Newspaper Page Text
. . lS. TT " "V f ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N. C, FRIDAY JULY 15, 1898. Established 188 6 Fublished in ThisSection. The Most W icle-A vake and Successful Business Men use the FISHERMAN & FARMER Columns with the Highest Satisfaction and Profit ASK the recovered dyspeptxs, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever and ague, the mercuriaJ diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spirits and good uppetite; they will tell you ly taking SlMMOF Liver Kkol'i-atoii. The Clioa pt, l'are&t nni Tlost Family Medicine iu the World! rr DYSr-F.I'S! A, CONST I PATIO V, Taundie. uttaciu, SIC K H LA IMC UK. Colic, Depres sor, ,f Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mi kclkv, or any mineral subsunoa. PURELY VEGETABLE, CPntaininj '.hose Soutliern Roots and Herbs which at !. wise f'roviuerire has pia. eu in emmtries v.hertj Liver Luseaes :i ',t prevail. It will turp ail Iipars -aiisl by lerageneut of the Uv;r aal IJeutls. -Olhe SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint arc a bitter or bad taste in the moutb ; Lain in the l!,-ck, Sides or Joints, often mistaken for KbeuanitiKm ; ?m Stomach; Loss of Appet'ue; Powels alternately costive and lax; HeadaOie ; Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of liavinp failed to do something whiih augbt to have been done; Debility; IvOW Spirits; a thkk, yellow appearance of the Skin and es; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many of these -symptoms attend the d.sease, ut others very few ; but the Liver, the largest ou:an in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, ai d if not Rc ciliated in time, great buffering, wrtcl edness and OKATII will ensue. '1 he following highly-esteemed persons attest to the v tues of Simmons Liver R or : Oen.W. S fi it, 1'res. Oa. S. W. R. K. Co.; Rrv. J. R. Kelder, J-erry.Oa.; Col. K. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master, t.-.i, 1 sq.. Sheriff Uibh u'.,l',a.; J. A. Butts. KainbridRe, .a. ; K'.v. J. W. Rurke, Macon, Ca.; Yiryil Lowers . - i -1. - 'J. .7. v . rv. rv. ; iion. Alexander M. Meptiens. V. e have Irsted its virtues personally, and know v .it f..r L'yspepsia, Bdi.uisness and Throbbing Head. .1. .lie. it is thi best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver L'u!at. r, and none of them yave us more than tem i ...rv relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but cured ui. 1 o. 1 i l l., i ai ii Jli&tsi.tB, Macon, G ..lANUrAi l tUIiU CNLV UY .1. II. ZIUHN ii CO.. 1 hil acbhia. Pa. Scliediilc in effect Fcb'y. 21, 'qS. Notf i.k & Southern R. R. Mail anc. I'vpros trains, 8tuthl)Oiiud, d illy (ex iv:it Suinhiys.) leave Elizabeth City ai ; I a. in., N rtliliuiind," daily, (exeepa St.utl.iys) leave Hi izabeth City at 2:45 . Trains Nus. 3 and 4 leave Eliza Lv-th Uitv Southlx .and 6 . 111., North i-Miud ',::'. a. m. The trains arrive at : a . ; i : t (rum Nwrfolk cv Western le-, X ' ; 1 1 k ; it nneet at Ntrfolk with ail kail and Steamer lines, and a1 !'.! !: .u with Steamer for Roanoke, Ca-;ni. C'.ijwan and Scujipernouj; rivet -; Tran-i'er steamers to Jaekev's Yi-1 1 v. 1 ? nov v Norf .11. iS: Southerr. to I'o'.ier, l'ante.c, and Hell luiven, c muectinv; with steamer Yir j'inia Dat e or Jakk y ville, Aurora iishiu jt'-ii and all intermediate land, imrs. Kastem Carolina D is paid AND Old 13 oniinioii iLii tiOi ae s. jamer Neuse leaves EluabetL v 'i t;., .'.ay, Thinsday ami Saturday :;i m., for Ncwbern eouneetiug ui'.h the A. cH: N. C. R R. for Goldsborc i nst,' hi, and Morehead Citv, and with the V. N. &N. Ii. R. for Jacksonville Wilmington, N. C , etc. Returnin; leave Newbcin Monday, Wcdr.esd.u and Friday. Stops at Roanoke I.-, 'and, Ocraeoke and Oriental in both .direction. Ticket on sale at Elizabeth Cit; StatiMi to all landings, Nevvbernf isTinstoa, (oULsboro, Alorehead Cit" .'.ml Wilmington, N. C. J).ii! .