Newspaper Page Text
THE CAUCASIAN. Kntered accordmf to Postal Laws at tflinloa, N. C, second class mail matter. CLINTON, N. C., APKU, 1, 1869. THE CAUCASIAN'S RECORD CIRCULATION : 1,441. One year ago It was Jess than 800. During the last "even weeks we have mailed over 11,700 copies. Goldnboro in to have electric lights. Work was commenced on the flurgaw and Onslow Ii. R. yes terday. A negro man has been ap pointed postmaster at Rocky Mount and a negro woman at Halifax. There will be a competitive examination at, May the 1st, lor the cadrtship at Wefit Point.. The anniversary of the organ ization of the Guilford Court Rattle Ground Company will be celebrated on May 4th. A neatly printed invitation has come to our office from the com mittee. The Georgia Farmers' Alli ance met on April the 4th to take action against the jute bag ging trust. A resolution was passsed that every bale of cot ton made by Alliance men in Georgia shall be covered with cotton cloth instead of jute bag ging. The laying of steel rails on the Clinton branch was com menced Tuesday evening at the Warsaw end, and will probably bH completed to Clin'on in a week. We greatly appreciate this impiovement, but would still earnestly impress upon the W. & W. authorities the neces sity for a first class'coach. Palm Sunday: Last Sunday was the celebration f Christ's triumphal entrance into Jeru salem. Good Friday: To-mor.ow Is . the anniversary of the rieing of Christ from the Sepulchre. These are the days observed during the last week in Lent. The minority is in power, tbflJ compi-77-was by the concentra tion of corruption boodle in pivotal States, enough to warp the Electoral College tut not enough to change the popular vote. The recent elections have confirmed the truth that the country is largely Democratic. Down with the Electoral College humbug ! Our thanks are due P. Heins berer of Wilmington for a copy of "The Conquered Banner," Father Ryan's famous and beau tiful poem over our heroic dead, which has has been set to rnus:c by Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, pas tor of the Lutheran Church of Wimlngton. It . is printed in sheet music form and is dedica ted to Mrs. Gen. Stonwall Jack son. uur newspaper brethren m Eastern Carolina do not seem to v-v . . . have grasped the idea and im portance of the Truckers' move ment at organization. The trucklmg and fruit growing in dustry, though comparatively new as yet, will soon be the most important feature in this part of the State. The orgaization of a State Truckers Association in Clinton on Aoril 4th and 5th was a biir step inthe right di reciion a movement that will make the business most profita ble ard satisfactory to both pro ducer an i buyer. But not a single notice or comment, so far as we have seen, has been given this movement ty the State press. Tha American Cultivator (N Y.,) say? : "Generally speaking, mt of the bunch goods received from the South do not find favor in this market The produce Is invariably poorly packed, and does not reach this city in marketable ordei:." A word to the wise is suffi cient. ' We think our truckera are learning their mistake in careless packing. We were told a few days since, by a man who knows, that the New Jersey liuckleberry, which cannot com pare, neither in size nor flavor to the Sampson Berry, often s ells for more than, ours, because the promiscuous and needless hand ling and careless packing caus ed our berry to reach the mark et in bad condition. AT WASHINGTON. SO DISAGREEMENT HE T WEEN' I?L A I N E A ND I IA R RISON - SPRINGER IN FAVOR OF ELECTING POSTMASTERS. Harrison Will Appoint no Demo crat Except a Protectionist. DEMOCRATS JUBILANT OVER THEIR VICTORY IN MONTANA. f Ikjf. Cor. Caucahiax.1 Washington. D. C, April 16th. The published disagreement between Mr. Harrison nd Mr. Blaine does not exist as far as I can ascertain, therefore the ru mo cd retirement of Blaine from the Cabinet is a little pre mature. Doubtless the corres pondent who sent the matter off, like the most of other people here, regards such a state of af fairs as almost a certainty at some time in the future, and did not think he was taking any great risk in sending the ma tcr off as having