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It Did it ever occur To voti that a watch which does not rua better than a poor one which does? A watch which does not run is risht twice a day; while a cheap watch that runs is never right. If you vvant'a watch that is al ways right, buy it of HRTHJlWaY BROS. They have the best. Members of Baltimore Fruit and Produce As- socation. K. J. SCOGGINS, Prop. N. W.COR. CONCORD Sl HAWK STS. BALTIMORE, MD. Wholesale Commission Dealers IX FRESH FISH Etc. Special Attention Given To THE SALE OF SHAD Quick Sales. Prompt Returns. Guaranteed Refer -nee i at ar"ie Bank. V67 Fishermen in general J. 15. Nichols. W. B. Nichols (Established 1S71.) J- e NICHOLS a SOI, No 15, East Ca.11ui.-u St., BALTIMORE, MD. ' WHOLESALE COMMISSION HOJi E. F1 OYSTERS, Terrapin and Game. Fruits, Vegetables, AND All Kinds of Farm Produce. REFERENCES: Trader's Nat ional Bank, cf Baltimore, Brad street & Dunn's Commercial Agency and the Trade geuefaily. E. W. ALBAUGH & SONS Wholesale Commission ercha-nts TERRI PIN AND GAME. ; No. :224 Light Street Wharf, BALTIMORE Prompt Returns, Quick Sales- REFEREIvCE Citizens National Bank. W. J. Hoover & Co. Steucils Furnished Free. Established 1S61. SAML M. LAWDER & SON. Wholesale Commission Dealers In SMt Crabs Terrapin, Etc. Baltimore, Md. uick Sales ! Prompt Return REFERENCES traderb Nat'l. Bank, Duns Mercantile Agency Ww. J. Hoper A Co. J. Dukehart A Co. Citizens Nat'l. Bank. The J. 8. Johnson Co J. L. TRESTER. Successor to Currey & Trester. WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANT IN PIER 19 N. DELAWARE Ave, Above Vino Street, PHILADELPHIA. North Carolina Shad a Specialty. 1 i tije Hear of tle Gity t1 at the corner ol Water and Matthew Sts, up stairs, is the offic e, of the Fisherman & Farmer Printing Com pany. Persons having r business to transact are Si invited to call. We Do High Grade COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 1 I mm liJI ' fill " iH 1 1 111 ISH f News Adrift. PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." BRIEFLY RELATED. The Pith of the News Especially Prepared for the Eusy Readers. Work on the Bradford builds ing is being pushed ahead at a rapid rate. Mrs. Mabel Jewell leit yester day to visit relatives and friends at Noriolk. The probabilities are, the Net and Twine Factory, recently burned, will be rebuilt. Capt. Gard carri d a number of friends yesterday to the James Pier fishery on the yacht. Miss Luta Burton, oi Edenton, spent several days with relatives in Elizabeth City this week. Oysters (Plants and Selects) t the City Fish and Oyster Market. Mr. N. G. Grandy has moved into his new and handsGme home on West Main street. Mr. Willis N. Gregory and bride returned vesterday from their tour to the northern cities. A1l!. 1 XT vn mose wno went 10 iew ;erne last week from this city to attend the fair, have returned. The lawyers and several citi zens of this city, went to Curri tuck yesterday to attend court. Ji st received another car of choice lav at prices to suit the tiade. James I. Thompson, No. 90 PoindexteiSt. Mrs. M. I). Sawyer and Mrs John Melson, of Buffalo City, N. C. are visiting friends at this place. Mr. Geo. R. Bright, of the firm of Fowler 6c Co., is North this week purchasing new goody. Miss Annie Brothers, who has been visiting iriends at Norfolk, returned Wednesday to Eliza beth City. Miss Fannie Dawsoi come home Tuesday from Newberne, where she went to vis't Miss Knlalia Willis. Some of the mills of Elizabeth City are being run day and night in order to fill the orders they are receiving. All joods delivered free at Jas. P. Thompson's, No. 90 Poindexter Street. Mr. J. Walter Bell has re turned irotn Edenton, where he has been engaged with the Bran ning Company for several years, Mr. J. B. Biockett and a party of Iriends are at Nag's Head this week, enjoying the sports so numerous around and aLout that place. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Gish and daughter, of Slatiugtown, Pa , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R O. Preyor, at "Seven Pines," Asspiing advances, the sound of the hammer and saw increases in all parts of the city. We hope the good work will con tinue. Next week court will be held in Camden. The Fisherman & Farmer will be there and hopes to meet with many of its friends. Misses Sallie Perry and Mar garet Hill left Tuesday to spend about two weeks in New York to select the latest fashions in millinery. Mr. Charles Davis is prepar ing to open tomorrow aRestau rant and Dairy Lunch in the Robinson building on Poindex ter street. Mr. George Richardson, for merly of New York City, has accepted the position of book keeper at The Bee Hive Depart ment Store. For groceries of all kinds go to j. P. Thompson's, No. go Poindexter Street. Superintendent Dewey, of the Electric Light Co., continues to improve the plant. Several new poles were raised this week on Main street, Miss Annie Upton, who is teaching school in Currituck county, will return to Elizabeth City to-morrow, having closed her school to day. The Masonic Order of this city moved this week to the Robinson building on Water Street, having (Uttd a handsome,, room on the third floor. Court at Currituck having convened on Thursday, the Fisherman fc Farmer was unable to be there. We hope, howevei, our friends will not forget us. Mr. Joseph McCabe returned j this week from New ork, where he went to purchase spring and summer goods. He was accompanied by his sister Mrs. Grice. - Mr. and Mrs.. J. B. Weisiger, of Norfolk,- are in the city, spending a few days with their friends.- They are stopping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Berry, on Burgess street. - Bonner's store is the attraction. No. 107 Poindexter Street. r One Day This Week j a Camden man was work ing his way through the quagmire, commonly knSwn as Poindexter street. He espied a hat in one of te ruts in front of him. the headgear appeared tox in fairly good condition, he dismounted to pick it up. As he raised the hat, he was astonished to hear a voice coming from under it, ex claim, "Hold on, that's my hat !" As soon as he gath ered his breath and wits, the teamster asked, "What are you doing down there ? which brought forth this reply. "I'm in big luck to be where I am ; there's a horse underneath me." Moral : If he had had a Crawford bicycle he could have ridden on the side walk and kept out of the mud. We struck the right chord when we took the agency for the Crawford bicycle. They lead the day. Only $3 5.00. Right on the coiner. Honest expressions from hon est people. No bicycle can com pare with the Crawford at the same price, 98 wheel only $35. Some bicycles are good others are better. 98 Crawford's are best for the money. The loveliest thing you ever saw tne ladies nigngraae Crawford. Not a week passes but -that we sell one, two, three, four or rive bicycles. You may not un derstand why. We'll tell you. It started with our big value and little price. Now it's the reputation of tlu Crawford for strength, durability and easy running qualities. WE But wre do claim to sell the best wheels on earth at prices to suit every body. Call and see what we have. You know Hathaway Bros. have the best. DON'T CLAIM THE EARTH Mr. T. C. Jones, of the firm of Sawyer & Jones, went north this week to make his spring and summer purchases. Miss Kate Engle accompanied him to assist in the selection of arti cles to please the ladies. Several masquerade parties were held in the city this week. Masquerades are among the lat est and most popular society amusements of Elizabeth City, and .scarcely a week passes with out two or three being held. The stars are precious flowers of softly glimmering light, plucked by angel ringers from the gardens of the night ; and the twinkling waves of radience that glisten in the sky, are the leaves which angels scatter as they go strolling by. I have opened a city Fish and Oys ter Market, opposite Swain's Hotel. 'Phone No. 123. T. T. WHITCOMB. The spool factory ot the Cot ton Mills Supply Company, to cently destroyed by fire, will be rebuilt. The material for same is being hauled this week. Next week a force of workmen will begin its erection. The plant, when completed, will be of greater capacity than the former one. At Colington, Dare county, N. C, Monday, March 7th, Clara F. Beasley, the wife of Stephen Heasley, died suddenly with a narolrfio ctrnljfv mi 1 v livintr. twelve hours from the time she : Queens Evidence." The audi uchVon She wns a number ence was numerous, including of the Baptist church" for ten years, a well-'nown lady, and was well liked bv all who knew her, aged 50 years. You can find at Bonuers, the best line Heinz Bot. and Sw et Mixed pick les in the city. Exported Horse Rad