OCR Interpretation

The Caucasian. (Clinton, N.C.) 188?-1913, July 16, 1891, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068245/1891-07-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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CLINTON, N. C., JULY 16, 1891
How to Advertise.
V J i not wih Uric" ftdrcrtUpfHf ntt, but
.1 miiulxr t iinall om.n for yrar. It U Dot
,IK tlllt hum that W )n-fT.
1 wi-i k, 75 4 vol. (i lii.) I wk.
I 3.00
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1 jr., f!U.4
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I week,! 9.0O
1 mo., fl.VOO,
1 yr, tl).(X)
Ah fxtra ehiirL' Id
made for position.
i ue year, ...
iX IllOlltll'i, ...
h'oiir month, .
$1 r
U'.uiN, Hiuint-MM Locals, Heading Notictn,
.irdt, etc., will l limi-rtud at ten c-nts jxrr
!ni (ix word) fir Iirt in rtion and at UTc
cut jr line fur eucli auljeUi-ut ii)Hrtion.
olitu;iriM iubIiHhel fret: if nut more than
leu Miih, (lxty word); live cent for eucb
4ililitiniul line (ix word each). ThUcbarga
i hckIp, a yon will ;, aiinily a a check
n Iflltll.
(;iiiiin:iiii:atiunt diftcuaain the topic of
i tic d.iy, If to the ioint and briefly exprewird
will !i: ptiltliihed in woluiun headed "A h'o
i uiii of l'uMicOpinion."
ouiiiiunicatioiu containing atrictly New a
Items will alwayn l welcomed and publlsh
til with lfnurr. liy urndinjr auch news
item freijufiitly you will help both your
i i'iiiiiiiiiiity and the paper.
vmn you wih your ddre uangd, jflrv
ulil as wejl new oflice.
Addrti all eoiiuuuiiicatioii and buHineoa
Irtt'-rt to
THk: CAUCASIAN, Clinton, N. C.
Mattrra of a private nature should b
marked "Personal" and adJnfffud to
Clinton. X. C.
lurtxtoNew Advertisement.
Uar und Itcsjtauraut V. C. Itich,
Goshen J liuli School J. 1). Ez
aU. liaruinl UrocorieH Watson & Pe
te rnon.
Thin Space Belong to A. F.Johu-
HO 1 1 it Co.
Ijf "Want" .ind lIuxlneNf Notit; cms Us
i uf i ted in this coUinni at ten eenta line.
Mr. lMltor : Ask twvnty Clintou
lmlitra in succorwioii what plaster they
iniilerthe most strengthening, the
most soothing, the most healing, and
in all respect the n,ot desirable, and
nineteen of them will promptly inl
aw or, Lkk's lUCKACHK I'LASTKK.
oe -ly.
iMi Mary Lou Urown's school
will open in the Lvidge on Tuesday
Sept. 1st, 1KIH. Your patronage i
soli'.-itod. je 9-3t.
Many d' T. M. Ferrel.'s customers
frequently nk "How do you sell
Coffee cheaper than your neigh
bor ?" The answer is always sitis
fnctory. A uice line of cheap Pants Just re
ceived at. W. II. Duncax's.
Let your light shine. Another btir
rol of that good oil just received at
T. M. Fkuuelix.
A new supply of Ladies' Black
Ilatsand Pretty Flowers, just receiv
ed at W.S. Paktiuck's. I
Chew "Old Kip" Tobacco. You
will tlnd it at
T. M. FEKHEiiL'a.
Call on W. II. Duncan and buy
some CrocKery the Children can't
That good cheap Fiour T. M. Fer
rell's customers, have been waiting
for so long is now in stock. Call be
fore it is out again.
Bananas, Pine Apples and fine
Crackers at
C. P. Johnson's.
oOO pounds of Beeswax wanted by
Those cheap Plaid? at T. M. Fer
rell's are still the feo.
We are still trying to dispose of
our Sunnier Stock. Still too much
Panls CJoth, Clothing, Hats and
Shoi s on hand. We are not standing
on pricei, tho stuff must be sold.
We need room for fall goods. Call
and get the prices for these goods,
you will find then cheaper than you
have ever been able to get them be
fore. Yours very truly,
M. Hanstein.
Towels for 10 cents a pair at
W. II. Duncan's.
A few pieces of Lawn lelt to be
sold at cost at W. H. Duncan's.
Another lot of those cheap Trunks
just received at
T. M. Ferr ll'h.
Handkerchiefs, two for 5 cents, at
W. II. Duncan's.
Go to C. P. Johnson's for Confec
tions and choice Groceries.
Persons ordering Novels by mail
will please include postage with their
remittances. T, M. Ferrell.
