Newspaper Page Text
FISHERMAN & FA'RME'R Distinguished Visitors. Progress. -BY- A. II. MlTCHEl.1.. Jas. R. Elliott ofo-PUBLISHED EVERY FriDAY.-oo- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ii.oo Wheu Paid In Advance: $1.50 If Not Paid In Advance. I'elivered at doors of city subscribers by carriers, as soon as from press, without extra charge. The Editor disclaims all responsibil ity for the views or statements of cor respondents, and reserves the right at all times to revise or reject any article he may think proper. Always sign your name to a news paper communication simply as a pledge of good faith. It will not be published u:tless you desire it. Best advertising medium in the Dis trict. Rates very moderate. Special rates on long contracts. All announcements and recommen dations of candidates for office, whether in the shape of communications or otherwise, will be charged as aJver tisements. ELIZABETH CITY, April iolh,iKy6. The political situation at Washington, so far as North Carolina is concerned, grows daily more complicated. The Democratic State Kxecu tive Committee has been called to meet in Raleigh April 9th; to fix the time for the meeting of the State Democratic convention Between the Raines liquor law and the reform administration of New York, the Democrats seem to have a very good chance of returning to power in the Empire State. Lowell, Mass., wants to build a monument to the memory of 15en Butler. Lowell has a per, feet right to do so, "provided its citizens can convert into cash old Ben's spoon when Congress passes the free coinage act. Mayor Pettit is the Anthony Comstock and Dr. Parkhurst, of Norfolk lie is engaged in crusade against vice in that city, but at present writing vice leads in the race and the police force seems unable to cope with it. The Bible tells us that if we resist the devil he will flee from us. Very well. We'll try it on the devil's brood that are now seeking to capture North Caro lina and give us another Douglass Legislature. It is rather surprising to the Fisherman & Farmer, that so many prominent politicians con sider Mr. Cleveland eligible for a third term. The President himself, in an open letter says he don't want it, and we have loo much confidence in him to think that he desires that which the Father of his county would not have and Grant could not get. The nomination will be made at Chicago; and not by Republicans either. Let Elizabeth City grade her streets; repair her sidewalks; put on some live enterprise, and the old tovm will hum. We can build here the largest commer cial city in North Carolina, and it will be easily done. The greasy moss-backs and misers must be strangled in the deal but strangle 'em. We mean, figuratively, of course but let 'em sweat as they pay their por tion, and let the live men come up with a whoop. It can be done! The Populist Stite Chairman, Senator Marion Butler, issued last week a letter announcing that there can be no fusion with the Republicans on the electoral ticket, and none on the State ticket, unless the Republicans concede to the Poputists the nomination of Governor and one member of the Legislatuie in each county. The letter has caused the great est political sensation of the year, and has thoroughly upset the Republicans and given 'em quite a setback as to their cal culations for the coming cam paign. Republican State Chairman Holton is reported as saying that it forces the P-epublicans to nominate a straight ticket, and that they will not submit to this evident purpose of Butler to break up their party organiza tion. He asserts positively that nearly half of the Populists in North Carolina will vote the ;.. 1 :blican ticket, and that B-:t'er has taken this stfp so he c: 11 fuse with either psny four ears hence, which ill sgree to return him to the Senate. Butler is a political schemer : d always has an eye open to si less. Undoult hBy the P p til 'st Senator has th; Rads v re he w r.ts thein and will use his little hatchet "where the chicken p-ot the axe." On Tuesday, Elizabeth City was honored with the visit of Gov. Carr and a party of distin guished Carolinians, who reached here in the morning on the steamer Neuse from Newbern, and spent several hour.