Newspaper Page Text
The Call For The Fifteenth. Annual Convention of the Wo man Christian Temperance Union of North Carolina, Ac tlif snrinc time marks the j o mssaire of another year of sue cesses and failures, every loyal member of the W. C. T. U. looks back with a mingled feeling of regret and thankfulness regret, for the mistakes of the year, and thankfulness for the wonderful blessing which has attended the efforts of the State organization with thf forward look is the WW Ate vearning desire that all through the coming year we may realize that we do indeed "See dimly in the present what is small ..a n ?c went, that we are Slow of faith, to believe, how weak. au arm may turn the iron wheel ot fate. But the soul is still uracular, and the market's din, List, the ominous stern whispers trom the Delphic cave within: They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin. With this sounding in our nlace or time for halting, for "New occasions teach new duties, and ,,.ii...c mi rient irood uncouth; We must upward still and onward; who would keep abreast 01 uuiu. Lo, before us gleams our camp-hres ..... ,.,.iri.c must nilirrims be, Launch our Mayflower.aud steer boldly through the desperate winter suv, Nor the future's portal With the Past's blood-rusted Key. So. sisters, let us take counci together as to the best way to meet these new duties, and to the nortal of c l l .nnwwnrV For our future temperance wotk. rui this purpose the Executive Coins iww rare the time " " . oc . ft ot noming propose to meet in Henderson from nth to 14th ot June, i97 We confidently believe uii . n A 1 - 4-1 the convention will be a time oi pleasure and profit; and we hope ll every union win .1 egate for every twenty members "ri rlplffrnte at lanre; ana remind the presidents of local 11 VI wuv i-5 J ' unions tnat mey t.v-w...." 1 . A il ftv AHlin jnenibers. All are cordially inhave only been running on half vited to attend, whether members or not Mapv K Cartlani), Pres. vt.,.if MnwM.i.u.T.. Record- -' ' ing secretary Reduced Railroad raies nave been Secured. There are a great many o, w.v, loriuuaie ones iu l.iis , . . .1.:,. ..,1,1 crrMtPTl : nre blessed J 11 UUUlutl niau with Lrood digestion. To some people the greatest misfortune is not to De aoie 1 " . I to cat evervthinir set before them. I "I suffered for years with Dyspepsia, and everything I ate disagreed with me. I was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator and was cured. I now eat everything." M. Blight, Madison Parish, La. The Mississippi Floods. Tf icrii nt that the waters iwvc su .a. in niv. I ed districts along tue iviississippi as to enable a close esumaie ioi 4 1 . A i A be formed of the damages, audi gooa experts bay iuai incy win , ... !t..I. il. Ml I not exceed $14,500,000, and that! " u". " r- 1 lt r . . - f 4i I uy uiciiuuuS u. "'-lot lands. I It is claimed that the damage J 1 1 .1 j 1 31 I 1C&& UUU1 uulL the floods 111 the same section lnlpork." continues verv feeble 1800, although the waters in I thatyear did not rise as high asself again. in 1807 by several feet. It is I claimed also that the shortening I tlirnftnn rrnn will nnt he alaiaicl J113- J- vv. orouiers OI ' 1' reat as was first supposed. Pour-1 feen millinn five hundred tllOUS ana uoiuirs is a gouu sum iu lue, .... J i1l our. at one lime ine impression 1 pievaueu mat uic uamtKc Dy tne nooasover uieaeitaianast,irne(i from Wake Forest Col of the Mississippi would reach allege last week, of which he has very much higher figure, and it is gratifying to learn that the! experts fix the loss far below first I estimates. It is also irratitvine .,.i.