OCR Interpretation

The Caucasian. (Clinton, N.C.) 188?-1913, April 18, 1889, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068245/1889-04-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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and New Job Type have bwin added
to ocr Job 09 ce, and we can row
do work to suit vcn tho inmt fa
Uilcoa. Oil in and e mtnptai of
th work we have dam? In th Ut
XarAiiTrti4nif rates mfttaknowa
on application.
FMitor and Proprietor.
Thif wwk we give you a neatly
printed pujrfT on our
Now -how your appreciation by
giving u-- 3, "00 sulscribers.
3?uro Z3omoorAoy rxcl Vvlxlto eivixox-orrxmoy-
No. 27.
1 JniitL
The Opinion of The Causasian and
the Opinion of others which we
Can Endorse on the Various
Topics of the Day.
Dearly beloved, there is more
rejoicing in a printing office over
cnie subscriber who pays up,than
over the ninety and nine who do
not . WadcMboro Messenger.
Collier's Once a Week is one
of the bent, if not the very best,
illustrated weeklies that come
to our office. It is published by
1'. L Collier, New York, at $4.00
phT year.
Kvcry student of the history
of the war knows that it was not
Picket, of Virginia, bat Petti
grew of North Carolina who was
entitled to the principal credit
for that charge. National Tri
bune. To day is the -1 2nd anniversa
ry of Cen. Witifield Scott'n great
victory over tho Mexicans, at the
battle of Ceiro Gordo. To-morrow
is the 104th anniversary of
the battle of Lexington, the fiist
blood idied in the great Revolu
tionary struggle.
Serious charges have been
I referred against Seargeant-at-Arms
Win. P. Canaday by Ma
liono and others who own stock
in the Creosote Works at Wil
mington, for improper manage
ment of the finances of the
Company. This wili, no doubt,
cause Canaday to lose his place.
The Wilmington Star says:
In ten days thu following white Dem
ocrats have bi!on bounced and negroes
substituted: (. illoway, on Wilson and
Fayetteville road, Willi, on Goldsboro
ancl Mori bad City rood; I.umsdnn, on
(Jold-tboro and Greensboro road; Smith,
on the Norfolk and Raleigh road, and
lastly, d. W. Suinrell, one of the most
cHicicnt clerks on the Washington and
Wilmingtor route, whose exaininatiou
equals that of any man's on the read.
He was removed last week and a Wilson
darker substituted.
Now the Star does not complain when
Democrats are turned out and honest,
honorable, intelligent, efficient, trust
worthy white men substituted from the
ctl-.r party. Hut it does denounce this
putting in negroes to haudle the private
correspondence of the business of the
country as well as f the white men and
women of the land. It is a most re
sponsible place, this handling of confi
dential correspondence and tens of thou
sands ot letters containing money.
It is bad enough to have negro
postal clerks, but negro post
masters is simply an outrage.
Harrison and Wannainaker are
not prompted to do this out of
love for the colored msn, but out
of jealous spite toward their
democratic superiors South. We
were jNortu lor more man a
week last February, and during
that wlnle time w did pot see
a single negro in the employ
ment of the negro -loving(? yan
kee, but on the other hand the
only Deggars we saw were ne
groes. One cold windy evening
on Broadway, a strong able-bod
ied negro man, clothed (or rath
er partly clothed) in rags, and
shivering with cold and hunger,
approached us, begged for five
cents to buy a loaf of bread,
saying that he had not eaten a
morsel for two days. We asked
him why he did not go to work,
that ho was strong and able to
earn from 50 cents to a 1.00 a
day. He said no one would em
ploy him, that everybody pre-
fered white men,thousrh foreign
emigrants. Then we asked him
why he came to us for help
when he had just passed bun
dreds of people on the streets
Who lived bi tho city and who
were rich und able to help him
He shook hi-jhead and said that
lie had asked and asked but got
nothing, and that he thought
f i'om our manner and appearance
that we were from the South
and would have pity on him
We gave him a quarter and then
followed him to the nearest bak
erv an d taw him eat more greed
ily than we had ever seen mor
ta.1 eat before.
Moral: The negro is not good
enough to work even as servants
for the yankee but they are good
enough to hold fat offices over
our heads. If this is not petty
oyiM?, wnatisit?
0t-ra! iiiril of rpring liinf.
Awake from thy liiinlxr li-i:
AriM-'. and with h'andtt that are plow in?
