OCR Interpretation

Fisherman & farmer. [volume] (Edenton, N.C.) 1887-19??, April 10, 1896, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068084/1896-04-10/ed-1/seq-4/

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Unless it is Dead at The Root.
There's never a garden from blemish so
That all of its trees will bear fruit;
Yet the gardener never despairs of a
Unless it is dead at the root.
With his knife he dissevers the old
withered limbs,
And cares for the tree they pollute;
"It will yet bear me blossoms, he sings
as he trims,--"Unless
it is dead at the root."
And so there is never a lang-.ilsliing
But may blossom again and bear fruit;
It needs but the touch of the gardener's
Unless it is dead at the root.
The population of the world
averages 109 women to every 100
men. Eiirht-ninths of the sudden
deaths arc those of males.
benator Lhandier, oi Acw
Hampshire, seems to be a more
dangerous man to It is friends
than to his enemies, .thinks the
Philadelphia Record.
If the Republicans should
nominate McKinley and Reed i
would be a kangaroo ticket o
the most pronounced type, thinks
the Galveston News.
Acdording to the Charleston
News and Courier the cottcn
mills of South Carolina now
manufacture about four-fifths of
the vState's cotton crop.
A Kansas court has ruled that
"a man who calls upon a woman
regularly and takes her to enter
tainments occasionally is legally
engaged to marry her'
Tiie Hendersouville Times,
Republican, says of Marion But
ler, after having done all it could
to put him in the Senate, that
"his actions of late stamp him as
a man that cannot be trusted,
and in politics more knave than
The Baltimore Ilcra Id says that
ninety-two new cotton mills and
400 other manufacturing plants
have been established in the
Southern States during the first
quarter of 1S96, and il is a record
of progress which cannot be re
flected upon without a sense of
amazement, representing, as it
does, the actual growth in man
ufacture in three mouths.
The Raleigh Nczus & Observer,
of a recent date, mentions with
great satisfaction the fact that a
North Carolina young lady
Miss Virginia Ragsdale, of
Jamesville, Guilford county has
just been awarded the European
Fellowship by Bryu Mawr Col
lege, for the year 1896-7. That
paper says:
This Fellowship gives five
hundred dollars to the holder to
pay the expenses of one year's
study in some University on the
continent of Europe, the same to
be selected by the young woman,
subject to the approval of the
Bryn Mawr Faculty. No greater
academic honor than this can be
won by a woman of America; and
wheu it is understood from how
large a circle are the young wo
men who compete for this honor,
the people of our State will feel
a just pride in the fact that this
year such distinction has come to
a North Carolina girl. Miss
Ragsdale was the first girl to ob
tain at Guilford College the grad
uate scholarship which Bryu
Mawr confers every year upon a
lady graduate at Guilford, the
selection being made upon the
ground of scholarship. She has
now, at the close of three years of
successful work, reached the
highest honor in the power of
the Faculty of Bryn Mawr to
confer upon her, and will spend
a year in Europe, under the most
famous instructors. The Presi
dent of Bryn Mawr, in announc
ing1 the honor on the morning of
the 25th, said that there were so
many strong z'nls in the class
this year that the mark of dis
tinction was all the greater; that
they had fellows from Boston,
Berlin and New York, and now
they were glad to have the South
represented by a North Carolina
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that c:m
ml he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CIIKNIvY & CO., Prons..
We. the undersigned, have known V. :
,T. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve hiin perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, and financially
able to carry out auy obligation made by
their firm.
Wicsx & 'fur Ax, Wholesale Druggistr .
Toledo, Q.
warding, KimnAN& Marvin, whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's-Catarrh Cure is taken iuter-jv-il'y.
acting directly upon the blood
and' mucous surfaces of the system.
Pri'.-e 75c per bottle. Sold b' all Drug
;':sts. Testimonials free.
Hall's family pills are the best.
The trolley car and bicycle
have been hard upon the horse,
as according to statistics' the
value of American horses has
within the past three years depreciated-
W. C. T.U.
'Tor the cause that lacks assistance
And the wrougjhat needs resistance.'
Keeping S'locn.
