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TIIK CAUCASIAN. A IVprr-Cfctter.a iVUin M hlat ml New Jh Type have hern added to our Job tfflop, ml wf am now do work to mil even th mm fk tlUou. CUI In tint 4aro4M of the work we have lAe In th lt fewdity. W Advertfc4njf Mem liuvlo know ft on application. CASIAN I'd'.! I'1' ' " KVKKV TIICK8DAY, !f M A P. ION' Ill'TLEB, ;..r ;iil Proprietor. H o w. k w- give you h miitly r:..l --t our ruro Bomooraoy azxcI TTCTlxito BupromAoy- u i'i:l AM WITH NKW TYI'K. j rrrrzr-r:j r N i A .,w your appn-ciation by ; "QL CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1889. No. 86. UMI MlbMTlberS. PA1 Hi; KDITOU'S CHAIR. iiii(;s look fii.jM i; -TAXI) POINT. III yh.'0)i'i'"" of Tne Caucasian and l). opinion of others which we Cm Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. tli'n life God is Avith j,.v,.i-; in the next the tllO bi- llt'V'-l ! Wl itl. God." iii-i i' ii has never bee:- Avant uJ ,ii -y in i -ntliy for Ireland, and ti. ,.-m.U' of that country have v-r !;i ! I l t show then ap- ri i' :ii of that factAvhen op i.i tiiiii!y iiffo: df (1. At a public. meeting in Cork to express sym j .it 1 ll v IVlfl': lor the Couemaugh suf- slJV) was subscribed in minutes. N. Y. World. ;i Nov i lir following paragraph from t!n- Philadelphia Press, shows tin- ;iiirrcialion our Northern tii, iuls have for the generous cniitiiiiiiiins of tlie r'outh to wn nl th" sufferers of the Johns -l.iun disaster: Tin- Suiitli is r i-pt)ixliii nobly to .1 u-towii's cry t distress. The -uli'liiy of the South, when it conies ilnun ii) charity, is one of the most "lurioiis characteristics of the Union. Our mail facilities are in a depln :i.ble condition on account oi l!'.' incompetency of Wana mik.'iV 'Veen horn" postal clerks Letters and papers" are sent to almost every place but the r jfl 1 1 one, and much incon venience arises from delay and tlie non-an ival of important mail. The .louesboro Leader, in speaking of the state of af iYns. says : "tin ihe8:h inst. no newspaper mail was received at this oltlce ex vci tin; Progressive Fanner. A few days before a postal addressed to Waycross was returned by one intelligent route agent marked, "no such nllice in tlie State," but it ap pears that he found it on second tri al, as postmaster Caddell readdress t'd it in an emphatic manner. "A L'tter from Southern Pines to S.inlonl, less than !50 miles apart, in this county, on a direct line of rail, is reported as having taken two days to reach its destination. Paris is , all in irritation be cause the American arul English exhibitors in the Exposition re fuse to take part in the show on Sundays. All honor to those stout-hearted men who, person ally perhaps not pious, hold on their Christian faith in the very centre of the hostile citadel. ror their tenacity is rebuke, if not defiance, to the principles which denounced oblivion to the Christian creed, which oblitera ted the Christian Sabbath, and hroight contempt upon the Chiistian worship bv infamous and impious substitution for ho ly, -acred Christian symbols those of the lewd and shameless doddess of Reason. The sturdy faith of the Anglo Saxon holds on unfaltein and unfearing to its (Jod; and amid the fanes of the dethroned yet still worship ped Goddess of Reason, bows down to Him alone. Citizen. I he Teachers' Assembly is in session this week at More head City. The new and ele gant Assembly Hall will be the sc. lie of instructive lectures etc., for the next several da.vs and the teachers of North Caro lina will be given the opportu nity of receiving advice and in struction from some of the ablest and most successful edu cators of the State. This is an -xcellent institution for our teachers and reflects credit upon them and upon the State. Be sides the instruction received at its sessins.tlifl i effects ofj; pleas ant vacation by the seaside, the refreshing ocean breezes, and delightful surf are of Incalcula ble benefit. Here the tired teachers who.have labo ed with out ceasing for the past, ten" months, can get a much needed J-st, and tlyat with the very companions they most desire. It deserves the support of all friends of education in North Carolina. 