Newspaper Page Text
NAG'S HEAD HOTEL On The Coast of North Caro'oa, f mst delightful plaee t spend the heated tenr. Large, Airy Booms, Now Buildings, Sailing. Bathing, Fishing, Driving, Shooting, &c. Torxxiws 4ff Si. 50 to 83.50 per day, according to room. $10.00 to 815. 3 per week, according to room. First Floor, one person $35.00 First Floor, twe persons 65.00 2nd and 3rd Floors, one person 40 00 2nd and 3rd Floors, two persons 75. 00 Children under 1 years of age and servants, half price. Corne? roams . $5 00 extra. Special rates to families of feur or more. . For other information, Address cr $ NAG'S HEAD, N- C & August A. Klages. 810 St. Charles street. Baltimore, Md. writes t'-From my youth I suffered from poisonous taint in my blood. My face and body was continually affected with erap tiens aid sores. I am now 42 years of age and had been treated both in Germany and America, but no rem edy overcame the trouble until I used Botanic Blood Balm. I have used about twenty bottles, and now my skin is clear, smooth and healthy, and I consider the poison perman ently driven from my blood. I en dorse it as the best blood remedy." CERTIFICATE OF A TRAVELING AGENT OF THE SINGER MFG., CO. A. H. Huber, Esq., Proprietor of Herings Comp. Syrup of Blackberry root. Sir : For Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Cholera Morbus, or for the Summer Complaints incident to children. I know of no remedy comparable to Herikg's Syrup, In my household and when traveling, I never permit myself to be without it. I consider the remedy indispeosible. T. Bond Brown, Elkton. Md. Traveling Agent Singer Mfg. Co. For sale at Leary's. FISHBURfJE SCHOOL, WAYNESBORO, VIRGINIA. JAS. A. FISHBURNE, A. B., Principal. ENGLISH , CLASSICAL AND SCIENTIFIC COURSES, WITH MILITARY TRAINING Teachers of ability and experience. Careful training, good decipline. Beau tiful location, large grounds, modern equipment. Climate: "Valley of Vir ginia." Reduced rates. Write for catalogue. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAR . OLINA. Equipment Faculty of 25 teachers, 11 buildiugs, 7 scientific laboratories. library of 30,000 volumes, 816 students. Instruction 5 general courses', 6 brief courses', professional courses in law, medicine, engineering and chemistry, optional courses. Expkhbss Tuition, $60 per year. Scholarships and loans for the needy. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, " Chapel Hill, N. C. T To send us 40 cents for one of our (Mi Film xsmm. LJgbt, Handy d Strong, wiTI Oafwvr aid Out ku tw Ordinary Wrcncbas. YOU WAC3T Air Euuucb Household S. D. Set This rmmtatm of a Romwoc Haatfte mmi. fonr foterehfiaceftU blades (t ereir-drtrew ad 9 cbteah fistiaf a& pcefeed tat a Mt wad kox. T tool Is nwnflf uM everrwfaase, around Ike Jtcmse, t tae attic; fa ths b (bsfann. Betfrseestres eipis $ t ,0O Ask Tour Local Dealer for thetm, if 7m baa aoi got them. be win get Otesa fpcyou, (f we wfllaead either on reoeipt of price, as aibT, Btmd jSnmj or w Hluatrarti catt ELLRICH & CO., Plitntmrilte, Conn. ifoux Is p BOTANIC &n fiin.nri'SAira - POK ALL ELO0O A50 - ; .t :. t : "' " ' SENT FP.EE -.7SDKJrL5tna. J CkV V ' - ' " ' W. L. DOUGLAS Q3 SHOE tiOT'Wfp Do you wtu them? When next In need try a ?dr. Cett In the world. tf yoawant afne 0RESS SHOE, fnafo h tte latest tyles. don't pay $6 to $8, try ry $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom msde and look and wear as well. If you wish to ecor.omteeln your footwear, do so by purchasing W. I. Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for it when you buy y. I.. IKJUGLAS. BrecfetoD, Ms. Sold by E. S. NORMAN. Oh, My! Have you seen the new and beautiful stock of Dress Goods,. White Goods, Laces and Em broideries, AT BRINKLEY'S EMPORIUM, Head Centre for FINE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS AND SHOES. Orders by mail carefully attended to and samples sent to any address on application. E. L. BRINKLEY, Edenton, N. C. 500 BOOKS, ETC., FREE. YOUR 500 LABELS 10 CENTS. 