OCR Interpretation

Western Carolina Democrat and French Broad hustler. [volume] (Hendersonville, N.C.) 1913-1915, July 22, 1915, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068159/1915-07-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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TYPEWRITER In srood running or
der, for $15; will rem for $2.50 per
month. Noah M. Hollowell. tfc
Mountain Home. . J. M. Allen, 7-8-5tp
f OB SALE Rhode Island Bed Chick
ens ; yearling hens, pullets, cocks
..' and cockerels. . , Dr. C. Few. 7-8-3tp
WANTED Position as assistant house
keeper or companion in or near Hen
dersonville for summer. State re
quirements. Miss Minnie L. Bee.
Edgefield, S. C. : 7-8-3tc
f OB SALE Small - farm. Address,
Freeman, Dana, N. C. 7-l-6tp
block from Southern Depot. Desir
able location, rates reasonable.
North Grove and -6th avenue, East.
Mrs. W. V. Bristow. 7-8-3tp
THE WHITE OAK on Fourth Avenue,
three blocks from postoffice now
open for summer. Excellent loca
tion and cuisine; terms moderate;
box 767. .7- 7-8-5tc
VCASII For Bags, Bags, Bones, Bottles,
scrap metals, and all waste material.
" J. F. Stevens, Hendersonville, N. C.
FOB SALE Pony Big two seater,
rubber tire, pole and shafts. P. O.
- Box No. 529. Hendersonville, N. C.
HAT FOB SALE First class Timothy
.and clover, delivered at $1.25 per
100 pounds. Address T. B. Allen,
Fletcher, N. C, R, F. D. 6-17-tnc
FRESH FISH Fresh fish of aU kinds
received daily Phone 344-Li.
sition, 10 room house close in, would
consider small farm m part payment
See W. F. Edwards. 7-1-tnc
WANTED all your fresh
eggs. Peoples Grocery.
butter and
Phone 43
FOB SALE Horse, young and city
, broke; buggy used one year. Am
",. leaving city. W. H. Cale. 7-15-3tp
Brook street, General Livery, Bilt
more, N. C, Telephone 814. Adja
cent to Biltmore Estate Entrance
and Terminus of Asheville and Bilt
more Car Line. Estate open to vis
itors Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays. - 7-15-3tc
LOST Cameo Stick Pin with four
pearls. Return to Hendersonville
Hardware Co. . x 7-15-tfc
WANTED A Begistered Jersey Cow
not over 4 years old. Address P. O.
Box 178, Hendersonville, N. C
' 7-15-3tp
JFOB SALE One horse wagon, good
as new. Thos. Shepherd. 4-15-tnc
Office over J. O. Williams.-
; All persons are hereby warned not
to rely upon the statements of my
hrother, W. L. Dekle, who is now liv
ing in Henderson County, North Car-
olina, nor to extend him credit in anv
way whatsoever, as he is mentally un
sound. He is harmless, and his con
. -dition is better when allowed his free-
Vdom than if connnea m a sanatanum
tut those who choose to deal with him"
vimust do go at their, own risk, as he is
'siot responsible and has no property. I
am in no way liable for his debts or
: -obligations of any kind, nor. for his
. upport and maintenance, and I will
not assume any obligations on his be-
half. Such assistance as I may see
. fit-to give is entirely voluntary, and
, -must not be construed as implying'any
liability on my part.
. July 9, 1915. - . . - .
. J. R. DEKLE, Tampa, Fla.
. 7-15-tfc by G. H. Valentine, Atty.
Having qualified as executor of the
last will. and testament of A. Barbee,
deceased, all persons having claims
against the estate are hereby notified
to present them to me by .the 22nd
day of May 1916, or this notice will be
pleaded in bar of their recovery. All
persons indebted to the estate will
please make prompt payment. '
This the 22nd day of May 191,5.
7-8-6tp Executor. .
Yiiii Feel discouraged'
tous, tired, worried or despondent it is
a sure sign you need MOTT'S NEBV
EBINE PILLS. They renew the nor
mal vigor and make life worth living.
Be sure and ask for
Mott' Nervine Pills gUS..
WILLIAMS MFG CO.. Prop:. CUrelin.d Ohio
v -Sola :only by Hunter's Pharmacy.
FOB SALE White Orpingtons and
Plymouth Rock hens, also eggs for
batching. Phone 343-J. A. G. Thomp-
:; son . : T' 3-25-tnc.
BULBS & SEEDS Lawn Grass and
Clovers. Hunter's Pharmacy. 5-6-tf c
IV ANTED Tour pets and aU other
domestic animals for treatment by
competent veterinarian, -graduate of
Cornell University. Dr. M. M. Leon
ard, 18 S. Pack Square, Asheville.
