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FISHERMAN ' AND FARMER, CHRISTMAS EDITION. DECEMBER' 17TH. 1897- TUT ) 1 V 0 -i O . y was: icsr - ' ."Cj- r- i 1 . c Soon Christmas will be here, then New Year, and the year 1897 will be among the things 0 of ( he past. This year nas oeen a gooa one lor us- vv e uave enju.veu. a i'""rv,i auci have pleased our customers, giving them the best goods at the lowest prices imagin- u. w. noivAnfurp wa liavfi rpop.ivpd. we feel verv Grateful, and we extend to all a 11!, 1. Ktl. Liiv m iiuu"B ' . y is f-iminn- o Morrv fThristmns and TTamrv New Year. U1HJUI .V A X. Vl til l 3 . Ji!AVA A J vy-v-. , mtjl-; e - T p ft : ' 11 I V , lrf sj rt E223 W 48a 333?$ -. ?j Read carefully and pay us a visit. W e welcome everybody. RE 55 PATTERNS your -.rugs L- otir ) ';' our h; sir v T , . J , . a r "i a i i 11 v n rc-.s-:-:, in :ul of the latest styles, colors, etc. . - aVi v. c. We keep on hand at all tunes btaplc fh' ladies can he funiishecl with such Notions :'n-prire raiiyiiiji: from 55 cents up to 2.50 per A . 1: ;ui KlllUfc aim 10 uu an vnvajiLitjjiiii ('iiiidreu's Tiulerwear for all prices. -HANDKERCHIEFS. "id one of the finest lines of Handkerchiefs for the Holidays "0 dozen Men's Whits Lmen Hemmed Stitched Handker ryi cents. Men's Silk handkerchiefs in all colors. Initialed, rzes Men's White Silk Muffeteis, in all colors and shades i id kerchiefs, in Hemstitched. Plain, Embroidered, Scolloped, Wa lm.vA fid Hnfin T.n.rlift embroidered Handkerchiefs that 25 centba piece, that we will sell through the Xmas holidays for 12 l-2c. 1 ii,of "u-pr,. Iwuioht under the nrices. and will ! We have jast received a line of the 'Kevsi,oii4' IJrsaiicl" Hats for prices from 5. 1.2s to ?2o.oo. Macintoshes in all kinds, irom S2. 2b to your selection in the latest styles of Stiff, Alpines, Straight Brims, and Wide 1 We have reduced largely and wish to close out entirely our line ot Mt r. Brims to suit all for Holiday Trade 75 dozen Men's, Boy's and Children's and Children's Clothing, to make room for Spring ( ,oods, which lav Caps, that raiut go while it is cold. been bought in this line. just v Ov 3 cents ''gureu : a test Linen i uioy easj 3 10 000 Pairs rf Ladiss Pine shoes in all of the Latest Styles, Toes, Colors and Widths prices from ; ; m.; per -air. A full and complete line of Misses and Children's Shoes for all of your Children. ' Don't forget that we are the only agents in Kli.:abcth City for Zi'egler Bros. Celebrated Shoe s, in Ladies Mu, and Children's which are guaranteed j.o all of oar customers. Have also a line of Rubbers to fit all of the above Shoes. Line of " Fleece Soles," for Slippers, for Christmas Presents. Line of Louis A. Crosse fs Coods for -. ;. friends." A complete line of Heavy Shoes to suit the inhabitants generally. Rubber Coots in Men's, Ladie's Boy's and Childreus. jur o I 1 Sli C t ; 0 love I Department- 2 clasp book and 4 buttons, 75cts- to $1.25 per pair. We hart just received a lot of Ladies fine !KEL! AS AND Pi . From 50c to $2.50 a piece 1 1 $ We have 40 pieces of II lli Noelti S ors lor i-aucy w oik, 4 jucnes L closed out for $ r. 25 per b J to the bolt. I R. & Q. C In the very latest styles, from 75 Corsets. RUBS IN ABUNDANCE cs in Ribbons, in all col- Wide, that will be olt 10 vards S cents to $r.2; per pair, i 3 TV. FOR YOU R 0 1 f 0 mie MiiiMlreci ana mitv JSBniKci s. ?-FROM 45c. TO $5.00.-1 13 N'w'tfSJ wm. MISSES AID CHILDREN'S HOSIERY IN ABUNDANCE. olors and Prices. jWattlngs and Oiled Cloths Such as all Housekeepers need. i. 1 A o ) V . GOODS. 1 1 c-:-nplctr line of rients Furnishing Goods UOIJ DAY TRADE. SCHENILLE TABLE COVERS I HORSE AND BUGGY BLANKETS -ggSFor Your Holiday Presents. 7.Js- IN AIiZ. SZZSS. MD AT PRICES' THSM Phis Is 110 eutrate store. One price to all J i 0 rked to its lowest figure. ?nteiul purchasing' anything, come to a store well filled with the choicest goods. If you trade with m,jmm,,jm.mTOmni. us you will nave the advantage of getting the newest mnmnnmimjimmnmjnmimmmH..! a fil .. Lii.i.oi - j designs at the most reasonable prices. We have , an 1 a specialty, m I Si,,,, -niSifil extensive stock, and you will have no trouble " in ISSSUS,,,,ES,,I what you want. X b u ' Numbers 23 Main street, and 57 Walter street. f I 1 l it ft S x 11 f "V I L JL J 6 i y 1U U Li m ra 7 7fl s H PI a