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3,000 DOLLARS FOR RACING AT THE ALBE MARLE PARK FAIR. a i me i News Adrift. PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IK "THE SWIM." The Board of Manageas of t' c Albemarle Park Fair, at their meeting Tuesday, voted unanimously purses aggregating ;c,t)0 for racing, divided as foK lows : Wednesday No. i class, f .o minute trotting, purse $2 50; X.) 2 class, 2.40 minute pace .m l trotting, $35; No- 3 class, --' 6.1-w- turned from Nag's Head '!''.m:i;iI.iv No. I rlnss. r cn I Mrs. Ida Simpson and children lll!iIua,,u.u,gir,iu) .,. kve returned from Nag's Head, BRIEFLY RELATED. The Pith of the News Especially Prepared for the Busy Readers. Miss Gertie Bland lias re- purse $3 5 ; No. 3 trotting,! class, 2.25 Miss Ella V, John is spending- the week with frirrirU nt Mo.r'c Friday No. 1 class, 2.35 Miss Ada MeWr'tr i HoUrrlif. minutes pacing and trotting, ing some Currituck friends with purse 5250 ; No. 2 class, 2.24 a visit. minutes pacing and trotting, Read notice in this issue sitrn- j.urse S350 ; No. 3 class, Free ed E. F. Aydlett, special Corn ier All, pacing and trotting, missioner. purse $400. These are the larJ Bob Saunders, of Portsmouth, est purses ever offered by any Js visiting Will Steger, on Fear- in: 111 Eastern JNorth Carolina. J" riuse amounts will surely in-. For Sale A lot of slightly trotting men all over ther4a"lrtKcu ilL iN- - epot. M. H. Snowdkx. Rev. J. Y. Old will preach in T T M.C 1 a riemoru next CMinaay morning and night. ChRt of Police Brooks has been rusticating this week at Nag's Head. Rev. and Mrs. P. VV. Alelick have returned from their Cali- Tnion to make entries with their fiiu horses iiver before seen here and will attract thousands of people to the Fair. This nerosity on the part of the J; :ard shows conclusively that their aim is to far excel any fair ever held in Elizabeth City, and thus compensate visitors for the fornia trip " I J w ----.-- w I 1 A II "I A - 1 1 1 rv. r. 1 yei will preacil sue 11 vmuiais iuvu, ( ,P MPt mr cf n u.rM, 1 llV AI&V,hllV.ilJk VUlllll been sent out to all the owners Sunday night Aimic ruiu, 01 vjiimerton, va. mimner, residing an over me is visiting Jennie Williams, on Union. Already increased fa Fearing street. emiics lor accommociating inem Mr. George Coleman, of Fair. have begun to be made in the field, is visiting Mrs. Krauss on Albemarle Park Fair enclosure. Burgess street next O.i our part as managers an ads ditional expense of vein and en ergy, and cn your part full and complete exhibits brought to the Fair, together with your patronage and that of your friends will insure a grand success. Diseases of Women Cured All irregularities, such as chlorosis or rctentiou, irregularity, painful or suppressed periods, Lc-ucorrhoua or whites, uterine ulceration ovarion i.iins, and all complaints peculiar to woman are quickly cured with Dt. l'.cll.-imy's (Jossipium. Read advertise ment in another columu. It is woman's 1 1 lend. Charged With Mail Kob-bery, James N. Hudson, the young white man who carried the U. S. mail from the S. & C. R. R. to Amboy, Chowan county, was arrested and brought to this city Tuesday by a U. S. Marshal, by order of Postal Inspector Greg ory, under a charge of mail rob bery. On the iSth of March a mail pouch was delivered at Amboy post oflice by Hudson, in which there was a knife-cut about three inches long. Afterwards a reg istered letter containing money was found to be missing. This was promptly reported to head quarters, and Inspector Gregory was sent out to investigate the matter, which resulted in the ars rest of Hudson. Wednesday the accused was given a preliminary hearing be fore U. S. Commissioner M B. Culpepper, and about the only evidence against him was the fact that the envelope that con tained the missing letter was f mnd in a ditch along the route that Hudson traveled. Hudson was required to give a bond of $500 for his appearance at the next term of the Federal court, which will convene in this city in October. The bond was promptly given and the piisoucr discharged. CASTOIIIA. Elgaitori Of is ea vpper. Brick! Brick! BRIGK WORKS. The leading brick manu facturers of this section are now ready to supply orders on short notice. This plant jj for twenty years, and they guarantee satisfaction as to quality and price, ghese (Brick have $too& the $est And reflex action will be a guide to youi further purchase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere. Call Telephone No. 2, or address . .. Thompson, Mgr, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Weymouth. are spending the week at Nag's Head and Manteo. The family of Mr. James B. Blades returned home Jrom the seashore last Tuesday. Masters Clyde