Newspaper Page Text
Tliy'r 9 Down And AH in a Heap' Those commonly made, cheap . nnrnrted bicvcles that don't give satisfaction- Good Bicyc 1 es don't have to drop, they give nf faction, anil one sells and other, so no surplus stock a cumulates. Good wheels srll- better where thc-v are known and r'dden ; their merits show .m and tin iieoti! who know a i' i i orood thiur after it lias been 2t O proved want it .m l nothing else CRAWl'UK J lii-ycies nave been tried teste.! and proven the standard of the world for cheap- ness and anal it v. If vou are thinking of purchasing, it will pav vou to temciiilji'r HATHAWAY BROS., C RAWFU ilJ uievcles are rlif.-m as the cheapest good as the best. News Adrift. PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT WHO ARE ALWAYS n "THE SV.'IYT." ...... Richard nio:r.i,of Manko is i i v ie city to-day. lAc Walter Cohoon, ha5 r tur.H5 from Wake I-orcst. yi: ".and Mrs. L. C. Oakley are net. r-tlie week at Fairfield, N. Mr. 1 from . i Reiki.'!. Lamb has returned College at Mrs, L. A. Winder and Miss Hlla May James are visiting in Baltimore. Mr. John L. Sawyer is confin-. ed at his home on Main street with sickness. Mrs. Rascoetmd Miss Twine, of Windsor, left Wednesday visit f riends at Winfall. Mr. P. C. Cohoou was here this week on a visit to his mother and sisters. Mrs. J. C. Cantwill has gone to for Shawboro to spend a few days with friends. Misses Sadie Wilcox and Mae and Clara Weeks have returned home from college. Mr. Charlie G randy of New Voik, is in the city visiting his parents on Main street. Miss Mary Buxton, of Jackson, N. C, is visiting her sister White, on Main street. Mrs. Miss Marion Minson, ol Balti more, is visiting her sister, Mr.;. B. F, White, in this city. Stop worrying about your Sh ;--s, buy your uext pair at TUc fai. Mrs. Marshal Hughes and son, of Camden, are the guests of Mrs. Mollie Burgess. Officer Sedgewick arrest. d a white man named Thos. Taylor yesterday for drunkenness. Miss. Ella Pitts, of Middle town Conn., is visiting Mrs. W. D. Carnell on Greenleaf street. Miss Lillie Grandy, who has been teaching at the Oxford Seminary, returned home yester day. Miss Pearl Powell, of New beme, is visiting the family of Rev. R. A. Willis on Road street. Miss Annie Spenee has returned from Gatesville, having been teaching school near that place. Miss Minnie Cartwright, af ter a pleasant visit to fiieuds in Virginia, returned home yes teiday. 20C. pcryard for best 1'loor Oil Cloth at The Fair. Miss Minnie Peacock of Roper N. C. is the guest of her sister Mrs. AV. S. CiiessQu, on Road street. Miss Lucy Bell, returned i'ues dav from Hairerstown. having been tnere attending Kecmar College. Mrs, James Brewer and child ren, of Plymouth, are the guests of Mrs. A. Huckabee on IChring haus street. Miss Rose M. S.veeney, of Richmond, arrived hre yester day to visit Mrs. E- M. Stevens ou Cypress street, Miss Helen Martin left yes terday evening for Kdiu'on Vo spend several days with her sister and friends. At a meeting of the County Commissioners, held Mo u'ay, three applicants for Retail Liq uor licenses were refused. The handsome iron cornice on the Bradford buildiner has been completed. It was put on by H. O. Hill, the tinner. Mrs. Evertor? Walker has re turned to her home in Currituck county after spending several days with relatives in the city. Mr. J. H. Partridge manager of the N.C.Iron Works, returned yesterday from Norfolk, having spent several days in that city. Mrs. W. II . West, of Corn- land, Va., who is accompanied by her child, came yesterday to visit her mother in this city. i.i;TrT-.T-'Jni,ii- v f r: Its THE CRAWFORD, -WE SELL I P. It's not the leader because we sell it; we sell it because its the leader HATHAWAY Right Manv 0 Persons V Do not s;-c as well as t';c should. Others set a ell, but th'jir eyes soon 'become tired. Others suf r with constant headache, which medicine does not relieve; because the lieadoche comes from eye-straining and the proper remedy is a pair of good glasses proper ly fitted. If for any reason your sight is not good ca!! op 1.3, we have the glasses to lit that will help you. Uight oj the Corner. HATHAWAY BROS., The Reliable Jewelers. ilW