1 1 1 : fo i; ; i it at w inch i rr i : i : Ami II; will not I'iis Through the IVniteiitiar.v Ciutc. .Judge Phillips, who held Kor sythe court, told the Sentinel a pathetic incident which occur red at the last term of Surry court. It beautifully illustrates the tender sympathy of one old soldier foranother who lias been unfortunate. In the case of the State vs. John Stuart, indictment for lar ceny, the prisoner appeared in the court-room, shuffling along, scarcely able to walk. lie wore a soiled check shirt, a very much worn suit and a battered hat. Appearing as State's witnesses were two well dressed, sleek looking men, who clearly show ed by their looks that they we: e determined to send the old man to the penitentiary if possible. "Has the prisoner any coun sel V" asked Judge Phillips. "I have none, your Honor," answered Muart. " L am a poor man, unable to pay an attor ney." The Judge saw by the man's looks that this was an unusual o -sc, and said, "Well go on and tell your story." ''Well, sir, I was in the Con federate army and at the battle of Winchester was shot through the hips. Since then it has been exceedingly hard for me to sup port myself. I went to work for this man last year and work ed eight months, upon his pro mise to ooaru ana clothe me and to pay me what my servi ces were worth. During that time he paid me ten cents, with which I bought tobacco. At the end of eight months he re fused to pay me any money and refused to give me any clothes, saying that my services were worthless. Then, your honor, I went "into his wardrobe, took a suit of clothes to hide my nak euness ana leit. He hau me ndicted for larceny and I have been in jail ever since." as ine oia man iinisned a wished murmur of indignation was heard throughout the court oom. "You say you were shot at Winchester?" asked Judge Phil ips, who was himself an officer in that sjdendid and memorable charge. !Yes, sir." "Were you in the second charge, to the left, on the other side ef the town ?' The prisoner's face brighten ed. "Yes," he said, "I was there, Rhodes' division, and ivas shot while crossing the ravme just below the hill." The Judge was certain that the old veteran wTas telling the truth, but to be certain he call ed the State's witness. While this witness was giving in his testimony, which was to the effect that the old man's story was about right but that he refused to, pay him anything because his services were worth less, Stuart leaned over to Solic itor Settle. "Mr. Settle" he said, "your father and I wrere friends. I lived in Rockingham county and your father persuad ed me to enlist in his company. I received ay wound while fol lowing him. Since then it has been a hard struggle f or'iiie to keep out of the poor house." By this time Judge Phillips, Solicitor Settle and everybody else in the court-room was satis fied that the old soldier had been pitilessly prosecuted and the faces of the on lookers show ed the deepest pity and sympa thy for the unfortunate man and the blackest indignation for his heartless employer. "Mr. Solicitor," said the Judge, "change your bill of indictment from larceny to trespass." Thi was willingly done by Mr. Set tie. "Now," he continued, "Judg m en t is suspended and the pris oner is discharged.". Scarcely had the last word beeu spoken before every man in the room applauded, and great tears were seen rolling down the cheeks of strong men A similar scene Judge Phillips tells us he has never seen in the courthouse. As the old man who, half an hour before had been friendless hobbled out of the court-room, hundreds of men drew around him to shake his hand. Our townsman, Hon. W. B. Glenn, volunteerecr ins services 10 se cure a pension; Mr. Holly lld offered him a position as miller arxd in less than five minutes a handsome purse was made up to buy the old soldier a com 'orta ble suit of clothes. Needless to add, he was al most overcome with gratitude and to his dying day he tfill bless the memory of his old comrade-in-arms, and his gene rous new-found friends. Wip ston Sentinel. ADDRKSS. I). I!. NICHOLSON, KSJ, TRINITY (OLLKCJK. AT He Delivers the Alumni Address at the Commencement, Wednes day Evening, June 12th. Our townsman, I). IJ. Nichol son, h.sq. active) eu the annual address before the Alumni As sociation last ACeek. His sub ject was "Our Alma Mater; A Retrospect and a Prospect." The following outline will serve to indicate the character and scope of his speech. Regin- ning, Mr. ieholson said: Time, in his silent but steady tread, has reached another mile- tone. The seasons have run another cycle. Another schol astic year has written its histo ry upon the ever receding scroll of the past. We have met to gether again to hoiu unei com munion in thee familiar haunts, to catch what of inspiration we may from the exercises of this atmiversarj'' occasion and to add to them what we can of interest and profit. Upon my election a year ago to occupy this hour my heart throbbed with pride that my brethren should deem me a fit recipient of so high au honor; But when the sober sec ond thought came and reflection held calmer sway, that feeling gave place to one of misgiving lest the sequel might prove the choice not a bappy one; anil so much did that thought oppress my