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FISHERMAN AND FARMER, CHRISTMAS EDITION. DECEMBER 17TH, 1897. 6. . ISHE'RMAJf & FARMER -BY- A. H. MITCHELL--.. Published Every Friday.-0- SUBSCRIPTION PRICK t.oo When Paid In Advance: f 1.50 If Not Paid In e Delivered at doors of citysuW. inci v... oc non as from tji j The Editor disclaims all respond n- v for the views or statements or . spondents, and reserves the until at in m.iv think proper. k1,.,oire cicrn vnur name tO a liCWS nmu;j Jif,- ; . rnmmnniratioa S1TJ1P1V US .r. . - ij e ..a fiUY, It will not le ,.iHclif tl unless vou desire it. r Rest advertising medium in the Ds tijrt. Rates very moderate, bpecia rate? on lone contracts. All announcements and recomiuen Nations of candidates lor omce, wna.n it. ,.1. -.-.a. ,-r rnmmunicatiou3 or otherwise, will be charged a? adver isements. Kutcred at the Post Office at Elizabeth City as second class matter. F.LIZABKTH CITY. December i7, 1S97. Following the OUR Biblical precept. HOLIDAY "It is more bles EDITION, sed to give than to receive," we ,ay before our readers this week as a Christmas offering, a twelve page Holiday Edition, printed in colors. It is with pardonable pride that we point to the typog raphy and press-work, all the nrodutt of a home industry, a ride augmented by the fact that so many papers publish every week columns of reading natter set up by co-operative Hubs in other cities. Not so with us. We do our own work, ..nd ask for no more credit than we Reserve. The phenomenal growth of our advertising shows the confidence business men have in us, and we promise that this paper will resell, and be read by, more buyers than the combined circulation of our city . ontemporaries. A merry Christmas to you all ! As a people we CHRISTMAS, have, to a great extent, too far forgottenthe cause of the Christ 111 as celebration. To the mers chant it means business ; to the world at large, an interchange of nominal gifts and a carousal ; to the child (blessed innocence !) it means only Santa Claus and happiness. We have forgotten the starry night, eighteen hun dred and more years ago, when Wise Men prostrated themselves in the manger of a humble hos tlery (forever after glorified !) to do homage to the new-born King. We have forgotten the mighty chorus of angels, echoed to us year after year at the holy Christ-tide, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men !" Glory, peace, good will ! We would all receive these : do we give them also ? Our offerings fade and are forgotten, but God's is ever lasting "Slill stands Thine ancient sacrifice, An humble and a contrite heart. Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, L-Stve forget lest wo forget." "To the noble mind, Rich gifts wax poor, GIFTS. when givers prove unkind." Hamlet. Probably the origin of our Christmas gift was the gold, frankincense, and myrrh laid be lore the Christ child by the Wise Men of the East. The great problem of the holiday season now is, What shall we trive ? Few have the rare tact to know what to give and to whom ; fewer still know how to receive. Emerson says, "It is a great happiness to get off with out injury and heartburnings from one who has had the ill luck to be served by you." It is they who' know not now to receive Whas shall we give? Why, flowers or Jortunes indifferently. If the gift is over valuable the giver may be forgotten in the rapture the at mundane worth. The love or the smile ol some is ample recompense for any gift ; while others could not com pen sate us with the value of a king dom. Then, too, we still have Greek horses. To make a gift really valuable, it must be given with the desire only to please, and nothing beyond hoped for or expected. It is a gift, not an exchange. If you are sijeere, jt you that will be loved and not the trifle you send as a meM I mjm mento, which will be lost sight of and forgotton in the over whelming love of the giver. The Gold Leaf, of Henderson, one of the best weekl y papers published in North Carolina, has just reached its sixteenth vrar of existence. It is always a welcome visitor to the risil- erman & Farmer office and we Imnp it will never fail to come. A very handsome "Conven tion Edition, was issued last week by the Raleigh Biblical Recorder, which was indeed creditable. This is one of the the state, and ri reflects great credit on its bril liant young editor. Petition. We, the undersigned Merch ants nf 'Elizabeth Citv. N. C. respectfully submit that iaas- muchas you are running.trainsio . . Norfolk at special reduced pass- engerfare on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays and are also favoring the Norfolk merchants 1 ,inff n snr-rlal on Fridav uj in....... 1 ' t Dec. 2A that it would be proper and right that the same induce- mem buuuu. uc u,.. w sons wisinng 10 come 10 xvi- beth City and return on tnese 7 , I days, thus putting us on an equality with the Norfolk mer- chants. The present schedule we think injurious to our business, Above is the text of an un- usually strong petition that has oeen circuiaicu dim "7 the most prominent merchants of our city. The Hussiness Men s Club held a special meeting on Saturday evening and uuanious- lv indorsed everv word on the 1 ' l That the Norfolk & OOUtnern xvauiuau Ci .1 t:i 1 1...1,1 (T special excursion rates to in or- fold on Christinas Eve is, in itself, all right, for our nici sry not ;t. C 1IUI1 is uw uui icai tin- tuuiuviu- ion even of Norfolk. Hut when special rates are offered to Nor folk and buyers must pay full fare to our city,' then it is time for a protest and we kick. We feel sure, however, that it will be necessary only to call the attention of the Norfolk & South ern to the unjust discrimination, and it will be remedied. With their immense stock of Christmas goods and low prices, our advertisers do not need pro tection, nor do they ask for it. They only wish to have an equal chance of competition with Nor folk. NO PAPER NEXT WEEK. We think no apology is neces sary for our holiday next week. It is the only one we get the whole year through, and we shall get little then. The type of this mammoth issue must be distributed, and much over due job work completed. TO OUR READERS. After reading this mammoth edition over carefully, we would appreciate any comment our readers should make relative to same. We would like to know what our subscribers think of our efforts. Write us a line or two. After hearing some friends continually praising Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Curtis Fieck, of Anaheim, California, purchased a bottle of it for his own use and is now as enthusiastic over its wonderful work as anyone can be. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by W. W Griggs &. son According to the best "author ities the weather for Christmas is to be lair and mild, so Santa Claus will come cn his wheel, instead of in his sleigh as here tofore. A Ueniarkable f :-isiiium;u. Down through the center of grav ity in tho Washington monument hangs n uopjier wire 174 feet long. Thiswiivi hcUls a plummet attached to its iowcr extremity and hanging in a dish of water. Two little tran sits are focused upon the wire just above the plummet. These are ar ranged at right angles to each oth er, and show the slightest vibration of this great obelisk. Sometimes, when the weather is calm and cool, the plummet swings violently, thia action being ascribed to the vibra tions of the earth. When the eun is exceedingly hot and falling upon the south face of the monument causes a considerable expansion, the plummet moves a few hundredths of an inch. Very high winds cause vibrations of the wire and heavy rumblings of thunder or distant earthquakes sway it slightly from the normal line. Jfew York Ledger. you UilU jmu i TTT'. I t.l 4 JVL ft- Wxon s A large assortment of Toys and Christmas Goods consist ing in part of Wagons, Carts, Doll Carriages, VVn eel barrows, Drums, Air Rifles, Pianpj, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, and an endless variety of Dolls and Other Cbuigs pertaining to this line of goods; also Fruits and Confectioneries in great abundance For The Holiday Season v v TllEK AT EDE Our Correspondent Writes Some Newsy Paragraphs. Rev. W. F. Watson attended State Convention the Baptist this week. Ralph Bingham entertained a large audience at the Opera House, on Monday night. Miss Cora Loner, of Eva. N - c after a delightful visit to friends in Edenton, left for her home Saturday Messrs. Johnson and Simpson have opened a neat restaurant on aiaiu street, we ucapcu Oysters are pientnui at oar ig those of the famous Lynn hav art. neddled on our " 7, - - x streets daily Kor Rent For i8q8. The store in Edenton now occupied by W. J. Leary, druggist. Goot location lor the Drug and patent M.H.DIXON meaieine uusmess.. auuiv iu .g preparing to give an entertain ment during Xmas week, which will be under the supervision o the efficient Superintendent Prof' J- C- Kittrell. a sufficien - r.t .1-1 in tne enjoynieiu 01 our pieas nrcc Htifinnr tine I hricrnin lf uuuwf; wi.oi.twt4.., .v. us ot forget those who may n0 be so fortunate. Make it a day of joy to some little one who has never known tlie jovs ol Uirist- nias. and vour own pleasure will . De insurea an nunureu