Newspaper Page Text
i i i zr-- 1 i I . LETTER FROM SECRETARY )!!(. (J. BALTIMORE'S PENNAN T. Monumental City Still Hold The Championship. JOY IN BALTIMORE. BALTIMORE AND CLEVELAND TO I PLAY FOR THE TEMPLE CUP. IJOIHI. It is the earnest desire of the Association to have its hall and The Baltimore base ball club has apain won tli Moh-.,i League Pennant. The beautiful flag floats from the flag staff of the American building:, and the SPEEDPROGRAM. The following is the pro gramme of races that will take place at the Eden ton Fair, and we urge all to be present and required "v-cxiiux uie laitMul "rooters i. l-.l m. I a ro -i , . .1 ' . , n-ounu.s cruwueu wiui specimens uiiuwin? witn iov. ,t products ol our section and to 1 he team plaveel fast ball from I onic tne sp cnclici contribu- the very beginning of the season ,i i. ,1 """"h" iuuu pusiiea hv i-ueniium ,uio inu'iv. u vuuiauic ami 1 i , ' p. 1 ink-resting icature to our i-airs. "1U' vvai generally picked , - : P"IU1U and I wish to urge the necessity e Wlnn-r. The game which of :i:aking entries tarly and re- clinched the chauiDionshin for ,1 . . I . . r witness the interesting contests: Tuesday, Oct. 22: At 12 o'clock, Boy's Bicycle race, for boys under 16 vearsr half mile. Purse mnn . . $5 00 ... 2 to Third premium 1 zn T?,,..!. - J uuuii uiemium 1 A age, sex and color of the animal should be given, with the names of the sire and dam, if known, and also the name and residence of the owner. The Society reserves the right to change the program so as to substitute one day's trial for an other to meet the casualities of the weather. Should the weath er be so inclement on any day of tne air veek as to prevent the Manager from starting- the races, such races, at the option of the Executive Committee, may be declared "off and the entrance money for ihem refunded. Four entries and three staiters No money paid on a TYPOGRAPHICAL KKROn. PEKHArS Viewing the Farm Implements. jonroLk 4 SOUTH KIIN COMPANY. Mail Train c , 13 express Train lr.- Daily (except Suiilari Or.... T " . .. - J I .orroik TI .m UAILKOAD Edenton a. nj" -Is this the horse jot walk-over. TOWN AND COUNTRY. 00 ci: t that all ntrirs lr mnrlp tlip Drinlcc. i j .i . "wv. ----- wiiuiv.3 was piuyeu witn :New ZrVZZ"' M" Yoik Saday last, Haiti- r.,n1in1n, will nWnr,u v... I re Winning by a score of 5 to l i V ' v ..... - ..... ' -. A V V V J J the various committees (already At 2. p. m. Trotting, mile heats, 3 in 5; horses raised in North Carolina. Purse S50.00: First premium Sac 00 Serntirlnrpniinui . , c tcdj early Wednesday Baltimore and Cleveland will Third premium vrn : 1 1 . i -it I 1 . - - I - J mm earns ana riDDons now piay a series ot frames for th fourth nrem nm - ....a ...1,.,.. L . ' 0 " r w At 3 p. m., Running- Race, for attaciicd, wiicn award books will Temple cup c: -. is.espectiuiiy, J xo. C. Bond, Sec'ty In many respects there is very little difference between the life of the farmer, or the countryman generally, and the life of the in habitants of our North Carolina towns. And vet in some respect there is some difference. For instance the farmer has many privileges that the inhab itants of even small towns do not enjoy. He can have his orchard, his stock, his milk and butter, his poultry and garden products, EXCURSION RATES. 1 he railway and steamboat lines will give the usual excur sion rates for passengers, and thus aid the managers in getting out a big crowd and making- the Fair a success. Wood B. Byei advertised? t v 01 i 1 . t-imiiip ti tj. .... Wood B. Byer-There must hare t lbe aT Su,ucrji leavo Eden been some mistake made io the print- i?-n , "v,8,an,r I'ljmoutb at ing of the adrertisement. It said the FeVrv wVit JmUth Ti Mackey'a uorse was nve years old and worth s I ROIJp i, Kr. n,J ZflKe for vv uwiai . iMvio 1 you mean nunared years old and worth fire dr lars? Judffe. TO REOPEN. with teanr V l""M,?" d I lersrillw 1 Ii.V.r i . Jor Ivv 1 .'-twin, oouin Lieek an.l V -hm8ton and intermediate Undine a"d sieamer Bertie for Windanr k Steamer WaKner. 