--i f 10 learn tnai ine snorieniutr ui crops will be much less than was expected. Most coul'Iis niav be cured in a few 1 hours or at any rate in a few days, by J" .rDine, ot JtOne the use of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. With wall, N. C, who has been em such a prompt and sure remedy as this ployed ill teaching at the Light at hand, there is no need of prolong- House, will SObn take charge of ing the agouy for weeks and months a school at Church's Island Keep this remedy in your hou:,e. I Tetter, salt -Rheum ana Eczema. The intense itching and smarting inci- Sent to these diseases, is instantlv allaved by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedv for sore nipples. chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites ' 'i v Dr. Cadi's Condition Powders, are jnst what a horse needs when in bad! condition Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition, cents per package. Price 25 This paper for $1.00 a year. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. ITEMS GA'IHEfRED HERE THERE BY CHARLES MORGAN. SOME THINGS HE SEES AND HEARS AT POINTS WHERE WE HAVE NO REGULAR REPORTER. ilr. D. Barclift, cf E. City, is visiting his daughter at So.ith Norfolk. Mr. Wm. A. Halstead speaks very encouraging of his Sunday school at South Norfolk. The first watermelons of the season made tneir appearance in Norfolk last Saturday from Georgia. Mrs. Sarah Morgan, formerly of Camden county, now of Wash ington, D. C, is visiting friends in Berkley. The first excursion over the Virginia Beach R. R. since the change of the track to standard guage, went yesterday Prof. E. O. Taylor, well known to the musical talent of our sec tion, is now engaged in teaching two classes near Newport News, Va. Miss Eliza Pritchard, of E City, and Miss Daisy Dozier, o' Norfolk, are visiting friends in Princess Anne county, Va. this Week. Mr. W. O. Davis, formerly of Pasquotank county, is having a very nice dwelling erected in I South Norfolk. Mr. Wm A I riaisieaa is ine conr.racr.or The carpenters especially, aps pear to be encouraged at the fu- ture outlook for better times in Couth Norfolk. There are sevs lal new nliidins r0ing up here. Mr. Jerry Stokely, a well-to-do 1 farmer of Princess Anne county, Va., says crops are very back I ward so far. but he thinks if the - - will be raised. The cotton factories of Berk ley are now running on full time, which is very gratifying I 1 . 1 i ATA 1 1 1 to me operatives, ine mills time for several months i xvcv. vv . 15. uuien is neariuy I 11 117 T1 T---t 1 engaged in a protracted meeting 1 a a t i-fc a m t - a 1 1 ai tne i5aP"sc cl"rCJ1 ac ou nuiiuiiv, V"., coo.attu Ly ivtv. Mr. Duke, of the first Rantist church of Berkl Much inter est has already been shown ,T , ftf tlla , .au. JUUtU Ul l.IC 1UUU 13 compieiea, ana tne cars win . ... . , proDaDly De running by July ISt. t 1 1 : i 1.1.; j xiciKicy m selling suine goou examples to Otlier towns we know of; by having some of her streets very nicely paved. The Rev. Mr. Lennon, well known to many people in our section, has charge .pf the M. E. church in South Norfolk. A children's day services was held at this church Sunday night. A e exercises were mgniv ap- 1 i . . 1 i 1 ornro n 111 1 oi rQ riresent items from here and there. . ' J l ford js afc Lome fr()m a yisit tQ friends in E. City 1 H r 117 tt T iir. anu ivirs. vv. a. Jennings, E. City, spent last Sundav with his parents. Mr. Cader Jennings Mrs. S. N. Morgan, of "The We hope she may soon be her- Mrs. J. M. Whitehurst, of Providence, was the guest of her f t,, ...1- . Mf' W- W- CobIe' agent I t Mf Pninnnn T-Till XTn-eiic? -f v. ... A A. . . . L4 1 JV. 1 IV. VJl j yan Lindleyj Pomonaf N- c is iiere this week M , -f p recently graduated. Miss Mary L. Sawyer, of