Newspaper Page Text
THE CAUCASIAN. A Ir-rCutt tr, ffehUnf Marhlno and New Job Typohurt tcn ad led lo our Job Officr, r4 wo can bow I'CI1MI'E EVKB.Y THURSDAY, Jty MAKIOX BUTLER, KHtor and Proprietor. do work to ott rrtn the most fx. tMcooa. Call la ami k wtoptai of ;h work we have done In th lai fewtUy. This neck we give you a neatly j.rintl j:ii-r on our NK.w 1'KKSS AM) WITH NEW TYPE. .,sv hliow your appreciation by VOL. VII. CLINTON, N. 0., THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1889. Advertising rat made known No. 26. ivin u.- :i,00 Hutrtcril)erM. on application. ' . Y I 1 1 . TH W (f A (T A A M I I 3P-xx"o 33emooro7 xid Wnlto Bupromnojr. "" """ '"' " " "' '' " ' 1 "' -i - i i m ., I,. . I,,. n-iimiiiwii-... i i ... - i i ...i.ii- iwi. .iii-i i ii , zzzzzzzzzzzzz Till- EDITOR'S CHAIR. ;V THINGS LOOK FRuM OUR STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Causasian and the Opinion of others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. The time lias gone by when young men will bo taught in any part of the country that it low ers a man to work with his hands. Wil. Messenger. Th New York Star and the Progressive Farmer are now publishing a story, each claim ing to liave been specially writ ten for its? columns. Wonder how man more papers are pub lishing the same story specially written for them ? We have givn up in despair any hope that Radical newspaper-! would tell the people the truth about the election Uw. It they persist in -their misrep resentation the cosi?lition is left ii that the people, always wis er and honester than the politi cians, will rebuke this last at tempt to deceive them. State Chronicle. Is there no Southern Forakei? Has any one heard any outcry because the battle flag of a Penn sylvania regiment has been re turned to it jy Its Southern cap tors? Detroit Free Press. No ! So far as our experience extends we haven't got any use For-a-ker here in the South. Exchange. The South is now the most at tractive fiehrfor investment and development in the United States, and one scarcely hears of the great Northwestern boom now-a-days. Hut there are many portions of the South about t hicli there are no inquiries, and that are unknown. These must advertise and boom as the points of present attraction have clone. Kx. The delegates who composed the State Truckers' and Fruit (Jrowers' Association, which convened in Cliuton last Thurs day, were men of ability and large personal experience. The work done was highly instruct ive, and the meeting in every way a success for a beginning. Wa expect very beneficial re sults to be reaped from this timely organization. Citizen Grover Cleveland 'who has been spending a few weeks in Florida returned through North Carolina en route for New York. Everywhere he was hail ed with a heart j welcome. The Messenger says: Mr. Cleveland and party express themselves as delighted with their trip, nnk particularly refer in com plimentary terms of the Atlantic Coast and their splendid treatment At the hands of its accommodating and incomparable officials. .News comes that the negroes who have gone by the whole sale to the Southwest are great ly dissatisfied. Those for whom they went to work are disap pointed in them and are treat ing them harshly, and tbey are looking longingly but hopelessly back toward the dear old state of "Norf Caliny." "Better suf fer the ills we bear than fly to those we know not of." The Radicals of Wayne coun ty have held a meeting in Golds boro to denounce the election law passed by the last Legisla ture. The Headlight, in speak ing of it, says: - Speeches were made by "Ex-Gov-eruor Brogden and Mr. W. S. O'B. Kobinson, both makjng bitter and uncalled for attacks upon the Gene ral Assembly. Brogden talked and talked, and when he got through his audience, mostly composed of ne groes, had vanished. y"e would ad vise the Ex-Governor to try it again, Doubtless tKe harraigues of the two a bove mentioned repre sentatives of the party contain ed so much more of bitterness than of argument and sense that even the negroes were disgusted and were glad to get away. