Newspaper Page Text
A Study of Frogs. Dr. Lawrence E. Griffin, of the Johns Hopkins University, will arrive in Baltimore from Jamaica about the list of Sep tember with a choice collection of bullfrogs, alligators and igua nas, taken from that island. Dr. Griffin has advertised in the island newspapers for 200 live bullfrogs, as the develop ment of the eggs will be studied by one of the professors next winter. The development of the frog egg has usually been one oi the studies prescribed by the classes in minor biology, but the prospective investigation will be much more comprehen sive. Most frogs deposit their spawn in masses in water, and the young emerge from the egg in the shape of tadpoles, provided with a tail and external gills, which disappear with the growth of the permanent limbs. For watching its growth the eggs are placed in a little water in a watch glass and placed under the microscope, and the interest ing process of division, which the surface undergoes, is care fully noted. The tadpole or larvel stage, which comes next, is important. Then the fiog is ; essentially a fish, capable of ex- isting only in water, breathing ; through gills and havins, like a fish, a two-chambered heart. ; The time required for hatching '. the frog from the egg varies from four days to one montli When the different stages of the living frogs have been carefuli observed they are killed and ma croscopic sections made of the ; for more thorough study. Dr. Griffin, who received li s degree last spring, was appoir. -ed Bruce fellow at the Job in Hopkins University to folic original research iu animal mor phology in Jamaica during the summer. Caswell Grave, who held the fellowship last year, will hold it again during the scholastic year. Baltimore Sun. Pointed Paragraphs. A sacrifice of principle to in terest avails but little. A few men are self made, but many more are selfunmadc. The less a man wants of a thing the more he is apt to get of it. A woman never reads the pre face until after she as read the story. People resemble pianos when they are square, upright and grand. To the hear of a day the ap plause of the people is but a blast of hot air. Bachelors very frequently rail against the married state, but spinsters never. Philosophy of a blockhead if you would look-spruce you mut not pine. If you would have a good ser vant, praise him in public and leprove him in private. Men are seldom as homely, or women as handsome, as they ap pear to be the first time you meet them. The St. Louis detective who recently arrested a savage blow has still further distinguished himself by catching a bad cold. The woman who offers you a generous slice of her angel cake probably means well, but some how you never feel quite sure of it. Chicago News. Walked Sixty Miles to Vote. Mr. Evander Koonce deserves special mention as one of the very best Democrats in the State. He is a residtnt of Flea Hill, with his voting place at Lock's Creek Academy, and, since he registered, has been working thirty miles away in Robeson couuty. Being a man of a large family, and ioo poor to afford to hire a vehicle, he walked the entire distance to record his vote and immediately began the long journey back on foot. Fayetteville Observer. A Railway With One Rail. An exhibit at Paris which ex cites much curiosity is a single rail construction that never had any chances of success. Briefly stated, it is a railway system for lines where the cheapest con structioi is desired, and where animal traction and not mechan ical motors will suffice. The cars are balanced over the rail and a light frame is se cured to one side of the car. In this frame is placed a horse or mule and a suitable saddle and girth transfers any unbalanced weight of the car to the animal's body. Both passenger cars and freight cars of various sorts are shown, all of small size, of course, but the system of traus portation is designed for places where nothing in the shape of rail transportation has before been applicable. The rail is very light, weigh ing not more than eight pounds per vard, and is supported on square blocks spaced abcut two feet apart. The cars have one wheel in front and one iu the rear, and the wheels have deep flangs, so that derailment cannot occur. Each car arawn by one horse or mule carries a load of 3ooo to 4 oco pounds, TIie ar ns as easily on a cuive as in a straight line, and no matter how crooked or wavy tue rail, the wheel will follow it. From Engineering News. The South' Four Staples. Extracts from ai title by Hon. John R. I'-.octor. President United Mates! Civil Service ommiasioa There is a growing