E. City, has charge of a well at tended school at "The Fork," for the summer Capt. and Mrs, Shinault, of Long Point Light House, were the gnests of Mrs. Walter Parker during the Union ineetincr a t iiiaugcuiciubarc oeing niaae for the celebration of Children's T a 1 t 1 May, at tferea, Sunday afternoon,! lit . - Tune 20th. Evervbodv ic r. rn.. .. .j ,J WdUCim- Mr Frant PnV rf, ,ra"k f;riCe 0t ,?outh P"1"' W11U liai een spenaing a I few davs at Mr P.llintt ;i,if I i,.,-.cft. 1 t,.i.i, j inursts lor Ins nealth. returned Monday greatly improved. M, . Ane steamer "Lucv brought up flooring from the ini'11 nf pi-p-, a nn n. it c j Nutwood & Co., at Hertford, for Coinjock Baptist church last Week. This church which is nearly completed, will be one of the handsomest and most comi modious in the C. and C. Union. Quite a large number from this and Camden comity at tended the session ot the Cam den and Currituck Union which met with the church at Whale's Head M a y 28-30. Though somewhat remote in its location and difficult to reach, nearly all ot the churches in the Union were represented, and the oc casiou was a pleasant and profit able one. The introductory ser mon was preached bv Rev. C. S. Burgess, which though we failed to hear personally must have been an unusually good one, judging from the many kind words of praise we have heard from others. Other min isters in attendance were Revs. Wood, Ferebee, Overby, Stal- lings and O'Neil. The next ses sion convenes at Powell's Point id October. There was service in the morn ing, a bountiful dinner served on the grounds, bustness meeting in the afternoon followed by preaching in the evening each day. Then there were strolls on the beach, gathering shells chasing sand-fiddlers, climbing sand hills, and other sea side fports. Among the places of interest we visited were the club-house which its genial keeper, Mr. W. J. Brumsey, took us through the Light House where Mr. Austin, the polite as sistant explained to us the man ner of keeping the light; and to Life Station No. 8, from which we gained a deal of information from Mr. Tesse Evans, one of the surfmen. A part of our number wae els teitained right royally at thim egant home of Capt. W. J. Sse. mons, keeper of the Light Houly To Mr. T. A. Pool, who so kiudm took us to the beach froel Church's Island back, we feel very much indebted for the op- portunity it gave us or sucn a delightful sail across the Curri tuck sound. The people here certainly de serve great credit, lor witn a membership of oi'lv about a dozen, they have built, fui nisped and finished a neat little church house, and now they are striving: for an organ for the church. We left Whale's Head Sunday morning at 8 o'clock to make connection with the Steamer Newton, at Coinjock, leaving there at 12, and after a pleasant voyage, and many thanks to the Captain and all on the "Newton" for courtesies shown our party, we separated for our homes, each carrying sweet recollections of their trip to the beach. At Coinjock, we stopped a few hours en route, and we must say that it is not a hyperbolical ex pression when the villagers say that "Coinjock is the garden spot of the earth," but it is a truth to be remembered by all who have shared the hospitality of the home of Dr. L F. Garren- ton, and met his accomplished daughters, Misses Alice and Sallie. Mo. NAGS HEAD HOTEL Opeij From jape isth To Sept. I5tl), '97. The hotel has been renovated and improved, and will be con ducted under new management G W & F- M GRIGE, PROPRIETORS. The favorite Summer Resort on the North Carolina Coast. t- 1 j r 1 ror noveuy 01 scenery ana en tirely new experience in sea shore life, this old-time re sort surpasses them