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WOMAN EDITOR'S TRIALS. WAS THOROUGHLY DISCOURAGED t WITH JOURNALISM WANT ED TO STEP DOWN. The beautiful young girl who had graduated only a year before with the highest honors uished into the family sitting-room and flung herself with a storm of sobs upon the sofa. "What is it, my dear?" asked her father, soothing her gently. "Has anything happened to diss courage you?" "Papa," said the maiden, raiss ing her tear stained face, "1 a.n done with journalism forevc. When you allowed me to pur chase that weekly paper I thought that no occupatian on earth could be so noble, so ele vating and powerful to scatter good and wisdom throughout the world. When I began editing the paper everything appeared bright and rose-colored. "My editorials were praised by the entire Texas press, and I got flattering words of encourage ment from even the large dailies. I was, oh, so proud of the fact that, althoxigh a woman, I had been admitted as an equal mem ber of the greit brotherhood that exercises such an influence upon the mind and morals of the people. Last week I wrote a general criticism of an article that appeared in a little weekly in another county. This, papa this is what I find in the next issue of that hoi rid paper. The lovely gijl handed her father the paper and buried her head upon the sofa pillows, while he read the following.- "We would say to the loathe some, knock kneed, piebald jabber wrack, that infests the ed itorial dugout of the Weekly Herald keep your shirt on! The disgusting, idiotic drivel that emulates from the clapper pawed, squirrel-headed, slab sided puddle duck that spoils paper for that sewer pipe of jurnalism should get a pair of buckskin, kick-proof pants, or else quit squirting such jobs of back-handed putrified slime at decent papers. If the hump backed, putty-faced vermin re ferred to doesn't like our re marks we will call any day and scatter a few locks of hair and brass buttons around said office or forfeit a year's subscription." Papa," said the girl graduate, in a small, but decided voice, "I want you to buy me a cook book and some long aprons; I'm going to stay at home and help mother about the house." Houston Post. If you've ot bad blood in you take Simmons Liver Regulator and get rid of it. It's a wonderfully good medi cine for Malaria and. Chills. ' "I have taken Simmons Liver Regulator espe cially in the Spring and Fall, and found it the best remedy I know of 110 way to benefit people more than by putting Simmons Liver Regulator into their-hands. " N. N. Shepard, Coch nu! ton, Pa. Diversified Crops. The Augusta (Oa.) Chronicle, of a recent date, ii the following paragraph, shows that the farm ers of Georgia are diversifying their crops to a greater extent than ever be-'bre, and that they are deriving great profit by so doing: "There can be no doubt that the iarmers of Georgia are mark eting more of their products than ever before. " A diversified ;crop has enabled them, in a great measure, to adopt the motto of the model farmer: '.'No day without a sale." Merchants of Augusta say they do not remem ber the time prior to two years ago when the farmers oi Augusta territory had offered oats, wheat and corn for sale. Such, how ever, is no uuusal transaction. Corn is frequently offered to the millers here by several large fanners in carload lots, at a rate as cheap as that of the West. These farmers are not compelled to part with their products, but sell simply as a money crop, leaving plenty at home for their own use. If those admiring Tennessee ans who sent McKinley a stump to speaks from had wanted to present him with something that will be really useful, they should have sent him a hollow log. He will need it to crawl into after the election. Kansas City Times. You can be Well When your blood is pure, rich and nourishing for" nerves and muscles. The blood is the vital fluid, and when it is poor, thin and impure ycu must either suffer from some distressing dis ease or you will easily fall a victim to sudden changes exposure, 01 overwork. Keep your blood pure with Hood's Sai saparilla and be well. Hood's Tills are the best after-dinner pills; asist digestion, cure headache. 