Newspaper Page Text
if t Fisherman and Farmer.. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK c, (J,, When Paid In Advance: ' fi.r)0 IT Not Paid In Advance. iintero.l at the Post Office at Ect nit.M as Soeond Cass matter. EDENTON, N.C N 2nd, '.SJ4. ) announcements and recomme GU ,i it;'vis ... c.-i'u:;i;itc iui . : 5:.;. siritc of t'Ounr.uniU'.tioiiS O; I' t . . . ,'V. irhi T flf-! 'CO auvCl - FsVrlHTON ACADEMY LEC TURE COURSE. itics recognize the Ourlar-re c ..,,1..-,. i..,Mnro t)iattonu as oik- of their chief eel item ive inuuen-j 4.i-. nw.-l ".'in. ! ces, air ular ai Is' to literary ta iste an! culture. F.verv town ::.l:ould have r--'-ii;ir roUl'S'J o! lcCtUT CfHU.VJ .,1 t-cv -. ", t kcartilv commetid Prof. an". we iiios Slcdd for his purpose to mauqui rate a movement win, ai , (Il.mhv timo. assist the- new I i i ;n ..t Ac idem v. and improve the liter ; arv tastes or on neoplc. 're in tin The I- rst lectu. propose ed series will be :':v'M on Nov. j . Isth bv ib v. i- vkedd D. D..kki; of Rihmond, Va., -The Witch ; . . of Fadoi " i' k the suhject. , . ., We b-. !-:-.!; U. 'a:-- aue'-esu - a ; ,., r: ::-vlf-:: ; vcMn rkli . .. - , . i . -. . -; tr- ; t at -..... " ... . ,: - !a. uo:s or o':r :c ''. ' he ; inD -.rtun;tv li hearmg this r.e-teel ; ' iliiu i-t'.-r rind t.;? ia..t: -'aiui..:. : 1 In V'ir-iia, Dr. Sk-dd k-s ncevi 'th;' lackcdi :,a indienc-e nor laiied to;-' )lease. We trust tuat a an 'j iUldkuc.- u:av;n-evt him on tUv : : Sth, at ike Opera House. Pop jii.,; ular pric. s will be ehar-ed : -,Vcc ASSIST HOME TRADl Do not adopt the habit of i;oiuL; awav from liome to buy your dry ; roods, clothing, boots, slices, hats, ; etc., but read over carelully our advertisers and make your pur chases at Kdentmi. Vou ask the , .-viil1. tm'"iN:' t at home? We will tell you. By j doiur so you assist home enter-. prise and put your money ineir ' culation where it is bound to help j every class of citizens from t'le ; rich merchant down to the pan j per. Vou mi.u'ht be tempted to I laugh at such an assertion, yet it j is correct. Vou purchase ii"i the merchant, who in turn buys ; from the rrocer iind the farmer,! iii 1 i e iehol the.e employ help and the helpers rent houses as v. elij it o, ! ,nifMitK- von r 1 mrrhases at liome assist a multitude of people you ! Jve that women are little thought it would, and bc eruMied down ami kept out of sides some of the cask you s..end j lucir 1!ghts. may come back into your own 1 Saturday night last a severe pocket, either in tree way oi pay- '. electric storm came up, accom ing vou a bill due or ior mater ; panied by a heavv rain and hail, ial wliich vou have to dispose oi. i loud thunder and blinding flash Try the plan and induce others i es of lightning, to do the same; nothing succeeds i Thy e Chowan negro is if no effort is made ior its ac" a Republican, but he is not a complement. Keauer, u you ; fusiw:listf and whcn hc thhlks would iieed otu advice we miieat ; you to purchase in Kacnton such : articles as we enumerate auu uius ( om M,V .r,Mm11v i TIIIC WKHMS COMPANY. j The Weems Company, com-i poed of clever and distinguished I ladies and gentlemen, is beyond! a doubt the best company that; ever visited hkleniou, and receiv ! ed much attention from oar oeo- j ole. Ou k ridav u'ea!' L iatilwcrs Kl""uu 1 1 w. was presented to a packed heuse, .,. . . . 1 . 1- . t . ., 1 n 'iv ' ! 