Newspaper Page Text
Fisherman and Farmer. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ti.oo Wheu Paid In Advance: $1.50 If Not Paid In Advance. Entered ;it the Post Office at enton as Second Class matter. Ed EDENTON, N.C.. August 31st, 1894- n o,,A,,,-..ments and recommeu dations of candidates for office, whether n the shape of communications or .therwise. will he charged as adver- 1 otl tisemepts COUNTY NEWS. I.TKRKSTINc; ITKMS RK l ORTKO BY OUR Cm .NTKY ITKMIZEK!.. CISCO : lr Kowlcr. of Raleigh, IS spending the week with relatives at this place. Miss Maggie S pence, of Berk ley, and Miss Una Jones, o Portsmouth, have been spenuin several days with Iriends at tli place. Mr. H. L- Evans and daughter Miss Mary, left Wednesday lo Manteo where they will prooai ly remain a week. Quite a crowd left Rockyhock, Monday, for Manteo, on a fishing expedition. Mr. L. D. F.vans, of this place, accompauiedjthem. Mr. Z. W. Evans has purchas ed Bennett's Mill and is turning the water off, that he may get his cypress lumber. The Chowan Band is to have a lawn party soon, and all should go as it will' be the last of the season. Mr. Z. V. Evans new store is near completion and will be a credit to this place. Miss Maggie Evans has accept ed a school near Nicanor and will commence teaching Mon day next. OLFDEX: Geo. B. Blanchard died a few days ago at the home of his uncle, Mr. V. L. Blanchard Services were held at Warwick Baptist Church Saturday and Sunday. It being Quarterly Session, large crowds were pres ent. Good many sick people in this section. Most of our people are through saving fodder. Good portion damaged. Protracted meeting commenc ed at Fletcher's Chapel 19th hist, and still continues. Warwick High School com menced yesterday with fair pros pects. Miss Bettie R Brown has charge of the school. W. NEW FRUIT STORE. Messrs. Coftleld & Petway have opened a fruit and veget able stand at the Jewelry store of A. J. Batemau. where they are receiving daily a fresh supply of vegetables, grapes, peaches, ap ples, and fruits of every descrip tion. They invite the patron age of the public, promising to sell at low prices and to dispose of nothing but first class stock NKWBARBKR. I laving employed Mr. J. F. Waller, a first class tonsorial ar tist of Laurel, Del.. I am now prepared to furnish a hair cut or a shave with dispatch. Hoping to continue 'tto receive the pat rouage of the public, I am Yours respectfully, A. IIUCKABEK. AVhnt It lias Done. About twenty years Mr. James Bailey originated and put on the market the popular remedy, Bailey's Cholera Cure, for Dysen tery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, and all acute Stomach Troubles. The reputation it has made, the endorsement given it by every one who has had occasion to use it, has proven a source of great satisfaction to its proprie tors. What it Will Do. If you will only be liberal, spend twenty-five cents, you will be within the pale of an absolute security from the dread ravishes of these Bowel complaints which carry off more victims during the three hot months than any other disease known. Baily's Cholera Cure will cure. Will yon accept this? You can't afford to run the risk, Ear sale by Wal ter I, Leary, Edenton, N. C. This paper for $1.00 per year in advance. Subscribe at once. Itch oh human and horaea and al animals cured in au minutes by wool ford's Sanitary lotion, ibis never fails. Sold by W. I. Leary, Druggist Edenton. OWN'S IRON BITTERS ctrrea Dyspdpsia, In gestion & Debility. The payment of a part or the w r f t1i cnhcpTintinns rtf tlirsc wVin hole have let the time expire, will be appreciated We have waited very patiently on many: SCALES AND PLANTS ITEMS PCKRLY LOCAL CONDENSED FOR TIIR BUST READER Talk up the Fair. Bring us your job printing. Tobacco in large lots at Dixon's. Full cream cheese at Summerell Bros. Help to make the Fair this year a access. Fdenton Fair, October 16th, 17th, iHth and 19th. Summerell Bros., arc getting in a nice lot of goods. The fidenton Academy will le open ed Sept. 13th. Light Coffee Sugar 5 cts lb at Dix on's. I'ay jojr subscription, we need the money. Good Rio Coffee iS cts. at M. H. Dix on's. Dr. K. V. Hathaway was in the city on yesterday. A fine line of Toilet Soaps at Sim.