Newspaper Page Text
- r.:- - 3 r Id r ic I i u lev si- to i to in of (1 i or !l vs. 111 lie .i: 1 ins lit .1 kl- hS. 9tU ior at the by uck Ihcs t as rfe- I ft m KILLED p. IMY W0M3BD. xmsrican Troop re SOCIAL LIFEJ MANILLA ALL CLASSES MINGLE TO. GETHER. HARD 5 --v- Aic:j, iv- i;J ' Forts Hecvy rire re 0 ted On Moro and So-capio. . ITT.,.. r- . W il 11 III bit; protuen one may lb of the l'hili is a sort of the banks o the la is tlie fashiona le , -.j Manila, and e s. t the best side ines. The Luneta ifth avenue alony 1 7 r river The com 00s (e character of the General Population ii.MauiU makes the uirungs 01 people along tile Luneta very PCturesvae. A lono- - A J O assig Wasington, July 1 1 S i'lr: cabks that only the ar tiilcry is in action and that the bridge extend; along the P fiie is directed towards the lorts and the promenade is across in o. h r to reduce them so that tuat. 1 uc s( ".03 and stores of t!, r.m ..ail, ;,n ,ntrai,rJth cit? rC clcti at hand, and ,- -"r rr..f-.f. f: Jaf n,Sht they are gorgeously niumiuaiea. iu? street electric the infantry is not being usid, Mights shed thth effulgence on trie guns being directed cnietly tne moving mas cf humanity, m ..icro v.astie airi rj( cap- J -e mujic uy ui uaua tu. II i o fortificauons at the entrance ens the scene. I never saw sucdi -..11 . ! 11 picturesque tnrongs in America : tnc harbor, out a consult-rable 1 , V . . ' Livery one smoke a .liar oi cigarette Tliere are bears bv i:k pills a: d thr hundred, Hindoos and Tanas til: lire MOTHER SPAE DESTROYED. The Havk and' Cas-I tine Gives HerHot Shot. GREAT 'ards in the -. :n;'.es, bh after s ts the- artil- nesa in their native garments. 1 - fully proie Jted, 1 save A, ' ) i c range ana arc uomg ition. lie al-o reports ' k( .s .veil, Second infantry ::d i ivatc Jenks killed in yes1" tvT ia. bombardment and mauy t rooners wounded. am- j . '. . : ;-.;v tiiM cv- .-:v.,.. ; ! I' I.' V. :. ; 1 ', Of l.'IIlT :" -i.i :.'l:ii'ks m. l!r-.v tis' i i nn- i . I it :i i 11:1 1 Jt- in . m ni:i-li, lilnoil ami mrvis, lliiitrs is soU !.yr.!i dealers. . 1 Sa 11 cost's Lj ort Arrives. V . hiagton, 1). C, July 11 i. :;-!.-,.; i'almer reached the . - D.'D.irtment this morning .:! S.mti igo, bringing Aclmir it Sampson's report of the battle v. ith Cevera's fleet. None of it i m ale public as yet and it is '..:.; loo 1 to be very long. The no. pit; train en route from T.unpi with Santiago wounded b:""ugiit by tlie Cherokee was wreck I'd at High Springs Flori da lliis morning, but none were hurt. The War Department i"; eials do not expect fast fight ing at Sautiogo. They say the programme is for steady harass iri; f re day and night from land 1 sea. The sergeou General ; li;e ?vlariue IIos)ital has no 1 i iee.-. of vtdiovr fever among sm Irviops in Cuba. ami Sohk'Y. Sib ney , July 11., via Port ..rlo::i . The frcition between S.uups .11 and Schley is become -ugmore intense daily and it r-aehed a climax Oil the day of '. . n ;v: i l attle off Santiago. s.) n as the Christobal Colon h id been beached 1 lie hocals, or 2: -live India.Hg, come trooping along in l.are leet and semi uuditv. There are the latest l'aiisian styles and the raggedest poorest people imaginable. Here comes a 1 ily group with the parents the head, a-rayed in garments' e-f reds, blues and purples. The father strides along witn a hugh cigar m his mouih and his wife with a cigarette. Next folohvs a group of smiling chattering p aires from th : numerous Cath die cliurches or the great cathe dral , and all , too, are puffing at mammoth cigars. Then there are Japanese by hundreds, Chi nese 1))' scores, and native Ma lays and Negritos by thousands. They all wear light flowing garments of gay colored fabrics, and ail smoke. Here comes a company of native girls with ra L-n hair and the blackest of black eyes, set off by fiesh olive complexion and the ruddiest of lips. They wear black lace mantillas on their heads and some pretty flowers deck their hair. flieir dress is of loose thin red and white fabrics. As they go sauut ling along behind a pa rent or chaperon they roll cigar ettes and smoke like old profes siouals. Spauiih soldiers naval officers in gaudv uniforms are always in the throngs that pro menade the Luneta at nigh". Here there are Europeans in