Newspaper Page Text
A TERROR OF THE EAST. He Would not Drink and had a Great Record at Home. "Come up and drink !' As he spoke Tarantula fixed his single eye oi the Bill ten derfoot from the east, who sat at a table whence all but him had fled panic-stricken to the bar of of the Rustler's Roost. "I'm not histin pizen this trip, podner," the tenderfoot made reply. "W-h-a-t !" roared Tarantula Bill in an awful voice that made the glasses on the bar clink and the bartender reach for his bullet proof vest. "Look out, stranger," the dis penser of tanglefoot whispered: "thats Tarantula Bill, the Bucks ing Bronco of the Brazos." "Pleased to meet the gentle man," the tenderfoot cried, cares! fully adjusting his glasses. "I'm Halsey Putnam, of Brooklyn." Tarantula Bill, the Bucking Broncho, gave a whinny of rage and pawed the circumambient air. "Not histin pizen, eh ?" he snorted. "Waal, I guess yes. Step right up here an take yer bitters !" "Not a bitter, podner," the tenderfoot cried, turning to his newspaper. "Much obliged, but I ain't irrigatin any nowadays." Tarantula Bill's single eye seemed to flash fire, and canters ing twice around the Roost he slammed a big six shooter on the bar and called loudly for a shroud with a "biled" shirt front. "I'm ole death's white boss! I'm the Bucking Broncho of the Brazos. I'm a cyclone, a volca no, a tidal wave, an a yearth quake all in one ! Come up an drink !" "Aw, say, Bill, your trolley's twisted. Your dynamo is dusty. Your circuit's full o' more kinks than the British lion's tail. Go way an' don't bother me. I'm not drinkin', see?" the tenderfoot growled. The crowd gasped and scatter ed. "Better drink, young feller," suggested the bartender, This ai'nt no sewing society. Bill's killed his man. '.'So yoii've killed your man, have you, Bronchy ?"the tender foot inquired. "I'm some on that too. I've killed 10 or 12 myself, I disremember exactly which." A murmer, an awed murmur, arose from the crowd, and the Broncho's swarty face paled visibly. "It's Jessie James," said YVhis by Dick. "No, it's Billy the Kid !" said One Eared Rafferty. "'Tain't neither. It's Bob Younger!" said Whiskers Murs phey There was a concerted- moves ment toward the door. The tenderfoot was counting on his fingers. "Yes," reflect ivelv, "it was 12." "Twelve !" shrieked Tarantula Bill. Who who are you, stranger ?" "Who am I ?" repeated the tenderfoot. "I'm an electrical devastator. I'm a death-chair on wheels. I'm a trolly uioterman from Brook lyn !" In the mad stampede that fols lowed, the Bucking Broncho of the Brazos lost a shoe. A Real Mrs. Partington. An English paper tells of a real Mrs. Partington. She walk ed into the office of the judge of probate and asked: "Are you the judge of reprobates?" "I am the judge of probate," was the reply. "Well, that's it, I expect," quoth the lady. "You see, my husband died detested and left me several little infidels, and I want to be appointed their ex ecutiouer !" VACATION TIME Is at hand and is welcomed by all, es pecially those whose duties in life have caused them to greatly run down their system to meet the requirements, phys ical and mental, forced upon them. With these and is important, whether at home, at the seashore or in the country, but some thought be given to diet, and as further assistance to Nature, a good building-up medicine like Hood's Sarsaparilla had best be resorted to. If the digestion is poor, liver deranged and frequent headaches seem to be the rule, Hood's will change all this and enable everyone to return to their home and business in a refresh ed state of mind and bodily health. LI HUNG CHANG THE CHINESE VICEROY WILL VISIT US NEXT WEEK. WILL BE HONORED. Will Probably be Met by a Naval Fleet and the President. Li Hung Chang, he of the Peacock feathers and Yellow Jacket, will visit the United States next week, euroute home from visiting the Russian Czar and his tour through England and France. He will sail from Southampton for New York to morrow, on the