and Mercer Crawford have been visiting their uncle at OUisko. Mrs. J. Archie Turner, of Wil liamston, is visiting Mrs. I. K Turner on Lawrence street. The dwelling of Mr. J. A Hollowell on Burgess street, is being enlarged and improved. Mrs. Sophia Berry has re turned from her old home (Cam den), where she has been visit ing. The Oriole base ball team of this city, challenges any team in Kastem North Carolina, average age 14 years. Mr. F. C. Jones, of the firm of Sawyer & Jones, left on Mon day to visit northern cities to purchase his Fall stock. Harry Grouto, age 23, and Martha Arrington, age 18 years, were married in this city Tuess day by Rev. Dr. Blackwell. Mr. B. N. Bray spent last wreek at Virginia Beach, Ocean Vi'iw and other points 111 Vir ginia returning last Saturday. Mrs. Carrie Broughton of Portsmouth, who is visiting re latives in K. City, will leave to day to visit relatives at Edenton. Mrs. P. S. C. Davis, of Ports mouth, Va., accompanied by her daughter and little son, are in the city on a visit to relatives. Miss Venie Biothers and Na than M. White were married last Sunday by M. B. Culpepper, J. P., who is a professional "knot tier." Misses Bessie Crawford and Flethia Weeks have returned hour- Irom a visit to lr ends and relatives at Winfall and Chapa uoke. Mr. N. XV Crawford and Mrs. J. il: Burgess icturned from a verv pleasant visit to their broth er Mr. W. A. Newbold near Wiuf.ll. M rs. C. G. Fearing, after spend ing a mouth with her mother in Currituck Co. has returned, her health being greatly improved by her visit. Mrs. J. L. Morrisette, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. G. h. Lamb, on Burgess street, re turned to her home at Berkley, Va., last Saturday. Rev. U. S. Crowder, of Ocra coke, will preach next Saturday night and Sunday in the Whed bee building, at the corner of Main and Road stieets. Messrs. VV. H. Elliott, J. N. Hudson and J no. A. Hudson, of Amboy, N. C, and Mr. O. E. Ward, of Ryland, were in the city this week on business. Mathias Owens, a Norfolk merchant, has rented one of the Robinson stores on Poindexter street, in which he will soon conduct a mercantile business. The steamer Newberue will make her last Sunday trip to Nag's Head next Sunday. Next Wednesday she will make her Undertaker Ziegler shipped a casket to Currituck county Tuesday, for the burial of the eight year old son of Mr. W. H Bray, who died suddenly on Monday. Mr. Gideon Pendleton, of this city, is off taking a well earner vacation in Norfolk, Richmond and the large northern cities He expects to be crone about three weeks. Mr. Lharles C. Banks, town clerk, was elected Mayor of Eliz oetn L-ity, at a special meeting n the town commissioners held Monday last. Mr. Chas. Guir- kin was elected town clerk. The Chas. Morgan residence at the head of Bureess street which is occupied by the family ot Mr. W. D. Williams, has re cently been beautified by the touch of the painter's brush. Why pay $35.00 to $40.00 for a second grade Bicycle, when we are offering the Ramblkr, 1897 model, at $6$. 00. Ladies 1896 models at 50.00? Louis Sehg, agent, Elizabeth City, N. C. Mr. F. C. Mitchell, a popular salesman of Edenton, has accep ted a position with "Big Ike," the live merchant of Newberne, who has moved to this city and is opening up on Poindexter street. The colored base ball club of this city, is playing ball this week in Newberne, and from re ports that reached here yesters day the E. City boys were giv ing me iNcwoerne nine some "hot stuff." The Public School of Eliza beth City will open on the 27th of September ; Prof. VV. L. Hin ton, principal, assisted by Miss Rosalind De Lon, Miss Liwa V. James, Miss Minnie Greaves and Miss Clmtonia Cartwright. The Fisherman & Farmer is the only OFFICIAL PAPER of the Albemarle Park Fair. Don't be misled. What appears in these columns in reference to the coming exhibition you can depend upon as being correct. The negro, John Allen, who was seriously injured at South Mills last FYiday, was sent to this city by Dr. Lister aud put into the hands of Dr. H. T. Ayd lett, under whose treatment, I we hear, he is rapidly improv ing. Mr. J. T. McCabe, ot the firm of McCabe & Grice, has gone North to purchase new goods for the fall - trade. Next week Mrs. Grice, manager of the miK inery department, will join him iu New York to select headgear for the ladies. The Norfolk & Southern Rail road Company gave an excur sion to JNorioiK Wednesday to the employees of the road, and will give another to day to those who could not go on Wednesday. Next week the colored employ ees will be treated likewise. That very desirable property between Burgess aud Cypress streets, known as the Vaughau property, containing 27 fine building lots, has been