esquimau catches
the walrus and sitg on the ice and harpoons
the seal. Trophies of the chase in the way
of narwhal teeth and reindeer skins are on
view which are particularly interesting just
now because of the fever for northern adven
ture which prevails at present. A family of
Esquimaux is borrowed every day from the
colony on view in another part of the park,
and they sit and go through the indignity of
being looked at for nothing in order to sup
ply dramatis psrsens; to this ingeniously con
trived scenery.
Li u
1 1 VZl Ss-v
rrnE i-dias EXcmPriEXT.
4 To those who think that a dead Indian is a
much more artistic product of civilization
than a tame, one there will bo plenty of satis
faction in this department. The Anthropo
logical Building, the last o all the fair struc
tures that it was decided to build, is 415 feet
Ions and 2S5 feet wide, with r. crallery forty
eight feet wide on every side. Of this space
much is given up to reminiscencfs ol Indian
tribes that can never be revived, but the ex
hibit r Rurally takes in the whole world.
There are 30.000 square feet devoted to
hygiene, sanitation and charities and correc
tion. There are many small collections of
an archaeological nature and of ancient art
from Assyria, Egypt and Borne The Greek
Government loaned valuable exhibits of this
character, and some of great interest were
found in the Chicago Art Museum. There
are French relics and a complete Spanish col
lection taken from the Madrid Exposition, as
well as groups f objects from the museums
of Vienna and Berlin and from the Russian
Asia. Africa and New South Wales have
their contributions, and the Pacific and
Queen Charlotte Islands all have their story
to tell of the happy days before mtm began to
swear allegiance to a janitor and live in a
flat There is a complete model of the vil
lage of Skidegat. in British Columbia, show-
i ing tie b,use2, totem poles and iahabitarits.
In the still lii dpartmnt .-wrc a:o re
mains of all ssrts of xn iiaris. CiaiJiaa and
United S totes. There are the State collec
tions of Ohio. Miswuri. Colorado and Utah.
the result of the Hemenway Southwest ex
pedition. Mexico and the South American
republics sent singular sculptures and
Ft ran ire tablets oi nierosiypnies. me ex
plorations of Professor Putnam's envoys in
Ecuador. Chile. Peru ana Bolivia gave valu
able results, showins: the arts and customs of
ancient people. Similar collections com
from British Guiana. Paraguay, Brazil and
the Argentine Republic.
There are soecial exhibits of folk lore and
the cram os and religions of all countries. In
the latter is the collection of Hols of William
J. Gunninr. which contains lour hundred
rare specimens. From the Gaboon River'
comes Po-Po, the "Goddess of Maidenhood,"
and Ipa. the "God of Deliverance," supposed
to be three thousand years old. Ipa was
found by Livingstone. Alaskan Indians of
the Thlinkeet tribe have queer pods and
fetiches. From British Columbia are shown
trood spirits and hob-goblins and from
Dakota the medicine bag of the Sioux, which
no Indian will consent to part with. Mexico
is represented in- the Gunning collection by
a number of little gods, among them Centotl,
the "Great Producer,' and Vo-tan, the "God
of Culture. From Thebes is a sacred iackal.
LJ Si r' V -
Man lived in the glacial period, as tho col
lections show. There are relics of that
chilly time as well as specimens from tho
shell heaps of Maine and Florida.
The Peruvian finds include the best assort
ment of mummies ever unearthed on this
continent. The peculiar methods of burial
are shown. In some of the graves were found
work baskets, beads, flags and, most import
ant of ai!, bags of peanuts, showing what the
Peruvians did with people addicted to the
peanut habit.
From Guatemala are lifo size models of
natives in correct costume with original or
naments and trinkets.
The anthropological laboratories show an
immense quantity of instruments and appa
ratus. This end of the department is sub
divided into anthropology, neurology and
psychology. Anthropological tests will be
applied to the visitors on the payment of a
small fee. They will be measured, weighed
and all the statistics obtainable about them
selves noted on a card. They will also, if
they are women, be able to see wherein they
differ from the shape of the Venus de Milo
and remedy the defects.
Whenever Professer Putnam's associates
get hold of an aboriginal person they meas
ure him. A series of results obtained by
measuring skulls and skeletons have been
collated and placed on charts. Fifty thou
sand school children have been examined
and described. Seventy-five men worked
two years measuring nearly twenty thousand
Indians. They thus found one use to which
an Indian could be put.
In the archaeological division, to which
reference has been made, are arranged geo
graphically the shell heaps, ancient villages,
mounds, earthworks and pueblos, making a
very picturesque sight. In the great earth
works of Ohio there are combined squares,
octagons and circles, which are shown by
maps. The great mound at Cahokia, 111., is
nearly 100 feet high, and the Serpent mound,
of Ohio, is 1400 feet long. These, as well as
Fort Ancient, the largest ancient fortification
in the country, and the Turner and Hopewell
groups are represented pictorially. One sub
division of the section contains such special
exhibits as stone implements, pottery, orna
ments and pipes.
