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Fisherman araier. ELIZABETH CITY N. C, THURSDAY- FEBRUARY 2 1,1- ONE Dollar per Year, THe Official Paper of Pasquotank and Camden Counties. (Established iS6 ana I WORTHY OF SUPPORT. Importance of the Local Newspaper to the Community. To everv property holder, ev ery tax payer, every politician, every farmer, every citizen, the local newspaper is of vital im portance. To these persons the most im portant news matter is that con cerning local affairs, for local happenings are what affect them socially and commercially and to keep informed on these mat ters is most necessary to their persoual success, if not to their individual comfort and welfare. The property owner has inter ests which are vitally affected in a number of ways, by public improvements, which may mean increase of tax rate assessment, and the know. edge of who the local officials are and what they are doitig, is most important to the property owner and tax pay er The citizen of a town is lia ble to complain that his local paper does not pubish enough foreign or outside matter, say, ini? that he knows all the local happenings so wants to read about other matters. And yet not a week will pass but this same comiUimng citizen will read something in his local pa per that is of the utmost import ance to him to know, as a citi zen. Tn estimate the value of the local paper to the iarmer, would be impossible and yet very many farmers will send money away from home to get a newspaper, and not subscribe to to their home paper. The politician who is wise knows the value of his local pa per, its suppnrt and friendship being of immense value to rum. It is the full acquaintance and knowledge of home affairs that makes up the good citizen, and it is equally true that the good citizen of the community is the Hbei al supporter of local insti tutions' and no local institution is so worthy 01 his support, as the home newspaper. New Bern Journal. Child On The Roof. , Burlington News One day last wreek persons who were passing the residence of Mr. J. Q. Gant were horrified to see on the second story roof of the building his little baby boy, clinging to the steep roof and side of the house looking down from his dizzy height iMinuie Means and CorinnaGant happened to see him and rushed through the house up stairs and out on the roof to him. One gen tleman ran around to a place lm mediately under the child and prepared to catch him if he A. should become excited and loose his hold, fearing that when the girls should start out on the roof toward him he would at tempt to get away from them . - and fall, but fortunately their promises to give hi in some can dy caused him to remain still. It was a dangerous experience for the little fellow. MANTEO ITEMS. i1 QtTH MUMFORD AND ROSJEBALE Mr. Griffin Hewitt, of Princess Anne county, Va., is here on a visit. Miss Annie Spence SDent Sun day here with Miss Maggie Wil liams. Mr Charlie Harris, of Norfolk is visiting relatives and friends at this place. Miss Eliza Abbott, of Camden, spent Sunday with Miss Edna Jones. Messrs. John Chalk, of Hert lord, and vY. H. Bufkin, of E. City, weie visitors in this com munity Saturday and Sunday. "Ruby." Manfeeo, N. C, Feb. 20, Mr. E. W. Mann spent a few days last-week in Elizabeth City with relatives and friends. L. D. Tarkenton has retwrned fron his home, where he attend ed hfs sister's funeral. Tom Forbes, of Norfolk, made a caJi on Miss Lovie Burrns- at the Tranquil House last week. A number of our people who have been so very sick are con valescent, we are glad 50 hear. We understand that the Wan cfoese people are preparing to build a new M. E C&nrch after the spring fishing is over. We wish them success in their good work. Another of Bethany's faithful members, Mrs. Sabra Hooker, has gone to rest, dying at the ripe old age of 70 years. She leaves two sous and a daughter to mourn their loss. Mrs. Louis Hoper, with her- children, is visiting her parents at Columbia. We are having beautiful w,?a ther and the fishermen have? a fine opening for fishing. Miss Ma?y Midgett, J. E,M?d gett and wife and D. L. Midgett and wife, of Croatan, wese here Monday. Prof. R. A. Fissiden bas com pleted His office fr the .irel?ss telegraphy on the west side of the Isiand, at. . Hatte- ras putting up the Over office. E. Boats are now pas-ing thr ?gh the Can il both ria ami night. Mr. W. E. McCoy is visiting relati ves-and friends in Norfolk Our formers are getting, on" their com as rapidly as possible Mr. C. I. Spence, wh, ha becn visiting to Berkley, Teturn ed Saturday on ti-e btr. Nwio.i Mr. Robert Bullock, who has been sick with grip, is c;j again. Miss Maggie Wright., of Sha ron, was the guest of Miss Mae Bella Bartlett Sunday. Mr. J. T. Williams went to E. Cit? Monday on busiiiness. There is onlv one Dredge :d. work now in "Turner's Cut". The Hobon is in Ntfolk for re pairs and will itriuzu in a fV wseks. s 3Drop Catcm Mann 9 s i Curiosities oi Courage.. i nter5ti ng STATE NEWS. Had to Conquer or Die. "I was just about gone,' writes Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs N. C, "I had Consump lion so bad the best doctors said i could not live more than a month, but 1 began to use Dr, Kings New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and am now stout and well." It's an unrivalled life-saver in Con sumption. Pneumonia, LaGripp and Bronchitis; infaliable for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fe ver, Cjoup or Whooping CouSh. Guaranteed bottles socankgioo Trial bottles free at all druggists and South Mills Drug Co. South -Mills. How to Cure the Grip. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy as directed and a quick re covery is sure to follow. That remedy counteracts any tenden cy of the grip to result in pneu monia, which is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of thousands who have used it for thu grip nnt one case has ev er been reported that did not res cover. For sale at Dr. Wood's Drug Store. Weldon is to have an ice fac tory and also a shirt factory. The society of woman is the foundation of good manners. At Hertford, Friday morning fire destioyed a house occupied by a colored family. Loss about 500.00. Last Tuesday night robbers entered the store of Mr. G. B. Morris at Ktnly and escaped with about $500 worth of cloth ing and jewelry. If some men had to live by frii;r- v-it tliev would starve to death. Lee Kirby, the young man who last October killed his brother-in-law, Mr. Lee Murrill, at Clinton, was found not guilty of murder on account ol the insan ity of the defendant. The Board of Aldermen of Chapel Hill have granted the ricrht of way for a trolley line from Durhr.m to Chapel hull. It is to be built by northern cap italists. When a man sends to some other city to purchase an article that he had from a home mer chant it is evidence that he don't love his neighbors as he should and that he is indifferent to the growth of his town.- Mt. Olive Advertiser. There's one thing about cast lesin the air. You don't have to pay any rent for them. One of the :aost articles in the current IGVcuy- of Courage" W Richard Hard -I ing Davis. fit is a suppoti this clever writer has thought much about and hiiS experiences in five campaigns have furnish d hiaa material of 110 common order 60 draw upoBi for instances. and ex amples ia the; vc "inr :gr L ed," he says, "I have s'veu but one uva '-usl terrified, so terrifi ed mat not even endeavor to couceai t - e t . :t. I ha v.? seen men skulk and hang hack, but I have oviW seen this oae man show that he was a. eow aid. Of course, o say that ali men are brave, is not saying that the degrees of bravery are many and various. All men can talk, but scmae men can talk better t'.vun others, and they are called ora tors. The orators anions brave men are tuose who by some individual exhibi tion of com age, Coolness, or uerv, il hmuminate an entire battle-field, or at least insputt and set an example to a regiment. Sand havi youks JFOS a liASTLk SUIT. They are show Xktt tfv revest ;ir:J handsome! line fS samples ever seen in this cit and juarsi-p tee a fit. C s La Grippe quickly Cured. "In the winter of 189S and 1899 I was taken down with a severe attack of what is called La Grippe" s ys F. L. Hewett, a prominent kiuggist of Win field, 111. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Cham berlain s Cough Remedy. It broke up the cold and slopped j a m m - m 1 r the coughing like magic, and 1 1 have never since been troubled j One of the best calendars ol with Gripped Chamberlain's tbe seas0n s the -Bardui Weath Cough Remedy can always be j er chart and Calendar for 100 1. uepcuucn uuu lvj "1 ;uumished Dy tlie cuattan vere cold and ward on any The Weather Calendar that Predicted the Galves ton Storm. Jy-sr-f fv'O j SUITS MADE to MEASURE i From s ,oga I Xferhrine Com dau v. man 11 fact 11 r threatened attack ot pneumonia ers Jf McElree's Wine of Cardui It is pleasant to take. too. which jand Xhedfoid's Black Diaught. m2kes it the most desirable and!The Fisherman and Farmer ne of the most popular prepara Qffice has just received one from tions in use lor tnese aumen e. xd For sale at Dr. J. E. Wood's Pants $3.50 Up Drug Store. s 1 V-T i. ' " . t . .. 1 C 0 ine puunsners, wnicn uouiistsui 1 3 , twelve sheets ot paper, 13x20 i j J L A j C inches in size, all fastened to-! f f I L V I ? gether with a gilt tin strip con- , a 7AAAS VI. Love may laugh at locksmiths j tains the calendar tor one month but it never laughs at the front : m large figures that can be read crate when the old man comes across any 100m. Under the fig with a club. i ures Pate weather signals in- jdicating Prof. Devoe s Weather : forecasts for every day in the Pneumonia Can he Pieveuted. year appear. This is the calen dar thr acciiratelv nredicted the , j r This disease always results Galves too storm ea- betoie it j from a colder an attack of the j occuired. We understand a few grip and may be prevented by copies of it can be secured by the timely use of Chamberlain's ; sending 10 one-cent postage Coueh Remedy. iuai rcmcuy stamps to to tne vnarranooga was extensively used during tlie epidemics of La Grippe of the past few years, and uot a single case has has been reported that did not recover or that resulted rmenrnonia. wincli snows it x in Medicine 1 enn. Co., Chattanooga, to be a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. Chamberlains Cough Remedy has gained a world wide reputation for its cures of colds and grip. Fcr sale at Dr. J. E. Wood s Drug Store. People go where there is bus iness. Capital and labor will lo cate where there is an enterpris ing community. No power on earth is so strong to build up a town as a newspaper well pat ronized, and its power should be appreciated. Roanoke News. &CO UP-TO-DATE HUS-C TLERS. CLOTHING, HATS.S AND GENTS FUR- J NISHING GOODS. 37 Man S eiizabetb City, N-C.1