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Ccmbermere Abbey to Let Combermerc Abbey, Cheshire, Is to fet. It stands on the site of a Benedic tine monaster founded by Hugh de Malhauc about 1130, and the materials of the original fabric were made use of in the present mansion. The walls of the library are those of the old re fectory, and the interior is famous for its fine wood carving. It has belonged to the Cotton family since the Disso lution. The collection of weapons and trophies in the armory was chiefly formed by Field Marshal Sir Staple ton Cotton, first Viscount Cotton, in India. The pictures include portraits by Roniney. Another notable house in the market is Abbey House, Abingdon. It takes its name from a Benedictine abbey founded in 675, which became one of the wealthiest in England. It Is to come under the hammer next month. The last owner expended a onsiderable sum on restoring the ruins, and there is a private water way to the Thames. fxmdon Chroni tle. Magistrate "You say your husband struck you. Did you give him any provocation?" Female Complainant "I only told him to understand I was a match for him.' WlMtted At Onc ! Traveling salesmen with or withoit exprleuee CO.OO and expt-ns -s For partlcula 8 write Pooatioais Tooacco Works, Bedford City, Vs. It's funny that tho bank wrecker should be to reckless. Carter's Ink has the largest sale of any ink in t he world, because it is the best ink that can be tuaue. The windy day brings out the ash nutn. Happiness cannot bo bougLt, but one of the great hindrances to its attainment can be removed by Adams' Pepsin Tutti Frutti. Liiving Skeleton "The ossified man ean't get a oh." Fat Woman "Hard luck, isn't it?" WHAT IS OVARITIS ? A dull, throbbing- pain, accompanied ty a sense of tenderness and heat low down in the side, with an occasional hooting pain, indicates inflammation. On examination it will be found that the region of pain shows some swell ing1. This is the first stae of ovaritis, inflammation of the ovary. If the roof of your house leaks, my sister, you have it fixed at once : why not pay the same respect to your own body ? You need not. you ought not, to let yourself go. when one of your own sex holds out the helping hand ttyou, and will advise you without money, and without price. Write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., and tell her all your symp- Mbs. Axrana Astox. toms. Her experience in treating fe male ills is greater than any other living person.' Following is a letter from a woman who is thankful for avoiding a terrible operation. " I was suffering to such an extent from ovarian trouble that my physi cian thought an operation would be necessarv. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound having beeu recommended to me, I decided to try it. After using several bottles I found that I was cured. My entire system was toned np, and I suffered no more with my ovaries. " Mrs. Ana Aston, Troy, Mo. tu. ! 1 Jr-aatsararfii Every cotton planter should write forourvaluable illustrated pamphlet, "Cotton Culture." It is sent free. Send name and a(SdreB l GERMAN KAU WORKS, 93 Nassau Sc, N. Y. 80. 8. Dr. Bull's Cough Cures a cough or cold at one. mb f Conquers croup, broach;..:, y g IJ grippe mud conaumption. asc 1'hE SABBATH SCHOOL NTER NATIONAL LESSON COMMENTS FOR FEBRUARY 24. Subject : Jesus in 5ellmmne. Matt. xxtI.. 36-46 Golden Text, Lake xz 4Jt Memory Verm 39-41 -Commentary on the Day's Lo. 36. "Then." This waa about mklnipht. 'Cometh." After they had left the uprier room whero they had eaten the pa&chal wupper. "With them." There were onT eleven now; Judas w?s absent making ar rangements tor the betrayal. "Unto a place."' Jesus oftentimes resorted to this quiet retreat with His disciples (John 18: 2) for refreshment, retirement, quiet Instruction and perhaps prayer. "Gethse mane." The name means oil press, an em blem ( trial, distress, agony. "Sit ye here." He left eight of the discinles at the entrance of the garden. "Pray." Christ frequently went alone to prav. 37. "Took with Him." Further int the garden, to a spot more retired. Two sons of Zebedee." James and John. The three disciples Jesus took with Him had been witnesses of His transfiguration and glory, and were to behold His humiliation and agony. "Began to be sorrowful." To be penetrated with the most exquisite sorrow and orerwhelmed with d"p an guish. "Very heavy." Sore troubled; a stronger word than the