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. if ue ami. Cry I Raised Atrninnt Athe Patent l'roee of Making ft The Oh! Way Yet the Bent. Underwood's patent process of increasing the yield of Spirits Turpentine by the use of eal, oil in the distillation of turpen tine has raised considerable stir in naval store commission cir cles. The leading commission merchants of Wilmington have been interviewed by a Messen ger reporter and the almost unanimous opinion is, that if the J process is allowed to be used unbranded, our spirits turpen tine trade will be well nigh ruined. The following opinion as given by President, II. C. Mc Queen, of the Produce Exchange, and member of the firm of Wil liams & Murcbison, dealers and exporters, about covers the grounds tken by the majority of dealers: "The thing will throw discredit on our turpentine trade. When a a dealer buys spirits he wants to know what he is netting, but if this manipulated stufF is sold on the mar ket as spirits, how is he to know w hat he is doing unless he goes to a great deal of trouble to have every cask carefully inspected . The conse quence will be if the adulterated ar ticle is made to bo sold for the pure article, without being branded at what it really is, buyers of spirits will by from only responsible deal ers. Producers under this state of alFairs would then find it difficult to sell their turpentine, unless their re putation for interity vas well known. "It is well known that the de mand for spirits turpentine at its best is limited in the world, and any large increase in production would necessarily lower prices. It follow?, therefore, that the demand far crude turpentine would also be lessened, and the maker hurt in this way. "I would say nearly two-thirds of the turpentine made in this country is exported, and this adulteration will certainly have effect on the ex port demand. 1 think the producers ought to be compelled by law to brand their product under this pro cess." Mr. Joseph Underwood, of Cumberland county, is the pa tentee. He is a native of Honey- cutt's township, Sampson coun ty, and has secured several pa tents on other inventions before. IIt. MURPHY ANI THK STATE CHRONICLE. Our Representative Statement. Makes a The State Chronicle, in re porting the proceedings of the House In regard to the bill rel ative to the patent process of making spirits of turpentine, said: "Mr. Murphy attacked the reso lution, saying it was a strike at a citizen of Cumberland county who had invented a process by which coal oil was used, "Ac, &c. Dr. Murphy is out in a card in the Chronicle and makes the following statement: I wish to say that it is very unjust to me to state that I said anything about coat oil, for I certainly did not make use of the words in my remarks. l uiu not know what en tered into the new process, and had no reason for supposing that coal oil did, and without knowledge of the fact, I certainly- never would have made such a statement; it would have been damaging to the patentee for me to have so stated, and it fur ther places me in the rediculous at titude of defendidg a process for distillation ot turpentine, in which I believe coal oil is used. My impression is that Mr. MeGill made use of the coal oil statement in his strong and earnest offort. am very postive that I did not and I decidedly object to being made swallow McGill's thunder or coaloi either. W. B. Mubpiiy. ine juemociatic . p.utj is stronger to-day than it was at m -w-v j the close of President Cleve land's Administration. The de spondency which naturally fol lowed the election in November has speedily given place to a spirit of buoyant courage an I indomitable resolve. The lines are closing up again, and the prospect is that the party wil enter the campaign of 1892 more thoroughly organized and better equipped for effective service than any previous contest. The educational work of 188S wil go on until the reign of the me DODolist gives place to the rule of the people. There is every thing in the, outlook to encour age the hope that the return of the Republicans to power will bat result in their lastlng'defeat four years hence. The Demo cratic leaders haw not lost their confidence in the strength of their cause the causa of the people, the cause of equitable taxation, the cause of honest government. Charleston Nciws and Courier. TRUCKERS IN SESSION. THE TRUCKERS AND FRUIT GROWERS OF EASTERN CAROLINA ORGAN IZE AT CLINTON. Faison, New Berne, Mt. Olive, Mag nolia, Fayetteville, Wilmington Warsaw and Clinton Represented. AN INTERESTING MEETING. The movement for a State Truckers' and