- ail rail service between Eliza :. ih U'itv and New York, i'hiladelphit mare and Not folk. Through cars and as ejaicker time than by a 1 Oit eel all ;.ovnls to ' Ka !!:! Carolina I)isa'. !-..:: N .ifoll: by Nort i'.aili'-a.i; Haltiiiiorc bv w rates and other route, shipped vi? as itdltnvs & Southern V. & B. R. U. . i'it-'.detit Street Stat u; Rhuadel t.hi"., i'nil.ulchjh'.a R. II., Dock Street r-taii N--v York, by I'enusyl vania k. Ik. I'ier J Norl'a River, uad Olc' ! :!t:i:uivin Liuet t'n f.irther information app'.y to M i. Sn jwden, A.eut, E'.izal.c th City, 01 i 0 the C.euera.l C'liic of the Norfolk & - oat he; n R. K. ( 'ompauy, Norfolk, Ya M K ::IN(, Ceueral Manager. ii. C. IIEDUINS, G. E. cc V. Ayt PETTIT'S Carolina Lines isUl 111 C. L. PETTST, Manager. Steamer NEWTON will leave No. folk, for Elizaht. th "ity, Creswell and way lauvE.-.u- -: '.'edr.esv'.ays and Sat urdays at 4 p. n;., Elizabeth City foi I'reswell on Thursdays and Mondays Ai 9:30 a. m. Returning, will leae t'reswel! for Norfolk on Tuesdays and Eiidays at 4 a. in., and Elizabeth Cit v-iu'e'day at 2:30 p. m., arriving if Norfolk next day. Steamer Harbinger will leave Nor folk for Elizabeth 'City, Hertford au ' bladings, on Tuesdays and I'ri .'lav.; at 4 p. m.. Elizabeth Citv to lle'rtfjrd Wednesdays and Saturdays v 9:0 a. m Returning, will leave Me ft ford f r Norfolk Mondays, and Thuis days at 7 a. is- and Eliza'beth City sauu day at 2:3 p. m.. arriving iu NorfoU next day. W Y. MOURISETT, Agent. Elizabeth City, N. C. FOR THE CHILDREN! Until farther notice I will on each SATURDAY MAKE ONE DOZEN DIAMONDS PHOTOGRAPHS, For 50c. OR ONE DOZEN MANTELLO CARDS, FOR $1.00 OF ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN TURNER, The New Photographer, ELIZ. CITY, N; C. FORBIDS 1 TAKffl m ?. Dcn7i?ark Says ic is Breach of the Neu trality Laws. a m wiiaens to ;' Remoyal With her Gf Lin o o i zs St. Tliotik-.s, Jul ' 1 2 tcm pt was in. id ii tii An c Government U Di'erent '.lie Americans from u.sintj ciyl: thousand totis ot coal tlitr prop erty of the Unite ! States. Gov ernor Lcddermar. , ruler of the islands uotified Consul Van Horn of the United States that American coal in the harbor was a contraband of war and its nse by Americans would be con trary to neutrality laws and fur ther stated that the removal of the coal would be prevented by the Danish gunboat now lying in the harbor. Consul replied that the Americans would re move it by force. Ledderman declared that he would call in the help of the lorein warships in the harbor. The matter was referred to YVasuington. All Luzon in Revolt. Madrid, July 13. A German cruiser brings a report that all the island of Luzon is in revolt against Spanish rule. It brought a letter from Governor General Augustine of the Philippines which says, all is quiet, expect an attack Ly the Americans on fourteenth when their reinforce meuts arrive. To make your business pay, iood health is a piime factor. To secure ;ood health, the blood should be kept pure and vigorous by the use of Ayer's i"-urspar'i'.!a. When th.' vital fluid is impure and sluyish, there can be neither health, strength, nor ambit on. Postal Service to Santiago. A dispatch from Atlanta says: Colonel I.. M. Terrell, Superin reudeut of thi Railway Ma Service, left tonight for Santia go, to establish a postal service between that city and the Unix ted States. He expects the govs eminent to open up a postal ser vice at the different points as fast as tiiy ar captured, and will arrange for a regular line ol mail steamers. Another Prize Captured. Key West, July 15. Au Am erican cruiser has just entered the harbor with a prize schoon er in tow supposed to be a Brit ish schoouer captuted while at tempting to run the blockade. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for years and always with g-od results," says Mr. W. B.. Cooper, of Kl Rio, Cal. "For small chil dren, we hud it espacially effec tive." For sale by V. V, Griggs & Son, Druggist. To Protect Kloidike Treasure ships. Van Com er, B. C, July 12. The British warship Amphion and icamus have put to sea hurridly to protect British subs jects and to present the holding up of British ships lor the pur pose of looting, by Spanish pri vateers said to be hidden Dixons enterance to capture Klondike treasure ships. France offers to Mediate London July 12. The French Minister Delcaisse has notified the Spanish Embassador Castillo at Paris that the French govern ment is ready to tender its good offices though the French Era barsador at Washington Inopen ingnegotiations of peace if the Madrid government consents. bob Moore, of Lafayette, Ind., -;ays that 'or constipation he has found DeWiti's Litiie Early Risers to be per fect. They never gripe. Try them for stomach and liver troubles Sou Griggs & Manila and Santiago Dewey and Schley will stand out in history, the former comparable with any events and the -latter the peers of many heroes. EverYDoay euys so. CViscurets Candy Cathartic, the most xon ierfol m. dieal discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, euro lieatlaelie, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. G. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. 6 Off NO WORD YET. The Family of lieutenant Ship Eave Received No Do tub of Eis Death Yet. The family of Lieutenant Shipp have not heard a word trom Luba exceot the public 1 dispatches of General ShafUr announcing his death, though cablegrams tave been sent and every means exhausted to get some news as to the detail" of his trapic death, how he was wounded or where lie was buried. General Shelter's of. ficial dispatch leaves no hope that the gallant oflicer lives. The blow is rendered doubly hard to b?ar because of the ina bilily to secure any details. Of course his grave lias 'been marked, and when the war is over the body will be brought to North Carolina to lie with the remains of his distinguished an cestors. His grave will not ouv ly be a place vhere his loved ones will cover with flowers, but it will be the pride of the State to mark it as the resting place of a noble soldier who gave his life for his country's flag. 'I Believe In God." War brings out other things than evil. It not only puts men to the test and discloses bravery that makes all the world applaud, but it shows that the men who are the fiercest in bat tle are humble Christians. In publishing the account of the conduct ct the men on the Tex as, this paragraph appeared in the press dispatches: "Capt. Philip called all hands o the quarter deck, and with bared head thanked God for an almost bloodless victory. "I want to make public 'acknowl edgement here," he said, that I believe in God the Father Al nighty. I want all you officers and men to lift vein hats and from your hearts oiler silent thanks to the Almighty." All liats were off. There was a moment or two of absolute si lence, and then the overwrought feelings of the ship's company relieved themselves in three hearty cheers lor their beloved commander." There is nothing iu the histo ry of Cromwell's Ironsides more inspiring than the recognition of the God of battle. "I tii ink I)e Witt's Witch Hazel salve is the finest preparation on the market for piles." so writes John C. Dunn, jf Wheeling, W. Ya. Try it and you vvill think the same. It also cures "cezma and ail skin diseases & son. GriggS It is --Camp Damn Russell," ( irceaville, S. C, Ncivs.) The North Carolina soldier is a hard and slick proposition for anybody to deal with. His mili tary authorities put bim in a camp near Raleigh called "Camp Dan Russell." iu honor of the Governor ot the State. The North Carolina soldier does not like the Governor so he got together as soon as his tents were pitched and unanimously agreed to call it "Camp Damn Russell." He dates all his leters to his home folks and the news papers that way with cheerful and enthusiastic conscientious ness and thereby contrives to change what was intended to be a standing compliment to a per petual objurgation. I Advice to i onsumptivesi There are three great reme- dies that every person with weak lungs, or with consump- tion itself, should understand. t These remedies will cure j about every case in its first stages ; and many of those more advanced. It is only t thf mnct advanced that are hopeless. Even these are I t wonderfully relieved and life itself greatly prolonged. 