Newspaper Page Text
New Adrift PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." Mr D. D. Raper is here on a visit to Ins tamily. Mr A W. Swaiu soent Tues- day in Norfolk, Va. ..... ui,r Qlmr Sale at The Fair begins on Tuesday. A slight snow storm struck the city Sunday uiht. Mr. Jacob Salomons!: y is con fined ti his home by sickness. Sever 1 mad-does were killed in Elizabeth City a few days ago. Mrs. Hattie Stokely. of Vir ginia, is the guest of fiiends in this city. Mr. Q. T. Sexton, with the Tunis Lumber Co of Berkley, is in the city. Mrs. J. N. Elliot, of Eden ton is visiting her parents near Elizabeth City. Mens and Boys Shoes at un 'ncurcl-of piicca at 1 he Sale begins Tuesday. Fair. Miss Luna Ives, of Virginia, is the guest ol Rev. J. Y family on Church st' ect. Old's Mr. W. S. Ouidley, residing I ii Cvnress .street, is a nte sick - 1 . w'tli an attack of pneumonia. Messrs M R. Fletcher and J Q. A Wood returned from Nor folk with another fine lot of horses. Miss Emma Commander re turned home Tuesda after a pleasant visit to relatives in Virginia Ladies, Misses and Infant's Shoes at astonishingly low prices at The Fair. Sale begii s on Tuesday. Mr. M. J. Sawyer, proprietor of the Central Hotel, who has been quite ill for some days :s im proving, The P. it. Williams property, at the corner of Road and Church streets has been pur chased by Dr. F. W. Lowry. Messrs M L. Davis and J. T. Morgan, who have been in Washington county on a sport- ing tup, returned with a nice lot of birds yesterday. Miss Sarah J .ckson. of Eden ton, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morgan in this county, left yesterday for New port News, Va., to be with her brot'aer. Work on the Aydlett build ing, on water street, is progress ing. We understand the Naval Reserves will occupy the second floor of this building for an armory as soon as completed. Write to or call upon M. W. Mason Norfolk for full informa tion in regard to Port Norfolk and Pinners Point section. The best opportunity for real estate investments in United States. F2-3t. A horse, several wheel oar- ro ..s, picks, shovels, etc , belong ing to street Contractor Arm brecht were sold at public bid ding Saturday on account of debt. The horse was purchased by the city Dr. W. S. Penick, pastor of the Baptist church in this city, left Wednesday to visit his for-, mer ho ne, Shreveport, La. He was accompanied by his wife and two daughters, and will be absent several weeks. Tin: home of Nir. J B. Fear ing, at "Dry Point," was slight ly damaged yesterday morning by fire, The Department res ponded to the alarm but the names were extinguished with out their assistance. A 20th Century Shoe Sale be gins on Tuesday, Feb. 6th, at The Fair. The price starts at $1.50 per pair and will be cut ioc eacli day until all shoes are sold, i e: Tuesday $1.50, Wed nesday $140, Thursday $1.30, etc . etc. Will you get your shoes of these goods The Lowry building, known as the "Academy of Music," has been purchased by Mr. E. F. Aydlett for $2 1 ,3 o. B-i ng lo catcd at the corner of Main and Poiudexter streets it is very valuable property and a splendid business site. Mr. and Mrs. J J. Jackson, of Newport News, Va , spcut a few days last week with Mrs Jack son's sister, Mrs. Lamb, in this city. While here Mr. Jack.on lavored the Fisherman & Far mer with a call. They returned home Monday. Manager Selig, of the Acade my of Music, has secured a very interesting attraction Lumi ere's Ciniinatograph Co , of New York and Pans -for next Tuesday and Wednesday nights. admission J-5, 25 and 35 cents. Turn out ana see tne beautiful pictures to be present ed. O S3 ?X O IlIA. Bears the Sigaature of hie Kind You Have Always Houjjm AN ELOPEMENT. During the past two month Mr. Josh B. Davis, who keeps a fruit stand at the City Market, has been making frequent trips to Hertford county, the object of I wujcn was Desi Known to nim i ... . se i. Tuesday the matter was made public. It now turns out - that Davis had been there courts mg a popular youne lady of Winton, notwithstanding the fact that he already had a living Wife she having: left him for some cause and went to Norfolk about the middle of last year to live with some of her