- in the city. In the party were Governor Carr and Mrs. Carr and two daughters and son, Elias, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. V. V. Turner, Dr. and Mrs. James McKee, Major G. W. Wilson, Mrs. Thomas S. Kenan, Dr. R. II. Lewis and Dr. A. B. Hawkins. Their coming was unannounced and they were here before hardly anybody in town knew of their presence. The party was met at the depot by Mr. M. K. King, the genial Gen, eral Manager of the Norfolk & Southern railroad, who had pro vided carriages, and were driven to the principal points of inter est in the city, after which an informal reception was held in a private car at the depot in which the party embarked later on for Edenton. At Edenton Mr. King had in readiness the Company's steamer Haven Bell, 011 which they were taken to visit the large sound fisheries, for which this section of the Governor's State is noted. The Editor of the Fish erman & Farmer, whose ac quaintance with Gov. Carr has been of long standing, was es pecially honored with a pleasant interview, during which affairs of state, as well as personal, were discussed. We always gladly welcome visitors, and especially such distinguished ones as were here on Tuesday. We regret very much we had not been in formed, so that a reception due the Governor could have been given. Why Kissing is Pleasant. The reason kissing is so pleas ant,, says an osculary expert of scientific tendencies, is because the teeth, jaw bones and lips are full of nerves, and when the lips of persons meet an electric cur rent is generated, and yon don't have tohave a dynamo machine nor a battery in the house, nor a call box, nor a button to touch to ring up his central office, and there is no patent on it, and the poorest person in the world can enjoy the electric current better than the millionare, and it never gets out of order. If Edison had invented kissing it would cos $100 a year, like the telephone and then extra kissing would be charged up extra, and if yo; didn't pay for it they would take out your kissaphone and discon nect you from the central office Since a majority of the voters of Elizabeth Citv have given our Republican friends the righ to bond the city for $10,000 for the purpose of digging out Tiber and Poindexter creeks, and since the work begun last December is not now half finished, and can not now be finished before the hot weather sets in, it seems to us that some move ought to be made by our city fathers to pre- vent what may possibly be a malarial epidemic here this sum mcr. If allowed, the Fisherman & Farmer would suggest that a liberal supply of lime be used on this death dealing mud and filth which has beeii accumulat iug in these creeks for years and years, and which is now being thrown out on the banks of the two creeks, exposed to the sun We verily believe, and we have the opinion of a prominent phys ician for it, that there will Le considerable sickness in Eliza beth City this summer unless liberal precaution is taken and taken at once. Lynch's "Sanctified Army," "Holiness Band," or whatever else they call themselves, which was drumed out of Virginia and came to this section about a year ago, were driven from Currituck, Camden, aud every wiiere else except Pasquotank, where they have succeed in separating man aud wife and breaking up several amilies. The wonder is that, after knowing what thev do about Lynch, some Pasquotank people will allow themselves to be influenced by such cattle. Executors Notice. Haviug qi;:i'iiiecl as executor of the late Thomas S. West, I hereby give no tiee to all persons indebted to his estatf to eoi:.-j forward and make im mediate Miient. Those holding claims against the same to present them for payment within twelve mouths from date of this notice or it will be pleaded in bar of theii recovery. Philip McDonald, Kxct. Edenton. N ; ., Mch. 7, '96. Mar2o-6t Hou;e f.