5 What are these remedies ? Fresh air, proper food and coirs Emulsion i I of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- I phosphites. Be afraid of I draughts but not of fresh air. Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of milk. Do not forget f that Scott's Emulsion is the J I oldest, the most thoroughly tested and the highest en- I dorsed of all remedies for I weak throats, weak lungs and 1 consumption in all its stages. J Z soc. and ft. 00: all druggists. I SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New Torn. I s Jilill if it fisiJ If j r: MIMGGOIM. The following v. as given out by the War Department this afternoon at 2:30. Piaya del Kste, July 14 Have just returned from an in terview with General T0r.1l and lie agrees upon the basis of being returned to Spain. This proposition embraces all of eastern Cuba from Aguadores. the north, via Palma. with practically the 'Fourth Army have been appointed to meet at 2:30 this ofternoon to definitely arrange terms, ( Signed) W. R, SH AFTER. Later Toral has surrendered Santiago. He has ac cepted the terms offered by the U. S. which were simply to send the Spanish troops back to Spain at our expense. There will be 110 more fighting at Santiago, and no more in all Cuba until the fall. The surrender of Santiago is said to mean that Spain will sue for peace and make the best terms she can. Possibly the Campaign against Porto Rico will now go on. The Spanish troops will be sent to Spain immediately. Our troops will be withdrawn from Santiago as quickly as possible. Garcia's forces aided by 5,000 reg ulars will be left in charge. General Shafter will be Mili tary Governor of Eastern Cuba. P7ht3n3jLa:id;d In Cuba, Madrid July 14. Au official dispatch from Havana -says that the steamer San Domingo has arnvea at vera runta irom Mexico, laden with provisions. It also says that Pinar Del Rio has been set afire and bombard ed by the American warships. The San Domingo is supposed to be the vessel reported wreck ed by the American oltlcials at Key West yesterday. Cervera Goes To Annapolis. Portsmouth, N. IL.July 14. The St. Louis sailed this morn ing for Annapolis hrjviug aboard Admiral Cervera and the other Spanish officers captured at San tiago. The best regulator to regulate a peo ple, is Simmons Liver Regulator. It regulates the liver aud,the liver regu lates the person If the liver is regu lar then health is good, but if sluggish or diseased then there is constant tfil iousuess. Indigestion, Headache and ail the disorders of the stomach that one hears of. Try Simmons Liver Reg ulator and prove this. Cannot Accept Peace Yet. Madrid, July 14. The F)poca sees a certainty oi au organiza tion of carlists and advises the Government to occupy the northern provinces with troops immediately. Sagasta declares that Spain cannot accept peace propsitions which the American newspapers ascribe to McKinley. Captain General Blanco wires Correa from Havana that the steamer San Domingo, from Mexico with a cargo of Spanish stores, went ashore at Punta Cartas.. Americans set fire to the ship which with cargo was destroyed. .Our baby has been continuaK ly troubled with colic and chol era infantum since his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary relief, until we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and DiarrLoea Remedy. Since giving that remedy he has not been troubled. We want to give you this testimonial as an evN dence of our gratitude, not that you need it to advertise vour meritorious remedy G. M. Lvw, Keokuk, Iowa. For sale Sy W. W. Griggs & Sou, Drug gist. The marine budget will have the right of way in future Con-, presses, and the Navy will not dereafter have to put on steel knuckles when it knocks at the hoor of the Treasury. X; Cure f'omtlp.aiuii roreT-. Tnke Ci.