Newspaper Page Text
BAKER GOES TO HIS HOME. Had a Chisel Removed From His Head at St. Joseph's Hoc pita I. Charles C. Baker, the Mr. patient at St. Joseph's Hospital was successfully operated upon on October 25th by the re- of a steel chisel from his head, left the hospital yesterday afternoon, and a few hours later Waynesboro, Pa. The only ev idence remaining of the incision ade through which the chisel 1 . 1 was extracted is a scarcely visi- ble scar-like line about two and one-half inches in length below the right eye, and running - 1 obi iauelv from the bridge ot the . . r . 1 " , - 1- 1 ,1-. n nose. rjeiore laKiiig ms ucpai-1 tur Tr TinVr said : Uii " Whenever I think of my re- markable experience, it seems that I am living beyond my timr When reached Jiere mv .. 1 " ' . w - pain had grown extremely in tense; but when I learned that a Here Short took her to the house long steel was imbedded in my of an acquaintance and introduc face, I lost hope, and Irom then on until prepared for the ordeal of the operation, I could think of nothing but the worst. But my recovery has inspired me .1 t 1 1 witn new nope, and, uniess something unforseen should ar ise, I shall in a few days be back at my old bench. I am not in the least frightened off, as 1 know the affair was purely acci dental, which might occur with any machine of the kind. It is impossible for me to express my gratitude to all who rendered me this valuable service, but I think that is naturally under stood." During his last few days at the hospital a large number of call ers were received, among whom were Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop John J. Keane. Baker was particularly anxious to get back to his home, where I a wife and two young children I await him. Baltimore Ameri- 89 NEEDLES IN HER BODY. Wilmington (Del.) Girl Proves to be a Human Cushion. Wilmington, Del., November 12. A young woman as a hu man needle cushion is the re markable case that is exciting much interest among the physi cians of this city. About two months ago Han nah Reardon came tu Wilming ton from Ireland and secured a position with the family of J M. Mather, on Madison street Several weeks ago she complain ed of a sore finger, and Dr dwitinn vnandier was summon ed. To the surprise of the Doc tor and the girl herself, he found four whole needles in her finger. He removed the needles, but the pain continued, and subsequent ly the Doctor removed five more needles. The pain was not yet allaved j In all thirty-nine needles were removed from this finger, and then the needles began to come out all over the girl's body. The physician continued opera tions until eighty-nine needles in all wTere removed from Han nah Reardon's body. The X ravs will be used this week to see if any more can be found rr a r . i n twenty ot cue needles were whole, but the others were brok- en up. Dr. Chandler says he does not know of a similar case The girl is 19 years old, weighs but eighty pounds, and is four feet three inches tall. It is believed that so manv need m ----- . in her body stunted her growth She said, in explanation, that when a child her parents died, and she was placed in a Roman Catholic convent. Then the younger girls were accustomed to steal neeaies irom tne older ..a . 1 11 r . t , , I ones, and to keep them irom oe- ing discovered they would put the needles They often in their mouths, swallowed them. The needles are supposed to have been in the girl's bodv since her school days. Dr. Lhandler says that before the girl came to this country because of her delicate health, she did but little work, but that her household duties and her stooping ana bending posture in sweeping caused the needles to slowly work toward the surface oi her body. The operations have made her ill. o Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought HANGING TO GOOD. If the Father Had Foilnd Short the Coroner Would Have Been Needed. News of a very distressing affair in Gulledge township reacties us ii seems mat i Sunday night Alec Short, a young man about 21 years or age, made an appointment with Miss Rassie, the 19-year-old daughter of Mr. C. M. Gaddy, to run away ana marry mm. aiic )uuuS iu met Short at the place agreed upon and he explained to her l ,..r Uot Vi i c h mcp a n rl su sue sap, m buggy and a minister, who was to marry them, were waiting lor them on down the road apiece When they reached the place I ..1 . n ,. linreo KtiniVU incic wia ohuwi uvjlj., nor minister, but bhort, on one 1 ' pretext or another, persuaded or possibly compelled the gin to go on with him until they I r m a 1 T lL n tin a v. about A O CIOCK in iuc J , I morning, arrived at McFarlan. ed her as his wife. Early Mon day morning Short deserted the girl at McFarlan, going no one knows where. Mr. Gaddy, when he first diss I 1 ll 1 fl.: Jni.rvllt covered tne absence ui m uaugm er, was told that she had run away to marry Short, and his indignation and anger can be imagined when he learned the true state of the case. Tuesday so enraged was he, that he sought Short all day, with a double bar rel shot gun, and had he found him there would probably have been a iob for the coroner. Wadesboro Messenger and In- tellingencer. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Krank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior parner of the firm of F. Cheney & Co., aoing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for pfirli ami pvorv ene of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of , . . A M - atarrn cure. SwO n to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decern- ber, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, SEAL . wv- ) Notary Public. HalTs Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send fof testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Totedo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family P. lis are the best. KILLS WIFE AND HIMSELF. Kern's Desparate Crime in the Face of a Crowd. A sensational murder and sui cide occurred at Alleutown, Pa., last Friday morning when George W. Kern, proprietor of the Hotel Mecca, shot and in stantly killed his wife aud him-. self. The pair had not been liv iHg together for the past three months owing to Kern's ill treat ment of his wife. Mrs. Kern was employed in a laundry, aud when she hoarded a trolley car at 6 3 o clock this morning, to go to . her work, her husband followed her and stood oa the rear Plat 101111 displaying a revolver When Mrs. Kernjobservea him she ran screaming out of the iront door of the ear and sought the protection of about 200 wire and mill employes, who had just 5nished work on the night shift. Kern hastened after her and twice pulled the trigger of the pistol, but the weapon failed to discharge. The husband then dragged his wife into his hotel and barricad ing the door with a chair, in full view of the crowd shot her dead. He ran into another room and were Kiuea nimseii. Kern was 1 I'll 1-1" r y 38 years old and his wife 29 His Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: "I was taken with lypuoid Pever, that ran into Pneumania. My lungs became hardeued. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heaad of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and stioug, I cau't say too much in its praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Griggs & Son Drug Store; everv ... ' j bottle guaranteed. One bottle of NO-HED-AKE Tab lets will convince you they are the best headache tablets on the market. Yaekel Drug Co. Baltimore. Md. B.6. M. DftVISON&CO Wholesale I Con: mission Merchants FRESH FISH Terrapin and Game. S. W. COK. CHARLES and CAMDEN ST. BALTIMORE, MD. Prompt Returns. Quick Sales. REFERENCES : Third National Bank, C. Morto ' Stew art & Co., J. A. Lebron Co. and the Trade in General. Stencils Furnished Free. S H. AHLLKU 0. WOLESAL : 'OHM S I NO. 7 FULTON FISH MKT, 'New York Clarence G, Miller, ) Miller Longbothain. Special Attention G iven to THE SALE OF NORTH CARG LIN A 3HAD. Stencils and Statiocery Furnishedon Application. WE EM PLOY NO AGENT. 4 w - 'Jl o i 3 t !5 4 H M ! a ? If QJ W w v (U M M 3 O o H o s .a SCHOONERS ARE BEING CAPTURED AND MUST BE UNLOADED ! -CALL AT- BERGERON'S THE PALAIS Job For Everybody To UNLOAD - SCHOONERS. Steady Employment for all during' tlie Summer' Fine Grocery Stand For Rent. Large store, newly remodled, situated corner Bratnbleton and Park Avenues, Norfolk, Va. This is one of the most desirable grocery stands in the city. Rent moderate, rov further luforma tion apply to TOWNSEND, JoYXES & Co., 22j Main St., Norfolk, Va HERTFORD Coffin o llei tlord. NC We manufacture all kinds o Coffins, Caskets, and other buri ' al cases. Trices quoted on ap plication. Goods shipped prom pjly. Write for information and you will save money thereby. WH. Ward, Pro! NOTICE. All persons holding interest coupons or matured bonds of the Elizabeth City Cotton Mills will please present them for payment at the Home Office of the Company, or leave them with one of the city Banks for collection. James G. Gregory, Secfy. and Treas j - TTTHnTTn A TT"i -m j k GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Inspect Our Great Offerings. Once again we are ready to do the right thing by you, and are pleased to an nounce that we now have open for inspec tion a seasonable new line of Dry Goode, Clothing, JVKUmery All Are Cordially Invited. Your Purchases From Us Shall Be Just Right Every Time. We Have Got The Goods And The Prices Right. riOSES ELIZABETH CITY, THE UNIVERSITY Of North Carolina. Widest patronage and fullest equipment in its history. Fao ulty, 38; Students, 495; 3 Acad. mic Courses; 3 Professional Schools, in L,aw, in Medicine and in Pharmacy. New Build- ,gs, Water Works, bplendld J uiDranes, lvy-uutctuuiics, jtu. Advanced Classes opeu to wo- rr 1 ' . men. 1 union $ou. a year , Board 58. a mouth. Ample op portunity for selfshelp. SchoK arships and loans for the needy. Kree tuition for teachers. Sum- iner bciiooi tor leacners. 