-r rent on Broad St., Ed in ton, N. C. Terms reasonable- Apply to A. H. Mitchell, E. City, N C. There is an age of progress, an age in which there is no room for indolence or laziness. The man who does not bring out all his moral forces or talent powers to the front, is no .v generally left behind. This is not a thing that is confined to any one occupation or profession, but to every an i- mated enterprise of worth among men. remaps, me reamy 01 tins nas not yet oeen amy con- sidered by all, especially the young who wouia make ineir mark in life. Men do not act live nor move now in the social. domestic nor commercial lite as .1 t r r m tne aays 01 yore, oome reason of course, may be allowed lor .1 r tm.:i me iormer generation, xnen advantages and facilities for a rapid movement was no com par- ison with the present. The young man now nas tne di 01 advantages and multiplied op portumnes to iiuiy quamy nuns self for any honorable position W1 u-pu uu. cannot be otherwise,' when we consider tne lavoraoie access tne young have to our schools and colleges; to suy nothing of expe- nence wincii may De taugnt them by home influences. Let our young men who will soon move on with the rapid progress Miss Annie Shaw, of Shaw of time, and who shall control all boro, is spending the week here the improved business affairs of this nation, begin now to keep 1 Mr..:. pace wiLU pioirrebs uv quuiuyiu l, , " i themselves to manage everv hon- .MMP rvwifi in lift. ThJ young who fail to use present opportunities, and to prepare themselves for coming emerges cics will find themselves left far behind while others are gather- nig the golden laurels of hfr. We can scarcely realize in our minds, or comprehend the rapid progress made here in our own country during the past thirty or forty years, and yet if is a fact, showing itself in the most vivid light. Think of the progress made in teaching aud training the fine intellects in man, the grand inventions, the improve ments made 111 aP departments of agriculture, in science and arts. Rapid and astonishing im- v all the leading business affairs of life. Many old chronic diseases e now treated by a new process and cured, which were unknown some vears ayo to the best skill- ed phy.-icians. There are manv other new features too numerous to men tion here, all of which go t show that we live in an ag: wor thy of our highest esteem and appropriate qualifications. Can we, and will the rising generation prepare themselves to meet tne coming responsibilities' A good education, good morals, aud a christian life, are to be found among the qualifications necessary to prepare men and J 1 1 women to be useful in life. Se- cure these and success is yours. A course 01 Hood's Sarsaparilla this Sprivg may be the means of keeping you well and hearty all Summer. The Home Merchant. The home merchant is entitled to vo:ir trade and ought to have it, as against the itinerant dealer or the merchant of some distant city. He spends his money here. Up- hnilrU n i1rt wWI, J nances tne value ot an property. tt 1..1 r i. i 1. ,uniul uiuuaum wincii you worship, and the - 1 school to which you send your tt l - rr 1 misrepresent ins or swin- die you. Sell interest alone would prevent tins. He stiys with you in sunshine and in storm, in times of prosperity and itq i..,. Uit 3 V.'l tLVi V11LV. XA ii ii 1 71 II sliarc of the bunlcns of f-o?d govei.r.ncni. v ncn a suoscrjp- ........ . nl tion paper is passed he is lirst approached. These are a few of 1 the reasons why you sho dd pat rom.e the home merchant. And if he has the goods you want and sells them at the right price, and ets the fact be known by means of an advertisement in the Fisii- iiMAK & Farmer he will be very ant to e;et Ins share of the a u rade. Why suffer wilh Coughs, elds. and LaGrippe wheu Laxative liromo Quinine will cure yor in one tlav. Does not produce the ringing in the head like Sulphate of Quinine. Pu! up in tablets convenient for taking. Oi ar auteed to cure or money refunded. 'rice 25 cents. For bale and euarau- teed by Walter I Lear v. The readers attention is called to ad of Grocery for sale i i this i sue. A good opening. Attend the minstrel tonight. J. D. Bateman left for Balti more Tuesday. Mr. J. H. Robinson visited Norfolk this week. Mr. A. L- Baum;ardner spent Tuesday at Norfolk. There's a big freshet coming Gut 01 Koanoke River. Miss Rebecca Elliott is visit- ig friends in Norfolk. Mrs. John Wood is visiting her 1 mother in Elizabeth City qne -ce factorv, was put in motion on Tuesday last I Mrs j n Mitcilen j,as return ed to her home in Suffolk The storc of the Brannine Mfg. Co. will soon be open Miss Mamie Williams is visits hg friends in New York City J)r c p Bogert, dentist, is Upending the week at Fairfield. Mj. , R