Put off the w hite parrix-ntx of s.ei:
Make thywlf fair, O podri)-.!
In new and resplendent array,
or the toot-fttep of him w ho iiax riM'n
I Miall n- heard in the dawn of day.
He It here! The lon watehex are over.
The trtone from the prave rolled awav.
'We hall uleep,' wtw the ttiph of the midnight;
'We chilli rine' in the xonjf of todar.
! Muriel no lonper lamenting.
On pinion of tremulous flame
do Honrinp to meet the beloved
And Mvell the new nnx of hi fame-!
Fram-eH L. Maee,
Indeed, no matter how
economically a business may be con
ducted, thereby enabling it to give
customers bttter ad van' ages in the
priceof its goods; or no matter how
worthy a business may be of popu
lar patronage, it roust seek its trade,
and let Its advantages lie known and
its merits be judged through the ad
vertising colnmns of its local news-
Hut the advertiser who Inserts an
advertisement to-day and then to
morrow waits at the front door to
see customers rusii in, will very hke-
y be disappointed. Continuous pub-
Icily in the best newspapers of any
article of merit, will achieve the de
sired result.
Jt is practical advertising that
ays, and practical advertising means
the employment of the best news
papers to reach tho people and the
constant use of them not only to at-
ract trade, but to create trade when
he busy season has pas od. (Jolds-
boro Argus.
We are convinced, frcm our
experience with the newspaper
business in this town, that the
most profitable way for mer
chants to advertise is to keep a
standing advertisement with
chanre of matter and
ype every month or two.
This lias a treneral effect and
keeps your business constantly
before the .eyes of our 7,000
readers each week. But this is
not sufficient, leaders and spec
ial bargains, tvith the prices
named, should be run in the
business local column each week
for an immediate effect; It is
for this reason that we have es-
ablished this column, knowing
the advantage to both merchant
and customer, to have special
bargaing offered each week,
which could not be done in a
regular displayed advertise
ment. "
While to those of the world
worldly Lent means a season of
retirement for purposes of
spriug dressmaking, and Easter
the fit occasion chiefly for a
new bonnet, and to others the
time for a certain lily, and to
yet others the time for the per
formance of certain church mus
ic, yet to the spirit in accord
with the (spirit of the universe
the coming of Easter means all
that the coming of the sun does
to the earth herself. It is a re
creation, a new life or lease of
life, a freshening of all the
powers either ot the sense or of
the soul. But to the devout
the Easter season has a might
ier message yet: it is to them
like tho word of God spoken to
the listening ear; for it brings
not only the message of the res
urrection, but tho message of
tho coming of the heavenly vis
itant to the heart, the full a-
wakening of the heart to the
hospitality of holiness, ths con
sciousness, warmer and deeper
and more vivid tlian at any oth
er period of the round year, of
God within us.
Duriug the session of the
Wilmington Presbytery which
was held here last week, some
learned, interesting and instruc
tive sermons wero preached.
Tho best one which we heard
was bv Rev. Mr. Mclntyre, of
Fa'son subject: "Man, the
Great Seeker." The diction
was excellent and the illustra
tions strikingly appropriate
though the effect of the 3is
course was slightly marred by
want of enthusiasm and energy
in delivery.
Sometime since the Live Stock
Journal, owned by a company of
which Russell Harrison (the
President's son) is President,
published an article damaging
to the reputation of Ex-Gov
Crosby. The latter demanded
a personal retraction. The form
er refused; the latter has sued
the former for 8 100,000 damages
and caused a warrant to be issu
ed for the arrest of Harrison,
"vrir crri-crrwT ttt-'t m at
ill OJ IIV.I JlOOl' XV A
Held at Clarkton Next Fall.
( 'ondensed from Kev. A. MeFadyen'w
Pkksij yteman Cji ukoh.
Clinton, N. C, April 10, '89.
The Wilmington Presbytery
met at 7-30 p. m., and was con
stituted with prayer. Introduc-
ry Sermon, from 1st Cor 15 v.,
by Rev. J. O. McMullen, the re-
iring moderator.
The following Ministers were
present: Calvin Shaw, B. F.
Marable, D. D., A. M. Fadyen,
G. W. McMillan. J. W. Primrose.
P. II. Hoge, J. D. Stanford and
Peter Mclntyre.
