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FlSHEfRMAJI & FARMEfc -BY- A. H. MITCHELL. -o-Published Every Friday.-$- SUBSCRIPTION PRICK t i.oo When Paid In Advance: J1.50 If Not Paid In Advance Delivered at doors of city subsoi i ei s Dy carriers, as soon as irom without etra charge. Tlic "FVIitnr disclaims all resOOnsllHI- Uy for the views or statements ol cor respondents, and reserves the light at all times to revise or reject any Jtticle he may think proper. Always sign your name to a news mr rnmmunifation simolv as a pledge of good faith. It will 'not he published unless you aesire 11. Tfct ri vrti ci ntr mPflium in the lilS trict. Rates very moderate. Special rates on long contracts. a 11 -itiriminrpTTipTit and recommen dations of candidates for office, whether In the shape of communications or otherwise, will be cnargca as auvci tisements. ELIZABETH CITY, June 4, 1897. The cool weather is having a bad effect on the crops in the peanut and cotton sections. The leaves are all turning yellow. The state of affairs in Europe is still unsettled. Turkey's in demuity from Greece is yet un determined. Her demand for Thessaly is making trouble. Things are hot around New lierne and the municipal affairs are in a merry mess. There are two Boards of Commissioners, two Mayors, two Tax Collectors, etc., and the people swear they will not pay taxes until things are definitely settled. It is reported irom Washing ton that Senator Aldrich and his colleagues of the Finance Coin- mittee have been so much im pressed by the public criticism of their sugar schedule that they have decided to abandon it and are preparing a new one less favorable to the Sugar Trust. There are none living who do not, in a greater or less degree have an influence over the earth ly happiness of others. The sense of ccntributing to the pleasures of others augments our own happiness. Uuefulness Christian charity, ami loving kindness are sunbeams of the soul. This is the season of commence ments and the reports of those held thus far in the State re quite flattering. Most of the schools and colleges have done well this year, and notwithstand ing the extremely hard times there is a good prospect lor an enlivened interest in education during the ensuing school year. Exertionwhether called labor, Tecreation, or amusement, is essential to health; and, as the body was made for labor, work is its natural and honorable duty. An idle man or woman is a discredit to the race, and unusu ally liable to fall into disease, whilst an industrious person adds to the wealth of the country, and is more likely to be healthy and happy. "Not Exactly Right." Thousands of people aee in this con dition They arc not sick and yet they are by mo means well. A siugle bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla would do them a. world of good. It would tone the stomnch, create an appetite, purify .and enrich the blood kud give wonder ful vigor and vitalily, Now is the lime to bake it. aioon's Pints cure nausea, sick head ache, indigestion, biliousness. All druggists. 25c. New subscribers are coming our way all the time. Our sub, scription list is already larger than any paper ever published in Elizabeth City. It is grat ifying to know the people ap preciate our efforts to give them a live, newsy, wide-awake paper. The Westfield (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N. A. & C. Ry. here, says: 'I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer-and never with out it in my family. I consider it the best remedy of the kind manufactured. I take pleasure in recommending it." It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by W, W. Griggs & Son. CASTORIA Tor Infants Children. tiallt Jtfaatu a ' ten tnrj Interesting Notes From Various Points Around and About us. Of a Personal and Newsy Character, Pencilings Reproduced From The Notebooks of Fish erman & Farmer Re porters. EDENTOX, X. C. Solicitor Leary "has returned from court. - Miss Alice Makely has return ed from school. James Warren, Jr., has return ed from a trip North. Mr. E. S. Watson is spending a few days in the city. J. M. Wozelka, the baker, is having his store repaired. A. C. Mitchell has trone to Norfolk to spend a few days. S. P. Wixon returned home this week from a trip North. Miss Minnie Bishop has re turned home from Wilmington Mr. M. D. Haste spent Tues day and Wednesday in Norfolk. Mr. Zack Webb has returned home from Oak Ridge Institute Miss Anna Williams has gone to Murfreesboro to visit friends F. C. Mitchell, of Mackeys Ferry, was in the city Wednes day. Paul Tillery is spending his vacation with his parents in this city. Matrah Makely is spending his vacation at home with his parents. Mrs. C. 11. Elliott visited friends and relatives at Colerain this week. Mr. L. F Ziegler made busi ness trips to E. City and Ply mouth this week. Messrs. Aubry Hawkins and Walter White have returned home from school. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Arrington, of Norfolk, spent several days in the city this week. Air. Pat Bell, Jr., has gone to Washington, D. C, where he will spend the summer. The colored boy, J. Halsey, who was struck over the head wttli a piece 01 iron, is improv ing. A boat belonging to Mr. Dar den was turned over in the sound last week. The two men were taken off next day. A very handsome monument was erected this week in Beaver Hill Cemetery over the grave of the late Mrs. Theo. Ralph. Miss Mary Rehin, of Oak Grove, N. C, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Elihu L,ane, near Edentou, this week. A. J. Bateman has opened a tin shop on Broad street. He will have a first class tinner in charge and solicits a liberal patronage. Surveyors are at work in this city laying out a route for the Suffolk & Carolina Railway which will be extended ;to this place. A new steamboat line will soon be established from this place to points North and South. Mr. S. P. Wixon will be local agent 4 Ralph Bingham, the boy ora tor, will appear at Rea's Opera House next Tuesday night, June 8th, under the auspices of the Epworth League. Our mercantile establishments have inaugurated a seven o'clock closing hour thereby giving themselves and clerks a few hours of much needed rest. Hon. W. M. Bond will leave jn a few days for Greenville where he will make his future home. We regret exceedingly to lose such a man, and commend him to the good people of Green ville. At the regular monthly meet ing of the city councilmen held at the Court House Tuesday night, the bonds of the Treasure er and Constable were accepted and they were duly installed into office. J. H, Jiobinson was made chief of police, and D. Smith, night police. The appoint ments were very satisfactory. The 3aptlst Sunday School picnic given at Holle.s Wharf. on Ckowan rivei , last Wednes day, was a very delightful occa sion indeed. The steamer Ha ven Belle, in charge of Capt. T. W. Tillery, who is famous for making the young people have a good time, carried the school over. Upon arriving there the crowd were taken in by the fam ily of Mr. J. M. Forehand who had prepared the grounds for the occasion, throwing open their lovely home and contributed much to the comfort and pleass ure of the excursionists. MOTOCK. Mrs. W. H. Lee went to Nor folk Tuesday. Mrs. Lizzie Williams went to Norfolk Wednesday shopping. I. O. O. F. Lodge met Wed nesday night here, at their hall. Mr. E. W. Turner, of Norfolk, was here on business Wednes day. There was a pleasant social at Mrs. F. W. Ritter's Saturday night. Mr. Billie Jarvis had a fine new buggy come up on the train Monday. Miss Mattie Poyner was the guest of Miss Lena Sanderlin, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mamie Wilson has been quite sick for several days, but is much better. Mr. W. H. Weatherly and two little daughters, of E. City, was in the village Tuesday on bus iness. Mr. James Lew Sr. and wife, of Tulls, spent Sunday in Mo yock visiting their son Mr. Jordan. Died at her home in Berkley, of consumption, Mrs. Josephine Harnsou, aged about 24 years. Resjt in peace. Mr. A. F. Holt and Miss Ida Ashby spent last Sunday at Tulls, visiting her sister Mrs. James Northam. Messrs. J. J Morse and H. L! Davis, spent several days over to Currituck beach, last week gun ning and fishing. Mr. Charlie Powers, a former resident of Moyock, but late of Norfolk, is very sick in the boss pital at that place. Mr. T. T. Whitcomb, life in surance agent from Elizabeth City, paid this place a flying visit on his wheel Tuesday eve ning. Dr. Overby was in the village Thursday, and gave us a call. He and Rev. N. P. Stallings left Thursday evening to attond the Union Meeting at Whale's Head. Mr. L. W. Holloman, agent lor the Fisherman & Farmer, was in the village Saturday in the interest of that paper. He is a polite and clever gentleman. Several of our Moyock people went over to Hickory last Sun-, day to attend the Children's Day Exercises at the Taber nacle, and had a very pjeasant time. The heavy hail storm that passed over Northwest and Back woods section on May 24th, caused the merchants to have a good trade in window glass last week. Rev. H. M. Giles, not having any appointment for the 5th Sunday, gave Moyock an extra sermon Sunday. He was the guest of Mr. T. H. Fulford while here. Misses Emma Barnard and Minnie Williams, left Saturday for Camden to visit Mrs. Willis Ferebee and Mr. W. P. Creek more and wife. She will return Sunday evening. The Fisherman & Farmer's reporter, Mr. Charles Morgan, was in the village last week and gave us a very pleasant call. He is a live, wide awake and ener getic gentleman, who makes friends wherever he goes. C. Eilncato Tour IloweU With Jaareis. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever 10c, 35c. It C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. CAMDEN C. II. Mr, Jessell Pritchard spent Sunday in Camden, More work is going on now than has been any time this year. A Children's day will be given at Kilkenny school house on the 2nd Sunday in June. Miss Sadie P. Sawyer spent last Sunday afternoon very pleas antly at "Churchill." Quite a number of friends were entertained at the home of Mr. D. M. Spence last Sunday. Miss Lillie White, of den ton, wijl soon spend some time with Miss Annie Boushall. Miss Iredell L. Kiht res turned last Friday from the C. B. F. Inst'tute at Murfreesboro, N. C. We are glad to note the im provement of Mr. J. A. Bartlett; he fell from his cart some time ago and hurt his hip. Mr. Jas. Lumsden Ferebee and Miss Kate Belle Harriss spent last Sunday with their parents, both of the A. C. Institute. Miss Annie T. Boushall re turned this week from an ex tended trip to Wilmington and other places. She reports a pleasant trip. It is reported that Ocey Wil son got in a quarrel with a man whom he had working with him the other day, the man got too much for Wilson, and he ran to the house, got a ?un and shot him, putting out one eye. Services will be held Sunday at 11 o'clock at Sawyer's Creek church by the pastor Rev. T. G. Wood. This is the biggest day in Camden throughout the year, known as "June Meeting." Dr. S. W. Gregory, Mr. E. M. Stevens and Miss Lizzie Prichard of E. City, together with several more are expected over. The Camden-Currituck Union met with the church at Whale's Head, Friday, 28th ult., conlin uing in session three days with Messrs. Fletcher Humphries Moderator and C. B. Garrett Clerk. The roll of churches was called and almost all the churches were represented, only a few that were not. This Union consists of seventeen churches. The routine of business was called in the respective order, the work was turned aside with much forethought and careful ness. Preaching by Rev. Dr R. R. Overby, Friday night, fol lowed by Rev. J. B. Ferebee Saturday night and Sundav after noon. Rev. T. G. Wood preached the dedicatory sermon, owing to the absence of Rev-. J. K White, caused by the illness of his wife. All of the sermons were very able and beneficial and enjoyed by all. We hope great good was accomplished. It was estimated to be the largest gathering that ever assembled at that place. We extend hearty thanks to the Whale's Head people for tiieir hospitality and kindness toward us. The next Union will convene with the church at Powell's Point; Rev, T. G. Wood to preach the intro ductory sermon. The meeting adjourned with prayer, Rev. N. P. Stallings leading. Zack. T 'tir C'i:it i ion i'urevrr. T:i!iO ' is. usi'ts Cuiuy I'athuruc. 10o or !2Tc. If C (,'. f;ul to cun.;, Urut;K't-s refund uuuioy UNION, Hertford County. Our town has been lively with drummers this spring. We are glad to report only a few on the sick list at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Esters White are the appreciated guests of Mrs. Henry Modlin. Misses Effie Daughtry and Louise McMillan took a flying trip tc Norfolk, Va., a few days ago. Airs. Joe Person passed through town last week on her way to Windsor. She was selling her popular medicinal remedies and also had for sale a collection of new music. Rev. R. D. Cross having been absent from his regular appoint ment here in May, preached on the fifth Sunday as he was pass ing through town on his way from the Union meeting. It is with regret that we state the departure7 of Miss Louise Mc Millan, the accomplished teacher of Union High School, who quietly closed her school Friday and left Wednesday for her home in Wilmington, N. C. Dr. Swindell held a missions arv meeting at this place a -'ew days ago. We think it proved to be quite a success. In the afternoon a W. H. M. Society was organized. We hope it will prosper and increase rapidly. Many of our citizens attended the commencement exercises of C. B. F. Institute, at Murfrees boro, and report a pleasant time. They returned Wednesday after noon bringing several of the young ladies who attended that school. We are glad to have them with us again. . Miss Maggie Miller, of Dela wares, Va., is in town visiting her brother, Mr. Willie Miller. She seems to be a very popular and attractive young lady. Miss Miller expects to eave soon. We extend our deepest sympathy to some of our young men, and in vite her to come again soon. "Merit talka" the intrinsic value ef Hood'sSargaparilla. Talks Merit in medicine means the power to core. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and there fore it has true merit. When you boy Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive benefit, J9 power to cure U there, You are not trying an experiment, It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the whole system. Kl Sarsaparilla Is the best, in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. M ass. Hnvl'c Dtflc D? not. ,P"rtre. Ju or To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or Sc. If C C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. tram AND Main and Newness and Brightness characterize every department of our stock. No mat ter how attractive stocks may be at other times of the year, it is the Spring season that brings out the real beauty of goods and garments, where color harmonies hold full sway, and there is delightful profusion of tints and tones. Our efforts to gather stock that would please the public, have been crowned wih success. si "irfi ttei of Course Low Prices Our Dress Goods Department is complete in every way. Lawns, Lappets, Organdies, Dimities, Figured, L,iimens, Tissus Brode, Etammie cloth, Plain Liunens,, Percales in all the latest styles, White Goods of eveVy description. Latest style Woolen goods, Shepard Plaids, French Plaids all colors. Brilliantine figured and plain, Gicelliau, Grenadines mixed wool goods, Dress Patterns. All calqrs of Cashmeres and Serges. Our SHOE Department Cannot be appreciated until seen. We have the largest line OF LADIES, MISSES and CHILDREN'S Low Shoes that were ever brought to Elizabeth City; and strap, in Ox blood, Chocolate, gola. Coin, Razor, London, Common sense Toes. Patent, Imita tion and Plain Tips. These goods are manufactured by Ziegler Bros., of Philadelphia, the largest manufacturer of Ladies' Fine Shoes in the United States. This also have a complete line of Men's, Boys and Youths Shoes, all colors and styles, congress and lace, Coin, Razor, London, St.- Louis and Plain Toes, Tips, Imitation Tips and no Tip, Our Stock of Meii's, Boys, Yoirtli mid 01iillioiVs 1 nT3 JJJJ Is well assorted, and judging from the quan tities we are selling suit the trade. 500Q HATS. The largest and most complete line of STRAW HATS ever brought to this market. The latest style Derbys, Cuban and Alpines. A fine line of Ladies, Men aud Boys Ximieii, Crasli JMiti Duk Caps. tSfIf there should be Sunstroke in town this Summer in will not be because we have not UMBRELLAS to shade the people. Our stock of them is simply enormous. IN OUR.- Gents' Furnishing Goods Department We will simply say, we can supply a Man or Hoy with justsnch as will suit his occupation or taste. We have a JOB COUNTER of about 300 pairs of Ladies, Men's. Boys and Children's Shoes, which we will give to the early ca. lers for just one-half their actual value. Don't Forset tli- IMae. or Water streets. ' Sawyer & Jones, Water Streets- Elizabeth City N. C consisting of Oxfords, button & lace Tan, Patent leather and Don- line alone number 1500 pairs. We V&u can enter either on Alain r jJVfegetaWcfreparationfor As similating theToodandRetf vSn tirjg the Stomachs andBowels ci 1 nNjTTrrMnm Promotes Digcslton,ChcerfuI ncss and Rcst.Contains natter OprurftMorpbinS nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. JmtfJcm Seti' jlx. Senna HmktlUSJtM -stnije Sent Jimptrrmint - ftinmJteJ htaryrvM f larvr. AnrrfW-tRcmcdv for Constitu tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish. qcss and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of TEW "YORK- EXACT COPY" OF WRAPFEB, 1 Stylish Turnouts G-ive Him a call. o THE CITY The Choicest Meats It will be to your interest ) to give us your ordrrs. ) Fresh Verr-vtables a specialty. , POMTK ATTKNTIO. ! Is the way yon we have it. All from our own slaughter house and fresh every day. Buy your meats of Caleb Walker, Sta.ll 3ST. 1, CITY MARKET. Phone9i ANT) aV.T THR T?QT Finest Poultry at The Lowest Prices Let US have VOItr nrrl ere tliAtr c-1, i and prompt attention. Remember Stall No. 1, City Mj ftOODS DKLIVEUED FltKE. . CO o) "W-13T do you wait 'till you get down before taking medicine. When you feel dull", aching and stretching,' just remember that the next thing will be Ma laria chills and Feve r To avoid this, use the great TULlt ZaitlTTO if taken in tiim- WIN Qfixrr i'aii r 1 . . , 11 r 1 J-v" pcn 01 sicjcness, ana much. . money. It is for the Kidneys, Liver and Stomach, and will cure OoriStlpatlOrL A Safe Remedy for Young and Old. Regular Size 25 and 50 Cents. j-'ria,i Size MADE BY YEAKEL DRUG SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF- IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTXnS OF 1 CattorU is put up la one-slie bottloi only. It If not told la balk. Don't allow nnyono to bo'1 yon anything els on the plea or promiio Hat k I is "just as good" and "trill answer evrry pu.- pose." 4L-Sc that yon get C-A-S-T-0-R-1-A. ef EAST Has opened a SALE, EXCIIANV.K, BOARD aud LIVERY STABLE -On Water Street, And soicits the patronage of In , Friends and the public generally. cared for at the most reasonable terms. for hire at all times. Stables on Water St. MARKET, Proprietor. 'TiTSOVl sr.r EDENGON, N. C. on hand at all times. ( LOWKSTCAS PRICKS f ( IN THE CITY. i o PROMPT DKUVKRY ! ike your MEATS, fresh is way Oil Beef, Veal, Mutton and relui rktt. CO.. BALTIMORE MARYLAND. Florin