purchased by M. N. Sawyer and C. W. Stevens and are being sold at very low prices for building lots. A very serious accident oc curred last Friday, on the canal at South Mills. An embank ment caved in upon three meu who were at work in the canal which came near resulting in the death of all of them. All were badly hurt and one Very seriously so. There were two interesting games ot ball at the park Tues day, Junior Giants vs. Hertford and Cyclones vs. Fairfield, Score 16 to 3 in favor of JuniorGiants and 12 to 10 111 favor of Frirheld. Batteries Eaves and Fearing for the JuniorGiants and Blanchard Burton and Makeley for the Hertford ; Simons aud Parsons for Cyclones, Mann and Gibbs tor Fairfield ; umpires Dawson and Miller ; scorer, T. C. Bland. Mr. Hill Humphries, better known as "Big Ike," of New berne. having secured a store on Poindexter street, arrived in the city yesterday, accompanied by his wife, to begin business here. He is a wide-awake, hustling merchant, and his coming to our town no doubt will create a boom in business circles. The Fisherman & Farmer extendi to "Big Ike" a cordial welcome. Our people will find him a live business man. He will begin opening goods to day. C. W. Stevens & Co., whole sale tobacconists, having recent ly employed an expert cigar, maker, have purchased an extra fine lot of tobacco and begun the manufacturing of cigars at their place of business on Water street. The cigars made by this firm are high-grade, extra fine "thirty-five" dollar goods, made of the finest leaf that can possi bly be gut in such a grade. The "World's Favorite" is the brand adopted as their leader. Cheaper grades will also be made. A cigar factory is a new venture in Elizabeth City, but being start ed by such an old, reliable and well-established firm as Stevens & Co.. we are quite sure wllr b one of the growing industries of The A lautic Collegiate Insti tute, of this city, an institution of great merit, worthy of public confidence, and Datronaee. and the equal of any of its kind in North Carolina, will begin its fall session September 20th. It is under the energetic manage ment of that scholarly gentle man Prof. S. L.. Sheep, whose patience and labor has placed it among the foremost of high grade educational institutions enio intr an annual enrollment of scholarship of over 200. Prof. Sheep is assisted by an able corps of teachers, and the Fisus erman & Farmer takes pkas ure in commending the school to those having children to edu cate. .fHt!!fl!f1!H!inf!!H!nHn!Hli1t!!!!HH!nfHf?!t!!inn!mmnimtl!tHt!!flH!innnt!HHn!inilinHHtnJHfHHin When Looking For If Ml.! ra tsa Mgguf 1 .a a i0 if mis CJf The cure of Rheumatism has often taxed medical skill, but it's prevention has been very easy ly an occasional use of Simmons Liver Regulator. It keeps the liver well regulated, aud the system free from poison. Therein is the secret of health. "I have used it for years for Indigestion and Constipation, and also found it gives one relief from a touch of Rheumatism." N. Huges Loidsburg. N. M. , J Or Handsome Set your sail and Wedding Presents!,, steer straight ahead for Barn Burned. H The Handsome Jewelry Emporium 1 Mr. Geo. D, Pool, living iu this county about five miles rom Elizabeth City, lost his bam and contents Tuesday night by fire. The cause of the fire! we were unable to learn. For tunately it was insured. Mil eiM (TO 10 THE LEADING JEWELER. You cannot say that you have tried everything for your rheumatism, until vou have taken Ayer's Pills. Hundreds lave been cured of this complaint by the use of these Pills alone. They were admitted on exhibition at the world's Fair as a standard cathartic. An up-to-date stock to select from, prices low, and goods guaranteed. Repairing a specialty. Orders by mail promptly filled. Trouble Crazed Him. Mr. Patrick II. Hill died last Saturday in the North Carolina nsane Asylum at Raleigh. He was an uncle of Mr. I. O. Hill, a well-known citizen of Suffolk aud a brother of Mrs. Tane R. endleton, of Elizabeth City. and Miss Kate Hill, of Sunsbury, Mr. Hill had been demented "or nearly twenty years. His mind gave way under the strain of financial troubles. He loaned out larjifc amounts of money and lost. The deceased was well- known and respected in Gates countv, where his remains were taken for buiial. He was 5 years of age. The People are Convinced When they read the testimonials of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. They are written by honest men and women, and are plain, straightforward state ments of fact. The people have con fidence in Hood's Sarsaparilla because they know it actually and permanently cures, even when other medicines fail. Hood's Pim.s are the only pills to take with Hood s Sarsaparilla. Easy aud yet