Newspaper Page Text
Tvftro JJowii vd All in a Heap ' Those commonly made, chwp meted bicycles mat uu ... ciUfnrtion- Good Bicyc don't have to drop, they give .-faction, and one sells and tock ace rmnnlaten. Good wheels sell ,,.,... ,,!i,tp thcv are known a,wl ridden ; their merits shor 10 an 1 the people who know a e-)Cd tiling anui ap prove 1 want it and nothing else. CRAWFORD Bicycles have .. t-st.fl and nroveu the :M-idarl of LV world tor nn:! oualitv. thinking of purchasing, it vi 1 p-.v vou to temember l!ATIIAW( BROS., CRAWFORD Bicycles aie cheap as the cheapest good ss the best. :h ap vou are r A tr. if 3f Speaking of News Adrift. WHO ARE ALWAYS IN ESS "THE SWIM." :t::i friond. Mr. John L i-ic Tuesday ' ! n v in F S;v u e 13 from 1' .ore -.01 : itor Lenrv is spend -fi itt -nded co i rt lure this Mr. A. C. Hathaway hsg a few days at Tags Miss Kni'na Markham left T;.i- , sdav for Norfolk for medical ti J::.- nt. Tr "V. I). rrudeu.of Kdeuton, is in the city this week a'.ten-, dir.- court. Ftesh fish fion tlie lower soinuls are ar ;ving in l.irge quantities. d is D i vis of the first friends in visiting a p Virginia. ?..rr. Charlie Whedbee, of lit itford. is in the city this week attending court. Vr J. Norman Whitehurst of the signal cort s at Hatteras if exj ccttd liere Saturday. Miss Kthel Scott has left for Nags Head to spend several wcks on the sea shore. Miss Ida J. Flora has returned ho:n." from a visit t" friends in lvlentou. Mr. Charles Relf left for Nor folk Tuesday to join the United States Navy, Miss Mabel Miuson of Balti more is visiting her uncle Mr. I,. W. Winder en Main street. Mr. D. A. Whitehurst and vife left Saturday for the sea shore ai Nags Head. Mr :, w. II. Zodler and child 1 ivc gone to Mantco to spend the summer Mrs. Julian Jewel!, of Norfolk, is Siting Mrs. Walter Jennings oi Rrad street. .M. Win. White, ot jNorioiK, is in tl;e city for a visit to rela live-;. Mr. and Mrs. Corbet and Miss Shaw, or Shawooro are visiting t.h - family of Fr. J. K. Wood on Cii-ircii street. Mr. K. V. Lamb and family left this week for Nags Head, where they will occupy a t (V during the summer. Mr and Mrs T. G. Skinner arrived here on Monday from Hertford on a visit to friends and relatives in this city. Mr. T. S. Harrell, the popular salesman at N. R. Parker's, is quite sick at his residence on Cedar street. Mr. Harrie Whedbe, of Gre ville, who has been the recent guest ot Mrs. MacMullau re turned to his home yesterday. Mrs. F. T. Horton who has been very sick with the Typhoid fever for the last three weeks is improving. Messrs Erskin Fhnughaus, Blucher Ehriughaus, and George I '"earing returned Monday after noon from a visit to Edeuton. ?vlessis. George K Swindell and J. Aultman Speuce have gone for Norfolk, to enlist in the N ;-y. Mr. Thomas AlberUon lies le t for Raleigh to enlist in Ue army, having secured a poin . t 1 A. ft in tne pnarmacy department. Mr. Ned Rhodes of Tyiell county who is here visiting his mother Mrs. Geo. bextou is quiet sick. Mr. R. T. Williams has open ed a restaurant and lunch coun ter in the Brown building on Water street Capt. Homer Styron, Keeper of Creeds Hill Life Saving Sta tion spent a few days in the city this week Bicycles There's al .vays oue star that shinesforth more clearly than all the oth ers from the bi cycle firmament Its . THE CRAWFORD, WE SELL I i It's not the leader because we sell it; we sell it because its the leader ATH II AWAY BROS., Right on the Corner. Experience. Facilities. Best Material. 5kilIJ Labor. Study C3f!US. Good Ad vertisir. j. THE- Crawford Bicycle regressive Methr Ja. Durability. Mnish. The case of John L. "Hinton s tiie l'tnn. Mutual JUile In sn ranee Company, was decided in favor of the plantifh Mr. C. E. Kramer and family are movingr into the residence of Mr D. S. Kramer on Main street, wh en ihey will occup during the absceuceof the latter Has climbed the ladder and. untill the completion o of success, round by round on dence . , , iqc ioi oi iurs. w. w. urimn It Honest ettorts and good adjoining her residence on Main material count for anything street, which was recently pur- it will ctftv thore cnaseci Dy Mr. J. II; trades is be J I l it i l r Iff? frrt irrn-c ennrn tinfhftlrf T f i - . A" - the erection of a larce brick make it all that a bicycle store built? nur which will Le - I r-- should be. Highest Grade Highest Price AT in the r.ear future. $50. Prof. . M. Hinton, the learn ed and popula; principal of the Elizabeth City Aiblic school lectured at Hertford and Edentou respectively, on the nth and 12 inst. to large and appreciative audiences. Prof. Ilintoa's rcputa tion as a sneaker makes com Right on the Corner, ment on the lecture unuecces;- ary. HATHA -V AY BROS'.. Many P, ... as well as tt,e' should. Others se. w, ' v. t i :;r ej - ; i :.''V.!!f lirt'd. '. )t:i..;v s i: ftr v.