The Ruling Elders present
were as follows : J. W. Cowan,
Purgaw ; J. F. Landing, Chin
quepin; Warren Johnson, Clin
ton ; J. P. Kellv. Cobb's Mills :
I. W. Carr, Duplin Roads; Gib
son S. Cam Mt. Lim; B. F. Wil-
iams, Oak Plain ; J. W. Foun
ain, Richlauds;. J. W. Boney,
Rockfish. W. II. Sprunt, St. An
drews; W. K. Cromartie, South
River Chapel; and C. II. Robin
son, 1st Church, Wilmington.
Ruling Elder C. II. Robinson
was chosen Moderator, and Rul
ing Elders J. P. Kelly and W.
II. Sprunt were elected tempora
ry clerks.
The committee on Devotional
Exercises made a partial report
that Presbytery meet at 9:30 a.
m. to-morrow, and divine servi
ces be at 8 o'clock p. m., con
ducted by Rev. Peter Mclntyre.
The Moderator appointed the
following standing committees-
On Systematic Beneficence :
Warren Johnson and J. W.
On Session; 1 Records :
Committee No. 1. J. W. Prim
rose and J. W. Ci.rr.
Committee No. 2. P. Mcln
tyre and W. K. Cromartie.
Committee No. 3. G. W. Mc
Mullen and G. S. Carr.
On Pastorial Support :
C. Shaw and J. F. Landing.
On time and place of next
meeting :
B. F. Marable, D D., and J.
P. Kellv .
Dr. B. F. Marable read a let
ter from the Synod's Commis-
. -v 1 TY
sion on tne urpnans iiome.
Messrs. J. W. -Primrose, J. C.
McMillan and Warren Johnson
were appointed a committee to
report the sense of the Presby
Rev. W. McC. Miller, of Vir-
gmia, was received as a meraDer
of the Presbytery and assigned
as Evangelist to a mission in
Committee on Devotional Ex
ercises reported as follows :
Th at the Presbytery take rv
cef-s to-day at lz m. tatter to
day at 11a. m.) for preaching,
meet again at 2 p. m., each day,
and adjourn at 4 p. m.
Preaching to night by Rev. J.
D. Stanford.
Friday, preaching at 11 a. m.
by Rev J. W. Primrose.
Friday, preaching at 8 p. m.
by Rev. Peter Mclntyre.
Saturday, preaching at 11 a
m. by Rev. P. II. Hoge.
Saturday, preaching at 8 p. m.
by Rev. G. W. McMillan. .
Sunday, preaching at 11 a. m.
by Rev. J. C, McMullen, follow
ed by communion, conducted bf
Revs. A. McFayden and J. C.
vJcMullen. Sabbath School mass
meeting at 4 p. m., addressed by
Revs. W. McC. Miller, A. Mc
Fadgen and J. O. McMullen.
Preaching at Baptist Church at
11 a. m. by Rev. Colin Sbaar.
Report adopted.
Mr. Lawrence Billiard was ac
cepted as a procer candidate for
the gospel ministry and arrange
ments made to assist him to
persue his studies for the pres
ent year.
Rev. K. McDonald and Elder
W. B.' Whitehead, who had been
delayed, entered the Presbytery.
The reports of John McLau
rin, Treasurer, and Rev. Colin
Shaw, Agent of Publication, and
Dr. B. F. Marable, Agent of Ed
ucation were read and approved.
Rev. C. P. Jetotne, of the M.
E. Church South, was invited
to sit as a visiting member. At
this point Ruling Elders R. Kor
negay I. R. Falson, H. W. Bas
well and 11. J. Fennell appeared
in Presbytery and gave satisfac
tory reasons for tardiness.
On motion. Presbytery resol
ved to bold an adjourned meet
ing in 1st Church of Wilming
tonat 12 m. on Thursday before
the 3rd Sabbath in May to li
cense (If the way be clear) Mr.
Neal Anderson.
A communication was receiv
ed asking for the organization
of a Presbyterial Church at Out
law's Bridge, in Duplin county,
and at Bladenboro, in Bladen
I We failed to get the minutes
of Friday's and Saturday's pro
ceedings, hence our report is not
so full. Ed.
The most of the time Friday
mas taken up in discussing re
ports of committees on Church
Friday afterroon a lively dis
cussion was participated in by
different membors on an over
turn as to the right .of a session,
as such, to nominate officers of
a church, which -was decided in
the affirmative.