- merell hros. Prepare for the coming Fair. It will be a good one. henu us tne news lrom your town cr neighborhood. West Patent Flour 3 75 KM. at Div- ou s. Tomorrow is Sept. 1st, the beginning of Oyster seasou. Mr. Paul Parker, of Floiida, was in the city this week. Mr. L. I j. Moore and sister have rc- turned from Murfreesboro. A No. i chewing Tobacco : !.s cts.. n at Summerell Hros. The Kdeutou Hand has received another lot of new music. No. l Family Flour 3.25 Bbl. at Dixon's. Don t forget us when you want neat job printing dune. Prices low. The recent heavy rains have put our streets in a very bad condition. Nice mixed Pickles in fruit jars 25CIS at Summerell Bros. The family of Mr. J. M. Jones re- turned from Na's Head Tuesdav. The city coucihneu will meet Tues day evening next at the Court House. 100 His. Flour for sale by M. H. Dix on. The painters are at work painting the interior of the new Methodist church. Mr. IM ward Wood, Agent for the N. & S. It. R., has returned from Nag's Head. Rev. Jin). U. White? and wife have returned home afte r spending several weeks at Carev. N. C. A large lot of Tub-, Buckets, Haskels etc.. bought at factory and will be sold low at Summerell Bros The County Commissioners will be n se.-sion 01 Monday next, it being taeu re 'ill ir time fur meeting. J 0 We were favored, on Tuesday last, with a delightful eall from Mr. W. K. V-iughau, of Washington City, fonner- 1 v of this place. Snufr at Factory prices at Dixon's. Mis-; Annie Wuzeika has returned home, after spending several we:ks in the western part of the State. Several members of the Edenton Hand lost their hearts at Winton on Wednesday last. Finders will be re warded. The families of Messrs II. E. Wil liams, C. W. Rea, and K. R. Pendleton arrived on the Steamer Suudav night from N ag's Head. We carry a full line of fan.-y will give Call and and you get familv (Groceries and some line bareains. prices. Sl'MMERELL BROS. Mrs. John June-;, accompanied by Mrs. Peterson, of Hertford county, spent last week m this city with her sou, Mr. Thos. P. Jones. Life :s real, life is earnest. But it might be more sublime, If all those who owe subscription Would just settle at this time. Havk vor rsEi) it? If not, do so at once Lalvert s Insect Powder for flies. fleas, and bed-bugs, only 10c, air tight sift top box, at Leary's. The ladies of the ethodist church jave an ice cream festival last night. and will repeat same to-night. We hope they will be patronized liberally. Miss Mary, the young and pretty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Juo. C. Boud, returned to her home Tues day from Washington. N. C, at which place she has been delighting friends with a visit. We have received a copy of the pre mium list of the Warren County Fair to be held at Warrenton October 10th, 11th and 12th, in which we notice the name of Mr. N. L. Shaw appear? as one of its Directors. Messrs. W. O. Klliottaud J. A.Wood- ard have set an example for other citi zens to follow. In front of their stores thej have had placed a nice concrete pavement, which is said to be as en durable as stone. Exchange : If men are the salt of the earth, the women arc undoubtedly the sugar. Salt is a necessity, sugar a luxury. Vicious men are salt petre, indifferent men are rock salt. Old maids are the brown sugar, good-natured matrons the loaf .sugar, and the pretty girls the fine pulverized sugar. Pass the pulverized please. Mr. W. S. Summerell, local freight agent of the N. & S. Railroad Company, has returned from Baltimore, at which place he went a few weeks ago for medical treatment. He returns much improved, although he will not be able to resume his duties at the depot for some time to come. He is confined to his room on King street and will no doubt be pleased to have his friends call at any time. THE FAIR. Let The People Rejoice, Fair Time is Near at Hand. Oct. 16, 17, 15 19. An Exhibition of the People, For the People and by the People. VT .1 a.' a. I 4. A.VSV hill. . WW V, . - - . . I T?11 make nrenarations for the rail r t . iair. vvatcn every opportunity 1.1.. l.:i.:; A l,1 ueiu 111c cau 1 ui nun aim tuauiv. 4. 