relatives in that city. Last week Dav's went to Win ton again and succeeded in geU ting the gill reierred to above to elope with him. The girl having been absent from home several days, her brother and a Mr. Liverman. a cousin, came to Elizabeth litv to look tor her. " J rriving here Tuesday morning they began to enquire about Davis, -whctbci lie was a married man or not, etc., at tne same time stating that Davis had been to see the girl several times, passing himself off as a single man. On finding out that Davis was a married man they naturally became enraged and went to see Davis, the result was they, for a short while had "a hot time" at the market. The young lady's relatives se cured some legal advice and then went in search of the girl, finding her near Woodville at the home of a gentleman named Walters in company with Mr. Davis who had just arrived there j a iew minutes aneaa 01 tnem. un seeing her b. other and cousin Davis immediately departed. The young lady went back home a wiser girl. Odd sizes and odd styles. Broken assortments of shoe, Remenauts of the whole stock. Findings of the inventory. The Fair have inaugurated one ofi tne un;st unique shoe sales on record Watch for their hand inns, iney contain iniortnation ! interesting to you. Save money dv buvine shoes dxxdmr this sal e. Rocky Hock. George Jones keeps very sick. Mr. John White is improving rapidly. Mr E. T. White, of Edenton, was in Rockyhock Sunday. Miss Martha Evans was the guest of Miss Nannie White last Saturdry night. Mr. William Privott cuthisjthe virtUes or Chamberlain s foot yery badly last Saturday while at John A. Byrum's. Misses Amanda L ary and Bessie Pearce were the guests of Miss Luck Leary last Saturday. The fishermen a;e getting ready to put their "traps'' in the river. Mr. Will Goodwin has one trap in and caught the first shad last Saturday. Mrs. Hogard and Mrs Evans from Hertford county were vis iting their sister, Mrs. Richard Hollowell, in Rockyhock, the latter part of last week and first of this. Frank Sherwood was down town to day, the first time since he had his tussel with cholera morbus. He says he drove thirty miles after he was taken, and never came so near dying in his life. After this when he goes out in the country he will take a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with him Missouri Vallev (Iowa) Times. For sale by W. W. Griggs & Son Druggists. A rI-.' I'rosi llo M)'i:eriuu ESaitt. TIi last woudfrful tale LH.-!ng X.o(S among uie Burmese iu Rangoon is con cerning a uioiist'. r egg. A few months ugv- near Aiiwebo the villagers heard o bti-acge and myuterlous voice In the Jungle uttering in Burmese the words, "1 am going to lay," which were re peated freqv.enUy several times a day for many days. Eventually the egg was .aid, and its sizy is s.ii.5 to exceed that of ton largo paddy baskets. Nobody will go near this egg, from which now come the words, "1 nui going to hatch," also repeated many times every day. Times of Burmah. Tlie Natlonnl Cnpitol. North and south are joined in the material of the national eapitol. The central building is const rue ted of Vir ginia sandstone painted white. The extensions are of Wassachusetts mar ble, and 24 columns of the grand cen tral portico are monoliths of Virginia sandstone 30 feet "llgh, and 100 col umns of the extension porticoes are of Maryland marble. White of If a child needs nourishment, one ot the simplest forms in which It can be taken is by the raw whites of eggs. These are nutritious and easily digest ed. The white is broken into a Jar with -what milk is desired and the two shaken thoroughly together. A pinch of salt may be added befoxe drinking If preferred. MARRIED. A very pretty marriage oc curred Wednesday afternoon at the Baptist church, when Mr. Charles W. Grice was united in the holy bonds ot matrimony to Miss Allie Kramer; both very popular people of this city. The ceremony was performed by Dr. W. S. Penick and was witnessed by a Urge assemblage of rela tives and friends. After receiv ing many congratulations the happy couple left in carriages for the N. & S. Depot where they boarded a train for an ex tended bridal trip. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Ski:; Eruptions rob lifeof joy. Buck len's Arnica Salve, cures them; also Old, Run ning and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Waits. Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Sealds, Chapped Hands, Chilbains He-t Pile cure on earth. Drhes out Pains and Aches. Only 25 cts a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Standard Pharmacy, Druggist. Queer Proceedings. The Norfolk Public Ledger, of Jan. 31st. says : "J. Winston Cahoon, the yonng man who was recently sent on to the grand jury upon the charge of passing a iored check upon an Est Main street boar ling-house lady, was carried to Elizabeth City, N. C, last evening by his father, who came as a special Constable from Pasquotank county for him. Indictments for forgery having been already found against Cahoon in Pi quolank,aud the local uitho?iies not having a verv C If against him. :t was u low the Carolina authorities to take charge of the prisoner It is understood that Caboon's father has so settled matters in Eliza beth City that his son will pro bably escape punishment. Died in Berkiev Miss Florence V. Swain di Sunday nil-.t it hei h lllv ltil ot Her age 1 uesda the remains of the deceased were brought to this city and carried to the couutiy for ttxtermttnt in the family burying-grounri. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Always Proves Effectual. mere are no oetter meaicines ; on the market than Chamber Iain's. We have used the Cough j Remedy when ail others failed, and in every instance t proved effectual. Almost daily we hear remedies extrolled by those who have used them. This is not an empty puff, paid for at so much a iine, but is voluntarily given in good faith, in the hope that suffering humanity may try these remedies and, like the writer, be benefited From the Glenville 15 n 1& Farmer joins their many W. W. Gnggs & Son Druggists. 1 , - , . rn ffrahllaHons. WEATHER FROGS. Small Llrlng Barometeri Which Are Imported Prom Germany. Attached to a glass sided box seen in a bird store window was a placard mark ed 'Weather Frogs." Within the box, perched on two long wooden rods, plac ed lengthwise of it and nearer the top than the bottom, like the higher perches in u birdcage, were a number of the thpr frotfs themselves. Some nust I then were brown, and one was green. They were little tree frogs of a kind found through Europe, those in tne go on ana maKe some sarcastic- cpm window having been imported from j ment about the impossibility of conver Germany. I eation being a lost urt while women re- When full grown, these tiny tret main on earth? Of course that is what frogs may be little more than an inch you think. in length. They take the color of what- Mr. Blickens No; I agree with your . . . S A. - ? 1 . A A ever object they may be reeting on Drown IOT WOOU, iccu 11 on a icai, placed in a blue glass jar they will be- 1 come blae. They may be beard hut no? seen, so closely in color do they resem- ii'Kotcrf.r fVicxr mnv hnvp nwrchftd nil- on. They are called weather frogs be- cauee at the approach of rainy or changeable weather they jump into the water, at the approach of clear weather they come out again. In captivity the weather frog ii kept in a glass jar or globe, which is cover- ter is pnt in the bottom of the jar, and I- u-it. ia , 1 thing for the little trog to jump up oa. lra are brought together and clasei Tbo weather frog in captivity is fed 00 ned flies in suininer and in winter on meal worms. Its tood must be alive. Weath er frogs eell here at retail for 20 cenr apiece. Considerable numbers of them are brought to this country. New York Sun. In china census methods are simple. hey don't have much trouble to take x rensns there. W hen the time for ma ins a count of the families and their a a 1 individual members comes around, the aead of each house is compelled by law jo write on a slip of paper the number 3t individuals living with him and the name of each person. The authorities lay particular stress upon correct spell ing, and there la a severe penalty at tached to any paisrepresentat ion either is to the nnnfber of persons or their aames. This obviates in the beginning ihe wrestling with unpronounceable aames, which helps to make