world- ; Great hunger for coal and iron as has been the increasing de mand in the past, there must be ! au accelerating demand in the ; years to come, and properties ; having the combination of raw material for the cheap produo ! tion of coal and iron, with favor ! able transportation facilities for reaching the markets, form the most substantial and enduring basis for safe and profitable in vestment. We may confidently expect in the not distant future that South em steel will dominate the mar ket, as Southern iron has done during the past decade. Fol" lowing the cheap production of steel must come the establishing of industries in the South con venient to the furnaces and steel plants, and cheap coals and cokes for the production of structural steel, bridges, etc. There is au increasing demand for iron all over the world, and a limited number of furnaces capable of producing iron at low cost. Then we must take into consideration the marvelous in creasing production of gold in the wroild, caused by discoveries of new sources of supply and by the improved processes by which low-grade gold ores may now be worked at a profit, thus furnish ing to the commercial and indus trial world an abundance of a stable circulating medium, which will have the same ten dencies to sustain prices as did the discover)' of gold in Cali fornia and Australia. The south holds absolute com mand of the four great staples the potential basis of marvelous development in the future coal, iron, steel and cotton. A Notice to Veterans. Camps of United Confederate Veterans that expect to attend the Vance monument unveiling will please infoim J. C. Bird sons, Adjutant of h O B. Branch Camp at Raleigh, of the number that will attend and what accom modation they will require. A. 3. Stroxach, Commander. J. C Birdsong, Adjutant. B g McQueery I wonder if any thing will ever be invented to take the pia e of bread as the staff of life ? Mr. Newliwed Wtl , my wife baked something yesterday that she offered as a substitute. It certainly wasn't bread. Phila delphia Press. UNITED STATES REPLY IO Till: COMMCXICATIOS OF THE CHINESE MISISTEB pTotifj ins; This Government of the Ap pointment of El Hons Cnanff as Envoy Plenipotentiary to Kego tiate Willi the Power Washington, August 13. The Depart -rnent of State to-day made public the reply of the United States Government to Minister Wu's communication, de livered on Sunday morning, notifying the department of the appointment of Earl Li Hung Chang as envoy plenipo tentiary to negotiate with the powers. This reply was sent to Minister Wu at o'clock Sunday afternoon and is as Collows.: "Touching the imperial edict of Au gust Sth, appointing Li Hung Chang envoy plenipotentiary to conduct nego tiations, on the part of China, with the powers, and the request for a cessation of hostilities, pending negotiations, communicated to Mr. Adee by Mr. Wu bn the 12th of August, 1900. "The Government of the United Btates learns with satisfaction of the appointment of Earl Li Hung Chang an envoy plenipotentiary to conduct negotiations with the powers, and will, on its part, enter upon such negotia tions with a desire to continue the friendly relations o long existing be tween the two countries. "It is evident that there can be no general negotiations between China and the powers so long as the Ministers of :he powers and the persons under their protection remain in their present posi tion of restraint and danger, and that the powers cannot cease their efforts for the delivery of these representa tives, to whifh they are constrained by the highest considerations of na tional honor, except under an arrange ment adequate to accomplish a peacea ble deliverance. "We are ready to enter into an agree ment between the powers and the Chi nese Government for a cessation of hostile demonstrations on condition that a sufficient body of the forces composing the relief expedition shall be permitted to enter Pekin unmolested and to escort the foreign Ministers and residents back to Tien Tsin, this move ment being provided for and secured by such arrangements and dispositions of troops as shall be considered satis factory by the Generals commanding the forces composing the relief expedi tion. ALVEY A. ADEE, "Acting Secretary. "Department of State, Washington, August 12. 