N. C Office phone 1346; residence
phone 810. Prompt attention given
to calls f rom Hendersonville and
vicinity. . 3-18-tfc
Houston & Son.
room 'flat. ApplJ,
WANTED 50,000 Books Cash Paid
for all kinds old books and House
hold furnishings, relics, stamps
. coins and paper money. Call for $5 to
$500 "Want List" School books at
half price, good condition, latest edi
tions: Money refunded -at once if
not entirely satisfactory. Old books,
etc., taken in exchange. 'Free ink
or slate pencil and one book with
each purchase. Largest stock, best
and lo west prices of any book store
in the South, and 30 years of suc
cess proves satisfaction. All profits
and place given to the poor for 9i
years. Old Book Store, No. 12 S.
Blount Street, Raleigh, N. C. aug 1.
FOB SALE Good mahogany upright
piano on easy terms; instrument in
excellent condition. Dr. L. B.
Morse. 5-20-tfs.
FOB SALE Second hand cook stove,
$6.00 buys it now. Hendersonville
Hardware Co. . tno
fortable flats over Hunter's Pharm
acy for rent Electric fans free to
keep you cool. Apply same. 5-6-tfc
FOB SALE Bight from the factory a
new model 7 Oliver, standard visi
ble typewriter. A bargain to the
right party. If Interested call at
Hustler-Democrat office at once.
Will not hold for such a low price
long. tnc.
FOB BENT A house.
See A. O.
FOB SALE 12 Acres of wootd land on
edge of city limits beautiful knoll.
Could be subdivided to good advant
age on one of the leading reads.
G. W. Justice. 7-22-4tc
FOB SALE 25 acres of land 1-2 mile
beyond city limits just off the Ashe
ville road. Public road runs through
the tract G. W. Justice. 7-22-4 tc
Store for Thrasher's Great Healing
Fluid. Free treatment for three
days. . . It . has relieved pellagra,
appendicitis, rheumatism, headache,
toothache, itch, Eczema, piles, indi
gestion, poison oak, bites from poi
sonous inseets and other troubles.
(Waynesville Mountaineer.)
The Haywood county board of edu
cation has instructed county Superin
tendent Sentelle to not issue a certifi
cate to any teacher who is a smoker
of cigarettes. We think this is right
and proper. If the boys see their
teacher smoking "coffin tacks" they
naturally suppose it all right for them
to smoke them. Judge Webb said
Monday In charging the grand Jury,
that if he had a boy he would prefer
him to take a drink of liquor than to
smoke a cigarette. Parents, know
your boys and direct they the right
Chicago, July 16. Counterfeit mon
ey with a face value of nearly $75,000,
alleged counterfeit Minnesota state
bonds running, up to $25,0000, and an
outfit used, by a gang of counterfeiters
believed to' have operated on a large
scale, fell into the hands of the po
lice today.
Five men were arrested. Samuel
Robbins said the money was made in
Duluth, the police reported .and con
fessed that he was the leader. . He
hired two men, whose names were
withheld, to help him. The remaining
two, John Berkowitz and Benjamin
Saltzman, said Robbins passed the
currency, according to the police.
The officers found $2,000 in genuine
one dollar bills which had been raised,
or were being raised to the five dollai
The police said the men were, about
to move from their rooming house, but
the landlady, to whom, they owed
money, would not let them take a
heavy trunk in which the bogus mon
ey was found There was trouble over
this,-and the police, were called. The
alleged counterfeiters had left, but the
weight of the trunk prompted the de
tectives to look -inside. ' Then they
got a photograph of four of the men
in bathing suits and located them.
J. H. Hines has 'accepted a position
with the M. C. Letson harness store,
where he will be pleased to meet his
old friends and customers. Mr. Hines
was for many years in the harness
business in this county. 8-25-3tc".
McLean Asks Individual Deino-
crats to Aid. the Party.
.7 The following letter has been issued
to Democrats by Mr. A. W. McLean,
North Carolina's representative for
Democratic National Committee:
My dear Sir: V;.'; "'" ":- ; 777..,
You will no doubt recall the deci
sion of the Democratic National Com
mittee, made .immediately: after tno
last presidential election,' to maintain
permanent headquarters, all the year
I round, in Washington, for the purpose
oi carrying on tne puDiicity work. The
work done by the National Committee
along this line has been of very great
benefit to the party, and it . has been
determined to continue this publicity
work not only during the present year,
but during next year, also. '.
