Newspaper Page Text
, FISHEttMJJf & FARMER BY MITCHELL- A. H. Entered at the Post Office at Elisabeth Cit '-S3 ond class matter. ELIZABETH CITY, NOV. 17 i99' Imperialism comes high. Our army and navy is now costing $650,000 a clay, with more pros than decrease. Vnnnp Mr. Hobson now has a a chance to distinguish himsel as a wrecker in saving the Charleston from that Philippine reef. vState Superintendent Mebane has written letters to severa counties complaining that the magistrates' fines, which belong to the school fund, have noi been reported to the clerks, anc the schools have lost consider" able bv this neglect. He calls attention to the law on the sub iert. which is verv strict. This j matter is important and should not be overlooked by the per sons interested. Reports from South Africa are invariably favorable to the lioers. There has been no mater ial change since the battle at Ladysmith, in which the British were defeated. Reports are vague and indefinite, but the re peated report that Kimberly is at the meicy of the Boer? is dis quieting. Kimberly is the town built upou the , great diamond mines. There is gloom in Eng land. Twenty thousand of her soldiers are due to reach South Africa this week. The Supreme Court has hand ed down a decision confirming the decision of the Superior Bench in the case of Rev. Mr. Gattis against Rev. John C. Kils vro, D. D., and a number of Methodist gentlemen connected with the ClarloKilgo trial- to the effect that the suit entered by Gattis was incorrectly ar ranged, two separate cases of ac tion being joiaed in one. The case is not dismissed, Mr. Gab tis and his lawyeis having op portuuity to put his grievance in proper form. MUMFORD. Mrs. M. W. Bufkins, of place, is on the sick list week at her home. this this George Saunders (col.) was shot last Monday while trying to kill a run mad dog. Mr. J. E. Bright, of Berkley, Va., who has been visiting relas tives and friends at this place returned home last Tuesday. Miss Addelaid Dellainaune, cf Norfolk, spent last week in this county on a visit to relatives and friends. M. The ComiDg Winter. A weather prophet predicts that the coming winter will be a mild one for the following rea sons : "The husks on the corn are thinner than usual, and this is taken as a sure indication of warm weather until late in the winter. Birds that go south with the first approach of winter have begun repairing their nests built this spring, showing they will stay in this region .until late in the fall. The fur of the chip munk and squirrel, which is heavy just previous to a hard winter is found to be thin." In addition to this, persim mons afe scarce, some trees hav no fruit at all. 'Coon grapes, however, are plentiful. The mast in the woods is not great, and Nature seems to have made light provision for the birds and beasts. No Kiglit To Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will al ways have fiiends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sick ly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pirn pies, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medi tee in the world to regulate she stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, blight eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich com plexion. It will make a good looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at Griggs & Son drug store. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Save Your Money. One box of Tutt's Pills will save many dollars in doctors' biili They willsurely cure all disease1 of the stomach, liver or bo weis No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsi malaria, constipation and bilio usness, amillion people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS NEWS ITEMS FROM EDENTOK The Birth-Place of The Fisher man & Farmer. Dr. Dillard has returned after a weeks' absence. Another photograph gallery will be opened here soon. Mrs. M. H. White is at Straw berry Hill visiting relatives. Officer RobinsoM was at Nor folk this week on business. Mrs. Emily Walk, of Avoca, visited relatives here this week. Mr. T. E. Gardner has been on the sick list for the past few days. Rev, W. S. Waff, of Reynold aon, is in town on a visit to rels atives, Miss Pattie Bunch is spend insr a while with relatives in Norfolk. Mr. W. S. Pendleton, of Washington, N. C, was in town the past week. Messrs. Thomas Elliott and Dr. McKay are off on a business trip to Baltimore. Messrs. P. L. Rea, B. F. Fran cis and James Doudy spent yess terday in Norfolk. Mrs. Pattie Gilbert of Eliza beth City, is here on a visit to friends and relatives. Miss Irma Brinkley returned home Saturday from her visit to relatives in Washington City. Mr. McG. Green, now of Co