Newspaper Page Text
'-T-f Jt'.-S?!; i&t&f -tf.wBeSv' FISHERMAN & FARMER -BY- A. H. MITCHELL- oPublished Every Friday.-- SUBSCRIPTION PRICK ti.oo When Paid In Advance: $ 1.50 If Not Paid In Advance. Entered :it the Post Office at Elizabeth City as second class matter. ELIZABETH CITY. Feb. 4, 1898 The Teller Reso The Good lution tha Die Youn;'. passed the Sen ate last week and so soon found its doom in the House, was all mighty pret ty reading to the Free Silver folk, but it proved as empty as Senator Pritchard's promises The Resolution provided that all bonds of the Unit.d States should be payable, at the option of the government, in silver; thus virtually creating a silver, or double, standard. Most oi the Senators who voted for the Resolution, heartily favor Free Coigage ; others declared that their vote for this measure did not bind them to the Democratic principle; while others voted Aye simpU because it was a good opportunity to pose as a friend to the whiie metal, while secret ly in opposition. Theie never was the ghost of a chance that the Resolution would pass a hos tile J louse ; and had it passed, by any hook or crook, President McKinl y's ready veto would have checked effectually further legislation. The vote merely showed that Free Coinage is sleeping, not dead To one who cas IMouthy ually reads the 31 ; iiilxis. tedious reports of an inactive Congress, the question naturally suggests itself, why is Congress ineil? Our highest legislative body appears to be a political contention rather than a debate of law makers. Scarcely a day passes but some member of the upper or .especially the lower house blazes away with his min ature lightning, gains a moment of notoriety, and is forgotten. It is this class of long-haired, long eared cavillers that bring about our woes: piosperity would be eternal if no one denied it. To create discontent and worry imagine tney are pres ent. I'ersonal grievance, politi cal venom, ineffectual satire, all must be aired at public ex pense. Many representatives imagine that Congress is a place for their asinine qualities to be placed on exhibition to the world at large, else a stepping stone toward something higher. Not a few geniuses have been hampered in political life by hasty speeches made in Con gress, and fewer still rise to any thing higher by means of Con gressional prowess. The coun try woald fare better if our rep resentatives dealt more in parli amentary courtesy and less in personal venom. Is mankind de generating ? In a paper read be Aii Idle Theory. fore the Buffalo Academy of Medicine, Ur. E. T. Rulison declares that the un healthy and the vicious classes are increasing more rapidly than the desirable ones ; that our dan ger to-day is the overwhelming increase of imperfect physical and mental beings, not finance or other questions of statecraft. We are protected by law Irom crime and contagious diseases : why should that protection not be extended to guard civiliza tion from the effects of ill advised marriages? for undoubtedly the ' vicious aud the unhealthy spring from such unions. To effect this Dr. Rulison suggests that all children shall be divided into three classes when they reach the age ot thirteen years: (a) those physically and mentally strong, with a history of no lies reditary disease for three gen erations ; (b) those having the same qualifications as the first, jut with a clear health record crly to grandparents ; (c) all others. Then stringent laws should be enacted forbidding intermarriage between classes. Of course class (c) would - pre dominate for many years ; final r ly, however, (a) and (b), ever tending to grow stronger, would eliminate their puny rival. Ex cellent ! we all exclaim. Excel lent in theory. But how would such a scheme work in reality ? Will a Fedeial injunction reach Dan Cupid and his mischief making arrows, do you suppose? How many years would pass be fore we should become a perfect people ? Alas and alack ! we must continue to-marry, raise our . ever-weakening progeny, and die in the old fashioned way. But. after all, is n't it good enough? A DAY WITH LUMBERMEN. By special invitation of Mr. H. C. Iludgius," the general freight and pas senger agent of the Norfolk & South ern -Rail oad Company, it was the pleasure of the Editor of the Fiiherman it Farmer to accompany to EdcHtou on Monday last that unique acd jolly organization of Lumbermen from Ohio and -Pennsylvania, known