Elliottf of EHza beth City, was in town this weel Mlss yda wnkiuson is 111 Wilson, N. C, visiting her sister. Members of the Edenton Bar attended court at Gatesville this week Chick s show is entertaining the people this week at Rea's Opera House R- A- Pretlow, Supt. of the A. o, iNav. io., nas removed his ca . . office to this citv Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Branning, ntirl rlipJr vi,irrr; srcnf K.finrer at Virginia Beach, . . . , , p p p Qf Plymouth, were ;n tho ritv Thk1pv . ... - j Miss Pende McMullan her charming cousin and left after left Monday for Richmond. Miss Madie Badham, spending Easter in town. yesterday for the fishery. Miss Collins, who was visiting her sister Mrs. Frank Wood, has Uone to E- Cit' 0,1 a visit The rioters were tried here last week, six of whom are in jail for a term of four to six mouths Very beautiful Easter services were held at the Methodist aud Episcopal churches last Sunday. Norfolk, are. visiting the family of Mr. E(1 vVood, on Broad street. ,.... T t.t.u 1 iur. wiinc jxaiv.wiiuaas uec 1 attending the Medical College at Baltimore for some ti:ne, has re turned home Sheriff Parker and officer C.J. Pratt kit 1 uesday morning fur Kaleign wit.i tour prisoners lor 1 r the penitentiary. Indigestion follows the use of whiskey, beer aud wine, to cure it we advise you to use Bromo Celery every time. fisip'; Ann ir nnrl 'ii;ip Win- born, of Berkley, Va., are in the city the guests of Miss MaryRea, Queen street. Pnnip, nf tho Wishwrmvw ft- Farmer are on sale at A. C. Mitchell's store. Secure a copy 1 1 auu KCC Fu. Mrs- bcnuyler uul charming aaugliter, oi liirmingnam, Ala., are visiting the family of Mr. T. y Brmninf The Elizabeth City Minstrels ill give a modern burnt-cork entertainment at Rea s Opera House tonight. I w " f r m ti "v r t iuj1 j viuj. Kicnard Hall, a tinner ot iui enton' was in town Tesda-- saunciers ana m. v. weej. Averv en ovab.e entertain ment was tiven Tuesday ni-ht j is 1 " at the Academy. paper for a year. You can't make a better investment At the Charlie Wood grove an Easter egg hunt was given last Monday afternoon by the ladies of the Episcopal church. It is said that nearly 600 egs, bean tifullv nainted in five difTrrent colors, were hidden. Henry -Jt - - Hooper, Jr., ol Edenton, found twenty three of them and rcceiv ed the prize. The hunt was quite amusnig. I Blood end Skin Diseases A 11 ICared. MH EOTAfIC r.lOOD BALM never fails to coir rll manner of Blood and Skin di . l( ih tin pio.-t Soutliei n hniiding up tt.r.' p.mivtn Heitipdv. Asa tonic it is with old h n-. ) '--lntely beyond compari- 5 id f-r-I l ll.e p 'h.ic. It is : tpU -.ill i!N :e 1 inzfrom in ,3 ii:,. i-wr'rlie 1 a'ciditioii of t vJi 'f ":!iEle bottle S; to:: .. ii'i any orin r cinmar r-iutir ever ol- f -r-.l 1 r- h.ic. It is a certain panacea impure blood, or an wr I.. U ill ,U.U,..r.f. 19 tue human evxtem. ii- i"-Amo)ir.t virtues. It makcx new. rich If: tfi l!f.i. ad pcob almost iniruculuus heal- r.z?l ":r freebook of Wonderful Cav-s. i ic , s.1.00 per 12x33 bottle ; IjC Ma $ox 2 iv,.- is. bottle3. y ' T'nr r-Lt v I'lrnirirista : if not nenil to m. tP if.i iii'.'.nl.if! ill bo no lit, frciIit preiMiid, La LLOOO DAL.l CO., Atlanta, Ga. - Br I W. G. Moss and family left Saturday last for Newport News, Va , his former home, where he has irone to erect a lanre brick store. ! T rr M . f . R. Z. lute, manager 01 the Dn,,,,;,,.,. m rnti,l frr ; the North to purchased goods, j He was accompan ed by his Gov. Carr and family, accom panied by several distinguished persons of Raleigh, were in the city this wek. They were here to visit the various seine fisheries on the sound. If you want to keep on the gooi side of your best girl get a bottle of Bromo Celery for it is a sure cure for the headache. On. Easter Monday the follow ing gentlemen of St. Paul's church were elected as Vestry men for the ensuing year: V. li. Shepard, Thos. Thompson, M.H. Dixon, Frank Wood.M. Makely, E. S. Smith, J. G. Wood. Capsizku. During the severe wind last' Monday afternoon a sail boat capsized in Albemarle sound aud the occupants narrow ly escaping a watery grave. After two hours clinging to the bottom of the boat, they were rescued by the steamer Olive which was on her way to Eden ton. At thk fishery: The