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Newspaper Page Text
Mr - Drifts For fhinrmcD' DEPARTMENT. Our line of Dress Goods is complete in every way. Lawns, Lappets, Organdies, Dimities, Figured Linenes, Percales in all the latest styles, white goods of every description . Latest style woolen goods, Shepard Plaids, French Plaids, all colors, Brilliantene figured and plaid, Cicilian, Grenadines, mixed wool goods, Dress Patterns, all colors of Cashmeres and Serges. We can supply the most fastidious with perfect fitting SCSI? WITH COLLARS ATTACHED OR DETACHED, In all Colors and Styles, Plain, Plaited and Puffed Bosoms. We have a job lot of Percale Shirts, 2 Collars and pair Cuffs. The regular price $1.00, we will sell at 50 cents. A bargain for any one needing shirts. We also have the latest styles in Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Etc. pmifmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmti Mr iff it) vi t) U ) VI Hat Department. ill i Hi vl l l The Largest and Most Complete vl i T . l ii Hi jj Ever Brought to this Market Vjf which we sell from 5 cents upwards. l l (1 l l l l The latest style Derbys, Cuban and Alpines. A fine line of Ladies, Men and Boys ffi Vl Linen, Crash and Duck CAPS. vl Vl Vl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, H I7r Tif Hats, Caps, Gents Furnishings, Carpets, Mattings, Etc. mm 1 (TOW STORE WITH WO FRONTS, OB MAIN & WATER STS. vl vl vl vl vl Vl to vl vl vl vl vl vl WE HAVE w vl vl I, yfo Umbrellas Umbrellas Vl Umbrellas Black, Umbrellas Red, 0 vl vl ffFvSffillli I nnumanr. Umbrellas Um!)rellas for the poor, for the rich, for one, for more; Umbrellas White. Umbrellas Blue. Vl b tf 0 vl vl vi vl it vl vl vl vl vl vl vl v5 3 -3 -3 3 3 UR SHDE DEPARTMENT, This Department connot be surpassed south of New York. We have the largest line of Ladies, Misses and Childrens Low Shoes that were ever brought to Elizabeth City; consisting of Oxfords, Button, Lace, and Strap, in Ox Blood, Chocolate, Tant Patent Leather and Dongola Coin, Razor, London, Opera, and , common sense toes. Patent, imitation, tip same and plain. These' goods are manufactured by Ziegler Bros., of Philadelphia, the largest manufac turer of ladies fine goods in the United States. THIS LINE ALONE NUMBERS FIFTEEN-HUNDRED FAIRS. Our line of Mens Boys and Youths Shoes will compaie with any city, consisting of Congress, Lace, Oxfords, Nullifiur, and Prince Al berts in Ox blood, Chocolate, Tan, Kangaroo, Vici, Kid, and Calf Razor, Loudon, St. Louis, Bull Dog, New Orleans and Plain Toes. Tips, Imitation Tips, and no Tips. This line is manufactured by ' Helmers Bettman & Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, whom NONE CAN STOP A! AND FEW EUAL V We have received this week !ABOUT THREE-HUNDRED SUIT of Mens, Boys and Childrens Clothing, which were bought 50 per cent, under the factory priee, and 'which we will sell to the trade ac cordingly We keep on hand a full line of regular goods which we are selling AS LOW AS CAN BE BOUGHT ANYWHERE IN THIS COUNTRY, JcWUJtOiavj xL u. 7 A p TO