Newspaper Page Text
Tlieyr Down a,:xL All in a Heap Those commonly made, cheap ,., ,!i-.irted bicvcles that don t . tisfaction- Good Bicyc- J don't have to drop, they give -a ,t t tion. and one sells ana r so surplus stock ac- -.i-.i.u'.Ue.s. Good wheels s.Jli ;, i ...r wheie they arc known t ..; ii-lden ; their merits show the people who know a ..'..I thing after it lus been i.d want it and nothing else. 1 A V I( ) R I) JUcycles have ii: : -i; tried, tested and proven ;-. s; :n hud .f the w.ji id for i j i:i--ss d'l ility. I!" you .- ikmkiug of purchasing, if : ;,.is you to remember i i AT! I AW AY BROS., ClvAV-.'Vi.HU) Uicxelc:; are :s tile i hea n st '00:1 a,- N-'sws Adrift. PICKi-D UP 13 3CJR REPORT EfS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." Mi Tank Dexter left ve.-tc-i the .seashore. 1 IMV seem ; t b; OU til: HI- i jr.' ad di'.ioa to the Gregory :i is being built rapidly. T. C .Mien, has connected a .,e at the Branch Store, Wa .street, I'hone Xo. 125. i : nants at "ihe lun aie as n can buy lscv.l:rre for I i'aptist Sunday school , i their annual excursion to '-'s Head today. ddie Steamer Thos. Newton will ta'.:e an excursion to Nag's ! Sunday. Work on the brick building . "J. V. S harbor on Poinuexter tioet is piogrcssing. Yesterday several of our citix ens attended a pic nic at Salem church, all report a jolly time. The Steamer Newberne took a coloreJ excursion to Nag's (1j:M yesterday. Mis-; Annie Sprui.l of Orieut :. is visiting the family of Capt J i M.inu on Poindexter street. Tiie Sunday school convene lion is in session at Bcrea 1 :i 1 1 rei; . Miss Coruie White, who has ! !i yisitiug friends in Ilert :-:d returned yesterday. TOR RENT Two desirable .-'."leson Poinds, xter stree:. Ap ; i- to Cluts. II. Robinson. i is. S j Siiepdiarci and I iin haye returned from a SOU ties iighilu! trip to Virginia Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Forbes of 'Airrituck county are visiting ::T.itiyes and friends hi this eity. Th.e steamer Iveystoue, of the Albemarle Steam. Navigation Co., is at Scott's shipyard for repairs. M. L. J. Yackel, of Baltimore, was here Saturday and favor cd til is office with an agreeable rail. 1 .no slippers now "The rair." selling !or 500 at Mr. 'dough ol the Pas utiotaok Lumber Company his aoved from Martin to c t. Purgers The steamer Undine took a party down the river Sunday for a few hours it being the first trip since the Undine was TO hliilt. Messrs W. C. Sawer and Ike vvdomousk y are at Go1dsboro this week representing the Albemarle Fire Comprny at the State Fireman's Association. The ladies will give a lawn paityat Camden Court House for the benefit of Nadi's Clnpel on Friday, August 5. from six to ten o'clock p. m. The M. F. Sunday school en joyed a day at Nag's Head Wednesday, carried a good crowd aud reported a pleasant trip. The Republican Judicial Con vention has been called to meet in Klixabcth City August 23rd On the 25th of August the Republican Congressional con vention will meet at Kdenton. Another of the colored sold iers who recently left here for Fort Macon returned Wednes day after a tram p of about two weoks, giving a tough report of camp life. "Ben Hur" will be the sub j-ct of Capt. Rider's entertain', incut here next Tuesday night. It will be for the benefit of Christ Church Rectory and we hope it will be well patronized. For Sale An elegant home on Martin street; house new, conveniently arrruged, and nicely situated. For particulars and terras address. P. O. Box 236, Elizabeth City, N. C. T .arrest and nretlipct 1 Moquet and Smynra Rugs ever broueht 10 me city at "ine i air." j DOffT AND cep If it is w sell tJ The Naval Reserves gave a moonlight excursion last night to the mouth of Pasquotank river 011 the steamer Uridine, which proved to be a most de pghtful occasion. The Elizabeth City base ball club played a game oi ball yes terday at Hertford with the club at that place, resulting in a score of 6 to 7 in favor of the Hertford boys. Have j-ou seen those 49c. Paid; at 'The Fair." The school committee has i reappointed tha following teach ers of the Elizabeth City Public Prof. YV. M. Hinton, Principal; Mrs. Minnie Brooks, and