25 'ents. ., W.C. T.IL BY A MEMBER. GLEANINGS. Hot milk is the best stimulant. In the United .Slates two thirds of the church members are women. In the United States one thirs teenth of the criminals are women. "The saloon cannot be legal ized and the home protected un der the same flag." , The W. C. T. U. sti:j,.s foi total abstinence, total prohibis lion and "a white life fortw.)." Why are ten per cent, the pcopk" whw 'lie in Nci Citv buried at public exp .f. all v'oi k yUEKIKS AND FACTS. Why do 27,000 women in New York support their husbands5 First firesides; then neighbor hoods; that is the way the world's life works out: and wo ;iij:i have their ha;; :s ; I ti e heart "f it A. 1). T. Whim: You pay big money to insure your house against the fire fiend. Why not put a little money into a cause to insure your sou njraiiisr the drink fiend. - The Type Reform. You will lind that the mere resolve not to be useless, and the honest desire to help other people, will, in the quickest and mor-t delicate way, improve yourself. Ruskin. "Alcohol is not only a poison, with special affinity for the brain, but it is a poison with a fish-hook barb It can only go in; it cannot be pulled out with out tearing the flesh.' Joseph Cook, LL.' lX Slid this man with an accent of pride, I can drink it or cast it aside." B it the fact that is rife Is, he drinks it through life, And he left it alone when he died. Lippiaoot 's Magazine. Habit is the key to pandemo nium as well as. to paradise. By the slow, unerring, unfailing plan of God, habit may become our step ladder to saintship or our toboggan to ruin. Not more than five in one hundred inhab itants, gamblers or libertines are ever permanently reformed. "Public opinion what is that but the bold utterance of the few .who think what they say, dare to say what they think, and seek what they want, and the silent acquiescence of the many who are too indolent for thought or too timid for actiou." Newton Booth, California. Whose wife and daughter do you want to see well dressed this year, your own or the whiskey seller's? If you help clothe his f unily first, won't have much left with which to clothe your own. If you think his family is better than tours, give it the preference. The People's Tri bune. If all the other works of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union were utterly blotted out, the work alone of the departs ment of scientific temperance instruction would inscribe those cabalistic letters, V. C. T. U., ! in cnaractcrs of living: lig-nt on the pages of history as one of the greatest factors for good the world has ever known. Nearly all women have good hair though many are gray, and few are bald. Hall's Hair lieuewer restores natural color and thickens the gro ,vth of the hair. D. R. Mimden, aiL Maker. AwrringsTentsandFlags Old Sails Bought audi Sold. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Cor. Water and ' Matthew Sts. (Over W. J. Woodley's Store.) P. O. POX j j. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. CotTcxpou den So iitcd li enurr s FOR EITHER SEX. This remedy being in jeeted directly to the seat of those diseases of the Oenito-trinarj Organs, requires m chance of diet. Curt guaranteed in 1 to f days. Small plain pack H?e. by mail, Mold only by He's No Pack Mule. Louisiana Press. An exchauge came to us last week with a blue mark around an editorial booming a candi date for office. A printed slip pasted to the piper kindly req ic-sted us if we said anything about the caudi-. date's candidacy to send him a marked copy ol the piper. We didn't do it. We ain't going to do it. We ain't sa ing a word. We ain't going to say a Word. Unless, The cash is in sight. And we can see the smiling of the Goddess of liberty on one side of the dollar of our