already be come a certainty. Mr. Harrison's latest rap at the democratic party was to in form a democratic Senator, who called on him in behalf of a democrat that want to be a member of the Ciil Service Commission, that in appointing those democrats, which by law he is compelled to, he should only recognize those who are- protectionist. This seems to be an injustice to t):o great ma jority of the democratic party. Representative Springer said just before leaving for home, "I feel much better than I have for a long time. I have gained fully ten pounds since the 4th of March, due probably to the fact that I have had nothing to do with the great National stee ple chase for office. My sup perters are not entered fo.- that court. A great many of their were four years ago and then I had a busy time all day and when night came I could do nothing but dream of the thou sands of anxious facts that haunt the White Ho se and the Departments. I am good deal more of a Civil Service reform er than I ever supposed I could be. Of course I understand that when we have a perfect Civil Service the millennium will not be far away, but I think it better to move toward millennium th.iu towaid pan demonium, which i& the result of the spoiis system. There is too much patronage in the hands of the President andtbe Departments, aR'c nc,T" "4fc jjtifrjT "mtr " 'ii'x A snau, ncx . niter, introduce ana advocate a bill to relieve them of much of the messure. 1 will try to lift the Congressman's burden, x- . . too, by working for the election of postmasters by lb, people; that can be done without chan ging the constitution, fo: tin election wonld be simply a re commendation. Democrats here are confident ly expecting that Montana will go democratic, thus adding two Senators and one representative to the party's vote in Congress. S. President Cleveland passed through Goldsboro a few days ago and when told by the peo ple of that place that they wan ted him to carry the Democrat ic standard again in '92, he said, in a short address to them: "My public life is at an end. My future lite will be devoted entirely to the practice of law in New York. I love the South and all her people, yet I shall never accept the nom ination." Can't Do Without It. (From a Sampsonian.) Fish Dam, Durham Co., N. C, April 5th, 1889 Mr. Editor: I am now proud of The Caucasian, our most excel lent county .pvper. The improve ment is wonderful. I am always glad to cet it, m fact it does net seem to me that I could do without it. I think every Sampsonian who can read and has a particle of pride, should swell your subscrip tion list to 3,000. The people ui here try to tease me about the Samp son Big Blues, but the way I answer them is to take up The Caucasian and lead to them about the progress going on in our county about the Carolina Wood Veneer Works, and the canning and cotton factories which our people are going to build I am proud of my native county. Very truly, G. A. Clifton. Deafness Gan't Be Cared by local application, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to eure Deafness, and that is by constitution al remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tubo gets inflamed j-ou have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it isentirely clos ed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is uothiug but an inflamed condition of the mu cus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that we can not cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. , F. J., CHENEY & CO., Proprietors, Toledo, Ohio. ftgrSold by all Druggists, 76c. Alliance Dejurtment OnCASKATIOX. President Marion Butler; Vice-President K. Rich ; Secretary J. I. Ezzell; Treasurer S. A. Howard; Business Agent G. A. ' lute. Lecturer N-II. Fennell; Chaplain J. O. Tew; Sergeant-at Arms H. II. Jer nigan; Doorkeeper Charlie Grum pier; Executive Committee J. A. Oa'les, Chairman ; R. M. Cru ji plcr, M. M'Killett, W.H TLom a, V. K. Pigford. Committer on the Good of the Orer J. A. Gates, B. S. Peter son, C. II, Johnson. Query Committee VV. J. Craddoek, M. M.Killett, Abrain Hobbs. Co. Organizer Isham Royal. BaITHE Caucasian was adopt ed as the official organ of the Coun ty Allian ces by the