-We realize that to maintain its pres
ent position, the Democratic party
must put up an aggressive fight all the
time. It is not sufficient to prepare
for a campaign just before an election
I think you will agree with me that
not only regular Democrats, but all
.fair-minded people, irrespective of
former affiliations, have great . confi
dence in the constructive achievements
of the present administration, led by
our, able President. Great good for
the country at large is being accom
plished, notwithstanding the fact that!
tne aimcuiues wmcn nave to be met
are world-wide, and almost overwhelming.-
- ; ;
If we have faith in the wisdom of
the present administration, we ought
to have courage to fight for Demo
cratic success in 1916. We cannot win
without constantly displaying a mili
tant party spirit. The opposition is
becoming very active. They hope to
take advantage of the ' present busi
ness depression caused by the unpre
cedented war. conditions to persuade
as many people as possible into voting !
against the Democratic party. - A
The Republicans are no doubt pre
paring to wage an elaborate and-ex-
pensive campaign, and, as evidence of
this, they have already created and
are now, maintaining three separate
organizations. Our Democratic Na
tional Committee desires to continue
its campaign of National education
and publicity. Immediate funds are
necessary to do this work. Unlike our
opponents, we propose to appeal to. in
dividual democrats who conscientious
ly believe i nthe principles of the dem
ocratic party to furnish the campaign
funds, instead of relying on the special
interests who expect favors in return.
If you believe, the Democratic party
deserves to remain in control of this
government and that it is to the in
terests of the - American people that
Woodrow Wilson should remain Pres
ident in "these times which try men'ij
souls," then, we confidently expect you
to help us in our efforts to raise suffi
cient funds to maintain our headquar
ters and carry on our compaign of ed
ucation and publicity. -
The National Committee has appor
tioned the amount necessary vto : be
raised among the various States on
the basis of the electoral vote. of each
State. Last year North Carolina, did
her part . faithfully, although ' the"
amount was subscribed by a compara
tively small number.
I earnestly appeal to you to make as
large contributions as possible for this
ereat work. Just at the Dresent time
the committee is urgently needing a '
considerable amount. A check, fori
such amount as you feel that you can
give, will be greatly appreciated. I
should also like to have any sugges
tions that you may be able to malcv
with reference to the work.
Representative," Democratic National
Committee for North Carolina.
Lumberton, July 2.
Committeemen Selected for Merchants
Association: They Meet Friflay Night
The newly elected officers of the
Hendersonville Merchants association
met last week and named those to hold
position fo ra term of six months on
eight , committees.
It was decided at this meeting tc
call a meeting of all committeemen
and, any other members of the organi
zation interested, for Friday night of
this week at 8:30 o'clock, the meeting
to be held in the library. At this
meeting plans will be discussed for
furthering the interests of the associa
tion. Committeemen were named as fol
lows: Transportation T.L.Durham, chair
man; J. C. Morrow, Columbus Morris.
Finance W. H; Zimmerman, chair
man; W. M, Guill,X J., Rhodes. ;
Legislation-R.' M. Oates, 'chairman i
M. M. Shepherd, F. Z. Morris.
Advertising T. W. Valentine, chair
man; Gordon F. Garlington, H. Pat
terson. - ;
Arbitration J. O. Williams, chairman;
Chas. Rozzelle, J. W. McTntyne. - f
Membership Wm. Eott, chairman;
H. M. Flynn, Arthur F. Brock.
Indns tries R. C. Clarke, chairman: J
Foster Bennett, J. R. Willson.
Weights and Measures J. F. Byers,
chairman; D. E. Stepp, W. J. Turner.
The officers are: -
Noah M. Hollowell, president; S J.
Harris, vice, president; . C. G. Jones,'
treasurer; S. Nixon Rowe. secretary.
(Waynesville Mountaineer.)
Hon. (Solomon Gallert of Ruther
fordton was here at our court this"
week and while-he is not a candidate
is looking over the field and survey
ing, as one may . say. Sol 'is a great
worker for his party and while he ha3
been disappointed a few times he nev
er showed any soreness and is always
ready to support the successful candid
dates. No announcements for con
gress in this district have so far been
made but several names ar mention
ed as probable candidates. . '
. The cauldron is simmering a wee
bit but 'ere long It will boil. In the
meantime let us keep cool and sen
sible. .
Fined for Assaulting; Michael SchencK,
; 7,'.;;.; .of Hendersonville. :T ,
u: (Everything.) - -
. At the Battle Ground on July' 3, a
man ; named Tipton . assaulted Mr;
Michael Schenck who had come down,
with his wife "and four year old child-,
to celebrate the day.1, It appears from
the evidence that -Tipton had been be
fore "Schenck when Schenck ,. was
mayor, of Hendersonville and also been
prosecuted by him when" he became
solicitor, .which position he now holds.