dads and count the tail feathers in the great American eagle on the other. In times past we have given away columns of paper and reams of paper and great gobs of ink in a political campaign. And what did we get in re turn for it? Noshing but the privilege of wading in the mud behind the band wagon and spilling coal oil on our only coat and getting shot in the eye with a Roman candle. But times have changed and our feelings have changed. Everything has changed ex cept our pockets. There is no change there. We are a Democrat but we ain't no pack mule to carry can didates into office and get the cold shoulder. And perhaps the cold mutton after the election. Our enthus.asm is gone. It his leaked through the holes in our elbows and escaped through the appertures in our pants. Glory is a good thing but cold cash is better. Campaign thunder will no longer reverberate throughout these columns exc pt at so much per th under. Our campaign rooster has to be fed and wheiewith shall we feed him? He's lost his tail feathers from the last campaign and needs some extract ol gold or silver right now. Our tow line is sagging in the middle and unraveled at the ends. The candidate is out for the office. We are out for the stuff. State qf Ohio, City of Toledo, Ia'cas County. sm rank J. CiiiSxiiY makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay thesumofONIv HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that ca . :t be cured by the use of ilAi,i,':i C x': :.mi Cure. i'iiANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before ine and subscribed in niv presence, this 6th dav of Decem ber. A. D. i8S5. I A. W. GLUAS9N, SEAL .f Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. E. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, P. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. T JVD C 7 iracK Boxes AND Now is the time to place your order tor the latter for the Spring Shipping. Address (Kramer rost, & gom9 Elizabeth City N. C. 500 Men WANTED. TO Unload Schooners. A Good Job One that will last all Sum mer. To secure the job a nicklei is required as a deposit of : XT good laith. Apply at once to J. R. BERGERON, Norfolk & Southern RR Schedule in effect Aug. 17,1896 Norfolk & Southern li. R. Mail and Express trains, Southbound, daily (ex cept Suudajs.) leave Elizabeth City at 11:40 a. 111., aud at 6:15" p. m.; North bound, daily, (except Sundays) leae Elizabeth C;tv at 2:45 P- ni . and 9:40 a. ui. The trains arrive at and depart from Norfol k & Western depot, Norfolk; connect at Norfolk with all Rail and Steamer line?, and at Edeuton with .Steamer for lwoauoke, Cashie, Chowan and Scuppeinong rivers; transfer steamers 'to Mackey's Ferry, thence by Norfolk & Southern R. R. to I'antego and P. .'.haven, connecting v. ith steamer Virginia Uare forMakeleyvillc. Auro ra, vashiugton and all intermediate landings. Eastern Carolina Dlsjmtch AND .. Oi cl onii nio ZHjx no. The steamer Neuse leaves Elizabeth City T.icsclay, Thursday and Saturday at 6;2D p. m.. for Newborn connecting with the A. !'c N.C. It R. for Goldsboro, .viastoji. and Morebead City, and with t he Y. N. &X. R. R. for Jacksonville, llmiiigto::. N. C, etc. Returning, leave N.-. beru Monday, Wednesday and Friday, stopping at Roanoke Island a l ocracokc going and returning. TI t o-i :fik- at Elizabeth City -nati .i to Roanoke Inland. Xewberne, ICiusLo:.. Goldsboro, Moreiiead City and Wilmington, N. C. Dailv all mil service between Eliza-.-h Cuy a. id New York, Philadelphia, 'n'um.'iv and Norfolk. T':r r.i i h cars and as w rates and it ! time L'.ia:i by a 13 ether route. 'lie-', t'.l goods to shipped via E istorn Carolina Dispa. " . a-, follows: ru: Norfolk by Norf '. vS: Southern Railroad; Baltimore by I'.W. & B. R. R . President Street Statin; Philadel phia Philadelphia R. U., Dock Street -'talinn; New York, by Pennsylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River, and Old Dominion Liue For further information apply to M. II. Snowdeu, Agent, Elizabeth City, or to the General Office of the Norfolk & Southern R. R. Company, Norfolk, Ya. M. K. KING, General Manager. 