Misses Linda DeLou, Clinnia Cart wright aud Florence Bell, Assistants. Mr Abram Haskett, an em ployee os the BladeB Lumber Company, while pnlling a beard from the surtacer Wednesday morning his foot slipped into the cutters and was badly injur ed. The wounds were dressed byvDr. Lumsden, aud at last reports lie was resting well. The case of H. T. Greeuleal lor himself and other taxpayers, vs. lioarci 01 commissioners 01 Pasquotank County, was decid ed in favor of the plaintiff to continue the restraining order to the hearing. This is the case where the Commissioners were going to accept the bridge over Kuobbs creek at Blades mill and make it a public charge. The plaintiff asked the court to re strain the Commissioners until the case could be tried Mr. E F. Lamb has always had to keep up the bridge as part of his ferry road. The commissioners pro posed to relieve .Mi. Lamb of the burden of keeping up the bridge, This will be tried before a jury hereafter. Persons troubled with diar rhoea will be interested in the experience 0 Mr. W. YV. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorrance, Provi dence, R. I. He says : "For several years I have been almos a constant sufferer from diar rhoea, the frequent attacks com pletely prostrating me and ren dering me unfit for my duties at this hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottle ol Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my surprise and delight its ef fects were immediate. When ever I felt symptoms of the dis ease I would fortify myself against the attack with a few doses of this valuable remedy The result has been very satis factory and almost complete re lief from the affliction.'' For sale by W. W. Griggs & Sou Druggist. SMOKE The World's Favorite 5c. Cigar. Manufactured by STEVEN'S Sc Co., JUillzaioCiJU. Vyiiy. WALK, PSESP1RE LOSE YOUR TEMPER Crawford Bicycle. cool and enjoy not convenient to A Typical Tar Heel Mr. W. G. Templetou, of Col lumbia, S. C. has written to General Cowles iu regard to the recent slander of the State. Mr. Templeton in closing said: "I am proud of being a North , recurripg sianuers ui uic oc&lc certainlystir up my "Tar Heel" blood. Please let me have a quick reply and if necessary I can get a number of men who will be glad to volunteer." Stick x pin in a "Tar Heel anywhere and he bleeds the proper color For Trur.ks and Yalices go to Fair." The The Transport Hudson. Bearinsr North the Bodies of Capt. Caprou aud Sergeant Fish. Special from Newport News says; The transport Hudson ar rived from Santiago iu Hamp ton Roads at noon Monday. From rhe foremost mast floated a yellow flag, indicating sick ness aboard. Dr. Pettm, the national quarantine officer, boarded the vessel as soon as she cist anchor. He remained on board the vessel some time and when he came ashore it was learned that he dici not feel justified in permitting those on board to laud. The Hudson is, understood, to carry a number of sick and wounded soldiers from Santiago. The bodies of Cap tain Capron and Sergeant Ham ilton Fish are on the ship en route north for interment. It is said that Sylvester Scovel, the New York uswspaper corres pondent, who was ordered from Cuba because of insulting con duct toward General Shafter' is also aboard. "A stitch in time. "A doe of A3er's Pills has saved many a fit of sickness; but when a remedy does not happen to be at band, slight ailments are lia ble to be neglected, aud the result, frequently, is serious illness; tnerefore always be supplied with Ayer's Pills. THE VETERANS DROPPING AWAY. How the list of Totally Disabled Confederate Soldiers is Shortening. A more pitiful list than that of the totally disabled Confeder ate soldiers it would be hard to suggest. One is kept in the States Auditor's office, and as it is transcribed from year to year on the books for the payment of $10 per mouth pension from the State it shows how the veteians are pissing. Glancing down the page one is struck with the fact that nearly or quite three-fourths of those on this splendid roll of honor are totally blind. In 1896 there were 38 on the Hst of Matbaways life. pay Cash totally disabled; in 1S97 there w-ie. 37; in 1S98, though the who was number 22 in alphabeti cal order last year has moved up t number 18 this year. Ten dollars a month is so little to pay to the man who is old asi'l 1 y i Qnrati? flirt 1 1 . 