1000." The text of thir. re tures communicated y to the over- by Minister Wu night to the repre ed States for corn vernments of the n the relief move- tvas telegra sentativea o munication to t n powers co-operatm ment. . It develoj ed d reference to ' th the American r distinct meaning the various pow ring the day that the powers" employed in .y was not without a Exchanges between s have been going on constantly, and as a result the officials had the satisfaction of knowing late in the day that the position of the United Btates had the approval and support of all the great powers. While this had not been expressed in any formal manner by all the parties, yet the ex changes in the chancellories of Europe and through the foreign representatives in Washington made it positive that the powers were acting unitedly in ap proval of the course of this Govern ment. Several of the foreign repre sentatives, including the German charge and the Russian charge, had ex tended conferences with Mr. Adee dur ing the afternoon. These added to the assurances of unanimity among the powers. The presence of the Russian representative was gratifying in clear ing away some misapprehension, which was not shared by the Government here, as to Russia's course in authoriz ing M. de Giers to leave Pekin under Chinese escort. It was pointed out that this in no way brought about a difference between the attitude of Rus sia and that of the other powers, so all were acting on the theory that the Chi nese Government must first give an ab solute guarantee lor the safety of the Ministers. It seems evident that this absolute guarantee cannot be given by Dhina unless it allows the international forces to enter Pekin, so that in effect the Russian position does not differ materially from that of the other pow ers. At least Russia is included among those who fully approve the course taken by the United States. Washington, August 13. A member of the Cabinet stated to-day that no consideration would be given promises of the Chinese Government until the demands that have been made by this Government are actually and fully complied with. "We have made our demands on the Chinese Government," said this official, "in very definite language, and in view of that Government's persistent fail ure to meet them, although certainly fully understanding them, mere prom ises will not now be considered. Noth ing, as I see it, will stop the march of the relief force to Pekin except the ac tual delivery of our people now there. Unless they are put into our hands im mediately the allied forces will continue on into the Chinese capital without any unnecessary delay. This peace edict, however, looks as if the Chinese Gov ernment was about ready to yield. They probably will be disposed to take any steps necessary to save their sacred city from foreign intrusion. One Dose , Tells the story. When your head aches, and you feel bilious, consti pated, and out of tune, with your stomach sour and no appetite, just buy a package of I Hood's Piils And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills. You will be surprised at how easily they will do their work, cure your headache and biliousness, rouse the liver and make you feel happy again. 1 25 cents, told by all medicine dealers. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and .Manhood Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem ory, all wasting diseases, all effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to Dale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail 50c per box. 6 boxes for $2.50, with our bankable graurantee to cure or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. Nervita Tablets (YELLOW LABEL) EXTRA STRENGTH Immediate Results Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain package, $1.00 a box, b for $5.00 with our bankable guar antee bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. CSinton Sl Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by the; standard pharmacy, Elizabeth City, N. O. 60 PILLS SO CTS. I Th TOr(I You Have Ahrars use Tor ever 30 years, anrl lins - 4ccJU4iC a tlmm All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Tast-as-good" are but Experiments that trille with i ad t a danger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Hkof !r f Castoria Is a harmless sabs Si jo te for Castor Oil, Pare goric, !rops and Soothing L'-jmps. It is Pleasant. Jf contains neither Opium, Bloryhino inr other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. 