all. SCIRFBA5HING is the delight of the strong am vigorous, while invalids aiu children can bathe in the sal water of the Sound with safety and pleasure. Driving, Sailing and Fishing. The Fishing is unsurpassed. Dr. A. L. Pendleton will be the Physician at the Hotel dur ing the season. Commencing July 1st, Steamer Newberne will make daily trips, leaving Elizabeth City at 1 p. 111. Res turning, leaves Nags Head at 6 a. 111. Saturdays steamer will be held at Eliz. City until 3 p. m. Sundays tne steamer will leave E. City at 8 a. m. 50 cents for the round trip. Wliartage. iio tor private iiauiuico, o. 1 u 1 Liuaiu 1 11 v Families, $2; for Hoarding Hnpe o, IT ; ' " V 1W1 StOCK. ine 111 aavance. Steamer can be chartered for Excursions Tuesdays. Charter price $100.00. Apply to M. H. Snowden, Agt, E. City. C. W. & F. M. GRICE. A furnished cottage on the beach at Nag's Head, also a va cant lot on the beach for sale. Apply to Mrs. F. L. Grandy, Myi4 4t Eliz. City, N. C. There is no word so full ,of meaning and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " Mother "she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Motn- er is beset with danger and an ei fort should be made to avoid it. . . .so assists nature PnnThOr'O 'in the change tak- IflUlllUl 0 ing place that Friend the Expectant Mother is ena bled to look for ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement in short, it "makes Childbirth natural and easy," as so many have said. Don't be persuaded to use anything but MOTHER'S FRIEND " yv wiffl suffered more in ten min utes with either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with her last, having: previously nsed four bot tles of 'Mother's Friend.' It is a blessing to any one expecting to be come a MOTHER ," says a customer. IIenderson Dale, Carmi, Illinois. Of Druegists at $1.00, or sent by mail on receipt ci price. nto iui imun. .u.v.....f. " and valuable information for all Mothers, free. The Bradfleld BeRnlator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Fred Davis, Wholesale and Retail DEALER. All Grades of Coal constantly on Hand. goth'.r.g b'dt the est handled. All Coal screaned before leav ing the yard. Orders filled promptly and Ship ments made to any point. yards, Northeast corner MATTHEW AND WATER STREETS, Near City Market. Elizabeth City, N. C. ISiPPhone 13. m 7 Has opened a Livery Stable AT Snowden, M. C. And solicits the patronage of his friends and the public generally Horses cared for at the most reasonable terms, Stylish turn outs for hire at all times. Give him a Call ! Drummers wishing a good team should call on him. L,ow rates will be given them. KEEPS IT ON HAND Fredonla. N. Y., moiQ ana accomplished Military Commander (father-in-law nf th l.t wommanaer m. u. Uushlng, U.S. who f ainea woria-wldo renown for W3 crowning feat of blowing np the iron clad Alhemar m lNMj writes Dr. Fenner: "For many years I have ktpt on hand fmx Blood and Liver Remedy and Verve Tonic for immediate use whej ever I have a' A bilious attack or nervous nmctra tion or feel run down. It alwava speedy relief so much so that I have come to rely on it with the same certain ty that I do on the law of gravitation." Blood and JAxex Dr.Fenner'sRTeddyllev8rFails. Nerve Tonic ft is a Sarsabarilla-ManJrnbA.iriru SSne Alterative, Nerve Tonic and Restorative Comi6u.nd CERTAIN AS THE LAW CF GRAVITATION Physics from Wnod 1 1T1" Tf all worn-out particles and impurities, a"d, stores the Nerves. 6 &25!Cro$Sla' Geceral lity. etc SatisfacUonQuaranteed. Samoietree. CI 111 if UUl CTrPflfrthAninA MtIi.vFeep, ??S.cilld 3 stomach and bow els healthy wJth Dr. Fennels Sennatcria The best faxative and MrrecUve known Dr, Fanner's Soothing AMays Irritation and gives refreshing sleep. " """ui ' imu. .Fenner'sFAiiii,Y SaltKheum )OlntmantT etlor eklQ eruptions. Plies, 8ores, Cutselc MOTHER! 