The following true story
"only the name was not Smith"
is told in the Pittsbuig Dis
I hear that Smith hasjustsold
out his saloon," said one of a
couple of middle aged men, wdio
sat sipping their beer and. eating
a bit of cheese m a bnnthheld
'Yes," responded the other,
rather slowly.
"What was the reason
thought he was just
money there."
The other nibbed a . cracker
abstractedly for a moment ant
then said: "It's rather a funny
storv. Smith, you know, lives
on Mount Washington, right
near me, where he has an excel
lent wife, a nice home, and three
is pretty children as ever played
outdoors. All boys, you know,
the oldest not over nine, and all
about the same size. Smith is a
pretty respectable sort of a citi
zen never drinks or gambles,
and thinks the world of his
"Well, he went home one af
ternoon last week ud found his
wife out shopping or something
of that sort. He went through
the house into the back yard, and
there under the apple tree were
the little fello ws playing. They
had a bench and some bottles
and tumblers, and were playing
'keep saloon.' He noticed that
they were drinking something
out of a pail, and that they acted
tipsy. The youngest, who was
behind the bar, had a towel tied
around his waist amhwas setting
the chinks up pretty free. Smith
walked over and loolied into the
pail. It was beer, and two of
the boys were so drunk that they
staggered. A neighbor's boy,
two yeais older, lay asleep be
hind the tree.
" 'My God! boys, you must not
drink that!' he said, as he lifted
the six-year-old from behind the
" ' We 's playin' s'loon, papa, an'
I was a-sellin' it just like you,'
said the little fellow. Smith
poured out the beer, carried the
drunken boy home and then took
his own boys home and put them
to bed. When his wife came
back, she found him crying like
a child. He came down town
that night, and sold out his bus-
iuess, and says he will never sell
or drink another drop of Heritor.
His wife told mine about it, and
she broke down crying while she
told it "
The chief of police at Lincoln,
at during1 the en
forceiueut of the curfew law for
the first mouth in that city there
has been a falling off in crimes
and arrests of seventy-five per
cent, over former months.
After May 1st, thtr new law
suppressing the sale of liquor to
minors or students will go ir..to
effect in Virginia, The term
students eompri.ses those at any
institution of learning in the
State including public schools,
whether over twenty one or not.
Baron Liebig is quoted by
Archdeacon Farrar as saying,
that if one drank 70 gallons of
best Bavarian beer lie would get
no more nutriment than from a
live pound loaf.
Mrs. Stonewall Jackson (wife
of the famous Confederate Gen
eral, who was a Baptist minister
aud an earnest Christian) is a
member of the white-ribbon
baud in the town in which she
lives. Charlotte, N. C.
Convention of the vV. C. T.
will meet in St. Louis next fall.
Boy'n Essay on Hens.
On the subject of hens a boy
writes: "Hens is curious animals.
They don't have no nose, nor no
teeth, nor no ears. They swaK
low their vittles whole and chew
it up in their crops inside of 'em.
The outside of hens is generally
put inter pillars and inter feath
er dusters. The inside of a hen
is sometimes filled with marbles
and shirt buttons and such. A
hen is very much smaller than a
good many other animals, but
up more cabbage
plants than any tiling that am t
alien. Ileus is very useful to
lay eggs for plum puddings.
Skiuuey Bates cat so much pud,
ding once that it sent him into
the collerv. Hens h as got wings
and can fly wheu they get scart.
lent Uncle William's hen's head
off with a hatchet and it scart
her to death Hens sometimes
make very fine spring chickens.
The latest results of pharmaceutical
science and the best modern appliances
are availed of in compounding Aver's
Sarsaparilla. Hence, though half-a-ceutury
in exis'auce as a medicine, it is
fully abreast of the age iu all that goes
to make it the standard blood-purifier.
The Power of The Voice
Over Horses.
Horses are very sensitive to
the human voice. A loud, harsh
or angry voice will raise their
pulse five to ten beats per miib
ute, while a kind and soothing
tone quiets and assures them as
nothing else can. A kind and
sensible driver has much greater
power by- his voice, over his
horse, than foolish drivers have
by thsir gagbits, whips, twisters,
and other tortures, all of which'
are vain substitutes for intelli"
gent kindness.