4- 1 f the pensions might be increased If You Wish to b2 Well . You must fortify your system against the attacks of disease. Your blood must be kept pure, your stom ach and digestive organs iu ordei, your appetite good. Hood's sarsapa rilla is the medicine to build you up, purify and enrich j our blood aud give you strength. It creates an appetite and gives digestive power. Hood's Pills are the favoiite family cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate A Santiago Incident. Private Daniel Davis, of the Sixth United States infantry and a participant iu the fighting before Santiago, relates this instance of the cool daring of a member of his regiment: "I was lying in one of the trenches," he saidj. "About eight feettomyleft was the French military attache, occupying a somewhat exposed position. Be tween the military attache and me was a member of my com pany. Disdaining to lie down and hungry for a smoke, he reached into his pocket and took out a clay pipe and some tobacco He had just lighted the pipe aud taken a few whiffs when a Mauser bullet clipped the stem close to his mouth. Lookiug down and seeing that the bowl was not broken and that sufficient oi the stem re mained to afford a purchase for his lips, he picked up the pipe, tfilled it with tobacco again, lit it and calmly proceeded to smoke. The French officer's eyes gleamed with admiration as he exclaimed: "What stuff are you Americans made of anyway?" We are glad to say that those who hav been very sick in our place, are'now convalescent. Hall's Hair Renewer is pronounced the best preperation made for thicken ing the growth of the hafr and restor ing that which is gray to its original color. Kad Admiral Sampson been as considerate in his treatment of Ccminodore Schley as Gener al Miles was of General Shafter he would have been much more popular with -his countrymen, and would now think equally as well of himself. He robbed Schley of nothing but he hurt himself. Just received a big lot of Lace cur tains at "The Fait." They Will All Go. YViShington, D. C, July 23. Troops A. and C. also the Penna Squadron of Cavalry at new Camp Alger has been ordered to proceed at once to Newport News, and embark for Porto Rico with Haines brigade at eleven forty. m m . Cducnt Yoar Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever tOo, S5c. II C C C. fail, druggists refund maue WEEK ST EDEHT8H. Mr. J. D. Bateinau has return ed home from a commercial trip. Mr. Altec. Ward, of Del videre, is visiting ie' Uiv.s on Magnolia street. Miss Lena Wal-M : nfVnrfnll- S V S finer Mice MuA,,- UsnA - uiduvmc Direct. Mr. II. M. S. Cason his opened a very neat drug store 0:1 King street iu the Hush building. The Bra uning Mfg. Co's, tug Ann and Hammer is receiving a. new boiler this week. After spending several days nere with friends Miss Hattie Di jkerson of Coleraine, left for her heme Saturday. I here will be a moonlignt excursion on the steamer Olive to Laurel Point Lighthouse this evening. -UTS A. M Hawkins Spent several clays 111 Norfolk this week on a visit to her daughter, Mr. li. 1. Woodard E. L. Messrs H. R. onger and Henry Skinner will ie e today tor iaes Head on the steam launch Katrina. Rev. W. M Watson left this week to spend his vacation in Western North "Carolina. His family accompanied him. Mrs. T. L. Dail died Monday at her home on Magnolia street, leaving a husband and three small children. Mics Lizzie Bateinan who vciy 111 wiui typuoia feve last week while on a visit a le w ua) s ao aim we are giad - to learn in imnrovincr rnro'HIv as can be expected u is r Edeuton is to have a hundred thonsand dollar cotton mill. A very enthusiastic meeting was leld at the Court House Tues day night iu the interest of or ganizing a company tor the erection of a cotton mill at that place. The meeting was well attended, especially by the bus iness and uionied men or thp town- Mr t n Prufo., vv, . . x x uuvu, n cuosen cnairinau or tue maetiug, made a plain, forcible