11. C. IUDGINS, G. F. & P. Agfc. WHICH 13 THE BLACKER LINE ? 11 Ivcd I 1 1 V venders of Spectacles aud Kye- Glasses 11 ev are not Optician But if they were, they could not- do justice to their patrons in that way. There is located at Eden. ton, N. C, a Scientific Optician who has a reputation to sustain,vho will treat you right and is ftil. and practical; so say two of the leading physi cians Diliard and Mc Mullau. Respectfully B. E. BYRD, The Optician. shermen 1 am prepared to make a better lot of Fish Stands than ever before. Each y.ars experience brings an improvement. The next in order is a gUG pROOF IJUOP made so by a process of steam from boiling pickle which kills the germ of the insect aud preserves the wood . The price remains the same $2.25 delivered at Edenton. Try to get your orders in by the 1st of Nov. Reniembe: that - my stock of general .Merchandise is new and coinpLt.;. That "my prievs is as low ; s t!i -y are in town That produce is taken in pivment. That 1 y.x snot cash lor cotton. t 1 That 1 appreciate past favors. That I ask a part of your patron age Taat I remain yours truly. J. C Byrd. Edeuton, N. C. Oak x rftj Ridge s Institute The Largest and Best Equip ped School in North Oaro . lim. Situated in the Bliimont SecHii ne ar Greensboro A beautiful Catalogue eiv- ing terms, &c, will be sent on application. F Address, VBOFS IIOLT, OAK RIDGE, N. C. I VgctablcPreparationror As similating thcTcodandReguta ting the Stomachs and Bowels cf Promotes DigesUon,CheerfuI ncssandRest.Contains neither Opmm.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Kahcotic. 7i: s, Reap efGldlSrSAMUIimiMJl IonpJttn See J" sltx -Scnna ytnise Settl Jipptrmint - dfi Qutona&SoJa f farm Seed -CUvititd Sugar . hZdvyrfcn-ftarer i J ."St- f A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEV YORK. j 3T m ! EXACT COPY OF VRAPPB Of Building Material, Scroll Work, or Mouldings of any kind ? c orrespond wi h IFS 1ST r- dstftf ti m m m m m m a Large Capacity ! Lenciid Nothing but the best work sent out. It will be to your interest to let us quote you prices- BTSAMPLES FURNISHED ON REQUEST. Ml Latest lanapirowd Mclhmeir. No Orders Too Large None Too Small. lamjin TO jlllillllS at BaWue orj A Great Battle Is to Be Fought This Year for 1 1 k! 1 ! V. GREAT ISSUE NO W is the double standard against ihe single standard the use cf both gold and silver as standard money meTals against keeping the currency of the country on the gold basis. i B ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTITUTION in I 8 I published at ATLANTA, GA., and bavins A C!::CUL TK)X OF THAN 156,000, chiefly among the farmers of the country, and going to nun.- li n.fs ii any werkly newspaper published on the face of the earth, is The Leading Champion of the People in all '-be great eoniests In which they are engaged against the exactions of monopoly. i :n: CO.NS I I : ution is the biggest, brightest and best weekly newspaper 1 ii' i hi d iii Amoiica, covering ihe news of the world, having correspondents in eveuy oily in America, and te . mi uci'liimh in.-jje, aim i!urmig in mil vue ueians oi ucoates in ;u i iest. P. ice $1 per year. It is ilE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, and as an purveyor of S u hern news it has no equal on the continent. ,1 fin Eiilargemaniof Twelve Columns. IrLtocteS O:;; to 12 ox 7 THE CONSTITUTION'S SPECIAL FEATURES it.3 Farm and Fsri irs' Daia, The Womans' Department, are all under ab direction and nre pociaMy attractiro to those to whom Under the editorial manasen itorial managen lark Twain, r?:i ration as ami U of others, while it offers neu. y service from such wr.ters as Bill Arp, Sarge Plunket Wallace I it-x ';L. Stanton and others vvlio ve iu Ii:crary features a peculiar Southern flavor that commend it to ver. smIi from v ir nia to Texas from Maine to California. Hi r ?i : t'ie rhol !o'nv and f iilure to bring the