Horses know instantly by their
master's voice his feeling to-
wards them. A yelling driver
soon reduces his team to either
chronic indifference or perpetual
nervousness. Nothing is more
idiotic among all the many phas
es of reason less abuse, which
ignorant and foolish men inflict
on tii is most noble and faithful
friend. Whiprjinjr. ierking the
bit and yelling will quickly con
fuse any horse, and would cons
fuse any man so treated, and
every driver who does it should
be discharged, and an owner
guilty of such conduct deserves
condign punishment.
Horses love to be talked to by
their drivers, and they under
stand more than is supposed pos
sible. Low voiced drivers have
much the best influence over
them. I have seen horses obey
a whispered order and refuse at
tention to one yelled at them.
Few drivers depend enough on
their voice, which will be used
far more and the whip and bits
far less, as intelligence increases
among horsemen aud they learn
that kindness is the indispensa
ble requisite to good horseman-
llarry Be;:son.
Here and There.
Over G00.000 cattle are slaught
ered yearly for the manufacture
of beef extracts.
Tiie manufacture of razors by
machinery has become an im
portant industry iu Germany.
Carriage drivers in France re
ceive 4.82 a week; iu England,
$5.15; iu Germany, 3.21; and in
Italy, $2.60.
A Southern California railway
has now eighteen locomotives in
regular service burning oil, and
the results are quite satisfactory.
The venom ot snakes will de
stroy vegetable life, but not with
out inoculation. It has been
proved, in fact, that seeds will
germinate in the poison.
Gray hairs at an early age are
hereditary in certain families.
It is a result, as a rule, of men
with dark nair marrying women
with dark hair through several
"To knock the snots out of
anvthinu" is an allusion to the
traditional skill of Western cow
boys and famous rifle shots, who
would shoot the spots of a card
held between the fingers of a
The statue of Lord Byron,
which has just been unveiled by
King George, at Athens, repre-
sents the poet advancing with
outstretched arms to meet Greece,
who hoi Is out to him a laurel
O V ; V, T ' 1 1
V. A V V i . .
i'riuce Bismarck received
about 2 1 0,000 postal c rds from
as many admirers congratulating
him on his 80th birthday. These
cards had a total weight of 1.320
pounds, and piled up iu one col
umn would have reached a
height of 1 50 feet.
Forty- thousand acres of virgin
forest in northern Idaho will
soon be turned over to the axe
men of a big lumber syndicate.
It is expected this area will yield
move than 400,000,000 feet of
white and yellow pine, red and
white fir. cedar and tamarrack.
Trials of a Country Editor.
Whatever may be the truth or
the falsity of the stories that are
told of the scarcity of funds in a
country editor's pocket or the
scarcity- of food in his stomach,
the stories are all told, and neith
er the progress of eJucation or
the growth aud development of
the press seem to have any t-ff .ct
u3on the crop. One of the latest
comes from Kentucky, where the
mountain editor, at le-st, larcly
develops into a Crcesus or an
Apicius, and this one is concern
ing a mountain editor.v A sub
scriber had remembered him
very kindly, ai d a d sy or i vvo
later a visitor called at hi ; ;lice.
"Can I sec the editor?" he in
quired of the grimy-little "devil"
on the high stool.
"No, sir," replied tiie youth on
the stool, "He's sick."
"What's the matter with him?"
"Dun no," said the boy, "One
of our subscribers gave him a
bag of flour aud a bushel of per
taters t'other day, an 1 reckon
lie's foundered."
The Time for Building
Up the system is at this season. The
cold weather has made unusual drains
upon the vital forces. The blood has
become impoverished and impure, and
a'l the functions of the body suffer in
consequence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is
th;' great builder, because it is the One
True Blood Purifier and nerve tonic.
Hood's Pills become the favorite ca
thartic with all who use them. All
druggists. 25c.