Fruit Growers' ssociation was started at Clin ton on January 31st, 1889, by organizing the Clinton Associa- lon. This Association issued a circular to the trackers and fruit growers in other sections, calling up-n them to organize similar local associations, and to designate a place for, and to elect delegates to ageneral con vention. The result of this movement is the State Associa tion, which was organized at this place last Thursday. Clikton, N. C, April 4, '89. The delegates elected from the various Truckers' and Fruit Growers' Association assembled in Atkins' Hall to-day at 2 o'clock. A temporary organiza tion was effected by calliug on Capt. B. A. Hallett, cf Mt. Olive, to act as President, and Marion Butler, of Clinton, to act as Sec retary. The following places were represented by the. following delegates : Warsaw Messrs.. W. L. Hill, J. F.Woodward, R. W. Black- more. Faison Messrs. J. S. Mines, J. S. Westbrook, H. J. Faison, Charles Hines, A. T. Curry and Roscoe Moore. Mt. Olive Messrs. B. A. Hal lett and J. A. Westbrook. Fayetteville Mr. W. W. Huske. Clinton Messrs. W. L. Fai son, C. Partrick, W. B. Stewart, W. S. Thomson and Marion But ler. New Berne Mr. G. L. Hard- ison. Magnolia Mr. Boney. Wilmington A. Weill. The Chair appointed the fol lowing committees : On Permanent Organization Messrs. H. J. Faison. W. L.Hill, J. A. Westbrook, W. W. Huske and Capt W. L. Faison. On Constitution and By-Laws. Messrs. W. B. Stewart. J. S. Westbrook; V. S. Thomson and A. T. Curry. On Programme of Business ard Discussions Messrs. C. Par trick, Roscoe Moore and Chas. Hines. The committee on permanent organization reported as fol lows : For President W. L. Hill. For 1st Vice-President -J. S. Westbrook. For 2nd Vice-President A, F. Johnson. For Secretary Marion Butler. For Treasurer B. A. Hallett. On motion of Maj. J. S. Hines the report was adopted, where upon temporary chairman Hal lett introduced President Hill to the Association, who, alter a few appropriate remarks, called for the report of the committee on Government, which was read and adopted. Section seven of the Constitu tion reads as follows : "There shall be an executive com mittee of three members of the As sociation, together with the Presi dent and first vice-resident and Secretary, who shall be members ex- officio, three of whom shall make a quorum and shall manage its affairs during the vacation ot the Associa tion. The President shall be chair man of the executive committee The order of business for each meeb- Ing shall be arranged by the Execu tive Committee." The Chair appointed, as the other, three members of the Ex ecutive Committee, Capt. W. L. Faison.'J. S- Westbrook and B A. Hallett. ..The Committee on Program me" reported as follows DISCUSSIONS. AFTERXOOar SESSION. Strawberries-Discussion open ed by J. S. Westbrook. Peas. Discussion opened by H. J. Faison. Beans. Discussion opened by Charles Hines. Potatoes. Discussion opened by J. 8. Hiae. NIGHT SKSSION. Freights. Discussion opened by A. Weil (representing the At lantic Coast Line.) Shipping Packages. Discus sion opened by T. B. Piercj. Commissions-Discussion open ed by W. L. Faison. MORKINQ SESSION. Grapes. Discussion opened by J. A. Westbrook. Asparagus. Discussion open ed by C. Partrick. Huckleberries. Disc u s s i o n opened by W. L. HllL The discussion on the various subjects was participated in by nearly every member of the Association, and as most of hem spoke from a large and personal experience, the infor mation given was highly enter taining and instructive. Some of the points we gather from the discussion are, that a majority of truckers . make a great mistake in the quantity of manure. What is usually used on two acres should be put on one. That the strawberry is a very remumerative crop; a stiff soil 3uits them best, though the "Cresent" does fairly well on a light soil. The Faison Associa tion has adopted cents per quart as the standard price for picking. That Landreth's -'Ex-tra Early" is the best pea ; that the vines for forage was as val uable as the pea; that in sec tions where the cotton stalR grows tall ana strong that the pea could be planted in the side j of the rows by the stalk to an advantage ; that the pea could be sown with oats, the pea pick ed and the vines cut with the oats for forage. That the Wax bean rules the highest in the market, but