spirits that it became a seri ous question in my miud wiat the brethren were thinking about when they elected me or ator. There may be some things that I am, but certainly there is one thing that I am not. "I am no orator as Brutus is," and just now I feel towards myself much like the editor did towards Josh Killings, to whom the latter sent an original poem for publi cation, and who returned it with this note: "Dear Josh: You may be. a fool, but you ara no poet " But it is the part of the true philosopher to accept wi th equa nimity the inevitable, and I ac quiesce in the "superior judg ment of the powers that be, with the consoling thought that after all the brethren must have had an eye to " "the eternal fit ness of things," inasmuch as in choosing an orator it was emi nently proper to select one who could the place. And, as Ar te mus Ward said of his wax fig ures, here I am larga as life and twice as natural: IThe speaker tips the beam at 2o0 pounds. In accepting the trust so kind ly bestowed it was not amont? all my thoughts to woo the mu ses to regale your intellectual appetites, nor to strew in your mental pathway the flowers of fancy, iur yet to traverse some field of unexplored scientific re search or scholarly investiga tion. 1 chose rather the part of the prudent literary mariner, who deemed it wisest to keep near the shore lest his frail barque be swamped in a sea of difficulties. Then if there are those present who came to enjoy a "feast of reason and a flow of soul" in hearing a fine speech, abounding in high sounding phrases and clasic lore, let them prepare to be disappointed, am let me beg them to judge my performance, when it is ended by another standard ot merit For if it shall be my good for tune to direct your thoughts to the proper consideration of t subject which oughtto be prom incut in the mind and dear to the heart of every member o this Association,- if I shall be able to stimulate your college pride, to awaken jour latent ambition to see this institution. whose name we profess to cher-" ish and whose honor is in our keeping, take her place in the front rank of the great sister hood of American colleges, and to arouse your sluggish energies to action such action a? wiil surmount all obstacles, override all difficulties and. and accept no result but success I shall deem my pleasant task well done and will be quite content to roll the responsibility of sup plying the eloquences for this commencement occasion upon other and more competent shoulders. subject had not been announce1 tlie, atset J? might have aiieady Jvined it. I greet you, then, bretui?-Q, ,an( friends, in the name of our Al2La. Mater, whose cause I come to plead, and I beg that you will hear me for that cause. Whp is this nourishing mother ? What of her origin? What of her life? What of her mission? What of her destiny? These are i interesting, important, nav ino jmentoua question;. Their an ! swer and solution afford a theme abounding in interest; prcsent'a study commandiiu the most as siduous attention; and demand a zealous dsvotiou worthy the highest of human effort and hu man aims. In the brief space oftime allotted to an Alumni Address it were futile to attempt more than a suggestive sketch oi the expansive field which you halve been invited to look upon. To do even this will levy perhaps too great a contribution upon your time and forbearance. But the nature of the subject demands that we look back up on the very cradle of the now portly matron whose life history we wish to contemplate and into whose future we wish to peer. And it is quite likely that while I am relating the story of her humble birth and simple life, some of her younger sons may smile with derision and ever lose proper filial regard for their literary ancestress. But let them despise not the day of small things. Why, I was once a baby my self. I make this statement upon the authority of my mo- her aud my nurse, two compe ent and creditable witnesses, whose testimony cannot be suc cessfully controverted, however much present appearances may eem to be against them. And you shall have equally conclu sive proof if it is wanted that that this College, this queen of science and of letters seated, up on her throne of knowledge, be decked with her crown of hon or, adorned with her sparkling jewels of truth and virtue, hold ing sway over a domain stretch ing from the shores of the Ches apeake to the borders of the. Gulf, and from the Atlantic to the rolling prairies that lie be yond the Father of Waters, and governing with her migic wand of affection her thousands of loyal subjects, was once an hum ble rustic maiden, or to drop the metaphor and speak the plain truth was once a "backwoods