3t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It c ires Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, It relieves Teething r,r rabies, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilaU s the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COWPAKY, 7T M'JRIAV ST?;T, NEW VOSSK CITY. "It Pays to Use the Best. 9 uffSt 9 These cuts represent the Standard of Excellency. Biggest House, Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. We invite you to call and satisfy yourselves. WHOLESALE Grocers and Tobacconists, jiikI dealers in Hay, Lime, Cement, Paints, Oils, Rope, Hard ware, Buggies, Harness, Tobacco and Snuff at Factory Prices. Ammunition, G-uns and Pistols. J. B. FLORA & CO. (Established i887 g gg j S iiiiCTltlMii m nail 111' I'll i BPIH Urn Oldest Fisli Goawissior) Hoasc Ip Norfolk Shipments Solicited. zs-Stencils Furnished. f Mercantile Agencies, , J City National Bank, References citizens Bank, and Wholesale Shippers. WE EMPLOY WHE. YOU BUY TUR II? S KEDS at the most convenient country or village, it is possible that you may get seeds of fine stock and germination, but has your experience shown that it is likely? Do you buy seeds from general merchandise stores because you believe that they have the best, or is it because you forget to order them from seedsmen in time, or find letter writing too much trouble? Nobody buys seeds at second or third hand except as a result of forgetfulness or indifference, and if you have been getting yours that way, it is time you were making a change. It's folly to risk your crops in that fashion. We will sell you "Th oroughbred Turnip Seeds" at fifty cents per lb. and deliver them free at vour post or express office. GEORGE TAIT& SONS, 78 Commercial Place Seed Growers and Merchants. Norfolk, Va. Ti ttlotoii Female College. A very prosperous school with modern buildings, splendidly located in a rematkably healthful secticu in Warren County on S. A. L. Road between Raleigh and Weldon, N. C. Panacea water kept in building at all times ior free use of inmates. Fifteen officers and teachers. Chaiges very low. Eighteenth Annual Session begins Wednesday, Sept. 19th, 1900. For Cata logue address Rev. J. M. Rhodes, Pres., Littleton, N. C. Bought, autl Vs liieli has beta lias borne tlio signature of beca made under his per- . . r, T . : - 5-.-. fia vm no nno io deceive vou in this- ASTORIA Signature of 5 J WRENN'S BUGGIES are the best Full stock 011 hand. Flora & Co., Agts. . r COMMISSION IV O AGEINTS m UteligMiCft Scholars POSITIONS GUARANTEED, Undtr 93 Ca-h Deposit. Ral rv wA Fare Paid. Open all yaar to Both sexes. Yary Cheap Board. Georgia-Alabama Business Collage, Macn. QeaTfU, TRINITY COLLEGE Offers undergraduate and grad uate courses. Large number of electives. Eight scientific labor atories, equipped with modern and advanced apparatus. Large additions to library. Complete gymnasium. Expenses low. Pif ty scholarships to be awarded. 550,000 spent in improvements the past vr ar. Send for catalogue. PRESIDENT KILGO. Durham, N. C. with fair education and Kood character to Lenrn rrlesri-"iliv, Railroad accounting, and typewriting. This is endorsed bv all leading railway com panies as the onlv pefiect and reliable institution of its kind. All our Taduates arc ated to positions. Ladies also admitted. Write lor IK it catalog. (Fall term open August isth.) ULOBE TfcLEtJKAFH OoLLEGb. 6-IS-6111 Lexiugtou. Ky. TRINITY PARK HIGH SCHOOL. Prepares thoroughly for College. Offers courses in Latin. Greek, Eng lish, Mathematics. Science, History, French, German, Book keeping, Sten ography, and Typewriting. Excellent library and gymnasium facilities. Faculty of seven college graduates. New and elegant buildings furnished with all modern equipments. All ot th-- first graduating class of sixteen entered College. For illustrated catalogue, address, J. F. BIVINS, Headmaster. Durham, N. C loijumeijls and Gravestones, We pay the freight and ouarantee safe delivery. Largest stock in the South. Illustrated Catalogue free. g the pi ouper Marble works (Established 1848.) 159 to 13 Bauk Street. Norfolk, Va Xorfolk aSc Montli eru iit If. Mm ,4 Vi In effect July 1st , 1900. TRAIN SERVICE. NORTHBOUND Lv. Eiiz. City daily (ex. Sun) 2:45, p.m Ar. Norfolk, " " 4-25, P-"i Lv. Eliz.City.Tue.Thur.&Sat 9:35, a.m Ar. Norfolk " " " 11:00, am SOUTHBOUND Lv. Eli'.. City daily (ex. Sun)n 40, a.m Ar. Edentou " " 12:40, p.m Ar. Belhaven " " 4:45, p.m Lv. Eliz. City Tue Thu &Sat. 6:00, p.m "Trains stop at all intermediate stations. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Steamers leave Edentou daily (ex cept I-uuday) 1:00 p. m. for Plymouth, Jatnesville, Williamstou and Wind-so-. Leave Edenton Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday 1:00 p. m. for Chowan River landings; and Monday and Fri day for Scupperucmg River. Steamers leave Elizabeth City for Roanoke Island, Oriental and New Berne, Tuesdaj, Thursday and Satur day 6:00 p. m.: connect with A. & N.C. R.'R andW.