be ing liable to "spot," that tha Mohawk or Round bean was safest. That in gathering the bean it was very important that none should be boxed except "Snappers" that is a bean that is just the right age to snap or break when bent. That a few old beans in a bax would dam age its sale. That the Irish potatoe was the wuly farm product on which there was any tariff protection, and that, unlike other crops, It required but little manure and was not perishable, and there fore would not necessarily be De sacrificed in a glntted mar ket. With .this crop, variety and soil are very important. "Early Rose" and "Chili Red" are the best, and should be grown in a light soil A pota toe with dark earth clinging to it not very saleable. That the Atlantic Coast Dis patch would transport truck and fruits on almost express time. That the- slight incease of freight rates was not due to the Wilmington and Weldon Rail road, but to other partif s of the Dispatch Combination. That tha gift crate (32 or 60 quart) was the best fruit iu them would bring best price. Thatthere is a miue of money in a vineyard If properly man aged. That Asparagus should bf shipped with damp moss at the butts of bunches bo that the grass wonld not only not wilt but would continue to grow en route to market. That it was very desirable and very necessary in order that the huckleberrj reach market in good condition that the berry be handled very litHe before shipping. That the pickpra should tak the crates, wren possible, with them in the woods and put the berry directly from the bush into tha baskets. All these and hundreds of other points which we haven't time nor space to give ' were brought up and fully explained Continued on 2nd Page. LIGHT AXD LOVE. THEIR INCOMPATIBILITY". The Inventor of the Modern Lamp the Eather of Modern Courtship. THE FATAL ELECTRIC LIGHT I OourUhip has without doubt been largely modified by differ ent systems of artificial light. Now that the electric light seems destined sooner or later to supercede petroleum, gas,and candles, it is time that the youth of our country should seriously consider the probable influence of the new light upon their fu ture happiness. Hitherto courtship has pros pered with every new improve ment in artificial light. The cave man and his cave girl knew nothing of the delights qf court ship. This was not merely be cause the cave man was igno rant of everything generally, except the art of carving rude pictures on the ivory handle of his razor or his tooth-brush, but because he had no lamps or can dles. At night he either went to bed or sat by the light of his camp-fire. If his daughter and her young man also sat by the fire, they were restrained by the presence of all the rest of the family, and the practice of steal ing girls was so common that no father would permit a valua ble girl to move out of sight of the camp-fire. The result was that tho cave girl was never courted, but passed" suddenly from maidenhood to wifehood by being bought or stolen. Some advance in courtship was made when candles and lamps were invented. It thus became possible for the young people to sit in the library with their own light, while the old people sat iu the parlor. But the original lamp, like candles ancient and mod ern, was unmanageable. It could not be turned down. The Greek or Roman girl could not, of course, extinguish the library lamp, lor that would have left her in the dark, which would not only have been improper, but would have led to unpleas ant consequences in case ot her father suddenly entering .the room and stumbling over the rocking-chair. It is true that Pythagoras is said to have in vented a semi-transparent col lapsible screen, which could be placed on a Roman lamp in or der to partially screen the light, and which could, in case of a sudden alarm, be quickly re moved and concealed in the folds of the young man's toga. Doubtless some good was done by this beneficient invention, which was designed by the in ventor, so we are told, to meet the frequent complaint among Roman and Greek girls, that their eyes were sensitiveJ;o- ar tificial light. However, the Py thagorean screen was abolished by the decree of Cato the cen sor, who pretended that it was really injurious to the eyes, and recommended thajt Roman girls should accustom their eyes to artificial light, by using three or four lamps