11 ! - t 1 - 1 .1 1 1 and Pto ed to be an attraction unusual merit. The play is am . excellent one and rtapiires .some artistic acting. Saturday j night this company closed its engagement in this city wit'ij Dickens' Christmas story enti tled '-Cricket on the Hearth," j one of the joliiest plays we have j ever witnessed. ! Miss Weems is an actress ek undoubted ability, and displayed red talent in the interpretation of her oarts, winning for herself) business about the 1st of Deeeiu many admirers in our town. ber. A lot has been secured near Mr. James I oud. as leading ; the law office of W. M. Bond up- . - r ....a. '. . t t . ..:.i..i.i. 1 -11: ;n mflu. is m everv respect a aif-a class pcriormci Mr. (keo. D. Parker was ?. vil liau who understoixl his busi ness and did it well, but of course, got the worse of it in the end. Miss Korah Cugle, Miss Marie kanning. Miss Dortha Reepin? and Miss Rose Clay were all good - personating their characters in a most pleasing manner. In fact, every performer did some excel lent acting and received liberal applause. o HLBCTR1C BITTERS. The remedy is becoming so well knovai ;uni so popular as to need 110 special mention. All -wrho have used Kleetric Bitters sinic the same ionjr of praise. A purer medicine docs not exist and it k guaranteed to do al! that is claimed. Kleetric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum :uul other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the systeru and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fercrB. For cure of Head ache, Constijration and Indigestion try Kleetric Bittrs Kntire "satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts, and $i.uo pr bottle at "W, I Lcary's Drugstore- 5 SCALES AMD PLANTS ITEMS TURELY LOCAL CONDENSED F03 TIIE BUSV KEADLli Democrats (!o your duty. Thanksgiving day Thursday Nov. 20th. Evcrvthin iguleniug. De mocracy must win. Pews for the new Methodist church have arrive';. Norfolk cash uriivs oaid foi A. Cotton hy W. S. SrMMKi-Ki.:.. Edenton was fairly well rep resented at tk-r E. Citv Fair tin- We: k. ! . .-. : : 1 a 1 .. 2 '.. for ?s : il- kiiott, o: Portsmouth i. v;;it:' IT,. elk V:'. l-'-i .a is. ozaniilk: fkainner, aft- r i :v. a a ai escs ns.cj it-ta; a' a li:o:n Wcdnes'.iav. Mi;.;.S Net tic I . . , Miss .settle l.cary, o: ir-inr-,' n a visit to rela- j See the announcement of Dr.! i '.aoa s , iseovery ior eon: hid- i.o. 1 ' ; bother -:.':um :. i tm ? T: -te ;i'Ot 'Ote ,te IS IT.'- i ke 'S Opera 1 i i uriui tiiks e (;uiity in sc-:sio Tlte City aesd.-.-. :m.-:t. Council will a: eel . . ;r. :i,!"-"rt.1 i Wdieu you want elu -ovao f-wt 10.-. 1 em:e to Hdentou. O-iv nier chauts oarrv larere stocks and sell 1 N'o man will ear amount to much who iabors under the im- pivss;on tliat somebody else is aiway?. m his way. ; );u-c:ldidate lbr ilie Legis ,-. ?tp Makelv, is making :iu ;a.0 c;e;t,li ;ln, (Hnified caii- vass. and we believe his chances u-c roo,p ivvanoraied Cream : t cts tan, at ,jU!nii:;.rcll r . , it is unhcult to mane a hen- "i ) k' K (! 1 lusoaua or an unsuccess- about bci. old out hc ts a on C(Kl !;sh unions and irish potatatoes at Suanac rell I5ros. j j W. J. Deary is now a rampant lusioaist and wants to he Solici- tor hut- inark the prediction, he be deieated so badly that he W,U ucve1' be able recover, Mr. Henry M. Shaw, formerly C)f this citv. now of Henderson, asul Miss Bessie Buxton, an at- ; tractive and accomplished young .:aav oi jacason, wer: i,st Wednesday. 1 . .