ish, Salads, prepared Mustards, &c. Phone No. 126. Mr. C. W. Pearce of South Mills has sold the sUamer Dauntless to Messrs. W. E. Dun- stan and John F. Davis of this nitv She will remain on the same line and schedule as here lofore, also now take passengers. N. G. Grandy remains her agent. The tug Nellie has been taken off the line and will do towing exclusively hereafter. The following names consti- tute the Honor roll of the Eliza beth City Public School for the mouth ending Feb. 27, 1S9S : Lizzie Sawyer, Anuie Woodley, Jeunie Powers, Lizzie Davis, Fanny Whitehurst, Eva God frey, Vernon Godfrey, Mary Webb, Annie 3rothers, Pleasant Evans, Amanda Raulfs, Eugene Lane, Bruce Davis, Louise Wall, Carrie Lane, Annie Carter, George Carter. Your orders will be promptly filled and delivered by Bonner, yhone No-126. Sewing Circle Day. Joe Lincoln. M.e ai d Billy's in the wood-shed, ina s. id. "Run outdoors and p!av, Be good boys and don't be both'rin , S li3 1 the comp'ny's yone away." Site and sister Mary's hustlin' se - tin' cut the things for tea. Abu' the parlor's f 1. f women, such Xa crowd you nversee, Every v one a-cut'm' patchworX on a gtrwin' np a seam. And tie way their tongues is goiu', scms as if they went by steam. Me and Billy been a listenin and, J I te.u you what, it beats flirt-. Da tohvr 'em gabbin. when ikeSu' Circle meets. First tbev almost bad a squabble, fight in'" 'bout the future life, When thev'd settled that they started runnin' down the parson's wife Then they got a-goin' roastin' all the folk there is in town, And they never stopped, you bet yer, till they'd done 'c-n good and brown. They knew everybody's luniuss and they made it mighty f'rc. But the way they loved each oiiier would have done you good to see; Seem to me the only way to keep your hist'ry off the streets. Is to be on hand a-wai'.in' wheu the Sewin' Circle meets. Pretty quick they'll hbz their supper, then's the time to see the fuu, Ma'll says the rolls is awful and she's Traid the pie ain't done. Really everything is bully, and she knows it well though, But the folks that's haviu comp'u'y always talks that kind of stuff. That sets all the women goin,' and they say " How can you make Such delicious pies and biscuits, and lovely choe'late cake? Me ind 1 illy don't say nothin' when we pitch in and eats. Up the things there is left over when the Sewin' Circle meets. I guess Pa don't like the Circle, 'cause he said to uncle Jim That there cackliu' hen convention was too peppery for ;;. And he'll say to Ma "I'm sorry, but I've reaM- got to dodge Down t' the hall right after supper, there's a meetiu' at the Lodge." Ma '11 say, "Yes, so I expected." Then a-speakiu' kin er cold, "Seems to me I'd get a new one ; that excuse is gettin' old." Pa '11 look sick, just like a feller when he finis you know he cheats, But he don't stay home, you bet yer, when the Sewin' Circle meets. Six mouths later, Pa's now happy, He don't look just like he steel ; But come- right out and says, I'll go ride my Crawford wheel. a 1: r jV CRAWFORD A:V1 ITAPPV. The wife of Rev. J. B. Ferebee died Sunday night at her home on Pearl street; aged 43 years. Mrs. Ferebee was quite a sufferer, and when the summons came she willingly yielded up her spirit to the God who gave it and went to rest where there is neither sickness, pain or death forever. Monday afternoon her remains were taken lo Camden county and there interied in the family burying ground, the fu neral being attended by a large number; Dr. Penick officiating. Peace to her ashes and sympathy for the bereaved. Just received a choice line of pure sweet ciders, Jas. P. Thompson, No. 90 Poindextet Street. ARNOLD-WELLS COMPANY AT THE ACADEMY. The New Academy will be opened Monday night by the Arnold-Welles Players. This Company will fill a week's engagement, beginning with a melodrama entitled "Checkmate ; or Queen's Evi dence." From the Norfolk Pilot the following is clipped : "The Arnold-Welles players began a week's engagement last even- ing at the Stat Theatre, present ing a four-act society melo drama, entitled "Checkmate ; or many ladies, and gave every evidence, by frequent laughter I 1 1 1 1 J anu applause, pleasure aim approbation of the play, which gives the cast great opportuni ties for effective work. Especial favorites with the house were H C. Arnold, as Joe, the Lock Keeper ; Lew Silver, as Solomon Isaacs, a