500 Firms Want Agents. SEND 10 cts and we PRINT your full address 011 1,000 (2 colors) GUMMED Labels, 500 postpaid for you to 6tick on your letters, papers. &c, and 500 post paid to 500 agency tirms, publihtrs and manufacturers. wh will m:r) you 500 sample books, novelties, pictures, m.'ig azines, papers, &c, Free with your printed address on ea-u. G. P. CURTlss, of So iiixiius:tori,Ct. writes as follows: ''TheFKEE tatnple books, papers, &c , I received from the 500 firms mnnoued it" bought would cost $25 to 40 Am delighted ." THE FAST MAIL CO., Raleigh. N. C. e sell only the finest and freshest Groceries and Fruits. Prices to suji the people. Give us a call anel b con vinced. J. s. Capeheart & son. Gale St. You can get your meals at all hours bv stoDintr at the Restauruii; uear the ! depot. Fi-st class accomodations Mrs. Martha Simpson Blount St. M.J.Ryan, Dealer in Groceries. Provisions and country produce. Cor. Albemarle and Granville St. Philip McDonald, Cleaning and Dying Clothes. Work done in first class style and satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Call and see him. Prices low. Any work sent by mail will receive prompt attention. Call on - W . E. Burk, at Rea's Opera Houe for iii i class shoe work. Prions to suit the timet. Itch on human and horse? and all animals cumi in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sauitai v Lc tiou Tbis never fsils. Sob! by V. I. Leary, . Druggist, Eden to u. V Vy d ':ov. 7 S, P, .md 10. 52.25 Xi MJwl.7Sa 03 COLCHED PEC7LL Thia colxzssn fr edited by W. E Bark. MissNiey EXoore retraed on the 30th, from Nag Head. - Miss Annie Fcrkina is . visiting friends at E. Citj this week. Rer C. -M. Cartwright speaks very favorably of his trip to Washington. There will be an Excursion from Edenton to E City next Wednesday lok for bills Prayer meeting at Providence Baptist chnrch this week. .Protract ed meeting next week. Miss Lizzie PaxUn is home 'from Norfolk, visiting friends and relatives j We hope ber a pleasant stay? J Rev. C. M. Cartwright resigned i the Zioa Grove Bantist Chnrch m , a favor of Ber. B. J. Ljnox, Mrs Margaret Bad ham, lost by death her infant son, on the 29th. Age 8 month. She has our sympathy The Washington Gazette euyy Rev. S. P- Knight has accepted a call to the . Spring Garden Baptist Church. Mrs Alice Murry who has been in this city for some time visiting friends left for her home in New York, on the 28th. Quite an excursion from E. City to thia place on the 28th to attend the Anniversary of tha G U O of O F. We were pleased to shake the hand f ur friend Rev. M. VV. u NormoB, A. $., of Plymouth, this week. Mist Nettie Jordan left for Phil adelphia on the 30th after spending some time in our midst relatives and friends. visiting Mr, Anthony Gregory returned home from Nag's Head on the 30th, and reports it stormy on the coast for the past few days. Prof R M. Lee will deliver a lec ture at E. City Prof Lee is a good speaker and the good people of E. City may expect a rare treat. The Anniversary celebration ol the GU Oof OF was ?. success. The entertainment &iven for the benefit of the order was also a buc cess. Receipts $97.22 Mr We. Leary, came up from Nag's Head during the&torm Moo day in a small canoe, carrying a ti nil portion of sail. He says it was the roughest time he has erei experienced behaving been going by water lor years, that he had no idea Albemarle sound could cut such a caper. The two games of base ball be tween Edenton Q S and E City, re sulted as follows : FIRST GAME. Edenton 23, Elizabeth City 15 SECOND GAME. Edenton 14, Elisabeth City 13 Pretty good for . E flity. Come again. LUTON'S Buck Hobn Liniment is one f the surest and most relia ble remedies now on the market, for pains aad bites of insects, nenralg', and for healing old sores. You would do well to pure ha s a bottle as it hat never failed to cure. Ad dress S- W. Luton, Edenton, N. C. Price SI, 75 per dozon or 25 eta pei bottle. Ask your druggist for it. DOGGETT & TILLERY, ALTO ON A, PA., Dealers in Fresh and Salt F white corn meal, sweet potatoes, and jiuc rtf all kinrlft Riwh.r imsIi pnees. Careful attention given to , 0 shipments WILLIS H. ROGERS. W bolesalejComniiioii 106 Fi ltox Fish Market, Now "Vorls.. Srial Attention ren to tb -le of North Carolina Sbaa Rock, chub. Perch and TERRAPIN. Jlefereiwe: Guirkin & Co., Bankers, and