12:45 P-m-.Tuendar u v.a w I 1 V I Riv The Cranberrv irnn ,nJnM ;., n,ou Creek, and M il "!; Low rates nf fnre will hiiI-p Jr XTcfQ t. '. . I for Scunnernono' - rmajr MiuuinuiiH Carolina, wiiicn I Vorfn- oi . -,:t,i r i 1 t. i t i ... , , . 1 rwuKer :s tat t puMiuic mi muse miosc liounes ucch sum uowu lor three are an.l v-i.";. .oriolk .. vCI 11 'Miliroaj I..lw L' : -t . . . . I ..An . , I 1 (riL'in . . . I . I . . IV r . 1 N. 'l J-ft T-v l . - - 1 1 111 An . 1 in. iiciifiiuuiiiisj or remote 1 j " "4v- unci uv n "jpviuu "sut unvt " o - i j 1 Tk.A...l... . large iorce 01 men. COMMON SENSE SAVINGS. Purse,' To Two Men Ciu'inatt'd ville. X. C, a small consumed bv fire on n.i v at o clock a. m. Tues- o'clock a. m. In the iiu-'.s- was (rcorge Knight, of the nci'il) .jrhood, and James Sloan, of joiiL-sboro, both of whom were ley were drank and cremated. Tl white lii'jn t good families. The fire is supposed to have been and manv thino-s whii-h the Heats in each day's race may npnnlp ff frt, A , t rr -w .1 1- I f -v iii. vuv. lunii uvj iivj l nave. come off alternately, according to ; A . , . r , tl1P nrrc,.fM10 aioo. this he is fortunate, and the Hir;r nrpnimm & I . .vl I 4- 1 i u a. No n,atter how good the deaco,, Second nren is, lie will look wise and oleased I Third nreminm e nnLi.J. :- t. to ... 3 r x j i incir ixjsmon. io nrem nmc hnvp tint paid to distanced or ruled-out Qn the other hand the towns- Horses, nnri n linr;e r mfannnnr the field will receive only first peple 1,ave SOnie advatages money. over tne country people 111 the Races shall be governed by wa' of school and church con- the rules of the National Trot- veniences, and some other things, ting Association. But the country people should All r- 47 X Aii premiums tor speed classes not envy the townspeople on win oe pam oy tne Treasurer on th- nf At the distillery of Tom Ros r, twelve miles north of Fay- if anybody suggests that he was Fourtli premium X I ,1 i.i.t i . , . . . . a pretty lively young fellow when he was a boy. No matter how pious he appears to be, his re ligion will not be hurt by seeing! the speed contests at our lair. ise 1 bv their carelessness. Seek the company of those whose intercouse and eonversa tiou will instruct, elevate and re fine. See our fair because it abounds in examples that will stimulate, educate and gratify. Saturday of Fair week, upon cer tificate from the Finance Com mittee. Respect The Aged. -- 1.1. 7 1 j 1 . ine wnoie uie tiling- is about equal. And what we wish to say is this : Let neither towns people nor country people envy each other, nor be inimical the We have a very big lesson to one towards the other, for there learn, we big people in this big js need for the work and sphere vuuti. xxiiva wc JHU5L UCJlll ai or all He'll be there, you bet. KILLED BY A BOILER EXPLO SION. Wednesday, Oct. 23: At 12 o'clock, Bicycle Race, open to all riders in District, Experience a jewel, and it n ,. !5 .auuuUC5u,iunus oiten First nrpniill m . rrA. j " 7 7 7. W1 . purchased at a bio- nrice But J 1 3 , - ucKim""S dim UUb li5 to There is sometimes a disposis --. diil ottema premium o 2 c I cultivate rati enee -rit1i t1irvc I . .1 . . . . the nvnprip,, ti,j,j - , er: . " on part ot t li e .... ilv. KCt ui oui pcuuuui 3 75 wno are older than ourselves, country people to feel iealous fair can be bought for a small fourth premium 2 50 True respect is born of patience. when the town flourishes but it sum as compared with its worth. At 1 o. m . Trottino- mile 11 ,,as Placed 111 our keeping oueht not to be so. heats, 3 in 5, 2:50 class. Purse Sme ag SU -?r"S t0 llourish Whenever towns flourish the It is well to hone for sueeess $50.00: T 1Jr"tect .U"U1 "Ji.55 w country will flourish. Kvery ex- First premium ooaZ t" "J "a eollar made and accumulated Second premium 12 50 , r 11 T -i T 1! . Jl M tne towns makes a new chance Dremium 7 cn A & ' Ior tne countryman to sell more piCllllUIll 7 50 r.nll.f rl nr matter ixrlinf tli jm - , ----tow. reauny wnac ne may oriug to 3di.iiinjc 10 oniseives may oe, no (market At 2 much better to deserve it. That is the motto we follow in the conduct of the Edenton Fair. A special from Way Cross, Ga., says: Henry Carpenter, a plant svstem engineer, and three lies rocs were killed by a boiler ex- phsuMi early Tuesday morning at a saw null near Alexauderville, (':'... ua the west coast line of the .1 . . . . 