-cavets Cautly Cuthurlie. l-'s or 23c. ti C C. fail to cure. drusKiala refuau uioncs- i W HI D. C . JULY 14-- on the south, to Ti "'i n on Peace Again Proposed. Washington, July 12. Peace rumors are flying thickly about Washington and Madrid but nothing upon which to base them is made public, meanwhile the siege ot Santiago is being pushed as'rapidly as possible in persuance of Shatters plans, wdiich are to avoid the loss of life as much as possible. Wat son's squadrou is not reported to have sailed for the Spanish probably will not sail until Santiago is disposed of. The government is feeling sanguine mat bantiago will soon De settled and is turning its attention to Porto Rico. All available transports have been ordered south to convey troops, which are being rapidly equip ped. The present plan is to with draw a part of the regulars and volunteers frem Santiago for Porto Rico, their places to be supplied by fresh volunteers from various camps. It is thought that Santiago will be governed by immune regiments. The indications are that the Porto Rico expedition will not be long delayed. Lieut. Caney Woods Rough Riders is'atthe War Department today. He desciibed the battle to the Department officials and was made a lion of. Caney is badly wounded and on crutches. He says that excessive humidity rather than high temperature prostrates the troops. Madrid Discusse.s Peace. Madrid, July 12. Possible peace is being widely discussed in political circles and by the press. The latter states that Spain is prepared forpeace pro vided it implies the loss of Cuba only. Carrea says he vvill no longer oppose peace negotiations providing the conditions impos ed are not too eroneous. Merrittat Honolulu ou The Fifth. Victoria, B. C, July 14. The steamer Warrimo, which arrived here reports that General Mer. rite arrived at Honolulu on the fifth of July. Spanish Spies Leave, Montreal, Jnly 13. Dubosc and Carnza, the heads of the Spanish spy system in America sailed this morning on the steamer Ottatnau for Liverpool. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa., says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are fie best pills he ever used in his fami ly during forty years house keening. They cure constipation, sick headach and stomach and liver troubles, small in size rut great in results. Griggs & son. mm. May Lose lies Eyesight. The Wilmington Messenger says that Private Rczicr.who was hurt at Fort Macon by an ex plosion on the 6th of July, has been taken to the United States Marine Hospital, at that place. It is hope 1 the wounded sol dier will not lose the sight of his eye, but no doubt he will be disfigured for life. He is about 22 years of age, and is the only son ol a wuhiwtd nu ther. who lives iu Inu.aita He was in Dallas, Texas, when war ws de ciarc d though he had a oo ! j i m the railway mail scrv he resigned aral enlisted in the :eirular artillerv ei vice. Explosion of a Powder Mill. Pomptou Lake, N. Y., Jnl 12. An explosion occuircd thi morning at the Lailin Ram Powder Company's works. It supposed to nave been causer by the blowing up of a boiler They have been making a large government order for smokeless powder. Over fifteen were killed and many iniured by the explosion. The place was eruarded bv five companies o the Third New Jersey Volun tetrs Phiiipine Insurgents Captured. Madrid July 12. An offlcia dispatch from Ilolio says tha Aguinaldo is patrolling the coast with a squadron of merchant men. The dispatch adds that