ioiu Ziegler's Furniture Empo rium is a thing of beauty these davs. The recent alterations and additions have been wisely made, and the result is a sales room capable ot showing lo ad vantage the many artistic pieces of furniture this house is famous for carrying. l ne outlook: toward securing the extension of the Suffolk & Carolina Railroad to Edenton is very bright. The committee have alreadv raised between a thousand and fifteen hunurec dollars as an earnest of the de sire ol our people for the road and the prospect is that tin work will begin in the near fu ture. The merry Christmas season is nearly here, the joyous time for holiday mirth aud pleasure the time so long looked forward to by the little ones ; the arriva of Santa Claus, and their excla mations of joy as they behold the cuuning little toys and other wonderful things left by tha mysterious person. Preparations for Christmas are being carried on to abou the usual extent in Edenton this year. Our merchauts have quite extensive stocks, to meet the re quiremeuts of Xmas shoppers 1 1 - . who are Deginuing to make their selections, the windows of several establishments being decorated very artistically with goods of the season. While the program of holiday gayities in society, has not been fully ar ranged .as yet, all signs point to one of unusual promise. , . K . -r . 1 1 w ASLEEl' IN JESUS. It Is with sorrow we chronicle the death of MissLoteua Hathaway, daughter of our esteemed towns- mau.J. R. 13. Hathaway, who departed this life on Saturday, Dec. 11, at the home of her brother at Merry Hill. N. C. Tlie remains were brought here, aud the funeral services held at the Broad Street Methodist church, of which the deceased was a consistent member, after whie' the interment took place at iv-ver Hill Cemet.ry. Sad Accident. On Satur day morning of last week, the little sou of Mr. David Robins son, a prominent farmer living near Edenton, went hunting with a colored man, carrying the gun Soon after leaving the house, the gun in some manner went off, the full charge taking-effect in the toy's hand, mauoling it in a frightful man ner. The boy was immediat ly brought to town, the hand am putated by Dr. J. H. McMullan, and at last report the little fel low was doin as well as could be expected. Rev. L. L. Mann, the new pas tor of the Broad Street Metho dist church, arrived Saturday, accompanied by his wife, and are stopping at the riay View. On Sunday he preached two powerful sermons to large con- Nil gregations. That he created a most favorable impression, is amply attested by the many words of praise of his able preaching, heard from those who were present. To Mr and Mrs. Mann we extend a cordial wel come to Edenton, and hope their coming among us may be of mutual benefit. Resolutiocs. Edenton, N. C, Dec. 8, "97. Edenton Lodge No. 18, I. O. O. F., met in called meeting for the purpose of grafting resolu tions of the following : Whereas, the Grand Master of the Universe has seen fit in S Ais all-wis'e Providence, to re remove from our midst our be loved brother, J. D. Jewell. Therefore, be it Resolved, 1. That in his death j our Lodge has sustained the ; loss ol a member sincere in his I attachments and lailhAil as a j friend, and our community an exemplary citizen. 2. That while we mourn this loss, we bow in humble submis sion to tlie will ot Him who I doeth all things well. ! 3. That we extend to the be- j ried on Jan. 2, 1866. The fam reaved lamily of our deceased ily removed from Schuyler brother, our sympathy in the county to Elmira about four hour of their great affliction. years ago. She was a member 4. That a copy of these resosjof the Lsdies' Auxiliary of HofT lutions be spread upon the min-! man Post, G. A. R. and that or utesofthis Lodge, a copy sent ; ganiation will attend the fu to the family of the deceased, j neral in a body. and a copy to the r ish hrman ! & Farmer, at Elizabeth City, j N. C, for publication. And i that tlie usual badge Ot mourn ing be used for thirty days. A. M. Hawkins. Theo. Ralph, ; n Jno, C. Bond, Com L. L. Brinki.fy, J L. P. Jones, Sec'ty. verylbodj tes a !RigM t make tMfliig llso W sSsiM ipitsimi to ffiiv tbHftir y ttlfosna My WIhia w niHifiLk ttMs ffissirftniiii H m wMk Mffiis 1? GffilffMlKl(5o We kfflvejMStt H ilnz assortment of new Raisins, fruits, Nuts, figs, Cran bzrrUa, etc., for making the good things for Christmas. mith oui fine patent you? meals will always Lo Co fflCH MRS. McKINLEY DEAD. Mrs. Nancy Allison McKins ley, mother of President McKin ley, died at her home in Canton, Ohio, Sunday morning last, at 2 o'clock; aged 89 years She was unconsious