1. A tin ostein. arnenier was Third Fourth premium. ... z j samnrp to nnrse vps mnv ne n a j . v, . uliirKC Anu so tne country p. m., Trottimr, mile matter what strain it entails ups people, the farmers, are as mnrh t - I TIT . .!. ' neats, 3 111 5, 2:40 class. Purse on our pauence. we must not benefitted by the prosperity o 100.00: torget tiiat a day may and prob- the towns as are the townsnennle ably will come to us when we PrUtiV"ki i'fmQnf of a- n near A kicker is generally a man who is not busily engaged in any "",,uv-M Wl "i own. i ne man T!. ., i Mirer nrpviinun - ..... lllllllin , ...... .7Vy - till 1 w V.AV1VV,111V.11L UV.111 ciw who kicks about our fair is do- Second premium 25 00 shall be old; when the mind will a low ebb, it is now an opportune ing something he has 110 business Third premium 15 00 not be so quick to perceive and time to consider these things. Fourtli premium 10 00 l. usianuing so reaay to There are seasons when some duboro. na as we mn.ister to men, purely for political pur s u. in.. JXUIiIlllltT. UlllC rnnse wnn are ill nnr Lreeninfrl i 1 1 r Vntlilnn-ro,, k ,. , j 1 1 , - o 0 7 ; "-t""a uuscs, sceK 10 siir up nairea 01 i Dili 1 II cr pn n ne neenm t-vl ichor) I Iieotc - 111 - IJin-c-o Cr-..- I , 1 .11 1 I Q 1 ! 44wc-Jj ilx x i" UOW, our IlimibirailOn Sliail Dd the ranntnr nPnrv1ft fAvride fl, -.1 I III I -wiAxfc. 1.VU1V. WOVVU1UJ without labor, and with it noth- First premium $25 00 seen by those following close bes townsneonle Surli men's menn. iii. v .tiiji 1 1 1 r 1 . 1 . - . 1 1 11 - ------ - - - w his engine while the Ulg 1S t0 dlfficult' but the man f,econd premium 12 50 hind, who will some day minis- ness is too detestable to be named towns, to visit the Fair and see the magnitude of the glory, prog ress and supremacy of the age in which we live, as easily, quickly, pleasantly and cheaply as those who reside at or near the grounds. The Edenton Fair this year will bear the same relation to the Albemarle sectiou, as the World's Fair did to the country at large. Like the patriot's boast, "where'er we roam his first best country is at home," every heart and eye and tongue should ring with enthusiasm the praises ot the Fair of 1895. inose wuo miss tne fair tnis year themselves will iie'er forgive, And their regrets with years will grow the stronger, They'll repent of their folly as long as they live, And 110 one can tell how many years longer. OUT OF DATE. 1 V J O rr 'I shall send to the fair," said Parmer Aaair, Tl , .7 . iiirounil t irbota . checked to allprinciyrr M!,-IIX CUtOMVl rvia.. ...... .'.1 A1V II. PHHIftHT T.TTJV AND PASSEXUEK KOUTR New jjerne, aud Elizabeth cit,, A A V' "-.and W. N. & X u o Norfolk' e,phi' naIti"ore and timlt ?"Kh.car8 88 ,ow ratenand q nicker tJ'tiethan by any other route. ."'I" Kopds to l RhiP,Hd by Kaat w : . y n- ; naitinu.rt. iv e k-: President St. .Station. A uiih iHinnia .... 11 . A cabbage head, large and round. Dock St StTf !,? v UU?P 'Twill be hiyppct .in.) .,.1 .1.:.. :J , .t-'?.Uitlon-New York bv lVnn. A bigger one ne'er can be found." iVr nmhi? V.'r ,,itf r But why do vou send."' ,aid ., E. U OOIKA ' r0;!! wise friend. I think that his name was Jim Bowlders "Why not take it yourself, and save vou pelf And carry the head on your shoulders." i" ".ntla1I.u, of the N. h. 11. K. (.0., Norfolk. Va. M. K. KING, (lonerul Manager. H.C. 11UDOINS, (. F. A p. AKt. 1. , . . train was waitni'r for orders to Uliu "tgiecia to take advantage caw tne saw mill, buddeuly 1 miuiues ior seeing tiu-large saw mill boiler exploded how labor can be abrido-ed fMltl 'lrniMif-or'i: lti-ol i-oc K1rvi-n i tnn... 1. 