On Friday night tbe subject
of Foreign Missions was dis
On Saturday Rev. G. W. Mc
Millan and Presiding Elder C.
II. Robinson were chosen Com
missioners to the Genejal As
sembly, with Rev. J. C. McMul
len and Ruling Elder .1. D. Cur-
rie, of Bladen county, alternates.
Rev. A. Mc Fadyen was elect
ed Trustee of Davidson College
in place of Rev. J. W. Primvo?,
Clarkton was chosen as the
place foi the next regular meet
ing and the time the 4th of Oc
tober a ll a. m.
The body adjourned at 11 a.
id. Friday and a majority of the
delegates left in the afternoon.
The meeting was very harmoni
ous and business like, and most
of the reports were very grati
As Pictured by the Press.
Holies -Hollo, Jack ! What
kind of a bargain did you make
with Bessie's father to-daj?
Jack Got the refusal of her
during the old man's life-time,
blame it all ! Harvard Lam
A young divine tells a story
of a groom who, after the mar
riage ceremony, slipped a two
dolla? bill into his hand, mur
muring, apologetically, "I'll do
better next time." Harper's
Miss Ketchon "Did you knock
at me noor wnen you came in
to-night, George ?" Mr. Tum
blety "Yes, Amy; Why do you
ask?" Miss Ketchon (shyly)
"I thought perhaps you had
in with a ring." N. Y.
one "lJon't you tnink . you
had better get a shine ? Your
shoes are very dingv." He
"Why, they don't need it; they
are patent leather." She '-The
patent must have expired; you
had better get it renewed."
London Tid Bits.
"Will you send up a card?'
said the girl to a Buffalo Bil
cowboy who called to see some
friend in NeF York
"Will I send np a card, did
you say ?" he inquired as he
reached into his over-coat pock
"Yes, sir' ,
"Is that the fashion here?"
"i es, sir. at least its custom
ary." ,
- w en, oi course, ir jts cus
to ma ry why I'll have to regu
late myself according. - Which
style is considered the mbs
g enteel hearts,diamonds, clubs
or spades? -here's the whole
dec k, jest take yer choice."
Merchant Traveler.
The Jeffersonian Touchstone.
The Democrats in Pennsylva
nia have organized a system of
permanent Democratic societies,
which propose to work for th
pwty between campaigns, as
well as during the heat of th,e
contest. We have been of the
opinion, ever since we have been
old enough to observe the man
agement of political campaigns,"
that some organized method of
steady and constant work by the
members of our party during
the intervals between our peri
odical contests would be m uch
more effective than the spas
modic efforts we make through
temporary clubs, ratification
meetings and parades just before
an election. Our newspapers
also, just before an election, rage
and storm, produce startling
facts and figures, about the im
positions of a high war tariff,
and the reckless squandering of
money for pensions, jobs, etc.
All this is very proper, for the
cause is sufficient to justify such
a course, but we damage the
cause of our party by dropping
all such discussions just after an
election, bv saying comparative
ly nothing to the people about
hem till the next. Such in
justices and inequalities as the
Democratic party condemn
should be constantly discussed
and continually kept before the
people until by the silent but
all powerful ballot, a political
revolu tion is effected. We know
of no better means of effecting
this than by the Pennsylvania
idea of permanent Democratic
societies. The idea is not new,
for it was through the agency of
similar organizations that Jef-
erson, the great founder of the
party, swept the country in 1800.
To explain more fully the idea
and plan of the societies, we
give you below an extract from
an explanation given toa. World
reporter by ex-Gov. Black, who
is President of the Pennsylvania
societies. He says :
'The Democratic societies of the
last century were connected only by
the ties of fraternal correspondence.
We think we have improved upon
hat. In our plan, now in very suc
cessful operation, each primary soci
ety is a member of the btate society,
represented by deputies in lis annual
general assembly, a body choosing
all officers ana possessing ail legisla
tive authority. ..The entire system
h managed in cordial co-operation
with the regular organization of the
Democratic party. It will not make
platforms or nominees, but vigorous-
v support both as tney are made by
the ordinary conventions of the par
ty. It will, however appeal to the
public miud and invoke public opin
ion in the intervals Detween cam
paigns as well as during campaigns.