annu al trip to the fishery on Easter Monday was taken by probably the largest crowd in years. The day was beautiful and the young people enjoyed themselves im mensely. The first haul of fish was made at 1 o'clock and, while not large, was quite a pretty sight. The Knitting Mill is now an assured fact. As aunounced in the Fisherman & Farmer last week, the stockholders held a meeting aud elected seven direc tors, who are as follows : W. B. Shepard, M. H. Dixon, W. D. Pruden, E. L. Woodard, Frank Wood, A. M. Hawkins, W. O. Elliott. The erection of the mill will begin as soon as the neces sary arrangements can be per fected. Secure a Copy. The Fisher man & Farmer is sold in Eden ton by Master Frank White and at the drug store of A. C. Mitch ell. We regret the supply last week was inadequate to the de maud, but have sent a larger number of this issue and all can secure their favorite paper. It is bigger, better and more interest ing than ever before. It is with feelinsrs of much sorrow that we chronicle th( death of Mrs. T. E. Oarduer, which occurred on Friday of las week at her home on Queer; street, after a brief illness. The funeral took place Sunday after noon from the Baptist churcl and the services were conducted bv the Pastor. Rev. YV. F. Wat son. Of Mrs Gardner it may truly be said that she was a most excellent lady. She was a coin sistent Christian, a kind neigh bor, a foud mother aud a devoted wife. Her mission in life seems to have been to make those haps py with whom she came in con tact, and now that she dwells with her Father in Heaven, her friends, whom she has left on earth, remember her as as angel wearing a crown decked with the Saviour's richest jewels. The Fisherman & Farmer offers the bereaved family its sincere sympathy. SPECIFIC For Scrofula. "Since cluldliood, I have been afflicted ' nth scrofulous boils and sores, vl th caused me terrible suffering. .Physicians were unable to help me, and I only grew worse under their care. At length, I began to take AVER'S K fsaparilla, and , ve.y soon grew bet ter. After using half a dozen bottles I was completely cured, so that I have not had a boil or pimple on any part of my body for the last twelve years. I can cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa parilla as the very best blood-purifier in existence." G. T. Reinhabt, Myersville, Texas. fo)9 THE ONLY WOULD' S FAIS Sarsaparilla Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cares Coaghs and Colds DR. C. P. BOGERT, Surgeon and Mechanical DENTIST Edenton, N. C. Patients visited when requested. Of ill health, despondency and despair, gives way to the sunshine of hope, happiness and health, upon taking Hood s Sarsaparilla, because it gives renewed life and vitality to the blood, and through that impart nerve streii f gth, vigor and energy S ZJ tne whole body. Read ("l Cj J lctter: "Hood's Sar 1,7 t Ba par ilia helped me wonderfully, changed sickness to health, gloom to sun shine. No pen can describe what I suf fered. I was deathly sick, had sick head aches every few days and those terrible tired, despondent feelings, with heart troubles so that I could not go up and down stairs without clasping my hand over my heart and resting. In fact, it would almost take my breath away. I suf fered so I did not care to live, yet I had much to live for. There is no pleasure in life if deprived of health, for life becomes a burden. Hood's Sarsaparilla does far more than advertised. After taking one bottle, it ia sufficient to recommend itself." Mbs. J. E. Smith, Beloit, Iowa. TJ" Sarsaparilla Ii the One True Blood Purifier. All drugffists. $t. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass u nit eiire all liver Ills. MIioms nOOU S flllSness, headache. 25 cents. D. R. Muiiden, Sail Maker. A WLingsfTentsand Flags Old Sails Bought and Sold. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Cor. Water and Matthew Sts. (Over W. J. Woodlcy's Store.) '. O. BOX ijj. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Cu'fcs)ryn (I en (W Solicited , W. A. WEST & SOS 8. HOUSE and CARRIAGE H tT and PAPER HANGERS. Elizabeth City, N. C. All orders receive prompt attention. The patronage of the public is solicited. 