1 1 1 vduw.! o nv.nv.1 vvuo uiuivu unuuu in ccuun i cai contrivances a and jellied into smithereens, that are exhihitH nf fa; '....) i. i ,.i " , - , littinsr by mam streno-fh whnt The r-au UL accompiisned with the tinve negroes, employes of the ol lever power saw mill, were hurled into the third premium 7 50 ter to us. The years t'O bv verv Let the town love the country Fourth premium 5 00 quickly aud the position of the and the country love the town. 1 - 1 - young and the old and young is and we shall all be more con soon reversed. Then we shall tented, more useful and happier tully realize what a loving touch, withal. Scotland Neck Demo what little acts of kindness, what crat. and it could hardly be recognized as that of a w air by the explosion and their niaiiL'led ' bodies were thrown some distance. MUSIC AT THE FAIR. The assurance we have of bet ter times means an increased in terest, an enlarged exhibit, and a multiplied attendance at the coming Edenton Fair Let the Music hath its charms. people all turn out. There are Thv'iv's sure no mission in the human amine accommodations for nil soul , . ... i:ut finds its food in music. auu prices oi evervtinng are Nothing so absorbs the atteu- reasonable. tion, so beguiles the hours and so enlivens an occasion of this kind, to those who admire music, as the strains of melody produced by a good brass baud. The Society will take extra pains to provide a suitable musi cal program, one that will fasci nate by its extent, and general gaiety and lovelinoss. Our vis rtors can thus divide their time between listening to sweet strains t soul inspiring music, and viewing the interesting features of education and amusement that will abound. ihen.- is a charm, a power that sways the breast; liuls v.'very passion revel or be still; h'-l'in s with rage, or all our cares dis solves; '-'an sooth distraction, and almost de- srair; That power is music. Tlie entertainment will not be con lined to musical performances but there will be an exhibit of the instruments ol music, and the wares, productions and in ventions of musical tradesmen. A HORRIBLE DEATH. James Rollins, aged 23 years, et a sudden and horrible death Sunday night on the farm of -uilo Ande:son, located in a re mote portion of the county near Boyce Station, Tennessee. Rol hns was thrown from a frighten ed mule and trampled to death uuder its hoofs. Advertise! That's the way to Push your business. Such is the spirit of our age that all that is new, novel and attractive, in art, science, inven tion and sports, must be exhibits ed at our fairs," in order to satisfy the peonfe who natron ve nnd support them. Managers must recognize this demand and meet it. The people will not be satis fied with old methods or scenes The panorama must be kept moving, and new features and pictures must be presented each year in order to satisfy the pro gressive notions of our people. The managers of this fair realize the situation they are in, and will strive to make it this year as broad, as high and as splendid as possible. Fair week well spent brings joy and content, An increase of pleasure and learning; But fair week neglected, whatever is expected, Biings a year of sorrow and yearning; KO WORDS WASTEtt Thursday, Oct. 24: At 1 p. m.. Trotting, mile heats, 3 in 5, three minute class Purse 50.00: First premium .$25 Second premium 12 Third premium. 7 Fourth premium 5 At 2 p. m., Trotting, mile heats, 3 in 5, free to all. Purse $200.00: d:4. - x iist picmnmi IOO OO Second premium. - 50 00 Third premium 30 00 Fourth premium 20 00 00 5o So 00 When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Hiss, she clung to Casfioria. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. A man's individuality is what brings him success, but the indU vidual that stays away from out Fair is looking backward to wards failure and dispair. Runnings half- Purse At 3 p. m mile, 2 in 3, free to all. $30.00: I.': i "si premium ..15 00 Second premium 10 00 Third premium c 00 Friday, Oct. 25: At 12 m., colt race, two years old. Purse $30.00. At 2. p. m., Matcir Running race. At 3 p. m., mule raceu Purse 20.00: First premium.