500 Men W A N TED -TO- Unload Schooners A Good Job One that will last all Sum mer. To secure the job a nickle is required as a deposit of good faith. Apply at cuce to 'J. R. BERGERON, At the Palais, ou Main Street. We Send it ER.E.E -TC- it 11 1 Young or Old. Rejoice with us in the Discovery. When a man has suffered for years with o weakness that blights his life and robs him of all that really makes life worth living, if he can avail him self of a complete cure, why not possess the moral courage to stop his down ward course. We will send yon by mail, Abso lutely Frrk, in plain package, the all powerful Du Hoffman's Vital TaulKTS, with a legal guarantee to permanently cure lost maniioou, SKLF-ABCSK, SEXUAL weakness, vari cocele, stops forever NrcuTEMisioxs, and all unatural drains: Returues to former appearances emaciated organs: No C: O D: fraud nor receipt decep tion. If we could not cure, we would, not send our jmediciue FRElv to tTy, and pay when satisfied; Write to-dav as this may not appear again. Address Western i e Co.. Incorporated; Kalamazoo, Mich. Why throw Your old and broken Furniture away ? When you can have it made as good and handsome as if when new, at very little ex- pense. Bring or send it to ji my shop over J. B. Flora's p store, and it will be put nice order ror you. in p I 1 X2.oiiioinloi- j I can clean, varnish, repair and upholster Furniture, re- t pair Umdrellas. Sharpen 1 Kuive?, Scissors and Saws, 1 and put them in good order. 1 I also repair Harness, &c. j Hoping to have your pat I ronage, I am most respectfully I T.H -KEIxbAM, I Elizabeth City, N. C. 9 WW WW W We manufacture all kinds of Coffins, Caskets, and other on application. Goods shipped promptly. Write for will save money thereby. W iAre Of Building Material, Scroll Work, or Mouldings of any kind ? IF SO, correspond with large Capacity. plendid Nothing but It will be to your I3TSAMPLES JNo orders ANDY ; 25 50 f I DP AT TTTfrjT TT m t Til TTTBun t. rrrf -t t AOOULUiCiLl UUflilArtlLCU t,. nrvrr T pit and booklet fr. kil. NTVKI.i. iiKMHIV w MANUFACTURER OP j BUGGIES, WAGONS, CaRTS, -N-Beach. "Wlieels, Etc. Repairing a specialty. Having enlarged my shop and added more tools and slock, J am now prepared to do more work than ever. And with over 1 wentv Years Blacksmith Ic;ui do from the lightest Carriage Forging to tlie heaviest null, machine or marine forging. I guarantee satisfac tion both in price and quality. ALL WORK DONE PROMPTLY.:' 'Give me a call before going elsewhere, get where I am located on Poindexter We do Good Printing -And if Commercial Printing Society Printing, Church Printing, Lodge Printing, Two Color Printing, Or Printing of Any Kind, Call or Send Your Order to F isherinan & Farmer, Corner Water and Matthew Streets, Kare doing the largest share of the Job Printing used in this section; we are doing more of it this year than last, and we did more last year than the year be fore. Occasionally one of our customers is induced to try another firm, but they always come back to us. And we are constantly getting new friends and customers, too. People patronize us now who heretofore had their work done in the North, because we have demonstrated the fact that our work i is equal to that to be had anywhere. H131rrFOK.r, TV. Shipping the best work ant interest to let us quote you oriopc, b URNISHED ON REQUEST Too Large-None Too CATHAHIC ALL DRUGGISTS nu at romntlB&lloa. faVirtt are tb LM' rrip or rasa tair ! malt, fcaa-t .. mirago. Montreal. I .. Lv of Experience in the Business Don't for Street, in need of- o. burial cases. Prices quoted further information and you H. WAPD, PrOpi. BEST WORK. Facilities. Small.