American Line steamship St. Louis, will occupy a-suit of rooms on the main promenade deck, amidships, in jrder to escape the motion oi the vessel. His two adopted sons will occupy suites on the snmp rlrrlr TIip Chinese Ell- , - i vov will take his meals in his room, and food will be prepared by his own cooks. A fleet of United States war vessels will escort him in the harbor and all honors befitting his high position in the Chinese Empire, will be shown him. Dandruff is an exudation from the pores of the skin that spreads and dries forming scurf and causing the hair to fall out. Hall's Hair Keuewcr cures it. Another Terrible Crime. A special from Durham, N. C, says: "Durham county is afflic ted with another terrible crime, one of the most inhuman in the whole category of crimes this one seeming to be without any motive save to gratify the spirit of a friend. Monday about 2 o'clock, a colored girl, about fifteen years old, who was nursing for Rev. Frank Sewell, colored, adminis tered to his two and a half mouths old baby a dose of con centrated lye. Dr. A. M. Moore was called in and attended the infant. While the child was still living yesrerday Dr. Moore gives it as his opinion that death is the inevitable result. A warrant was issued against the girl. She was arrested and committed to jail to await re sults. What could have been the motive that prompted this foul deed no one seems to know. It is rumored, however, that this is the second offense-of the kind of which she has been guilty. The difference between Tills and Simmons Liver Regulator, is just this: Pills don't go down very easy with most people, and you feel them afterwards. While Simmons Liver Regulator in liquid or powder is very pleasant to take, and the only feeling that you have afterwards is the great relief that it gives from Constipalion, Billiousness, Sick neadache And Dyspepsia. It is a mild laxative and atonic. The Value of Vegetables. An exchange makes the fol lowing timely suggestions on the subject of diet during warm weather: "Do not eat too much meat in the summer; a little meat will go a long way, and on really hot days large quantities of meat are decidedly injurious. It is not for nothing that nature has been so prodigal with vege table growth in the hot time of the year. We are meant to eat more fruit and vegetables in summer than in winter, for they are better for our health. Meat and fatty foods supply us with heat as well as with actual nour ishment, and we do not need to have our temperature iucreased on a hot day. See, however, that the fruit eaten is fresh and fully ripe, and the vegetables welK cleansed and freshened and in good condition. Over-ripe or green fruit must never be eaten. Do not be afraid of wasting fruit which has begun to decay. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Thj foe tlmils flgaatnre Of ' is en vrappst, Send to the Fisherman & Farmer office for printing of any kind. Our stock of enve lopes, linen and white note heads, bills, cards, posters, etc., is the best and most varied of any in this section. Call, see us on the street, or order by mail. SAW THE VIRGIN MARY. WEALTHY FARMER OF NEW JER SEY DESCRIBES THE VISION THAT SURPRISED HIM. The following story comes from Belvidere, N. J.:--Moses Dcpue is known through out this county and the adjoining counties in Pennsylvania as the wealthiest and most staid tiller of the soil residing in Parhaquary township. He is a deacon in the Lutheran Church, Superinten dent of the local Sunday school, and comes from a good old Qua ker family, his father having been a colonel in the revolutions arv war. He has been treasurer of the township, a member of the County Board of Free Hold ers.and until last week a prom inent candidate for State Senator. He is now looked upon with j suspicion by his neighbors, and there are a few who question his veracity. He was sitting on the front poich of his fine old farm house 1 . Sunday afternoon, when he told the following strange story: "Last Thursday