-. $10 00 Second premium 7 50 Third premium 2 50 All entries for these trials of speed must be made with the Sec retary of the Society on. or before 5 o'clock p. m. of the day pre vious to the race, and be accom panied by ro per cent, in cash of the whole purse, except where otherwisestated. In entering horses, the name, cf !?V m pa kt Mi nr. iliss Shoppy What size? a constant presence, what true consideration and respect means to the aged soul! The attentions which the aged sometimes de mand may be a little exacting at times. But let us rejoice that we are given an opportunity to re turn some consideration to the life from which we sprung, and 111 part to meaure the blessings which were poured on us night and day when we were helpless. Nothing that can come into the memory of man or woman can be more precious than the re membrance that, when we had the opportunity, we did all we could do, in respect, love and ten derness, lor those who preceded us into a greater life to come. They welcomed us to this earth: we bade them farewell from it. But they will welcome us again, and our welcome there will be much in the way as we bade blorc Forcible Than Polite tnein lareweii iiere. We live m 8CJPERFl.COr8 CAt'TIOW Ibemarie Steam Navigation Co. won i :iijx.i : OhO. 11. WITIIKY, Masti-k. Leaves Kdenton every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 4 a.m., connecting at Tunis with rains for Norfolk aud Ralcmh. Connecting at Franklin with Mistress (to new pirl who is abont irai"s lor rs orlolk, Raleigh and to taite a walk witn the two children) I Quanta. Now, Nina, be sure not to let any gtrang-ers kiss my Lisa or dear littli Charley. Flieeende lilaetter. The vast majority of the peo ple in this section of North Car olina have, 110 doubt, seen baK loon ascensions, and for this rea son there will be no balloon as censions this year at the Fair. Other and newer attractions in abundance. Come and see them. THE GROUNDS. Silas This! Judpo. here now, but not for always. And the more tender our fare well of them the more loving will be their welcome of us.- Edward K. Bok, in Ladies Hovie Journal. A Yadkin county correspou dent of the Statesville Landmark tells how a widow resented tie thought that she would like to marry again: "One of our wealthy and influential citizens a wid . n i ovver reren r v rn pn on a m m m -m . . I "7 - -w v iwo tJiiHiren uurncu to elderly lady with a view to mat IJl l l II. runnntr UHion clin Vm.mJ ,.,V.n4. i iiiiysiiy . v 11V.U OHV. 1UUUU he was after she deliberately i wo cnuaren o t Andrew walked to the kitchen and out on i 3 r I . . loung, a coioiea iarmer living a kettle ot water, and when it in Princess Ann county, Va., a Lwas thoroughly boiling she pro- Doy ana a gin, agea 7 ana 9 years l ceeded to scare him awav bv respectively, were mirned tolpounno- the boilino- water on death last Saturday night under I him belore he knew what was most distressing circumstances, j up. in some way tne House caught on fi rp nnd rncrpttipr witTi itc onn tents, was entirely destroyed, the I WentV YeaiS FfOOt, screams of the children awaken- Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow- JIIX l""cula KJllly IHlime IO ole 1 n nifii m nti'nn J .1, . .. I v-i. axi iiavui ailliuuunaiiu vlCciilSU the system of all impurities An t 1 . r 1 CURE FOR HEADACHE. aDSOm cure ior sick neaaacne, As a remedy for all forms of Head- dvSpepSia, SOUf Stomach, COn- therybS. "iSS S" StiPati0Q cure and the most dreaded habitual sick I i headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a R. P. mJtVi fMlocVunv T bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. . , ' "w la cases of habitual constipation Elec- wntes I don t knOW how I COuld trie Bitters cures by giving the needed j -.l t 1. t. 1 tone to the bowels, and few cases long " WltnOUt them. I have had resist the use of this medicine. Try it T Iwr ,cM .r once. Large Dottles only Fifty cents at I -ww-v.. v.. nv-Hijr W. I. Leary's Drugstore- 2 vears. Am now ntirplv nirml. Tutt's Liver Pills The Fair grounds are beauti fully located at the head of Main Street, within a hundred yards of the railroad. Our buildings are large and handsome. Our main building is a twoNstory oc tagon and will accommodate thousands. We have larre and well constructed box stalls for trotting horses, and good accom modations for all other stock and poultry. With our large and commo dious buildings, our fine cattle sheds, our spiendid race track our excellent water, and with our earnest endeavor to accommo date exhibitors, they cannot but be pleased with a