- t 1 married The Fair Ball, held at Colonial Hall 0:1 Thursday night of Fair week, which, we failed to men tion in our last issue, was one of tne most brilliant social occasions our town has known for some time. Cakes, Craexers, Ginger Suapps.Nic Nac's, Jtc. price;; by the box at -j jsu::it::c-!cirtr'f;. :-ielHr; 1 ae " name 01 iadenton, wc are infonncel, will ovh?u its doors for oa which a mi name uuuuing win he erecteu. This is true and worth the thoughtful consideration of mer chants and others : "The most successful advertisers are those who keep their business con stantly before the public, witk out regard to the sUte of trad. They will not allow themselves or business to be forgotten." "No good citiren can afford not to vote. That is both his privilege and his duty his duty to himself, his family, to society and his country. Let no lover of o-ood government, who has the interest and welfare of his county and State at heart, neg lect so great a responsibility-." Found at lasi! Art Treas ures of the I World's Fair and Midway Plaisance. 500 su jaerb Art reproductions and Discriptive History of ths World's Columbian Exposi tion. Kvcrything new; and just think of it! FrKE TO ALL, from to-daj?- up. Call at our store and learn all about it. O. NEWMAN. Owing to the fact that our office has been over run this week with, printing election ticket;;, cic, our paper is a little late. It v. a .- our ic-nsure this v. eel: to visit K. Citv ;md the Park Fair. While there we met many oui ru-iy s had iu-r A as line! hoped to s. 'iiiKv was I ;r:'rr . 1 u: alien Those who owe lis anything a :;s( i' t , -..- - : i : t'.t j . t a A A . i l ' - . . T i a .ivnr to on ,af -ivr rw; and settle. Wo need money and must have it to carry on our busi- you can't pay i r vou VorliGU. :d. v. no-.-. ,;a couiiu r.o.:.-w -i t f?-"1.,. - 1"' v- ..1 v u", .snoari tnc-v .j vaj.oi j .... ar , j .-j, inn and i i (kiu: : .-stooii aside? rum, Privott, . and vou'Il --t iVr ;-oO'.i ui'i, eacekent .biCv.-;saia! men worthy arai -vc; v wav roiu patent. Awake, awake! if you .( .t-l;-' iue S a. . e an-' '.ic-teat r I i m the ,kC: i . : i C u u ; : .' - 1 ' a .ale-re-., -o late .s o-.a. i - - - -;.;o;ad Sleep on 1 am: I -. t ... i, , . ; i - . eV'-T S e ;a srre to can trie aur.u-.? on oi - air renders t tk.e ad vcrUsemeut j . . . i I P'. Hi!OtMer column aunou:icni j la very interestiuo sale by Pub-j Auction of Business and Res-! , , !V!'-nti-3i property to oc conduct- i vet n on .donoavj , , i, ' - Ti i ., ! e; bv jsiessrs. x'atimll ibroa..!.,., - Louucil win i . - , The--- aietiont.trrs of Norfolk, Va.. in tm tov.-n n the premises on Nov 24 at 1 p.m. As the list com prises j 1)ro;ertv o; everv description, an ,-vee eni 00001 ai a is ouercu to secure a nome or a so it n A an t profitable investment. Any information desired be fore the d-av of sale can be had by communicating with Messrs. Pannill Bros., Norfolk, Va. A WOULD-BE DETECTIVE TIIUKATKXS TO JAIL MR.SCIIULTZ INTO TROT RI.H. The Roanoke Jit aeon, publish ed at Plymouth says: On Tuesday -Aipfht Mr. Mark Orange, of Hdchton, claiming to be a detective.eame to Plymouth and while under the influence of whiskey made such threats against Mr. D. Schttltz as to lead his (the detective's) arrest. It seems that some years ago a gentleman in Delaware was rob bed of a gold watch and a large sum of money, and the inside case of the watch had the man's name and some other inscription on it. The detective succeeded in finding the ease in the possess ion of a party in E. City,and that party proved that