241 Instructors, 147 students. Total enrollment 644 For Catalogue, I ddress, RESIDENT ALD3RMAN, Chapel Hill, N. C- Newport News HJilitarj caderrjy H select School for Boys and Youn9 ien Classical, Scientific, English and Commercial Courses. Thorough Preparation for College, University, the U. S. Naval and Military Academies, or for Business. For location, healthfulness, course of stucVv thoroughness of instruction and the comforts of its stuuents, this school has no superior, and scarcely an equal. The faculty is composed of degree men of ex perience, representing the b st schools of the country. If yoi are seeking the best advan tages (and vou should consider none but the best for your son, at reasonable rates, write for an illustrated catalogue to E. W. HUFFMAN, Principal. Newport News, Va Sixth Annual Session begins Sept. 12, '99. r RINITY c OLLEGE. Fortysfifth year opens Wed, nesday, September 6th. Largest endowment of any College in the South. Completest Gyna sium in the State. Board $6.50 to $10.00 per month. Loan Scholarships for worthy young men. Young women admitted to all classes. Send for Cata logue to PRESIDENT KILGO, Jne 23 6t. Durham, N C. NornjaliJndlndustrialCollege Of OSTortii Carolina. Offers to young woman thorough N N U M N literary, classical, scientific, and in-i dustrial education and special pedago gical training. Annual Expenses 90 to$i3o; for non residents $ 150. Faculty of 30 members. More than 400 regu lar students. Has marticulated about 1,700 students, representing every county in the State except one. Prac tice and Observation School of about 250 pupils. To secure board in dormi tories, all free-tuitions applications should be made before August 1. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information, address PRESIDENT McIVER, Greensboro, N. C. M 8 Number 54 TERAS CASH, THE ATLANTIC COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Oldest aud largest school in Eastern Nortli Carolina. A preparatory and finishing school foi both sexes. Twenty-second annual session opens September iSth, IS99. Courses of study: English Course, Classical Course, College Preparatory Course, Business Course, Instrumental , , v.omse, vocat music course. plomas issued upon tiou of any of the above courses. Students , admitted to the State Uni versity and the ieading colleges of the State upon certificate from the school. Students prepared for the U- S. Mili tary and Naval Academies. Full faculty of trained teachers; each a specialist in his or her depart-1 meuts. Terms as low as consistent with high 1 grade work Write for catalogue. Address, L. SHEEP, President. 1 THE j NATIONAL SALOON 1 B. F. FRANCIS, Prop. East side of Broad Street, near Wa- FINeST IN'eDSNTON. For choice Liquors, Wines, Cigars and Tobacco, there is no place bet ter prepared to supply the trade. Large stocZI of choice goods constantly on hand at prices in keeping with the times. EVERYBODY INVITED to Call. No souveniers but fine goods at Low Prices. )l Mothers q Read This. For Flatulent CoUcDiarrhcea. Dysentery, Nauaea.Coughs, Cholera Infantum. Teeth ir ? Children . Cholera. Morbus, Unnatural Drains from the Bowels, Pains, G-ipingr, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, and ail Diseases cf tba Stomach and Bowels. Pitt's Carminative fs the stn hn . Tt carries children over i.i.Tn 1. ii ;. Tii at teething, and in ree L ' ysicwns as the friend i siotncrs, ...lui'5 and Children. It is picisnnt to ite tesro. and never fails to Kte -.(MS :: .; :!') I. A! ? doSM Will strata i;s sni ei:tiv - -taos. Price. 25cts. :. Fwrwle iragwjets. per bott; Aa Oid Idta. : . ry day strengthens the belief of emi pbynefaqa that impure blood ie the jBiise of the ruajority of our diseases. 1 wenty-hve 3 ears atro this theory was used as a basis for the formula of Browns' Iron Bitters. The many remarkable cures effected by this famous old household remedy are efficient to prove that tbe theory is correct. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. kA Slioe WELSEL, Water Street, i:V BUYING 11. You can make two very serious mistakes yon can put price first in consideration, or you can let your conuemence decide the question as to where you get the seed upon which your crop depends Don't make either of these mistakes, for they are really inexcusable. Writing to us may be a little trouble, but it s the sort of trouble that saves trouble in tne long run; and saving in the cost of s.