school." From this point he briefly traced the history of the Col lege from its origin as a prima ry school house in 1838, with Rev. B. York as teacher, through all of its stages of growth and progress as Union Institute, Nor mal College and Trinity College. It way chartered as Normal Col lege in 18S0 and as Trinity Col lege in 1859. The first class graduated in 1853. The college became the property of the N. C. Conference, M. E. Chuich, South, about 1857 or 1858. To the late lamented Dr. Craven, the real founder of the Cotlege, he rjaid this tribute : "The eye dims, the heart swells, the tongue falters as that name of blessed memory calls for utter ance, and I fain would avoid it lest I might not pronounce with becoming reverence. But could there have been an Iliad with out a Homer ? Could there have been a temple without a Solo mon? Could there have been flowers without sunshine? Could there have been love without a heart? Could there be a universe without a God? Then there could have been no Trinity Col lege without a Braxton Craven But he nends no feeble words of praise from me. His works do follow him; and the power of his intellect, the glory of his life, and the grandeur of his achievements will live in their impress upon the future as long as learning shall have a friend, -truth an admirer, or ambition a devotee. Brethren, we loved him because we knew he loved us, and our tongues will cleave to the roofs our mouths syid our right hands will forget their cunning ere we shall cease to cherish that nam of all names dearest to us as .Trinitarians. Let us emulate his virtues, fol low bis precepts and honor his memory, it the . spirits ot the departftd are allowed to come back to earth and the cherished objects of this life can divide the joys of heaven, it were no idle fancy to say ihat his spirit is present with u? at this mo ment, and as we behold it with the eye of faith let us greet it in the language of the great Italian poet, when he met the instructor of his youth, in the realms of shade : Oh, neyer from the memory of my heart Your dear paternal -i ma-re shall de part, Who while on earth, ere yet by death . surprised, Taught ine how mortals are immor tali zed : How grateful am I for that patient care, . All my life long my language shall declare! It .:ri.vas so much to us he Trinity. It is di was mnro vinelv .mnTrPTi Jftat greater love hath tin mar, thori YJS that lie will lay down his litou.18 inenu. lnnny was at onc uu friend and his burden. It was too much. "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick." Flesh and blood could hold oat no lunger. Years of unremitting and unrequited toil against odds wUch none but those nearest to him can at all appreciate, a load of anxiety for the establishment and successor the college, an in domitable determination which nothing but death cnld con quer, a burning ambition to see the desire of his heart accom plished, and oftrepeated, soul crushing disappointments laid their united and relentless grasp upon him, and that stalwart f "aiue was shaken at its base, that stout heart weakened in its pulsations, those unquavering nerves lost their tension, the life-sustaining forces gave up their functions, aud one Novem ber night the, wires flashed Dr. Craven is dead. How fit the season. As nature was teeming with the ripeness ot her lruit- . - . ..I age and the year was just grow- lugokl, lie too was ripe in lus labors, ripe in his honors, ripe in faith and in love and had jus. reached the border line of old age. But beintr dead he yet speaketh. Let us heed the si lent message that comes from his voiceless tomb, and go for ward with renewed determina tion toward the goal of truth,! usefulness and houor to which he directed and allured ns." i(c j(i ifc 4 The speaker here gave an in teresting review of the success es of Trinity's sons in the vari- ous professions. He paid many glowing tributes to Trinity and her illustrious sons, and made an appeal to the Methodists of the State to "stand by and sup port the institution of their de nomination that has done so much. The remaining paragraphs were mainly devoted to college reminiscences and local occur- rences, which the general reader would have to undrstand to ap- predate. They were mtersper- ced with flashes of wit and hu-f their cotton this year. The Al mor, which' the audience greatly Ranee also endorsed the fruit enjoyed. As a specimen we give his striking, original and ingenious pun upon the present faculty of the College, the name of every professor and the pres- ldent being included m it: "To the students who are here let me sav a few words in pass- ing by way of encouragement and stimulation. And to dis- pense with needless pielimina- nes, youn, gentlemen,, l ao not propose to Bandy, words, nor to talk ine-Pegram, but to speak in plain English. Ihe old times oi wuicii i nave spoken iiuve f Y I . 