In a recent paper appeared an
account of a strange accident iu
which a man was killed by the
discharge of a gun while lying
asleep on a lounge'iu his room,
tiie weapon being discharged by
reflected rays of the sun falling
upon the cartridge chamber of
the firearm.
Since the publication of the
story acorr spondent from York,
Pa , writes concerning the acci
dent and refers to a similar case,
in which, through the efforts of a
clever Cincinnati lawyer named
G. C. Wall is, the person accused
of murder and sentenced to be
hanged was set at , liberty, the
circumstantial evide nee on
which he was convicted being
entirely exploded by a witnessed
demonstration as to how the ac
cider.t really occurred.
Tiie York correspondent re
ferred to volume 13 of The
Ciiminal Law Magazine, page
607, on which a full account of
the case appears. The case was
that of the State of Tennessee
against Avery, tried in Henry
county, that state, and is one of
tiie most remarkable in the his
tory of criminal jurisprudence.
In June, 1887, Charles Ensley,
the cousin ol a man of the name
of Avery, was killed in his room
while lying on a lounge, about
3 o'clock in the afternoon. The
weapon which caused the death
was a s;n :dl rifle, sending a 32
caliber ball through Ensley 's
brain. No one was iu the house
at the time but Ensley. An
empty rifle was found lying on a
rack on a wall of the room in
which the killing occurred, aiu
the bullet fitted the tube.
Avery was arrested for the
crime, as he was the only living
close relative to Ensley, and by
Ivs death profitted to the amount
ot about $100,000. Averv was
tried, pleaded not guilty, bu
was convicted of murder in the
first degree and sentenced to be
hanged. He appealed to the su
preine court and engaged Mr
Walhs to defend him. The
supreme court remanded the case
back to the circuit court on tech
uical eriors. Two mistrials were
brought about, and then came
the strangest part of the story
The brilliant Wallis struck the
keynote to the mystery. In Aug
1891. he had the rifle hv.ded and
hung on the wall. A white
sheet with the form of a man
marked 011 it was placed in exact
ly the position occupied by En
sley when lying asleep, and a
heavy cut glass pitcher of water
like the one found ,in the room
was placed on the shelf above.
The temperature was 90 degrees
iu the shade, one of the hottest
days of the year.
The pitcher acted as a sun
glass, and the hot rays of the
sun shining through the water
were retracted directly on the
cartridge chamber of the rifle.
Eight witnesses were in the
room, aud a few minutes after 3
o'clock a puff and a report oc
cur, ed, and the ball struck the
outlined form back of the ear in
the exact location where Knsley
was shot, and the theory of cir
cumstantial evidence went to
pieces. The incident, being wit
nessed aud sworn to, readily ex
plained itself to the jury. Cin
cinnati Enquirer.
Thousands ol Women:
Bj Arousing to Healthy Action all her Organs.
It etiuses heal tli to bloom, and!
J joy to reign throughout the frame.
it Never Fails to Reouiate ...
lIhc uhTaiciaiis three year, wltliont benefit..
".My wife Ims been unUer treatment of leail-
. After .mini: tureo hollies of 1SUAIK1KI.I'S
fr'KMALK HKUUIjATOtL shocaa dulierown
' cooKUig, rnilklni: ant wasbliiK."
. s. mtKAJM. Henderson. Ala.
Bold by druggists at 81.00 per bottle.
Ve invite an inspection of the',
job n-ork tin ned out at the Fish-
erman & Farmer office. If it
pays to advertise at all it pays tO
i .i i j
liave tiie WOrtC UOne 111 a manner
that is artistic and attractive. We'
use the latest style of tvpe ami
the best material; aud a trial order !
will convince you that we strive
to rjlease
Superiour Court Chowan Countr.N.C.
J. N.PrudEN, Adm'r., -J
Charles Blair.
. against 1
John Cheshire, Charles j
Cheshire. Michael ;hcs- j
hire and Sail ie Cheshire, j
The defendants above named will
take notice that an action as above en
titled has begun in the Superior Court
of ChOA-au county. North Carolina, to
sell the real estate (situated in said
county) of Charles Blair, deceased, for
assets to pay his debts. You are there
fore summoned to appear belore uie at
mv office in Ivdenton, North Carolina,
on the Sth day of May 1S90 and answer
cr demur to the complaint of the plain
tiff a copy of which is deposited in this
ofiice or iud'uient will be recorded
against you according to the .prayer of
the complaint.