W&? STOCK The Latest 'hI. m STYLES IN 'IIP . JEWELR7 llrak Is most complete JEI?xtliJi,wn,y Action on the matter of opeu ing Church street to the water was deferred untill the next meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners. Mr. R. II. Pannill, ' general freight agent of the Norfolk, Virginia Beach and Southern Railroad, ' spent Tuseday in Elizabeth City. Mrs. R. W. Stancill and chil dren have gone to Dixonvil le, N. C. to spend the summer with relatives. Her mother is very ill at that place. Misses Margaret and Louise Lane, of Newbern, who have been visiting iu Richmond, are spending a few days with friends in Elizabeth City. The Steamer Haven Belle, plying between Edenton aud points on the Roanoke river, is on the ways at Willey's ship yard Undergoing repairs. The members of Achoree Lodge No 14, I. O. O. F. on finished paying for their ex cellent Odd Fellows hill 011 Road street, on Friday last. At the parsonage of the Bap tist church, at noon yesterday by Dr. W. S. Penick, Mr. George M. W?rrimer and Miss Annie D. Lee, both of Norfolk, were married. Mr. Horatio Davis and Miss. Lilia Spartley. both of Norfolk, were married by Rev J. H. Hall Tuesday evening immedi-. ately after the arrival of the evening train. We acknowledge an invita- . r s tiou to lie marriage 01 iuiss Annie Clare Bell to Mr, Wm. J. Morgan, which happy event occurs Wednesday, June 22. at 1:30 o'clock at the Baptist church, this city. McCabe & Grice will close their store ou Tuesday the 14th This will be done to enable them to mark down stock. They will move in the Bradford building as soon as completed and will close out their entire stock at and below- cpst. Died at the residence of his farther 37 Fearing street, June 5th, at 9 p. m., Louis L. Crank, son of Thomas and Ada Crank. Age" 16 years and 8 months. Funeral took place Monday 3 p. 111. at the above residence. (Nor folk papers please copy.) SMOKE The World's Favorite 5c. Cigar. Manufactured by W. STEVENS Ellszabeli Cly. o. Co Specking of 1 . There's al ways one star that shinesforth more clearly than all the oth ers from the bi experience. Facilities. Best Material. Skilled Labor. cycle firmament Study Capital. Oood Advertising: j rogrressi ve Methods. Durability. BROS., on the Corner. Finish. ft Bi At Slioi-tot Noieo. BEST WORK BY BEST WORKMEN Write 3 r Hathaway Bros, And get A few weeks ago Mrs. Jennie Jennings had her truuk and its contents destroyed by fire during the burning of the A.C.L. depot at Plymouth. She forwarded a claim to the. company and a few days ago Mr. J. A. Neugebauer, Passenger Agt. at Norfolk, came here and handed Mrs. Jennings a check for the amount. Deputy Sheriff Modliu went to Norfolk Tuesday and returned today with two colored prison ers Charlie Robinson and Cis ero Crimmous, who were arrest ed by the Norfolk police under a warrant issued here for rob bery, having entered the cabin of Cantain Dodds vessel Lena Willings, last Tuesday night, robbing same of clothing and other valuables. They were given a hearing before Mayor Banks who sequired of them a boud of two hundred and fifty dollars each, in default ot same were sent to A healthy appetite, with periect di gestion and assimilation, may be se cured by the use of Aycr's Pills. They cleanse and strengthen the whole alimentary canal and remove all ob structions to the natural functions of either sex, without any unpleasant ef fect. By rum's X Koails. Mr. John Griffin, of Perquimv ans couuty, was here last Satur day. ! Mr. A. P. Twine, of-Hertford was here on a visit on Sunday last. Mrs. VJ. Byrura aud Mr. John By rum are on the sick list. Miss Isabella By rum has gene to Edenton to live with W. H, Hurdle. Miss Martha E- Griffin and sister Nellie, of iufall.are here ou a visit. Preparations are being made for the erection of a saw mill at this place by Mr. Zan Eason. Mr, G. W. Hobbs has accepts ed a position with Mr. Cotton at Churchland, Va. We wish him success. On the third Sunday in June at 2:30 p, m. Rev. Josiah Elliott will conduct a memorial service at urimn acuoot nouse in re membrance of the late Willis Byrum. - Mr. P. Ketchuin of Pike City, Cab, says; "During my brother's late sickness from