as the "IIoo Hoo" order, or Union Association of Lumber Dealers. This famous orde comprise the best known and most orominent lumber dealers in me coui try, and is represented in every slate in the Union from Oregon to Main and Michigan to the Gulf. The order was originally start !d by nine snow bound lumbermen for a pastime, but has spread so rapidly that it bids fair to boil over the limits of memoersmp it fir;t fix-d. namelv. Q.9'J9. The dues of the order are 99 cents a year and initiation 9 99; in fact, it is said that anything that has a nine in it is lucky to a Hoo Hoo. The Association has been holding its annual meeting at Columbus, O., and being accus'.omed for years pabt to take an excursion after the Convention, they came to visit the towns and mills of the South. The train that brought them here was composed of three Pullman sleep ers, a day coach and a buffet, and the travelers were about 120 members of the Union, a few railroad men, several mvited guests, aud just nineteen la iics wives of the excursionists. The v.hole party was in charge of Col. II. C. Iludgins. The train, in charge of .oaductor 1 13. Luke aud Engineer tieo. uuuou, left Norfolk at 6:25 a. m., arriving at lilizabeth City 10:50. Here the party was ioined by the membeis ut the press of this town, a few lumber" wieu and others, and after vi.iting several of the mills, left promptly at 11 o'clock for lidenton, arriving there at 12 m. Here the party was met by Mr. J. W. Hrauning, I'resiuent of the banning Manufacturing Company and Mayor of Kdenton, who gave them a hearty greeting. The different mills were inspected by many of the party, while some went about viewing the places 01 interest of the old historic town, aud Others spent the r time in amusement, getting the small colored oys boxing each other and scramb ling for pennies and nickles causing e ery one present to roar with laugh ter. In fact, they get fun out of any thing. At 2 o'clock the party came together at the Opera House, where Mr. Hrauning had prepared an oyster din ner, and that it was enjoyed is best shown bv the fact that ten gallons of the bivalves were consumed. After diuuer, several speeches were made, Mr. W. D. Pruden welcoming the visi tors in behalf of Mr. Brauning. This was responded to by members of the Association and otheis, closing with three cheers for their host. At 4: 15 the ra u pulled out for Noifolk an l be fore another hour had passed we haj to part with them. To say, our trip with the lumbermen and their ladies was a plcasaut one would mildly express it. We never had better, and desire here to extend to Col. Iludgins, the genial gentleman of the N. & S. R. R., who so kindly ex tended us the invitation to join the par ty, our sincere thanks for such a de- ightful trip, and to President II. O Norris, of the Union Association, for ourtesies extended. c also thank Mr. L. K. JIawes, Secretary of the As sociation, for the introduction he gave s to each of the party, whom we found to be genial gentlemen and wide awake business men, and their ladies uite charming. OASTORIA. Ike fas simile Signature of Is ea rrappea MANTEO. Items of a Personal aud Newsy Character. Whew! Oh-how cold. Must be snowing up north. The sloop yacht "Ethel," of Philadelphia, was hauled on Creel's railway last Friday for repairs. Miss Helen Evans was taken very ill last Thursday night. The family physician was called in and soon relieved her. There was quite a number of commercial drummers in town last week. They must think a Lrge run of shad are coming this spring. Messrs. Win, H. Wheatty and II. S. Mathews, left last Friday night for their home in Wash ington, D. C. They reported having a jolly" good time at Camp Sawyer. Messrs. G. E. Blanchard and G. B. Chaplin, of Providence, R. I., left for their home last Mon day night. They had a few day's good shooting at Pea Is land, under the direction of Messrs. Etheridge aud Hayman, managers ot the Pea Island Gun ning Club. A sad accident happened to Mr. Robert Gaskill and a Mi. O'Neal, of Ha'teras, last Satur day night. They came to this place to get a boat to fish in du ring the spring, and on their re turn had the misfortune to be upset in the sound off Pea Is land life saving station, wnere they had to remain on the cap sized boat until about 9 o'clock Sunday morning. They were rescued by Messrs. Claude Jones and Wilson Harrell, 01 East Lake. After being taken to the station they