Everv material exemplifying primitive
modes of life, customs and arts ol the native
peoples of the world is in the ethnological
section, and it illustrates the peculiarities of
the different-races. As a contrast to the wild
Indians in their primitive state the United
States Government makes a special exhibit
oi its Indian school system.
The tribes of Indians have prepared col
lections of articles relating to themselves
which are entered for competition. Theso
are not exclusively of an entomological char
acter, but will deal with their modes of life,
thought and industry.
In the department of natural history New
York State again takes the lead. The Ward's
Natural Science Museum, of Rochester, lias
an exhibit which Professor Putnam says is
perfect. It shows every form of animal life
"from sponges to man." Pennsylvania,
Ohio and Colorado send tho birds and mam
mals found in those States.
In the line of documentary exhibits are
found charts and maps of the world anterior
to the voyage cf Columbus and at different
periods since. There are physical anthropo
logical statistics and criminal statistics. All
the books in the library after the Fair will go
to the Memorial Museum of Science of Chi
cago. A creditable reproduction of Fort Dearborn
is shown. This, as almost .. ry one knows,
was the nucleus around whicn the city of
Chicago was built. Somewhat in the same
style of architecture is an old log cabin of
the country type of a hundred years ago,
containing some forefather; in fac-simile,
dressed in the costumeof the colonial period.
Sexatos Staxfoed's income is 5103 per
Tue Infanta Euialia has eleven Christian
Ousmakes Kbttpp's annual income is $1,
000,000. The Pope refused to let the German
Kaiser kiss his hand, but gave the hand
three shakes.
Thomas Drsx English, the author of
"Ben Bolt." is living in Newark, N. J-, at
the age of seventy-four years.
Isaac Holdex, a member of the English
Parliament, is eighty-six years of age. He
lives chiefly upon fruits and biscuits.
The iate Commodore Anderson did tw
big things in his day. He commanded the
Great Eastern and introduced the stock ticker
into England.
It Is said that the readings given by the
late James E. Murdock. the ator and elo
cutionist, in aid of the Sanitary Commission
during the Civil War, produced 250,000 lor
ttat crgacizatioa.
"V v . ' vs. fc, "V
W. flO. BOND,
Attorney at Law
JfettM ta C&b taywtOT Court f Cbnra
Vtataf ttutki, bb hi thm Saprra Oarf 14
Surgeon & Clechantcal
edentojt, r. c. "
1. L. BOGEBSON, Prop.
Thla ! m established betel etill offers irstf
ckwe eccmmodat!Bs to tae trtveuBf public
Sample roera for traretlar salesmen, u e
reytnees famished wbea desire.
UTree Beak at sil train sad steamers.
First-class Bar atteefted. The Bet Imported
tad Domestic Iiqners always aa kaad.
wholesale" commission
143 Sc J.4L4. Beekman &tmp
Opposite Fulton Market.
G. 6. UNDER & BRO.,
Commission MerohantH und
"Wholesale Dealers In.
Game and Terrapin
30, 31, 40 & 41 Dock St Wliari;
Consignments Solicited. I7o Agents.
Steam Navigation Go.
Exists, Despite of Prophesy and
t will continue to serve the people aecordlnfl
w tne iouowmg scneauie. iteeui it:
Capt. Civrt V. tTirnffv
. . .... .
V s., on arrival of mail train from Portamotxtb
Mondavs. fVfdnsdavR. und FWiin va tmrh.
ing all landings on Chowan River, and ar
riving at Edenton at 9 p. m.
Retuminsr. will arriva at Franklin In tima
to connect with Raleigh Express, at 4 p. ol.,
for Norfolk.
J. H. BOO ART, 8u.pt.
K. R. Pendliton, Local Agt.,
Edentcn, N. C.
Fisherman and Fanner
Publishing Company.
By J. Haalltsa Ay era, 4 2EL Sd. D.
Thlslsaiaost valoable book for tae hoasefcetaV
eaaaiasaan aaee site easOr-Uattnru isa a smi
msoi anzarent diseases, toe eaases aaa msaaJ
aerentlnr saca dlaeaeae. sal the atmoiest reaedl
rhlch wuTallerlate or eura fiSS Dares Drofusell
Uatsled. Tbe book Is written ia plain ererr-da
taguak, sad ts free from tae teeaaldat terms wtuej
eafter most doctor books s valaelems to tbe ceaer
aity of readers. Oalj 6Uc postpaid. Olves a oormt
1 eve aaalrsis of ereryuxlng pertain tar to ooortuifk
urrfiare sad the prod action sad reartof of beaUa
iiaini; tocether wltij valuable recipes sad pre
arrlptlons, explanation of botaatcal yraetlee, cer
iect use of ordlosry herbv WUb Sbis book fa tte
i -70s there is no excave tor not Kaowiay waataa
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tazaps of say oeaoniiaanoa not larger taaa s eeata

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