Clerk Superior Court.
March 20th, 1S96.
IIavin; qualified as administrate
upon the estate of Charles Ulaii, tie
ceased, 1 hereby give notice to all per
sons having claims against said dece
dent to ore-sent them to di: withing 0:1-
year from this date.
J. N. PRUDEN, Admr.
March 20th
For Sale-
A fine lot South cust corner of King
and Oakum streets well adapted to
atn goud business enterprise having
a large watei front. Said lot is about
140 feet wide and 175 feet deep; can oe
sold o n good terms Apply to Mrs. 13.
I. Parish or iu her absence to her
agent, Mr. L. F. JCicgler.
Ivdenton, jn. v.
Sales-Agents Wanted FOr
Made to Measure and Rsady Mad Cloth
ing by Sample.
Very lo west prices fbr best lathing.
Liberal commisious are paui. i.uer-
getic soliciting agents can make Irom
one to three thousand dollars yearly.
Storekeeper; can supply themselves
without carrying stock. Send three
us Debility,
D8c g. O. WEST'S
:erve mid mm treatment
. .',! andur positive Written nnrr.n'ee.
...i:lnTizf-daRi:t3 wily, to cam Weak ttemory
-.'zi'i-'ss WakefulneHB, Fits, Hysteria, Qnick
Nijiht Lofiees, Kvil Dresuua, Lack of Ooati
'icf . Nervousness, Lnseitu do, nil Drains. Youth
:: Errors, or Ezcossive Lisa of Tobacco, Opium,
r Liquor, which loads to Misery. Consumption,
iif-anity and Death. At utore or by mail, 1
.x; fiix for ?r,; with written cnaranteft to
KM or vefiincl money. Mainple pai5
tfff!. containing live days treatment, with fa!"
axtrnctions, 25 ceata. One bainplo ouly sold tc
:ach person. At etore or by mail.
v -li.!L-S riea i-nsi apeuiai
extra o;tuny;:i.
' i.. ..... .. .-j, j ... ,
1 V.t.t r .fiat. rit.iriHrwwS Vs
Sterility or Barrenness. 1
t$l a box; six for 5, withRyrvgrf
iwx-itten euarante ob
fC to cure in 30 days. Lt etsrB'm
3SrF-0or by mail. AFTER
A. C. & R. S .Mitchell,
Sole Agents, Edenton, N. C
You can
to its for ruiytliint; in the
Printing line and get it rs
promptly and cheap as by
colling at the ofiice.
Because wo inaVc a Spe
cial tv of
K tceo thoroughly tested by em-
lnent ihyauina3 tu.t the people for &
to rears, uu 1 cures quickly and
nil reamer of EATING, SPREADING an.l
UUSMNO SOKES. It ia by far the beft tonic ai:4 fi'
U ' jmriiier ever (feret to the TyrlJ. Price $1 yr
" untie, c tiottics ior fc.v I or sale ly aruzzi'
hzli 2 r K voxiEKrti. cures.
& KLOCO BALM CO.. AHsr.ts. Ca.
When yon are about to buy a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisements
and be led to think you can get the best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere son. See to it that
you buy from reliable manu
iiicturers that have gained a
reputation by honest aadsquaro
dealing-, you will then cat a.
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world ever for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and is
Light Running
. There is nono in the world that
can equal ia mechanical con
etruction, durability of working
parts, fineness of finish, beauty
in appearance, or has as many
v.. - . - . ' .
on both sides o needle patented), no other has
New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
samf&ahcmoo,c..u ArnjrxA, d.
Adun; in
JJIbemarle Steam Navigation Co.
Leaves Edenton every Tues
lay, Thursday and Saturday at
4 a.m., connecting at Tunis with
rains for Norfolk and Raleigh.
Connecting at Franklin with
trains for Norfolk, Raleigh' and
These are sure connections and
we hope the public will show
their appreciation by patron
izing the "Old Reliable."