-i.Ii c-!. :ieahic:ie. whiuh taedicine sIol'S not jJE REPAIR cuit tcl-arco ensiiy and forever be nrng M l:-.-., fall 1 1 life n"rve and viror, take Xo-To- . t .'-I V. .:i I'M' IVurker th tt tnnlffH v.snl.- mrn ls ueists, 50c or Curepuaran li.jf-"i;?t una sample free. Aildress . :;. u:eav Co., ctfi.-aco or New Vosli relieve; the !j:-:alwhe comes from cye-straiuisig and tlio jM-oper remedy is a pair of good glasses nroper- If for any reason your is not rood call on us, we have the glasses to iu tuat wi'i help va. iii'lit oa the Corner. HATHAWAY HUOS., Tlie Reliable Jeweler. morning Lee near was the At liOitl: LEST work by best o i c o . WORKMEN lP M OCK STYLES IN JEWELRY I? iTicst complete Write for Free Catalogue oY V JEWELRY Hatliawnv Bros OH Hathaway Brothers And get all the Latest Styles. Mrs. Wm. II. Pennelt. of Xewbcrne, is visiting; her daugh ter Mrs. I), city. M. Simons in this Mr. 1. S. Armstrong and uunily left Tuesday on the Xeuse f..r Roanoke, Cro;tau and Oeiacoke to spend several days. The new house of Mr. Ed, Kramer i.s favt u earing comple tion, and when finished will be tlie residence in the city, Miss Ada Melick returned S ituruay night from an exten ded visit to friends in the central jart of North Carolina and sev cral cities in Virginia. SMOKE The World's Favorite 5c. Cigar. c. Manufactured by W STEVENS & C Ellzabeh Ciy. wag given Mr. Gaston Crawford has re turned from a visit to Norfolk. Correction. The P u b 1 i c Liberarv at the at the Atlantic r, oUM., xr Tin.fcn.nt Collegiate Institute is open from , . XT c ,. 1 i o to io o clock a. m. on Mon vesceruay m iNorio'K. A Ixisket picnic t the Hall's Creek M. E. Church grounds yesterday. A uimber of people from this city atten led it. Masters Tom and Jim Skin ner, of Hertford, who have, been lere as guests of Mrs. O. Mcs Mullen have returned to their lornes. Several of the colored soldiers who left here last week for Fort Macon to enlist for war outy, lave returned having failed to pass the required examination. We hear that Mr. II . C. God- rev will soon begin the erection of a brick building on Poindex- er street, on the lot between the Robinson and Sharber buildings. Mr. Charles Pendleton, of Key West, is in the city on a visit to his family who have been spending several mouths in this city. There will be an excursion to Nags Head .Minda on the steam er Thomas Newton. Fare for he round trip $i.oo Tickets now on sale at Hathaway Bros. W. H. Lucas, the ngro who ii. - 1 1 WAS Sent to Hie p.imcuiiiuy several years ago for robbing the store of Ehnnghouse Bros. & Co.. returned to this city on Saturday. Mr. George B. Phillips and Miss E. N. Shannon, of Hamp ton, arrived in the city Tues day and were united in the ho ly bands of matrimony by tne Rev. Dr.-Penick. Mr. Albert Gard, mate on the steamer Newbarne, plying be tween New York and Norfolk, was here last week on ten dav9 vacation SDent with his j - i family in this city. The Spanish Captain General at Havana felt very Blanco when he learned how the- Span ish fleet had been "Hobsonized along the shores of Cuba. Their punishment was much"Lervera than thev exoected: tor we Caught them on the "Schley." T. G. Allen will receive a fresh, lot of Mettowee Cream for Sunday orders. A sailing party will be given tonight on the Naptha launch Ethlu. Mr. C.W. Hollowell left for Newberne outhe steamer Neuse yesterday afternoon. Misses Catharine and Louise Greenleaf have returned from a visit to relatives iu the country. Mrs. T. C. Lee, of Nortolk, Va., is the guest of her cousin Mr. J. G. Gregory. The case of Cowen against Coppersmith to recover 2 50 was decided in favor of tlie de fendant. The Redublican county con vention to elect delegates to the district convention was held to day. Liwyer D. G. Crisp of Man tco who has beeu attending court here this week returned home to day. Messrs