Jew ; Ed ward Walsh, as Matthew Thorn ton, a villian ; Miss Lula Espey, as Kate Medland, the wronged !girl' and H"Ie ss Jes,sie Huss ton, as Artnur Sidney, tne cniid. Between acts one and two Miss Emma Welles introduced her four-voiced vocalisms, sing ing in baritone, mezzo soprano, tenor and alto voices, which proved really w7oudertul. Little Jessie Huston gave very cleuer and pleasing specialties between acts two and three, while Lew Silvers, and Trixie Lewis did an amusiug sketch between acts three and four." Manager Friedrich is deter mined to present only the best plays and operas, at popular prices, at the Star Theatre." For the next 30 days, 40c Whiskey at 25 cents pint, at PROCfOR & DAWES', No. 45, Water St. jgnnffminmMiiinnimmiHWfiniinnw FROM TUBE TO TIRE The Crawford is staunchly constructed. It is built with a view to service and yet possesses the lightness and ease of running essential to the p rfect bicycle. The wheel for the fast man. The wheel lor the man of business cr the pleasure seeker, is the CRAWFORD. t t: t t t ft: ft: Write For Catub yuc. Advice to soldiers and made up woman. "Keep your pow der drv." Is the handsomest woman in the choir the belle of the bawl? Strength and beauty is a coins bination much desired by every cyclist. Crawtord bicycles have both. Price $35.00. The community with good roads is "on top," the others are in the mud. And a Postal Card TAKE A IVXiimto and write for our '98 Bicycle cata loguc free. Hatha way Bros. Special Notice To The Ladies. nie propuetor 01 tne new Bee Hive Store wishes to impress upon the public generally that the store is open to visitors and lookers every day, and that you are just as welcome whether you buy anything or not. In fact, we wish to establish a place where a lady can go and stroll through all the departments with perfect freedom, without having persistent salespeople to annoy them. Our employees have been instructed not to ask visitors whether they wish t& buy or not, but to wait until cus tomers require tneir services. The business is established on the Wanamaker plan, and we propose to make it the shopping clever of Elizabeth City or the Wanamaker store of Eastern Carolina. Come and bring vour friends every, day. You can find everything usually kept iu a grocery store and prices guaran tees to please at Bonners. Phone No 126. Armory Elizabeth City, ) Division N. A,, N. C, S. G. ) March 8, 1898. At regular business meeting of Division, the following Res olutions on Newberne Fair Trip were pass. Resolved, I. That the Divis ion tender its thanks and does hereby express its appreciation Co the management of N. & S. R. R. and Officers of Steamer Neuse foi favors shown during recent trip to Newberne Fair. II. That the Division is un der obligations to the Officers and Privates of Newbern Divis.; ion, N. A. N. C, S. G. for their kindness and hospitality, for :heir untiring and successful ef forts to make the visit a most enjoyable one III. That the Division thank the management of Newberne Fair in general and Chief Mar shall, Mr. Bryan, iu particular for the courtesies extended dur ing recent visit to the Fair. Respectfully submitted, Cam. W. Melick, Brad. Sanders, V Com. J. N. Whitehurst. Maks Proctor & D.iwes' place head quarters. We have the best wniskey. Been thoroughly tested, .wo. 45, wa ter street. To Care Com ti put Ion Forever Take Cusearets CaoUy Cathartic. 10c or 25c II C C. C. tail to cure, druggists refund money Educate Your Bowels With Gaaemreta. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 25c If a C- C. fail, druggists refund money. CURIOS AT NEW BERNE PAIR Exhibits by the People of Ed enton and Elizabeth City. The New Berne Journal, in its write-up of the Fair held a New Berne last week, tells of an interesting collection of curios exhibited by the people of Ed enton and Elizabeth City. The Journal says: "ine exniou in the curio room was extremely iuterestii.g this year, and much of the inter est was due to the articles coi iected by Mrs. Hargett, in Ed enton and Elizabeth City. "From the former place was a chart of North Carolina made in 173S, the minutes of General Assembly at Edenton 1727, ; subscription list in a post be tween Identon and Suffolk 1775, and many other valuable writ ings on parchment. A Fashion Book for ladies, 1798, depicted the quaint costumes ol that age. and "The Art of Cooking made plain and