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New Adrift PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." Mr. C. W. Overman is con fined to his home by sickness. Road street has been shelled from Burgess to Church street. The Weymouth fishery will be operated this year by VV. T Dav is. Airs, vvinis iireirory lias re turned from a visit to friends in Washington, D. C. Mr. Dempsy Kiht, Philadel phia, is visiting relatives and friends in this city. Miss IvOii Failing is in the city delighting relatives and friends with a visit List Friday night the Odd Fellows Lad a supper at their hall on Fearing street. Several large tree are cul down on River Ave. to make room for a better sidewalk. Two negroes broke jail yes terday afternoon, and when last seen A-ere heading for Virginia. '.A secoud hand piano for sai.k very elreap. Apply to No. 59 Water street. L-i; 1 mo. Mrs. James Luck is at Dan ville, Va., having been called there on account of the death of her father. The Rt.v. F. H. Johnson, who has I)' en out of the city for several days returned home Wednesday. The steamer Olive, plying be tween Kdeuton and Franklin, Va., is at Scott's shipyard under going repairs. Mr. Harrison Mulgett. of Avon, has purchased the grocery business of Mr W. E. Evans, on Kast Main street. Dr. A. L. Pendleton has res turned from a business trip to Key West, Fla. He also made a short visit to Cuba. Miss Lillie G randy, daughter of Sheriff Grandy, is at Ithaca, N. V., taking a special course at the Cornell University. Mr. N. R. Parker has removed his stock of furniture into the brick building recent y occupi ed by Mr. Lvenstein, 0.1 Water street . The trustees have declared an other dividend, being the third, to the creditors ol ( ii o W. Cobb, bankrupt. This makes 40 per cent paid. The Fair Store is being ens larged. The paitition between this store and the one recently occupied by N. R. Parker is be ing taken away. Miss Mary Sterling, who has been in the city for several days visiting relatives and friends, left Tuesday for her home in Norfolk. Hooper & Gray have rented the J. W. Sharber building, on Water street, and will remove their stock of dry goods to it some time next week. Mr. Albert Gard, mate on the steamer Newberne, now rjn ning on the lames River, ar rived home Wednesday to spend a few days with his family Mr. Charles twocKett, former ly of this place, but now of Nor folk, Va., was here yesterday to attend the funeral of his brother, Mr. John B. Brockett. Call to-ciay over McCabe & j Grices Store and see the new Heat Regulator operate. YOU WILL BEHIGHLY PLEASED with this durable invention. Mrs. W. F. Murden and chil dren, who have been in the city for several days visiting rela tives and friends, have left for their home in Sctanton, N. C. Mrs. Emma Burroughs, who has been in the city for several days visitirg the family of Mr. M. B. Daw?s, left Mondav for her home in Williamston, N. C. Mi. F. K. Kellum. of Wil mington. N. C, accom panied by his friend, Mr. James Bryan, spent a few days in the city last week with his sister, Mrs. Hill Humphrey. At the residence of Rev. R. R. Overby, in Camden countv, Mr. G. D. B. Prichard and Miss Jen nie Holmes, both popular peo ple of this city, were married Wednesday afternoon. We of fer congratulations. A very charming social event of the week was the celebration of the tenth anniversary of their marriage by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Woodley held last Monday night at their home on Main street, prevailing in our midst is an in dication of the esteem in which he was held. His remains were laid to rest in fhe Overman Cemetery. Peace to his abes which wa- beautifully decorated 1 and condolence to the bereaved. Supper was served and each , guest presented with a suitable souvenir of the occasion. 1 The preachers of th Elizabeth City District, N. C. Conference, will hold a meeting in the Meths odirt Chrrrch in this city Jamu ary 24th in the interest of the Twentieth Century movement, Exercises to open at 3:r;, p. m. Mass meeting at night at 8 o'clock. The public cordially in vited to attend. PISTOL BATTLE WITH BURGLARS. Worcester, Mass., January 16. Four burglars made an at tempt to rob the post office at Farhunifville, ten miles from this citv, at an early hour this morning. Eheir work on one of the safes in the building awakened occupants of a tene meat over the store. R. E. Ki ess, Superintendent of the Farn umsville Cotton Mills, and Chas. F Kempton, both armed, went at the Mr. Walter F. Gallop, who is well known here and quite pop ular with our people, is in the city. He is traveling through down stairs and stood this section in the inte rest of