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VO! A. "I ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH n, i398. Established 1886- . The Best Advertising Medium in the Albemarle District-The Finest Fish, Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina. Circulation Doubles Any Other Pacer Published m This Section. The Most Wide-Awake and Successful Business Men use the Fisherman & Farmer, n tmns with the Highest Satisfaction and Profit n p. t y HZ-CC .?-e-L tow1 i si P. AS K the recovered dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever and ague, the mercurUI diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite; they will tell you by taking Simmons Liver Regulato. 5-f The Cheapest, l'nremt and Bent Family Medicine in the World! Fcr DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION. 'u.mHi,-, Kil!..s attacks, SK K UKADACIIE, Colic, Depres ion .,f Spirits, SOUR STOMACH. Heartburn, etc. 'I his unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a single panicle of Mcrci rv, or any mineral snbstanoa. but is PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which aft ill -ise Providence has placed in countries where. Liver L'iscases most prevail. It will cure V. Ii-ass faned by iJcraugcment of tb. Liver i! nrl Itoweld. :Tiic SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth; Pain in the Hack, Sides oi J mis, often mistaken for Rheumatism; Soar SUmiarh ; Loss of Appetite; Rowels alternately cost. ve and lay; Headache; I-oss of Memory, with i painful sensation tf having failed to do something which auht to have been done; Debility; Low Spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and i.yts ; a dry Cough, oftin mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend tht , disease, at others very few ; but the Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretch edness and DKATH will ensue. 'lhe following highly-esteemed persons attest to the virtues of Simmons Livfr Kkcvlator: Gen W S Holt, Pres. Ga S. W. R. R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder." I erry.Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master! son, l.sq., Sheriff BibbCu.,Ga.; J. A. liutts, Cambridge, Ga. ; Rev. J. W. Iiurke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers Supt. (ia. S. W. R. R. ; Hon. Alexander H.Stephens! We have v :-sied its virtues personally, and know that for Dyspepsia. Biliousness and ThrobbiDg Head, ache, it is the best meilii-in lh. ,i-lrl c. ..avo tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver Iwiilator, and none of them yave us more than tem porary reli el ; the Regulator not only relieved, but cured "J ' " ' 1 ' M'H ano M, M acon, Ga, MA.NfPAC 1 IKKU ONLY BY J. U. ZEIL.1N Si CO.. Phil elphia. Pa. The Fisherman & Farmer invites you to call 'Phone 52 whenever you have an item of news or want printing of any kind. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smote lour Life Away, To quit tobacco easily and forever be mag ni:iic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Huc, the wonJer worker that makes v.-eak meq strong. All dru;rpists, 50c or 51. Cure gruaran .c a Hookk't and sample free. Address ;ur ins Remedy Co., Chicago or New "Vrlc Tested and TRUE. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnmnnnnmmmmK 1 riEHIIE FAIR. 1 g GEGTING S5AR5ED RIGHT. j E Getting the proper swing for the early Spring 3 trade clearing out the odds and ends the bro- 2 Cr: ken lots making everything in readiness for an : aggressive campaign a lowering of prices on r3 S: special lines to clear them quickly opening E new ideas for Spiing of '98, that's the record we 3 ZZ: are building through February, making interest- 3 2: ing buying for you makes good money-saving :rs 5E opportunity. rrs E LOOKING FOR SHE BES5.& E If you're looking for the best, ours is a store Es that meets your needs. "Best" with us means iE best styles best qualities BEST RESULTS. Es E We are not content with ordinary results 1 that's within the reach of merchandising in the fullest sense that we at tain to must be best in every way. 1ST In the SDrintr of 'qS are newest at prices that mean a saving to you. 2 E You can always look for the newest ideas at our E store you can always feel assured that the pri - 3 ces will be right. rr3 m (items.) E2 I ENDORSING OUR METHODS ! ST: If the community endorse our plan of mer- :3 gE chandising if they approve our close-margin 2 prices if they give us the sunny side of their 3 ST consideration, it will show it in the increased Es ST sales. Every season gives us added assurance E that the public place, the fullest confidence in E our store that our prices, qualities and styles E are fully satisfactory, 3 W "GOOD VALUE" SUG-G-ESTIONS. 