sciatic rheu" matisin, Chambeilain,s Pain Balm was the only remedy that gave him any relief." others have testified to the prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords. For sale by W. W. Griggs & Son, Druggists THE Crawford Bicycle Has climbed the ladder of success, round by round on its merits. If honest efforts and good material count for anything it will stay there. Its makers spare nothing to make it all that a bicycle should be. Highest Grade Highest Price AT $50. HATHA vV AY BROS'.. Right on the Corner WE REPAIR atcbes, 11 Cloche : .jewelry for Free Catalogue el 37-cles JEWELRY icycles Brothers all the Latest Styles, PEAK A MAINE DISAS TER. Precautions Taken bv British Cruiser in Las Palmas Harbor. A letter has been received Lon don dated from on board the British secondclass cruiser Charybdis, whioh recently ar rived at Las Palmas, Grand Canary, with her decks cleared for action. In the letter the writer says: "We have had a rather ticklish time since our arrival, as the natives think that wc. have formed an alliance with America, so we are quite pre pared should they attempt an other Maine treachery. Nightly the ship douses all the lights and the sentries stand ready, with ball ammunition, to fire on any boat approaching after dark, un less it satisfactorily answers when hailed. We have a boat armed nightly after 8 o'clock aud all the quick firing machine guns are ready for action. All the water-tight doors are closed, so that it will be a pretty large hole they will have to blow into us to sink us." British Consul Banished. New York, June 9. A New York Jourhal correspondent at Si. Thomas cables this morninsr that Walter Bett, Secretary of British Consulate at San Juan, after fifty six hours of imprison tnent and gross maltreatment, has been banished - from Porto Rico by Governor General Ma chias on suspicion of having in formed America of the mining of San Juan harbor after, the bombardment sometime ago by Sampson. Thirty other Eng. lishmen were also arrested with Secretary Bett. I was seriously afflicted with a cough for several years, and last fall had a more severe cough than ever before. I have used many remedies without receivs ing much relief, and being ree commeuded to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy by a fiiend, who knowing me to be a poor widow, gave it to me, I tried it with the most gratify ing results. The first bottle has relieved me very much and the second ' bottle has absolutely 3 T . curea me. 1 nave not naa as good health for twenty years. Respectfully, Mrs. Mary A. Beard, Claremore, Ark. Sold by W. W. Griggs & San Druggists. I A Krightfui Arcldent. A frightful accident occurred Monday about 9:30 o'clock a. ni. at the shingle mill of the East Coast Shingle Company, near Knobb's Cretk, which resulted iu the death of little-Richard Mann, the 12 year old son of Mr. Wm. W. Mann, residing ou the corner of Poiucexter and Burgess streets. Richard was a work at the slab edger at the time. In some way a slab tha uad just passed through the ed ger caught ou one of the saws and was driven back a lightning speed, striking litth Richard on the head with such force that he was almost scalped He fell lifeless with his brain oozing from his head and bleed ingatsucha rate that almost everyone thought him dead. He lived only a few hours, dying at 7 p. m. at his parent s heme. In the death of little Dick vr i! 1 ii t-' . iuauu -cuzaueui vuy loses one of its brightest and best boys. He was loved by all who knew him and his affable ways had extended his- acquaintance far beyond the limits of his own neignoornood. He knew most of the traveling men who visit our city regularly, apd when the Lumbermen had their excur sion from here to Edenton he met them at the depot and was chatting with the cc ndnctor aud engineer on the train and so impressed some of the members of the Club, that they pinned one of their badges Qn his coat, making him one of their party and taking him with them. This trip was always remembered by mm witn great pleasure, and the badge was found in his pocket the morning he was killed to gether with his school report and other things which, to him, were priceless