front door of the store. The Imperial Company, of Nor- j The burglars heard the two folk, dealers in high grade fert ! men corning and nude a rush ilizers. Walter is a hust'er and j through one of the front win will no doubt take many orders Hows whpn a fialit with revol- for fertilizer while here. Wednesday Mr. F. M. Hollow man and MissMargueriteThorn- as, ootlr of Portsmouth, Va Dissolution. The co partnership heretofore exiting between William Pailin and James P. Thompson, under the 6rm name and style of Wm. Pailin & Co., is this day dissol ved b mutual consent Parties indebted to said firm will please make payment to Jas. P. Thomp son, and all persons having claims against said firm will ppresent same to said Thompson for payment. James P. Thompson, William Pailin. Jan. 1, 1900. The milling business will be continued by Muir & Thompson who have secured the mill, stock and good will of the old firm. NETTING -1 tR SEINES -AN"- POUNDS I WM. J. HOOPER & CO., 110 E. Pratt, near Light, m BALTIMORE. MD , Manufacturers ol vers began. Kiess and Kemp-, ton both kept up a lively fire, and the four burglars did the same. two bullets tut K.etnn were married at the Arlington : ton' "e nhc j?,w and otl! Last Monday the paving work on Poindexter street was tem porarily stopped on account of some misunderstanding between the workmen and the contract or. The matter has since been adjusted and the work now goes on under the supervision of the city. An accident occurred last Saturday afternoon at Wi'ley's shipyard. While launching the tug Julian Fleetwood the winds less got beyond control striking Mr. John Bailey and a colored man named Nathan Pailin with such force both were bad'y li urt. Hotel in this citv. The Nor folk Viiginian-Pilot says : They returned last night and went to the home of the groom on Er fingharn btreet. Later the brides father called at Mr. Holloman's home and raised quite a disturb ance by breaking out windows and threatenrng to fchoot the groom. Mrs, Holloman, mother of the groom, became excited and it was some time before she could the quieted. An officer was sent for but Mr. Thomas had left when he arrived. A. Ccrtnin CJtiro RllbUMACIDE removes the of rheutija'ism by acids in the blood and drivi out of the system. All druggists. neutralizing cause the them OBITUARY. Mr John B Prockett died suddenly Wednesday at rnrds - j night at his home on Fearing street. Mr. Brockett was a very prominent and useful citizen of Elizabeth City and has been quite successful in his business affairs since locating here, hav ing moved to this place when quite young from Camden Co. He always took an active part in anything that would help to build the town. He was ex ceedingly charitable and the general expression f sorrow er in tne ribs. His condition is serious. The safe on which the burs glars were working was in the cotton office, and working was in the cotton mills office, and it is supposed that the burglars thought that the post office money and stamps, as well as the funds of the manufacturing concern, were in thrs sale The post office money was in anoth er safe. The Faruuinsville Cot ton Mills' safe contained about 50, the other safe about $2. By the time the men were discover ed, several holes bad been drill ed in the safe. These had been filled with dynamite and the fuses attached. Call To-day Over Mc Cabe & G-r i ce's Store and see the NEW HEAT WC: as Bank President Isaac Lewis of Sabina, Ohio, is highly respected ai) through that section. lie has lived in Clinton Co. 75 year, and has been president of the aubina Bank 20 years. lie tjladlv testifies to the merit of Hood's Sarsa parilla, and what he says is worthy attention. All brain workers find Hood's Sarsaparilla ieciiliarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerre, mental, bodily and digestive strength. "I am glad to say that Hood's Sarsapa rilla is a very good medicine, especially aa a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For several years I suffered greatly with pains of Neuralgia in one eye and about my temples, es pecially at night when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only in Hood's Sarsaparilla which cured me of rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself a tru friend. I also take Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills very much." Ibaao Lewio, Sabina, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla lithe One True Rlood Purifier. All druggists. L Prepared only by c. L Hood 8t Co., Lowell, Mas. COTTON AND FLAX GlLLNCTS, r Corks. Seine Leads, ic - Hinf Twine of mil kind. Miv nilla. 1'otMa Hem Hope EXPECTANT MOTHERS, "MOTHERS' We Offer You REflEOY Which IN3URR5 Safety of Life t Moth er and Child. 