To buy goods at the lowest price
go to B. F. POWELL. Gents' Scarfs,
Tics, Collars, Cuffs, Socks, Suspend
ers Pants Cloth, Hats, Caps, Ac,
Ladies' Hose, Corsets, Handker
chiefs, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Dress
Go:ids, 5 cents to 75 cents per yard ;
Groceries, Tin, Glass, Crockery and
Vooden Ware. I will buy all your
Feathers, Wool, Wax, Hides, Corn,
Peas, Ac. Respectfully,
It. F. Powell.
3- Curds and Heading Notices can be in
serted under this head for 10 cents per line.
You are commanded to appear at
Armory at 6 o'clock sharp, on Fri
day morning, 17th Inst., in heavy
marching order.
By order. T. H. Partrick,
Capt. Commanding.
The advertisement of Ilev. J.
wiurner's school will appear in
tho next Issue of this paper,
Rev. J. W.Turner will hold di
Wie service at St. Paul's on Sunday
morning, July 19th, at II o'clock.
Bead the aiticle by "X," under
ForuBi or Public Opinion." No
good citizen tan fail to heed the
warning it contains.
Mr. Thos. Gaatier celebrated
his 61st birthday on last Tuesday,
Julv 14th. He had a number or his
friends and relatives to dinner.
We are requested by the people
of upper Piney Grove to change the
appointment of Assistant State Lec
turer Hunter from Hobton to Goshen
Academy. He wiIlspeako:i the 28th
instant at 11 o'clock at Goshen Acad
-We are requested by Dr. It. H.
Holliday to ask tho Veterans of
Kamp-on county, who wish to go In
camp at Wrightsville this year, to
report in Clinton on Monday night,
July 27th, wilh a blanktt and one
day's rations, prepared to take the
train on Tuesday morning, July 28th.
The Executive Committee and
t--a aangcr-7nt?ini-ioa County
.A.SA . . 4 . r lUr. jinnt m tr . . . .(Kit
AWJillC Jllllljr Jl HIV uiuuii;i
. T . p Iromthe disciplined fore
by Presided th I nblic
in Clinton Thursday, July 23rd, Ut
!0 o'clock, I,et every one attend
and put the ball in motion for an
other big fair this fall.
It is reported that on Wednes
day morning that crape was on the
door of a certain young Otharlo,
who was dressed in "tears and a cut
away coat." A Caucasian reporter
attempted to interview him, but he
gave us to undei stand that it was
not proper for one to tallr at his own
Mr. Owen Fryar, of Turkey, has
placed upon our table eight ears of
corn. But the peculiar thing about
it is that all or the eight ears are on
the same stem . There is one central
ear and tho other eight ears are clus
tered around it, compiotely encir
cling the central one. They all grew
under one shuck.
At the examination of teachers
last week certificates were granted
to the .following applicants: Misses
Irene Howard, Laura Cruinpler, Ho
sie Cooper, Bettie A. Cooper, Bettie
Herring, Sarah J. Owen, and Messrs.
W. T. Owen, Nathan T. Jackson, U.
I. Smith. It. W. Butler, W. A.
Hobbs, E. W. Hobbs, J. E. Alder
man, W. 11. Jackson, C. 0. Howard,
I). T. Gates, and Jasper F. Jackson.
These teachers will enter the school
room at once.
Drs. Holmes, Stevens and Boy
etto performed an operation on Mr.
llobt. II. Beaman, at tho residence
of Mr. J. A Beaman 's, on iast Fri
day. Mr. Beaman has been a sufferer
with a severe and chronic case of
white swelling for some time. The
limb was amputated above the knee.
It Mas amputation or death. The
doctors feared he would die under
tho knife, but he ordered them to
proceed. He is quite low yet, but
will probably recover.
Our article on the question of
schools for Clinton has brought forth
two strong and timely articles. In
Jast week's issue our townsman,Mr.
D. B. Nicholson pointed the condi
tion of things and offered several
remedies, any one of which the town
would do well to apply. In this
week's issue "X", agrees with Mr.
N . that the school status is in a very
unsatisfactory condition, and goes
back and plainly slows th6 cause.
Head and consider their articles care
fully. They contain food ror thoug ht
and call loudly and justly for some
united action. As they both say let
us no longer ask who will teach, but
first provide a school and then the
teachers will come.
She Is Now Mrs. John C. Sltcamfc.
On Tuesday afternoon two of Clin
ton's young people, Mr. John C. Slo
cumb and Miss Annie Giddens were seen
out driving. Nothing strange about
that. But night came on and they had
not returned. At 9 o'clock Mr. B. F
Herring arrived in town, went to Mr.