two bands of the "insurgents have beeeu defeated and three of the leaders captured and shot. No further news has been received. Yellow Fever in Santiago. Washington, July 14. Col Taylor who arrived from Santi ago, says the city is reeking with yellow fever and that Gen Shatter knew it ten days ago When the city talis it vvill be surrounded by troops but only a few will be allowed to enter. No Cuban will be allowed to en ter the city; as a repitition of the Caney looting is feared. No Deaths From Fever Yet. Washington, July 14. Sur geon General Steinberg of the Army says there are nolatalities from disease among the army in Cuba, and that the yellow fever so lar is of a mild type. If you would have an abuudauce of dark, glossy hair, if you would have a clean scalp, free from dandruff and irritating humors, or if your hair is fa ded and gray, and you would have its natuial color restored, use Aye's Hair Vigor. It is unquestionably the best dressi ag. Ecgland for Peace, Madrid, July 14. The Duke of Almadoin admits that the British Ambassador to Spain has made semisofficial represen tations for peace. Spanish Privateer a Fake. Chamberlain S. D.,July 14. The ' Spanish privateer" sup posed to be lying in wait for re turning Klondike treasure ship, passes to be the steamer Sagal belonging to a South Dakota synicate, flying the Dutch flag, and quite harmless. The First North Carolina Regiment is still at Jacksonville, Florida. it. course of Ayer'a Pills the system is set in good working order and a man begins to feel that life is worth living. He who has become the gradual prey of constipaticti, does not realize the friction tinder which he labors, until the burden is lifted from him.' -Then his mountains sink into mole hills, his moroseness gives place to jollity," he Is a happy man again. If life does not seem worth, living to you, yon may take a very, different view of it after taking Aver's Cathartic Pills. After.... Taking 'Tfl frTnDPmnsinr.ti ij muilii iiiuuro OR SAWTIAeO, General Brooke Or dered To Wash ington. -rders were issued by the War Department today ft: pc::din the furt': r shi Miient ol troops to Santiago. Those in progress at Tamn.T, wert,-: if ('i"-'- Ik IS apposed that their destination will be changetJ to Porto Rico The only occupation will be two regiments 01 1111 m uucs which will I Santiago. garrison for The steamer Olivette, now at Norfolk loaded with sick am vvnnn i 1 u.,, suiuicii, uas ijceu or dered to proceed to New York t anu await instructions as to the disposition of her passengers. Surgeon Lagarde cables from Siboney today that the steamer beneca sailed for Norfolk with 05 sick and wounded. General Brooks has been or ,lAi ,1 ucicu uoiu cinckamanga to Washington, for a conference it is supposed relative to the Por- to Rico campaign, Tort turns for a ii:iraii(iiu Station. Washington, D. C .July 14. 1 he garrison at Dry Tortugas has been ordered to vacate im mediately and the island is to be turned over to the Maine Hos pital service for a quarantine station, it's former use. Strike to be inaugurated. a . Altooua, Pa , July 14. Min ers is to number .ooo and des maud a new scale equivalent to 10 percent in advance. If a favorable reply is not received by the 2SU1 r . 4- 4. ! - ..41 1 "'swiu me strike win De inau gurated. Murderess Sentenced. New York, July 12. Mrs Martha Place, the ror.viril nurderess who strangled her stepdaughter was this morning sentenced to be electocnted nt Sing Sing on Auguest 29th. Ewart Appointed Tnitcil States Judge. Washington, D. C, July 14 The President to day appointed lainiltou G. Kvvart, United States Judge for the Western North Carolina District. Tudce ivart, was nominated some mouths ago, but failed of Con lrmation owing to charges ol a professional nature being pre erred against him. Over a I5illion Dollars for Hoinls. Washington, D. C, July 14. he Bond Subscription close at 3 o'clock p. m today. The