treasures. He had a great desire for median cal knowledge, and was never delighted more than to have an opportunity to put his hands on the throttle of an engine to start or stop it. He was enterprisingand energetic, desirmgto make moil. ey for himself to be independent, yet kind and loving, never for getting his mother aud little sistei. His sudden and untime- y taking off is a great blow to 11s lamily aud mends, and nothing biit the hope of meeting him again beyond the crave - - 11 console them. Skin Diseases Cured. For the cure of tetter, itch, eczema, erysipelas and all uritatiouu of the skin. Dr. Kdmoudson's liczema Cure is the standard, price 25 ceuts per Lot tie. Address Dr. Fraud Edmonson, Atlanta. Ga. Accidentally Shot. Mr. C. C. Hett rick , watchman at the Underwood mill, met with a painful accident Tuesday morn ing at 4 o'clock. He had just returned to the office after mak ing his usual trip through the mil. and lumber yard and 011 reaching the office 'was in the act of placing his pistol on a ta ble when it fell upon the floor and was discharged, the ball striking Mr. Hettrick on the lesr, entering below the knee joint and lodging just above the knee. He is now confined to his bed at his home on River Avenue, under the treatment of Dr. Sawyer. With the blood full of humors, the heated terms is all the moie oppres sive, uive Uie sjsiem a tnorougn cleansing with Ayer's Sarsaparillaand a dose or two of Ayer's Pills, and 3 oa will enjoy Summer as never before in your life. Just try this for once, and you'll not repent it. Woman Admiral. The Queen of Greece has the unusual distinction of being the only woman Admiral in the world. She holds this rank in the Russian Navy. The ap pointment was conferred upon her by the late Czar because her father held the rank of High Admiral, TASTELESS MILL IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. GALATIA, ILLS., NOT, 15, 1883. pri Vnllrhie Co.. 8t. Lonia. Mo. Gentlemen: We sold las yar, 000 bottles of GROVE'S TASTEJiieS UfclLLiLi 'rvmu ana nare bousht thrru iirosa already this rear. In all oar ex perience of 14 years, in the drag business, have nerer sold an article that gaye such nniTersal satis fafition u Tirar Tonic Yours truly. Br FAT ijPSRWjBSfS? ABNEY.CABB &CQ AS FALLEN. But whether in Theb Sausage by J3.anas 01 insur gents or Amer icans is Not Known. London, June 9. The West minister Gazette, in an extra IH? .a -.. -.- -1 has fallen, but whether in the uiivas ui me inijurgcuis or r 1. ; . A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Companv from Paris aud Mvdnd says that "it is ru .1 -t it , r s risin at Manila, fearing a mas- sacre bv the insurgents, surreu- dered to the Americans Foreign securities are greatly ucprse-.i rouay. apanisu 4 s J 3 . T r t . one and one-hall lower than yes terdays qlosei It is known thr.t the public feeling iu Spain is now worse than at anv time since the war Legan. oaga.cta is searching openly iu the direction of peace, lie opposition resisting threat ing to form a coalition. The objection is causing a revolu tion. Obtains Austrian Registry. San Francisco, Tune o. The American yacht Tola, now in Asiatic waters has obtained Austrian registry owine to the fear of her owner, Count Fes titch, that she would be capt ured by the Spauiards. Porto Rico Easy to In vade. Washington, June 9. Lieut. Whitney told Secretary Alger j this morning that Porto Rico would be easy for invasion, and suggested that landing be made at Plaza. An ericans and TnsurgeLt3 Junction Effected. Special from Cape Ha.ten, Delayed) According to the aero, dated Mondav midnight. the bombardment which began at 7 'AS yesterday 11101 uing was resumed a short time alter mid night, It is then believed that the Americans effected a junc tion with the insurgents near Dariquiri, east of Aguadores, near the railway to Santiago. , . Spanish Warships Cited. Key West, June 9. It is re ported that three Spanish war ships have been sighted oil Ha vana. The uews comes from government sources aud a bat tle with Commodore Watson's fleet may be now in progress. U. S. Seamen Rescued. Baltimore, June 9. The Stmr. William Lawrence arrived here this morning from Savannah bringing five