Slocumb's house and called out his bro
ther, Mr. W. R. K. Slocumb, who is a
travelling salesman, and happened to be
in town takincr orders, an -Hold him that
his brother John was out in the country
several miles distant and whhed him to
join hun. They drove by the office of
the Register of Deeds and Mr. Herring
asked for license for the marriage of the
above young couple. Both parties were
of age, so the Register readily issued the
litense. Messrs. Herring and Slocumb
soon reached the residence of W. E.
Stevens, Esq., and there in the presence
of Mrs. Stevens, Miss Mamie Ashford
and Messrs. L. L. Shipp, B. F. Herriag
and W. It. K. Slocumb, the legal bonds
of an indissoluble union were tied by
'Squire Stevens and Miss Annie Guldens
becomes Mrs; John C. Slocumb. The
bride and groom spent the night at Mr.
Stevens' and returned to Clinton
yesterday. Whether it was the In
tention of the couple to marry when
they left Clinton or como to this de
cision while out driving is not
known. Mr. Herring says that they
droye up to his residence late in tho
afternoon and requested hlra to come
to Clinton for the license and join
them at Mr. Stevens. ' It is suppps
ed that the families of the contract
ing parties were not favorable to the
union. The Caucasian extendi its
best wishes. - : ' "
Rpirt of ComIj Siperiiteileit ai4
On Monday of last week, firt Monday
in July, the County Board of Education,
County Suiieriatendent
Treasurer, met according to law. for the
report of the latter two to be examin
ed by the Boxid. The reports were ap
proved and forward-d. From the Su-perintx-ndent's
report we irlem the fol
lowing: Total number of white child
ren, 5,700; whites enrolled in 62 schoola
(whole number district f7) showed
2,89. Average attendance of white,
1,885; total number of colored children
3,097; colored curohed in 42 choola
(whole number districts 54) 1,901 ; aver
age attendance 1,370.
The report hhoxe twj cejuotv ini-
tute for white teachers during the year,
August 15'JO, there were 101 tiachers
enrolled, in May 1S90 there were 50 en
rolled. This fallin- off in thin Year in
due to the busy season of the year, while
Uie number was small there has never
been a better, more interesting and nrn-
fitablc Institute held in the county. The
Treasurer's report shows tint total ex
penses of the two institutes wa $43.10.
The average length of school term for
both races thi year is precisely the sarue,
viz : 10 weeks.
The average salary of white teachers
(male) 2G.00.
The average salary of white teachers
(female) $22.20.
The average salary of colored teachers
(male) $22.50.
The average salary of eulorcd teachers
(female) $10.25.
The above shows bad for our county,
especially does it show a niggardly spirit
toward our white girls who are trying to
teach. Their average salary is less than
that of the negro men, while Superin
tendent Roy? l's report shows that there
were two white girls who got first grade
certificates to one negro mau, out o
nearly the same number applying. To
what then is this due? Is it possible
that our school committeemen jew the
girls down till they can't make a decent
living by teaching ? The whole number
of certificates granted during the year
are 10334 first grade; 44 second grade
and 25 third grade, and only three of
the 25 third grades were whites.
It may be of some interest to know
at what age more pupils attend school
The report shows the number increases
from 231 at six years of age up to 402 at
13 years of age aud then declines to 85
at 19 years of age ; but strange to say
jumps to 90 at 20 years. We suppose
this is due to the iact that it is their last
divo at the public teat.
The Treasurer's report shows that tht
total amount collected for school pur
poses was $7,004.48, of this amount,
$7,288.99 was disbursed for all obiects.
The balance en baud (including surplus
from last year) to be used for the sum
mer aud fall schools is $4,971.70.
The Superintendent's report shos
that the assessed valuation of property
of whites in the county, is $2,031,831.
Of colored $00,333; white polls 2,441,
colored polls 820. Of the white thi-
were only 192 returned insolvent, of the
colored 244.
Tetal amount paid by whites for school
purposes $5,438.18 ; total paid by color
ed $974.71.
The report also shows that the public
school books arc generally used all over
the county.
Mr. A. T. Holmes is in town for
a few days.
Mr. W. L. Hill, of Warsaw, spent
Sunday in town.
Mr. II. L. Stephens was in town a
day this week on legal business.
Miss Mary Patterson has returned
from a charming visit to NewBerne.
Miss Bettie Evans, of Fayette ville,
is visiting at Mr. A. F. Johnson's.
Miss Sophie Jones, of New Berne,
is visiting at Maj, W. N. Patter
Miss Kena Stewart, who has been
visiting Mrs. II. W. Battle, in Wil
son, has returned.
Miss Mary DeVane, of Faison,
who has been visiting at Dr. B. F.
Marable's, has returned.
Misses Langdon Holliday and Lil
ly Mooro left Tuesday morning for
La Grange, to visit friends.
Miss Sudle Faison has returned
from a visit to her sister, Mrs. J.W.