0 c 'Mierfati.l I il 1 2 I IT O.C .AND. Now is the time to place your order for the latter for the Spring Shipping. Address (Kramer ros.,t & o., 'Elizabeth City N. C. ea Cleanliness is the L'ciw of Health. First Summer is coming and every body needs Hot and Cold gHOWER 'gfHTBS. Easy Sliavo AND ARTISTIC Onttina. X LADIES HAIR DRESSIXG A A SPECIALTY. $ I have just opened up in vo .r A town and ask a literal patron- age The only Tonsorial Pa-!or in town, with Baths attached. Come and give me a trial a:ul I will thereby secure your pat ronage. The public cordial iy invited. t t W. T. Ryan, Adjoining vsiiu Ilon-1, t) Poir.dc xtc: Street. nnr ED (EE THE ONLY SHOE POLISH QHTWDHi DOjI Shooting Pains in any part ot tlief body are usually caused by Neuralgia, x which in turn is Ul H1C UHJw'iJ. X . 1 tne pains cease, dkuw.n s iku.n is ir-INTERS purifws the blood. or J 1 oiiHryuuMi ami Farmers Alilriss Q.(E. tQommander, Lock Box No. 14S EiJ.Ar.KTH Cr v, N C, for Genuine Crown Leghorn Eggs the greatest Egg pro ducing fow extant 15 Ej.g for 40 cts., scMirey packed, delivered at depot Southern Commission House, ""Fanners ' and Fishermen's Produce Solicited. OUR MOTTO: r-' "'2 Good Prices and Punctual Returns. -ll Coiiri- Slrt'-t. Boston, Mass. ESTABLISHED 1880 The Leading ISM Coinini.sioii House. Feuersteiai. Lro. Fool of HoanoSio 3o3. NovfolU, Va. QmcSales. Pmnint Reruras Citv N':it;?!n:U I'.aTi!;, R.C,. inmu Mercantile J'llCV ?. t e i 1 c i 1 s Famished on Application. : .' t ff. S:)ii: H tl Sh u t- of yom Established 1861. SAML M, LAWYER & Wr.olfsaie Coruraission Dealers 111 Fresh Fish, S "i Crab?, Terrapin, Kic 125LihtSt. Baltimore, Md. 1 : Prompt Item rue i 1 t,i, i h Nat ' I. . ln;iK M-r-antile .(!i-n' W ij ..I . I lii r t Cn. .1. DiiKflian '. The J. S. JhiH'jn 'o ' 7i-n- ?.ut"l. li.-.nk. E W. Albaugh & Son Wholesale Commission Merchantei resli Fish TE.R R I PI N AND OA M E. No. 221 Light Str.-et Wharf. BALTIMORE Prompt Returns, Ouiek REFERENCE. Citizens National Eank. V. J t Co. Stencils Furnished 1; ree (Davenport & (Morris. Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants Ar.'. : Dealers in FISH, Rtcljtnotid, Va. ConRinmentsof North Carolina IIr rn u solicited, and proceeds remitted in CKRh. j On accountof our intimate acquain 1 l::iic. and frequc-nt transaction with j the Grocery trade of Westand South j w art able to handle N. C. Fifih to the very best ijossible advantage, and vre are known everywhere as the largest distributors in this market caused by a low state N uiiijr 1111. u.iv..i Uiiupvw T- T Tl riZr? S.B.BIiiler & Co., WIU)I.KS.!.i: ciijuii FISli Beak:, NO. 7 FUJTON MA KM o . . S:iiu:;el U. .i ilK-r. Clarence '.. Miller S Soecial Attem. i UK S.I,i-: ; )I" ,o- l.i . 1 1. St-eacils ami Stationery I'ii-.,,,. , Aplli';if ii.i:. wk km.plov no a;i:m Si-CCEfGOr 1 o WA R REX & GATKS. Wholesale Coinniission 1 . Fresh Fish North Carolina Shad A Specialty. Stencils Furnished on , j;,! U ,h . Qi ick .Sales and lruiiijt J.'i iui;!.r jS Uei'h mini Sin-el NEW YORK. A. W. I IAI-i , l.ole.-ale Cuminisr.ion lea!i t iv ZELoTosters, cScc. N. I l iilton Fish Mai krt. North Carolina Shad Specialty. No Agents. Season 1806. SHAD! SHAD! SUM'! Iii'-icas-il ! r.Kwid! Inen-:S'.-d I'm UKnllKK Increased Consign nit !:!.-.. J.H. HARRIS with CMMW i I ALLY & Co.. M l?ullon fish Mail;. ! Wht.lesale Cotaitiis;ii Deale:-. ::i . 1 kinds of FHKSII FISli I-rom the waters of Noith ( ; 1 1 : i : . . Stencils and Statii.iui :.! .:i apj. ligation. Whoh'sale (Join 111 . si on Fish De? lUi Fcltos I'isn Maukit. Speeia I Attention jjiveti to th- 1,1 Nfii-Mi Carolina Shad, Hock. ! IVich and TKltliAl'lN ItefereneH: (Juiilcin & Co., it. i : i ai.i rli:it-. iJobinKun, I'iri:!' i l ! i I'o.-n li.iiik. Mlizribeth City, N.C. oth-i Kixancialb when doimi. tvf An not and liave iicvt'i h t i, i- Trunk or l'mit buhiiup S. jit j. 1,013 and Stf!)ei!h luii,,,-! i o notice. i: Sloe tX ii--' l) vl i I H Jl I)'t hi) I ,Ji. I 1- i.l ;. ! U ikIs of MS FULTON FISH MARKET We work liarder for the int' : est of the Southern llshe: 11;. v. than any house in the btisint s-. I! t"i:cil is notjin k d let us knov;, Ik:- Wc i:n:d no Agents and Pay no Commission.-.. Successor to curkkv & TKi:sr:; Wholesale Commission Merchant in 4W O Hi'. A ft Si rll SHAD A SPECIALTY.-- lf N. Delaware Avt nr.. . Above Vine Street. PHILADELPHIA. ISTSendfor Stencils. I have no agents. Sf1 N 7