life inter esting for the American census taLer, md reduces the enumeration of the population of a Chinese city to a very ample process. NEWS ITEMS FROM EDENTOIf The Birth-Place of The Fisher man & armer. A sprinkle of snow and some cold weather struck here this week. Mrs. Samuel Goodwin, of Brambleton, Va., is here visiting friends. Mr. Frank Bateman will leave thi week for Baltimore to make it his home. Rev. T. G. Wood, of Befcross, preached last Sunday at the Baptist church in this city Mr Louis Hadrian left this veek for Aboskie, where he is at Aork vith the Branning Co. M. B Cbappell has moved his -tock or groceries in the s'ore next door to" T D. Brum & Son Mr. W. 15. Siiepard has purs chased a very handsome pair of carriage horses of M. H ' hite, of Hei tford. Mr. J. W. Spruill was called to Newport News. Va,, a fe days ago on account ot the ill-, ness of his daughter, Mrs. Moss Dr. C. P. Bogert will on next Sunday, preach in the Baptist church at Roper, N C. and on every first Sunday in each month during this year. The Str. Plymouth arrived in i'orr Sunday from Noifolk, at winch olace she was o verb auk d and repainted Mr. johu P Nobles was in command Mr. R. F Tuttle, having rented the store vacated by D. Newman is moving in. The store vactted by Mr. Tuttle will be occupied by W. H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Win. B. Sheu ard entertained their guests. Misses l u n and Collins, both : 1 N !o..d . -. .. at i'iU is tr'g t t Mr. H. E Williams and fain ily are with relatives in Camden county Harry carried with him his dog and gun, which means a good lot of game when he re turns. Mr. Augustus Hogen, who has ; , 7"" ftctunnir ompauy for the past Kaon tit 1 tli thp Krannitior M A n 11 I g ompauy ior tne pa three years, has severed his con section with the company and g ne otth. S 'uic at our iiishermen are busy driving stakes. As yet but iew nets have been put in, as they are fearful that a cold snap might come this way and des troy them, a has been frequent ly the case. A tew drift netters are at work, and are catching small quant ties of shad. Chowan county was the 5rst to settle the State taxes and as a result was the nrst to receive a warrant againt the 100.00 special school appropriation made by the last Legislature, it being ior $518,55. It was at KHf-mon the fi:st school in North Carolina was established. At the home ot Mr. James Mason, Miss Lvda Hateman and Mr. J. C. Thompson were mar ried at 6 o'clock Sunday evening by Rev. Mr. Cowan in the pre sence of friends and relatives. Both are very p jpular people of tliie -iiiift otirt tli Piehrman ... . & A. Ccrtaiu Cure1 R(inl 'MA-IDE removes the cause', of rheuuia ;-m by neutralizing the acids in the blood and drivir-g them out of t!i . sy?i All druggists. lie Support cite I'raposlilon. Mrs. Blickens The president of oai clnb is going to lecture next Tnesday evening on "Conversation as a Lost Art Mr. Blackens (yawning) That so? Mrs. Blickens Well, why don't you presiaeni. conversation is a iosi an. i -"J u.vv- merely talk. Chicago News. When the Kettte SinR The reason why hot water makes a simmering noise is a vory Mmple one As the water heats, little bubbles of steam are formed at the bottom of the kettle. These rush upward and, being attracted to the sides of the kettle, they make a commotion which sets the meUU in vibration, and fie kettle "sings." u the Imperial hbrary at Calcutta more than 100. 000 volumes on Indian Mim was made to mourn and woman was made to see that he does it. Chi z no Record. If It Hadn't Been Sunday. "Bad it not been the Sabbath day," said a Perthshire preacher to an elder "between the preachin's, " "I would just have asked ye how the hay was selling in Perth on Friday." Well, sir." said the elder, "had it no been the day it is I wad jest hae 111. . 4. ..LItl!-. 