easy" in 1803 had many good recipes for the pres ent dav. There was also two pictures brought from England by Parson Pettigrew, soon after the Independence of the colon ies; and the reel for silk brought from France, and the wedding garments worn seventy five years ago, were very interesting. We cannot numerate all of the articles, but must say we are indebted to the Rev R. B. Drane and Miss Margaret Bond, and also to the dentist, Dr. C. P. Bogert, for the model of a church made of human teeth. Mr. J. P. Overman, of Elizabeth City, sent a photograph of Theodorsia durr, daughter of Aaron Burr, and has the original oil paint' ing in his possession. Mr. F. Vaughan sent an old Iudian God, found in a shell mound, the petrified heart and lungs of a human body, back bone of sword fish and the saw of a saw sh, a meteorite that fell iu 'asquotank county, etc. Mr. Hathaway sent a Japan ese sword cane with compass in the end and inlaid cabinets. Mrs. Fearing sent old familv ewelry, w.:tch over 100 years, pin, ear-rings, chain, etc. Mrs. Brooks sent wedding garments worn fifty years ago. Mr. Brad ford sent a drawing of a Confed erate Signal station with stars and bars flying, made r862, also uniform worn at the same time. Mrs Dawson also sent a battle flag used by Confederates, a family record of 1797 &c. Mrs. James Williams sent Amos Free brooks cyphering book 1803 in which he tells us there are four weeks in a month and thirteen months in a year and a copy of a letter said to have been writ ten by and hid under a stone in the Holy Land. We have not numerated all the articles in this collection, only the most important, and extend our thanks to the good people of Elizabeth City and Edenton for their kindness. Salesmen and Collectors wanted by The Singer Manufacturing Company. Call on or address M. B. CflAPPEL, Elizabeth City, N. ( TUI1NKR, -TiiK NEW PHOTOGRAPHER, t Corner Poindoxter , till (I 3Xtltllt5 Wfi StN. will for 30 days make 6 finely finished CABIN ATE PHOTOGRAPHS for $1. Proofs shown and satisfacs tion guaranteed. Call and see samples. S.B.MILLIE & CO. WHOLESALE COMMISSION NO. 7 FULTON FISH MKT, New York. Clarence G, Miller, Miller Lonsbotham. Special Attention Given to I HE SALE OF NORTH CAKO- LINA SHAD. Nnclls anrl Stationery Furnished on Application. vk EMPLOY NO AGENT S.L.STORER&CO htehdle Dealers and Shippers. of a kinds of til FULTON FISH MARKET i : W YORK. We work harder for the inter est of the Southern fishermen than any house in the business. If your Stencil is not in good order let us know, -gg We Employ no Agents and Pay no Commissions. Best Liked Where Best Known When 83,000 Bicycles of one name' are sold in ono year by one manufacturer, ihe chances are that that mate of Bicycle is apt to be well known. It also follows that it must be a good one to fi:id so many purchasers. B-iyers arc better posted and more particular than they used to be. This makes it easier to sell CRESCENTS PRICKS: $20, $25 and 30 for Juveniles. $35 and 550 for Adults. $75 for Tandem and Chainless. PRICES AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. hOUISSKblG, G B EhlxIOTT. ames O. Wright. JAMES 0. WRIGHT & CO,, COMMISSION 0 WMOLESALE mi i-rf , -mm - fir Shipments Solicited. No. 303, South ( ivenson & Reft ereiiccs i . isaKer Trader's (Esablishecl 1887.) Shipments Solicited v z-sa Stencils Furnished. " Mercantile Agencies, J City National Hank, References citizen's Hank, and Wholesale Shippeis. Taits' Extra Early Nonpareil Pea. The earliest truck pea. The purest. The handsomest. The best shipper. You cannot afford to use any other, when the Nonpareil can be bought for $3.25 per bushel ; ask your Experi ment Station what the Nonpareil always does in com petitive trials. We are glad to have small orders and give them our best attention. Goo.Tuit Ac Son. Seed Growers, Established 1886. Reliable Hoiisc Ti)c Most FISH LfilU Best Facilities. Best Location. Always looking-for Best Interest for Shippers. Stencils furniseed on appli cation. ITOBPOLZ; - TYo -AgrentH 8 COMMISSION Klci)tuu, . (:. Chas. J. Lekpy MERCHANTS DEALERS IN o m sj ucAff 1T01 rr 1 - Stencils Furnished. Charles Street, Rountree, Wholesale Grocers. cs: ron, Paper. National Bank. IVO A(iE.TH- 78 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. If) Norfolk. MERCHANTS. Norfolk National Dank. Southern Express Company r Adams " " All Merchants. - - TT-A- Employed,