Newspaper Page Text
Fisherman and Farm Pi NeWS Adrift ntcred at the Post Office at Elizabeth j City as second class matter. , I.IZABETH CITY, May 7, 1897. PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." In tc Heart of titeGity BRIEFLY RELATED. at the corner of -vater and Matthew Sts, up The Pith of the News Especially stairs, is tne otfice ot the Fisherman & Farmkr Printing Coin- pany. Persons having business to transact are invited to call. Prepared for the Busy- Readers. We Do High Grade COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an abso- employed at the Klizabeth City Cotton Mills . v. .--U..V, uj ix psia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. "The Fly-Wheel of Life" Town election next Monday. Vote, everybody Mr. Ii. F. Gunn spent last week at New Berne. Mr. L. C. Oakley is spending: a while at New Berne. Mr. L. W. Norman, of Herts ford, was in the city yesterday. Mr. W. J. Broughton made a business trip to Norfolk this week. Potato bugs put in an appears anee this season before the pota toes did. About seventy-five hands are Send one dollar to the Fish KRMAN & rARMKR and become a subscriber Mr. Bragg Perry, of Perquim ans, iavored this ottire wini .1 Dr. lutt; Your Liver Pills are call on Tuesday. .1 n 1 1 n:r t I me ny-wneei 01 me. 1 snan ever Mr. Chas. Morgan, the phot- be rrateiui lor the accident that ographer, is spending the week brought them to my notice. I feel in Dare county. as if I had a new lease of life. Messrs. Wm. Badbam and D t i;o:,:i, PUfr r-i Japer, ot ncieuton, were 111 1 1 .11111 1 ii. 1 1 ..1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 11 1 m tl ,,.. Miss Delia Mann, of this city, is visiting friends and relatives at Manteo, this week Sunday School will beheld in the Court House every Sunday at 3 o clock, p. m. Miss Daisy Doziei, of Norfolk, is the truest ot Miss 1 enie Pritchard in this city Mr. E. E. Perry, of Boston, A 1 1 . 1 Ti... .Innou ntfirn c;t.,otori ipent several nays tins week 150 yds south ot hotel, 2 stories, wlth "lends 111 h. City. 4 rooms, tongue and grooved Mr. Jerry ii cox leit yester- floors and piazza ah around day for Wilmington 10 attend the building, double kitchen with Baptist State Coi. vention. , aV uT i ; Mr- Tho White, of Hertford, i,,t..,a,., u.ui, luuugcs, Was the biggest man that visits IKUh. 31UVC. L1IVC pilllip and good water nearby. Title IMPROVEMENTS, The Good Work troes on Parts of the City. in all Polk Miller, in his negjo dia lect. "The South before the War," will appear at Court House . Hall on the 14th inst., at 8 o'clock. We bespeak for him a large audience. . Dr. W. D. Straughan, of Snow mil, Aid., was in the city aatur- The three brick stores of Mr 1 .w I nay last. He returnea nome p. H. Robinson, on Poindexter Wednesday, accompanied by his street. are froinp-nn raoidlv. l1 c t- tt Ca. f I a - i i muuier, iurs. u. n. oiraugnan, and brother Linwood. A neat picket fence has re cently been erected in front of Prof. S. L. Sheep's home on Main street. There is a rumor abroad that the Post office will b given to a colored man. If it is, there are at leasf hftv crnnn rfrm bl 1 rn n i who will leave the nartv and street' recently erected by Mr. oin hands with the Democratic low.e' 15 receiving the hnishing touches. The new residence on Maple party How large is our city ? Most outsiders say 4.soo. Mr. Over man states on his business cards, 8,000. Some of our papers say 7,000. Let the public take the census, and lets get the thing as nearly correct as possible. lasc Friday night at about 11 o'clock, another of the old fire traps, an unoccupied building at lie coruer of Road and Church streets, was destroyed by fire. The adjoining property was saved by the Fire Department How is the sanitary condition of Elizabeth City? Warm weather Tutt's Liver Pills The Most Desirable Cottage on NAG'S HEAD ! guaranteed Can be bought very cheap. Apply to J. M. JONES, Edknton, N. C. 