II-e Salomonsky and V. C. Sr.wyer have beeu elect ed elelegatcs to attend the State Fre-men's Convention which neets at Goldsboro on July 26th Mrs M. C. Hathaway of Nor blk, who has been visiting her ions Messrs J. D. aud A. C. Hatha way, returned home to- lay. At the Superior court yester day, the case of Robinson & Co. against Knight & Jennett for, $20.65 wa9 decided m frvor of the plaintiff, lhe importance Attached to a case where such a small amount was involved attracted consideiable sttcution Mr. E. S. Simmons, of Wash- mgton, N. C, is 111 the citv this week in the interests of his book, the "Solution of the Race Problem." and will deliver a lecture later on. In obedience to the proclamas tlon of the President asking that the people of the United States assemble in their places of wor ship and give thanks tor the victories achieved by our army and navy, interesting sermons were preached Sunday by some of the ministers ol the city. The weather was delightful and the congregations unusually large. days and Thursdays and fiom 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. on Mondays. Tlie Naval Reserves will have I a cannon drill and tartret nrac- tice, on the water front, near the Park, Friday afternoon. In the future, gun drills aud boat prac tice will take the place of thf armory drills of the Reserves. Rev. J. II. Hall returned Monday on the afternoon train accompanied by Masters Jack and Hairy McMullen, who will remain iu the city a few days the guest of Master Will iam Hall. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Rive Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Elizabeth City Lawn tennis club was orgmized Tues day and the following officers elected; Hrad Sanders, President: Miss Clara Weeks, Vice Presi dent, Miss Minnie Parker, Secretary, and iss May Weeks, Treasure. Cancel the Stamps. The new revenue law provides that the person usirg revenue stamps shall write or stamp thereuponthe initials of his name aud the date upon which the stamp is attach ed. Ordinary receipts require no stamps. A merchant giving a customer a receipt for money on account is not required to place a revenue stamp upon the receipt. The V. C. T. U., of Elizabeth City, propose making up a box consisting of comfort bagy, del icacies and literature for our North Carolina brave soldier boys or, lor the needy from oth er states. We trust all who are iutetested in this enterprise will aid by promptly sending in their contributions, cash, or any of th? above mentioned articles, will be acceptable from any person. This is not an en terprise confined to the W. C. T. U ; but one in which we wish all to covoperate most heartily. Send all contributions to Mrs. P. W. xMelick. We are requested by tke Foreman of the Albemarle Fire Department, in behalf cf the entire company, to publicly thank Mr. and Mrs F. H. Zeigler for courtesies extended this morning after the fire on Road street. Seeing the efforts of the firemen and knowing that an ice drink would de refreshing to them after two hours' work funid flames and water, the boys, on reaching the engine house to answer to roll call at 4 o'clock were met by Mr. and Mrs Zeigler with an inexhausti ble supply of ice cold tea, which they served. It was indeed an agreeable surprise and being the first of its kind was doubly appreciated. This Morn-lror's Fire. At two o'clock ihi fire broke out in tbe Isaac building on Road street, Canal bridge. The alarm promptly responded to by Albemarle Fire Company, and in a short while the engine was at the scene of the conflagration, but the fare being so close to the canal the firemen were forced to romove the engine to Martin street and lay hose across swamp. In moving the eugiue some part of the pulling gear gave way. All this, ot course caused delay end many though the fire would spread r.i:.