address in favor of the mill, fully discus sing the necessity of such ' an enterprise. E. S. Norman was appointed secretary. After some little discussion by others present a motion was made that on the raising of fifty thousand dollars the company be organi zed for business. It was then decided that the shares of stock be $ 100 each, payable 5 per cent eacn Iliontn, Wliereupou tlie subscription book was Opened and shares to the amount of 32 wcic liiiuicuiaieiy tasen. A motion was then offered that a committee of five be appointed to solicit stock. The committee was appointed next morning by the chairman and at this writing we hear the gentlemen selected are rapidly uearing the $ 50,000 mark. The interest we see manifeated by those of our citi zens who are able to invest in such an enterprise and the lib, cral manner in which they are taking stock we can safelv- sav Frlpntrm will snnn hnv n "r-nttmi mill. Xi u. ft? cp-- a a Causes fr.ily l'nlf the sickness in the world. It r-'tain.s tht; li!;'Mou' foiid t.10 long in the bowels jii'C(';;f-s l-aiousuess. torpid liver, indl- gost;..:!, h.;d t:isu eoaioil ton.u.-, sicit headaehe, in somnia, etc. JI'Mj'l's rills curei-onstiiiatic:) and all its results, easily and thoroughly. -25c. .AlldrufTirists. Prepared by ('. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell. Mass. The onlv I'dl-s to take with Hood's S;irsapar:i!a. ANY OO X O OX WATER STIM3ET. l m l nS Only. His Life-Size Crayon and Pastel is the town Talk. North Carolina Yel low Pine in No. 3 and 3 Flow ing' Ceiling Base and Stock Sizes, quoted to Phillipsburg, N. J. Address Box 154, Eas ton, Pa. Notice of Administration. Having qualified as Admin istrator of the late Jas. A. Brite, I hereby give notice to all pers sons indebted to his estate to come forward and make imme diate settlement and those hold, ing claims against the same to present them for payment within twelve months from the date of this notice, or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. J. C. SPENCE, Admistrator. G. W. Ward, Att'y. June 10, 1898. i "HIS TT n m n rt Ti 1 Tl TT T W THS ftTLftNTIC COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Elizabeth City, N. C. 21st Annual Session Opens SKPTE3IBEK lOtli, 'IKS. The Oldest and largest school iu Eastern North arolina. A prepara tory and finishing school for both sexes. nn I , " ! . rno 1 SU VOurse, , 0,v,--c-.-, uasaj Lourse, Lolkge Preparatory Course, Dusintss Coarse, Instrumen tal Music Course, Vocal Music Course. Diplomas issued upon the coniDle- lioP J the al,ove courses. - M ............ uiv. kC&kW ' lit versity and the leading colleges of the Slate iiou certificate from this school Studen's prepared for the I'. S Mihtirv and Naval Academies Full faculty of skilled teachers ;cach a specialist in his or her department Terms as low as consistent with liih grade work. Write .or catalo-ue. Address, S. L SHKKP, Principal. Largest patronage and fullest equip- , 111 111 us u:slory- acuity, 3s ; &tu raV 'cLTsT IoSouai Sehoo'.s, iu Law, Medicine and I'har niacy. Advanced Classes open to women. mouUl. Amoie ooDortunitics for seif- help. Scholarships and loans for the needy. .Summer School for Teachers, ; 2 Instructors, 185 Students. Total enrollment, 670. Tor Catalogue, Ad- dress, PRESIDENT ALDERMAN, Chapel Hill, N. C. THE STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE .... vueis me young women 01 me mate Offers the tllorouL7U professional, literary, clasn- tiou. Animal Excuses few Faculty of 30 members. More JO. than 400 regular students, lias matricula- j w - , t) v v. winiue t.i k.') x a v. w la v 1 A. 1 every country in the State except two. 1'ractice and Obsovation School of about 300 pupils. 7 jr;v dormitories, nil free-tuition applications must be made bej ore Ait git: I . Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information, address PRESIDENT MclVER, Greensboro, N. C. NEWPORT NEWS FEMALE. SEMINARY, NEWPORT NEWS, VA. '-"'F5 icaeners, t...ii f t;.,:.. 