other. :8. "Even unto death." My soul is so dissolved in sorrow. My spirit is filled with such agony and anguish, that if apeedy succor be not given to My body death must be the immediate consequence. "It was an aeony that would destroy His life if it continued." This sorrow He felt for the sins of a lost race; Isaiah 53:4 ex plains it. The agony became so great that His sweat was great drops of blood falling down to the ground. "Tarry ye here." Spoken to the three disciples. "Watch with Me." It was not a siyn of human weakness that in such an hour as this Christ sought for human sympathy; this desire for fellowship tn hours of darkness and of sorrow is strongest ia the hearts in which love is the richest. 30. "A little farther." About a atone's east (Luke); l.r0 to 200 feet. There were now three divisions to the little company the eight, the three and Jesus alone. "On His face." This was the ordinary posture of the supplicant whem the favor asked was great, and deep humiliation required. The head was put between the knee?, and the forehead brought to touch the earth. "My Father." In all our addresses to God we should eye Him as a Father as our Father, and it is in a special manner helpful to do so when we are in an agony. "If it be possible." etc. This has been generally explained in a way to make it appear that Christ was fervently asking the Father, if possible, to remove the cup of His eoming death and sufferings from Him. A more satisfactory explanation is that Christ was asking the Father to re move the present cup of intense suffering, which was done when the angel came strengthening Him. Jesus knew that it was the divine purpose that He should come to the cross, and it was in harmony with this plan that He asked that the death agonies of this hour might pass from Him. Christ prayed to have the suf fering that threatened His life there in the garden relieved in order that He might go on and finish. The great horror of Jesus in the garden arose, not from fear of Calvary, but from fear of failure, through physical suffering, to reach Calvary, and thus to lose all for which He left heaven "Not as I will." If it is Thy will that I should die here in the garden instead of dying on the cross, as foretold, I submit. He was en tirely resigned to His Father's will. 40. "Cometh unto the disciples." He did this three times during this awful hour. He apparently desired communion with them and the sympathy and comfort which they could give. "Asleep." Luke says they were sleeping for sorrow. And yet we cannot help feeling that if they had had a deeper sympathy with Christ and a fuller realization of the crisis they would have kept awake, and not have been found sleeping on guard. Christ's gentle reproof implies this. "Unto Peter." Peter had just made loud professions. "With Me." Me was suffering for them, but only ex pected that they would watch with Him. "One hour." Sometimes Christ continued in prayer all night, but He only asked them to watch with Him one hour. 41. "Watch and pray." A testing time is coming, and you will need to watch care fully and pray earnestly. The Christian is in danger of falling a prey to the world, the flesh and the devil. The person who fails to watch opens the door for the tempter to enter. We should guard every avenue of approach and see to it that the enemy does not enter unawares. But watching and praying go together. Pray er without watching is hypocrisy. "Into temptation." The enemy was near at hand; they were about to undergo a very severe test. Would their faith and cour age fail them? God is able to keep us from entering into temptations, even though we may be in the midst of temp tations. "The spirit indeed is willing," etc. They desired to watch with Him and thus show their sympathy and love for Him, but their bodies and minds were weak. 42. "The second time." His going the second and third times shows how great was the burden, and His intense earnest ness and perseverance. What an example is this to us? If it were necessary for Christ to pray three times, how many times ought we to pray? 43. "Their eyes were heavy." They could not keep them open; they were not able to resist drowsiness. Mark tells us that they knew not what to answer Him when He aroused them from their slum bers. They had no excuse to offer. 44. "The same words." They best ex pressed the desire of His heart. It is cer tainly right for God's people to use the same words in prayer again and again, when they come from hearts tilled with strong desire. 