'ft', M(, )$SimtaHa Has opened a Sjivery Stable .AT. Siiowden, N. C. Ami solicits the patronage of his iiu iuls and the public generally. Horses cared for at the most reasonable terms, Stylish turn outs for hire at all times. Give him a Call ! Drummers wishing a good tram should call on him. Low rates will be given them. A .Store on Main street, near Water, conveniently arranged. Two departments one 22x60, the other 12x50. Elevator at taehed. Apply to John P. Hughes, Api4t Eliz. City, N. C. Brick! Brick! - 3ili(ompsoi BRIGK WORKS. The leading brick manu- f:irtiirfri rf this section are , . now ready to supply orders 'J on short notice. This plant has been in active operation . ,! for twenty years, and they ' guarantee satisfaction as to , quality and price, Khese (Brick have Stood the gest And reflex action will be a guide to your further purchase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere. Call Telephone No. 2, or address f . . Thompson, (Mgr., Elizabeth City, N. C. Why will you buy bitter nauseating iocics when Grove's UsiNt l'is!s Cliill Tonic is as pleas ant as L,emcm Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund the money in every case where it fails to cure. Price, wo cents. Educate Your Bowels With Cascaret. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 0c, 25c. It C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. ed Elizabeth City yesterday. Miss Sarah Gaither, of Hert ford, was the guest of Mrs. C. H. Robinson on Wednesday last. Rev. C. S. Ulackwell is attend ing tne Jiaptist btate Conven tion at Wilmington this week. Mr. Walter Bright and Miss Sadie Tohnsou were married Wednesday night in the First Ward. Miss Rebecca Murray, of Hyde county, is the guest of Miss Annie Spence on Road Street. Mr. h. J. Yaeke!, of the Yaekel Drug Co., Baltimore, gave this office a visit on Satur day last. Why not have a concert every few months, like that of last week? Also lectures by our home talent. A protracted meeting will be gin next Sunday at the M. E. church, conducted bv the pastor, Rev. J. H. Hall. Mr. J. F. Spear, Manager of the Racket Store, has just re turned from New York with a fresh supply of goods. The Junior oratorial contest will take place at the Atlantic Collegiate Institute to night. A big crowd will be tiiere. Mr. John Ivives, of Tvrrell couuty and Miss Lizzie Swain, of this city, were married last Sunday in the First Ward. Mr. Ed. Kramer's house on Fearing street is being occupied by the family ol Capt. Cohoon, in which they moved this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bell and daughter, of Baltimore, are in the city, the guests of Mrs. Bell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bur gess. Misses Ruuyoii and Barkley, of Bloomsburg. Pa., are visiting in this city, the guests of the family of Rev. P. W. Melick on Water street. If the FISIIK R MA X & FA R M K R 's subscription list continues to increase as rapidly as it has this week our press will have to run day and night to keep up. We need more factories; our cotton factory does not give en ough employment for the amount of capital invested. Let us have more, and not so large. Rev. F. H. Johnston is spends ing the week at Atlantic City, Va., atteuding the Trustee's Meeting of the Theological Sem inar, and the closing exercises of same. Having just added a new lot of type, borders, ornaments, &c., for the proper and effective dis play of advertisements, this of fice is better equipped than ever to do your work. Give us a rial. Erincato Your IloweU With Cascaret. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c 25c. If C C C. fall, druggists refund money. Mr. W. H. Ballard has recent ly built a neat and attractive fence in front of his elegant house on Burgess street. Mrs. Frank Cook, Sr., is hav ing two very neat and roomy dwellings erected on Maple street one oi which is about finished. Mr. James G. Gregory is hav ing a nanusome residence erect ed on West Main street, which will be occupied by himself and family as soon as completed. Workmen are rapidly erecting this week a large dwelling on West Main street for Mr. Charles will be along after awhile, and Guirkin, which will be quite a ecomposed matter is likely to handsome structure when corns accumulate in yards, back lots pleted. and alleys during the winter sea- 0n tho lot rornei of Maill and son. It would be well to dean Beech streets buildine material Up now. is heintr. lianlpH this wppL- for n The Job Printing Depart- residence to be erected by Mr. nient of this "print shop" has J. B. Flora. Work on same will been turning out this week some! begin in a few days. On the "Rhoda Ferris" prop erty near "Scott s Park, on Road street, Mr. Robert Will-. lams is having a very roomy residence built. Tne work on same in being pusiieo rapidly ahead. very handsome work, and a big lot of it. In fact the pointers of this establishment were never busier than at present. We still insist that the Up-to-Date print ers are winners. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak muu strong, 0100a pure, All druggists. A very pretty marriage ocs curred luesday night at the M. Baptist church on Main street. E. church, which was decorated Mr. W. J Woodley, the owner for the occasion. Mr. Wo: th of this lot, will soon begin the Cook, formerly of Rockv Mount, erection of a handsome home and Miss Minnie Spence, of thereon Building material is being placed 011 the lot in front of the The new building erected by Mr. J. W. Sharber, on Burgess street, is in the bands of the painters who are giving it the finish. The new fence in -lront Mr. Sharber's property on Bur gess street is quite attractive. The Westfield (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place evidentlv "Frank McAvoy, for many years in tne empioy 01 me l,., in. & C. Ry. here, says: 'I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer-and never with out it in my family. I consider it the best remedy of the kind manufactured. I take pleasure in recommending it. it is a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by W. W. Griggs & Son. Newberu is erecting a tobacco varehouse 90X 1 50 feet. ti:is city, were happily married by Rev. J. H. Hall. The cere mony was witnessed by a large number of friends. Two attempts were made Tuesday night to fire the old de lapidated buildings on Road street, near Canal Bridge. Where upon Fire Commissioner Kra mer gave orders to have same torn down, which was done on Wednesday. Some one in that section of the city wants improvement. The Fisherman & Farmer Agent visited Columbia and South Mills last week and was favored with quite a nice lot 01 orders for Job printing at both places, also a good list of new subscribers, for which we return thanks. This week our agent visited Mamtco and met with much success. He secured an other long list of new subscribers. People who want the news evidently known what paper from which to get it. "Newspaper men are blameu The State Press Association tor a lot of things they cannot will meet, at Morehead City Tune neip; sucu as using partiality 111 0-10 mentioning visitors, giving news about some folks and leaving others out, etc. They simply print the news they can find. An editor should not be expected to know the names and resi dences of your uncles, aunts and cousins, even it he should see them off on the train. Tell him about it. Its that makes a newspaper, a 11 d every man, woman and child in the neigh borhood could be associate edit ors if they would." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice the change in the "ad" of Louis Selig. Moses Weisel talks about "Pretty Footwear" this week. Read the advertssement in this issue of P. DeLou, Bicycle repairer. A change has been made in ad.' of W. C. Parsons, Tonsonal Artist. Read the "ad." on the fourth page of this paper, by W. J. Broiihton, carriage maker. Grand Sacred Praise Service. Taflk At the Baptist church Sunday th re will be preaching by Rev. F. H. Johnston, of the Presbyte iian Church. The choir has secured the service or Miss E. Maude Runyon, of Penn sylvania, one of the most brilli ant pipe organists of the coun try, to give an evening of sacred song and music. Miss Runyon's organ work is a revelation in the sciences of harmonies. She has had the best instruction un der the great masters of great organs. She has done work on Dr. Con well's Grand Temple or-, gan in Philadelphia. She will be assisted Sunday night by the choir, in chorus work, and speci al solos by Miss Wood, Mrs. ! Griffin, Mrs. Guirkin, Mr. Briggs