umbia, spent Suuday very pleas antly witn friends in Edenton. Large shipments of peanuts and cotton are being brought here daily by the N. &. S. steamers. The ice cream and oyster sup per given by the young ladies of Byrdsville, near town, was great- y edjoyed. Mr. N. J. Hollowell has moved ms stock 01 srroceiies Iroin Cheap Side" to the store 011 West Broad street. Mr. T. E. W7hite was called to Belhaven Tuesday morning by elegram to the bedside of his brother, who is quite sick. Last Saturday night a certain young man of this place went to the home of a colored citizen while intoxicated and acted very badly. Monday he was be fore the Mayor and was required to give bond for his appearance at the Superior Court lo answer for his conduct. MANTEO. Mr. Joseph Keaton is on a visit to his old home in Nixon ton. Mrs. S. A. Griffin is quite sick we hear, hope she will soon be out again. Mrs. S. C. Whitehurst, of Skyco spent a day in E. City this week, having Dr. White to do some dental work for hr. Mr. Gardener, of Hamilton, was in Manteo this week, pros pecting. He is thinking of mov ing here to engage in the oyster business. Mr. E. N. Anketell has res turned lrom his trip with his house furnishings. He intends to remodel his building and have it on the modern plan, with water works and electric lights. Dr. F. P. Gates has moved from Mr. Moran Jennett's resi dence, where he has been rent ing, to his own place that he recently purchased of Mr. Napol eon Midgett. The Ladies Missionary Soci ety met Monday afternoon at Mrs. John Hayman's. The next meeting was appointed for Mrs. W. B. Fearings. Mr. Midgett,of Chicainicomico has moved his family to Manteo and will occupy the residence formerly owned by Mr. S. E. Mann winch he has purchased and will make it his future home. Mr. Elisha Griffin left last week to have his cancer treated again, two more places having broken out on his neck. E. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Signature of CiS&f DISMAL SWAMP CANAL New York Capitalists Negotiat ing for Purchasing the Property. Baltimore, Md , Nov 15. Negotiations are pending for the sale of the Lske Diummond Canal and Water Company which owns and operates the Dismal Swamp Canal A New York syndicate 's anxious to se cure control of the property and made an offer for the purchast of the securities of the compam ome time ago to Messrs. Alex ander Brown & Sons, of this city, who managed the finances of the company, and several con ferences have since been held It is understood that if the dea is made the locks at both end: of the canal will be abauboned and the waterway widened suf ficiently to permit the passage of larger vessels than those that now ply the course. The Lake Drummond Canal and Water Company is a Balti more corporation. The company recently acquired the properties, franchises and privileges, and rehabilitated the waterway. Rbeumacide is not recommended for the cure of every ill; it d es not cure everything. But it is a certain cure for rheumatism, and is a fine blood purifier and laxative; try it. Resolutions of Eespect. University of North Carolina, Philanthropic Hall, November 11, '99 Whkrkas, it has pleased God in His allwise providence to re move from time to eternity our late friend and fellow member Edward L. Abbott, be it there fore. Resolved 1st, that while bow ing in humble submission to the will of Him who hath the pow er to give and to take away we, the members of the Philanthv ropic Society cannot but lament over our sad bereavment. Resolved 2nd, that we extend our warmest sympathy to the family and friends of the deceas ed. Resolved 3rd, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the afflicted family, that a copy be sent to the Elizabeth City Econ omist, the Elizabeth City Fish erman & Farmer, the Univer sity Magazine and the Tar Heel with a request that they be pub lished and that these resolutions be placed on the minutes of our society C E. Thompson, Com. 1 T. L. Harris, ( B. S. Skinner Drs. W. W. Griggs & Son guarantee every bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to any one who is not satished after using two thirds of the contents This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup aud whooping cough aud is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. SflAWBORO. Mr. Ben Sivills is on the sick ist. Mr. J. E. C. Tell went to Nor olk Saturday. Mr. R. E. Flora was in E. City Monday. The water tank here has been greatly improved with paint. Mrs. G. E. Stevenson and daughter Eva, went to E. City Saturday. Miss Annie Shaw has re turned home after spending some time in Edenton with her aunt. Mrs. C. D. Bundy. of E. City, spent some days with her moth er, Mrs. Samuel Sivills, this week who has been very ill. We are glad to note she is im proving. S From New Zealand. Reefton, New Zealand, Nov. 23, 1S96. I am very pleased to state that since I took the agency of Cham berlain's medicines the sale has been very large, more especially of the Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold more of this particular remedy than of all other makes for the previous five years. As to its efficacy, I have been informed by scores of per sons ot the good results they have received from it, and know its value irom the use of it in my own nousenold. It is so pleasant to take that we have to place the bottle beyond the reach of the children. E. J. Scantlebury. For sale by Griggs & Son. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures them; also Old. Run ning and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Paius and Aches Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Griggs & Son Druggist, Belcross. Belcross, N. C, Nov. 10th, 1899 Mrs. Mary E. Ferebee died at the home of Mr. H. K. Tarking ton her father 011 Oct 30th 1899 aged 36 years and six months she was a consistent member of Sawyer's Creek Baptist church for twenty years. She was a kind and loving daughter, and wil be greatly missed by her relatives and friends. Wre extend to her bereaved parents our sincere yir.palhy A. H. Godfrey. The Best Piaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound ou to the affected parts is superior to any plaster vvnen troubled witn a pain in the chest or side, or a larne back irive it a t. ial. You are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm is also a cer tain cure for rheumatism, sale by Grigg & Son. For Grandy N. C. Mr. W. H. forces, ot JNO. 9 L. S. S., is at his home sick. Mr. Nathan Owens, of Jarvis burg, spent Suuday at this place. Mrs. T. S. Baum who has been verv sick lor some time we are glad to hear is now improving. Miss Laura Woodhouse who has been visiting her sister Mrs. J. J. Evans, of Corolla has re turned home. Mrs. D. W. Woodhouse and Mrs. Dora Tarkenion, of Pjplar Branch, was the highly appre ciated guest of Mrs. William Barco Sunday evening Mr. Julian Aydlett, of Curris tuck C. H., was down to see his best girl Sunday. Come again Julian. B. G, Bismarck's Iron Nerve. Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitabie will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Griggs & Son drug store. PROOF. It is an easy matter to claim that a remedy has wonderful curative power. The manu facturer of RHEUM AGIDE leave it to those who have been permanently and positively cured of RHEUMATISM to make claims Ajnonj; those who have re cently written us voluntary letters saying they have been cured are : Rev. J- L. Foster, Raleigh, N.C.; Mr. J. E. Robiuson, Editor, Ooldsboro, JS. C. , Daily Argus; Mr A. Daus, a prominent merchant, Macon, Ua., and Mr, W. R. Duke, a railroad man, Kansas City, Mo. RHEUMAClOe WILL CURE YOU. Manufactured bv the Bobbit Drug Co., Raleigh, N. C. Sold in E. City by Dr. J. E. Wood, Standard Pharmacy and VV. W. Griggs & Son. Brick! Brick! THOMPSON BRICK WORKS. The leading brick mauu. facurers of this section are now ready to supply orders at short notice. This plant has been in active operation for twenty years, and they guarantee satisfaction as to quality and pi ice. gfyest (Brisk gave Stood fast And reflex action will be a guide to your iurther pur chase. You could do worse, aud we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere Call Telephone No. 2, or address F. G.THOMPSON Mgr ELI CITY, N.C. Boarders Wanted. Terms Reasonable. Apply to Mrs. Claude Fore man, 78 Pennsylvania Ave, NOTICE. North Carolina, InSupepriorCourt V before Tyrrell County. ) GD.LivemanC.S.C T. L- Jones and wife I. C. Jones; G. L. Liverman and wife M. E. Liverman; L. W. Penuiugton and wife N. C. Pennington; J. F. Da venport and wife S. L. Da venport; John White and wife Victoria White; J. I. Jones; T. L. Spencer and Claude Armstrong, against Plaintiffs. A7i.-rri "Wlilf-- 'I'll n nn u White; C. H. M. sites and wife Phoebe Sikes; Mary Ashbee; Lillian Spencer; Defend'ts George Armstrong; Claude Armstrong; Jesse Owens and Cottie Owens. The Defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Tyrrell county for the partition of a certain parcel or tract of land in Gum Neck Township, Tyrrell county and fully described in the complaint filed in this cause; and the Defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of said county and state, on Monday, January 8th, 1900, at his office at the Court House in .said eouuty in Columbia, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for relief demanded in said complaint. G. L. Liverman, Clerk Superior Court. I. M. MEEK INS, Atty. for