5E The staples the items in constant demand 3 E where the little savings count. We want your 3 E trade in every portion of our stock on a basis rrS 2E of values. You'll agree with us, when you note 3 S: the goods, that the prices are right. 3 ZZi (items.) ES There's a pleasure in your buying, aside from E5 EE the values we give you, for we accord you the , --3 E most courteous treatment you're our guest E and we make every effort to make your shop- E pig easier, and impress you with the fact that sE our store at all times has in view your comfort. :S3 A Cj E 64, 66 and 68, Water St., E. City, N. O. 2 iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiitiiiiiuituiuiiutiuiuaiuiiuimtiiuiuiu TRUMPET CALLS. Ram's Horn Sends a Warning Note to the Unredeemed. The sharper gets most out of the man who is getting least out of what he possesses. People who are all tongue have no ears. No good comes of blaming others for the misfortunes we bring on ourselves. God hides Himself; therein lies His unexhausted charm. A good guide will not be re- jected because he is bowlegged. Everv man has his price. Mine is the precious blood of Jesus. We should have a society for doing good among the neglected rich. Never to make a mistake is the biggest mistake any man can make. The world that the bird flies over is not the same that the snail crawls on. Every boy thinks his mother is the best woman on earth aLd they are all of them right, too. Many a man who finds his cottage laige enough would find a palace too small, if suddenly made rich. When You Are Tired. Withoutextra exertion, languid, dull and listless, your blood is fa ling to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and streugtli giviug properties they require. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching and purifying the blood. It will give you energy and vigor. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. 25c. WOOD'S SEEDS are specially grown and selected to meet tile needs and requirements of Southern Growers, Wood's Descriptive Catalogue is most valu able and helpful in giving cultural directions and valuable information about all seeds specially adapted to the South. VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS, Crass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes. Seed Oats and all Garden and Farm Seeds. Write for Descriptive Catalogue. Mailed free. V. W. WOOD & SONS, 9 SEEDSMEN, - - RICHMOND, VA. THE LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. any store, but its good STTLES. stvles in the ideas that TY LINES SWEPT AWAY. Congress With One Voice Meets The First Call of the Presi dent For Funds. $50,000,000 AT ONCE MADE AVAILABLE. Many Members Who Were Paired With Absent Col leagues, Took the Re, sponsibility to Break Their Pairs. In a spirit of patriotism, with eloquent words ringing in their ears, every member of the House of Representatives Tuesday re sponded to the President's first call to meet the Spanish situa tion by casting his vote for a bill placing in President Mc Kinley's hands fifty million of dollars to be expended at his dis cretion for national defense. Party lines were swept away, and with a unanimous voice Congress voted its confidence in the administration. Many mem bers who were paired with ab sent colleagues, took the respon sibility of breaking their pairs, an unprecedented thing in leg islative annals, in order that they might go on record in sup port of this vast appropriation to maintain the dignity and honor of theii country. Speak er Reed, who, as the presiding officer, seldom votes except in a case of a tie, had his name called and voted in his capacity as a representative. The scene of enthusiasm which greeted the announcement of" the vote, ayes 311, nays none, has seldom been paralleled in the House. All day long the galleries were jammed witti enthusiastic spec tators, applandmg the patriot ism of the words of eloquence which were uttered bv the mem bers on the floor. The speeches were all brief. Although four hours were allowed for debate, so ereat was the pressure for time that no