1 j- ui vi you to make a creditable display r ,r j ior yourseii anu your neiiiuui- i j Tr 3 . liiwi c t lid 11 X ainji it: aucviuvn , provide that, for if everyone does likewise there will be almammoth show. The premium may be butsmall.and the trouble serious but every person should be pub lie spirited, and value as the best part of the award, the welfare of the industry represented, and the honor of securing- a prize over ambitious competitors. The Society, in its etiorts to hold a successful - fair, has the liberal support of the whole com munity in which it is located, who will work in harmony with the managers to secure an ex- hibition well worthy or their C3 No doubt but united efforts. that many people who have been reoeatedlv attending fairs in the past, have thought their was much ot sameness 111 them, but we aim to get up an exhibi tion that will not be a repetition of former shows, or a rehersal of played out features, but a live, near Udenton, ol about one huu progressive fair, abounding in dred acres, with good buildings, new sights and features, and in- ood water, 3 acres in asparagus fprPtin(r hpransp fresh and strange to the eves of all who behold them. We hope to be able to make this the most mark ed and memorable of any tan- ever held in this section of the countrv. We shall delight to hear such words of praise from those who attend, as, that the fair exceeded any previous con- ception, and in every particular , . ,1 4-,i it was better than expected - The fair ve hold is devoted to the interests of the community in which you live, and no one can reasonably afford to ignore its claims for patronage. No matter how many other fairs and expositions one may attend, the home fair has the best and strong est claim upon him, and he should give it attendance also. He who is most slow in mak ing a promise is the most faith ful in its performance. For this reason the public have assurance that our Fair this year will be a full and fair representative of whatever is put upon the bills. WANTED. A copy of the Edenton Gazette containing Col. Garrett's address on July 4th, 1876. Good price paid. Richard Dillard. PAPER'S STUDIO. J. H. Faber's branch Studio in this city will open again Aug. 28 to Sept. 4th, inclusive. Those wishing first class photographs of any kind should call on the above dates. Mr. Hazard, the operator, having had fifteen years experience, thoroughly under stands his business and turns out nothing but the verv best work. Studio on King street, near Post Office, above L. h. Mooie's store. A geo 1 photographer has been 1 1 1 long needed m our town and we hope Mr. Faber will be liberally patronized. LOST OR MISLAID. Policy No. 5 1 3 14 issued by The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, on the life of Kenneth R. Pendleton. The finder will please return it to the under signed. Application has been made for the issuing of a dupli cate. K. R. Pendlkton, Edenton, N. C. If a business that is worth having is worth advertising, upon the same priu cipal a business that is not worth ad vertising is not worth having. Bdenton Fair 16, 17, 18, and 19. Are yo u tjett intf yo ttv exh ib it ready? Don't put it off too long! BIG TIME AT WINTON. LAYING OF THE CORNER STONE OF THE WINTON HIGH SCHOOL. The Edenton Band, the Editor of the Fisherman & Farmer and a number of Masons of this place went to Winton Wednes day to witness the laying of the corner stone of the Winton High School, a large three story build ing erected by Rev.Mr. Williams, . r I . . ....11 T-.A . . . 1. nAmrilala1 I VT1UL11 win , WJ1CU iumuitiv.u I p . -a m . - tilt liailUOUUlV-Ol .UVV ... . buildinsrs 111 this section ot tne " SLUiic vc lavtu l..v- , . . . r Masonic fraternity, the laying of . . , 7 ,& which was witnessed by hun- , , . . r it- . dreds of people. After the usual exercises, and a short address de livered by the founder of the school, dinner was served, which far exceeded anything we have ever witnessed in the way of a public repast. Everything a htnVgry peison could wish for was there. After dinner had been served I the band amused the crowd by playing several fine selections of music which was greatly appre "V ;"liU1 x iclij jjiiia wcic 111 ctuuin-ictiiec, and their presence added much to the occasion. The weather was fine and everyone present seemed to be Pppy, and greatly pleased with e program o tne ciay. ana we, nice otners, win long rememDer the occasion. FOR RENT. A number one 1 ruck barm 3 years om. win sen team and feed with farming utencils. For particulars call 011 or address C. Tarkkntox, Edenton, N. C FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. I have a farm in Princess Ann coun ty, Ya., containing 175 acres, So of which covered with good timber, loca ted 7 miles from Norfolk, on .eood