Plaintiffs. ' This November 15, 1899. No-i7-6t. FROM MOYOCK. Mr. B. E. Fletcher, of Black water, is quite ill. There is a large boat load of oysters up here this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cox spent last Sunday at Blackwater. Dr. S. M. Mann went to Nor folk and returned Tuesday. Mr. Hillery Powers, of Cen terville, spent last Sunday here. Mr. John Lee, of Not th west, has moved his family to Nor folk. Mr. II. M. Dozier moved his family from hereto Portsmouth last week. Rev. N. P. Stallings, of Hert ford, is spending the week here gunning. Mrs. A. E. Toues, of E. City, is visiting relatives and friends here this week. Mr. Ernest Dozier moved his family from this place to Black water this week. Mr. M. C. Poyner is improv ing so that he is able to be out again. He is still very feeble. Messrs. J. D. Whitehurst, A. F. Holt, J. B. Cox aud VV. P. Creekmore went to Norfolk on business Tuesday. A PRETTY MARRIAGE. At Moyock M. E. church, Wednesday the scene of a very pretty marriage. The contract ing parties were Mr. John D. Whitehurst, of Hickory, Va., and Miss Mamie V. Wilson, of Mo yock. The bride looked very charming in white silk mull, trimmed in ruffles of white satin ribbon with flowers. Miss Mae Wilson, of E. City was Maid of Honor; also in white, and Mr. Will Whitehurst, brother of the 1 groom, was oest man. ine church was beautifully decora ted with Chrysanthemums and Evergreens. They were mar ried with a ring and the cere mony was most impressively performed by Rev J. Y. Old, as sisted bv Rev. H. M. Giles. Af ter the ceremony a reception was given at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wilson. A grand supper was served and every body had a delightful time. The bride received many handsome presents. Monday a dinner and reception was given at the home of the groom at Hickory, Va. The happy couple will reside lere and may good luck attend them. C. K.luca'fi Yo'ir Itowels VVitli tasoarprs. Candy Cathartic, cur: constipation forever Oc. 25c. If C. O. C. fail, drucists refund mcuev w DO YOU B eautiful . Ves! . to ill it l) 4i 1 HAVE YOU . .!'. Then try it and you will be happy. m STANDARD PHARMACY $ Cor. Road and Fearing Sts. J JTr THE ELIZABETH Manufacturers of All kinds of Riding Vehicles, Harness, Whips & Lap Robes GENERAL REPaiR Will Sell for Cash or ou Time TVo. 76 fin a 78 ELIZABETH First Door North Weeksville. Dr. Lister is kept quite busy practicing his profession. Our farmers are about done nicking cotton. The crop is a o very short this year. Mr. L. L. Winder was in our section on Saturday buying rice, the crop this year has been fairly good. Mr. Joseph Wilson, of E. City, spent last Monday vrith his brother, R. P. Wilson who is on the sick list. M. W. Lister, who is attend- iug the A. C. I. at E. City, spent last Saturday and Sunday with his parents at Elisha. Miss Maornrje Brothers, of Richmond. Va.. who has been visiting friends at Elisha, re turned home this week. Miss Annie Fulgham, of Nan cemond couuty, Va., arrived this week to teach the public school at Elisha this term. Rev. C. R. Taylor delivered his last sermon for the confer ence year at Union M. E. church last Suuday and it was excellent The quarterly conference of Pasquotank ciicuit will con vene at Newbegun M. E. church on the 4th Saturdav and Sun day of this month. At The Home Bakery this week, mince, apple, lemon and pumpkin pies. Large aud small cakes always on hand or your favortte made to order. Saturday we will have besides our usual display, Boston brown bread, cream puffs, nut cake and Saratoga chips. Try our home made mincemeat, best in the city. 163 Road street, 'phone 109. Notice of Dissolution. S. M. S. Rollinson, P. W. Stevens and D. C. Whitehurst, trading as Rollinson, Stevens & Co., have this day dissolved partnership by mutual consent. S. M S. Rollinson and D. C. Whitehurst, having purchased the interest of P. VV. Stevens, will continue the business as Rollinson & Whiteherst. All persons indebted to Rol linson, Stevens & Co., will set tle the same with Rollinson & Whitehurst. All liabilities of Rollinson, Stevens & Co., are assumed by the new firm. This October 30th, 1899. S. M. S. ROLLINSON, P. W. vSTEVENS, D. C. WHITEHURST. WANT- T eeth ? 1 USED OUR- m m CITY BUGGY CO. and Dealers In- WOGK& SPECiatTY Poindexter St, CITY, N. C. of Post Cffie V I I U if H I 4 W, A ege tabic Preparation for As -similating tteToodandUcS ula ting the S tomachs and Bowels of PromotesDigcsHon.ChccTful nessandRest.Contairis neither Opium.Morphine nor Iincral. liOT Narcotic. PutnJan Set-" Mx.Smnm Anise Sst4 ZSrymrrmrrt . ftinnSctd- A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions Xeverish oess and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature ot NEW YORK. 1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER (Established i887) ODELL Fish Oldest Ylsl Commission otise i Norfolk. Shipments Solicited. mtmS xr-zs Stencils Furnished. f Mercantile Agencies, , J City National Bank, References r,... . 