4.1 tell't ye it was gaun at a sbillin the stane. " "Indeed! Well, bad it been Monday instead of the Sabbath I would have told ye I have some to sell." "Dmph, aye. ou aye, sir! And had it !een Monday, as ye say, then I wad jest haa tell't ye I wad gie ye the mar ket price for it." The elder's carts were at the manse early on Monday morning, and the preacher's haystack vanished like a highland mist STOHIA. . The Kind You Haw amrn Bcupt o A. Bears tha Si CTTRES RHEUMATISM TO STAY CURED. pHce $1.00. Sold in E. City by Dr. J. E Wood. Standard Pharmacy and W. W. Griggs & Son. FAVORITE Dairy Lunch AND CAFE. For Ladies And Gen tlemen No. 99 Poindexter St. Elizabeth City N. C. Everything nicely prepared and served at popular prices. FrenchDripCoffee A specials I. K BOYNTON, Manager. 1 i3oln tioii The co-partnership hereto fore existiug between Sawyer & j ones has this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Tiios C. Jones retiring. All persons in debted to the said firm will set" tie their accounts and notes with John L,. Sawyer & Co.,who are authorized to collect and re ceipt for same. John L. Sawyer, Thos. C. Jones. In retiring from the firm ot S ; v . & J u s . c h g 1 av rec Mi'iend ti.e nt-w firm t ihe patronage of our friends and patrons end ask their contiuu ance of same. Thos. C. Tones. E. City, N. C. Jan. 20, 1900. I i ksoI ii 1 ion 'existing between William Pailin I , r and James P. Thompson, under i.he firm name and style of Wrm. Pailin & Co . is this day dissol v d by mutual consent Parties indebted to said firm will please :t:ake payment to Jas. P. Thomp son, and all persons having claims against said firm will ppresent same to said Thompson for payment. James P. Thompson, William Pailin. Jan. 1, 1900. The milling business will be continued by Muir & Thompson who have secured the mill, stock and good will of the old firm. Administrator's Notice. Hauing qualified as adminis trator of Louis E. Hines, deceas fi, late of Pasquotank County, Mate of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims againtt the estate of said deceased to axhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of December, 1900, or this no ice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. H. T. Greknlkaf.A Imr. P. H. Williams, Atty. This 16 day of Dec, 1899. Dcc?2s6t. Um. M. GREEN. Attorney And Counsellor At Law, Elizabeth City, N. C. Practice in all tne State, Uni ted States and Supreme Courts. Will lend and borrow money for you. and will lend you mon ey on good sureties, and will sell your land. Will look after your pension or any matt r of law. Will ad vise you well in fact will give all business clean aud sober at tention Office over Leigh's Barber Shop, No. 48 Water street. Will be at Roanoke Institute from 8:30 o'clock a. m., 'till 2:30 o'clock p m., every day except Saturday. P. S. Have 200 lots for sale in Sawer Town and about the city. Mothers Read This a For Flaralens CoUc.Diarrliter., Dysentery, Nausea, Coi'S 'is Cholera Infant-ja ing; Caiidren, C ii Morbus, Unnatnn from tbe Bowels, Pa Qrlplns, Losa r.r Appe: and all Dissins of t. Borels. Yi '5 f e, Indigestion, 3 ntntrrb and ..a iC . cbiiilren over '"'ii, uto re u" B.i the fiierd 'i.ii-lren. It ii i never i.:)s to O'lllliP l.'(l !, '! - of M.-ti:-.-.-.- .. - .. pleasant to The Ul-u give satisfu'. iit.u. A a r strata its: sapcrlatirc vir- up. Prlw, 25cts. per bottie. Kor niie by rinigteta. i per bol fell tb l&gpz " S B. MILLER & 0. WXLESALE COMM ; NO. 7 FULTON FISH MKT. New York Clarence G, Miller, Miller Longbotham. Special Attention G iven to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LIN A 3HAD. Stencils and Stationery FurnishtdoL Application. WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. 5.L.STORERACO V Dealers aod Shipper f kinds of l FULTON FISH MARKET. m:w YORK. We work harder for the inter est of the Southern fishermen than any house in the business. II your Stencil is not in good ordv let us know. R.e.Al. DrWISON&CO Wholesale Cou-mission FRESH FISH Terrapin and Game. 8. W. COR. CHAULEM and CAMDEN ST. BALTIMORE, MD. Frompt Returns. Quick Sales REFERENCES : Third National Bank, C Morto ' Stew art & Co., J. A Lebron Co. and the Trade in General. Stencils Furnished free. E. W. ALBAUGH & SON Wholesale Commission Merchants wmm wmm TERRIPIN AND GAME No. 22i Uht Street Wharf.1 BALTIMORE Prompt Returns, Quick Sales- REFERENCE. Citizens National Bank. W. J. Hoover & Co. Stencils Furnished Free 3tab!ished 1861, Saml M. Lawder& Sons Soft Crabs1 Terrapin Etc Baltimore, I1. Quick Sales ! Prompt Returns REFER ENCKS : rade Nat'l. Bank, Duns Mercantile