-id-!v but soon the water was turne aud the fire gotteu undei control the result being tha several buildings near the oh 11 burning shanties were saved all due to the work of the fire men. The buildiiiL's destroved Q " save the coach shop of Carter ec 011, were old aud del apida ted and of little value; however mere was enougn insurance on them to cover the loss. The coach shop of Carter cc Son was uninsured and the loss to them is quite heavy. The orgiu of the fire is unknown. The Hook and Ladder Co also responded promptly and did valuable service as they always do. READY 0 inifiiiiinnfiiiiinmrninninimntrnmiiimnHmimmMiiK SUE FOR .PEASE. You udsc a 1 IndicatSons Are-Tnat E oaueaae DV US UlSier. Spain Wants To : 5 isxop rignung. jNithr can you fl the valu of a Bf- cvdc bv fts 1 imcL 2 Madrid, July I The official T E3 Gazette to day published a royal 2 decree suspending throughout cr Senslblt ptop!: ant eafc Bicycles anJ cafe GJcycIca mut 1 m - - f.T t r A fill e n; ri h'll.n mif! I as guaranteeu oy th constitu-1 tion. The decree adds that the tr' jJe bT people who hncw bov?-uhc?i !sr lear.ieJ by government will reuder account ctperience. COe can (ntcrcst careful people in ibt conclmction of 2 to parliament of the use it may 3 make ot this measure. . ' $ The public action taken in is trg .VfiVIT 3 I P S 0 Q sueirg the decree is generally S vOlVI ! t 3-V y,,J 2 convincing now ready accepted as being proof that Spain is to sue fcr peace, and also that If ' th? Will g(YC UG tbC Opportunity; WC Will negotiations to that efie.t are already in progress. The Gov- GhOW What QOCQ ItltO tbClll and Ctplai'll Wby i eminent wishes to have lull 1 A1 . ., x, z power to susocud all evidences B tncy arc Mxut man oincro. cue ecu wem on of discontent or rebellion. Amnf (f H(,vl 3 The Carhsts are furious and ? are sure to attempt, to make S rouble. ofllcial expresaed S: ti;e conviction mat oinciai over tures for pace would be drawn up before Sunday. There is every reason to be- ieve that France lias offered her service to Spain in the matter. Signor Sigasta says th;t Spiti wants peace, but it must be honorable peace as Spain de serves. 1 he army is anxious to resist to the last but the govern ment cannot consent to a useless sacrifice. Had we our fleet the situation would be different. Scug, uiuuuiiiiiuiiiaaiuiuiiaiaaiuiuiiaiUiUiUimuuuiaiK (Esablishcd 1887.) I. S The Small Boy's Idol. My daughter, who teaches in mission Sunday school, tells me of a Dewey experience she had with a youngster making his first appearance. She had put him through a half hour or more rf instruction iu the rudimenta y principles, for he was entire Iy lacking in information on that point, aud to test him was reviewing: her work with him. "Now," she said, "tell me again who made the world and all that is in it? "GoJ," replied the boy, with commendable promptitude. "uod can do everything, can't le?" she asked again. The boy hesitated a moment. "I don't believe he could lick Oewey," he answered at last, ind the teacher sat silent bes ween her religion and her pats notism. It wasn t her time to say anything, it she didn't want to lose that boy forever, and she lad wit enough to' let it go at hat. Trie ftTLftNTie COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Elizabeth City, N. C. 2 1 st Annual Session Opens The Oidest and largest school in Eastern Noith t'aiolina. A prepara tory and finishing school lor both sexes. Covasks oi stv'.jy : F.nglish Course-, ' lassical Course, College Preparatory Course, Uusiuess Co.n.-e. Instrumen tal Music (Joursej Vocal Music Course. Diolomas issued upon the com pie tion of .my of the leading colleges of tne btate upou cerlilicate lrora this scho n. Students ireparcd fot the U. S. Mili tary aad Navy Academics. Full faculty of skilled teachers ;each a specialist in his or her department Terms as low as consistent with high grade work. Write lor catalogue. Address, S. L. SHKHP, Principal. o Flgy (?Oc4Mlr3glorj K(?ijfielTp Shipments Solicited Stencils Furnished. Mercantile Agencies, r A. j City National Hank, References . 1, , 1 J j Citizen s liank, and ( Wholesale Shippers. wttmmm. & Established 1886. Reliable H(lis I if Norfolk EG Fish Cominission Morcliants Largest patronago and fulle-t equip ment iu its historj'. Fatuity, 3S ; htu dents, 50S ; 3 Academic Courses ; 3 blectives Courses, 3 Professional Schools, in Law, Medicine and Phar macy. Advanced Classes open to women. Tuit on jGo.oo a year; Hoard S a month. Ample opportunities for self- help. Scholarships aud loans for the needy. Summer School for Teachers,; 2 Instructors, 185 Students. Total enrollment, 670. For Catalogue, Address, rRF,SIDRNT ALDERMAN, Chapel Hill, N. C. THE STATE NORMAL AND- Capitultaion Signed. Cape natien, July 14. The bllowing bulletin was issued here today by the French Cable Company : "Santiago, de Cuba, July 14. The capitulation of Santiago has been signed. The American government accepts the condi tions of General Pando. The Spanish troops are to withdraw with military honors and will be sent back at once to Spain. war WAHf ANY ftlMMtSftfi Wiles-o TO INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Offers the young women 01 the State thorough professional, literary, classi cal, scientific, aud industrial educa tion. Annual i'.aIxiiscs fan to fjo. Faculty of members. More than 400 regular students, Has matricula ted about 1,500 students, representing every country in the State except two. Practice aud Obsovatiou bcliool ol about oo Diioils. 