1, 1 1 J ! Citizen s Bank, and Wholesale Shippers. WE EMPLOY 1 B Roach Pasquotank vs County, N. C: James L Williams J Bt fore J.J. Richardson, J. P. JUSTICE COURT. It appearing to the undersigned a Justice of the Peace from the affidavit of . 13. Roach plaintiff in a certain act ion now pending before me against James L. Williams defendant, and it further appearing that the defendant cannot after due diligence be ound in the state, and that the plaintiff has a good cause of action against said de fendant aud it further appearing that the defendant is not a resident of this state, it is therefore ordered by said Justice that notice of this action be published once a week for six week in the Fisherman & Farmer a newspaper published in Elizabeth City N. C. This action is to recover of the defendant James L. Williams thirty Five Dollars seventy nine cents $35 79 and all costs of this action being the amount due the plaintiff I. 13. Roach for cutting out the defendants share 01 the lead ditch known as the Burnham Ditch in this county, the defendant will also take notice that a warrant was issued by said Justice against the defendants property on September 30th 1899, re turnable on Novemberi4th 1899 at this office in Newland Township, Pascpuo tank county, N C, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or Demur to the complaint of said plaintiff or the relief demand will de granted and all costs of this action given under my hand this 30th day of September 1899. J. J. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace. L B. Roach Pasquotank vs J-Couutv N. C. E. Bertran Williams ) Before J. J. Richardson, J. P. JUSTICE COURT. It appeariug to the nddersigned a Justice of the pence from the affidavit of I. B. Roach in the above entitled action that the defendant E. Bertran i Williams cannot after due diligence be lound in the state and that the plantiff has a good cause of action against the said defendant and it futther appear ing that the defendant is not a resident of tbis state it is therefore ordered by the Justice that notice of this action b'e published once a week for 6 weeks in the Fisherman & Farmer a news paper published in this county. This action is to recover of the above named J17.11 seventeen dollars and- eleven cents and all costs of this action being the defendants share for cutting out a certain lead ditch in this county known as the Burnham Ditch. The defendant will abo take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said Justice against the defendants property on the 30th September 1899 returnable on Noember 14th 1899 at this office in Newland Township pasquotank county N. C. When and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint of said plain tiff or the relief demaned wil L be grant ed and all costs of this action given under my hand this September 30th 1899. J. J. RICHARDSON, Justice of the peace. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent enro of rfear4U?alVheum,and eczema. Cham--J Ointment i, irZ 2 equHi. it relieves the itch rag and smarting almost instantly and to contemed use effects a permanent 0 , . ulCT5 cn, uaroer a itch scald head, sore nipples, itching pil todyernufuge Price, SJCcento. 5535 ASTORIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of You Have ways Bought. BROS 1 NO AGE1NTS Batublithed 11, Saml ML Lawdef & Pun.; WnolpttJi Co rnmlMlor :)ea I Soft Crabs, Tecrapin Etc. i inop' I ! Quick Sales ! Prom 1 f REFERENCES : radeNat'l Bank, Duns Merc a Agency, Win. Hoop 1 & , , ! ' 1 : J. J 1 , . ! , any. E. W. ALBAUGH & SON ' Wholesale Commission llercbunl nr.r n,j r j rf .rr.r r i TERR! PI N AND GAME. No. Z2i Ugbl Mv e WLar ,' BAJ : ;mc.:t: Prompt Returns, Qui kll; REFERENCE. Citizens National Bank. W. J. Hoover & Co. Stencils Furnished Free S.L.STORER&CO WfvleAle D jalers and Snip j t ' kindd of IO FULTON FISii MARKET IMSW YORK. We work harder for the inti 1 est of the Southern fishermen than any house in the business. If your Stencil is not in good 0 ei let us know, WWe Employ no Agents and PavnoCommis ions. -A - : h jl w ' GiJSiSTfcCO. : !,'.d un- 1 1 .r. Thcrf is bo Jj nature than : the symrl 1: therefore mi t (.1 diagnosis. So tu: whatdisniM:lv,, Iron Bitu-rs wih' . ; . It ' . vrcl 1 nilef ; :, r : in ad 1 . rvrti dealer U'i x . ... tttt-r bo .. ;r( :. ; 111.1t li, M r;i ij .Sv 10 ,,, tilt: r 1 Browns' Iron ihit Air R lV The Kind m H ATA ft U JWWIUHIM THE CINTtUR COi..PNV. niwvo-k n m mm h u