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isherman and armer. ELIZABETH CITY N. C, THURSDAY- FEBRUARY 14, iqoi one Dollar per Year, Tn6 Official Paper of Pasquotank and Camden ( oumitw. (&STABL!SI0 STATE NEWS. At a primary held Friday, Tarboro voted in favor of the dispensary system. The experiment larm near Raleigh has a contract to grow 15000 roses for a Philadelphia florist. The Asheboro Courier says that Randolph county last year raised about 400,000 bushels of wheat. Newton Enterprise: The Bine Ridge is covered with snow and can be plainly seen lrom Newton. The Maxton cotton mill has been sold at auction to Mr. H. C. McNairfor $6,000.50. It runs 1000 spindles. Henry S. Walter, a prominent farmer of Granville county, was held up near Durham Friday b negroes and robbed of $250. Scotland county farmers claim thai, in proportion to acreage, they raise more cotton than any other county in the United States. At China Grove, near Char lotte, robbers entered the post office, pried the safe open, and escaped $300.00 in money and 5200.00 in stamj s Jno. Lakey, aged 40 years, was shot and killed at a distillery in Yadkin county last Friday by James Hammond, a young man, who made his escape. The Clillside cotton mills, of Rutherfordtou, lias been char tered with a capital stock of 80, 000. which may be increased to 400.900. Gas ton ia Gazette: Belmont is to have a 5000 spindle cotton mill capitalized at $100,000. The money is all within reach, and the site has been purchasod. High Point Enterprise: Last Sunday night Mrs. Aus band accidentally broke a lamp chimney at her home. This was the first accident of the kind at her home in 35 years. Miss Estelle Kd wards, of Gold sboro, has composed an inspir ing "March" and two step, to which she has given the name "The Pan-American" and dedi cated it to Governor Aycyck. Col. S. H. Fishblate, of Wil mington, who has recently re turned from Washington, says he is satisfied that the seating of Senator Simmons will not be op posed by either Pritchard or But ler. The late Capt. Kitchen is said to have received the largest sin gle lee ever paid to a North Carlina lawyer. In the settle ment of an estate in California he received a fee of $20,000 in gold. News and Observer. The proposition to issue $100, 000 in bonds lor macadamizing the country roads is sweeping the country with a whoop. Ev ery body is signing the petitions The idea is to get roads at once and let them pay for themselves Newton Enterprise. The Corporation Commission has granted a petition from citi zens of Tyrrell and Washington counties asking that be required to provide separate accommoda tions for tje races on its boats plying on the sounds and streams of the s ection. The States Oyster Laws, The following is the report of J. W. Denmark, who foi five years has been chief clerk in the State Treasury: "The oyster laws of N. C. should be of interest to every citizen, because the oystei beds and and the oysters growing on them are public property. For the five ears, J890 to 1894, in elusive, the total income into the Treasury from the execution of oyster laws was only $1.76949, while the expenditures from ill State Treasury on same account were $20,179 05, showing a loss to the State of $18,409 56 in the five years under the laws of 1895. Theophilus White wr.s put in charge ot the execution of the oyster laws Since May, 1S95, he has turned into the Treasury $ 34 -37 7 20 at a total expense of 27,628 01 , more than $10,000 of this expense being chargeable to account of steamer Lillie. With all this he has turned into the Treasury, as will be seen, $6,739 19, or more than 1 ,000 per year more than has gone out on his expense account. The beds have been developed aud the quality and quantity of the oysters great ly improved. THE COTTON MILL A PROMOTER OF POPULATION. AS SOUTH MILLS Mr. George Ditten and Miss Elizabeth Koesber, both of New prt News, Va., were united in marriage last Wednesday night at the residence of Mj. W. S. Bartlett at South Mills by Wr. K. Abbott J. P. Mr. Leony Turner and Miss Harriett Felton were united in marriage last Sunday at the bride's residence by W. R. Doz ier. J. P. The Post Office has been mov d on ttic West side of the canal in Jacobs' store where it foimer;- iy Mr. W. R. Dozier has moved in the house formerly