he got it from Mr. Schttltz, whereupon the de tective came with the ease to Mr. Schult'., who admitted that he once owned it and said he bought it from a colored woman in Ox ford. Oaring the conversation the detective threatened to jail Mr. Sehultz but "he could not show any papers so Mr. Schultz refused to go to jail, and at once got out papers before Justice Armistead charging the detective with blackmail. The detective was arrested by officers Tucker and Datham and the ease tried at ') o'clock Wednesday morning. After the evidence was given the prosecuter saw that the prisoner -T-i ..l'i J aa-a mane a laisiaKe wiue unuei 1 the influence oi whiskey, audi asked that trie case be dismissed, This little circumstance ought j to prove a lesson to men, thatj while transacting business of any kind, it don't pay to get to full of j "King Barleycorn, for drunken men are liable to get themselves into trouble an well os- their friends. TWO LIVES SAVED. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, III, was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. Kings New Discovery completely cure d her, and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Kggers, 139 Florida St, San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful sold, approaching Consumption, tried witkout result everything else then bomht one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weekL as cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, ol which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine In Coughs and Colds. Fre trial bottles at W.I. Leary's Drug Stsrc. Rcgnlar size 50. and f roc. 5 FAIR PREMIUM LIST Will not be published, due to fact that it could net be gotten ready for the printer in time but is now completed and the premiums will be paid by calling at the store of Bond & Jones. Jko. C. Bond, Sect'y, All persons wishing wires run for , Telegraph, Telephone or Electric Light, call on Lewis Hobbs. Edenton, N.C. CO i:-rr.'.;:r. I7KM3 UEWRTSD BY OVk v: v iTTtMizsns. r a, 4s j.v -i. , r. " . : ! a !:orsc oi 1 Hat: i i;r -i ' - CoUill niy i r v. - - . s;u fre-,: liar: . Ik i; inj visit : r - ; last Saturdav aoout 24 1 . .n i ; - air'; ur:t:i inia- tori cuts. k-u-k'sckool p:c-ii:e at ia:-r j-i:-;r.sU.-y w as u cniirlren n;cu e y . s -:s Gcorrrie Brown, of lIur - a:d her c-kter MjssJ i i J v 3 . il'.! iOOl , a - -. p.-r visit sit i il! ,,a: ..ap - ear the -,vas in tistChureii k p-x.-i.' .-i . ' his ;est set m eo ; i . . . r;r ! f W ,t niidtt also one SunaaN- -veiling ; on war! The! in. ..ead v. - .li.-.-re. aelioiT, an -a trath :n:U . i ; i irUi, :-r- t;iCi- l': l-l- ' ' !..-.., ;f !j : iO cia,:;i 'S:i-c. ,'Vr.: v; -lis i: . - :: ;vi slia TJ: Hv. . ; " ! TV ill'--. i' -." a it i v.' , y; ; P.: :i so :ai! Dare. Except rvreet cut .ei of lorent Durv., i' n-;: r .li-.j; e, Wi:j.- Ua-;i::i oi Liiy :-acl lot. o'er and o : . Of ho-.v the wild winds Sh-ai the siorniv ?ea. Of how thev looked in; xor atap,- t re ast toionv. We couple not thy xiamv so lair With aukht hut fame Virginia Dare. Two coiitiiioiils elaira this child, tv.-o co:iL;-i:e:as iTioarn her loss. 'Tis ever thus uuite-d, the diadem and cross. I;or her, the .oldeti link, v;Jiich on oar histories tage,5 IU1 old and ntw world in one Let uaiiar.:; then, thy tame tlcciaie. -ro trail vc. Vircania Dale. Pa;t hl and best, we love thee Sor t'-.-as teion this fiod, The S-icrameiitnl waters, made thee a oca Th.- .let of all thy race scrape was eiveu, Carolina knew no octte to v. r.orn 11ns gift, to lead -Vr.