afternoon about 5 o'clock, while fishing for bass from a boat at the head of Sabo Rift, in the Delaware river, I was suddenly startled by seeing a huge white cloud arise from the stream near the Jersey shore, from which there emerged the strains of sweet music. Its strange shape and the way in which it arose, in the form of a cross, riveted me to my seat. As the cloud reached a heisrht of about fifty feet it parted in the middle, and there, in the centre, was the form of a beautiful wo man. "Her sweet face was radiant with a strange light, her beaut: ful golden hair fell in heavy rolls over her shoulders, and a shininsf crown of silver adorned her brow. The figure, which was of natur al size, was robed in a garment of white which reached to her feet. As the apparition arose and floated over the Delaware I heard sweet songs and music from overhead. "Ths fisrure bore a striking resemblance of portraits of the Virgin Mary, and was so daz zling in its brightness that I placed my hands before my eyes. When I recovered from my as tonishment the vision had van ished." There is no question that Mr. Depue is firm in his belief that he saw the apparition described. Mr. Nataniel Mortonson, a well known citizen of Ishpeming, Mich., and editor Superior Fasten, who, for a long time, suffered from the most ex cruciating pains of rheumatism, was cured, eight years ago, by taking Ayers Sarsaparilla, having never felt a twinge of it since. A Woman Storekeeper Murdered Shortly after daylight Tues day morning Kate Cabanie, who kept a general store in the south ern suburbs of Montgomery, Ala., was found lying just out side the back door choked to death. The woman was attired in her nightclothing and it was evident that she was aroused af ter going to bed, by the murder ers. The woman lived in a room back of her store and had no one living with her. She did a good business and had ac cumulated considerable property The room was ransacked by the murderers. KOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENI5Y 6c CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenev for the last 15 vears, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made bv their hrm. WEST & TRUAX. Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo O. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catanh Cure is taken inter nal, acting directly upon the blood ana mucous surfaces of the system. 'testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle, hold by all Druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. You can Write to us for auything in the Printing line and get it as j calling at the office. Why? Because we make a Spe cialty of Mail Orders 1 Address Tha Ificliflrmofl .C TTo vm or m LE BRUM'S FOR EITHER rtlTXu Tlifs remedy being In jected directly to the seat of those diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs, requires no change of diet. Core guaranteed in 1 to 3 days. Small plain pact- 1 1 TO YOUNG WIVES HE OFFER A REMEDY WHICH IHSURES SAFETY TO LIFE OF MOTHER AND CHILD. "Mothers' Friend " nOBS CONFINEMENT OF ITS PAIN. HORROR AND RISK. My wife used only two bottles. She was easily ami quickly relieved; is now doing fipiemlidly. J. S. Mouton', Tlarlow, N. C. Sent by express or mail, on receipt of price, $1.00 per lotUe. Book "TO MOTHERS' mailed frc-e. BOADFIELD UKill.lTOII CO., ATLANTA, GA. BOLD BT ALL DBUaQISTS. 500 MEN WANTED. -TO- Unload Schoo tiers, A G-ood Job One that will last all Sum mer. To secure the job a nickle is required as a deposit of good faith. Apply at once to J. R. BERGERON, At the Palais, 011 Main Street. GET THE BEST "When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisement and be led o think you ran get the best mrtd finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that vou buy from i-eliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and square dealing, vou will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the Ne w Home: It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (patented),no other has it ; New Stand patented), driving wheel hinged cn adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRBTE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. OBANOB. V ASS. EOSTOH , MASS. 88 UNION SQUAM, . T CinCAOO, III. ST. Louis, Mo. Dallas. Texas. 