hue suits and bamboo hel met hats. Occasionally one an American Key YVestJuly 9. Officers from th e bl ockad i ng fl ee t r e port the de struction of the Scan is!; steamer Villa verde off Foit Mariel load ed with ammunition and sup-j pnes lor General Blanco. The vessel was sighted at midnight Wednesday and by dawn was! completely destroyed. Blocka- ding steamship Hawk overhaul ed her steaming northward close to the shore, and fired across her bow which was ineffectual. The Hawk opened fire in earnest.! disabling the .ship and setting her on fire. The Spaniard was run ashore and beached. The Hawk was reinforced bv the Cystine, tlie shots being well uireeien rv ine ;auer Dkw o pieces. The majority of the crew escaping by swimming shoro RE JVIOVA TP. rr n 0 Beginning Wednesday, June 15, and contiimeing until August 15, 1S9S, wo will sell oir; j stock 1 at and below cost, for cash and cash only. We have bargains for all, come and get your:?. Our i .s e n ,or M so doing is that on August 15th, we will move into our new store now being built for u on X Main and Poind exter streets, known as the Bradford building. Our aim is to close out our before moving. This will be the greatest sacrifice sale ever take place in this city. i 7 rner of stool: v A' INDEMNITIES IN WARS. FORMER may among see the promenadevs, a l tne iiaesuii), "1 a;-tare." The same he s. .t an officer ashore to cable '. ' lie the report of the capture, S.imp.'o.i cn hearing thi-. sent -.' chieer r.shore and absolutely pi'vihibited the sending of any mer.age save his own. Samp son has cabled for save the Colon. Sell ley claim evening wreckers to ' i i i r; '-3 n $-:! i"". o r ' -" t C tJC' tt.- tbti 1-r' C ' . f'l-euy aivi permanent cur c' i-t llu-iim i.vA ceZT-ma, Ju.::;! -: Eve and Skin Ointment it v. i:h:ut an eqnal. It relieves the irch- ' and .-.rtiartinK nlmes-t instantly nvA 'entim;el use cH'ccts a pcrniancr.t 'Mi". It lo cures itch, barber's itch, ; '.lil fcea'l, Fore nipples, iteliinsr pi!", v'la; p hand;?, chronic; sore eyt s an3 rvj-nulated lids. !r. f'adv's Condition Toirdcrs for arc tile best tonic, blood purifier iinl vermifuge. Price, Scents. ISoldhy Ste -.liner I3;iriied. New York, July 9. The Clide steamer Delaware was burned oil Cedar Creek New Jersey this morning. Passengers and crew were rescued by the l.ife Saving crew. The Dela ware sailed fcr Charleston yester day an 1 carried fifty passengers and a crew of twenty. Flames which probably had been smoul dering in the hold sometime broke out at ten o'clock Crew fought stubbornly but were 1111 able to subdue the fire. Captain Ingram steered the steamer for shore and although passengers were greatly excited, all were safely placed in boats and on life rafts. Iater Passengers and crew of the Delaware have reached here. All praise the splendid discipline on board. All men were at their posts and their ex ample cooled the excited pas-ssngers. but there are fewer than 150 Americans 0:1 Luzon Island. The parade coatiuues back and forth until after midnight. Fash ion and poverty go side by side, It is the only chance the lovers have to ?ee one another, and it is always amusing to Americans to see how these young folks in the Orient make With the close of the present war there will come up for con sideration the question of in demnity, When Spain will find herself compelled to dance to the music of whatever tune Uncle Sam will see fit to play at that time. While it is yet rather early to discuss this matter, It is pertinent to gather from the experience of other na tions such light as will be of service to us waeu the question comes up. Going back to the war be tween China and Great Urittain in 1 840, the latter country com pelled the former to pay into its( treasury, by way of indemnity for losses incurred, the sum of $35,000,000. Most of this was subsequently paid out to British merchants for individual prop erty destroyed by China. On the authority of some an onymous writer in the Chicago News who seems too well posted Oil the subject, the largest in demnity ever exacted by one na tion of another was exacted by Truss ia of France in 1 87 1 , as the result of the disastrous France Prussian war. In addition to tlie surrender of Alsace and Lorraine, France was required to pay the enormous sum of $ 1 ,oc 0,000.000 wdiich she event inilly succeeded in doing, al though it seemed to be impossi ble at the time. As the fesult of the war be tween Prussia and Austria, which occurred in 1S66, Prussia was assessed the immense sum of $45,000,000, regardless of the fact that the war lasted only one mouth. She was also compel- 1 --r-1' I T;i!3 LABEL GHACK1LDS SUIT GUAflAHTESS Fu'FECTlGi!. W "7 vn.r ' S rj.4 'Xs' r jfiA V ) fa. 1 ' ,v v-V: L y 1. MlGH BUST 7 ( ) t , i 50 pieces fruit of the loom cottons 1 yard wide, 53. 