It will, like the Democratic society
of Jefferson's time, discuss, agitate
and arouse the people to the perils of
their situation. It will promote the
study of fundamental principals and
disseminate them, througn these
neighborhood parliaments, where
every citizen may be hoard as freely,
and, if he has that to say which just
ly commands public opinion, with
as much influence and power as if he
were speaking in the Legislature or
in Congress. It will print it ; it will
sow the country vith documents ; it
will educate a swarm of speakers
and writers on the true principles of
republican government; it will edu
cate the people to teach themselves
their rights and their duties; it will
array the Democratic party in har
mo nous union upon the creed of
their forefuthers and place it in solid
column upon that 'road which,' in
the language of Mr. Jefferson, 'alone
leads to peace, liberty and safety
Then the Democratic party will be
irresistible ana invincible simply be-:
cause it ought to te.
"Looking at this brief form for
the organization of a primary Deni
ocratic society Gov. Black here held
up the form in question , you will
observe that each individual meio.
ber signs a single pledge, namely, 'to
preserve, defend and advance the
essential principles of free govern
ment as formulated by Thomas Jef
ferson and illustrated by the history
of the Democratic party.- If you
can imagine a system of Den. ocratic
societies throughout the American
Union, embracing the intelligence
ana activity oi the Democratic rar-
ty, every individual member having
signed this declaration, you can im
agine the Democratic party in a state
of absolute harmony upon any and
every question. Every proposition
of whatever kind would be instant
ly brought to the decisive test of the
Jeffersonian touchstone. The wri
ting of that matchless sage would lie
ofen ujon the dok of every lVmo
cratic faith. That which agreed wiih
the scriptures would le received ami
that which disagreed would be re-ji-cted
a the device of the evil one.
There i no other standard of author
ity to w hich all Democrat accede
no other which can be invoked a be
yond dispute. Hut we are all JenVr
sonians. We all utiKcrihe to the
prirciples of the 'author of the De
claration of Independence ami the
founder of the Democratic party.'
Thu far all Democrat go together.
We may, for instance, differ about
minor details of tariff legislation,
liut every man of us, big or littl.
learned or unlearned, holds With Mr.
Jefferson that government under our
republican constitution cannot, and
must r.ot, levy tributaupoa one cla
of citizens solely for the aggrandize
ment of another class, and that the
many shall not be mado the slaves
of the few by a cunning system of
taxation which transfers the hurd
earnings of tho former to the over
flowing coffers of the latter. Up to
and upon that line, at least, we all
stand together Gov. Hill and G ro
ver Cleveland, David A. Wells aud
Arthus P. Go! man, Henry George
and William II. Barnum. Let us, in
the spirit of Jefferson, fight that
fight and wiu it for our country and
Its plain people, and we can postpone
differences until we reach a question
upon which the authority is not clear
and our duty js not plain."
These focieties are no longer
confinned to Pennsylvania, but
are spreading to other States.
One was organized in Raleigh a
week or two since, of which
Gov. Fowle is a member ; and in
less than two years we hope to
see branches of the same organ
ization reach every ham?et in
this State and every other State
of the Union to preach the cru
sides of Pure Democracy and
White Supremacy.
With such a system properly
managed, we would surelv ride
into power in the congressional
elections of 1890 and the Presi
dential election of 1892. Let us
start the ball in this section by
organizing one in Clinton!
Recently a sub-Alliance in this
county, The Chronicle learns,
passed a resolution to boycott
this paper. In passing, that
sub-Alliance is assured that had
it sent thoso resolutions to The
Chronicle,lhey would have been
published. At the meeting of
the County Alliance last Satur
day, April 6th, at Huntersville,
the matter of boycotting The
bronicle, was discussed; and
with that wisdom and justice
which has always characterized
he intelligent men of the Al
iance.it was decided that it
would be unwise, imprudent,
and unjust, to attempt a boycott
on The Chronicle. The County
Alliance held that this is a free
country, and a wan may take,
or decline to subscribe for, what
ever paper he sees fit; but that
he County Alliance would not
undertake to decide this ques
tion in regard to any particular
paper.--cnariotte Chronicle.
An eminent minister while
delivering a lecture to some
theological students on oratory,
said: 'Young gentlemen don't
stand before a looking glass and
make gestures. Pump yourself
brimfull of your subject till you
can't hold another drop, and
hen knock out the bung and
et nature caper." That's it.
When a man is full of his sub
ject then he will be iffective.