Morrisey, in Harnett county.
Mrs. M. A. Bennett and Miss Wil
lie Bennett, of Chatham, Va., aro
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Frank
Mrs. M. Han stein and her two
daughters, Hattie and Sylvia, and
nurst, left this morning for Atlantic
City, N. J., to visit the parents of
Mrs. M. Hanstein.
Mrs. J. T. Murphy, of Washing
ton City, arrived in Clinton last
Thursday, where she will spend the
summer. Mr. Murphy is spending
his month's vacation from the Trea
sury Department at Hot Springs.
Mr. D. R. Watson has returned
from his Western trip, where he vis
ited his brother, Mr. E. Watson, at
Muskogee, Indian Territory and Mr.
Frank Hargrove, at Conway, Arkan
sas. He says that it is a fine countv
far farming and stock raising. They
use no fertilizer and the land is na
turally so rich that they do not even
put out the lot and stable manure.
The question is not how to make this
manure but how to get it out oOhe
way. He says that cotton, was waist
high and that he saw corn that would
make 75 bushels to the acre. He
says that there is no whiskey sold
in that part of Indian Territory and
that the people are as well educated,
cultivated and law-abiding as they
are here.
Mr. R. W. Holliday went down to
Mo rehead last week to be examined
by the State Pharmaceutical Associ
ation. Th ere were seven applicants
for license and Mr. Holliday was one
of only three that passed. We con
gratulate "Dick" upon being licens
ed as a pharmacist. ' -
Mr. Itobt. Jone, of New Berne,
ha been vlsigiag Mr. Elliot Lee.
Mr. Jones was one of the three suc
cessful applicants before the Phar
maceutical Board for.Llcense.
Mr. T. M. Lee left Monday for
the University of North Carolina,
where he will enter the University
Law School.
Mrs. W. O. Kackley and daughter,
Mls Willie, has returned from their
visit to Cumberland. Mrs. Mary S.
Itacklcy, Mr. Itackley's mother,
came to Clinton with them, and will
spend a short while in our town.
All Throngh Sampson.
What KantpsoBlaat art Hois? and
JtySend m the news from your
township for this column. Every
subscriber to this paper has a right
and is requested to contribute items
or news in "hes" neighborhood for
this column. We will not publish
your name unless you desire it.
Mr. BillUi Warren i visiting
friends in Goldsboro.
I find crops better in Sampson
than in either Wake or Harnett
larger and in better condition.
A series
nideutrlil-S0"11"58 stion, considering the dry
mence al- rt tvP mountain dUtricts
ai"" to the mountain dinmcts I
the third Sunday-tfrgm-!,...:
ducted by Ilev. J. O. Tew and others.
Mr. Lewis Royal, who has been on
a visit to Mrs. Exum, his sister, in
Wayne county, has returned.
Mis Vada Royal is spending some
time near Salem.
Little Mollie Royal is spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs. D. T.
R. McMillan, of Cumberland.
Misses Lula Warren and Lizzie
McLamb spent the last few days
with Mrs. Frank Vann. L.
Last spring it was noticed by sev
eral farmers in this section that an
insect similar to the chimney cricket,
but yellow in color, was cutting
down the young cotton. Since it
has gotten larger they crawl up and
cut the bud of tho stalk off. The
insect raises in the ground, does its
damage during the night and goes
back in the ground during the day.
Mr. J. H. Turlington, David Owen,
Judson Hobbs and It. O. Autry went
down to Southport on Wednesday
of last week to the Methodist Con
ference. These were the delegates
representing Sampson circuit.
Some one entered the meat house
of Mr. T. E. Britt on the night of the
8th and helped himself. He was a
fastidious rogue. He took hams only.
The rush of farm work is over and
we are now at a little leisure.
Mr. J. T. Thornton and family
have gone to Haw River on a visit
to relatives.
Messrs. A. Lee and J. B. Sutton,
both of whom have been quite sick,
are some better.
The Wilmington Messenger seems
to think that the politicians only are
against Mr. Cleveland for President,
and that all the common people are
just dying to vote for him. If that
is the case there very few common
people in this section. Virm.
We are pleaded to inform the pub
lic that Hon. Marion Butler and D.
R. Nicholson, Esq., have each accept
ed an invitation to address the pub
lic at the picnic and public discussion
which is to take place at Glenwood
August 8th. We hope to see every
body present that can possibly get
theie. It is our desire that every
body should take an active part and
bring their baskets. We know that
a picnic is worth little without a
nice table and plenty on it.
Our farmerj are all through their
corn. Judging by the present the
corn crop will be short.
Cotton is yet small, but has good
The weat crop of this section was
a complete failure.
The oat crop was uot very good.