1 . t , . . i .i r-fte 1 25 "ozen ladies jrauze vests at ; cents 40 piece.s uiumu.m 4 -4 , eadl 2. dQzen French gauzc vestS( ; ecu is. 30 dozen gent's Balbriggan shirts and draw ers at 19 cents each. Regular price 25 cents. Genuine Lonsdale Cambric, S cens the lull taped, our price during this sale, S cents. Other stores get 1 5 cents. All our stock cf c'. men's at prime cost. V crash ami thin suits ih t 1 i ' a i.i: .U f ( yard. Twenty five liundred yards lawn at prices beginning at 2; cents and up. 35 dozen Gents' Scrivins Drawers, patent elastic seam, 69 cents. Regular price $1. 10 dozen men's genuine French balbriggan undershirts at 42 cents a piece. SHI Rio. ill; bn-MVK urine:' thi . K j! tail at y, 1 . 2; Uo.'.vU t e Keystone Cambric dress lining 3 cents the vara. Best Jeans made 6 cents the yard. rL j mi -I n mm ni r r 1000 yards of yard wide Percale at 5 cents the yard, DRESS GOODS. Our entire stock of worsted goods will be sold at and below cost. More worsted dress goods to be shown than every store in Elizabeth City put together. HOSIER-IT 50 dozen gent's black hose, full regular made at 9 cents the pair. Regular price 15 cents. 100 dozen misse's and children's hose, double heel and toe, at 6 cents the pair. Other stores get 10 cents. A large lot of bicycle hose and leggins at and below cost. 30 ;oeu pure wov cents, sizes 1 1 . to 1 . 50 edits. : m.mia can u--t 1 1 - e (i 1 maU ; lLsl Calico at id 4 ec .11 l MILLINERY. loniuirs known to one a not her bears tne. Eignataro r. 1 Ccc Schley company or gen their passionate 1 .a iru ilauover, the duchy of Nassau and other possessions. Coining down to the war bea I ween Turkey and Russia in 1S77, the former, as the outcome of th t struggle, was forced to 0 iv the latter the round sum of 1 1 6 0,000,000, in addition to los ing P.oumaunia, Servia, Bosnia and Ilerzcgoviuia. Ia the recent wai between China and Japan, the former country incut red obligations to the latter to the extent of S1S5 4 000,000, besides forfeiting the islands of Formosa and Pesca dores. As the result of the war be tween Mexico and the Uuited States in 1848, the latter coun try compelled her to give up what now comprises Utah, California, Nevada, Arizona and Nev Mex ico, but undertook therefor the sum of $ 1 5.000,000, thus iguor ing all former precedents. Such magnanimity will not be observed iu settling scores with Spain. Secretary Alger estimates that the cost of the war will aggregate $600,000,000, in which event it will not be excessive to insist upon the con cession of both the Phillipints and Porto Rico. L1CES 1D HlfflBUGS. 800 dozen yards French val lace at 1 and 2 cents a yard, other stores get 5 cents for the same sroods. 4000 yards yard on up. Hamburg edging from 1 cent a SHOSS. SHOES, 250 pairs solid ladies oxfords at 69 cents. This season's goods. Regular pi ice $1. Our entire stoclc of Bering's $2.50 Ladic's shoes will be sold at $2, prime cost. About 30 pairs of Bering's $2.50 shoes, slightly sharp toe, at $1 50. Our celcbrnted L. M. Reynolds $4 shoes will be closed out at $312;. Iu fact our entire stock of shoes will be sold at and below cost. We have shoes from 19 cents pair up. We h; nery D all sold e ' e ;-o men C i .arg .'.ud A o the said. .'! .S ill lor c.j. I Ii li 450 yaru.s ol pi;;.- ! ii.'. n tab a chance the housi ki c pc s will a lifetime. 