member was given more than five minutes, and most of them had to content themselves with a beggardly fraction of a minute. In all fifty-nine speeches rere made. With one acclaim, members from the North and South, the East and West, the State and territories, battle-scarred veter ans of the Union and the Con federate armies, all joined in proclaiming their support of the country's Chief Magistrate in the face of a possible foreign war. SPAIN DEMANDS PROMPTLY MET. The intimation of the Spanish Goverment for the recall from Havana of Consul General Lee and its demand that the Ameri can warships, which have been designated to convey supplies to Cuba for the relief, of sufferers there, should be replaced by merchant vessels, were promptly and vigorously met by President McKinley. who authorized the announcement that he would not consider the recall of Gener al Lee for the reason that he has borne himself throughout the j crisis with judgment, fidelity and J courage to the President's entire! satisfaction, and that as to the! supplies for the relief of the Cuban people arrangements had been made to carry a consign ment from Key West by one of the naval vessels most available for the purpose. The stand of the President well deserves, as it has received, the approval of the country, and that it had its effect with the Madrid Goverment is evident by the announcement that her request for the recall of General Lee has been with drawn. The situation is unquestiona bly more serious than at any other period in the history of the trouble between the two governments. Active prepara tions for expected hostilities are being pushed by both .sides. It is hoped, however, that no rup ture will occur. The communi- P tlBil U it e wry- VHfftti cation from Minister Woodford announcing Spain's withdrwaal for the recall of General Lee, states that the request was never put in the shape of a demand, but that it was merely a sug gestion on the part of Spain, and that when it was found that it was not pleasantly received by this country she promptly re ceded, appears pacific on the part of Spain. The refusal of the administration to recognize what is termed the "mild pro test" of the Spanish representa tive, Senor De Bosc, against sending supplies to Cuba in war ships, is considered the most im portant phase of the situation. The administration takes the ground that relief vessels are not fighting vessels, yet the fact stands that Spain's request is re fused. It now remains to be seen if Spain will recognize this as an unfriendly act. If so then war appears imminent. It is economy to profit by the exper ience of others. Thousands have been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, whv not you( NEW THEORY ON MAINE. Cuban Refugee Thinks Design Was Simply to Cripple The Cruiser. J. N. Casanova, Cuban Postal Commissioner under the Cleve land administration, a leading citizen of Pennsylvania but tern porarily residing in New York City, has expressed the opinion that it was almost a certainty that there would be a war be tween the United States and Spain ; that with Spain war was necessary in order to have an excuse for the loss of Cuba ; that Cuban independence, won by the Insurgents, would be considered a disgrace by Spain ; that the DeLome incident was in line with Spain's policy to bring about a war, as was also the blowing up of the Maine. Concerning the Maine, he makes the statement that the Spanish officers in Havana did not intend to destroy the ves3el nor take life, but that a torpedo was exploded in the hope that the act would be deemed suffi cient to bring about a declara tion of war by the United States; that in the explosion of the tor pedo the concussion caused the bursting of a magazine on the Maine, wh ch wrought the corns plete destruction of the ship and the terrible loss of life. Mr. Casanova is a native Cu ban, and was compelled to leave the Island on account of his ac tivity in behalf of Cuban inde pendence. The Casanova fam ily have lost hundreds of thou sands of dollars on account of the present insurrection, posses sing large property interests in Cuba. He thinks that if the Maine incident does not provoke this country to war, the Span lards will cause the rssassina tion of Consul General Lee or commit some other act that will bring on a bar. Well Children that arc not very robust need a warming:, building and fat-forming: food something: to be used for two or three months in the fall that they may not suffer from cold. SCOTT'S EMULSiON of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda supplies exactly "what they want. The? will tnrrve, fcrow strong: and be well all winter on this splendid food tonic Nearly all of them become very fond of it. For adults who are not very strong:, a course of treatment with the Emulsion for a couple of months in the fall will put them through the winter in first-class con dition. Ask your doctor about this. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the Bun and fish are on the wrapper. AO druggists ; 50c and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ' TO LI 200 YEARS- ATTEND TO YOUR OWN AFFAIRS. Love Your Neighbors. Be Square And Honest With Every thing. Never fret or worry about anything. Eat simple food and always earn the money to pay for it. Work eight hours, sleep eight hours, aud play eight hours. Read papers and bookf and think and observe seek knowledge. Listen to music as much as you can. Never miss a daily bath with 1 i a good ruoDing ana kneaaing, using rough crash or Turkish towel iag wash rag. Don't owe anyone; be entirely free from debt. Never buy any thing unless you have the money to pay for it as debt of any kind is a calamity and will weaken any one. Attend strictly to your own affairs and don't allow actions of others to disturb you. Don't be money mad or crazy to get rich; don't be idle aud earn all the money you can; be sure to save some of it every week and dispose of the rest as you see fit. Don't gamble, speculate, drink alcoholic beverages o use tobac co, above all don't worry your mind about others who do all of these things. Be broad, tolerant liberal and always respect the opinions, beliefs and theories of others, even if you feel they are entirely wrong. Love your neigubors and see to it that men are fair, honest and iust. and in no wav seek to an advantage over any one. In other words be square and honest with everyone. Under no temptation ever try persuade others to live and be lieve as you do. Nothing so much havoc in this world and brings gray hairs and shortens life so much as for men to turn reformers. Everv man in the world has enough to do to reform himself. No man is perfect. The divine will has arranged things all right, so that the world is governed by the most perfect law, and if welearu how to conform to this law and obey it with hope, cheerfulness and knowledge and not with doubt and fear we will not only be healthy and happy but will be agreeable to others aud reach the 200 years mark. Doubt and lear are the most weakening and disturbing things 111 tne world, ana we must ria our minds of them if we would enjoy life and live long. To sum up, plenty of plain, simple food which is clean, fresh and pure, thoroughly and slowly masticated; plenty of fresh, pure air and sunshine and plenty of pure, fresh water internally to gether with high aims J lofty thinking pure thinking will cause anyone to live a long and useful life, even if they do not quite reach 200 years. Music, travel, amusements, outdoor sports and quiet rest when combined with work add materially to one's health, hap piness and longevity and persons with the most moderate incomes by exercising economy and judgment can enjoy all these things. Work a little, save a little and spend the rest on clean healthful diversions recreation and you will get your full share out of life and a good chance of living 200 years. But if you are money mad crazed with ambition, and rip and snort and fume and tear and burn the candle at both ends, it will be hard work to pull through to the three score and ten mark. Think this over. Learn the philosophy of living. Be strong aud vigorous. Don't be weak. Live 200 years. HO UNITED STATES. It is Superior to That of Spain in Almost Evry Type of Vessel. There is but one type of ships in which the Spanish navy is stronger than the American, that known as the armored cruiser class of vessels, having high speed and a protective belt around the vitals. The New York and Biooklyn are vessels of this class, in fact, the ouly ones we have. Of battleships Spain has one first-class to five first class in service belonging to this country. Spain carries on the naval list two second class battleships, but each in antiquated. The Amer ican navy has one second class, the Texas. The Maine