. Tipton was arrested and gave a bond
and his trial v was fixed for Monday.
The case was postponed until Tuesday
when the trial took place, and Tipton
was fined $25. and cost3.' Then anoth
er, warant w.as sworn out against Tip
ton charging him with assaulting Mrs.
Schenck, the evidence being that when
he assaulted Mr. Schenck ' he pushed
Mrs. Schenck away. '
; Justice of the Peace England sent
this case on to. the Superior court,
)Tipton giving bond in the sirm of $50.
The case . attracted considerable at
tention, and happening as it happened
on the Battle, Ground, a great deal of
sympathy was extended Mr. y Schenck.
The case of assault to be tried in the
Superior court will of course be an
expensive affair, and Tipton will re
gret .doubtless,' that he ' hastened, to
blacken the eye of his erstwhile neigh
bor. ;
Wonderful how we all get. mad at
times; how we do things Impulsively
that" we would not do upon delibera
tion. There was no need of the as
sault. Tipton was living here and
building up a business. He had left
the town where Mr. Schenck lived, and
had he forgotten the past all would
have been well. As it is now he has
naturally put himself to much ex
pense; made no particular friend3
and the chances are lost some.
But when we marvel why one man
will assault another we can at the
same time marvel why great nations',
apparently without cause will go to
war and make a world suffer and put
Tip six million graves.
.Some of these days Science will get
.hold of men and reduce the anger
nerve get men down to where they
will not be too swift and keep. them
away from high speed. Everybody ad
mires the courage of a man who de
fends himself-r who is brave enough
to resent an insult but after a year
had passed Tipton was too hasty. He
alone will suffer; but his case furn
ishes a splendid morarto other people
inclined to let their angry passions
get the better of them.
London, July 19. An, Austro-Ger-man
ultimatum to Roumania is being
prepared, according to the Moscow
Russkoye Slovoe, which is quoted in
dispatches received here. It is added,
that large bodies of the Teutonic
troops are massing on the Roumanian
frontier to give emphasis to the ulti
matum, which is declared will demand
unimpeded transit for munitions of
Berlin, July 19. (Via : London.).
German officials decline to discuss the
4 A. TT 1 1 j. . 1-
Ausiro-nuuganau proposals vo rtou
mania, which has as their .object assur
ance of Roumania's friendly neutrali
ty, and perhaps even participation in
the war against the entente powers.
London, July 19. The Daily Tele
graph's correspondent at Copenhagen
"That it is not Impossible that
Sweden will enter tho var was indl-1
cated by a speech of the Swedisn i
premier, Dr. Hammarskjold, in reply
ing to deputation representing the '
peace congress recently held in Var- J
"The premier said:
"The Swedish government, sincerely
desires to remain neural, but it does,
not necessarily follow that peace can
be maintained. It is as dangerous to
believe Sweden favors war as to be
lieve that she favors peace at any
J. H. Hine3 has accepted a position
with M. C. Letson's harness shop. Mr.
tHines was formerly in the harness
business in this city for many years.
?'In a Bottlo feTlL "(ik f
Through a Straw? V:--!lM-'- W 2Jiv
. ; " : Now Open
All rooms r equipped with hot and
Dining, room seats eighty.- Large 1
'or rates pbone- 2805 or address
The. Mountain: Home property
r00rom Tvr
Railway and Auto Hiehwav-- It ia
awi Djfptcui yiyeu iruiai. air eieva uon or luo feet above orr ' Ve
lots, giving a good pressure, and guar anteeing you pure mountai uildinS
water. Besides the club house and hotel we - have some i X SprinS
If yon; wish to rent ia cottage or buy a lot. call o ni"11 other
- 7 - Address A. N. LELAND, pr.s
of EGts
list Your mp With Me To-Day
r. The Man Who Deals in Dirt
Safety first ! Avoid the fire risk bylfel
using this fireproof, .stormproof, and IIK',
durable roofing. ' JeI W
SSm, Last as bng as the buildWERt4'8
v X-
Farmers' Hardware & Supply Co.
Hendersonville, N. C.
Dry Goods, Shoes
and Notions
J. 0.
Means a pure; wholesome; refreshing beverao
that is popular with those, who play the game
end wita those who witness it, :
h ffriiica
to the Public
cold water.
i ving room.
Everything nevr.
Mm Marv ft athiam
con sists of 768 s.r.res f , ' u.g!rt N. c
- . n i i x. , c most beautjf,,,
niaiir oTq. t-.. e
Sale: by,

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