-: 'V- thy sotd to Heaven Then let us breathe tiiv -ia:ne with eare, Ot.r roaatrv's Child, Viripma Dt-e. Atanteo. a.. -. Oct. -si. 1 . .aai'.ita . Rcirs Co-.-rected Weekly by Tcle araph by J. W. PERRY COMPANY, COTTON FACTORS AN P. COMMIS SION .MERCHANTS. KokI'OT,k, VA., Nov i. 1894. CoT'fo.a Makk;:T, (Juiet. Strict Middling. Miftdlina Strict Low Middlini; Low Middling Rlucs PiiAMt'TS, De'l. Fa tic v 5 '4C S .! ;C 4?;lc P.laa. 2c Pi,;' ck tlYii i KAS Pilme Stock, ra-r i-a .f.oo Vt- carrv a lar;re slock o 'all weights t, Pea :id Ties, feel weai: vlAi'tM a? T V ?KO Attention In time to any irregularity of tht Stomath., Liver, or Bowsls may prevent serious s 3ffh consequences. ( "-j iiH-y4 I n rl i ! p s t i o n . : ' r&L. cost iv en ess. nau- WiWMCi aiui ver- 1(1115. tigo inlRtc certain func tional derange ments, the best remedy for which is Ayer's rills. Purely vege table, ragar-coatctl, easy to take and quick to assimilate, this is the ideal family medicine the most popular, safe, and useful aperient in phar macy. IMre. 2.1. A. 3r.0CKWELL, Harris, Term., says: "Aver's Cathartic Tills cured me of siclt headache and my hustand oi neuralgia. W9 think there is No Better Medicine, an'! have induced many to use it. "Thirty-five years s0 this Spring, I was ran down by hard work and a succession of colds, which made rr so feeble tliat it was an effort for n;e to walk. I consulted the doctors, bet "kept sinking lower until I ha4 piven up ail bore of ever being tetter. nrrenir.g to he in a itoie, one day, where medicines were cold, the proprietor noticed my weal: and tiekly an A, after a few questions ns to my health, recom nen.led me to try Ayer'c Pii!3. I had Httlo faith hi thrse or r.r.y other raedicir.e, but conehidcd, r.t hist, to take his ad rice and try a bo-x. Before I had used tlieni all, I waa very muh l-ctter, and two boxes cured me. I aaa now ?0 years old ; but I believe that if it had rot been for Acer's Tills, I should hare been in rsy gr.iTe leag ago. I buy 6 boxes every year, -.Tliieh maKc 210 boxes np to this time, and I would no mere to with out them than withota tread." II. II. Ingraham, Eockland, Ks. AVER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective C TT f g n a 1 F' U 6 V 2- 5.1 ff I ! - mc3ns un wju w more th n I You. agine serious and' - ; 4" I 1 nr.-- v.':- 3 ! I : ?? -. ! c J k :-, - i j : j t Af M W M t j Cc-nat!pc!ti-cn. V;:! y'od j "p Malaria, Ikrwus a'?w.;a ?" , Cct";;? mo- 7. v. cf t v..". r.7. r & v i : ! of ; 6 BHCvva chc: CO. EAUTiMOPE, MO. f e i or re1 ' iT'..r r T rt f 1.-- -iuoU id f n 1 ' i ax u y 1 1 W"1 r n U r J j S i 3- v I a i iV ) II ;ttl ! St. iiousii a:;d SIGN work .&Wii&-'-r&- (:one prompiiy, fem cheapl.v. and at .':s.rP S!lort ur)ce. i; 9$v&$ -T-iR ?Vcs '.i "0" Satisfaction :;avk--;s' mi ran teed. Wo soil only the finest and freshest Groceries and IVui suit tho people. Cive us a call and be coa- vi need. J. s. Capeiieart & son. CaleSs. ioa can gtt yotiv meals at ali hours by stopin at trie Hos-taurant near the depot. First class accomodations Mrs, Martha Simpson Xj taunt Ht. . Pliilip McDonald, CUcanha- and Dying CiotliC'S. Work done in ilrit uiass style and satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Cail area see him. Prices low. Any work sent by mail will receive prompt attention. BUCKLEN'S ARNI-'A SALVE The Beet Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Te" Chappe Hands, J :ilblain3 Corns, 1 1 ail Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfectsatiofaction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per bos. For sale by W. I Lo.ary. Drugniot. Plmwlsh Spavin Liniment removes all Hard. Soft, or Calloused Lamps and Blemishes from iio. scs. blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints. Sweeny, Riiv.