Newspaper Page Text
I 9lSH.ER(RMAJt & FrRME -BY- A. H. MITCHELL- filtered at tlje Post Office at Elizabeth Cit '.S3 ond class matter. ELIZABETH CITY, March 23, 1900. A telegram reached us yester day bringing us the sad news of the death of Roland Sheldon Mitchell, a brother of the editor of the Fisherman & Farmer, who died at Union, S. C, early yesterday morning. His remains were enterred at Asheville, N. C. The deceased was about 23 years of age, and leaves a wife and one child He was very popular with those who knew him best, was a devout Chris tian and a member of the Baptist church, and we feel confident his spirit rests in peace. NEGRO IN THE BACKGROUND The Tarboro Southerner says that ' for the first time since the right of suffrage was conferred upon the Republican party, the executive committee of that con cern met without attracting at tcntion and without noise.'' Information of a like charac ter comes irom other places. The Fusion managers have sent the word down the line that this year the negro must stay in the j background, must not be in evi dence at conventions, must "play possum" and pretend he takes no interest in politics. That is the program, and it seems that the Edgecombe ncgioes arc obeying orders. The white folks who are wise will not be fooled when negro politicians . 1 . 1 " sav tlR-ir race cares nouiinjr about tile Amendment and is takine no intere in pontics. 1 - 1 In twenty four hours 1 10.000 of the i jo. 000 will be organized and marched to the polls to vote against white supremacy. News & Observer. The people should not lose ! sight of the important senatorial primaries to be held. The plan j is simple to postpone until after the August election ail consideration of the next United States Senator. It might com plicate and vex if the rivalry was to break out while the suf frage amendment was being pressed under the fire of its en emies. Candidates for the legs, islature shout d not De in any way embarrassed by the aspira tions and seekers of United States Senatorial honors. The amendment is in importance far above all things else. Messen. ger. A liquor license in Marshfield, Mass., will get to be an expen sive privilege if the town au thoiitics put much more on the present figures A- license to sell intoxicants in that place may now be obtained at a mil lion dollars apiece. It had been a prohibition town, aud recently it voted for license, whereupon the town meeting placed ihe price of the license at the figures named. ledger. The Vance monument to be erected in the Capitol Square at Raleigh will be ready for un veiling in May. The model is being made by Henry J. Elli cott, sculptor, at Washington, who hopes to make it one of the finest pieces of statuary in the South. The cast will be made at the bronze foundry of the Go: ham Manufacturing Com- pan) 7 X rk ; ew Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the Engling Baptist Church at Minersville, Pa., when suffering with rheumatism, was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says : "A few applications of this liniment proved of great service to me It subdued the inflammation and relieved the pain. Should any sufferer profit by giving Pain Ba m a trial it will please me." For sale b V W. & Vn r ;::o-: i 4 FROM MOYOCK. Little Neva Creekmore still keeps very ill. Mrs. J. B. Cox has been quite ill lor the past week. Mr. W. A. Cherrv attended 0 Camden court last week. Mr. C. R. Vandecarr is in the village looking after his business here. Prof, Swarthout commenced teaching the public school here last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Davis, of Benefit, Va , spent Sunday here with his parents. Miss Annie Burgess, of E. City, opened the Public School at Second Moyock Monday. Mrs. W. H. West and children of Berkley, have spent the past week here with her mother. Miss Irene Holt is visiting relatives in Norfolk. She ex pects to be absent some time. There is considerable sickness throughout this section and the Dr. is kept going night and day. Mrs. J. B. Cox spent some time in Berkley last week with her sister who has been very ill. Mr. and Mrs. John Etheridge had the misfortune to lose by death their infant child one day last week. Mr. Philip Sanderson and sister Lizzie spent last Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Shawboro. Mr. Ambrose Garrett who has been working ia Norfolk for the past year has returned to his home here A nice milch cow belonging to Mr. T. L. Jarvis, fell in the ditch and broke her neck one day this week. Mr. VV. W. Morrisett, of E. City, came Friday to visit his daughter Mrs. F. VV. Ritter, and j returned home ?iouday. Misses Maggie Bainard, Katie Gray and Betsey Morse spent 1 last Saturday and Sunday with Prof. Swarrhout's family at BlacKwater. Mrs E. F. Humpheries, of Tuils, had the misfortune to get her barn burned with nearly ail its contents last week. Cause of the fire is unknown - Mrs. G. W. Green left for her home at Etric, Va., Thursday after spending several days here with her sister Mrs. M. C. Poy ncT who accompan.ed her as far as Norfolk. Mr. G. W. Williams, of Cur ritnek, C. H., was in the village Tuesday looking after his interest as a candidate for Reg ister of Deeds for this county in the coming election. Mrs. Ben Flora died at her home at Indian Creek Suuday with pneumonia, age about 35 years. 1 ne remains were orougui to Moyock for brrial Tuesday. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn their loss. C. MARCH AND THE LION Something Better than the Old Saw. The saying about the lion and the lamb in March often proves false, but there is another and a better one which is liter ally true. When March comes in and finds you taking Hood's Sarsaparilla to purify, enrich and vitalize your blood, you may expect, when it goes out, that it will leave you free from that tired feeling and with none of the boils, pimples and eruptions which manifest themselves be cause of impure blood in the spring. If you have not already begun taking Hood's Sarsapar illa for your spring medicine, we advise you to begin today. We assure you it will make you feel better all through the com" ing summer. MUMFORD. Mr. Lodwick Jones, of Rose Dale, departed this life March 20th, at his home. Mr. P. G. Pritchard, living near E. City, was in New Land last Sunday on a visit Master C. N. Morgan, of this place, spent last Saturday night with relatives near E. City. Mr. Charlie Karris aud fam ily of the Fork spent last Tues day in New Land on a visit. Mrs. J. M. B. Whitney Jr., of this place spent last week with relatives and friends in Gates county. Mr. W. T. Stafford a promi nent merchant, of New Land was in E City last Monday purchasing goods. M SHAWBORO. Several ofur citizens attend ed Pasquotank court Monday. Mrs. R. E. Flora returned from Norfolk Tuesday after noon. Messrs P. H. Morgan and T. B. Gray made a business trip to Norfolk Tuesday. Rev. J. Y. Old was the appre ciated guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. DeCormis Sunday night. Mrs. W. D. Barnard visited in E City this week, the guest of her son, Mr. C. C. Barnard. Misses Eva Stevenson and Louise Ferebee spent Saturday and Sunday visiting friends in Camden. Mrs. R. E. Sears, of Norfolk, is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. D. Barnard. Mrs. Kate Wilson, of Indian Creek, Va., spent a few days here this week visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Jerome Baxter and wife, of Washington, D. C, were the appreciated gueits of Mr. aud Mrs J. E. C. Bell this week. Rev. J. Y. Old filled his ap pointment at Perkins Chapel Sunday afternoon and preached a fine sermon to quite a large and attentive audience. Mrs. J. B. Grandy returned from Norfolk Tuesday morning vhere she had been to attend the funeral of her little grand sou, Ernest Summers. Alert. "Strengtk ot Twenty Men." When Shakespeare employed this phrase he referred, of course, to healthy, able-bodied men. If he had lived in these days he would have known that men and women who are not healthy may become so by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine, by making the blood rich and pure and giving good appetite and perfect digestion, imparts vit ality and strength to the system. The non-irritating cathartic--Hood's Pills. CAFFEY'S INLET. Mr. Stark Harris, of Poyner's Hill, was in our midst Sunday. Messrs. Wafton Newbern and Dennis Wright spent Sunday at Caffey's Inlet. The Gunning Club of Caffey's Inlet killed quite a large num ber of geese Monday. Miss Clara Newbern, of Pow ell's Point, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. S. Griggs, at Caffey's Inlet. The young people of Caffey's Inlet had quite a delightful so cial Saturday night at Mr. A. S. Griggs'. All present report a fine time. Dexter, the little son of Capt. T. M. Snow, is spending a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. Frank Megee, at Lamberts Point, Va. Sea Bird. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one con cern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The pro prietors of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases Asthma, Bron chitis, Hoarseness and all dis eases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Standard Pharmac Druggist, aud get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Camden county, in the case ot A. Metz get and S. T. Matthews, PltTs., vs. Al Weaver, Def'd't, I shall sell at Public Auction, at the Court house door in Camden county, on Thursday, March 29, at 10:30 a. in., all of the propers ty belonging to the said partner ship of Weaver & Co., to wit : One 30 horse power steam ens gine ; one 30 horse power steam boiler with all attachments thereto; six mill saws and all belting ; one cross-cut saw ; the mill site situate in Shiloh town ship in Camden county, and known as the Weaver tract ; four buildings besides saw mill build ing. About ten thousand feet of scantling a lot of lumber, shafting and all other fixtures belonging to a saw mill, such as trucks, push carts, lumber tracks, etc. Terms of sale, cash. Roscoe W. Turner. Receiver. Tutt's Pills ! Cure All Liver Ills. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret of health is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never be done when th liver does not act it's part. Doyou know this ? Tutt's Liver Pills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills FOR SALE. Saw and shingle mill com bined all in good order running every day on Dry Point, also a good seven room house on a double lot on Harney street, near Main street, will sell cheap for cash or part on time, address P. O. Box 212 Elizabeth City, N. C. "NAGS HEAD HOTEL" For sale at a sacrifice on libs eral terms. Owing to the death of the late owner, this famous resort, including Furniture, Ranges, &c., in fact everything necessary to open at once. Also Sch. Yacht Hoge, accommoda tion for eight just the thing tor sounds (light Dft. J. B. FLORA, Extr. "It Pays to Use the Best." 1 WmSimjMrS, liIaflav Vwflrvil lM sat a UiiflJlnJM: If These cuts represent the Standard of Excellency. One to preserve and beautify your home, the other to furnish your table with the very best butter that can be had. For sale by J. B. FLORA & CO. I Twenty-five Thousand I worth of MOSES B WA. M. GREEN, Attorneys And Counsellor At Law, Elizabeth City, N. C. Practice in all tne Stat:, Uni ted States and Supreme Courts. Will lend and borrow money for you, and will lend yon mon ey on good sureties, and will sell your land. Will look after your pension or any matter of law. Will ad vise you well in fact will give all business clean and sober at tention. Office over Leigh's Barber Shop, No. 48 Water street. Will be at Rcanoke Institute from 8:30 o'clock a. m., '(ill 2:30 o'clock p. m., every day except Saturday. P. S. Have 200 lots for sale in Sawyer Town and about the city. Tissolutioii. The co-partnership hereto fore existing between Sawyer & Jones has this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Thos. C. Jones retiring. All persons in debted to the said firm will set tie their accounts and notes with John L. Sawyer & Co., who are authorized to collect and re ceipt for same. And all persons having claims against said firm will present same to said J. L. Sawyer & Co., for payment John L. Sawyer, Thos. C. lones. E. City, N. C, Jan. 20, 1900. OABTOniA. Bean th The Kind You Have Always Bought 8a.r ?Mzh mmmtttm m bsl wejw 1 r 1 .w. vvjr: 0RA Spring and Summer jovelttes displayed in WeiseFs big department store, Everything to suit everybody. Don't fail to see our show win dows. They are full t of the latest attrac tions, and prices very oderate. 5-5: and 5 Newport News tyilittfy cadefljy H select School for Bo?e and Young Men Classical, Scientific, English and Commercial Courses. rhorongh Preparation for College, University, the U. 8. Naval aud Military Academies, or for Business. For location, heaithfnlneas, course of "study, thoroughness of Instruction and the comforts 01 its students, this school has no superior, and scarcely an equal. The faculty is composed 'of degree men of ex perience, representing the best schools of the country. If yoi' are seeking the best advan tages (and you should consider none but the best for your son. at reasonable rates, write for an illustrated catalogue to K W. HUFFMAN, Principal. Newport News, Va. Sixth Annual Session begins Sept. is, '99- Dissolution. The co partnership heretofore existing between William Pailin and James P. Thompson, under the 6rm name and style 01 Wm. Pailin & Co., is this day dissol ved by mutual consent. Parties indebted to said firm will please make payment to Jas. P. Thomp son, and all persons having claims against said firm will ppresent same to said Thompson for payment. James P. Thompson, William Pailin. Jan. 1, 1900. The milling business will be continued by Muir & Thompson who have secured the mill, stock and good will of the old firm. i 5 ' O w o nj a s o fj s-2 a b H 0 H s H CD 2 - a, t 5C & o o 1 a tJ V c3 m Eh 5 33 cd m I O 91 "3 0 s 4 WANTED ! Reliable man for Manager ot Branch Office I wish to open in this vicinity. Good opening for an energetic sober mam. Kindly mention this paper when writing. A. T. MORRIS, Cincinnati, O. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. postage. WEISEL T77"a,tex Street. tyOijumerjts and Gravestones. Our Illustrated Catalogue, No. 10, which we mail free, cou tains a variety of designs of Marble and granite Memorials, and will help you in niaknig proper selection Write for it; we will satisfy you as tf prices. Our stock is the lar gest in the South. THE Couper Marble Works (Established 50 Years.) 159 to 19 Bank Street. Norfolk. -THE- XATIOXAL SALOON' B. F. FRANCIS, Prop. East side of Broad Street, near Wa ter. FmesT in eDeNTON. For choice Liquors, Wines, Cigars and Tobacco, there is no place bet ter prepared to supply the trade. X-jia, r gre stocZ: of choice goods constantly on hand at prices in keepiug with the times. EVERYBODY INVITED to call. No souvenirs but fine goods at low drices. Elizabeth City, Oct. 1, 1899. The firm of G. M. Scott & Co, hav ing decided to retire from the Insm ante business, have transferred thr same to Messrs. Culpepper, Griffin, Old & Grice, of this city. All of the compauies formerly rep resented by ws are uow in their hand aud we bespeak for them the same p.itionage so kindly extended ti nv, feeling assured that they will treat you fairlv aud honestly. Thanking you for the patronage so liberally and satisfaitorlly given us and regretting to sever our relations, we are, Yours very truly, G. M, SCOTT 5t CO Referring to the above, wc are now in a better position thau ever to han dle the Insurance business in Eliza beth City, and shall use our best ( forts to reduce tates and nivc satis faction to oni customers. Hoping to be favored with a continuation ol the patTOnne heretofore given us. Very truly, CULPEPPER.GBIKF1N, OLD, GRICE FOR SALE OR RENT. One Store, Warehouse and Dwelling, located on tlu river at Newberne's Land' ing in Currituck County, N. C, Wiil sell on reasonable terms or rent for I50 per year. This is a splendid location and a good business sile, For terms, apply to SAMUEL PARKER, Poplar Branch. N. C. tf Dollars ( 1