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Newspaper Page Text
e- - ir Hathaway Bros. Have Moved INTO A NEW STORE On poindexter Street, SAME SIDE AND i NEAR THE POST OFFICE, i HAT HAW AYS. i i Jewelers and Opticians. r2 3 :2 r r -2 5 '-5 3 55 r 5 3 LOCAL ITEMS Zoeller is up to-date on all Pho tographic work. Mr. J. R. Harrell spent Sun day with friends in Norfolk. Hathawy Bros are almost giv ing their goods away. Miss Annie Moiris, of Norfolk is visiting Mrs P. S. Shipp. Mr. Luther A. Perry, of Cam den county, was here last week T. S. Harreli will sell cheap. Stop at his new ttakery and see him A six day sale is 111 Dropress at Weisel's before closing h;s! old store. Read Ins ad. The schooners Hopkins and Elisha, both heavily loaded witn oysters, arrived in port Friday. Special Sale of Ladies' Lorg nette Chains and Hai: Brooches on Saturday at Seligs. Mr. E. F. Sawyer left Friday for Winston Salem to attend the Sta te Council of jr. O. U. A M. At the pric they are sel ing buying Hathaway Bros, like findinor money. siock is Misses Margaret Hinfo 1 and UeDorali Whitney, of Mumford. were visitors m day. til c.ty Mon- Zoeller has one or the finest 1 Photograph Galleries south of New York. Cor. Alain and Poin- 1 . aexter streets. 1 Miss Lizzie Skinner has re- turned t her home in Edenton. I after spending everai days here ( with friends. It vou are need of a watch ' chain now is your chance to get ; one at youi price at behg s. Mrs. f T. M'Cabe entertained . . , J - . . , , her lady friends with a card par ty Friday afternoon at her beau- tifiil home on Main street. ; When in 'town call on T. S. Harreli for breads and cakes. It will pay you. Miss Clara Bond, who has! been the guet of Miss Gertrude Greeulcaf lor several da s, has J returned to her home iu Kdeu- ton. Louis Sv lig is selling out his entire Stock uf iVathes, javelry, Silvdware and Novelties il a sacrifice. The fire alarm Sunday mom ing was caused by the burning of a two-story dwelling belong ing to and occupied by Hamil ton Whitehurst. O wing to a mis take as to locality the Depart ment was sent entirely in the wrong direction and by the time h ? file was the house was con- umed. Call on T. S. Harrell for fresh breads, cakes, fancy groceries, ruits a nc confectioneries. No. 6S oiudexter street. Nowhere in the world can Wauhe Clocks. Ieerv and Silverware be bought so cheap as the Hathaway s are selling it. Rev. H. W. White, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, will deliver an address at the Young Men's Prayer Meeting in Meth odist Church at four o'clock Sunday afternoon. Selig says his stock must go regardless of cost. So now is your chance to buy vour watches jewelry and silverware. Tateni, Mann & Co would be glad to take your measure for an Easter suit. Read their adver tisement A most delightful german was given last Wednesday evening bv the young men in honor of Miss Lizzie Skinner, of Edenton. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs P. W. McMullan, Mr. and Mrs. J A. VVillard, Will Wood f-nS with Miss Skinner, Howard, Fearing with Miss Shaw. Dr. E. r5 F. Martin with Miss Minson, 8w George B. Pendleton with Miss 'SSj Seim, George Scott vith Mi.s Bond, Wesley Foreman within MisClinnie White. Wilson HolXS& iowell v. 1t.i1 iiss Ltti tie Green leaf, C W. Mel ck with X!ae oon vv yiana iiay Miss Nannie Hnroes, G. R. Litl tie wiih Miss Eva Padm, n ;.i Old .vith Miss Helen Martin x-un ningCs, u. is. tr If you want xen r pic' U"e e- 32i lagged in cravon or pastel. Z er can save on iwouoy No 1 . ' . n , 4-. ' r a Hi W5? comer iviain ana r omaexui Accidentally Killed Himself, George Lakett, a sailor on the schooner P. C. Hoffman, acci- dot9l, shot and kil,ed himself ... . , . while getting out yawl-boat a- , .-. , c -j u:i board the vessel Puday while en . . . , , , route to thls cltv The body was brought here and an inquest was ne Coroners Jury. The de ceaed was from Jinkatigue, Md. Don't forget when you want your picture made Zo eller has moved to e o-r Main and and K- ad streets - sc,."i 52555 L -4; stea Will Boom His ou-iness S. i.av;il, a merchant, of ha! las, Vex. write: "i tiiought 1 would have to give up business, after two years of suffering from general debility brought on by overwork and .on hours, but four bottles of Electric Biuers gave me new life. I can now eat anything, sleep well and feel like working all the time. It's the best medicine on earth." It's a wonderful touic and health builker for tired, weak, sickly and run down people. Try it. Sati?f -cticii guaranteed. Only 50c at all druggists and South Mills Drug Co. South Mills. 2 7 Elizabeth JVJost QJonderfully (Conducted t "O 1 C 1 Our fiandsome New Store Now Ready H Desperate Clean-dp of Sis Days. The contractors have turned over to Jggjseven thousand 7,000 square feet of stock imist either be sent to New York AT.LY fJVF.N A WAV q w cf-art i GOODS. Wis a fr "nmim. $ '? H 3 n 5 fkf sr a a ;i a begins rmiiHi 1I1UILI Sr cy's Knpg Sniti 2,69 ? c 1 r ? . 1. j 1 1 v vv Men's Fi ne Shoes 1 1Q $2 00 a a tlitv , now i i Men's Drawers 50c cjuaxi i ' -iv .ng .- ' ' I J V JW . A.' - v V-y Si.wa d Si.7s k ind . no w T.adif s Fine Shoes $1.25 quality, now iipuH pup GiOSHG Lack of Space will nt . erm:t us man 3 , r i r . many V. ...... i., .ruvH r.:r 9 1 d tM& advertise triCTit revelation H Bale of tti tense tutereet and Olide Spread Importance. sin K. 1 izabeth ( '(f( ( : " Tr '( ' ' Si City I Ever attempted in North Carolina has been proven. Sale for finals mm r; us the monster new store building wit space. We are given six davs in which auction rooms, or else ALMOST ACT! ,1 tUa o ,r Kil4; ...:. t. O l X7f N'T- wu,,Vi41' V'U1 IflTn -ITS AAn ft Alfa? ff'77 SING. iriB. 11.8 u'ku .... . 2to Boy's knee ?nitF 8.85 H kind- before leaving lOcHambtirg ed iug before ieavxg 35c Window Shades spring rollers, now Yard wide Peicales 12ic kind, now Bov's Undershirts all sizes, before leaving my rsft 7C j if' PI I IMAj. A A 7 f IE. lil to juote rare tiian a fraction 'ric llrkiihlo tnrrc txnei VV c t-l! V fh I t T ear m wth care. every price an i r,c: . Lis s 3 City, N. f '( '( '( f 'f 'f T( ( ' , its Sl OUT v 1 -- '- , Am' ... ( .