(-bonc, Stifles. Sprain:-:, ail swollen Throats, C.iu.'dii... etc. Save 50 by use of one bottk. Wan . nted the most wonderful Blemish care known. Sold by V. I. Leo. lra.'rc:irn, bldentou. s&ti P. Yaf'ttmf 'A ta W fas Slff? 13 THE BEST. c-th'-r ic3 for Ocntlcnitri, Ladles, I'-oy3 ,'n 1 Hiss's lire ttie Bosi In the World. See descriptive a lvertiso Ei. iit whieh appears iu this Trie Sat-.stitcta. 0XM DOCOLA SHOE?, d"ik; aainc ami price ""n. .fe-' - stamped ou bottom, hold by F Oll SALE. Two 1 vear old male Hoys, Berkshire and White Chester.;; I purchased them iu kennsyl vania and can recommend them to be thoroughbreds. ; For further information .apply to J. N. Elliott, Edenton, N. C. FARM FOR RENT. The Coke Farm now occupied by Air. Ik F. Elliott. It is one mile from Edenton. Apply to Frank Wood. THE ONLY SHOE POLISH .r tr- . r "j. ; ?!r.:iufacturcr u I.ei.iit:. r of j j s'on ; .' . a. . -t. I j Roofing and Quitting A.i 1 v.. .Ul'tLlv tk:k :n ivoeuton. j Fox. UK. "-ft- 'tf ft". 1' edhntc3m n. c. -:::t:-:rt i IJkJkk'liaaka'k:: b,, i extracting anal plate work; no! ' elieap materials u.-ed and nuthin' ! -. I L t : ictio ao:e. ; or no .a i pa v. Ll kf ll i A tl I i i ' 4. : . . . i . ces reasauaDle. OFFICE i II S '2 '6 tO I 2:50. 2 tO 6. "s - t 1 .k..:-v . v-. 'kvkk.V;t "R-1 - , s-,V i.'ia.i'ANV. N.,im i J it . . - t 1. rr.tcnl:?." r-.m rrivf:- ?: r a-.ciiti'Jii . i:ii'r a rft'ja . ; arr o - 7a - 11.1 Svi:.. beta City.. :P) s bei e-, v for icoaiteV- ; !. i''ri;-.'v rifii fSiimlav I P-r?H. and At- lantic v Nr-vt.a i '-aso!); a a. ( .1 ,n an.; t;.o V. i; a i: . NVn- ;p.onio ui.d I No:-': b. la it. I The ( 'oeapauy V- Suva 1 :v,:-, Transfc -; v daily (ex- "ton 12. -a p.ra. as fa Steamer to Id koy V 1 zept aundav) vv-jt'j 1 a i! Ters forlloiMir a 1 Pantego, PeHairen. nnectiiig with Ste& Ilavru ):; for Haklej'vilie, Aurora, South Or e-k , WahLin-ton and iutei modictti lar. d iae.j. . Steamer Plyruoui., dai!y, (exetpt Sunday,) at 1":M p. m.. and ? p. ni for Plyaioiitlv. Connecting with Steamer Hertie ior .'. i ; -P-o r . Steamer Warner. Ttajsdiy, Thais day and Saturday for Caowsit, River', Wedncaday for Avoca and Sal mon Crock, and Monday and Fridaj for Seuppernong River. Norfolk passenger and freight satiorj at Norfolk and Western Railroad Depot. Througli tickets on sale and baeagt checked to all prineipal points. o EASTEKN C'AUOLIKA DISI'ATCH. AND PASSEN(JEK KG LITE. Regular line of steamers bet'. veer New Berne, an 1 Elizabeth citv, A. & N. C. R Ii., and v. N. & N. if. II. Daily all rail service bet ween Edenton. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk. Through cars, as low rates and quicker time than by any other route. Direct all goods to be shipped by Eat ern Carolina Dispatchers follows: From Norfolk by N. & H. R. R; Baltimore by p w. & B. e. it.; President St. Station. Philadelphia by Pennsylyauia R. R. Dock St. Station. New York by Penn sylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River. For further information appb E. WOOD, Agent, Etlenton. N. th, or to the General Office of the N. & S. R. R. Co., Norfolk, Va. 31. Iv. KIN(L General Manager. H. C. 