were properly cared for. Mr. Gaskill was nearly frozen when found. E. OASTOIUA. tie he- timilt algaatnre ci 4 MM 7 Printing - -TO- f PJease. That's our motto, and we Iiv up to it. We use the best stock careful workmanship, artisth ideas; that's why our. printing is a little better and more satis factory than other fellows. Per haps you have never tried us Not too late now. We can d o your printing and do it right our prices will be right too. Bet ter eive us a trial. Call to see us and lets talk it over. Maybe we can help you fix it up. The ELLIOTT PRINTING Co, Cor. King And Broad Streets Edenton N C THE WEEK AT EOEHTDH- Winter is here with a veiv geance. See ad. of the Elliott Printing Company. Quite a number ot shad in market on Saturday. The Citv Council will be in session on Friday next. Mr. Millard F. Bond spent Wednesday in Norfolk. Our fishermen saved a large quantity of ice this week. T h e "is-it cold-enough for- you" fiend is abroad in the laud The Board of Commissioners will meet' at the court house on Monday next. Ouite a number of Edentoni ans attended the Union Meeting at Rocky Hock last Sunday. The Broad Street Methodist Churcli are issuing a veiy neat card of invitation to strausrers to worship in their sanctuary Mrs. Upton, Mrs. Faushaw, and Mrs. Geo. Williatuston, of Berkley, are the guests of Mr: Mark Upton, on West Queen street. Mrs. Mabel E. Jewell, of Eliz abeth City, spent several days in Edenton this week, the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Jas. R. Elliott, on Magnolia street. Mr. D. W. Raper spent several days in Berkley, Va., this week. lie will soon" begin the erect, on of a planing mill at that place, to be run 111 connection with his retail yard. A private school has been started at "Byrd's Fork" by the people of that neighborhood, aud Miss Lvdia Bateaiau has been employed as teacher. The first session will begin next Monday. Among those who accompa nied the excursion of lumber dealers from Elizabeth City to Edenton, we had the pleasure of meeting Capt Geo. V. Derick- son, Mr. Clay Foreman aud A. H. Mitchell, of the Fisherman & Farmer. A more clever trio it would be hard to find. The Unioa Association of Lumber Dealers they of "Hoo IIoo" fame, v sited Edenton on Monday last on their annual ex cursion, inspecting the large saw mill plants throughout the South While here, they were the guests of the Brauning Man ufacturing Company, who gave them a banquet at the opera house". After spending a few hours viewing the mojjern mills of the Branniug Co., and seeing the sights of the town, they left for their next point, Charleston, S. C. 'To Cure Constipation Forever. T:v1e Giscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or25e. It C. C. C. fait to cure, druggists refund money KIIAWBOKO. Miss Mamie Dawson of N'.-w Berne is visiting Miss Margaret Bell. Mr. Neil Ferebee of E. City has been staying with friends here during this we.k. Misses Kate Wood of Edenton and Ethel Scott of E. City is visiting Miss Mary Shaw. Mr.. Bransley Gray, of North West, and Miss -Mamie ;Wilson of Moyock, spent Tuesday night at Mrs. J. J. Ferebee's. Miss Sallie Perry of E. City, came here Tueslay and spent the night with Mrs. J. J. Fere bee, to attend the Drama. The Drama was not given on Tuesday night owing to the cold weather but was played Wednesday night before quite an appreciative.. audience. The Miller's Daughter, a drama in four acts that was played was a success. Those who took part was as follows. Mr. Derwent, Mr. R. E. Flora ; Mrs. Derwent, Miss Sue Bray ; Elsie Derwent, Miss Margaret Bell : Beauty Lynn, Miss Ophelia Howell ; Dickey Brown, Mr. Neil Ferebee ; Lord Harrington, Dr.V. H. Cowell ; Squire Thoratou, Mr. Doc Co well ; Mountain Mag, Miss Meuerva Allen : Humped Tem, John Snowden ; Joe, Willie Grandy; Lady Isabel Hyde, Miss Bessie Morgan ; Lord Hyde, Mr. C. D. Morgan. After the play wau over the club presented Mrs. J. J. Ferebee with a silver butterdish for her trouble she took in training the characters in the play. Dan. Moyock News. Prepared Especially for Fisher ermm & Fanner Readers. Mr. Willie Bentoarweut to Norfolk Tuesday. Mr. C. R. Vaudecarr, .was in the village Monday. , - We are glad to report Miss Rinnie Fure improving. Mr. M. C. Poyner went to Nor folk Saturday orrbusiness. Mr. Joseph Mclntire has mov ed his family from Moyock to New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Snowden's little child is very ill at Snow deu's Station. The fishermen here are pre paring for business as soon as the Spring opens. ;- -Mr. Henry Duley and Mr Watkins, of Hickory Va., spent last Sunday in Moyock; 'i Miss Mamie and Addie 'Wilson returned home last Wednesday after a plea'sant visit to Fairfield, N. C. . 