Enthusiasm moves men. Burn
ing z'eal wakes up men. A hot
iron, though it be blunt, will
burn its way. The old Metho
dist preachers were effective
men, because theT were men
full of living religion. IIe::ce
Dr. Chalmers remarked: "Meth
odisism is Christianity in ern
est." Wm. Wirt said that elo
quence was found in one word
"Sympathy." Spiritual pa
thos effesls a congregation to
tears. There is too much i f
this dry thunder preaching
noise without power. Raleigh
Christian Advocate.
History will not forget that it
was Mr. Cleveland who first dar
ed faced the encroachments of
wealth-intrenched monopoly;
that it was he who set himself
to plead the cause of an over
taxed and wronged common peo
ple against the pretensions of
the privileged class, and boldly
to propose the breaking down
or class privilege; mat it was
he who first fitly characterized
the "communism of the rich."
and set on foot a movement of
reform whose course will not be
stayed until the law slall cease
to be an agency for the oppres
sion and robbery of all the peo
pie in the interest of a favored
few. New York Commercia1
A slight of hand performance
rejecting a suitor. Burlington
Free Press.
ftgrSo many agricultural pa
pew are published and articles
written by men, who have little
or no practical exnerienee aa
farmers, that information and
suggestions through such medi
ums have fallen into disrepute,
and doss but little good. In
view of this fact, we wish to get
the views and tested plans ot
practical farmers fortMi column
each week. So farmers, send in
an accouut of your success in
any branch of Agriculture, for
the benefit of the fraternity;
Bggiig fr Cttua.
"The farmers are nt oat of tho
woods yet, bat they can we tho light
through the pine tree."
This was said a few days since
by Mr. Frank, of Columbus,
Mississippi. Who is Mr. Frank?
He is one of the five members
of the Acme Manufacturing
company that made a small
quantity (about 400,000 yards) of
bagging from pine straw last
summer. The other four mem
berj of this company aro Mr. A.
E. Thornton, of Atlanta, Ga. ;
Melsrs. Wm. Gilchrist, YTin. Lat
imer and G. II. Smith, of Wil
mington, N. C. They have just
built a large new factory at
Cronly, N. C, at a cost of $200,
000 that will turn out 2,000,000
yard of bagging for this year's
crop and they contemplate build
iiii f,ir other factories of the
same size at Charleston, S. C;
Savannah, Ga.; Mobile, Ala.;
and Meridan, Mis?., respective
ly. These five ini'ls will turn
out 10,000,000 yards of bagging,
but this amount will supply only
ly about one-fifth of the crop
so if this experiment proves
successful this yeat they pro
pose to erect fifteen more facto
ries next year. Then these
twenty factories would turn out
0,000,000 yards, which would
be eumcient to bring the jute
bagging men to terms or drive
them from the field entirely.
Mr. Frank says that thin pine
straw bagging can be made for
7 J cents per yard, which is as
cheap as jute can be sold to a
profit, that while jute has on
one or two occasions sold for a
if tie less on account of compe
ition, yet in such cases the
ma nufacturers lost money. Mr,
rank was asked what he would
do if the jute men were to put
their bagging down to six cents
per yard to drive his company
out of the market. He said
that they would simply ftop
manufacturing the pine straw
as long as the jute men would
avor the farmers with it at that
price, and commence making
again as soon as they raised the
price. So it begins to look as if
our farmers will have cheap
bagging at any lato; or, as Mr.
Yank says, wo can ' begin to
OCU J lfa in ijuivw u nils later?
But why not u.ce the inferior
grade of cotton for making ba
ring? The State Alliance of
Georgia lias resolved to use r.o
Mr. John Robinson, Commis
sioner oi Agriculture, tells the
Chronicle that the farmers are
buying less commercial fertili
zer this year than usual. He
thinks that this is a good sign
Mr. Robinson was out last week
organizing Farmers' Institutes
and is seeking in other ways to
make the Department useful to
A farmer ought not to
ashamed of his occupation.-C-
The permanent sit for the
the animal encampment of the
State Guard Jus fin illy been se
lected. The Wilmington Star
says :
"The places from which the selec
tion of a site was to be made were
each visited by the Governor and
party and a final choice was made
of the site on Summer Rest, adjoin
ing the premises of Capt. Jos. Price
the plot having a frontage of 1,650
feet and a depth of 2,800 feet, ami
formerly the property of Mr. Wm
Larkins and Mr. II. M. Bowden
The price of the land wa $3,00, of
which the two gentlemen named do
nate! 5G00, and the balance, f2,100
was raised by subscription."
whit cTimnr Arras are sat nu
rUtt AttMrtt Ii frU.