shell road and 3 miles from a creek, which I will sell on easv terms or exchange for property in or near Edenton. The land is in good cultivation, soil adapt ed to truck or most any kind of crop. On the farm are two dwellings, sheds, store houses, etc. It is divided with a fence and so arranged that two 87 !2 acre iarms can oe made 01 it. Will sell or exchange half or the whole of it. Apply at Tins Ofkick. to I Poor Health means so much more than i you imagine serious and i fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's 1 greatest gift health. If you are feeling: , out of sorts, weak , and generally cx- , hausted, nervous, , have no appetite , and can't work, , begin at once tak- , ing the most relia- , ble strengthening , medicine, which is , Brown's Iron Bit- , ters. A few bot- , ties cure benefit , comes from the , very first dose it , won't ttairt your , tteth. and it's . pleasant to take. J It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, ' . Constipation, Bad Blood ' , f Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Ret nnlv the pfnuinp it has crossed red r f lines on the wrapper. All others are sub- stitutes. on receipt 01 two 2c. stamps we r 1 en Beautiful wona's free. W BALTIMORE, MD. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Ter-to-, Chappe Hands, 0hilblain3 Corns. ' -.d all Skin Erup tions, and positivelyxures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfectsatisfaction, or money refunder1. Price 25 cents per box. For saleby "VV. I. Leary. Druggist. W. L. Douglas 02 CUAP IS THE BEST. pflvt NOSQUEAKING. Ana otner specialties ior Gentlemen, f Ladies, Boys and Misses, are the Best in the World. See descriptive advertise ment which appears In this paper. Take no Substitute. Insist on having V. . Ix DOUGLAS' SHOES, -with ' name ''and price W5"?" stamped on bottom. Sold ME Brinkley's Emporium. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints. Sweeny, Ring-bone, Stifles, Sprains, all swollen Throats, Caughs. etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warrented the most wonderful Blemish cure kno'svn, Sold by W. I. Leary, Druggist, Edenton. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE I have qualified as admini'v trator of John L,. Rogerson, dee'd, Persons indebted to him are noti fied to settle with me promptly Creditors of his estate will present their claims to me duly verified by August 1, 1895. W. D. PrudEN. : Brown's Iron Bitters r will send set of 1 Fair Views and book BROWNCHEMICALCO Between White and Bonner's. WL'l sell during the next few weeks meats at the following cash prices: . Beefsteak at 8c per H. Roast Beef at Se per lb. Stewing beef at 5c per lb Soup beef at 3c per lb Pork at 10c and 2lic per tl Lamb at 10c lb by the quarter. Lamb at Sc fl for fort quarter. Sausage meat 10c per Tt. Smoked sausage 10c lb. Chickens kept daily at lowest market prices. Twenty per cent, will be saved by patronizing Sutton & Co. B. 1. Can repair anything from a fine Chronometer to a Sewing Machine, and do it right. Eye Glasses and Spectacles made to order by a Graduate Optician, at the late David Lee, stand oti Queen street. Edeittort, X. G- v? GTS V? T 2. T cr rr 2 z n a 3 O S-s s s a 5 J? o j; - . 0 sr a not- 1 c n o v, 3 2. -T r-. CB sr o a "0 1 1. s. a n W a s o a S ?3 MS (5 2 O g c 5. o 2. S a 0 ?. CD S 3- cc o n o f5 B 2 - tors o C 3J O 9 3 O " B S S o w ?3 f. O H r f o -i CD GO - o H U a o o o X Cl, I UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Tiir1iu1es the College, the Uni- versity, the Law School, the Med ical School and the bummer School for Teachers. College tuition $60.00 a year; board $7.00 to $13.00 a month. Session be gins Sept. 6. Address President Winston, Chapel Hill.N. C. ol Ky. University. Iexincton, Ky.. w warCd MEDAL AND DIPLOMA BT THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITtOM. For System riUik-ltlli b enml BulnrM MmMIob. etr. Coat to compleM Business uonrse boot smo, meinaius wihoh.uw)" Dd board. Phonography, Type Writing and Telerrpnytaornt. Jfor circulars, awirww, W. tL ItMlTlZ, XTcaMeBt, 11mkUh, By g 1 .