Some complain of bad stands of
Mr. Walter Lee's little boy hap
pened to the bad accident to get his
thigh broken recently.
Rev. Judson Verncm, the pastor of
the Newton Grove circuit, is at the
bedside of his wife, who was taken
sick at Mount Olive, and has been
unable as yet to come home.
Mrs. James Ingram, whohasbeen
sick for some time, we are glad to
hear, ia improving.
Miss Flora Monk has accepted a
position as music teacher at Glen
wood. Mrs. F. R. Undeiwood and sou
Charles, of Autryville, is visiting
relatives and friends at and around
Newton Grove.
Dr. J. H. Benton is from home
for some weeks, taking a special
course of dentistry.
Miss Mary Williams has leen vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Cox, of
Wayne. We.
Crops are being "laid by." They
are looking very well considering
the late spring.
There is much sickness in the com
munity .
Mrs. Dr. Strickland, who has been
quite sick, is improving.
Mrs. Mary A. Lee is sick of rheu
matic troubles.
Mrs. Kitscy Denning, while milk
ing, was pushed down by a cow and
badly hurt.
Mr. J. R. Maynor leaves for Vir
ginia, where he will wark in ihe iron
mines. - ; ' v ; : - ." ' '
Miss Lula Underwood has been
visitisg Miss Naomie Lee.
Swlnburn" want r-tr, !
- - a v
cure gossip. ve have one that we
think would take a fine eTt. Lt
every body the truth. Do
one n-aapoonful. Then attend to
"hes" own baftii.M. IXe e
cupful. Each taken before starting
a vbilting or oftener if nessarv.
It was Mrs. Dora Tart instead . f
Fort that died June 30th. Amicus
There are aome in this cctUm who
want to help build the cotton factory.
Much success to you and your u
lT W i: Ben.
We see that theiecpieof II anvil's
Store want a physician. If they will
write to Dr. J. H. Darden, of Faison,
we t h ink they can secu re h is he r v ic .
There will be a ;union meeting of
several Alliances at Gosheu Allianc e
on Tuesday, the 2Sth of July. As
sistant Lecturer, Bro. Hunter, Coun
ty Lecturer, M. Butler and others,
will deliver addresses. The add rem
will be to the public, after which the
secret work will be exemplified. A
basket dinner will bespread, and all
Alliance brethren and visitors are
respectfully invited to bring a full
Crops are looking well through
I Iiiifrning
J3" rnectin i5 tolgln
at r roye church the third
Sunday in Jul.
Monday, July the 6th, was a day
of pleasure at the residence of Mrs.
A. E. King. It was Mr. John K.
Darden's birthday, he having reach
ed the ripe old age of 80 years. His
children, grand children and neph
ews gave him a family picnic in hon
or of the occasion. There were be
tween forty and fifty persons present.
Mr. Darden has six children, twenty
two grand children and seven great
grand children. At 12 o'clock a
sumptuous dinner was served. The
evening was spent in perfect happi
ness. Mr. Darden said that he never
expected to see his family united
again, though he is enjoying good
health. The day was greatly enjoy
ed by ail who- were present, and we
thought it to be oneof Mr. Darden's
happiest days. May he live to see
many more birthdays.
A certain hawk over the river, in
Bladen county, that ha been com
mitting considerable depredation
among the chickens, struck down a
few days since among a brood of
chickens at Mr. Alex. Simmons,
The old hen pounced upon the hawk
and did not turn loose till the hawk
was dead. That hen is "cock of the
walk" in this community now.
A number of the people of this
?ection went down on the excursion
taut iTiurauay ror TVTigntsviiio. it
was a very pleasant occasion.
Mr. S. J. Parker, of this section,
has a pig that was born with a mark,
triangular shape, on lower side of
ear. He had not been acvustomec'
to mark his stock; but lie took the
que from nature and now marks all
his stock like the pig was marked by
nature. '
Mr. James L. Matthis has return
ed from a visit to Duplin to seo his
cousin, Mr. Henry Lamb, who is
quite sick with fever. He reports
Mr. Lamb improving.
taylors bridge,
Bev. W. E. Crocker, pastor of Mt.
Gilead Baptist church, will begin a
protracted meeting at that place on
Friday, tho 17th instant, in which
he will be assisted by Rev. J. W.
Mr. G. C. Butler has sixty-five
acres in cotton and forty-five acres
in corn. It is given up to be the best
crop in this township.
First we must say that of all the
newspapers we get hold of The Cau
casian is one of the liveliest.
Abreast with the times and out-spoken
on questions that are of grave im
portance. Mrs. W. I. Lane is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Nancy Clute, and we
are soriy te say has been ill for sev
eral days, but is now better.