to the end and her death was painless. The President was keeping the vigil when the end approach ed and he hastily summoned other members of the family. The people of Uie whole coun try have the greatest admiration for the filial devotion displayed by the President at the bedside of his aged mother. Tlie deceased was a member of the First Methodist Episcopal church, fremi which place the funeral services took place Tues day. A nation sympathizes with the Chief Executive. Its a 90m 111011 sorrow that touches the hearts of all. This is the complaint of thousands at this season. They have no appetite; food does not relish. They need the toning up of the stomach and digestive organs, which B course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cares that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and bnilds tip and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp toms and cares nervous headaches, that it seems to have almost " a magic touch." nn inJOQ Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. j T-.1 ae the best after-dinner rlOOU S PUIS pills, aid digestion, sse. Tbtho tail t(WtUt at U a (S Eat 7 Mrs. J. S. Gregory Dead. We are in receipt of a copy of the Elmira, N. , F.vcning Star, containing an announcement of the death of Mrs. J. S. Gregcry, who once resided in this city, and who has a large circle of friends here who mourn her departure. The Star says: "Mrs. Gregory's death was a great shock to her friends and acquaintances in this city, to whom she had endeared herself by her kindness of heart and sunny disposition. She is sur vived by her husband, t w o daughters, Mrs. Wm. H. Trout, of this city ; Mrs. Frank Coon, of Watkins, and her mother, Mrs G. H. Thompson, of Hliza- i beth City, North Carolina. Also Dv four sisters and one brother They are Mrs. E. T. liernard, of Uridfreton, N. J. ; Mrs. Delia Chandler, Elizabeth City, N. C. ; Miss Minnie Thompson, Tow landa, Pa. ; Mrs. W. M. Farr. Elmira, and F. G. Thompson, Elizabeth City. Deceased was born in the town of Montour and was mar- Dragrgfingr JPaiiis. Women often have these paius. It is caused by female troubles of a private nature, Dr. Rallamy's Gossypium will cure you' insure regularity, increase the appetite, and insure re gular, ful and joyous health. It never disap points. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by druggists, or send to the Bellamy Mlg Co.; Box 199, Atlanta, Ga. a claim G&ia fisffw to vry it' fllhsati w air Sen a psMffii vaiMs ms ttihi ssiim ftm tfHii!0 Ihaas Sua tfa cMy "received. flour and Vermont Creamery Butter be enjoyed. Give us a trial. CO, K0 Pkndxto2 St Wants E. C. Duncan. Ki'Enton, N. C, Dec. 15, 1897. Editor Fisherman & Farmer : Please allow me space in your valuable paper, to express the seutimet. ts of at least a large majority of the Republicans of the First Congressional District of N. C, and to give honor to whom honor is due, by speak ing in behalt of a gentleman ol the First District, who is an ap plicant for the office of Internal Revenue Collector for the East ern District of N. C, viz., the Hon. E. C. Duncan, of Carteret county. He is a gentleman worthy and capable of filling the position, a man of honor, ability and integrity, and his untiring efforts in the last cam paign, demand recognition and have endeared him to the hearts of all loyal Republicans of the State. His appointment to the position above mentioned, would fill the hearts of thousands with glow, and stiengthen the Re publican party in N. C, and do credit to the administration. R. M. Lee, Mem. Rep. Cong. Ex. Cora. The Germau Nv; A German navy is a quite modern thing, and many patriotic Germans cannot see much necessity for one. Frederick the Great never bothered his head about a navy, yet managed to thrash all his neighbors and make of Prussia the strongest war force in all Europe. His successors down to the year 1884 looked unon a navy as u-necessarv. navy as ur: necessary In 1884 Bimarck was hard pressed for some l ew toy with which to amuse his captious pailiamentary nursery, so he hoisted German flags in several swamps along the shores of Africa and proclaimed Germany a colonial power, and of course col onies must be protected, so a navy had to be built. Harper's Weekly, Executor's Notice. Having qualified as Executor of the estate of H. Bright, deceased, late of Pasquotank county, and the State of North Carolina, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them duly au thenticated on or before the 26th day of November, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. OA11 persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment to me. JAS. R. BRIGHT, November 26, '97. Executor. FROM BELCROSS, II. C. Items of a Personal and Newsy Character. Christmas comes but once a year. The wedding bells will ling in this section shortly. Dull times for Christmas. We hope Santa Claus will pay us a visit. Cotton at a dollar and forty cents pei hundred, can't buy much Christmas. Miss Iredell Leary Kight re turned home last Monday from visiting in E. City. Dr. R. R. Overby returned last Tuesday from a visit to relatives in Richmond. Miss Lina A. Gilbert , begau teaching at Milldam last Mon day. We wish her success. Mr. Harry C. Tearson, of Havre De Grace, Md., is visiting Mrs. E. M. Sawyer, at Hastings Corner. Misses Annie R. Gilbert and Beulah J. Traftou, were the guests of Mrs. O. G. Pritchard last Sunday. Quite a number of our people here contemplate spending their Xmas abroad. To all we wish a pleasant time. Dr, C. J. Sawyer is visiting relatives and friends in Balti more and Norfolk. We hope him a pleasant time. The rain last Tuesday was the hardest we have had for some time, causing much incon venience to travelers. The Sunday School at Saw yer's Creek church, will have a Cnristmas tree and entertain ment during the holidays. Thos. B. Boushall, Esq., at tended the Baptist State Conven tion at Oxford, last week, and while there, spent some time with his son, J. D. Boushall. Mrs. Jno. Fenner, of Halifax, and Miss Minnie B. Ferebee, of Henderson, both former residents of this vicinity, are visiting rels atives in this county and Curri tuck. Mrs. Annie G. Fanshaw, 01 this place, who quite seriously injured her shoulder by a fall sometime ago, we are glad to announce, is improving and will soon be well. The Sunday School at Nashe's Chapel, Milldam, will have a Xmas tree entertainment, &c, on the, evening of Dec. 25th. We understand they are getting up a very elaborate program The public is cordially invited to attend. The young men's prayer meeting, which was organized at Sawyer's Creek church some time ago, is growing in num bers and attendance very rapidly, and we hope it may be a power for doing much good in the community. The Sunday School at Her ring school house, under the ef ficient management of Mr. E. I. Sawyer, the Superintendent, will hold a Christmas enters tainment on Christmas day, con sisting of dialogues, recitations, &c. All are cordially invited to attend. Rev. T. G. Wood will hold regular services at Sawyer's Creek church next Sunday morning, and at night will lees mre on the life of Abraham. He has been giving a series of lec tures, which have been very in teresting, and we are sure those who go to hear this one, will not be disappointed. We are indebted to one of our modest and truthful sportsmen for ihe following : While hunN ing last week, his dog jumped a Dig gray raDDit, ana alter get ting his bearings, made for a place of safety, clearing a ten- ran lence at one bound. And he said the rabbit ran so fast, that all be could see was a streak of gray rabbit a hundred yards long. A passenger who had been i idiug on a popular railroad not many miles from here, told us ihe following the other day: He noticed an old lady on the train, who now and then would ask the polite conductor to let gui icr station. I he oonductcr Kinuiy ioiu ner ne would do so. Now P station was a flag station, and trains only stopped when ordered. The conductor got busy and forgot all about the old lady and her station and when she asked him again he pulled the bell-cord and stopped the train. They had gone about five miles beyond the station and the train was backed to it. The conductor then informed the lady that he would help her off, whereupon she exclaimed, "law sakes alive, man, I don't want to lite, I've been havin' chills and my son said when I got to that station I was to take a cap sule," The conductor's feelings can better be imagined than de scribed. . jA 1 11.. A1J 1 1 . - J verv Headquarters for. Fancy cakes, crackers, nnrrents. fruits, etc Fresh Candy Made Daily. Candy in boxes, candy by the pound, candy of all kinds. OUR STOCK OF. MM Is the largest ever Fearing Street, We KI&vs The Schooners. So now we are prepared to load your Jug and fill your Bottle with some of those choice Liquors, Wines, Brandies, etc.t at BEER ON DRAUGHT AND FINE CIGARS. Call and Examine. Our line of Cloth bound presentative books for Xmas gifts- Prices low. A fine line of cur rent papers, maga zines, &c, always on hand. Paper books cheaper than ever before. O. Li. COI5 1, 39 Water St., Eliz. City, N. C."V ( FOR FOR ITMWfl V I ralBi 5 raisins, nuts, jell: displayed in the city Klizabeth City. THE 1898, 7 m HE D