$ m RELIABLE FISn DEALERS. WIL1IS H. ROGERS Wholesale Commission Fish Dealer, 106 Fcltox Fish Market, Special Attention given to the Bale of North Carolina ssnaa, kock, ubuu, Perch and TERRAPIN. Reference: Guirkin & Co., Bankers, and Chas. Robinson, President 1st Nat ional Bank. Elisabeth City. N. C. and other Financials when desired. An not and have never been in the Mellon, Truck or Fruit business. Stationery and Stencils furnished at a moments notice. S. B. MILLER & CO WHOLESALE COMMISSION Fish Dealers, NO. 7 FULTON MARKET, New York. Samuel B. Miller, Clarence G, Miller J Special Attention Given to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. Stencils and Stationery Furnished on Application. WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. S. I:. Storcr & Go. W'holesaleJDt alers'and Shippers of .all kinds of WmMSsm Wiissm IO FULTON FISH MARKET. IVJLSW YOIMk. A. W. HAFF, -Successor to Lamphear & HalT. Wholesale Commission Fish Dealer, Lobsters, Etc. J'o.l2 Fulton Fish Market New York City. Established 1S61. SAML M. LAVDER & SON. W'nok'sale Comruission Ikalei s in Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Etc. 125 Light St. Baltimore, Md. Quick Sales ! Trouipt Returns REFERENCES Ti-ail.tis Xat'l. Bank. Puns Mpi-nnntile AKencj- VVm. .! . Hooper & Co. J. Dukehart .V ('. E, W. Albaugh & Son Wholesale Commission Merchants Fresh Fish, TKKKA'IN. UYSTKi., c;AMJ'. Jt I'Oi:i.TK I No. 221 Lilit Mr. et Wharf,: BALTIMORE Consignments Solicited. Prompt Returns. Our Motto. REFERENCE. Citizens National Bank. W. J Hooner & Co. Sanner Bros., Wholesale Commission Dealers in FRESH FISH, Terrapin, Game. Etc., 116 HolliuKSworth Street. Baltimore, Md. Quick salts-good prices-prompt returns (Davenport & (Morris, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants And Dealers in FISH, Richmond, Va. Cnnsienments of North Carolina Her ring solicited, and proceeds remitted in cash. On account of our intimate acquain tance, and frequent transaction with the Grocery trade of West and South we are able to handle N. C. Fish to the very best possible advantage, and we are known everywhere as the largest distributors in this market 1 5 KM ALE AND FEMALE.)! Thorough, Economical, Christian. For full information address j Will bcin the Fall Session on 3BGBJRiIS(KcS POSITIVE CURE. Ci DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS and CHOLERA INFANTUM IN CHILDREN. A CUREWH find. THE ONLY .Remedy. CENTS. Hundreds of testimonials can be procured. We want yours, too We can get it if you will take our advice Get a bottle of Henna's Syrup of Blackberry Root. JAMES BAILY & SON, Prop s, Baltimore, Md. l'or Sale by W. I. Leary, liikntoii, N. C. Seecxs sent by us will reach you safely and on time. They will germinate properly when you have sown them. And they will grow true to name. If you are one of those who do not know from experience that these are more than advertising claims, ask the Kx periment Station of your State how our seeds rank as to purity, and then send us an order a small one if vou like. If the mail or express doesn't deliver the package piompt ly we duplicate the order duplicate it a doin times if" neccessary. We want to supply you with every seed that goes into your garden or is needed on your farm. Our customers through out the Southern States think we can supply them a little better than anybody else. We would like you to make the acquaintance of our catalogue, tiie one Prof. Priceof Texas calls "the ideal seed book." It isn't writ ten for the North or the West. Free to any address. Ooo. rM?nt Ac Son. IN orfolk', Arn. m,, qjm Fresh Seer On Draught every day. Your visits will be appreciated. ITOystciM stewed and on half-shell at all hours, up stairs, over Par. (D Aotlcc to The Hotel will be opened on or aboutlthe 1st TDo.-y of J" "0.137-. will make two trips per week. Leaving Elizabeth City every Tuesday and Saturday on arrival of North bound train, returning Wednesday and Monday morning Respectfully, 1 will get the flslirm.ajt For One TTea-r .1. II. SLED I), A. 31., I). I.., Principal, f second Wednesday in September. rti finite of a Traveling Agent of the Singer Manufacturing Co. A. H. Hl HKR, Ksy., Proprietor Henna's Conip Svrup of ULick. berry Root, Sir: For Diarhcra, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, or for the Summer Complaints incident to children, I know of no remedy comparable to Hkrinvs Svrvp. In my household and when traveling, I never permit myself to be without it. I considei the remedy indispensable. T. Poni Hrow.v, Hlkton, Md. Traveling Agt for Singer MfK Cu May i)th, iSgi . Dealer in .X((U 11 11.' Tobacco and Cigars. ol III' miMMM mmwMJi, js r ock ett In Advance, & ?aru.