County Alliance, January lQth.r MAPLE GROVE, NO 356. We have received very touch ing and appropriate resolutions from this Alliance regarding the death of Bro. J. C. Hergrove, and are sorry that we haven't room to publish in full. A Paper Read before Ulnff Alliance, No. 577, in Jannary last by W. J. C. Alliance men must not allow themselves duped into the be lief that it is cheaper to buy standard brands of guano than it is to make their own fertili zers; that the ware and tare of teams, vehicles and farm imple ments inako it too expensive to form good compost heaps, and that they had belter buy all their fertilizers. This is a mis taken idea for an Alliance man to indulge even for a moment. One of the main objects of AI liaucefcm is to teach farmers true economy, for of all waste ful people the average farmer takes the lead. Very many of them work only half a yer. If the merchant wo e to idle half his time with ciosed doors he ceuldu't live; I ho mechanic wculd starve. If a man puts in half his lime and barely make a living be can certaiuly do well if he works all his time. If a day in May is worth 2.00, a day in January can be made as valuable. All that is needed is the proper arrangements. Who doubts that the winter months spent in clear. n,s, ditch ing, making coinpwst heaps, breaking land, sheltering and feeding stock and saving ma nure, can be made as productive as the- summer njent in cotton raising ? Say what you will but a bigger evil than all trusts, fMwiqtoies and tariffs cAbdiiedl is the aimont universal evil among farmers of idling. away half, their timo and buying everything on time, which al most in variably cost them from 50 to 200 per cei,t. A poor man had beetter live prudeut and economical than lo t j to make a big appearance by buying all he wants on time, probably more thau he Cu.n ; ay for in two or three years and have enough le: t to feed his family. Thiswiy of living well in summer and dointr without m winter, is a down hill business at a break neck-speed .to ruin and starva tion. Farmers oiiijht t regulate their pride according to their pocket-books, and study well the lesson to live within their in come, and uncomplainingly con form to the condition of life in which the Giver of all tood may be pleased to place them in. CATAUHII CUUEi, health and sweet breath secured, by Mhiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy. Price DO cents. Naal Injector free. For sale by H. II. IIol ljday, Druggist, Clinton, N. C. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspep sia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. K. II. Hollidav, Dnvjrgit, Clinton. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System f Memory Training. Four jieeke Learned in rending. Allud wandering cared. Every child and adnlt greatly benefitted. Great inducement to Oarrespondenos C Usees. Prospectus, with opinions of Or. Win. A. Ham. In on if, the world-famnd Specialist in Mind Diseases. laniel Oreenlcnf Thompson, the great PsychoL exist, J. M. Buckley, I.I., editor of the Christian Advocate, Jf. Richard Proctor, the Scientist, Honn. W. XV. Aster, Jndge tiibaon, JndaJk P. Benjamin, and others, sent post free by Prof. A. XOISKTTE. 237 Fifth Are., M. T W. J. FAI30N, : DEALER IN : - ' GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES. I am yet at my stand on Fayette ville Street, next door to Printing Office, where I will bo pleased to see all my friends and customers. Call in and see me. 1 am also prepared, at my resi dence, to accommodate my colored friends with Board and Lodging. Respectfully, mch4-tf W.J FA1SON. Ca Yeats, and Trade-Marks obtained, iml all Patent buEinesB conducted tor Moderate Fees. Our Office is Op posite V. S. Patent Of. See. We have no sub agencies, all business irect, hence can transact patent business in less time and at less cost than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo., with descrip tion. Ws advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not cue till patent is secured. A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with refen ences to actual clients in your Stats, county, m town, sent tree. Address, y- - C. A. SNOW & CP 4tntts fit, vttjt WtsMiftMt f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THIS OVER ! AND Summer Goods 1 And advise you to buy from us. 1. Because we offer none but new styles bought direct from Importers and Manufacturers. You don't get old goods. 