was of the same type. Spain has nine formidable armored cruisers. She has, however, no coast de fense vessels, like the Puritan, Terror, Miantonomah, Amphri- trite, Monterey and Mouadnock. Any of these ships are estimated to be equal to the best armored cruiser ever launched. Nine of. hcers out of ten would rather fight on the Puritan than the Texas or the Brooklyn. Iu torpedo boats Spain has more than this Government, but they are not more speedy or for midable. Of the protected crui ser class she has seven, not one of which equals our cruisers. Of the smaller cruisers she has less than we have, and not one of them equals the smallest we have Of the gunboat class she has three times as many as we have, yet they are all old and of little fighting value. Compared, therefore, with the American navy, Spain makes a poor snow ing. Kipling and DeKoven Unite. Reginald deKoven and Sir Arthur Sullivan have both been commissioned by The Ladies' Home Journal to give a musical setting to Rudyard's great "Recessional" poem writ ten for the Queen's Jubilee. DeKoven has finished his set ting of the poem as a hymn with chorus and solo, and the compo sition will be published in its entirity in a forthcoming issue of The Ladies' Home yournal. If You Want to be Beloved. Christian Uplook. Don't find fault. Don't believe all the evil you hear, Don't jeer ateverobodys relig ious belief. Don't repeat 'gossip if it does interest a crowd. Don't be rude to your inferiors in social position. Don't underrate mything be cause you don't possess it. Don't go untidy on the plea that everybody knows you. Don't contradict people, even if you are sure you are right. Picking up Knowledge Is easy enough if you look for it in the right place. This is the right place to learn Just what to do for that debilitating condition which Spring always brings. Do you want to be cured of that languid feeling, get back your appetite, sleep sojindly, and feel like a new man? Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do it. It has done it for thousands. It has been doing it for 50 years. Try it. Mod for the "Curebook." 100 pases fret. J. C Aycr Co. lVoweU, Mui. CA. IiJ.CZ Oi HAVANA. Something About an Old War in Which the Place Was Taken. During the "seveu years' war" (1756 1763) between England and France, says the Baltimore Sun, Spain became involved by making au ag:eement to assi the latter power. Charles II 1 of Spain, was alarmed at t great extension of England's maritime and colonial ascen dency. Within a few years he had seen the French deprived of Canada and the vast region West of the Alleghanies. Clive had gained Bengal by the battle of Plassy,, and Coote's victory in 1760 at Waudewash, destroyed what was left of French power in India. The naval victories at Lagos and Quiberon Bay, es tablished England's supremacy at sea. On the continent of Europe, England, allied with Prussia against Austria, Russia, France and various German Princes, was a disturbing fac tor. Hoping to check the growth of English power, Charles 1 1 r., in 1761, by a secret treaty, un dertook to assist France, !;: with disastrous results for Spain. War began in January, 1762, and seven months later Havana" had been taken by the English under Lord Albemarle, but not without much difficulty. A fleet of over 200 vessels, with an army of 14,041 men, began operations on June 6th of the year mentioned, having opposed to them a Spanish army of 27, 610 men. The defense is des cribed by historians as " exceed ingly obstinate," the Spanish be ing determined fighters, espe cially when acting on the de fensive. The Morro Castle was taken on July 30th, after neatly two months had elapsed, and it was not till two weeks later, 011 August 14th. that the city capK tulated. The captors divided among themselves, it is related, spoil 'to the value of $3,680,000. The city and adjacent country remained an English possession till February, 1763, when, by the treaty of Parish, they were restored to Spain. LEFT TO HIS SWEETHEART- (From the New York Herald.) When Mrs. Lucile Morris, of Omaha, Neb , was a very beau tiful girl in her teens she met young and handsome Chester E. Allison, of Sedalia. Mo. It was a case of mutual love at first sight, but, although Chester wooed and won Lucile's heart, she would not give him her hand. He died last fall and left to the sweetheart of love's young dream a fortune of $150,000. Relatives