6an Frahcisco, Cal. AtlaktA, Ga.. FOR SALE BY S. H. Murrell, The Old Reliable Sail Maker, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, can be found at his old stand at the Short bridge, over James Spires store, Zimmerman Hall. Canvas Furnished at Factory Prices. Awnings, Tents and Flags- a Specialty. All orders by mail promptly attend ed tcv Old Canvass bought and sold. '. O. fio.v rjz, Elizabeth City, N. C. Sftue f in M ti , iH IN m -AN'P- pouin i WM. 1. HOOPER & CO.. 110 E. Pratt, near Light, BALTIMORE, MD., Manufacturers of a, C DVTON AND FLAX GILL NETS, . g Corks, Seine Leads, 4c. i tiHe Twine or all Iiinlw, Mit- uilla. C .:tiu A- II cuip Uouc -sL hills r-,;'.j CALM1 ! 13 . "y DR. C. P. BOGERT. Surgeon and Mechanical DENTIST Edentoii, X C. Patients visited when requested. SIMPLE INQUIRY MAT SAVE YOU DOLLARS. Write for prices before p!ac ing orders for gravestone o eemetery work. Deaisns sent free. -COUPER'S- -MARIJLE WORKS,- lil, 113 & 115 Bank St., Norfolk Va. Notice, All boats landing at the Nag's Head Pier on and after this date will be charged wharfage. This only applies to boats from Elizabeth City and adjacent landings. .Wharfage Rates Private fam ilies Siooo; boarding houses 25,00; horses $2.50 each extra. GRICE & GuiRKIN, June 4U1, '96. Proprietors W.P.Ives&Co., Blenders of Old Whiskies. 11 iiiui ii ill 1MsK', Norfolk, Va- Write for Samples and Prices. COUGHS O k m o sz o (3 Q X 7 w c ft LAXATIVE a o 2. r QUININE 5 Moves the Bowels gently, relieves the cough, cures the feverish condition and headache and prevents pneu r to Q O O monia. Cures m one day. Put up in tablets convenient for taking. PRICE, 25 Cts. ror sale Br all druggists mi LUMBEE . J D 1 Truck Boxes CRATES Now is the time to place your order lor the latter for the Spring Shipping- Address rKrnmpr -Rrn; . H (Pin 3 F.lizabeth City N. C. iff? nn ilu 2 to WHICH IS THI BLACKER LINE? liE NOT -Deceived. I By venders of Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. They are not Opticians, But if they were, they could not do justice to their patrons in that way. There is located at Eden-, ton, N. C, a Scientific Optician who has a reputation to sustaiu,vho will treat you right and is ful and practical; so say two of the leading physi cians Dillard and Mc Mullan. Respectfully B. E. BYRD, The Optician. SGANDARD. . j: (I-.. SX.Z G-ood is Good, But the best! Ah, good is not in it then. . Get the BKST while you . are buying, and save your money. Fine high-grade, light running, 22lb wheel with bear ings made of the finest tool steel. Price: $85.00 for Model 40 and $100.00 for Model 42. Discounts for cash. Catalogues and tcstemonials furnish ed free upon application. For partic ulars write the MAKERS. Tho (Um. Mashroiick Co., 350 Seventh Ave., Near 2Sth Street, XT,- Vaht- 1 4 iv x w ix r. Agents Wanted in Unoccupied Terri tory. 11-29. The Fs he man An Farmer 6 ELIZABETH CITY N. C The Leading Newspaper of the First District. Bright ! Newsy ! Up to-Date ! $1.00 p'er Year. Best. Advertising Medium Mitchell & EHiott, Owners. G. W. Rogers, Tbe Blacksmith OF (Elizabeth (City, N. (C. Having taken charge of the Blacksmith Department of J. V. Sanders I take this method of informing my friends that 1 am prepared to do every kind of work that is usually done m a first-class ZBla,clsm.Itlx and I hope to be favored with the patronage of the public. I also solicit the patronage of all of Mr. Sanders' old patrons, promising to do work only in first class workmanship manner, at the same time to be prompt with all work placed in un hands. I shall make a specialty of all kinds of Repair Work, and those having auything along this line should give me a trial. The business will be continued at