1 V e propose to . , 1 , -" g Li' C 1 .M-i. f-y, o V V v il lh(iciO luci: o Schley's Prophecy. Some time before there was anv expectation of difficulty J i with Spain, Couimodore remarked to a tlemen, whom he met iu a club in New York, that if the time should come when we should have any difficulty with a fore ign nation, involving naval operations, there would pro bably be some surprises in stoie in connection with the perfor mance of our gunners. lie stated that the practice of gunners in the United States navy firing at targats, etc , was, he believe-4, more thoroun and better than in any other navy in existence, and thai the records showed that the marksmanship of the in the American navy This is no fake sale, but an absolute sale of our entire stock at and below cost, goods rather than move them in our new store- First come, first served. Call eu these -bargains- mll1C! ,TTm V10 a OTMt nlmnoe for countrv merchants to replenish tiieir stocn a. price:; iney Jiav j uover X J.O VV 11 . Jvvw " been able to buy at before. Wii 11 iff ta m w t ? .fl I! H rsa J-Ij -S JhLJL IHJT NIDI1; WVrl"l JrXi2.10I- gunners was superior tc that of any other. This fact he believed would exert an important influ ence upon any naval battles in which our gunners might take part, and his prdiction seems to be borne out by recent events. : . . .7 .V.r tt;:-ahoa3 tl.e belief of enii- .1 t.Ujo'.Liasw ih..t impure blood is the i-:.i;sc of the majority of our diseases. Tv-fity-live years auro tiiis theory was used ns a basis fcr the formula of Urowns' Iron Bitters. The many remarkable cures effected by this famous old household remedy are sufficient to prove that tiie theory is correct. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. "All's Not Well." Dr. Field who was the exam ining surgeon for the Naval Reserves while the recruiting was being done in New Orleans, had many a good story to tell ot recruits in the service, says the New Orleans Times-Democrat. A good one he tells Is of a Ger man who was walking his post and calling the hours as is re quired. He called "seven bells and all's veil." The next call, however, was a variation. It was: "Eight bells and all is tiot rll- T linf rlrnrmir mv ttlltaket oferboard." Q Xo-Xo-Bac for fifty Ceu. G uarari teed tobacco habTt cure, makes wr.ii u:n sti-ong, blood pure. 6Cc, SJ. All uiuk'-' Shaffer's Headquarters, July 1 1 tli 4 p. m. via Kingston July j2. Fighting continued during the day, at this hour is believed that Santiago will be captured within twenty-four hours. The American have advanced steadily all day, several Spanish trenches are now occupied, in which was found many dummy wooden guns. The fire from the Span-, iards is very weak. The tfbove dispatch was sent from the field after Shafter's message was received at Washs ington this morui ng. It seems that Toral's second proposition to surrender was rejected and fighting resumed. The advent of General Miles on the scene with instructions from Wash ington also led to the resump tion ot ho3tilities. b t. -L "$10. , I f JSliSI t j III IhsiPI 1 k , I - i ! i 1 ' " I j. ij ift v.-:.,.:vts--:.'f.-t-: I T5 rj in - si o tn o O .a f 3 V -- u a. 3 o V-i CL, Jl 'SI o . o 0 o &4 C3 a o CJ o c- V. u ft o C3 U C o cJ O u .2 a r-. f-1 i- o a CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. Tie fso- ex ' IS OB c? cry in!' Brick! Brick! TriOMPSON BRICK WORKS. The leading brick maim facurers of this section are now ready to supply orders at short notice. This plant has been in active operation for twenty years, and they guarantee satisfaction as to quality and price. fyesz (Brisk (Have Stood Test And reflex action will be a guide to your further pur chase. You could do worse, and wre venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere Call Telephone No. 2, or address F.G. THOMPSON, Mgr EL.IZ, CITV.O. N. S. B. MlbbER&CO. WHOLESALE COMM1SSIOM NO. 7 FULTON FISH MKT, New York. Clarence G, Miller, ) Miller Lougbotliam. ) Special Attention Given to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. Stencils and S tationery Furnished on Application. WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. J t.j - f 25 50 ABSOLUTELY GUARAmD:;: plamnd bofitlft fre. Ad. VI I ', IIHIi.l, I 6 ft 1 ALL I DIlUCGfST J sit "jt I I 1. : (- -4 Is Uie way you like your MKATH. fresh i we liave it. o 1; 1 1 ' ' -' ay Beef, Vea AU iruia uiu evii'.-v.! every day. Buy your mk als of Caleb Walker, si 'Phoi CITY AARKET. AND (iKT TIIK BKST. Finest Poultry at The Lowest Price-. & Let us have your orders, they shall have our most careful and prompt attention. Remember Stall No. i,CityMarke v- goods uELivKisi:i) Va.