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FISHEHMMN & FA(RMEfR Tne Official Paper of Choxaq County. oo-PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY.-X A. H. Mitchell, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE When Paid In Advance: $1.50 If Not Paid Iu Advance. nelivered at doors of city subscribers b carriers, as soon as from press, without extra charge. The Editor disclaims all responsibil ity for the views or statements of cor respondents, and reserves the right at all times to revise or reject any article he may think proper. Always sign your name to a news paper communication simply as a pledge of good faith. It will not be published unless you desire it. Uest advertising medium in the Dis tuct. Rates very moderate. Special rates on long contracts. All announcements and recommen dations of candidates for office, whether ia the shape of communications or otherwise, will be charged as adver tisemcuts. EDENTON, N.C. Dee. 15th, 133.5 Talk for Your Town. Stick to your town. If it is only a collection of cabins, stand by it and pick out its most at tractive features when speaking of it. Your share of the universe amounts to the place where your days are spent. Your city is the best of all cities, your people the loremostof all people. Taik it, preach it, teach it till the world believes it, and if you are in any way doubtful you will soon get to believing it yourself. Speak up lor your city. No matter where you are, pull for the place where friends are. That is the secret of progress. You can find plenty of objectionable features about any city. Make yourself as nearly oblivious as possible, to the shortcomings of your own. Remember that your people are the people that you know best. As a matter of course you are more familiar with them than you are with those of strain ;ers with whose good points on ly you become acquainted. Paint out the scars wlien you draw a picture of your home folks. L,eave out the blots when you chart your surrounding. If you practice a healthy, apprecia tive sentiment in speaking about your own environments you will soon forget your cynicism and your home will become what it should be, the fairest spot on eirth. Stick to your own city. Make its surroundings the most agrees able, its scenes the most beauti ful, its looation the most admir. able, its resources the nearest inexhaustible, of all the places in the world. Preach it, believe it and im press it upon others. You will be happier by cultivating such spirit of patriotism. Your friends will like you better, your asso ciation will be more agreeable, your work will please you better if you stick to your city and your people. Rome, Ga., Telegram METHODIST CONFERENCE. Rev. Jno. E. White. The Baptist church in Eden tou will soon be without a pas tor, Rev. Jno. E. White having been appointed corresponding secretary of the Baptist State con veutiou. The people of Edenton not only congratulate Mr. White unon the appointment, but the convention upon the wise selec tion it made. His gain is our loss, and while his church here exceedingly regret his departure, yet they surrender with the best of feeling and wish lorhim all the success possible. Me is a good preacher, and has won for himself the love of our cutiie people. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, iu cities, is doing a grand work in punish inr those brutes iu human form who have no feelings for the dumb animals unfortunately un der their control. There is much work in Edenton for an order of this kind, and we would like to see a branch of the S. P. C. A established here. Dumb animals should be protected everywhere ITS FIFTY-NINTH SESSION MEET AT ELIZABETH CITV. The fifty-ninth session of the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, convened at Elizabeth City Wednesday morning, the 11th inst., Bishop Wilson, of Baltimore, presiding. Rev. W. E. Cuniuggim was elected Secretary. The Bishop conducted the opening worship. A large number of ministers from all parts of the State is in attendance. The session of the conference is one of special interest to the people ot this seel ion of the State. It is the first time the North Carolina Conference has con vened in this territory, which was embraced in the Virginia Conference until a few years ago. The conference is greatly pleased with the hospitable and warm welcome they have re ceived from their new brethren. Wednesday's session was taken up with routine business. The usual committees were nomi nated by the presiding elders and were elected. All the presiding