total subscription is over a billion dollars. Win you battles against disease by acting promptly. One minute Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consump tion. And in later staires it 'furnishes prompt relief. Griggs & Son. The British Consul at Manila of whom a Spanish lady made inquiry as to whether she would be safe when the Americaci look possession, and if thev were as bad as Spanish paper? represented, quieted her fears thus: "Madam, honor and vir- tue are safer today iu Manila than they have been in three hundred years." A well deserved tribute to American honor and reverence for women coming as it dots Irom a high source, for which the Consul has our best bow. There is more Catarih in this Fac tion of the country than all other dis eases put together, and until the last few j ears was supposed to be incura ble. For a great many years doctors pionounced it a local disease, and pre scribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cute with iocai treat ment, pranounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a con stitutional disease, and ihejcfoie :c- quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by I J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. They offer one hundred dollats for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimo nials. Address, F. J. CHKNEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, 75c.; Hill's Fatnilv Pill. are the best. (9 Fran FACTORY to COMSUMFR Ol - T si.39 1 buythi(eiact) IV v'r mitiip dujwn. f I iwirt cat!..,,, VJ ur now ii name. lrai V rip. On k.rr. Ilnt-r C 'rrtaiia. J hi fneritor, fg Moi.-w, Lamp. VV I' . fnr.a !- W'tlnir. tc. i Suun for tlio MitiK. Fur-plomontii Just t- (e (Q CAKI'ET AUHiUE In litfc.-- V cr piiol color i aid,, tuild frw. V flj) paid n 99 ,rr baar nd oer. $7.45 (Q buvs a mt.-to-vour-aivu- v . nr A II. VV. w.l . ... .. ... .... ..vr.,, Vli'-HiH JMJIl, PI expn'imrt tueMi,i to your s ji.iu-wi. ruo lni emu IQ Iokuo hikI Rumple. Aajrc --v (exactly us below). -J IT'I TWT42 W W w - P Dept. 909. BALTIMORE. MO. S.L.STORERACO A ho;. .,.:. I),Ml,.ra and Shipper,, f It in J of TH7 lit FULTON FISH M.MtKKI, 7N ri:W YOKli. Wc work hanh rfor the intei est of the Southern lisheniKi than any house in the business. If your i , not iugool o -, r let us Lnow, r'-Wc phii ;,ln y no Agents and Fay no Commissions. SCHOONERS ARK IJHING- CAPTURE I) AND MUST HIv UNLOAD B ! -CALL AT- BERGERON'S Job For ICverybody To UNLOAD - SCIIOOXKRS hlcady ICiiiploymciit for 11 during the Summer Don't wait until your Wheel gives out before you have it im paired. Brind it to P. DeLON, An Exoerienced tlir.ur l Repairer. and have it put in perfect order. Work executed promptly and prices at living rates. - My shop is thoroughly equip ped with all modem improve ments, and what can't be repair ed in DeLon's ihon ran'f he ixtd this side of the factory. A lull stock of Bicvclc Sup plies always ou hand at l.nvcst prices. Shop No. ao, Matthews St., KUZAETH CITY, N. Bayside House KITTY rjaWK, CI. C, W. J. TATE, Prop. 1 NEW BUILDING, COMPLETE? SEP TEMbfr R 1, 1897. !.-11 'lSi V t-tt i Itoiuiil. beautifully located -t the Utnd of Kilty Hawk. ! ay half mile from Atlan tic Ocean. A Veritable Faiadise for the Summer Visitor. H.-ie the Sum mer Visitor can Jiathe, Sail. Row, J-iib, Kide through Virgin l'iae Foreits or Shoot S3;ore JJirds to his heart's con lent. Climate as pure and healthy a the South affords. Mean Ttn;j;ei3tBre for pat Decade ; Summer. 74 ))cg ree ; Winter, .jj Degrees. Telegraph Office and Telegraphic connections to all points. J'ost Ofiice iu Huildirjg and Daily Mai's. .V", miles from Klizabeth City; 12 mi! s irom Ui.-toric Roanoke Island Reached fiom IUizabclh Citv by Stmt. Ray every Tuc-hday. Ihuisday and Saturday. Table supplied with the Lest. Rate.-, reasonable. WAITED, Tiiniii Cooper Write or call to see II. T. Greenleaf, P. O. Pox 25, Kliza beth City, N. C. Is o