in Sedalia tried to break the will, but the court has just handed down a decision sustaining it, and so Mrs. Mor ris, who is a charming, intellec tual woman, will pass her re maining days in comfort. Few women have had such a strange experience. When young Allison came with the love song on his lips in the springtime of life, Lucile had pledged her troth to another Professor L. Morris. In vain did Chester plead. The young girl frankly confessed that she loved him, but her sense of honor was so high that she would not break her engage ment with the professor. Allison, under the influence of her faith and truth, finally acknowledged that she was right. So they parted tearfully she to contract a loveless marriage, he to deaden the pain in his heart in the quest for wealth. Years swept on, and last sum mer these two met again at an eastern summer resort. She was free. Three years before a court had broken the bonds that united her to Professor Morris. She was still beautiful. The gray was in the hair of Allison, and lines of care seamed his brow, but he was a manly man, and his heart was still true to Lucile. Under the trees he told her again the old, old story, and it was arranged that they should be married in the fall. Before the leaves fell he died. His last thoughts were of his sweetheart, and in his will he bequeathed her, unconditionally, $ 1 50,000. JEdacata Tear Bowtlt With Cateareu. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever 10c, 26c. IfCC-C. (ail. drugjrlsta refund money. 49. 42. 3 ImD Wilis. !!-,! rd ia tk la all (U'th. 71 inct. It baa one- t n?ti. t iron ft to nl Mr th mtd- In i .&. Aur Ct lo;ue nplete i umttwre Crfia, Draper!. ti 1. ft .iTl U?ii4 Mltraii. KtAt.1. nd ... ..t. .. mtf .of nHl In the U.ii. .- 1IS !r. , .,fi Orpet Catar lHftihMr' M r haiiJ-paJnlpa ct.-s Ian'. ti- : if i'-arr t Kamplea ar wa itl mail it In tna. Prop p-wtal at row to t nimr-Mvera and re-niiubr thai pmy freight ihU month on pair - or rarp.m, Ikw 'rlafM. Iar ttrm and Rnpi maiaittaikT t f .0 aud over. Julius HincsC Son BALTIMORE, MD. P1m maotioa thl Papr. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine t 000 Don't wait until your Wheel gives out before you have it re paired. Brind it to DeLON, An Experienbed Bicycle Repairer. atid have it put in perfect order. Work executed promptly and prices at living rates. My shop is thoroughly equip ped with all modern improve ments, and what can't be re paired in DeLon's Shop can't be fixed this side of the Factory. A full stock of Bicycle Sup plies always on hand at lowest prices. Shop No. 40, Matthews Sttcct, ELIZABETH CITY. N- C. Think Fishermen. It is a big thing to know when you send after ice you will get it, and get good, solid ice, too. We have our houses full and can re plenish stock as fast as sold, so we can furnish you no matter which way the wind blows. It don't pay to forsake old friends for new faces, and we hope to get your orders as for merly. Prices low as anybody. Look Here, Engineers !E3- We have made a specialty of Best Steam Coal, so please remem ber us when in E. City harbor. Long tous and lowest prices ought to bring you to see us. Crystal Ice & Coal Co. Monuments and Tm bstcnes DEMONS BBNT FREE. In writing Kve Rouie limit & to price and state age of de ceased. LARGEST STOCK- in the fioulh to select from. (Qouper (Marble tyforks, (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Bank Ht., Norfolk, Vn. GET THE BECV When yon a- ivout to buy a Sewin? Mw hi. do not be dctv'i by alluring artrertiaei ir nJ be led o tbi.ik yoa ran get the beat lvC A finest finiabed end Most Popular for a mere song: See to it that vo bny from reliable mm lacturar that have gained a reputation by honeat and q uare :-;: in;, you will then get a Sewing Machine that i noted the world over for ita dura bility. Yoa want the one tbat ia easiett to manage ana ia Light Runr.ii z There ia none in the world ha can equal ia mechanical .av traction, durability of wo- ng paxta, fineneaa of fins.-h, b -tty in appearance or has ay improvement as the New Hom! It baa Aatoaaatlc Tetuien. Doable Pee-i. a.k on both aidea ef needle ( patented), no ottoc it ; Mew titaud patented), driving wheel h . .,A4....tiiMtra-tlmaredacin2 trict. awe -rd .a the BAi&imuan. WRITE FOR CIRCUL.' ' 1. THE IEW HOSE SEWIEG EACEHL .5. Oaujram. Mtam. Boeroir. aa. at Vno (k;r an XT TlUI. at raiSOUOO. Cai tulta. w- ro SALE pr P