elders made reports of their respective dis tricts. The conference has had a good year. The names of many of the pastors were called and their re ports received. A Good Rule. Not that blue. Miss Hanks Who is that man with the empty sleeve you just spoke to? Clement Capt. Ketchum. lie lost an arm winning1 a victory for the bine. Miss Hanks Introduce me; I have a brother at Yale. Frank Leslie's Weekly. Nervous Prostration No Could Not Sleep Had Appetite Cured in Body and Mind by Hood's Sarsaparilla " I suffered very much for a long tirns with nervous prostration. I had about given t3 p all hopes of ever getting bet ter when Hood's Sarsaparilla tv a s recommended t o es end I LcJieve it my duty io let other sufferers know the benefit I derived from it. Kssss&3R2&bK Cou!d Uot steep Wrd'H atnight,v.a9w;iu Bejj0 out appetite, end vnai aula 1 did J1EWS MlOM GLVLEJt. If yon write to any one on yonr own business be sure to enclose a government envelope stamped. It is enough to expect a reply, the person written to furnishing his time, labor, information and writing paper. This is rizht and proper. One letter or one stamp does not amount to much. Hut an hundred letters to be written, the stationery and post age tcr be supplied by the one written to amounts to a great deal. In a year, if an editor, you will probably receive a hundred letters about other people's af fairs, and not even a stamp en closed. It is surely enough to be burdened with the toil of answer ing, without being taxed to do the gratuitous work. It is ass touishing that people do not stop to consider before actinsr this wav. A Great Bell. At a few minutes past nine o'clock, October 30th, the casting of the great bell for the tower of St. Francis de Sales Church, Cincinnati, began, and the flow of metal was continued for about two hours before the work was complete. It is the largest bell in the United States, and fifteen tons of bell metal were used in the cast ing. In addition to this, the clapper, which is already cast, wreighs 640 pounds. The main dimensions of the bell are: Diam eter, of the ring, 9 feet; diameter of crown, 5 feet. It is 7 feet high. Swung iu the tower, the bell is to cost $10,000. The Dead Comes to Life. Rain, hail and snow greeted us on Tuesday; good many un prepared for it. Good man of our people vis ited Suffolk Monday -it being excursion day, which occurs once a mouth. Miss Una y. James and Miss Nina M. Riddick delighted the Suusbury people with a visit on Sunday. Owing to a short potato crop farmers are killing some hogs for market and home use. J. M. Bayard, who has been canvassing this section with the Sulky Plow, lias left for his home in Tennessee. Business lias improv ed greatly of late, but the decline iu pro duce will have its effect soon, no doubt. Mr. O. E. Ward and wife spent Sunday with Mr. Ward's parents. Lots of horses for sale; like merchants, the county is full of em. Look-out M. H. W. W. Mr. J. Edw. Hide Allegheny, Pa. eat I was unable to keep on my stomach. A f ter taking tiio first bottle of Hood's Sarpaparilla, which seemed to do me some good, I tried a second and continued to feel better. I got up feeling Bright and Refreshed in the morning. I continued with the medicine and am cured, body and mind, can sleep well and feel better in every way. I gladly recommend Hood's Sarsa parilla to others." J. Edwaisx) F.iffle, 154 Madison Ave., Allegheny, Pa. W rf-v 5 v o L Ml Be Sure 4--k f-a- T-T y -5 W -r w W XT parilla Cures Death Warrant Signed. Durant's death warrant has been signed, and ho will be ex ecuted a t Sau Francisco o n Friday, Feb. 21st. HrrPc Dill" cure all liver ills, bilious OOOU S I' Ills ness. headache. 23e. C-UvAMJi- 8" I u m if ii 11 KILLED BY A BROKEN SAW. A Fatal Accident at The Rocky Mount Planing Mills. . HOGFEB & CO BALTIMORE, .ID. i",. ir.u'ac'i:rers of 1 Im, r you rccL m) in the morninq cAMn AArr a rdapfp I wF, CUKES ALL HQACHES, AND' GIVES NEWUPE TO THE NERVES.r? 2 LARGE DOSES f OR 1QC SEE STAMP W3SPM50fmfiY. PREPARED BY YAEKEL DRUG C0.,BALTIAQRE,AD.3O NOTICE. SOUTHERN HAIL ROAD COMPANY. i-v-r 1 m n rj i- fTi 6Yr.ll I W j-j . ; 1 V.I. - I T I J 1 v ih... : 13 Corks, Seine: Leads, lc. Kein? Tine of ail lismin, Xm- t- uilli!. C'OttOU ' ll('llll) R1 Wednesday uioruiug at How ell's planing mills, Rocky rvlount, N. C, Philip Stewart, a colored laborer, aged 30 years, was in stantlv killed. He was assisting iu the sawing of logs and was riiK-nug the empty carriage back when an iron "dog" which he had carelessly left lying so it would strike the saw broke the latter in several