visit. Our lalf-mile track is perfectly leve has easy curves, with a long straight home stretch. There will be many amusements. CLOSED ON SUNDAY. The genius of advertisement, work !ng in the brain of a Hrooklyn mer chant, 'has inspired a novel application of the ancient "sandwich man" device. He has equipped a big Newfoundland dog with sandwich boards and turns it loose to wander at will about the city streets. The dog is unusually large and handsome. Fastened on its back is a white oilskin coat, fashioned like an ordinary dog blanket, except that it Is so long as to almost sweep the ground, and painted thereon, in vivid colors, is an advertisement of the busi ness of the dog's owner. The dog seems to know his business, too, for he spends most of his time trotting up and down the shopping district of Ful ton Btreet, where the crowds are thick est. He is 'good-natured and frater nizes with the children who accom pany the shoppers, and ia manv wav makes himself conspicuous and ihua an These are sure connections and "ul' jjumic win snow their appreciation by patron izing the "Old Reliable." R. A. PRETLOW, Sup't. You can Write i! to us for anything in the I! Printing line and get it as H promptly aud cheap as by calling at the office. ' Why? I We make a Spe cialty of Mail Orders. What are you doing for the coming lair? The question of the Sunday opening of the Atlanta Exposi tion lias been settled by an overwhelming vote for closing. VERY APPROPRIATE. A correspondent asks: "What should a bow legged man do ?" This is a hard question to answer, but when he hasn't got anything else to do he should be whooping for wider styles in trousers. Washington Star. if Mothers' Friend " I have been a midwife for many years, and in each case where "MOTH ERS FRIEND" was used accomofished vot- dars ami shortened labor and lessened pain, it is the best remedy for RISING OF THE BEEAST known, and worth the price for that alone. Mrs. M. M. Brewster, Montgomery, Ala. Sent by Exvress or mail, on recelot of orice. Sl-OOper tottl. Book "To Mothers" mailed free. BRAOFIELO REGULATOR OO., ATLANTA, OA. old by au sxtraazm. SOMETHING NEW EDENTON. FOR J. W. Spruell has just openec a nrst class Peed Store on the corner of Broad and Water Sts. where the public can be summed with Hay, Corn, Meal, Oats, Ship stun, uran, Cotton seed meal,&c. at the very lowest market prices iso Keeps on hand Lime, Pricks pmngies, Posts, Sealing, Floor ing, &c. Wood will be furnish ed at low prices. I have also built a jrood lot o stables for the convenience of the public, where their horses can taken careof at a small cost, and be safe and protected from the bad weather. iuniDe men will find it to their interest to call and get my prices, roods delivered free to any steamer, train or anywhere in town. I have also a chicken depart ment where a nice lot of fat chickens are daily kept at market prices. ive me a call when in need of my goods and accommodations Respectfully, J. W. SPRUELL. FOR SALK. Three building lots on West Church street. One house and lot corner Church and Mosely streets, and two on Moselv si reei. All will be sold on easy terms. Apply to J. W. Spkcell. lumber 1? antes! V 'i't ..'ir.iieiy ' .-u ; I-- FARQUHAR .iriab'c 4 Fraction Feor; Saw Mil! ii ijnifK ;;.r-iinc Heart fcW.-i H'o-kn. airtn-iLv to fcX. 30.0 JetU villi Li. -iiit uttil n.,i!er from 11 i. 40 r.'X Horse roa cr. For full descriptive catalogue address. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., VOHK, PA. Address The Fisherman AFarmer. S3 rl- CD g? P "a o 3 0 CD W o 7? a, t3 O a p c-r-O o o o o a. S3 a - " n o - B 9 tr u c --I z gB? o pc a n n 2. o 5'" o" s c " 0 M 1 3 2. C H cr a c 5 n o V n ' " 2 rys 3 C ET 3 n a-n . o O n n 5 n 4 a cr s cr -i - n m o D.rt a ce J o 0 Ui c i O tr P w XL CD CD -t 1 H O CO CD O c-r o d f i o 2 W Ed BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The Beet Salve in the world fnrf.... Braise. Sores. Ulcer. tSalt Pi,. ' yever Sores, Tetter. ChaoDe ir.i Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Erur tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed t sV VVU ID f KFJ A. Forealeby W. I. Leary, Drnggiat.