United .States sea men who were rescued from the water barge which was lost by the steamer L,eonidas duiing a storm off Hatteras last Sunday while being towed from Norfolk to Key West. The men wfere thought to have been lost. Bet on Gervera's Wherebouts. Two members of the Lyceum Club to-day made a wager p 50,000 to the whereabouts of Admiral Cervera's squadron, one betting that it is in Cuban waters and the other that it is en route for the Philippines. The money is to go to the national scription for the navy. sub- Bad management keeps more pepole in poor circn instances than any other one cause. To be successful oue must look ahead and plan ahead so that when a favorable opportunity preseuts itself he is ready to take abvan tage of it. A little forethought will also save much expense and valuable time. A prubent and careful man will keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house, the shiftless fellow will wait until neccessity compels it and then min his best horse going for a doctor and have a pig doctor bill to pay, besides; one pays out 25 cents, the other is out a hundred dollars and then wonders why his neighbor is getting richer while he is getting poorer. For Ssle by W. W. Griggs & Son. Druggists. NOTICE. I hereby announce my self a candidate for the ofheeof Regis terof Deeds for Camden County, snbiect to the action of the Democratic Convention. Respectfully, John. F. Foster. June 8tlTi 398. nH?!fn!!mifnmn!fn!!?n?f!!t??fH!!!fHinijif!mi!f!!nTfH 1 ou can't Mge a NeHbcr can you cycle bv tto enamel. j E:-..--..-;: :. tc?!s 'a4. rjfe Jj haTC the beat tnaterjal, ti,c moot I - M 1. t. L . t- : erperfencc. de can Interest careful ctcrtc !n th ccrtrtctfcn cf ST S ,&C&Y 1j S WVVVfl I - W they xviU give ug the ST 7 snow cnai goes mio they arc better (ban otbero. caoy paymemo it acsirca. Louts rrii IojKliiiK" T'vc:l'r.(s 2 tuuiuiuiituuiuauiiuiiutiuiiiiiiaiiiiuaiiiiuiiiiuiitiitiis: (Esablished 1887.) Shipments Solicited C3fc, Stencils Furnished. f Mercantile Agencies, r . J City National Hank, Rejerenus citizen.s uankf ad Wholesale Shippers. WE UMl'LOY Established 1886. The Most Reliable w,rc w nrvrvT WWW If H Vf '! f K AL M Av AAiAJV V I - Pisli Commission Morclian t 1113P15.KNO10S: Best Facilities. Best Location. Always looking for Best interest for Shippers. stencils furnished on appli cation. Two Ways of Buying Seeds, One way is to wait until sowing time, pick up such seeds a your local dealer happens to have consequences. The other way is will be, and then provide for them sensibly; it isu t sensible to buy SHEDS haphazard, as you can some things, for all the opera tions of farm or garden depends their purity and vigor. It is foolish to take risks unnecessarily. Before long you will be wanting many kinds of seeds for sum mer planting; DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOU ARK RKADY TO SOW before you think of getting the seeds. Why not write to us in good time and getrseeds worth your planting, high grade, throughbred seeds? We would like especially to supply your turnip seeds this sea son, no matter how much or how per pound delivered at your home. G((). Tait Ac Soil. Seed Growers and Merchants, If you feel bad in the morning and -want a bracer, try And gives to the nerves. 3 .arge Doses fot IO cts. new "T DDHMO va u See that every Bottle is Stamped with 3 Sprigs of Celeiy PREPARED BYYEKE James O. Wright. TAS. O. WRIGHT :& CO., CG3IIISION VlMOLESALE -RUI S JiNO VGftBlS- Shipments Solicited. - Stencils Furnis lied No. 303, South Charles Street, ilvenson & Rountree, WholesaleGro cer a N. Baker & Sou, " ar. er. Trader's National Bank. its ulster fir the value of a Bf- 5 Bicycles ir.a ccfc Llcyik ir.uet careful ccnstructlcn anJ mut be . 1 - . . 1- . . t . icycles 1 opportunity; ce viU H 2 xnem ana cipiain wny Sic cell tbcm on o '4 TV O H"llSC i Norfolk vv, a W Xr Norfolk National Bank. Southern Kxpress Company: Adams " All Merchants. in stock, aud then take the to decide early what your needs upon the qualities of the seeds, little you may need. 50 cent 78 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. CELERY DRUG. CO, BALTI MORE, Md. Chas.J- l,vxdy 3IERC1I VTVH DEALERS IN 4 o Seltg, FISH