'u- Miss Alice Poyner and Mtss Lena Wilson are visiting friends and relatives in Norfolk this week. Mr. Edgar West was in Mo yock Saturday ; he was paralized last summer but is much im proved. Miss Eula Pritchard of, So-tth Mills, spent several days in Moyock last week visiting rela tives and friends. Currituck C. H. is being re built and enlarged and provided with "all the modern improve ments. It will be a cost to the County of about $8,000; quite an item. Mr. Walter Wilson of Indian Creek met with the misfortune to accidently get his smokehous burned while smoking ba con one night last week. It was quite a loss as it contained all his meat lor the year. C. Everybody Says So r ; . fs ( 'amlv Cathartic, the most, won J "1 t'v;ti hscovery of the ape. p cas .i i nl'r. s'.ratr to the e, act peiitly :-:'tiv- 'y on kidneys, liver and. howels, -i: t'ne entire syt in, -dispel colds, i.'-xt :;ci:t lovi i', ii:ilil.n:il onslipation il ioii';n(" s. Please buy and try a box !:l C c tn-dnv; 10, ;,0 crmiR. tfoldand ai.iiitecd to cure by nil druggists. COIN JO UK. The saw mill of this place has laid over sawing for some time to our regret. Mr. B. C. Rensey with his two sisters and father, have moved id his new house on Bank street. We aie sony to . say the eni neer of tng Virginia is home sick with his family at,this place. Nr TA1 If .:r. ncunona opry oi upper Coinjock, is going to move to his daughters at Tiills Creek, the widow of the lite E. F. Humph res of that place. The firm of Rinsey & Barco, wood aud iron mechanics at this place are dissolved by mutual consent, Rinsey having business of other importance, withdrew aud pulled one of lus? irons out of the fire. The present cold snap is rough on early garden vegetables out it is an ill wind that blow no person any good. Our fishermen are taking ice from the ponds and storing it away for warmer days in the future. Coinjock Baptist Church has a new preacher, Rev. Mr. Deavs enport from Columbia, Tyrrell county. We think he is the right man in the right place. He has organized a Ladies Missionary Society at this place that bids fair to do much good. Mr. Editor, I beg a space in the columns of your valuablepa per as I want to let onr neigh bors know that we are not lying idle while they are on the hustle. Our farmers are beginning to repair their hot beds for early sweet potatoes and hauling mar- nure for Irish : potatoes. Our early gardeners have1 peas aud other garden seed up Onion sets out and growing , nicely. CaVbage plants ready-Tor trans planting as soon as" Spring- makes her first peep. ; Buck. $100 Reward $103. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Ca tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treats ment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting. directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby des troying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by - building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The propriet ors have so much faith in its curative powers, - that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials! Address, F.J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 1 ; - - : Mr. . Humphrey Griffin and family has moved in Perquimans county near Winfall. '1 - On the 19th of January a very aged colored man in this section departed this life, Robert Twine known by a great many, he was 91 years of age. Mr. G W. Hobbs, has gone to Edenton to make it his home. He hasa situation with H. W. Hur die, in the butcher business. We wT5sh him much success al though we missTiim very much from our midst. In Memory of a Dear Brother Departed this life January the 20th 1898, i,; Chowan county near Amboy P. O., Mr. Josiah Bunch, an aged citizen aud h:gh ly esteemed gentleman, was be liked by all that knew him. He was one of the oldest men inxthis section, being 83 years of age; he left a wife, one brother, one sis ter, two tons and 4 daughters and a host of relatives to mourn their loss. His remains were taken to the Twine Graveyard near the place he lived and his funeral services will take 'place on the second Sunday evening in March 1898, Rev. W. B. Waff to conduct it. Josialihas left us here In loneiiniSb so great, This dismal sphere, a sad lien- yeai , Of eighteen hundred aud ninety eight. His parting brcalh we watched in death With aching hearts and anxious fears While near the close in sweet repose Though also calmv he appears. " A home on high beyond the sky, He has prepared far all thats Hue, Then may we all abey the call, And do whatever we find to do. uur saviour aear is ever near, And willing now through love divine; To help us all great and small, To say Thy will le done not mine. W.J. B. JLiiicr.Err ctZ t:-.e Lilooi". c::-.. 