On Saturday, April 6th, In tbe
hi gh wind which prevailed In
th eection, a tree blew down in
Cart hag as Mr. E. Wadde!l,weii
known here, tu paa.injt, kill
log ahors and disabling & mule
in the wimu team, and injuring
Mr. Waddell considerably. It
was a narrow escape for him,
and we hope n serlmw results
to him will be conquent
Jonesboro Leader.
Tfc riVlic Prinrr.
A Btafi correspondent of tho
Petersburg Index-Appeal write-)
to that paper from Washington
as follows : "I am told that it in
altogether probablo that Nich
ols, of NDrth Carolina, will to
appointed Public Printer. Ilia
competitors from Tennessee and
Illinois have withdrawn in hta
favor." This will be good newt
to not a few of the faithful
hereabout who are on the rag
ged edge of expectancy. Am
Nichols' fortunes go so go their. '
We had observed that Nichols
chief opponent, Meredith, the
Illinois man, had leen Klated
for the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing. Tho appoint
ment is expected to bo made
along toward.; May 1st. News
and Observer, i
Will i:r Finished ly Jaaaarr, 1S9U.
President Gray Informs the
Messenger reporter that he luw
already purchased the rails for
laying the entire line of the C
F. & Y. V. railroad between
Wilmington and Fajetteville,
and that according to tho terms
of tho contract $100,000 has
been paid down on them. He
furthermore gives out the grati
fying information that track
laying will be commenced at
WMtoington about the middle
of May, and that as soon as the
b idgeis finished at Fayette vllle
(in August) track-laying will al
so begin at that time. He says
the entire road will be built,
equipped and in operation by
January first, 1890. Wilming
ton Messenger.
The Kajf ttfvlllf f rlrbratiti.
VV centennial celebration Ii in
contemplation to be held at
Fayetteville next November In
honor of the one hundreth ad
versary of tho ratification of the
Federal Constitution by tho
State of North Carolina. This
important act was connumated
at Fayetteville in November,
1789, by a State Convention held
for that purpose. A similar
convention had assembled at
Iillsboro in July 1788, which
had refused to ratify the pro
posed constitution by a very de
cisive vote, 184 to 84. Thitt large
majority against ratification
seemi especially strange when
t is remembered that the lead-
ng members of that convention
were strongly In favor of ratifi
cationsuch men as TSamuel
Dhnston, James Iredell, Wm.
I, Davis, Rlch'S Dobbs SpaUht
and others of the most eminent
statesmen of the Revolutionary
We hope lhat the proposed
celebration will be held, and if
held we are assured, from the
well known public spirit aud
hospitality of the good old town
of Fayetteville, that It will bo
a grand succes.-. Pi ttsboro Re
Newsy Note aleot Kalrigfa.
There are preparation for a
arge industrial issue of the
State Chronicle. That cxcel-
ent paper always makes a puc-
crss of its enterp;ises.
The Governor lias made all
his arrangements fo. his trip to
Avo3a, as well a- for that to
Netv Yo k. Ho will go hence
to Will annton and thence by
special fteaniT to Avoca. He
will einain ths e Tuesday and
Wednesday o n.'xt week und
will return ha e Tii ir-d.i.y. Hi
will look after file a I nutters
Fi iday and leivc for St w York
Saturday afternoon via Greens
boro. In a nmble ye.Verdiy in the
Northern put of the city, nine
teen neat ottage in course of
construction, wero counted. Tho
average cost oi theso IsaUnit?!,
Cliin It Id V.a mn.r..UA .
wood is so much used here in
house building. It may lead to
a great disaster by fire some of -
these days.
After a ca eful view of ths
farms of Raleigh township, your
correspond znt is witling to com
pare them with any in the state
enil tr-Tion tnAtnlA enma Itart in
WM U I . MM W ....
the cattle show next week they
should put In a day looking at
these farms. It will pay them
to do so. It will be an object
Tomorrow arrangements will
be made f r the cattle show.
Mid May will be about theJime
as usual, The hor.se show will
be a feature. It was first intro
duced last year and proved very
successful indeed. Raleigh cor.
ti'j-i i - r
iv uuiingiou .aiesseuger.

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