pieces, one of hicli struck him in the neck and almost severed his head from his body. The regular sawyer, who just then came up, was struck by the sharp part of the "dog" in the arm, inflicting a painful wound. On Saturday a colored girl named Wright, who lived in Suffolk, ate a hearty breakfast and soon afterward to all intents and purposes laid down and died. Her parents, who live at Norfolk, were notified, and had the re mains carried to Norfolk that night on the mail train. After brother of Ik Chicago people are invited to come South, if the blizzard has left them anything to travel with. Coxey says he is going to take a political trip through the South shortly. VHxen Baby iraa sick, we g&ro her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. arriving nome a girl believing that she had bee; poisoned, sent for a physician tc lold an autopsy. J reparalions were mace to commence w ork but before dome so the rrirl sat up in the coffin and began laugh ing, and went out for a walk Sunday afternoon. The most mysterious part is how the girl lived from the time she was put in the coffin in Suffolk until she arrived home, at Norfolk. Avt-r's Pills, essentia! virtue iiiLC c -npos-jd of the :'the best vciretable aperients, with ;.t nny of the woody or fibrous material whatever, is the reason why they are so much more affective aiul val uable than any other cathartics. The best family physic. i -1 ci llMhi Having qualified as adminis tratrix of the estate of William Hettrick, deceased, late of Chow an county, N. C, notice is liere- i -jyroHFOLu &. bv sriven to all persons having" claims against said estate to pre ! , Train lea ea pienton 1:43 p. m rt . , daily, except baudav, arrives at or sent them duly authenticated on folk 4:o5 p m. or before the 14th day of Novem- 1 Express Train leaves Edenton kPr , Sr.r, or this nnlirp will be ! DaiI-v (except Sunday) at 8 a. nr Dei lbyo or tins notice 111 Ije ; arriveat Norfolk t0:-2o a.m plead in bar of their recovery. i Connection mad at Norfolk with all All persons indebted to said ; rail and Steamer Li-v e. and at Eliza . . r , , , 1 i beth it v with Steamer Nei:?f Tuesday. estate are requested to make un-! :illd K;ttUrday for Roanoke mediate payment to me. j Island, New Hcrnt and Atlantic A ALLICK L. H.vTTRICK, !crt.,Ca.roli,ia R- Stations and ,T , , , . . . , , the uilminrtoii, New 1'erne and Nor- Nov. 14th, 95. Administratrix. folk R. R - - j The Companj 't Steamers leave Eden ton as follows: Steamer Plymouth at 1;0 p. m.,for Wiliiamsiou via Mackevs "rrry with passengers and baggage for ilupt-r, PanteRo, Dellluiven, connecting with steamer Virginia Dare for Mak leysville. Aurora, South Cock and Washington and mtei mediate landings a'-d steamer Dei tie for Windsor Steamer Wagner, !2:4." p.m., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Chowan River; Wednesday for Avoca and Sal mon Creek, and Monday and Friday for Scuppernong River. Norfolk passenger 'statioi at Norfolk and Western Railroad Depot. Freight depot on Water street Through tickets on sale and baggage checked t" all principal points. o EAPTKKN CAIlOMN'A IHSTATCII. AND PASSENCER ROUTE Regular line of steamers betweei N w Jlerr.e, and Elizabeth eitv, A & N. C. R R . and W. N. & N. li. II. Daily all rail service between Edenton. New York, Philadelphia, liaitimore ar.d Norfolk. Throughcars, as low ratt sand uickei time than by an' other route. Direct all goods to be shipped by East ern Carolina Dispatch. ns follows: Frorr Norfolk by N. & 3. R. R: liaitimore by p w. & B. it- n. ; President St. Station. Philadelphia by Pennsylvania R. R. Dock St. Station. New York by Penn- These are Sure connections and 1 sylvania R. 11.. Pier 27 North River, or we hope the public will show j " Li:c 1ic5"r6- , t , . 1 . 1 . , ror further information apply to their appreciation by patron- e. wood, Agent, Edenton, N. c, 01 FOR RENT. I hereby offer for rent a Farm about 3 lz miles irom Coleraiue, Bertie couutv N. C, containing about eightv acres cleared; good buildings. Any person desiring to rent will see b. ii. Ferry, Coleraiue, N. C, for terms, ecc. 31. V. Perry, Oct: 5, 1895. Littleton, N. C. bernarle Sieam Navigation Co. SCIiltlimiLE. mWA 0LI1E, GEO. II. WITIIiiY, Mastic k. Ieaves Edenton every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 4 a.m., connecting at Tunis with rains for Norfolk and Raleigh. Connecting at Franklin with trains for Norfolk, Raleigh and Atlanta. ilJlA' A J iziug the "Old Reliable." Chmcoteague Sanctified Band. Some of the sanctified band of Chiucoteague Island, who were practically driven away from the island by the courts and took refuge in the neighborhood of the Elizabeth City. N. C , have returned to their old hauncs. Few of the baud are natives of the island, or of Virginia. From all accounts, those who went to North Carolina have been giving trouble iu that State. Norfolk Ledger. SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES NEXT SUNDAY BArTIST CIIVRGir. 