7'o secure board in dormitories, all free-tuition applications must be made before August . Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information, address PRESIDENT McIVF.R, Greensboro, N. C. NEWPORT NEWS FEMALE SEMINARY, NEWPORT NEWS, VA. Full corps of efficient teachers, abreast of the times in all approved methods. Building brick, modern iu all its appointments, thoroughly venti lated, lighted by electricity. Rooms well furnished and carpeted. Hot and cold baths. Location unsurpassed. Instruction thorough. Terms moder ate. For further information, send for catalogue or apply to MRS. M. W. HARWOOD, Prin. Newport News. Va. Best Facilities. Best Location. Always looking for Best interest for Shippers, stencils furnished 011 application. i Norfolk National Bank. II Southern Express Company. Adams All Merchants. Two Ways of Buying Seeds. seeds take the One way is to wait until sowing time, pick up such your local dealer happens to have in stock, and then consequences. The other way is to decide early what your ined will be, and then provide for them sensibly; it isn't sensible to buy SLEDS haphazard, as you can some tilings, lor all tlie open, tions ol farm or garden depends upon the qualities of the seids their purity and vigor. It i.s foolish to take risks 11 l necessarily. Before long you will be wanting many kinds ot .seeds for sum mer planting; DON T WAIT UNTIL VOU ARE READY TO SOW before you think of getting the seeds. Why not write to us in good time and get seeds worth your planting, high grade, throughbred seeds? We would like especially to supply your turnip seeds this se;u son, no matter how much or how little you may need. 50 cent per pound delivered at your home. GpO. 'ITfLit Ac Hon. 78 Commercial Place, Seed Growers aud Merchants, Norfolk, Va. If you feel had in the morning aud want a bracer, try .Tf n-.Yi ft mmmmmmm ON WATER STREET. r in tyt Duly. His Life-Size Crayon and Pastel Is the town Talk. For Hent. A Cottage on the beach at Nags Head, N. C. Apply to Mrs, F. L GRANDY, Elizabeth City, N. C, Trinity College Offers full course in English Language and Literature, Ancient and Modern Languages, History. Sociology, Math ematics, rnilosopny, moie, uw ana Commerce. Women admitted to all courses of study, f he largest endow ed institution of learning in the state. Board -From 6.50 to $10 Per Month Tuition $50 a Year. Next session opens September 7,1898 For Catalog ae address, JNO. C. KILGO, Durham, N. C. Jy i-6w. $500 Reward! WE will pay the above reward for any cas d Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. Io digestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot eure with West' Vegetable Liver Pills, whea the directions are strictly complied with. They ne purely Vegetable, aad ewer faril to give s& tfiiactioa. ffrr coateo. fcaigc Dexes, ag ceaai Beware ei conntenens aoa imitations. sine jk&b tiMcrorwd oal COMPANY. CmQAQ i mod imitations. Tbewttr The North Carolina College of Agriculture AND Mechanic JJits. Will re-opa September i, i93. with improved equipment in every depart ment. Twenty-three exrerienced specialists in Faculty. Full courses in Agriculturei Scien:?, Civil, Mechani cal and Electrical Engineering. Ex penses verv model ate. Pres. A. Q. IIOLLADAY Raleigh, N. C And giv es new life to the nerves. 3 arge Doses fot IO cts. See that every Bottle is Stamped with 3 Sprigs of Celery PREPARED BYYEKE DRUG CO, BALTI MORE, MD. Tames O. Wright. Ch as. J . lkkdv TAS. O. WRIGHT & CO C OMMISSIOTV 31 1 3 T OHA1VTN WHOLESALE DEALERS IN o fill Shipments Solicited. - Stencils Furnished No. 303, South Charles vStreet, ( Ivenson &. Kouniree, vn !.caaic References N. Baker & Sou, ( Trader's National 3ank. Taper