Cbas. Rnbinpon, President 1st Nat ional Pnk. Elizabeth City, N. C. and other Financials when d9ired, 53TA not and have never been in the Mellon, Truck or Fruit business. Stationery and Stencils furnished at a Moments notice. O. JJ. MILLER& 00 WHOLESALE COMMIfcSIO Fish Dealers, NO. 7 FULTON MARKET, New York. Samuel D. Miller ) Clarence G. Miller. ) Special Attention Giveu to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. Stencils and Stationery Furnished on Application. WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. Estnblished 1S61. SAML. M. LAWDER & SON. Wno It-sale CommiBsicu Dealers in Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Etc. 123 Light St. Baltimore, Md. Quick Sales ! Prompt Returns REFERENCES Traders Xat'l. Bank, linns MrmntHe Ajeenf Wm.J. Hoopr Vi. J. H.i)r-li:ii t X Co, E, W . Albaugh & Son Wholesale Comnjission Blerchante. Fresh Fish, TEBRAPIN. OY.STEtiS, GAME & POULTK No. 224 Light strt-et Wharf, BALTIMORE Consignments Solicited. Prompt Returns. Our Motto. REFERENCE. Citisens National Bank. W. J Rner & Co. -i'Ujii FOOTBS Wffl. J. HOOFER & CO 110 2 "Pt r.-" L:rr BALTIMORE. MD. rt 9 I 5: COTTON A.NP f LAX .1 F LL ii TC. CORKS. SE'NE Lt AOS, S4n Twine of nil kln:!. 31a. BiU Cotton - Hriui Ki c BUCKLEN'S ARNI A SALVE The Best 8alre in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores, Ulcer?. Halt Rheum, FeTer Sor?. Tel-- Chappe IIanl3 ! .hilblaiuj oorcs, s lull Skin Eruo- "3r;"frffu juay required. It is grnaraisted togi perfect satisfaction, or monpv ref under'. I Pric ?5 rcti'B p.-r box. j For said by W. I. iary, Druggist. C SCHEDUK IS EFFCCT MAkCR 1 Mail Train lea Edenton 1:1 p tn. daily, except Sunday, arrives at. Nor folk 4 .00 p. m. Expresa Train leares Edentna Daily (except Sunday) at 7:44 a. ra arrive at Norfolk 11 a..n. Connection made at Norfolk with all rail and Steamer Lines, and -at Eliza beth City with Steamer Neaee Taemlay, Thursday and Saturday for Hoanoke Island, New Berne and Atlantic North Carolina U.K. Station." The Company's Steamers leve Fdea ton 12.45 p.m. as follow; Tracfev Steamer to Mackey's Ferry daily (ex cept Sunday) with pswwcper? for Roper, Pantego, IW1 haven, connecting wit Steamer Haven Belle for Makleyville, Aurora, South Creek . A ashington and intermediate landings. Steamer Plymouth, daily. (excn Sunday,) for Plymouth Jamesvilee Williamston and Windsor. Stearuer M. E. R4bert8. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday for Cbowau River; Wednesday for Avoca and Sal mon Creek, and Mondwy -urni Friday for ScuppernooK River. Norfolk poKKfnjrer and Jreiht station at Norfolk and tt eptern Railroad Depot. Through tickets on sale and naKag checked f all principal points. KJ KASTEliN C'AliOlilNA D181ATCH. FAS J'HSGH AND PASSENGER ROUTE. Regular lii.t -j! sujntTn tucn Atlantic fe North Carolina R. R., Nw Perue, and Elizatt'th city. Daily all rail service between Edrntcu, New York, Philadelphia, fialtimnre and Norfolk. Through care, ad low ruU and quicker time than by any oiher mute. Direct all groip to In shipjed In East ern 'arolinsi li-ii;.lcli, :i lnllow. 1 icii Norfolk by N. & ?. R. R: iiultimore by p w. . it. r. ; rrtsiuent St. M;ti n, Philadelphia by PeniihylvaniH R. it. Dock St. Station: New York by Penn sylvania R. R., Pier til North River. For further mtoimation J T i K. GOD. .A rent, Edmn, N. or ki. to the Goneial Othco ol the N. & S. R. C., Nortoik, Va. M. K. RING, General JUj iw;;et H. C. HUDGINS, G. F. & V. Azi. A SIMPLE INQUIKY MAY SAVE YOU .DOLLARS. Write for prices before plac ing orders for gravehioDfch or etKietery work. Design . eiit free. r COUPER'S MAIUSLh WORKS, ..1, 113 & 115 Rank St., Norfolk, Va. X BUY THEt-X lljSHT '-ESriV. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Oarsd TW oenta to 7 Un'tn 8c, . Y., for our prltB camo, "Bid .ocU," ctrf win a Wowr Hosne Cow n Mwchlng. Ths New Home Sewing Mach:n6 L J. ILL. &&-",z- v-.-- - J '4 L I FAiiI"5N AHLF. BOOT AND SHOE MKLK Ai! rut- :ktut r" .! X doll'-' i't 01 ? m ; t-i i A i.-o Kt-op full H o 1; Si..- .'ill Jr. f-and Vour C' olicitd . V" "i rteutii-n, CuM a:.u 3ee rue. llx ' Eden to;.. K. C. 5: MP 11, ra ' 4 IB, r. - jXow i tile time lo .Subcribt