1. . - . , No one live a su'Ftr with miiivliu. . disease is quickly and permanently d liy Browns' Iron Iiittc rs. Every dkffuo of the blood, nerves and stomach, chronic or otherwise, succumbs to Urowns' Jnni Bitters. Known and usd for nearly a quarter of a century, it stands to-dav fore most anion" our most valued remedies. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. MILLINERY" NOTICE. we wisn to announce to our T T 1 friends, patrons and the public mat we nave moved irom our old stand on Main street, and will be found-up stairs oh Water street. Our entrance is between Messrs. Sawer & Jones and L eiig. we win De ntted up with handsome millinery par lors, and will continue to carry the largest and most complete selected stock of millinery in the city, with the most exclu sive Parisiali designs in trimmed hats and bonnets. We not only go to the metropolis . every sea son, out we receive ideas .and designs direct from Paris, where all -tyle originates.- Thanking you one and all for your liberal pa'ronage, and ask ing a contitiuenee of same, we remain the leading milliners of the city, tf. M. HILL & CO. Stock to the amount of $35,000 has been subscribed for a cotton mill at Kinston, N. C. This is the complaint of thousands at this season. They have no appetite; food does not relish. They need the toningnpof the stomach and digestive crgans, which a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purines, and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and build3 up and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt' ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp toms and cures nervous headaches, that it eeem3 to have almost " a magic touch." LfU Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. are the best after-dinner nOOa S i'lllS pills, aid digestion. 25c fififfi Get Your Old Furniture Repaired It can be made New, Ornamental and Durable tsrBYj T. H. K ELL AM who has recently moved his shop back to his old stand, ovei J, B. Flora's Store, where he can be found at all hours. Parties hav ing furniture in need of repairs to heavy to be sent to the shop I will call and repair same at their homes. Prices reasonable Repairing harness, umbVellas and scissors a specialty. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. 51 be- Eat mmmm NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. The next nieetiug of the Cho wan Baptist Uuion meeting will meet with Shady Grove Church. Cuirituck county.- in May. Master Dan. Jennings, living near Berea Church, continues quite ill. Miss Louisa Harris, of the Fork, this connty, is the gu:st of Mrs. J.G. Harris, near Okisko Mr. J. W. Davis has opeued a store near Berea church. Mr. William Sawyer, of Great Bridge, Va., is visiting relatives in the county. to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks tor ward to the hour or woman s severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe. '0 D30 n 1 o nuuiu allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature. that the change goes for ward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way of Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy duties now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is by the use of "Mother's Friend," and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one lady, the mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend' of me before her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful." John G. Polhill, Macon, Ga. $1.00 PEE. BOTTLE at all Drug: Stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information of enrr int3r6r' to a11 women, will be sent to rhE any address upon application, by The BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Ga. W Mslv The Schooners. So now wc are prepared to Icai your Jug and fill your Bottle with some of