1 I-wn. Gannaway (gonp away) and a newr era has dawned upon us with its new problems and its new possibilities. But there is no telling to what lieitman can reach if he will nerve his Arm- strong tor the oattie oi ine ana determine to pay the full Trice of success. Whatever else may happen, let it De under- stood that henceforth the bird Miss Liete will lemain here for that dons the plumage of Trini- a few months on a leaye of ab ty must learn to Crowell." sence, and then will return to Then briefly expressing to the present management the conn- dence of the Alumni in them and pledging their co-operation for the good of the College, he closed as follows "If it has been my good for tune to contribute anything to the entertainment of this amia ble audience, to utter a single sentiment that will give impulse o the glorious Avork that lies before the College, and to touch the chord of a sweet memory in the breastof thee,"my brethren, I am thrice happy. Aow, as Ave breathe in parting a silent prayer of God's speed to Trinity in her upAATard and onward career, let it be our loftiest ambition and out highest, desire to meet one day where there shall be no parting WhPr tinifi and iain. and chance and death expire, Where momentary ages are no more; Where seraphs gather immortality On life's fair tree fast by the throne of God.'" The price of sugar is advanc ing and the present outlook is that the advance will continue, street, is one of the ham ' so m -The sugar market has been A-ery pst the city. It is au iron active during the past week. and f r0t. Jobbers and refiners have been buying all the raw ana rennea .... n sugar obtainable. Their purchas- es have been very heavy. Lhey deny any intention to corner the market. . - jnere nas Deen a marsea m crease in the consumption the United States of late. Dnr ing the first fave months of the year 1888 the number or. ions of sugar used was 402,434. The amount used nuring the first months or this pear was u,wu tons greater. N. Y. Star. No principle is more noble, as there is none more holy, than that .of a true obedience. CIJMBERLAXI) XKWS. THE ALLIANCE AND THE CANNING FACTORY R E UNION OF VETERANS THE HALF HOLIDAY PLAN A DOIT ED. New Building for the Presbyterian Sunday School The Favette ville Bucket Factory. jReg. Cor. Caivas.iax.1 Faykttkvuj.k, N. I'., ) Juiie 17th, lhsi. J Thursday morning a :i o'clock A. M. an alarm of fire called out the fire department. The fire proved to be tlie dwelling of A. G. Thornton, out on North street. The house was burned. as it was enveloped in flames be fftre thH pntrine. (ccould iret n 1 i- - - there. Loss. 81. 8 00. Insurance. i 900. The F. I. L. I. is getting in fine trim for the encampment . prize of S2-00 for the bet drilled and 810.00 for the second best is being competed for. A large number of members will go, and a population good portion of the of this city will be there. Messrs. J. S: O. Evans are building a large store house on the corner of Gillespie am; Franklin streets. Hon. Thos. H. Sutton, of this citv, will deliver the Literary address at ihe commencement 0f Spring Hill Academy, in Richmond county, on the 28th instant. Miss Bert McDuflie, a charm ing young lady of this city re ceived the Cheif Marshall's re galia at the receut University commencement for being the handsomest young lady present, dnfl they were there-by the hun- dreds The County Alliance at their meeting last Tuesday resolved to use cotton bagging to cover canning factory and pledged their best efforts to advance its interest by delivering asuflicient f supply of fruit, tomatoes &c We are glad to see such impor- tant action as the farmers are taking in dealing with the "jute trust." It is said that if cotton coyering is used that it will re- quire thirty-two million pounds of cotton, and it is thought will increase the price of cotton Judge James MacRae, having finished his spring circuit, !at home for a vacation I -V 1 . miss Isabella lete. who is principal of a college in Tokio, Japan, arrived here last Monday, muh to the delight of her many friends. She is engaged in the missionary work, and her school has fOUr foreign (American) teachers and nine Japanese teachers. Tokio, she savs, has a population estimated all the way from one to two millions her duties in that foreign land She is much in love with the work. She has been iu Japan for eight years Fine ripe peaches have made their appearance on ihe market. Most of them are beingshipped to the Northern cities. The first engagement oi the late Avar took place at Big Beth- ei, Va., on