occupied j by Dr. J. H. 1001, and family Mrs J. L. Lister left on St'r. Newton Monday for a visit in Virginia to relatives and friends. We hear the whistles of many hoats since the Deep Creek locks have been finished. Hut not so many are passing as will when the bar is dug out of Turner's cut which will be finished in a few clays now. Mrs. William Eason has re- turned from a visit to relatives and friends at Deep Creek, Va. A Friend. Representative Small has ob tained an appropriation in the Sundry Civil Bill of very gieat interest to the fishing interests of Nojth Caiolma. It 3.480 for the maintenance of the Eden ton fish culture station This station will ultimately be msde one of the most important on the South Atlantic Coast. It deserves the encouragement and good will of all the people of Eastern North Carolina. During the past tew days The Observer has printed some in teresting information about North Carolina towns and coun ties from the reports of the re cent cencus. There has been an increase in the pormlation or all the counties in the State except ten4 since 1890. In some instan ces the increase has been re markably large, and is is worth noting that in each county that in each county that shows a marked increase, there has been a development of the cotton mil ling industry in ti e past tea years. Gaston, Cabarrus, Stanly, Durham, Mecklenburg, Guilfod aud Rutherford are notable in stances. The power oi cotton mills to build up communities is evidenced in a most convinc ing way by the cencus reports. What the coiton mill has done lor Albemarle may be taken as an instance. In 1890 that place had a population of onlv 248. Thi- had increasee in 1900 to i,3S2. Concord, which is offici ally recorded as a city, increased in ten years from 4 339 to 7,910, and Greensboro from 3 317 to ro,o35. Henrietta, not in exis tence in 1890, now ha a popu lation of 1,250. Gastonia sprang from 1,033 to 4.6ro: Graham from 991 to 2,052: Norwood from 150 to 663: Bessemer City from o to 1,100; China Grove from 174 887, etc. These are on ly a few instances the list could be considerably extended. A number of the smaller towns show losses, but there are no cotton mills near them. In the matter of holding their own, it is a tie between Harrellsville and Holly Spring . Each had one more inhabitant in 1900 than it had in 1 8 ;o. Another tie is between Rolesville and Woodland, each with a gain of 5, while Ring woo! and Magnos lia tie on 6. I CLOTHING I I y V. r . - V I . 1 4 myr il'V - MX SALE! o. 4 0 Men's Suits At 3 25 7.50 Men's Suits At 9.00 Men's Suits At 5.98 These Goods must be sold in order to make voorn for Spring Goods now coming in. Oar Dlace is small and we must hav room. 25 CTS. If presented on day of Sale on pur chases of Clothing Only. One to a purchase. ' if IT M if I i i . MUMFORD AND ROSEDALE There has been quite an exo dus of negroes from this county rincr the cast three or four weeks to the States of Georgia, Florida and Alabama to work; turpentine. This means fewer hands on the farms. Sanford Express. Rev. VV. E. Howcutt deliver ed a fTne sermon Sunday after noon at the M. E. Church. Tnere is quite a number still on the sick list. Mrs Maggie Bullock from near Portsmouth, Va., is v isiting her sister, .d:s A. S. Moigan. Mr. Joe Hewitt, oi Berkley, Va., is here visiting his parents. Mr. John Edriey, of Ports mouth, Va , spent last week here with his mother. Messrs Richard Hewitt and Wibb Dais, of South Mills spent Sunday in this community. We are glad to see Mr Nix Williams out again, after being confined to Irs room several weeks with a broken limb. Ruby. An appropriation in the sun dry civil bill of great import ance to navigation is that of th.r ty thousand dollars for the re building of the light house at Northwest Point, Royal Shoal, Pamlico Sound This light house was so seriously damaged in the Ausust, storm of 1899 that it was declared unsafe and has once been out of use. ,9.00 Overcoats 5.98 Men's Pants will be sold Friday and Saturday at and below cost- Boys' and C hi 1 d r e n's Clothing at a sacriiiee-tiiis applies to Heavy weight. 7.50 Overcoats 4.48 15.00 nnd 1 OO Overcoat. 10.50 Neckties : Neckties ! 1 These goods are new. Nothing old am 0:1 them as we haye only been, here' Three Months and that is a guarantee of fresh Stock. TATEM, MANN & CO