Agency, Wu HnjT & Co, Oakehart & Cj. The J. Johsoa Company. Newport News Military cadenjj H select School for Boys and Young JMen Classical, Scientific, English and Commercial Courses. Thorough Preparation for College, University, the U. 8. Naval and Military Academies, or for B siness. For location, healthfulness, course of study, thoroughness of instruction and the comforts of its students, this school has no superior, and scarcely an equal. '1'he faculty is composed of decree men of ex perience, representing the b st schools of the country. If yot' are seeking the best advan tages (and you should consider none but the best for your son, at reasonable rates, write for an illustrated catalogue to E. W. HUFFMAN, Principal. Newport News, Va. Sixth Annual Session begins Kept. 12, '99. a- i H H H H ! 5 a. o o Ji .1 an 0 4 rM 4 S i 1 i i a a O tS .2! Elizabeth City, Cct. 1, 1899. The firm of G. M. 8cott & Co, hav ing decided to retire from the Insur ance business, have transferred the same to Messrs. Culpepper, Griffin, Old & Grice, of this city. All of the companies formerly rep resented by us are now in their hands, ana we uespeait ior tnem tne s imt patronage so kindly extended to us, feeling assured that they will treat you fairly and honestly. Thanking you for the patronage so liberally aud satisfaitorilv given us and regretting to sever our relations, we are, Yours very truly, G. M, SCOTT & CO Referring to the above, we are now in a better position than ever to han dle the Insurance business in Eliza beth City, and shall use our best ef forts to reduce tatea and give satis faction to out customers. Hoping to be favored with a continuation of the patronage heretofore givca us. Very truly. CULPEPPER.GBIFFiN, OLD, GRICE v., - 30IJES & FEflRinc, INSURANCE. t Office over 1st National Bank, We have engaged in the gen eral insurance business here and are prepared to offer safe and reliable insurance to all at low est rates. Soliciting a share of your patronage, we are, Very respectfully, D. M. Jones, N0V24 2t Howland Fca ring SCHOONERS' ARE BEING CAPTURED AND MUST BE- UNLOADEB ! -CALL AT- BERGE RON'S THE PALAIS Job For Everybody To UNLOAD - SCHOONERS. Steady Employment for all during the Summer Brick! Brick! THOMPSON BRICK WORKS. The leading brick manu facurers of this section arc now ready to supply orders at short notice. This plant has been in active operation for twenty years, and tlu- guarantee satisfaction as U quality aud pi ice. TMese riQk gav Stood tlje Test And reflex action will be a guide to your turther pur chase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere Call Telephone No. 2, or address F. G.THOMPSON Mgr ELI. CITY, N.C. -THE- NATI0NAL SALOON B. F. FRANCIS, Prop. East side of Droad Sticet, near Wa ter. FINEST IN eDeNTON. For choice Liquors, Wines, Cigars and Tobacco, there is no place bet ter prepared to supply the trade. toe TZ of choice goods constantly on hand at prices iu keeping with the times. EVERYBODY INVITED to call. No souveuirs but line goods at low drices. Have Heard Of it? You may have heard about SCOTT'S EMULSION and have a vague notion that it is cod-liver oil with its bad taste and smell and all its other repulsive fea tures. It is cod-liver oil, the purest and the best in the world, but made so palata ble that almost everybody can take it. Nearly all children like it and ask for more. SCOTT'S EMULSION looks like cream; it nour ishes the wasted body of the baby, child or adult better than cream or any other food in existence. It bears about the same rela tion to other emulsions that cream does to milk. If you have had any experience with other so-called "just as good" preparations, you will find that this is a fact. The hypo phosphites that are combined with the cod-liver oil give additional value to it because they tone up the nervous system and impart strength to the whole body. 50c. and St. 00, all drucreists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. .Xii't i)ecro Spit Sm;j I0111 ; W . To Quit tobacco easily and forevi r I e . aetic. full of life, nerve and vigor, tuUe No-T Bac, the wonder-worker th:u rnuK' 1 ae8k no strong. All druggiats, 50c or 81. Cure guar;. teed. Booklet and sample free. Addrcsf Sterling Remedy Co, Coicagc or vcw Yorf KEEPS IT ON HAND 1 a'v r mm ' v.. A t! rJ BCeomplUhod Mliltrj Oomman.lef I father-la-lav of th jt4 Dotnn r.