June 10th, 1GJ. There are many surAriAors of that fight living in this city at least thirty, and on Monday last, June 10th, ihey celebrated the tAveiity-eighth anniversary at Worrell's pondabeut ten miles to the weft of heie. They tho- roughly enjoyed the re-union Messrs. D. B. Nicholson and cj. P. Jerome passed through here last Wednesday. The Confederate Veteran's Camp fund for the first Aveek toots up $ i50. i. ne largest sud- scription was $2o from the la rge hearted Hon. Chas. M. Stead- man, of Wilmington. The amount is gratifying for the first week and avc hope it will - De trebbled in another weok Hosnnthal's new store, on Hay nPV. t? t. Grav. who recent I v 1 ' ' " ' tendered his resignation as pa-i tor of the Baptist Church, has accented a call to a church iu Denver Co'. Ftaliinur frolics seem to ba the - rage now. One party Avent up in un nhnrRs mills last week and - ra,urht one hundred-and fifty nne gi Some of the merchants Lave adopted the half holiday plan b f or the summer, and now close their stores every Friday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. This gives the clerks an opportunity to rest and do a better day's work on Saturday. The Southern Telegraph Com pany ha.- secured anofSce In ihe Thorn ton I louse, on NaT street. next to the Western Union of fice. It is hoped a cutting of rates will take place, as t! ey can cnargr lew and make a good interest on stock. not "watered. A temporary organization of the corporators of the Fayett- vine v -ui emarie rauioad was effected la.t Saturday at the meeting In this city. Mr.' John Blue was elected uj chairmun and Mr. Z. W. Whitehead, secre tary. A committee wo appoin ted t confer with the V. F. A Y. V. railroad company and the R. fc A. A. railroad. There is littlo doubt but what the road will be-pushed tornmpletton at no distant day. One of the most profitable and busy places in PayetUville during the warm weather is tlie Ice Factory. Two thousand tons of clear and sparkling ice are turned out every day. It is shipped to many points up and down the railroads. The Bucket factory is au in teresting place to viit. The limt'llilWr- iu if llmluxl' nnllarn 1 and make, and before vou think! it is started good an iron-bound well bucket, a white cedar wa ter bucket, Ac, is placed before you. ihe present capacity H thirty dozen per day. It has created a market for wood and and the people benefitted. Such industries is, what North Caro lina towns need to make them lively. , Tlie Sunday School of the First Presbyterian Church has grown to such an extent as to necessitate the building of a larger school room. Plans are being prepared for a large brick building to ccyit about 2,000. It will have several apartments, one lor the infant class, one for the Bible classl a ladies' meet ing room and the main audience room. The whole will be con nected by folding doors. The Mission School, in the eastern part of the ci ly, is also in a flour idiing condition. WAKK FOICKST COLLl-XiK. H Closing Kvercises at this Known Institution. Well Commence Exercises of this excellent institution ended on last Thursday. The Literary Address was delivered by Hon. Win. Ii. Wi'son, of West Va., and has been pronounced, by competent judges, one of the finest efforts ever heard iu the State. The exercises through out Ave re of unusual interest and the speeches of the graduating class were above the average. Matiy distinguished visitors were present, and the entire pro gramme Avas crowned Avith suc cess... The News and Observer correspondent says : Dr. Carter preacher the iiaiuiiil sermon Wednesday night from the 14th verse of the 2-th 1'salm. 'The Secret of the Lord is w ith them that fear Him." Dr. Carter's stvle is particularly his own. Ititli in con ception, vigorous! and ludd iu his delivery, hH discnur.-e Ava full of tenderness and the t-implo truths of flwi llilklik f lirmr i mitiilii'ti if ilia. tinguished men have woiwunwl this the ablest e ffort to which they avc ever 1! -toned. President Charles K. Taylor, after deliA'ering the diploma?, delivered a most touching address to the grad uating class. lie congratulated the class upon the bright future before them, si.yingthat they would live n the twentieth century. He was also faithful to warn them of the obligation they - 'ere iuhPt for the high privileges they had enjoyed. Plenty of room at the top," said Dr. Tavlor. but how to get there U the question. Among the announcement ot the chairman of the Board of Trustees were that the degree of A. M. hal been conferred on Prof. W. L. I'o- leat, and that Mr. Chas. I". Hrewer had been elected Profewor of Chem istry in the place of Prof. A. L. 1J rinton, who resigned thi-i work to t ke a position in the I