in the place- of one. This decree alone is suffl cient to explain why Cato has been pronounced to be a "mean old thine" bv the unanimous verdict of the feminine world During the Middle Ages the rush-light superseded the Ro man lamp, probably because of the high price of oil. Like the lamp, the rush-light could not be turned down ; and as the ar mor of the young man of the period was kept in a high state of polish, it reflected the rays of light so brilliantly that he was nearly- as powerful as a modem parabolic reflector. Of course privacy in company with an illurrinated young kaight was impossib I e. When the fath er, who was polishing his hel met or putting a new rivet in his shirt, thought it was time to look after the young people, and so clanked solemnly into the library, be invariably found the brilliant knight and his daughter seated at opposite ends of the sofa. No medieval girl quite dared to approach bo splendid an object closnly,know ing as she did that her hair was liable at any moment to cateh in the knight's shoulder-scales, and that a mailed coat-sleeve could not but shine in a most conspicuous way against the background of a feminine waist. Thus it came to pass that the young knight knew no other method of courtship than that of writing sonnets and playing the guitar under his lady's win dow, and a very unsatisfactory method it must have been. The inventor of the modern lamp, with a wick that can be turned down or np with a screw, if really entitled to the honor of having been the father of modern courtship. The girJs of the period must liave! hailed this invention with enthusiasm, for It not only enabled uiem to turn down the light, but It fur nished them with the excuse that the lamp had to be turned down to prevent it from smok ing. Then, too, the screw could bo operated with great rapidity, and an active young man could turn up the light in an instant at the first creek of the parental boot. We shall never know how much the domestic happiness of the last century or two Is due to the inventor vf the modern lamp. Certain it is that court ship, with the usual result of marriage, has enormously in creased since the introduction of a lignt capable of being reg ulated at will. Love, like re ligion, flourishes in a i'im, sub dued light, and a light of half-a-candle power will permit a timid proposal to creep forth, which would never have dared to manifest itself in a really bright light. And now comes the brilliant, garish electric light, more pow erful than half a dozen oil lamps, and wholly incapable of being turned down. The inventor must have been a confirmed misanthrope, and the bitter en emy of marriage. Does the young girl, who looks modestly forward to the cosy library fur nished with a light. that can be turned down, and an eligible young man, grasp the fact that the "electrict light will make that alluring dream impossible? It is bad enough for her to know that the electric light will piti lessly show every defect of her complexion and dress, but its inexorable persistence is what most seriously affects her inter ests. If this light becomes uni versal, courtship will be as much a lost art as it was in the Mid dle Ages, and we shall have to thank Mr.sEdison for the simul taneous decline of marriage, and the revival of sonnet-writ ing and midnight guitar-prac tice. W. L. A? den in Collin's Once A Week. A SAMPLE PROTECTIONIST. In commenting upon The World's exposure of John Wan- amaker's "sweat-shops" in Ber lin the San Francisco Chronicle says : "Mr. wanamaKer would be a donkey if he did not buy his cloaks in the cheapest market-" But why should Mr. Wana maker deny the same privilege to the mass of his countrymen? Why, except for selfish reasons, should he raise a campaign fund of 400,000 to aid in compelling the people of the United States to by their necessaries in the dearest market ? The Chronicle says that he defends a high tar iff in order to enable him to "produce here with decently remunerated labor." Just how decently Mr. Wana maker remunerates his labor in this country was shown in The World of last Sunday. In one of the Philadelphia establish ments which manufacture cloth ing for this professed Philan thopist "the force is entirely European," and few of the ope ratives receive an average of S4.50 a week. In another man ufactory a middleman who had barely