2 Because one dollar can buy more at our store tnan any otner place m town. It is business to get the best value you can. 3. Because we have the largest and best selected stock to show you at the lowest prices. Save money when you can. 4. Because with goods bought low and selected in person to suit our cus tomers, we fear no You ail latest styles and the onl y place in Clinton WM. A. 4-,, CD 4 N P E3 i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Have received our New Stock of SPRING competition. want the to get them is at JOHNSON'S. .CP J 9 NEW AL UiiTiiEMENTS. Sometliinff A A. F. JOHNSON'S . -urn Cheap Cash' Store Having finished my Annual Inventory, and clearing my stock of all remnants and ri oda not desirable to be carried over anctber Season, I have MARKED DOWN and placed on the A GREAT MANY CHOICE PIECES OF Double and Single width Oashmers, Fancy and Solid Colored Worsteds, Ginghams, Hamburg Edging, Nain sook Muslins, Cambrics, &c., at prices that will astonish you! - JOB LOT. Ladies' and Misses' Ho siery, Gloves, Button and Lace Shoes, at prices that will be sure to take them off. Also a few dozen Hens' Wool Low Prices. These Goods MUST GO in order to raikewoui for my Sl'UING STOfiK. TO MERCHANT S ! , j I Have just received a lanye DWIGiiT'S "COW I5RND" SODA, W RAPING PAPER AND TVIXE, Which T offer to Merchants at Jobber's Prices, ('all and get Prices before orrteraijr. Respectfully, SeEaqnartiersT :o:- I have just been to New York, Headquarters for Styles and Bargatns, whre I boo -lit a full lire of all the LEADING RESS GOODS- AID TBI Fiom a Tlain substantial dress Also a lare 1 ne of Hat , hoes and Piece Goods, Sults-erl for the Spring anrt Summer trade and averythiug kept in a Wffi " ISiSB iTill ! . A n'ce line of SUMMER COATS AND VESTS. Horse Collars ttarkbaiid?, Traces and otlirr Farme s Supplies. In addition t ti e above, as my customers well knw,! carry a full line oi the I est FAMjLY groceries. I carry nothing but fn'st class substantial goods, which I sell at the lowust po-s!bL margin lipsi'ectlully March 8th, 18S9. :f NEW ABVKKTISEMENTS. NOTICE. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Superior Court of Sampson county the undersigned as administiat r of II. L. Spell, de ceased, will sell at the i Courthouse door in Clinton, on Monday, the Cth day of May, 1S89, the following lands of the said H. L. Spell, to wit: The tract known as the Fleet Cooper place, containing about 160 acres. The Thomas W. Boykin swamp land, containing about SO acrs.- The Albert Rich place, con taining: bout 420 acres, 'lhe Ste vens land, containing :)bout 21 acres. The P. Murphy laud, containing ahoo 29 acres. The Page or Lock aniy place, containing about 100 acres. The terms of said sale aaa "0 per cent, cash ; half the remainder in six months, i.nd the balance in nine months, with interest from date of sale, title reserved till -final payment is made. RICHARD PAGE,- Adm'r and Com. March 28th, 1880. tds 1 ISTOTJ CE THOSE WISHING TO SUB-! scribe to the capital .stock! of the SAMPSON COUNTY FAG TORY COMPANY will find the i books open at the offices of J. A. Ferrell and W. B. Stewart. . J. A, i5BRELIn 1 j J. A. Oates, VCom.j WT. B. Stewaet. J vr.W ADVERTISEMENTS. Interesting T OP n.n1 Felt HaU at correspondingly :o:- Invoice of BALL POTASH, AND COAT'S COTTON ti an elegant suit for ladies VV- (f. RACKLEY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iNOTlCE. 