the same old stand on Poiu dexter street, where I will be pleased at all times to receive a call from my fri uds. My prices will be reasonable, and in keep mg with the hard times. Give me a trial and I will guarantee to satisfy my patrons in every particular. Respectfully, G.W. ROGERS, Shop in the Sanders Building, Poiudexter Street. Elizabeth City, N. C. L li Jl '3 t mean.:- so much more yon imagine sorioi::- r ;:d triflinjr ailments neglcctt-.d. Don't play with Katurti's greatest gift health. If yr.u Ere certr Uoui t t rorts. weak Sand petierally .;- DTGWUS Iron Phausttd, i:e ous. nave no 2j.;-et.t2 311J (C!:'t wt-iV, bein :.t f.::cei.:k ing it-om 1 1 !t. Me trvi!i?t!.'.-ii:'i:! medicir e,'.vii; h i j Brow:rs Iron li' ters. A few b i tics cure benc-f.t comes from t';e itters very rim dose vuon't siain jur teeth, a is J i i s pleasaut ij talc;. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuraizia. Troiihles. 'Constipation, Bad Blood maiaria, Nervous ailmen.- women's complaints. ..K unascrosseu red lines on ihe wrapper. AM others are -.ub- will send set of Ten ' R-. ;.! A..i.-.- i v. inciui ut io 2C. stamfx; w. Fair View and booV f 1 3ROvVN CHEMICAL CO. RA' Tiuodc tun cgebblcTrcparationforAs slmilatiug UjcTood andReg tita tiiig thcStcmachs arid Bowels of PromotcsDicstloaChccrfuI ticss andRcst.Contains neither Opium.Morptuiic norWmcraL Not Nahcotic. JanpJiut Sal jtbc.Scnna Jlpternua - I ' Hrm Seed -flartfitd Siprr . UMtCuyrftn tlaiv. Anrrfpf 1 Remcdv for Constitva- tion. Sour Stomuch.Diarrhoca. Vorms .Convulsions .Foxri sh. ncss andLoss OF Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY" OF WRAPPER 111 i e-l "' A Farm of 14 Acres Situated in Camden County 1 Mile from Camden Station, l h Mile from Belcross Station. Known sis tlio 3i. 1 n-; iMsi. Splendid location for r. Physician or suitable for TFwueking' Purposes. Fine Land for Strawberry Culture. All complete with fine house and all outbuildings iu good repair. For terms and other information address, ftRS. SMm jk. UH4ITEHUR5T Belcross, N. c. Hf YOU fEEL BAD ji f AND VyWTA BRACER, DSL CURES ALL htQACHES. AND GIVES NEW LIFE TO THE NERVESim 2 LARGE DOSES FOR 1QC5 Stf7mTfflW30TTif5SrAMPDW3SPM50rttL(Y. PREIRED BY YAEEL DRUG C0.,BALTIA9RE,AD,-J l1 4-, f J 1" " The amtihle juotfall of thought ou the page The articulate beat of the heart of the A je. The FISHERMAN & FARMER Job Printing Department is new and complete and conducted by up-to-date printers. We do not date back to the time of Mathusala, when elephants roosted in trees and feathers grew on hogs. If we did, there would be no one living to vouch for our antiquity. Mathusala is dead now. The elephants are dead. And the hogs are dead. OURS IS AN ENTIRELY NEW OFFICE new machinery and new type. No parcels of old decayed and discolored papers, and no ancient styles of type that have dull and wrinkled faces, caused by long service and old age. We have the material and appliances that must insure work with a business-like twinkle. This ad will not reach a worldful, but it may remind a few that poor paper, attic type setting, nasty ink, and smeary presswork, is not always economy. Your letter and bill Leads, statements, circulars, postal and business cards, are your spokesmen wherever they l'o They either aid you or discredit you. They reflect the busi ness idea of the man or firm, and show the character and individuality of the article or business advertised. 0 t ns Have Your Next "riler For Printing. MALLOllDimS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATUR! op IS ON THE WRAPPER OP EVERY BOTTLE OF1 Castor! a ! vnt tit In oas-sizo bottles onlv. It is net sold in bulk. Dca't allow anyor.o to sell yea anything elso ou lh plea or pronilga that it is jest as good" and will answer every pur pose." Bee tiat you get u-a-s-x-u-k-i-a. timilt ZT St7 J .s lie: wri;r8r. s?3 THE MORNING i.Y. lA' T TO .! : li '; sLV .-1.Y . Ik' 1 T I. II E I: ) ' mm mm m i i m r" f This paper for $1.00 a year. . age, by mail, si.uo Sold only by