Diversity ot Tennessee. This closes a mobt delightful com mencement as well as the u.ost pros perous session in the hi dory of tlie college. ' The statement has beeu pub lished that the Nprthe n syndi cate which has purchased 30, 0f,0 aces of - land in Camden and Currituck 'counties, In this S!?te, and Norfolk county, Va., will divide a portion of it Into fifty ace farms, with a v'ew t colonizing with people from Western New York aud Canada. This Avill an opportunity to test the colonizing experi mint, Avhich has never, as far as our intormation goes, been at tempted in the South on such large scale. If it succeeds, as we irust it - will, it will be but the beginning of similar move men's in other portions of the South, Avhich present advan tages and may offer inducements for colonists. Wil. Star. HH.IUtllN CD It M Kit. .Something !tttrUu forth Utile rJk. (Vtvan j tr T CttTMtt rrfc Ht j W. A. JohBWH.J I P STAIBS. Wan btnx ' ? Hwwl.lot, Till I tuul aa.Wrl in .11 ; Miotllioc ai ImlttltBC I Mill m. Mussing and ftmtx m tnrriit, Itir Ike mirt . J itunninff ar th- 4 raJliar. T1! ! iiW4ilr tM-ture ton on. t t MjtM I hmrt-r, WHinjr In .lU urr I txr One liUlr tUf fly raJUltf, To little tvri w'.t.rin Mr, TIk-a n my bcarl wuliy rrha Word that, aUa ! wtt m trw, Whllr hir il-r arm. clung artM a, I'll le iiw.tair Wtocr m J" .V Kxfwrianl fr Yiijr rVpl. Take two tumblers oti filled half full of fresh water. Put a fresh eg In the tumbler of fresh water. It will sink to the bot tom. Put it in the tumbler of salt water, and It will float on top. Carefully pour the brine through u long funnel Into the bottom of the tumbler contain ing the fresh water. The f resit water will rise to the top, ami tlin will lie directly in the of the glass ioisel be middle tween the two. Hitter Wri. A single bitter word may dis quiet an entire family for a whole day. One surly glance casts a gloom over the household while a smile, like a gleam of sunshine, may 11 ht up the dark est and weariest hours. Like unexpected flowers which spring up along our path, full of fresh ness, fragrance aud beauty, so kind words, gentle acts, and sweet dispositions maKe glad the sacred spot called home. No matter how humble the abode, if it be sweetened with kindness and smiles, the heart will turn lovingly toward it from all the tumults of the world, and home il .t be ever sj homely, will be the dearest spot beneath the cir cuit of the Min. da (iuri. It is a great mistake to think that with safety to yourselves V.'Ucan raid improper books, or. listen to impure talk, or coun tenance unseemly Jests, or asso ciate with people of doubtful behavior. You often hear ieo pic say young people, perliais, more especially "Oh, yes! 1 read so-and-so f the beauty of the verse, or tho power of the story, or tho elegance of the style; 1 enjoy all that, aud what is wrong in it does not hurtme." They are mistaken, and, it may be, fatally mistaken. Wicked and impure thoughts, words, stories, songs, are so many un barred lanes along which your great enemy comes to tempt you. There is a painful story told of .fa man who, having leen once a great sinner, was saved by the power of (jod and brought to lead a Christian life. He truly repented of his si as, and strovo to bring forth the fruits of re pentance; but it ATa9 a thorny path. When he sought to pray or tc meditate, Instantly his miud was flooded with impious and irreverent and unclean pic tures and phrasen from the ex perience of his fonnet ungodly years. The purity he would lie couhl not secure, and the evil thai he despised that was con stantly present Avith him. He warned by this Bid expe -ience; turn resolutely from all things in your daily life that are not pure and lovely aud of good re port, remembering that charac ter, like t.loth when white, can easily be dyed black, but when once blackened can never be made perfectly white again. The following has been mail ed us bj an unknown lady friend, to wliom we i t t urn many thanks. We sliaii be p leaned at all times to revive communications for this cd :: inn. All co respon deucc, at.s.kers to enigmas, rid dles, Ac,, Lould be addressed to W. A. Johnson. Enigma. UV A MOTH KB IS CI.IXTOX. I am composed f 28 letters. My 3, 5,4, 3, 18, is tin a flower. name of My 1", 21, settles a question (sometimes) My 19, 2(, 22, is the name of one we should love. My 1, 5, 13. 22, 14. 7, Is desira ble at all times. My 2. 22, , i the name of a girl. My 6, 4, 8, 13, is an exclamation noting pity. My 11, 2,12 is a biid. My 1G, 28, ID, is a domestic ani mal. My 27, 10, 23, o, 15, Is a well known production of Samp son county. , . My 9, 1, 24, is a race of peo- . t - . - My whole is the nam 3 and busi ness place of on of our Clinton friends.