Write for prices before plae
ing orders for graves! ones o
cemetery work.
Designs sent free.
4 1, 1 13 & 115 Bank St.,
Norfolk Vn.
he T sner
Kdenton, N. C.
Manufacturer and Repairer of
JIUm pi r
Roofing and Guttering
lieiJiiii-oi- ol'StoveS;
All work attended to promptly
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Only first class shop iu Kdenton
Those Desiring
A Nice Bug'gy
Or Vehicle of any kind will
save money by calling on
Agent at Edenton lor
A. Wrenu & Sons,
Nod oik, Va.
Prices low down.
work of all
kinds. Grain -i.i.
ni in ing, Plas
tocohig, Paper
Hanging, &e.
i'i u : rt.T i-jw r.s any. !
;u:i-ant c;. Address me :t
V iVl U ! ' U l i
i I I . IV'
Aunt Jemima's
:r Ail OiiiiMi
1' ul ,
a combination of the
three great staffs of
Corn and
mskes the best cakes you ever
ate. It was the great craze at
the Atlanta Exposition.
Try a package, on sale at
Edenton, N. C.
I have FOR SALE a lot of
fro'.n !:c finest driver to- the
co::i'!i:! p!-v lic-rse ;;t tlu''
h i in s place, liead of lJroa 1 St.,
which I am offering at low
prices. I sell for cash or on
time. Call and make a selection
and I'll suit you in price and
Edenton, N. C.
r -) . . ; .-. ,i VI,',. $ Ci.
for Infants
OTHERS, Do You Know t ra cgor
Batemaa'a Drops, Godfrey' Cordial, many socalled Soothinff Syrups, an 1
most remedies for children are composed of opium or morptowief
no Yon Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons ?
Po yOM Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell naro.tU s
without labeling them poisons ?
jo you Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your .:.;: 1
unless you or your physician knovr of what it is composed f
I0 yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, aud that a list . f
its ingredients Is published with every bottle?
Xp You Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel TitcV. r
That it has been ia lise for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold t!.n
of all other remedies for children combined ?
Do you Know thst the Tatent Office Department of the t'uitcd States, nn 1 . f
other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. I'itchcr and hii assigns to use the
Castor ia" and Us formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense?
Tr You Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protcilum
was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless?
lo You Know that 35 average doses of Ca-toria are furnished for j.j
cents, or one cent a dose ?
Do You Know t'iui. when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
be tcpt well, and that you may have unbroken rest?
Well, theso tlilna'H arc worth
The fac-sii
Children Cry for
A nice family (grocery S-OCk. All new.
Reason for .selling: Partr is going in another
business. Terms Kasy. Address
;flr you feel m m
AND GIVES NEW UfE TO T?1 MtiiVEb.fa,1:'
see mrmwdomns stamped w3smo5 of aiY.
Optical Inst rumen z
For Examinirg
The Eye:
He may be consulted .'it run
time between 9 a. 111. ani 12111.
1 . 111. and 6 p. n:., in liis office
over L. Ty. Moore's Dry (ioods
Store, Kdenton, N. C.
A splendid building thoroughly equipped and beauliiu'.j;
Pupils prepared for (ToIIcgC OV ixisilcss life.
I cpartment of Music, Miss. S. C. Martin,
i. ocution aud I)c sarte, Miss. G. W. Wilkins.
IViiuary Department and French,
l iiUier Engish and Ancient Languages, C. D. Graves.
Primary grade,
Higher English,
Languages extra, each
Elocution (Special lessons)
Elocution (Class lessons)
A pupil having more than ouc half studies in a higher grade is eonsi.lci.
to be of that grade. Tuition is payable monthly. Unless special arrange 111. 1 -aie
made beforehand, pupils registering enter for the rest of that term,
deduction is made except iu case of illness for more than 2 weeks. Hoard . . ':
be obtained at reasonable rates. "Address
0. 3D. GKEST7
and ChHdren.
They arc facts.
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13 wrapper.
Pitcher's Castoria
," Lockbox 139, KDENTON, N. C.
imwrn km
per mouth,

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