1 i abreast of the times in all approved methods, r.uiiding buck, modem in an 11s appointments, uiorouginy venti lated, lighted by electricity. Rooms well furnished and carpeted. Hot and cold baths. Location unsurpassed. Instruction thorough. Terms moder-1 ate. tor lurcher information, send lor catalogue or apply to MRS. M. Vv. HARWOOI), Prin. Newport News. Ya. ILViiiity Col!ko uners uui course iu r,ngiisn languaee aud Literature, Ancit-ut and Modern Laniiuages, History. Sociology, Math- ?,matlcs' rulI"fPn'. l.b1?. if a",(! courses of study. The largest endow- ed institution of learning in the state. Beard FfOm 6.50 to $10 Per . r Month 1 uition 3bO a Year. Next session opens September 7,1898. For Catalogue address, JNO. C. KILGO, Durham, N. C. JJ' ,6w- The North Carolina College of Agriculture AND Mechanic rts Will re-open September 1S9S, with impruvcu cquipuicuL j 11 e.eiy uepiiri- ment. f weuty-three experienced specialists in Faculty. Full courses iu Agriculture, Scien:, Civil, Mechaui- cal and Klectrical lineiueeriug. ljx- penses verv moderate. Pres. A. Q. HO LI, AD AY Raleigh, N. C The partnership heretofore ex isting between J. A. Swain and D. O. Newberry, under the firm name of J. A. Swain & Co., is this day dissolved, D. O. Nev berry, retiring. Mr. T. A. Swain will continue the business under the same name and assume the debts of the old firm. All parties indebt- eel to the late finn will pay the n,n,mt sn d,1P to Mr. Swain. amount so due to Mr. Swain. J. A. SWAIN, D. O. NEWBERRY Columbia, N. C, June 15, 1S98. Brick! Brick! THOMPSON BRICK WORKS, The leading brick manu. facurers of this section are now ready to supply orders at short notice. This plant has been in active operation for twenty years, and they guarantee satisfaction as to quality and price. fewest riok gave Stood tljfr Test And reflex action will be a guide to your lurther pur chase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere Call Telephone No. 2, or address F.G. THOMPSON, Mgr ELIZ. CITY.C. N. For Hent. A Cottage on the beach at Nags Head, N. C. Apply to Mrs. F. L. GRANDY, Elizabeth City, N. C, 11 to 25 50 ABSOLUTELY CWWRTFEDirir;!rj r t ... ' r 1 1 1 o 3 n m Y. m m W b n H 3- m m A k4 ill . - f I Of: - M ' .J. ! 1 1 i i 1 I - . 1 -' '.' 1 !(?)! 1 ! "I ill if 1 5- 1 - I i (Esablished 1887.) ?ev ej&& IP33 CU ra Ira ei n rj 11 J 11 Shipments licited z5 Stencils Furnishod. Mercantile Agencies, r . 1 City National Bank, Ret c renecs w-.-.- . -1, 1 n J Citizen s Bank, and ( Wholesale Shippers. WK KMPLOY NO AGENTS ' Established 1886. Most Reliable Hoi,sc Fish Commission Blorchants JLtJ Best Facilities. Best Location. Always looking for Best interest for Shippers , -i r :t.,l stencils furnished on appli cation. Two Ways of Buying Seeds, One way is to wait until sowing time, pick up such seeds your local dealer happens to have in stock, and then take the consequences. The other way is to decide early what your need will be, and then provide for them sensibly; it isn't sensible to I t t A T-x I 1 1 ouY udFMa,u,o3 tions of farm 01 garden ciepenas upon i tne quaiuies 01 me seeds their purity and vigor It is foolish to take risks unnecessarily. Before lo" b? ?'fit,"?VT",ffny "rTS A r planting; DON'T WAIT UNTIL .YOU ARL READY TO SOW before you think of getting the seeds. Why not write to us in good time and get seeds worth your planting, high grade, throughbred seeds? We would like especially to supply your turnip seeds this sea son, no matter how much or how per pound delivered at your home. 5r0. 'irait Ac Son. 78 Commercial Place, Seed Growers and Merchants, Norfolk, Va. James O. Wright. Chas. J. Lkedv TAS. O WRIGHT & CO Cd3I3IfSSION 3IXXC1IT WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Shipments Solicited. No. 303, South Ivenson References X N. Baker & Son, " Taper f Trader's National Bank. AmiC s Mrv;MP-M,i XmM ALL or. :i:.t ..U n. ;'..'nr.'U n the Uul it., . ' ?fi f. J"i i i- r.-ii nniartlrMahi. kiaJ 1 llv, 1., .... ,l .;fri!. in.. r iPW tor ...T V) rt t3 4) 3 rt w r. o n '1 D O o -1 o a o rt rt 5 n c C3 rt n o rt a - o a . rt .1 O iJ - O cr 10 o a U a, rt 3 lTT L. (SOMMiSgiorj if Norfolk Norfolk National Bank. Southciu Express Company: Adams " All Merchants. ... -.11 4.1- . - - imu?.s'.,ul little you may need. 50 cen O - Stencils Furnished Charles Street, & Rountree, Wlrolesale Gro. t4 ri u u 4 ri ci a m