1IUDGINS, G. F. & P. Agt. $bemar!e Steam Navigation Co. mmm' oliie, OblO. II. WITIIivV, .MAsri-.R. Leaves Edenton every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 4 a.m., connecting atTuuis"with trains for Norfolk and Raleigh. Connecting at Franklin with trains for Norfolk, Raleigh and Atlanta. These are sure connections and we hope the public will show their appreciation bv patron izing the "Old Reliable." R. A. PRETLOWs Sup't. r. 3 t - ir. JUST RECKIVKD. A large lot of the above hand some chairs by L F. Z25GLER. FURNITURE DEALER, Wliich will be sold ior only All those wishing a good smoke wilt try my ;-t oiitixG Clcu cigar; the best 5 cent cigar on earth. H. e. WILLIAMS. t-.4 V r?:l pt) .i -i . y - mpiy sacks P'tiia on aeiiverv at i Tr? - ... . or on jn. 5C S. points on Chow- I an aiicl SeuDeIlon2, rivers oh, 1N IT 1 i i seeiued the service:, of MlfS PARKS one of a.i iakkomk le Milliner:; of ivaltiniorc, I am io tp-ninh am li.u- triimm d iv. the latest City now prepa; v ; styles, ami invite mi my kkmh: amiiK. I ka"e a:i anu-iaally i sen I ohuae will km! p to ikeiv interest to pet the n rices that defv coiPpetHPn i w. j naa ' t o k'riiact ve,,-pd 1 am j i -; i sent by us will reach you s.iklv rind -n Lime. Tney will ycrmiuatc frocrly win n ynu have sown them. And they will grow true to name. If you arc one of those who do not know from experience that ther e aic more than advertising churns, ask the Ex periment vStatityi of your State how our seeds rank as to purity,and then send us an ordera small one if you like. If the mail or express doesn't deliver the package prompt ly we duplicate the order duplicate it a dozen times if neccessary. We want to supply you with cveiy sted that yoes into your garden or is needed on your farm. Our customers through out the Southern States think we can supply them a little better than anybody else. We would like "you to make the acquaintance of our catalogue, tue one' 1'rof. Price of Texas calls "the ideal seed hook." It isn't writ ten for the North or the West. Free to any address. .r, - . Dealer iu iilife And Vine qJ&-'" Tobacco and Cigars. Fresh Seer On Draught every day. Your visits will he appreciated, rio "Oysters stewed and on half-shell at all hours,, up stairs, over Bar. SL25 toJ "2' vz Portraits Made to Order and given away at our store. Being desirous of showing our customers that we highly appreciate their trade, will offer forkt short time to make you 1 crayon portrait from any picture you desire when you have rarchased from time to time iS worth of goods. These Portraits are made by artists of world wide reputation and thev guarantee a correct likeness of the picture you bring us. : Vrhere is no family but possesses pictures whichkire highly treasured, and which they want copied but cannot always afford to have the work done. We have contracted for a large number of handsome frames in anticipation of giving away a number of these por traits, and can sell you one at a very low price. Calkat once and get a Cash premium ticket before they are all gone. Our prices on goods are as low as the lowest, and wc want your trade. Don't forget, you can get them only of New York Clothing Store, TV. 2 isiliKMS IJropriotoi Broad St EDENTON, N. G t I "I ! f-a iur oished and y ior Rates &c. address CSi OvOv V C w kS. and pat urn.-; to call and ex. large sb ek of Milincry this d rill Petrol's 1 :'P-Tli1l11r ti nm- l " i - Respectfully, .-.b TV orio IK", A'n 1 1 ' isrt ife KiaMk