promised relief in financial matters THE CONSTITUTION i.iis , ra'-t.... in w 11 rn, cut, the. full news. It has given plain editorial utterances uoon the effect of the trim i p.. lyn.'wreoia-oaiid more bonds, which events have shown to be prophetic in their uncrrin STRAIGHT, CLEAN, UNTRAMMELED, S;l ll'f the f i . peoi: By Gp cl J A.rr ng; n vnt f o tre r m WfflELT OOHSIIffUflOHV;Both SEE . THAT THE FAC-S1MILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY .BOTTIiE OF ti Caetoria is pnl Tip in one-size bottka only. It 3 net sold ia hvl, Don't allow anyone to sell yon anything else on the pie cr promise that it is just as good" tmd 'will answer every pur pose." Bee that yon get u-A-s-x-u-ii-i-A. of II 9-M te a z . BLfl 5 Shipping i.rn w n fi U OIL May be the Root of Ail Evil, but without It the People Would Be In a Bad Fix. Of the Currency Is Dangerous to the People's Interests, and Deadly to their Prosperity. CONTRACT THE CURRENCY and put the People entirely the Mercy of the Money Power and the Shylocks are now T00Tt ana columns, making 84- columns each en: of CLAliK HOWELL, its ipec'al contributor are writers of micb Kret II irrp, Frante R. Stockton, Joel Chandler HarrU, Bptsy Ilarii en: THE CONSTITUTION IT! who insist that the serva&U of tho people shall r publishing this announcement will be mablp low rate announced elsetxrhAm tn - s r-A, S5ANDARD. - t f i . 7- r..?'! J SSI HE jMAT.ONS j-FIDE. Gccd is Gcccl, But the best! All, good is not in - it then. Get the BlivST while you are buying, and save your money. Fine hiirh-trrade. li; lit running, 2 2it wlieel with bear ings made of the finest tool steel. PRIC : $85.00 for Model 40 and $100.00 for Model 42. Discounts for cash. Catalogues ami icstrmonials furnish ed free upon application. For partic ulars write the MAKERS. Tlio (Jto. Ilasbrouck Co., 330 Seventh Ave., Ncv2sth street. New York. Aleuts Wanted in Unoccupied Terri tory. 11-29. ? 4 Facilities. It congress on ail questions of public , exponent of Southern opinion and week c Are such as are not to be found in any other paper in America. The Children's Depaatment, these departments re addressed. world. not become their roasters. clubbed with The Conmit,,. WM. MMVtC i ... " W.P.Ives&Cc Slenders .of 11 C'tMiiiiMvlnl Write for 11:1 p Ic-s in S.BJHiller & Co. WHOLESALE COMMISSIOV ' Fish Dealers, NO. ; HULTON MAKKi.i New York Samuel 15. Miller. ) Clarence C,, Miller f Soecial Attention iCN 10 THE SALE OF NOin II r,;o , UNA SUA I. Stencils and Stationery rirnilirti ,,1, Appli;ltn-li U K EMPLOY NO AO KM A W. MAI:I r, rr.rr: n 1. No Z Tulton Fish Market. North Carolina Sh.u! Specialty. No Agents. S.LSTORERoiCO lio'.r.i.. ItfiiU't'H sun! Mt i y 1 1. . i IVXiiW V().Uii. We work harder for tlie inU i est of the Southern lislu-. im-; than any honse in the busi u . ;. If your Sicncil is not in uwl . , let us know, I-rVe Employ no Ayei;ls and Pay no Commissions. E W. Albaugh & V" litiii s;; li ( 'tint ni isr i M, J3 resi TERRIPIN AND (1AMI No. 22 I.IkIh Mr. i- '.Miari. liALTI M( K I Prompt Returns, tjuu HKIEWENCI. i-tti:'-i i- Ni.inn.rti I'.in.k . .1 II i Stent ils l;i:riii.shi(! 1" I ( ( Eal.'tUibht'ri Stil SAiviL. M.' LA With M J. Baltiir-.cre. I. I i UK! l.S : 1 it 1 h ji I I , ! 1.1.,. , 111; k Alt km lit.. I. li.K(,t-l Jt ti.. .). Illlk) Imi ! lcn Kati. Bank. The J. v .Join W.A. WEST & cj'.J.. HOUSE and ARRIAGH P a inte r cy and PAPER HANGK1' Elizabeth City, N. All orders receive promj t I attention. The patronage of he public is solicited. i HPRINITY COLLEGE, ; HTTP W AM, N Trinity offers courses in Mathcm it; . Philosophy, Latin, Greet, Gum; French, English, History, l'ldni- .. Science. Political Kconomy, Science, Chemistry, Astronomy, -NI eralogy, Geoiofey, Physics, J'.i'"-" and Bible BEAUTIFUL LOCATION, BEST EDUCA TIONAL ENVIRONMENTS ANDTHCr. OUGH INSTRUCTION. $171 to $220 pays an eolit h i-N- penses per year. Next Session begins S-pl j'h, 'y. For Catalogue, address Jno. C. Kilgo, PRESinKNT. At the PAI.AIS, on Main Street. fl