Miss Annie Clute has accepted a
position in the South River Baptist
Institute at Autryville as teacher or
Music and "the Primary Department,
with Mr. J. A. Oates, Jr., as princi
pal. We very reluctantly give her
up but commend her to the principal
and good people of Autryville as iu
e very way competent to fill' the po
sition. Most of ocr farmers are through
with their corn crops and grassy cot
ton, and one fellow says that be had
to coulter his crab gra before he
could plow U up. Huriah for North
Clinton crab grass ! Poor fellow, he
hasn't any wife to encourage him.
Farmers' picnic at Lisbon July
24th. Senator Marion Butler will
be present i deliver an address, also
other speakeis expected. Remem
ber the people never do things by
halves. So come one ! come all.
Farmers Dinner at Lisbon.
fSpecial Corresixondeut
On Friday July 2ith there will
be a Farmers' picnic in the church
grove at Lisbon. Congressinon ' B.
F. Grady and Senator Marion Butler
are' expected to . be present and'
speak for us. Come everybody and
bring your basket.
A Forum "of Public Opinion.1
W off r thl otuma to our rtrr ta
whb-fc to diifUH Vr4-f nUrrt and rrofit
to tU'ni. E&
Tie Earslir tv Ui Arsis.
In the lat isue of Thk CatVa
h I ax I rend with pleasure au .nrticle
from the hu of your very able cor
rciotdent D. B. Nicholson, Ij.,
on the M-hooh of Clinton following
cloudy on tho htvls of your own
article on the same ut.jtH-t, I ant led
to the ItelieftliHt all inter: in our
town hools is not s dead but that
by a little judiciou fanning, It may
bo brought to life again.
The subject of education has Its
trueims. Oneoftheui Is that the
life of a State mikI the pn-rvation
of her lit.ertie depend upon tht
courage, virtue und intelligence of
her citizens. It follows, therefore,
that the education of the eople be
comes one or the highett duties i.f
the State, und. consequently no ub-jt-t
is more worthy the careful
consideration of the enlightened
stHtosnian. What is true of a State
is true als j of any community or
town in the State. And what Is
true or the statesman I true also or
tho citizen.
Clinton might be made the ,4cat
of learning" for Eastern Carolina
Centrally located, sufficiently
moved from the malarinl district,
easy or am as, social and religious
advantages unsui passed, College and
academical buildings already erect
ed which with the expenditure or a
few bundled dollars can be made a
beautiful and attrlctivo as any in
the Stite, there is nothing in tho
way of the "consummation so de
voutly to be wished," except the
will of the people.
It is in the memory of some of us
when there wa not a church build
ing in Clinton, the only school house
was a room in the basement ot the
Ma onic Lodge, devoted to that
purpose by the liberality of the
Masonic Fraternity.
A few "men of the world" moved
by commendable pride and liborality
united with the religious element of
the community and built the first
church. This was the beginning.
In a year or two several thousand
dollars were raised by private sub
scription and the Female Institute
was built, then the Male Academy
and then as if by the Magician's
wand, three more churches aro?e
and pointed their spires towards
There was life, there was enthu
suasm .there was public spirit abroad
in the land. Selfishness and lovo of
the "almighty dollar" have not
crushed the heart and palsied the
hand of our people.
WTho does not recall with a glow
of pride the halcyon days of the
Graves' and Grady and McLeod
with one hundred and thirty girls in
the Institute and ninety boys and
young men in the Male Academy.
Our streets were lighted with the
beaming faces of the embryo
"beauty and chivalry" of our own
and surrounding counties. They
gve 1 i (V to tho town, ousit-m to tlto
merchants and prosperity to all.
But this was not all, the light that
radiated from ur schools illuminat
ed the darkest co.ners of the county
und extended to distant localities in
the State. Its benign influence up
on our own and other communities
will never be lost?
I dwell upon the past only that
j I may arouse our citizens from the
lethargy into which they seem to
have fallen and rekindled, peichance
some latent spark that may be left
of thnt enthusiasm which so won
tho hearts and moved the hands of
their fathers. It goes without con
tradiction, as your correspondent
savs, that the schools or Clinton are
in a very." unsatisfactory condition."
There must bo cause for it. It is
vacation now. VVe have time. Lot
us "reason together," and if we
succeed in ferreting out the cause
let us nnd a remedy and witn one
accord npply it.
To my mind the principle cauo
of our trouble will develope in the
simple statement which I now pro
pose to make.
e have a home constituency
sufficient, without any out-side aid,
to support one first class male and
one first elas female school. It will
require, however, the unity and
hearty co-of.eration of every family
in the community.
Let this be aroused, and experien
ecu ana competent educators are
within call who would soon restore
our schools to their former efficiency
and excellence, and command as of
yore the patronage of the surround
ing country.