1I 1 rsi are prompt, efficient and nOOU C t'inS caay lneCttct 26oents. REGU Operate. You will be high ly pleased with this durable invention. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure o: tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment h without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and 3inarting almost instantly am its continued use effects a permanen euro . It also cures itch , barber s itch , scald head, soro nipples, itching piles :happed hands, chronic sore eyes ant granulated lids. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders fo- lorses are the best tonic, blood purifiej nd vermifuge. Price, cents. SoldbJ FRIEND" Robs Conftttment of its Pain, Horror and Risk. My wife uMd "WtlW FRIKJD" be fore birth of lir iiri child, she did not suffer from ('Kill's or PAINS w;vs uuieklv 1 rellereil at the eritfeal hour suffering but little she had no palas afterward aud her recovery was rapid. E. E. Johns-tor, Eufaula, Ala. Sent bv Mall or Express, on receint of prlrf, 1.00 ,t bottle. Book "To Moth- 1 ers" mailed Free. BUADFIEI.D BEUl'LirOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. 80 ID BY ALL DRUGGISTS. fflfr- - BICYCLES X V s x New Delight ride of the reason and th. new, --recents ;ave every - quaunca UoUj to please the most critical rider. . are "envied all." A close examina tion of the '98 Cres cent models explalas whyao many Cres cents are' sold. "On exhibition at Crescent agencies everywhere. Send lor..4.. Art Catalogue. fx PICfiSTOiW For Infants and Childr CASTS Flyi . 'he Kind You Ha n.fvuj? uuu5.1t AVcgc tabic Preparation for As sifflOating AtfToodci ?ula ting the and i - . ci.i of ncss and RestCofltal n . 1 i Iter ! Opmm.Morpliino nrr hfincraL KOT NARCOTIC. Bears the Signature Alx .Term ' .da M - A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach. I si r 1 v 1 a Worms .Convulsions V - v sh j ncspndLoss OF S LEER FaeStnulp SiVjiin'ur Ki VOKJf- I "WBiS Kim. T Ki You H Always Boug 1 f" II . I mm tXAST COPV OT WR . . -4- 1 iSF.TL; ntOTtltl UMdlUni TMC crNTU COMl, MS OM O.TV (Established i887) ODELL BROS, Oldest F'isl Goinmissioq Hilse I! Norfo Shipments Solicited., Stencils Furnished. j Mercantile Agencies, 1 Citv National Hank, References CitiA. ,-s Bank and I Wholi s tie Shippers, McC ABE & Annual Clearance .Will commence January 8th. Stock must be reduced to make room for the coming Spring goeds. Brooklyn Bridge would fall were it not for the anchorage that holds it to the shores deep down the something back of it that makes for strength and endurance. 5) 4.,- oovTrfnv orvnvnc Q-nrl for business thev are to decend urjon the surmort of sensible rjeonle. The modern store of McCabe & Grice belongs to its r UUllUdllUllS cLl o ncucaai y iui o v - " - - public. It is anchored to your regard by the four strand cable of right fixed prices, right qualities, careful service and one price to all ! For this sale we have cut the prices in nearly every department. 5 IT Men's Overcoat's As lots lesson now we will not renew them we would rather close out the lessened piles at a loss. iooo Overcoats in black and blue kersy, coverts, aud made of the scarce and favored English Herring bone, sumptuously tailored for $8.75. 15 handsome S9 double faced pure wool covert overcoats, for this sale $7.90. 100 mens suits on the front table. The $6 to $9 kind to close for $$. Come early, this lot cannot last at such prices. 75 mens' mackintoshes, considered a bargain at $2, for this lot $1.39 each. 5 pieces plaid pure wool undeaskirting with border. 2 yards make com plete skirt. 39c. the price lor this clearance sale. 75 pairs slightly damaged kid gloves, all sizes and shades 39c. for the $1 kind. 69 pairs of slightly spotted kid gloves 29c, all shades. 50 ladies and misses cloaks, all this seasons' goods. Si 13 off former price. 46 ladies' blue and black ane fancy tweed mackintoshes. Manufacturer need ed money, we bought the lot. Valued at $1 to $3 50- i;r tl,is saIr iSl 2 5 err - 500 pairs mens', woniens' and mens' shoes, ends of lots, sonic $2, $i.$o ainl $1.25. Your choice 98c. Come early, this lot will not last. North Carolina Blankets have a reputation. We have them soft fluffy and pure wool. 10 4 size, value $375- For this sale $2,69. 1 1-4 size value $4. 50 your pick for $3.38. Our steadily increasing business keeps our entire force of seventeen busy from early morning to closing time. Come early to this great clearing sale and procure your share of the bargaids. We propose the year or 19UU to be tne greaxesx semng msxory 01 our ousmoss. iuC u . j ' rtcCABE & GRICE 9 V Corner Main and Poindexter Streets, Elizabeth City, N. C