-: Norfolk & Southern KR Schedule in effect April 2;, Norfolk & Southern H. R. yi:x.- ' ,, ', Express trains, Southbound, i;u! cept Sundays,) leave lilizal.ttli i. 11:40 a. 111., Nortli-t)ouml,il.uI , (, x , Sundays) leave I-'lizalieth C'tV ' p. m. Trains No. t, and 4 U-.n- 1 " bcth City Southbound 6 p. m , v . . bound 9:40 a. m. The trains :n;lt . and depart from Norfolk v- pot, Norfolk; connect at Norf-.. all Rail and Steamer Imu-. U V ; Edentou with Steamer for i ;. V," ashie, Chowan ami Scuj.j v) rivers; transfer steamers to M.t k Ferry, thence by Norfolk vV S i." . R. 1'autCKoaud lk :iia t n. , ncctiuy with steamer Virginia li.u Makelcyvillc. Aurora, Va!i;!; and all intermediate landings. Eastern Carolina !, AND Thestcamer Neuse k-ave.s VU. .1'.... City Tuesday, Thursday and n, ., at6;'p. m.,i for Newborn coin,. , with the A. & N.C. R.R. for C. .;,!, Kinstou. and Morehead Cit , a-v v theW. N. &N. 11. K. for J;uls, ' Wilmington, N. C, etc. l.tii!:. leave Newborn Monday, Wedi . and Friday. The Steamer Newborne leaver I , beth City, Monday noon and N Y ! day 6 p. m., for Koanoke Island , racoke, Oriental and Newborns. TicketH on sale at Ivlizabetli . . Station to all landings. Nc-wN ,. Kinston, Goldsboro, Morehe.i.! -and Wilmington, N. C. Daily all rail service bi tun u t beth City and New York, 1'luLuU Haltimore audNorfolk. Through cars and as w iatt- . quicker time than by an ctlu ; -,M v Direct all goods to 1 . sl:ip , ,; IJastern Carolina Dispat.I. a- 't, From Norfolk by Noit :.. S..i ;; . Railroad; Baltimore by i'.W. , 1; ; R., President Street Staw 11; I'!;: ,., ' phia, Philadelphia R. It., Ihn k Station; New York, by IVnn- : ,, : R. R., Pier 27 North River, and '.) '.' Dominion Line. For further information apply to M II. Snowden, Agent, i:iizab tln it to the General Ollice of the N 1,,,. Southern R. R. Company, Noiiolk, M. K. KINU, General Manager. II. C. HUIKJ1NS, G. 1-. v PETTIT'S North Carolina Lines C. L. PETTIT, Manager. Steamer NEWTON will leave , folk for Klizabeth City, Creswel! ,( . ! way landings on Wodnesdavs and urdays at 4 p. m., Elizabeth n v 1... Creswell on Thursdays and Mond., , at 9:30 a. 111. Returning, will ie.e, Creswell for Norfolk on Tucsdas m,! Fridays at 4 a. m.( and 1-lizab. th i same day at 2:30 j). m., arinin.' m Norfolk next day. Steamer Harbinger will Uae N folk for Elizabeth City, Jlertfoid .u, ! way landings, on Tuesdays ami I i; days at 4 p. m., Ivlizabeth Cilv Hertford Wednesdays and Satnid:i v v. y:3 n.m. Returning, will leae II. :t ford for Norfolk .Mondays, and Tliui-. days at 7 a. m. and Elizabeth City saiii. lay at 2:30 p. in., arriving in Noih.:;. next day. W. W. MORKISI-TT, Ac.iiNT. Elizabeth City, N. ( S. WATERS & HONS Sole Agcii lor Cosumers ireweiy. Hrewcrs of the eebratt u This beverage became popular at once from the time it was in troduced, and connoisseurs pro nounce it the finest beer 011 the market. Call for and get the purest and best. Also Manufacturers of - Soda, Ginger, Strawberry, Sarsajiat Cream and Seltzer Vatei. Hotels, Saloons, Restaurants and 1 ;u;i ilies supplied at short notice. n: ders by mail promptly attended to Address, S. WATERS & SONS Elizabeth City, N. C. Telephone No. 39. LUMBER AWT) Truck Boxes ,hAND Now is the time to place yov.r order tor the latter for the Spri: Shipping. Address (Kramer (Bros., & Co , Elizabeth City N. C. Miles Jennings, 00000000 00c BLACKSMITH Sanders Building, Poindexiei St MillandMarineForgings A Sjiecialty. tST'Kull line of Wheels and Wagons kept in stock. All work done promptly an 1 in the most workmanlike manner. GiVe Me a Trial Elk