made expenses at GO cents a pair for trousers was notified that no more than 40 cents would be paid in future. Wanamaker has the contract for supplying the uniforms for the employees of the Pennyslvania Railroad, and he pays only 2.79 for mak ing an entire suit. The "white slaves" at Berlin can hardly be less decency remunerated than this. And it is lor this sort or "pro tection to American labor" that the people of this country pay a duty of from 54 to o7 per cent on their clothing! N. Y. World WANAMAKER'S CAMPAIGN PltAYEK. "Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Give us clean politics and pure men in office. (Aside to Mr. Quay: How much money did you'say it would take to buy In diana?) Thou knowest that when the righteous reign the people are happy (Aside to Quay: I send 8100,000 with whirh to buy ,the vote of Brooklyn) Help us to keep free from the PolitWl cal corruption of the day (to Quay: Has Dudley arranged the "floaters In-blocks of. fixe"?) Grant that the iniquitous prac tises of corrupt politicians may come to naught (Here Quay: Take 100,000 more) and thtt their wicked ways may be con founded. Amen ! I" Raleigh State Chronicle. THE FIRE F1EXI) RAGES. 3,000,000 OK PROPERTY DE STROYED BYT1IETOUN GED FLAMES, Smithfield, N. CSaTannah, Norfolk and Pittsburg in Ashes. Last Saturday and Sunday wero such dav$ in which a cry of "Fire !" sends throah every body a thrill of terror. The wind was blowing a gale, at from 20 to 30 miles an hour, all along the Atlantic coast Satur day evening at 7 o'clock a clerk stepped to the front of a store in Savannah to light a gas jet. Just then came a gust of wind, the flame touched some drape ry, and in an fustant the build ing was on fire. Before an en gine could be .summoned the next building was on fire. In a few minutes the maddened flames had leaped to the next block, and ere they were rrest d a million and a quarter dol lars worth of property was in ashes. At Norfolk, on Sunday, the terrific gale flooded the lower part of the city with M-ater, which came in contact with some unslacked lime. In a few minutes the licking flames were reaching from building to build ing, destroying v. half a million dollars worth of property. At Pittsburg, on the same day, property to about the same val ue was swept away. Last comes the sad news of the almost complete destruction of Smithfield, the county-eat of a sister county. The cause of the fire we haven't learned. the flames broke out in Morgan's carriage factory and swept clean the buiness part of th s town to the southeast, destroying fifty- eight buildings. Hood's drug store, Peacock Brothers, general merchandise, D. II. Graves, gro cer, W. M. Sanders, grocer, and John Gurley hotel and saloon, are the only business houses left. The courthouse and jail were payed. The loss is over 100,000. Clidton knows hotf to sympa thize with her unfortunate neighbor, for just eleven years ago last Wednesday two weeks, she suffered the same sad fate. Be it said to the credit of our mayor and city fathers that Clinton is supplied with an ef fective fire department, such as might have saved Smithfield had it been provided with the same precaution. THE NEWSPAPER IN SCHOOL. At a school at Hesston, Kan , a copy of the Kansas City News, so the editor of that paper in conns its readers, is Kept con stantly on file for the use of the teachers and scholars. It is quite evident that the young ideas of Hesston will be taught to shoot in the right direction. The boy who is abreast with the news or tne aay has won half the battle toward fame and fortune. To be up with the times you must be one of them There is a good deal of rude buffotting in this world, and to be out of the swim is to re ceive more buffets than justly belong to you. The successfu merchant is not the one who understands the routine of bus iness only, but he who is con versant with the affairs of the world and regulates his inter ests according to them. In the new towns of the West houses are built first then a church, then a newspaper office home, religion ana lnteuigenee going nana in nana to ouua up 1 1 M sturay ana enterprising man hood. There is level headed common sense in these Kansas teachers who have introduced the newspaper into the school room. It is a whole curriculum of study in itself, and this Wes tern custom might be iranjplan ted here with adyatage to future Cabinet Ministers and, mayhap Presidents. N. Y. Graphic. ,.Mark TwaIll) waoge name is S. L. Clemens, M. A., in spired by the success of "Little Lord Fauntleroy" on the stage, is having his "Prince and Pau per" dramatized. Do you not take an interest in the development and progress of Samp son county? The Caucasian laboring for that very purpose. WHAT CTHtR PAPERS ARE JUYI5U Wat4 U Ky U Tw t. There was a man in town this week who wantod to buy Scot land Nockthat I, hit atr indi cated puch a purpose, i He wa drummer Scotland Neck Democrat. 