In years past schools of high
grade have been opened here, and
immediately, all around, have
sprung up side schools, in most
cases for primary branches only. In
a private room and with less ex
penses these teachers eould afford to
cut prices and lower tuition. It was
a matter of economy to patronize
them. Moral and pecuniary support
was withdrawn from the higher
schools. The teachers saw and felt
it, and at lh end of the sesin
wisely withdrew from our schools
and an unappreciativeconstitueiscy,
"There '&s death in the pot.-' Now
you can have primary schools all
over town. But when your chil
dren grow older, ceae to be infants,
and need "higher education" you
will be compelled to aciul them
abroad at an expense sufficient to
have pensioned tho teachers who,
through your short sightednesa,
have brought about this lamentable
stalo of affairs. Other schools ami
other towns will le built up and
enriched by your hard earnings all
of which might have been kept at
home but for your infantile economy
But this ii not the only nor worst
phase of it. Other children in your
town who but for your parsimonx
could be educated n home, who
have uot the meAiis to go abroad,
must now grow up and go out to
battle with the world in profound
ignorance. 1 speak the words of
truth and soberness without fear
favor or alTectlon. I have sinis
tic motive, no ax to grind. If I
know myself I have only the great
est good of my fellow citizens at
heart. Our schools are of our own
creation. They can be no, better
than we wish them to be. They can
be just what we make, them to be.
Ponder and be vise. X.
- 3Iary i ' rwoua
Are broken doira fro:n overwork or household
cares Brown's Iron Bitters
Tcbuilda the system, altla dteeeUon. remove ex-
t cem of bile. iumI euros malaria. Gut the genuine.
NKW ixhjble coi,um
iVw think we hare ooe out of btutnM rnvauKt our aKv -tlsemfut
fail! to appear in Tiu: CuVarjax for a few tlm
At the Same Old Stand
With a full tine of Family tower!, Tobarto. Citrar. Win-.
Brandies. Itfeklo. IWr, 4c. Call on n ami
To your ilea.uro ami .atbfactlon. llvn-trully,
rue iNSTiTUti:.
The Atfro-AmerUa leathers)
of Sampson county met on the
13th inst. in school hoja No.
7 West, Cllnton.N.C. with Prof.
Lsham Royal, O-ounty Bupt., in
the cbalr. The youti l&Jis lel
in singing hymn 259 Whtrn Jetsus
coA;p, Rev. L. T. Christina
I aft ir-iu' t V ,
'Nrt-. John and
also led in fervb.c prayer. Tho
Institute then 9ang tho well
known hymn Tempted and
tried etc. Prof. Royal made
some, suggestions as plans and
or course of Instruction he In
tended to pursue, which would
be subject aud not methods.
After electing Mr. O. E. Robin-
sion chairman, and U. W. Her
ring Secretary, The Institute
was divided into section. Supt.
then took up Grammar, and
Arithmetic respectively, which
he bandied with ease and grace.
At 4:30 p. m., Hon. F. It. Cooper
arrived to deliver his lecture,
Thereupon Prof. Royal intro
duced Mr. Cooper, as au teacher
who had taught long and thoro
ughly and knew well what he
was talking when he talk, and
not at random.
Mr. Cooper arose and said,
ladies aud gentlemen, in ad
dressing the teacher now pre
sent he addressed the tnot in
telligent coloied people of
riatnpsou county, aud if our
race is elevated, must be
through and by the teachers,
and that 30 years ago we emerg
ed from slavery and since then
we have reared men of ability
and character, and therefore wo
have capabilities as ether races.
People,aaid he, are wrvng think
ery. He yaid we did not admire
our Horoes. in other words wo
were not Hero worshipers,
and that was the wrong way of
thinking. We must decide
what we are going to make of
ourselves, what we aro iroiug to
make of a hoy when he entors
There is no demand for Latin
and Greek in some couutries.
You must learn something upon
which you may obtain a living.
The three R s implys reading,
writing, and Arithmetic. Rut
sometimes terminate in four
R's which its rascality. Educa
tion, said he, must havo some
definite or clear cut object,
Education means the develop
ment of man. Learn a man to.
do a man's work. Live a man
or woman's life. Learn some
thing well enough to do pom
thlng. The colored people
have a sufficient number of
Hero Worshipers; you have
the colored Hero of the world
Joseph C. Price, you have your
Dancys,you have Williamson,!