and others. A course of Hood's Sarsaparilla tak en now will build up the system and prevent serious illness later on. Get only Hood's. With Hood's Sarsapa rilla," Sales Talk," and show that this medi cine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accord ed any other proprietary medicine. This is simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other. It is not what we say, bat what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. All advertisements of Hood's Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it self, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence in it, and buy n n n FdOOO Si Sarsaparilla Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try it Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. u j are the only pills to take MOOd S FlllS with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Get on to This P. DeLON, rRepair Hliop,!- Matthew Street, ELIZABETH CITY. N- C. With proper tools and much experience I can guarantee work done in the best work manship manner and to be sat isfactory to all. I can also sup ply bicyclists " with aU equip ments belonging to wheels. JPi-iees JLow. My. shop is thoroughly equip ped which enables me to do work neatly and promptly. Give 1110 a Trial. 1 cSo: !!!!n!!1!l!H!ni!!!fnfnfnfnfl!!nn!!!Hl!mf!m!n!!nn!!!tfl1!l!nit!l!!ff!?H!n!!!l!n!l!!Hn!!!nn!!!!!m!!t? and a pretty foot in a pretty Shoe is a good deal more- But a pretty foot in an ill-looking, ill-fitting shoe is Worst of all. The Oxford Ties and Sandals we sell will make a pretty foot prettier, or a less attractive I "understanding" neat and trim. We Ve the nicest line we I ever carried; neatest shapes; 1 all toes and 50c to $2.50. all prices from We can suit any Purse. FIT ANY MAID I BUT A MERMAID, and we'd try right hard to fit her- They come in r Blacks and Russets; bows or buckles, and are al- g together the cheapest foot-beautifiers you ever gr saw anywhere near the price we ask. 5 MOSES WEISEL, siS, ELIZABETH CITY. iiUiUiUiliiiliiiiUiiiiiitiiiliiUiUiiiiliiiitiiiUiiitliiUiUittiUtiitiliiltliiitUiilitiiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiliiittl I I II ! MANUFACTURED BY THE I have purchased for CASH FIFTY brand-new "RUG-BY" BICYCLES, the same to be delivered to me in quantities to meet my requirements, and in view of the low price at which I made this pur chase, I shall dispose of this stock at a price within the reach of everybody. These wheels were CRAWFORD MANUFACTURING COMPANY, AND LISTED IN 1896 AT 575.00. Thev are now offered to you at the redicilously low prices of IIAGKRSTOWN, MI), .75 for Gentlemen. SS.75 " Ladies. These Wheels are advertised daily by the largest dealers in New York City at $35.00 and $40.00 respectively for Gentlemen and Ladies models. 11 Ii r uElmares,v Gentlemen, 28 in Wheels, $ 37.50- "Elmares' Ladies 28 inch Wheels, 38-50. "Elmares," Youths 26 inch Wheels 35.00. "Elmares," Misses, 26 inch Wheels 35-00. 18997 SEARCH LAMPS, $3.50 EACH. The Highest of high-grado Bic3'cles from $50 to $80. 9 NONE BETTER MADE fffl TME LEADING JEWELER. GOOD SOIL, OOOX CULTIVATION and then you may reasonably expect good crops. Some times, by extra cultivation, you may get along pretty well on really poor soils, and sometimes, on extra soils, passable crops are made without proper cultivation, but there is one thing to be remembered no matter what the soil or the cultivation, you will never succeed unless the seeds are all right. "Figs do not grow from thistles," nor good crops from poor seeds. We sell no seeds which are not good. Will you let us help you to grow good crops ? No matter how small operations may be.we want to furnish the seeds, and you will be surprised to find how efisy it is to buy our seeds by mail. Write for a catalogue it is the best ever written for the Southern gardner. Go. Tait Ac Son. Seed Growers, 78 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. If you feel bad in the morning and want a bracer, use fnotn I celery And gives new life to the nerves. 2 &arge oses for IO cts. See that every Bottle is Stamped with 3 Sprigs of Celery. PREPARED BY YAEKEL DRUG CO, BALTIMORE, MO.