1 AEfHf ftl, I. A shell was dog up on South Elm street hut wek. It wan a welve pound shrapnel 1 and was never firJ. Probably lost hero at the durrendtr of the "Lost Can?." 1 1 Is perfectly hartnlcs f no fire Is ippli?, as It Is not a percussion shell. Greensboro North State. AtUr Cirlttltjr. Wa so In. the paper, occa- lonally, accounts of two head ed chickens, forked rls. etc but they are Invariably a long way off. Now Puck has a calf, at home, "to be seen of men," which has two eye, two ears. bur feet, one intfuth and a tail. and is right smart and hairy Cameron cor. Jonesboro Leader. treabr'a It IVtory. The ice factor? recently con tracted by Mr. A. J. Hine. be- ween tho N. O. and C. F. it Y. V. Railroad?, will commence operations this week. The buil ding is 32x66 feet, and the ice lant the best in the state. The machinery is tho Craft patent, and has a capacity of ten tons a day. North State. A Big Kornitirf FirUrjr. Western capitalists have or ganized a company in Ashevllle with 150,000 paid up capital with the privilege of Increasing t to 500,000. it will absorb the furniture factory of Avery and Erwin and the Tuckaseigee number and Manufacturing Company, and will operate ex- cusivoly iu Jackson, Swain and uiult ruuiHieu. n is me lanresb 1 . lf. T L 1 11.. 1 a u.'uiture manufactory in the 'outl!. State Chronicle. An Agree ably SirprUfd Mai. A man applied at this office for stamps a few days ago and was agreeably surprised arhen ie found that letter postage had been reduced from thron In wo cents. Another wanted .' hem for leas than two cents, saying that he would look round before buying, but if he could do no better, ho would have to trade with the postmaster. Lexington cor. Cliarlotte Chronicle. Jack MilU' Opinion. Bishop Lyman has discovered that half a pixt of parched ground peas eaten Just before going to bed and followed by a glass of milk will promote sleep and aid digestion. Very good. Dr. Dio Lewis says the best remedy for dyspeosia is to drive a dray. A-woodsaw is just as good. Our prescription for insomnia is a clear con science, a light 'supper and a warm bath taken very deliber ately just before going to bed. Charity and Children. An lataae Waaaa Saieidea. Mrs. . Edmnndson, the widow of Haywood Edmundpou, of Bnlhead township, Green coun ty,. whose rnind is believed to have been impaired somewhat, ended her life yesterday morn ing, about 5 o clock by throwing herself into a well. When she was missed by her family, search was made and the body was dis covered to be in tho well by a nephew of the deceased, who lived in the family. The sad occurrence sent a thrill of hor ror through the community. News and Observer. A Detraetive Fire. There was a destructive fire at Wilson's yesterday evening. The depot and freight ear were burn ed. Near by stood the large planing mills of John M. Wil son. These caught and wero tirely destroyed." It was said to-day that the loss on the mills is fully 25,000 and that there was no Insurance. Several per sons from here went there to- dav. A ton axrxncr vnrktnin named Wallace, who went into the mills after his kit of tools was burned to death. The fire delayed the trains considerably, as the track was badly warped by the heat. Raleigh cor. Wil, Messenger. Sale at the AUiaaee Warekaiae. Tho grand opening sale at the Capital Alliance Warehouse yes terday was a complete success and"was entirely satisfactory to every Doay. ine floor was cov ered from wall to wall with beautiful golden leaf which Wa poured in from the counties of Johnston, Wilson, Wayne, Chat ham, Nasb, Vance, Franklin and Wake. Tho 'Raleigh buyer were out in full , force and also those from other markets. Prices were good and all tho farmers went away happy. The Alliance warehouse promises to be a success. News-Observer. -