1 1 a. in. Services. 3:30 p. m. Sunday Scho i. 7:30 p. m. Services. Ii. Y. P. U., Friday 7: yo p. m. Jno. K. White, Pastor. Plain words in your ads and plain dealing in your store will make plain sailing in your busi ness. Printers Ink. A Sufferer Cured "Every season, from the time I was two years old, I suffered dread fully from erysipelas, -which kept growing worse until my hands were almost useless. The bones softened so that they would bend, and several of my. fiqgers are now crooked from this cause. On my hand I carry large scars, which, but for AYER'S Sarsaparilla, would be sores, provided I 'was alive and able to carry anything. Eisrht bottles nf Ayes Sarsaparilla cured me, so that I have had no return of the disease for more than twenty years. The first bottle seemed to reach tha spot and a persistent use of it has perfected the cure." O. C. DAYI3L Wautoma, Wis. 0 ui.mi I I THE ONLY "WORLD'S FAIR oarsaparma A YES'S PUIS Promote Good Digestion. Sold by Walter I. Leary. means so mucli more tnnn 'you imagine seriou;? at.d'i 1 r l t i . r ' iarai diseases resuir iroiri 1 trifling- ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature ' s 1 greatest gift health. If y u arc -- out cf -orts. v.-ck jf and c;c!:crr.!!y ox- hausied. iie vo:;-. 3' have no aj.t -t.( and cai.'i ' v.".. 1 inj; tlu n. i .-i .... b!e strt-J.Kt'i :'! ' medicine, v.'ii'i ii !.? Jt Brown's Irr... i'.i iters. A few I.-.:- fi ties cure bcticl:t k comes lic :.i very first io0e it " Won't itair. '.o-ur Jf icein, a n 'i lis ple;isai:t u i Browrfs j I Iron I Bitters It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver r ft n iicufdijia, ruuDies, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. f,et only the genuine it has crossed red lines on me wrapper. Ail others are sub- s.ii.uies. un receipt ot two 2C. stamps we v.-in send set of I en Beautiful World's t-cir Viaws and book- free. g BKUvVN CHEMICAL CO. EAUTIMOfJil, i.D. R. A. PRETLO W: Sup'i. to the General OiHce of the N. Sr S R. Co., Norfolk, Va. M. K. KING, General Manager, H. C. IIUDGIN8, G. F. & P. Agt. R. Institute. A Finishing and Preparatory School for l)oth sexes. 1'ull courses of study in seven depart merits. Hxcellent advantages in Music. Typewriting and Shorthand courses. Full Faculty of Excellent Ins structors. Students admitted to Univer sity of North Carolina on certifi cate. Students prepared for Annap olis or West Point. Eighteenth Annual session opened September i6th, 1895. Terms very low. Write for Catalogue. Address, 8. L. SI lin: 1 F resident. Elizabeth City, N. C. m 1 CO) O o 7t O a o o 3 MEDAL AMD DiPLOMA BY THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, lor Sjilcin ori!,.Pplne and General ,?.,ne?. '-'- . cost to complet ' Business ('ourseaboutrw.iiieluding tuition bookS and board. Phonography, Type Writing tnd W. K- SMITH, Ir ldent, Lexington, 'You can Write to us for any thing- iu the Printing line and get it as promptly aii cheap as by calling at the office. U hi we make a Spe cial t" of Mail rs. .uLlress The Fisherman &Faimer. LIVERY, SALE AND EX CHANGE STAPLES. Having opened a Livery, I wisii to ami ounce to the public that I am pic pared to furnish them with nice hordes :.vd buggies on short notice If you appreciate a livery, all von have to do is show it ly yor.rp-it:oi:n':e. .VK i c i:s u 1 : a so n a i! 1. 1 ; I v. i'l board horses by the i;k ::'.'i r.t a reasonable price Very Respectfully, '. I!. IvU.IOYT. ." tables: ICast Church St. km for Infants and Children. OTHERS, Do You Know u.a Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-cal'.cJ Soothing Syr;:; s. most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine ? Ho Yon Know that opium end morphine are stupefying narcotic poisojn ? M Io Yon Know that ia most countries drujgistsare not permitted tasc'.l t.i:- trithout labeiiug thetu poiions ? Tin Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to i givea y; -.:r .: unless you or ycur physician know of what it is composed ? Io Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a lis: it ingredients is published with every bottle ? Io You Know tliat Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Sa::u;e'. Pi:, That it has been ia use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoiia is r..v s..'