45. "Sleep on now.'' Jesus had gained the victory. The hour for watching was over, and "now they could take their rest. But how is this to be reconciled with the command to rise (v. 46) ? Some think this was spoken ironically, and should be read in the form of a question. Do you still sleep on? Ait probably there was a short period of time before the command came to rise. 46. "Let us be going." To meet Judas and the soldiers. Jesus is ready, and He knows what is before Him. Without hes itancy He turns His face toward His ter rible sufferings of the cross. He does not flee from danger, but goes willingly to Hi death, for for Otis cause eame He into ths world, ' CURES BLOOD POISON. TREATMENT FREE. Hare you eating, festering sores, mucous patches, sore throat or trams, ulcers, pim-pi-s. itching skin, aches in boors or joints, lalitng hair, boils, cancer, scrofula, offrasive catarrh or old rbeaaaism Then you have contracted or inherited biood poison. To cure, take Botanic B.ood Balm (B B. B. wbieh is made esi-ialiy to cure the worst and most deep-seated ca?ee, ven when the tones are affected. B. B. B beak, eeery sore, tops all achen, makes new. rich blood, giving the rich glow or hea th to the akin. B B. B, improves the diges;io:i. B. B. li. thoroughly tested for 30 y-ars. B. B. B. kills or destroys the polsou, drawing it from the system. Drug stores, fl. Treat ment of B. B. B. sent absolutely free by writing Blood Balm Co., 25 Mitchell St.. At lanta. Ga, Describe trouble, and free medi eal advice given uo-' arM. Costs nothing to t.y B. B. B. Medicine sent prepaid. Natnrc 'wl A'Sltatice only Many of the '-ases ii.nB8 could b rnckd at oace with a doae f Crab Orcnara Water, taktaln Uxae. A Large Shipment. What is probably the largest ship ment in the history of Southern raU roads is now being moved over the louisville and Nashville, from Mount Pleasant, Tenn.. to Pensacola, Fla., to he forwarded to Cuba. It consis:s of 1,000 car loads of rock phosphate, all m one consignment, and the magni tude of the undertaking is shown in the .fact that the railroad company is Bnder contract to deliver 200 carloads Df the freight daily. This means 12 lolid trains of 17 cars each going into Pensacola every day laden with noth ing but phosphate. FOR GOUT, TORPID LIVER AND CONSTIPATION. No medicine in the world can relieve you like the Natural Mineral Laxative Water, provided by nature herself and dis covered more than 30 years ago and now used by every nation in the world. uny Recommended by over one thousand oi the most famous physicians, from whom we have testimonials, as the safest and best Natural Laxative Water known to medical science. ' Its Action Is Speedy, Every Druggist and General Wholesale Grocer Sells It. a for the full name, Ql IIH Label vrith AOft 44 Hunyadi Jmios DLuL Red Centre Panel. Sole Importer, Firm of Andreas Saxlehner, 130 Fulton St., N. V. I FREE 1 WSNGB4ESTEF wteohester n - SHOTGUNS I Factory loaded Ouri6opage and shotgun Shells, 5 illustrated cata-J FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN St ELLS NEW RIVAL," J W logue. 9 the winning combination in the field or at C "LK A D E R," and the trap. All dealers WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. g a trial win prove 180 Winchester Ave.., New Havsn, Conn. A their SUpcriOT-jt. mmmmmmmem9m&QQm&&mmQrmG7 ca3a WB L. DOUGLAS $3 & $3.50 SHOES N1ADE. The real Tvontti of W. l Dousrlax 83.00 and S3.50 shoes compared with other makes is 84.00 to 85.00. Our 84.00 Gilt 1 else Lino cannot bo equalled at any price. We make and sell more 83.00 and 83.50 shoes than any other two manufacturers in the United States. THE REASON mora W. L. Douglas $3 and t3.SD ihoes are sold than any oUrer make is because THEY A KE THE BEST. Your erller. ould keep tnem we Sive one dealer exclugive sale in aeh town. Take no auhntltute ! Inojit on hariny W. L. Dnutrlas shoes with name and price stamped on bottom. I your dealer will not get th m for you, send direet to faetory, enclosing priee and 2.V-. extra lor carriage. State kind of leather. siz. and width. plin or cap toe. (nr shoes will reach you anywhere. Write far catilogue shoiring nrw Spring stvlr. We nee Fat Oolor V. I . Ioiiglua Mhc t o., Eyelet in all our ihoei. Brockton, M . mm m watch our next dvrtiment. that has been treated with polish ing materials, in order to hide imperfections. Look at the package ! Is a lion's head on it? LION COFFEE is the coffee of purity and strength. Try it once. In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive Kst. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or fcirl will fail to find in the list iomc article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrapper, of our one pound icaied packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is soli). WO( LSON SPICE CO., TOLEDO. OMJO. SAl Cin I. KX( l USlUNV Seaboard Air I, in- Hallway Wash ington, I. C, Mar. l. 1, 2 it 3, 19UI. On account of the Inaugural ceremonies of the President and Vtce-Preaidoai a: Wnsh- ! iocton. ilarch itu, ihe Seaboard Air Line ! liailwav wid sell Hxeursion l fkets from all . stations at rat of one flrst-cla fare for the i round trip. Ticket- wnl r-e govd going i ' all trains of March 1st, 2nd and 3ri, and , valid far return March 9.h. 1 &0 1 In-'loaiv-. I For fine trains and fa: schedules tak the . Seaboard Air Line Railway. Their famous "Fiorina and Metropolitan Limned"' aud i "Florida and Atlanta Fat Mad" run direct to Washington. For tickets. s'hedu e and sle; ing ar accommodation, call on or ad ' drcM-J any agent of the raooard Air Line Hallway. Suitors and Conjrr are now uin (iooe i Grea-e f r ore throat, ovtrenes and cud-; I itrure- when all else fail. The wi-e ue iio;M 't Grease for man or .xH!t.evsry bottle nuarant'd G 00D PAY TO AGENTS To Advertise AI.LHi.4TOH LINI- NIKNTSSc, Dr Ball's t'ooch Ba s m 35o. HairC.irn I ur 1 e. Hat Dre lV. Send 3Sc4 Tf ruii.iievure territory alooce. Addrevt The Alligator Llniiiieiit Co., Box -243, H AME.KSTON , . C. Use CERTAIN Ol'llH CHILL COH CURE.! 23 AO 5 GOHtS WHERE ALL El WHERE ALL LSE FAIL cough Hyi lb time. ood. CseRH MgigMgigia rem adl Janus Sure and Gentle. It never gripes. sell them. " REPEATER mm mum w rm&&' iai ma kbh mens A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OLIND MAN'S BUPP is a good - gome to play. But you con not afford to play It with coffee. Know what you are drinking ! Know what you purchase ! Uncover your eyes and see whether you are getting LION COFFEE or some cheap glazed substitute Constipation J is e&sjij cored aad th Vowol re iored to a healthy condition by the um of remedy ir-r and L i Ir ey rt'l t"marb. troebJea, H? trir rnethtd of coaeentrx t :n rt h 0 US butti" m eq is talent to ture gallons 'f the pr:nii water. 5olJ bv all drug gists Crab appte every bottla sa , 6, CRA3 0R:HASD WATER C0..Loui WILL HAKE YOU RICH" flg Mil w . i- It cut ri j tlm. Comblnat on Com. fliiwaiioonio rtii r- UMoaitireM V Billion Dollar crass. rbiUAjK 1 JfcEferWhat Is It? MTf-i Oatalogtic re .1. IUH I'JO. j I .ilflrs mmA tkla KOTlCS rt mill . k g I . , 10 Otllll IttO Snallx 10 L m i-r A 1 .'.. A (-' bxbrl M A.) K. -. J KrlwV.(lT3 A, rWml, W. urUi10. lagWaS ' John A. Satzer Seed Co. I Crests, Wis. Positions i ?nssss More calls than wecan wi v til ar.te.- of positions backed !-. .."' o I'otiMta unexcelled. Knr'r.ny lime. Catatoua frH! ai r. , COLUMBIA BUS. COLLEGE. COLUMBIA. & C 1G SEED STQEE Collection lltEC. no monT iM.l i 11, J .) -. ball 0'' :. r . 1 l. 6c r:.i.h cd we will mid jui our htr $4.f u '.- of 6 uiLrr premiu n, iDcltuiinc Mirer, flltrd wau ti uJ a'tof cl nha. Wr j,.Ul acrct; th is i fVr aud we wl ! t..-wr.J -Kerdt, .t.'.I,a, eu:., by tn.l. Rrjrrmr ' u uniry :UHi. f. J. .'. N ii i.,HUUlDaul, V BBS Our Seeds Are Northern Gro y n GRASSandFiHD SEEDS ONION SETS, POTATOES, PEAS; WINTER, RUST PROOF, BLACK, WHITE OATS. SOJA BEANS, S. T. BEVhRIDOB & CO.. 12 17 E. Cary St., ISK IIJIOND, V . TATE SPRING,"?- ' fl Hotel 0pea and Water Shlpp.-d 1hrouf(l)nu1 aa ear. I hf m nI i e . Ir li 1 1 n I ttealtn alKl Keson in tne t n n Ciecinc J.tjh s. svj Heat. Water Hirti-. Uaier ( nri- ni(l1irtftl DTapepsia, and all ir ublc .f the IJver, -t 'itLser. Blaader, B-.w-n .-hi 1 I -. ithumatiiai ul Hloud Disfiises. Write fur Pamphlet. THOS. TOIflLINSOK, Ouin rA 1'ruyr. TATE SPR1NO, TENNESSEE. AGENTSandSALE5M(N5 We manufacture quick selling article Yr i t rli 400 percent, atnt.le lOcenta. FarlOvi'nr rn iChtf. EWAl.D NOTKLTT Wuttlis. 1 i I nxi, WlK TH C FINEST iftTMCUNITfDSTIT'.l BMdUui ami U raM Nan fr... i i !--.-, , . . elrr!r TEXAS SfTD PECAN CO . FORT WORTH. Ti) nDODC V WEW DIfC0f?EY;w LT 1 I I qu ck re jef nd nrm wonS e rr Bo .j. ut taati on ial and lOtlsys tivaimaoi Free, i H. H. tRUN'8 BOMB. Box B. AUaata, wW OF ALL! 4 the natural bowel. livr i.1V MXHK -v V J - . I A'i.msM 5 'dPVB