&W.R R. for GoMsboro ax. d Wilmington, &c. ForCoiujock and North River Land ings Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 3:00 p. m. For South Mills and landings on Dismal Swamp route Monday, Wed nesday and Friday 6:00 a. m. Steamers leave Belhaven daily (ex cept Sunday for Washington, N. C. . For further information apply to M. H. Snowden, Agent, Elizobeth City, or to the General Office of the N. & S. R. R. Co.. Norfolk, Va. M. K. KING, H. C. HUDGINS. Gen. M'g'r. Gen. Ft.&pass.Agt Bank President Isaac Lewis cf Sabina, Ohio, is highly respected all through that section. He has lived in Clinton Co. 75 years, and has been president of the Sabina Bank 20 years. He gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's Sarsa parilla, and what he says is worthy attention. All brain workers find Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. " I am glad to Bay that Hood's Saraapa rilla is a very good medicine, especially as a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For several years I Buffered greatly with pains of Neuralgia in one eye and about my temples, es pecially at night when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found helponly in Hood's 8arsaparilla which cured me of rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself a trui friend. I also take Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills very much." Isaac Lewis, Sabina, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla IstheOne Tnie Blood Purifier. All druggists $L Prepared only bye. L Hood & Co.. Lowell. Mm HnnHV Oiilo arc PronH. efficient and A iwU o fills easy In effect 25 cents. OaVEIJPORT.MORKlS & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Con. sion Merchants and Dealers in 1'7 J W 111 011 1. V. Consignments of North Caro Una Herring solicited, and pro ceeds remitted in cash On account of our intimate acquaintance and frequent trans action with the grocery trade ot the West and South we are able to handle N. C. Fish to the hest possible advantage, and we are known everywhere as the larg est distrihutors iu this market. h-Btablished 1881. Saml M. Lawder& Sons Wuoh shJi CommU.on Devlti Fiesii : JLsJa. Soft Crabs Terrapin Etc. Ballimore, I1. Quick Sales ! Prompt Returns 1 REFERENCES : rade Nat'l. Pauk, Duns Mercaiiile Agency, Win. Hooper & Co., Dukthart & Co. The J. Johson Company. S B. MILLER & 0 WHOLESALE COMMISSION NO. 7 FULTON FISH MKT, New York. Clarence G, Miller, Miller Longbotham. J Special Attention Given to ! r HK SALE OF NORTH CAKO LINA SHAD, tencih ami Stationery Furnibeiot. Application. v r EMPLOY X) AGENT S.LSTORER&CO Wholesale Dealers in and Shi ppers of k indH of id FULTON FISH MARKET IVEW YORK. We work harder for the inter est of the Southern fishermen than any house in the business. If your Stencil is not in ood ordei let us know.1 K.e.M. DftUISON&CO Wholesale Ccaalstka ) Mtur ; rts FRESH FISH Terrapin and Game. Z S. W. COR. CHARLEH and CAMDEN BT. BALTIMORE, MD. Prompt Returns. Quick Sales. REFERENCES : Third National Bank, C. Motto ' Slew art & Co., J. A Lebron Co. and the Trade in General. Stencils Furnished Free. E. W. ALBAUGH & SON Wholesale Commission Merchants iiclidjM JG ADA TERRIPIN AND GAME' :No.224 Light Btreet Wharf,: J BALTIMORE Prompt Returns, Quick Sales- IREFERENCE, Citizens National Bank. W. J. Hoover & Co. Stencils Furnished Free PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING Oil For Barb Wire Cuts, Scratches, 5 Idle and Collar Galls, Cracked Heel 1 :ms, Old Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruise i Bea and all kinds of inflammation on ua or beast. Cures Itch and Manc. 7-) Cm, Cat or Bars will uw auttn tfUr Uo o'.l 13 bus ippiitl. I.e prepared for accidents by keeping it in your hooM oraable. All Druggists Mil it or a guarantee. No Cure. Ho Pay. Price $ ct. and $1.00. If you: Drug-rii uoes not keep it send us 35 cts. in pus tae stamps and we will send it to you by mail. .... Paris, Tnn.. Jan. SOth. 1H94. Dear Sir: I hare uned Foitar'a SatUvpHa Malla 01 fnr Harnaoand Saddle Oalli J.cratehanU Barb Wire Cut, ith perfect aamf action, and I heartily rcoo-imend it M all Uvary and Stockmen. C. B. IBV1NE. LiTery and Feed Static. BABY BURNED. Gentlemen .I am plea ted to n.cak a wotd for Parter'i IntUaptta H.ail.f oil. M?r Uaby waa burned a f;w month i, . and .after trying a!l other remediet I applied your "Oa ani first application gave relief, and In a few dayi tl. lore i , well. I alto ued the oil on my (tock and find that la toe bant remedy for f hie purpose that I hae eer usa. , . Yotire, C. T. LEWIS. raris. Tenn.. January 28. 1894 ASDPACTCRtO KT PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. loot, mo