..' cf all other remedies for children combined ? Xto YOU Know that the Patent Office Department of the United 5-tairi. -r. ; other countries, hare issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to iibe t:.; v 44 Castoria" and its formula, and that U imitate them is a state prison oTe:is? ? j You Know that one cf the reasons for granting this government prtcc.'. was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely liurmlcss f Do You Know that 35 average dosca of Castoria are furnished f cents, or one cent a dose ? Ho You Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your chil he:: : : be kept well, and thut you may have unbroken rest? Well, these llitiifcrw arc worth knowing. They are facts. Tr , rrr, 7. i " every f LOyCcA wrapper. signature o ChiSdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. "01S5F. H T-'Ii ( l : 'The onlv strictly Hardware Sportsmen Look Here ! ex Sporting Goods in Abundance at ?ric;L Suit all- Double Breech-loading C.uns oo ami up. Single IJrccch-loachnt;- (inns $; t:o ami up. .Muzzle-loading Guns $2 50 aiul up RIFLES AND A S R GCiiS. "E C" Gun Powder in 1 H canisters at 1 ants. Hazard Ducking I'owder at 50 c nts. Hazard I'owder, IvG., i-'. G., 1. 1'. 1' ( , Empty Shells, 16, 1 2 and loguage; Shells loaded with l'i.C.j.ov..! Shells loaded with black powder; Rifle and PiVlol Caitii(!- Leggins 75 cents; Hunting Coats S5 cents; P.ird J5ao((),:I: Covers, Loading Tools. Cleaning rod and tools. Shell p!;..., tors, IJrteeh clo:-:ers or "crimpers," . .:!s and Wad Celt. : Powder Flasks and Shot Pouches, (Jim Cap., and l iii;. 1, e iLEIGI- , AND SKi' ES, oil ,a1,.- lt. ...11.. 1 4. :.. r.... . 1 ... t r Very Cheap FOR CA&M. Also 2 Bicycies, good av. nevj. for $25. OIK SurUm i?eun Is hi x ought to be early enough to get in the first market and get the top price. The earlier they are, the better they are. That's why Tait's Extra Early Nonpareil is the best pea for Southern truckers. It is the purest pea also as well as the earliest. Ask your Experiment Station. They will tell you the same. They have already done so several lim s A fact you may not be aware of but one easily iuvesti- 'c Isn't the best pea in cultivation worth $3-75 per bushel 'cash, and will ou not let us have your order t'ii If you have a particular fancy for some ol try at least a bag of the Nonpareil beside it. That will bring us together more c! Hy next year. rfU: H- P. O. Box 510 Seed Growers, Norfolk, Y;i. TA1TELES5 LL FLU Fl ifegf y u u IS JUST AS CCGO FOR ADULTS. ARRETED. Pf:!CE50cts. O AT ATT A lira 27w -It! urn. Paris Medicine Co., t;t.ixui3, Ho. ' Gentlemen: We scid last year. COO rr SEX.E.? 'ASTEI.KSS CHli roSlC and haro bouRht three cross r.!ro :cy tuis year. In all OKr ex perience cf U, i -. tha business, fc---nevereold on artk-!a thr.tcsvc ruch uaiTcrsal .'tis facuon 3 your Ton-.. Vvr.ratrulv. AjjNiir. Cake & Co We make a specialtv of nrint- ing letter heads, note heads mu heads, statements and envelones and keep a nice line of material on hand. 5 1 i' I i 3 O s o B & at CfQ c L0 i p a j $ p c P - p p 1 C3 W ; We want to do your job wrk for you and will do it as cheap as any ether house, and then you .will save express and frrd'o-br - - - Ifesmarl CJask Store. Has removed from King St., to the Hettrick building of Proad S' Call and see the magnificent stock of Div Coocls, Dress Goods and Trimmings --c- n now being received daily. liie Millinery Department iscompi ele and the styles are all new, beautiful and attractive. cnai jjes. j fguu bp; suceEEs. I p.viu the needed uierit to more than make tjood all the advertising claimed for them, the followiug four remedies have reached a pheuomcual , sale. Dr: King's New Discovery, for j cousumptiou, coughs aud colds, each ! bottle guarautccd IClectric Bitters the j great remedy for Liver, Stomach aud. j Kidneys. Hucklen's Arnica Salve, the best 111 the world, and Dr. King's New Life I'ills, which are a perfect pilf. All these remedies are guaranteed tn j just wh it is claimed far them and the j dealer whose name is attached herewith j will be glad to tell you more of them sola atw.i. uear-i s Drugstore. 1 Our Milliner has Arrived. ;;- " Come and place your orders in time to avoid the rush. L. L. mOORE. M an age r. WILLIAM MILLER, And General Repairer of Vehicles of all kinds Neatness and Dispatch Work done at the lowest prices with Shop iu GoYVpep X.CCkatthe Eshons fork, one quarter of a mile from Masidonia church.