-. lct Wtr.. H. Cttahlas, V M . -v. falnf l iv rld-w!l HaflWl f.-r hll CMw:i!u 9t ot biexrtm v th tr.c ci.-.i AltMmaH la lSwi ; ;tc Or. Pmaori "For nany yeais I h.ivr k ,)t on hnnd Jbur h'. od anl Liver Rrrnedy and erve Tonic for immediate ur ahe Ker I have A bilious attack or BCTVOtia pr--.trj tlo.n or feel run down. It alwayt rivcl peedy relief iO much to that I haw come to lely on it wrtth the mom cc :.t. -. ty that I do on the i-v of gtavlUiijo ' HiAn nntl TAvcr 0". Fanner' sv".! NevarFails. 1 m Tonfc li is c Sarsi barilla-Mcmdra t ihhc AN ' ' '' -v ' Tonic amd ?rs iHv Compomnd, CERTAIN AS LIE LAW OF GRAVITATION Physics fro : ' ! - '. l'vcr and tissiu-t ti worn-out particles - hout weaC'.-uiuR but :i :.. instead, nod If tfi thits N" Ounx HeaV n i.. DycieM .. 1 uiiripa ! "n. n.l Bra b. Bkln Dlwuea. M n !:!,.-. , rt nta. Occeral l bttll v etc Satblactron Guaranteed. Samflc free. Uothor! Kifp forehlld. ttoiBach aod bow tit heaitLv w b Dr. POBr'i 8onr atorla. TLo Ut uuu Ira aiul cowcuve kH'wa. Dr, Fanner's Soothing Syrup. llay trr.tatl n Red k1v r-f r--l 1ik -1 1 6r fma 1 'i Worm Syrup '"Broiurl ponna 5tm cur rhUd. Hrw.S baric Ic. El da.O KTVaotT '"jVa SaltRheuru Oltatmenl 'awi Uu -uan...: 1 l'uu Horatj Cutael Barik Preside nl Isaac Lewis of Babina, Ohio, : hifrhh respected all through tl it tfction. lb-iniN lived in Clinton 1 1 . years, and ha been president f i!ie Subina Hank '20 years, He gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's Barsa pnrilla, aad what he says i-i wortliy .11 tention. All brain workers And Hood's barsaparilla peculiarly adapt 1 their oeeda. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerv mental, bodily and digestive strength. " I am glad to say that Hood's Hurr rilln 1h a very good medicine, especially ii4 a lilmid purifier. It has done me go J many times. For several yearn I suffer U ifreatly with pains of Neuralgia in (.110 eye and about my temples, 1 -pecially at nigtit when 1 lnl been havlu a hard day of (diyHlcnl and mi ntal lain -. I took many remedies, bat found help on . in Hood's Hnrsapnrilla whieli i-iin d 11 rheumatism, neuralgia and Ik ids Hood's Harsaparllla Iihm jrved Its I friend. I also tuke Hood's Pills to 1. 1 p my bowels regular, and l!kt the llln very mueb." laAAO LJIWtS, Babina, Ohio. oocTs Sarsapariila IsttM OneTr le Dli tA Purifier. A II druggists $1 Prepared only I) c. 1. '.! mmI K '., Lovri II, Maaa. Mood r 1 f :.' r mpt, nfilelenl aad j s i fj st. is eeats. to which the Expectant Moth 1 i exposed and the foreboding and dread with which .she looks fo: -ward to the hour of woman ') severest trial is appreciated by h few. All effort should he made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her, ere ! 1 C presses to her bosom her babe. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so ass; I , Nat ne that the change goes fo: vvurd in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the wjy ot Nausea, Headache, Ktc. Gloom) forebodings yield to cheerful ail' hopeful anticipations she p;i . e through the ordeal quickly an without pain is left strong an vigorous, and enabled to joyous i perform the high and holy dutic now devolved upon her. Safety to life of botli is assured by the use of "Mother's Friend," and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one ladv, the mother tf tl;r ehildren, who suffered greatly in the birth df each, who obtained & bottle of 1 Mother's Friend' of me before her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. Ail agree that tb - labor was shorter and lv-s painful." John G. Pouiiix, liaoon, Gta. f 1.00 PEE BOTTLE at all Dsntr Stor or ment by mail ou recent of pric. BOOKS rnta'nins; invaiii ible Infonaatlna t CDCC '"tercot to aU woman, w-iM 1, n-rit to ntt any acMress u,,n irijilliTtloa, by Tmc brad Field REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Ga. r ' r. i id tm la I r Ui. WL 'lid xsr AM- OTJN I WM. J. HOOPER & CO " 1-0 1 Pratt, near L: BrtLTlWICRE, ftID S 1 ttanifactartrs oi J M .? lax G ill Nets. Cc !KS ".-He. L C A O S , &.Z. ti THE mm: i ass t -i Is 13 k