-eds is often as everybody knows, the poorest kind of economy You cannot afford not to have the best of eaaly peas no matter if the cost is a little more, or if you have to take a little trouble to gtt them. Taifs Extra Early Nonpareil and Taifs Extra Early Depot are the two best peas in cultivation. If you think this statement too strong, too "store-talky " ask the Experiment Station of your State what tlie record of these peas has been in every competitive test. We can prove they are the best. The price this season will be 3 33 per bushel for cash orders 1 GEORGE TAIT & SONS, Seed Growers and Merchants. Cures All Headache. Three Large Doses -See that every JBottle is Stamped with 3 Sprigs y ;eiCi THE rhe Choices Meats x: will be to your interest jri to give us your offers. IN THE CITY. rest Vegables a specialy. 9 f I f I Make N. C 78 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. Gives new Life To the Nerve M )R 10 o.entf. CITY MARKET Proprietor. bk o a. t enr EDENSON, N. C. ov 1 rrcl fit pll tiire?. ( LOWP.STrA.QH pptpuc THE DANGER to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding dread with which she looks i ,: . ward to tho hour of won severest trial is appreciated by b ; few. All effort should be m to smooth these rugged pi i , in life's pathway for her, ere 0 presses to her bosom her b MOTHER'S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and st a Nature that the change ward in an easy manner, wii such violent protest in the u Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gl forebodings yield to cheerful toi an hopeful anticipations she pa; t through the ordeal quickly without pain is left strong . vigorous and enabled to j perform the high and holy now devolved upon her. Sal to life of both is assured by 1 use of "Mother's Friend," the time of recovery shortcut I. "I know one laily. the mother f i 1 r children, who Buffered greatly in tin birth of each, who obtained a bottle 'Mother's Friend' of me before i fourth confinement, and was reiii quickljr and easily. 411 agree that t In r labor was shorter and les paii John Q. Polbill, Macon, it. f 1.00 PER BOTTLE at all Drutr Stoj or scut by mail on receipt of pri RHflKS ContininR invalu.ililo Inform r rorr i11'?1"1 11 WOli will lc Mnl : . rfitc any Addroaa uHn appltaatii The BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO.. tlnt. g. LAXATIVE BROMO a a 5 QUININE Moves the Bowels gently, relieves th cough, cures the feverish condition 0 and headache and prevents pneu monia. Cures in one day. Put up in tablets convenient for CO a .j o a "O taking. PRICE, 25 ro sale er all druggists. From FACTORY to CONSUMER. $1.39 buyathlB(oiact) Rattan Kocker. tho larprcHt nlz over mad-; per dozen, Our now liu page calk , containing Fur niture, Drapo rles. Crockery. Ilahy Carriage. Refrigfl rat ore. Btovt'B, Lamp. Pictures. Mir rors, Bedding, etc., is yours for the asking. Special Bupplemoritu just is sued are also free, write to lay. CARPET CATALOGUE in litho graphed colors is also mailed freo. Write for it. If you wish samples, send 8c. stamp. Matting samples also mailed forHc. All Carpel ewel free title month and Ireiiclit paid on 99 purchases and over. S $7.45 buys ft made-to-your-meas-ure Ail-Wool Cheviot Suit, expressage prepaid to your station. Write for freo cata logue and samples. Address (exactly as below), JULIUS HINRS & SON, Dept. 909. BALTIMORE, MD. Bank President Isaac Lowifl of SuMnft, Ohio, is highly rcMperU-d all through tlial section. He has lived in Clinton Co. 75 yearn, and ha heen prepident ol the Subina Bank 20 years. gla testificN to the merit of Hood's S;u -1-parilla, and what he fiayw wort I v attention. All brain worker, fintl Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adat ! I to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from tins comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive itrength. "I am glad to say that Hood' Harssi'H rllla Is very good medicine, especially as a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For several years I uunYnd greatly with pains of Neuralgia in one eye and about my temple. -- pecially at night when I had been hav a bard day of physical and mental ln I took many remedies, but found helpo jor. nly in Hood's Sarsaparilla which cured m rheumatism, neuralgia and hc-ada' Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself a t friend. I also take Hood's Pills to k my bowels regular, and like the j sep ills very mach." Isaac Lewib, Sablna, OJ j!o. Hood's Sarsaparilla lithe One True Blood Purifier. All druggie ! Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co. , Lo 1 1 u r.,,, aro prompt, effl ' llOOd f? Pi! S easy In effect. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The intense itchinc and smarting, ii- dent to these diseases, is instantly alia by applying Chamberlain's Ey and Skin Ointment. Manv vprv have been permanently cured by it J is eqnally efficient for itching piles an a favorite remedy for sore nipple9' chapped hands, chilblains, frost una enronic sore eyes, so ' Dr. Cady's Condition Powders are just what a horse needs when in " condition. Tonic, blood purifier ana vermifuge. They are not fi""1 aedicme and the best in use to put aorse in prime condition. Price ;ents per package. a (0 CO f8 X ,. .ol"PQ O 0 c o T 4) o 0 r o z mi of