5 fcYY VIRTUE OF AN EXECU tion in my hands for col lection in l'avor of Adrian Jb Vollers against Sherod Barkstlale, I will sell by public auction, at the Courthouse door in Chuton, on Monday the 29th day of April, 1889 the interest of the said Sherod Barksdale in the follow ing described tracts or parcels of land : - 1st. The land known as the Bell place, lying about two miles south east of Clinton, containing about 1061 acres ; also one tract of 15 acre, and o-e of 5 J acres, conveyed by C. Partrick to said Sherod Barksdale by deed3 dated June 5, 1876, first registered in book 42, page 427 ; sec ond registered in book 44, page 258 2nd. One lot ia the town of Clin ton, known as Lot No. 7G of the Mc Koy lots, adjoining the lots of D, B. Watson and John E. Lewis, 27 feet front and 100 feet deep. J. M. SPELL, Sheriff, Sampson County. March 29, 1889. tds DeVIlitatcd. who are suflerms: from the cfl'ects of early evil babita.tht results f ignorance or follr, will find in P14 XliS' SPECIFIC a posiiive and per ruaneut cure lor Neavoon Debility,em uial weakness, involuntary vital losses, etc. Cures guaranteed. Send six cents in stamps tor Pears' Tre&ti mi diatnn es of raau, Uieir ."xie and cure. ' - J, S. PEAKS; Church Street., Nashville, Teno. IllS, a -als., I Atlantic Cust : "8 HUttCTOHiWElDOKg... us Er DA.TKD 2 4t. Ar-.I6,83. D. , ,J Stl-y",, 7r Weldon. 1 2 40 p m 5 u uu c J ArBockrMUl I Si . a? ArTarboro, 3 5i Lt Tnrbort. 10 20 Ar Wtlaon. s. tl i wutoa. - J -I J., Ar Silma. 40 Ar Favetteia o u Lt Wmhw, 4 16 " . Lv Minolta, 4 S0M 8 4 v h ArWHmmat'n 6 00 " 9 yt - x w M TRA15S GOlSt; .Qjmi. 2o 14. No. 78. ,NC PailT. Dailv. 1!ll u LvWilniinctV. l'2 05aiu 9 n:. ih Lt Magnolia, 1 1 " 10 4 5 5 - Lt Warsaw 10 Ar GoWsboro, 2 25 " 11 52 Lt Faycltevillrt Ar Seliua Ar Vilou 4 Lv.WIUou rOJf Ar Rocky Ml. S io - 11 ro 12 lt- 12 Jn TTiTnj 1 2t -j M Ar Tarboro Lt Tarboro J 5 10 20 nni Ar Wcldjn 4 30 S 40 pm a 4) Daily cxcpt Sunday. Train on SfOllaol Noek Hram M,.rp Halifax for Scotland Nei k J 30 p in turning loavca ijcutUod NrcU c 2 ) a daily except Sunday. Train leave Tarboro, a. C. vi Albemarle & ilalcigh railrn!. ,.t except Sunday, 505 p. m., Su'i.luv 3 IT p. tin, arrive Willianislon, N. C. 7 20 p, in., 4 55 p. in. ltctnmiu lrvn Wiliiamfiton, daily xccpt SuivIht. 7 W a. m., Sunday 9 50 a. m.. anive T bro, 9 15 a. ra 11 30 a. in.. Train on Midland, X. ('., ! ,.tm!j leaves (toldhboro, daily x ia Su!U!a 8 00 a. in. arrive 8mit!ifn ll. -.i ."o a n,. Returning ".eaves Snullifield.lo a. m., arrive Gold-boro, 11 45 a. in.. Train u Nashville l.ran;!i li iyet Hocky Mt, at 3 00 p. nn, airiv( ville 3 40 p. m., Spring lUj ei !'.,.. m. Returning leave Spring llnjn- loo) a. m., Nashville 10 35 a. in., likr Mount 11 15 a. nr, daily, txiopi Sunday. Train on Clinton branch lca-s Wan-an for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, (i (M p. nn, and at 11 10 a in, lieUmii: will leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 3 1 j m, connecting at Warsaw with .. i and 40, 23 and 78 Southbofud train un Wdwm A: Fay eUevillc Ilranch is No, 51. Norili bound is No, 50, Daily except Smithy Train No 27, South, will stop nlv al WiUop Goldsboro and Magnolia Tram No 78 makes close l oiun c ti n at Weldon for all poiuts North, daily. All rail viaHichmoud. and daily, vxn pi Sunday via Hay Line Trains make close connection fur nil poiDtn north via Richmond an ' W'ntU iiigton All trams run solid between Wilming ton u-id Watdiiugton, and have L'uhunn Palace Sleeper attached . JOHN F DIVINE, Ger1 Sapt. rjVaaKV:i',KapVAvian-" T M Kmehson. Gen'! Pa Asnt. Tf nny AmIw u?i 1i lima ffa W. XT. Dool&a Shoe witnoot nm nad prion tmjiipvd aa Um iMrttirm. vnt blna dowa mm n toniUU IV. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE JUmt la tti world. InnlM kla S.OO OKNUIKK HAHIVHEWKD kHOK. i.OO HANIMIWKD WfctT 8HOB. msMt POLICg AMD FARMERS' HHOK. i.0 EXTRA V4I.UK CAIJf IHOC. a.OO avatd SK75 BOYS' SCHOOL IHOtt tt nan In Conai m. BaUon 41 W. L. DOUCLAS G3 SHOE la'cT... FOB SALE BY as. H-a.usT.iEU CLTTON, N. C. STnrKhS FiNE(gL0RS7kAT lORFAOC )Cu! ONLY Sold bydruggistS tttXLWA BBoirZB FAISTgfl Colon. FKtliLKKH LACKDKT MtVOB. NOTICE THE UNDERSIGNED HAV lug qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of James Sutton. Sr., deceased, hereby give notice to all parties holding claim! against said estate to present them, duly authenticated, within twelve months from this date, or this notice will be plea I in bar of their recove ry. Ail persons Indebted to said de cedent ara requested to make imme diate payment. - W. T. SUTTON, Executor. M. C. BlCHABJDSOX, Att'y. This 27th day of March, 1889. 4t THAT HACKING COUGH can be o quickly eared by tShiloh's Cure. W guarantee it. For sale by It. II. Iloixte day, Druiiist, ClintoD, N, C.