those choice Liquors, Wines, Brandies, etc. at BEER ON DRAUGHT AND FINE CIGARS Brick! Brick! .1111 Tltompsort 1111 BRIGK WORKS, The leading brick manu facturers of this section are now ready to supply orders at short notice. This plant lias been in active operation for twenty years, and they guarantee satisfaction as to quality and price, tood the $est And reflex action will be a guide to youi further purchase." You could do Worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere. Call Telephone No. 2, or address g. .. Thompson, figgr, Elizabeth City, N. C. HE Mothers Read This. For Flatulent CollcDlarrhoea, Dysentery, Nansea.Couglis, Cholera Infantum.Teeth- ing CMldren, Cholera Morbus, Unnatural Drains from the Bowels, Fains, Griping, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, . 11 Ti c a . r . . uiu itu vi me atamacn ana Bowels, Pitt's Carminative is the stamlard. It rarries chiMren over the critical pc-io-1 of lecthinjr, mid is rec ommended by plnsiciana as the friend of Mothers, Adults aud Children. It is pleasant to the tnstc. find .never fails to give satisfaction. A k-vr doses will demon strait.' its; w vir:iie. I'rice, 2-ii-ts. per fettle. , . For sale by drnssrisis. For Sale by W. W. Criggs & Son. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Prevention V better than cure. Tutt's Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache. dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid iver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. DR. C. P. BOGERT -Surgeon and Mechanical DENTIS1 Edenton, N. Q- Patients visited when requested T I1C u 11 L mmnm um 1 it y (61 r .Vegetable Preparation for As similating ihcTood andncgufci tirjg the Stomachs and Bowls of Promote s "DiesUcn.Chccrful- ncssandRcst.Contains rteitncr Opium.Morphine nor Hinrrfil. KOT NARCOTIC. Kay aTClSItS.UrZLrCUIZ3 silx.Smnm yfni'se Std Jlppermiat -JSi Cartana Sal iirmStd - A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. TacSliraic Signature cf TsTEW "YORK. v.- EXACT COPV OF YRAPPER, t 10 25 50 fA11W CATMTIC CURECOIiSTIPATION, Z IR'sAT T1TUT V fiTTI FNTITH t0 rure unjcaneof roniitipatloB. Cnufnivt are the Ideal Laia f nUOUliUlClUl UUiiHiViUL tjTe. nerrr crip nr rripe. hut rauso ! natural rmulta. ham T pie and booklet free. AH. sn i!J 'MJ l!F1IKIV I O.. rhirairo. Montreal. I an., nr New Vnrk. tu If you feel bad in the morning and want a bracer And gives new life to the nerves. 3 arge (Doses for IO cts. See that every Bottle is Stamped with 3 Sprigs of Celery PREPARED BYYEKE W J Mi iMANUFACTURKR OF BUGGIES, WAGONS, CaRTS, s Eeacb. "W"ixeels, Etc. s Repairing a specialty. Having enlarged my shop and added more toals and slock, I am now prepared to do more work than ever. And with over Twenty Years of Experience in the Blacksmith Business I can do from the lightest Carriage Forging to the heaviest mill, machine or marine forging. I guarantee satisfac ion both in price and quality. tALL WORK DONE PROA P5LY.1- tdlPGive me a call before going elsewhere. Don't for get where I am located on Poindexter Street, To visit the store MAIN STREET, You'll find a full stock of which I am ofiering at rock bottom prices. Call and you will find anything usually kept in a first-class Urocery store THE CITY The Choicest Meats It will be to your interest ) j LOWEST CASH PRICES ) to give us your orders. J ( IN THE CITY. J e Fresh Vegetables a specialty. a POLITE ATTENTION J o PROMPT DELIVERY ! SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF- PH rut IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTXJ3 OP m art 4 IV T 4 Castorii is put tp la cus-elz bottlot only. It is net soli ia balk. Don't allow anvona to toll '4tcb anything else on tho plea or promise that it jg "just as good" acd "will answer every pov 't$ poo." f ce that yon ret C-A-S-C-O-R-I-A. !i ca TCT7 21 ALL DRtJG GISTS use DRUG CO, BALTIMORE, Md. of wm ELIZABETH CITY, X. C. OEBIES MARKET, wmwm Proprietor. EDENGON, N. C. on hand at all times. 'a r.v h i ?! " y s i i ' 1 HA Th ".i 1 1 A in in I' IMhw Th is n 1 1 M.IM-I Ul-llk ni.u k t-js .11 an U i h 1 s t Ik- I1.1 11.. 1' 1 i 11 Trm-1 count tion to lu lili. 1 W 1110111. eel kn llCKllt to I . ) 1 c I I t An ti l in.-i guru Wll' No. H C hi 1 1 u Mil'.i i 111; H Stl'lKl' S.L 1Hr J j. 11 .tt 141 7S I est oi than a If V ' 11 k-t 11 k w- anil I'a E. V V!i' '.r,lrb TLP i'rtin f i ! i . V. J 'i a ; -J. Sted n SAMU Fx a, it ft J rH.I-ri Wm.J tJtizens ti