you must admire them, they
have elevated your race,worshlp
them, you can admire men of
other races, borrow one and
admire. Men will become
great bv emulating or admiring
great men Yon must oe taught
to admire something greater
than vourselves. You will be
come purer and noblr as you
admire what is pure aud noble;
get a tuan to love and admire
George Washington and he will
bo like Gorge Washington; Get
a man to be like Jesus Christ
and he will tievi be an infJdel
Admire your Trio; your Danny,
your Williamson andothers,vou
must make tzaniiH or pure
characters for your pupils of
your own race and they will
like them To th- Hi'no it's
should bo added R. vr-iphies of
gre2t men. Admins lho.-j who
have made themselves leaders,
and have carved for themselves
an honorable po.-t.on, hul-i
them up as example for muh
tion." I ftop for fear of liji
Mr. Cooper's speech an injustice
Mr. Jj. H. B.zzell approved j
resolution whereupon the Supt,
Prof. Royal; arose ami haid that
Mr Cooper had made aaweecii
hat should be lasting in it.
effect nd just what bo wm.td
to bear and what the ; (adored
teaf.hcrs wanted. G. W. Hwring
seconded ih 1 1 est 1 u on Tiy a y
ing MrvCooper's speech met i
long felt and pressing nr-ed and
that a better abjrt on'd imk
havo been selected aod regretted
mncn tnat moio or mo citizen
were not present to hear the
"Hero Worshipers" upon which
Mr. Cooper had spoken so ably
and interesting, and If allowed
would irivc bis race tho benefit
of the speech Ui:omrh tht Cl
umns of Negro paptrs as well a
our home paper.
Mr. Cooper than spoke in
high terms of the Institute We
deserved great praise because it
a d v khtis em est&
was a ?df effort, support,, j fly
private contribution w must
!aro to rdy uinm slf iforl
and asott our manhood. Th
second day opmd with M
teachers Areaont. Devotional
exercises conducted by Rev.
X. MarabUyt teacher. .
Tho Exerr.lsos being mor In
teresting and profitable than
tho prtvding one. Grammar
and Geography subject. handled.
Prof, Royal's Is tho right man
lu the right place.
We can say ''It is good !or us
to be here."
G. V. Hebiuxu, Stvt'y.
. . -
It Thi Uine to What the I'olUtvia
FartiM !Uv ts Sny ta thr I'ihlir.
A. F. Johnson A Co., the phmcvr
in the one price cash stem." call
attention to their reduction .!.' of
f pi Ing and summer goods.
Prof. KkzcII will ojmmi the tall
term ofGosdien High Sehool on tho
1st Monday in August.
Watson A Peterson ro Mill doing
business at tho sumo old Mnnd and
ready to servo tho public.
W. C. Rich, agent, calls attention
to his busint- at tho J.W. Whito
store with restaurant upt-Ulrs.
Tho Fall Sessiou of this School
will open on tho
First Monday In August. lHt)l
The management will bo in
tho hands of tho present prin
cipal, J. I). Ezzall.
Tuition from $5.00 to $12.50
for a term of twenty week.
Board, in good families noar
school building, at from $o(N)
to $7..r0 per month.
ror auy further information
write to the principal.
jylG-tf Hobton, X. ('.
Term Open Aug. .li d.
This is a high grade School for
girls and boys, having departments
of Music, Penmanship, nnd Tele
Lxtra la-llltis tor bo.irdiug.
Tuition reasonable.
For full particulars address
JNO. A. OATES, Jh., (w. k. v.)
Principal, Autryville, N. C.
JyO fiw
In Addition to my !l"guhkr Slot k of
And my Kcpilring Itusines and
and agency for sewing Machines, 1
have accepted the agency for the
Great Southern Music I louse of Lud-
In A Hale, of S.ivrtmi;ih,ia.f lor th"
sale of
I will the following well-known
an i reliable makes: Mathushek, Sta
ling, Ma n Si Hamlin and ( flick
A sample Sterling Piiro -.md a
Sterling Organ cm by co-a on exhi
bition at my place of Im-ine- In
Clinton. Call in ami get our term-..
Your truly,
JyiMf II. H. (ill)DKNS,
Having qualified as cxecutois
nf thu last will and Ii.-h anient of
James M. Smith. deceavd, no-
use it nereoy tfiven t ) -f.u per
sons ii:ldin claims as ;nt s lid
esiaie i' p e-eni mm am to
the under-oi.'uid on or before
t!i 18th diyof June, H'J2, .or
this notice wiil bj relied on as
bar t ruch recovery. All per
sons owing mi id estate are re
quirn.l to nuke immediate et
tlemmt. J'OllERT L. SMITH,
ThU June 5th, 18'JL 1 l-It
t A Household Remedy
oV To) p3
Datenis Blscd Db
torn at malignant SKIN ERUPTION.
' sldu blns Jrcaclom a toning up th
- Ml&ai ana rtttorlM th eaftiUtio,
aaa !naah4 tram any caul. IU '
alaost t nprMianii neaiing fpwhj
ittsrantMiRB a car,
' dlractlen art illd.
BL000 tAUl CO., Atlanta, fit.

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