enicicnt. TO THE PEOPLE. GOOi) SKEHS OOOI SOIL GOOI) CULTIVATION and then you may reasonably expect good crops. Some times, by extra cultivation, you may get along pretty well on really poor soils, and sometimes, on extra soils, passable crops are made without proper cultivation, but there is one thing to be remembered no matter what the soil or the cultivation, you will never succeed unless the seeds are all right. "Figs do not grow from thistles," nor good crops from poor seeds. We sell no seeds which are not good. Will you let us help you to grow good crops? No matter how small operations may be, we want to furnish the seeds, and you will be surprised to find how e?isy it is to buy our seeds by mail. Write for a catalogue it is the best ever written for the Southern garducr. Qcio. rJ?sxit Ac Son. Seed Growers. 78 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. THJBi CITY MARKET, Look over your old shoes and harness. I now have a nice stock of leather, and am prepared to re pair shoes and harness with neatness and dispatch. Shop at fcotot Poindexter St., in full view from Main St. Will the people of Elizabeth City support a good shoe maker or not.- me matter is witn you. Respectfully, Ag 20-2t B. F. Gunn. Not one complaint, has ever been made by those using Ayer's Sarsapar illa according to directions. Further more, we have yet to learu of a case in which it has failed to afioid benefit. So say hundreds of druggists all over the country. Has cured others, will cure you. Texas is the only state where the cotton crop is poor this year. Talks 'Merit talks" the intrinsic value of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Merit in medicine means the power to core. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and there fore it has true merit. When you boy Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or core any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive benefit. The power to cure is there. Yon are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the whole system. Sarsaparilla 1 3 the best, in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hood's Pills &USiSK TTAUTED ! Wanted by a young lady, a position as teacher in a private family. References exchanged. Address, Miss V. H. Drake, Ag-20, 4t Barhamsville, Va. Proprietor. EDENGON, N. C. The Choicest Meats on hand at all times. It will be to your interest ) j LOWEST CASH PRICES ) to give us your orders, f ) IN THE CITY. e Fresh Vegetables a specialty. POUTE ATTENTION ! o PROMPT DELIVERY ! W. J. Biroimg'IhifcoirR? MANUFACTURER OF BUGGIES, WAGONS, CaRTS, Repairing a specialty. Having enlarged my shop and added mot e tools and slock, I am now prepared to do more work than ever. And with over Twenty Years of Experience iu the Blacksmith Busines; I can do from the lightest Carriage Forging to the heaviest mill, machine or marine forging. I guarantee satisfac ion both in price and quality. tALL WORK DONE PROnPTLY.F t'Oive me a call before going elscwhc re. get where I am located on Poindexter Don't for-vStreet, THE STAFF OF LIFE AND LIFE ITSELF Can be had at MAIN STREET, cm ELIZABETH CITY.N. C. I have removed my business from the corner to the Hughes building: and invite a call from my friends and the public gener ally. In connection with my stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, I have added a first class stock ot which I am offering at rock bottom prices. Call and you will find anything for the hungry or thirsty. Cold Beer on draught. If you feci bad in the morning and want a bracer, use rt VYfV VT fT) Mi V, V, Jpatfadp And gives new life to the nerves. 2 arge goses fov IO cts. See that every Bottle is Stamped with 3 Sprigs of Celery. PREPARED BYYAEKEL DRUG CO, BALTIMORE, Md. Is the way you ike your MEATS, fresh is way we have it. O Beef, Veal, Mutton and Pork All from our own slaughter house every day. Buy your meats of and 9 fresh IOOO FT. ALTITUDE 01 RIDGE INSTITUTE 45th Year LAtCEST tmi JEST EQUiPPCO FITTW SCHOOL IN THE SOUTH Ton know something of this famous school ; you ought to know more. Write for beautlfal catalogue to J. A. A M. H. HOLT, OAK RIDQC. N. C. Caleb Walker, Stall IISTo. l, CITY MARKET. 'Phone 91. AND GKT THE BKST. Finest Poultry at The Lowest Prices. & Let ns have your orders, they shall have our most ccrcful and prompt attention. Remember Stall No. 1, City Market. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. 1 W 'J CM I) ATI. An IX-I? ft Has opened a SALE, EXCHAN BOARD and LIVERY STABLE On Water Street, And soicits the patronage of his Friends and the public generally. cared for at the Stylish Turnouts for hire at all times.- Give Him a call. o Stables on Water St. Elizabeth City, N. C. last regular trip tor the season the city.