Newspaper Page Text
i ! K CAUCASIAN. 'h, N. Ausr. 17,1809 PPPl LIST AND THE AMENOMEN. l'l M '' v i. i-i.ii ; i,r' , r I IiIijk Crfiilljr CoiisMer. d'.r ll..m Ti. Times-Mercury, a lea.h ' ,; ,i t wyer oi western North r"U?-, s-ays: v i i t.r tlit amendment will iMp It . . iirif'Tiit h:, Kpubliran or any . . . i .... i i . . . . ,ii-t. If it will ?ttle the iirgro inn hfmI Kiv- political freedom to ,. hi(iI Mid guarante them to h- rhny Ii1mh!" and havt tliat voi .!, I'ltpulixt should vote for it. iiitthi-? Tii-re in mi convirr , ,t)cf of it, n jft." rtpeakir-tc i,. r on MiM 1 1 r. tLNariit paper " ! I,.' only rindy to tti the .: . . m. A t .... i . I , 1 1 ij ii inn ii u i ii uii ii iiitiiiarif iy, itlmii-- bint. VV prefer tt.ia to tliMtn. One of the two will he. :tn-l I hut. hooii. Mtopiiinir them if i n If will not ttle it. Thin is I ilfiiinn-aratf'd. N tinrijr is nettled ,, -eitlcil right." jiiiov' is a senaiblH view to take Wo have all aloritf declared (itciuion to vote for tho am-iud-. : if HiHured that if will eliminate nKP question from politics out endaDfjerinu the liherty aid lion of white men. Bat if it tr.s ti entrench in power a iM'al machine that criS for i n ut the spoils of oflice en- I" I- I ' k,,: r " r 1 1. 1 In ' 'In ( f " 1'tr.wrty mt I-eUrond. Whe0 anything U aid about rail- rririr,,0D Vbe Vaal reP u that railroads are burdened with debt and hiUh charge, are absolutely nec ewary." It is not denied that rail roads are burdened hnrAnA -;.u j -.l n e atMrt that railroad char ges on some roads can be redn one-fourth, and still pay a handsome dividend on the real investment. We have before as a statement, published in the Chicago Record, of the St. 1 aul for tbo last eight years, the fummary of which is that the St. t'aul has paid all charges nd Inter est, and for six years as high as four per cent, on watered stock, and has left oyer a sarplns of 110,115,134 Uun the saia r.riod, the net earnings were $97500,000. Also, fiom 1802 to 1898, bonds ar.d stock. XX J.?"1 from W2.000 000 to $207 400,000. Tho mor the road earned, the more it trot into debt? and the more the debt, the hichr charges. People who do not ( Ii! Ill l1 il 1 II. .l I ;' tl'( I I'. A w I'M' tli- ;' h ii u ho itiai no power can w urn in for a Gjjlit atcainet it ',n l li seo from tn article which i (i;.y from a leading Democratic i of WBteru North Carolina, A ht'Ville Oaz-tte, the fight ..t the amendment is being led i i. tuocrats to a groat extent. J!:ii:y ! tu' iu lonk upon tho proposed nut' miim nt an a direct stab at liberty k hi. ll'ort of a designing politiciii tn i li.uuto take away the privilfgn nl vtiing from enough of what they (ili tlio "commou rabble"' to insure tin' niacbino an indefinite leaso ot, ami acting under this ini jut'sion they are making a fight h;Mrst it. It is a question of vital fiinct rn to every citizen and no man li MiM t;ike a stand upon it without i f . nt r consideration. Oi course we Uo nee tin in yen lor it. iney veiled tor it Mon ah their party proposed it ; Hit y always sneeze when their par ty trailers take snuff and support everviuing they do, withont a mo limit's consideration. We suggest i. ;n u that it is a question that the common people the rai k and lllf wmiltl do well to consider with wis (loin and judgement. i i'frt nothing ol the little me ! imx ratic papers except to the """i""1" are, enuer siupia or no epirit. Kansas Agitator. have Sam Jones announces that he has located hell. This time he places it a few feet under St. Louis. Many of bis critics say that he raises it wherever he goes. Wilson News. A. A. . I'Kiimriit iumI h'xwinp rn Fator. In llirct l.fK'"'it loll. I'.rown in Arena 1 Is 'lirect legislation practiablo ! II M-s it. boon employed to the advin taeof mankind anywhere on earth? him questions frequently nsked by in an y honest men. I'irect legislation is employed throughout Switzerland, and the people have destroyed the power of the It.gblator to legislate for person al tu'ls. They htvu made it easy at any line to alter or change their f. il. rnl constitution, and have sim plilid their form of government. They hold their public offices rtspon fit'lo direct to their constituencies as Hervants, and to not permit them to ho of corporationists, who m.'iintaiu an expensive lobby about the halls of the legislatures to buy lueua' Fouls and enslave the people tli rough vicious legislation. They have defeated monopolies, improved the metned of taxation, reduced the rate, avoided national scandals grow ing out of extravagance?; they have husbanded the public domain for the benefit of theit own eitizenshij ; they lone tstahlisbtd home rule in every cotuiuunitj; they have destroyed partisanship and established a goy- ruruent of the peoplf; they have quieted disturbing political element?, oisartned the politician, enthroned tLf assumed authority over the railroads, express compauies, tt lt gtaphs and teh phones, xeducing fre ghc rates, express charges and toils mere than 78 per cent, below the st for like service unler pri- vat' control. ' Iu our countrv direct legislation has oeeu indorsed in thirty-eight LIKE ROUNDUP BALES. Opinion of Cotton Farmer and Olnnera After m Mcmhmii' Kxperlence. The attitude of cotton ginners and farmers toward the Koundlap cotton bale of the American Cotton Compa ny, after a seanon's test of the machine in illustrated by a letter received re cently by the editor of the Manufact urera' Record, Baltimore, as follows : Editor Manufacturers' Record : .Som time ngo you requested us to give you our opinion of the American tJotton Co' cylindrical press. At that time we were unable to give our views correctly, owing to the short time we had operated the preso. Now that the ginning season has closed, we can un questionably nay that the press is a success in every particular, not only from a ginner's standpoint, but as practical farmers. The results from sale of our cotton have been ominently satisfactory and mnch beyond what we had anticipated. Toe advantages to planter and operator are so many that it would take up too mucn space to enumerate them. It is sufficient to say that no one who has baled their eotton on this press would now or hereafter patronize any other. And why should they? Their ginning charges are leas than the square-press people charge, and they receive from one-quarter to one-hMf cent per pound more than they could get in the square tie. There is no question about the round bale being here to stay, and we would advise the ginners, especially those who are near a railroad, to get in the ftwim at once and exemplify the old addage of the early bird getting the worm. They will not only benefit themselves, but their friends, the farm er will get the cream that the mid dlemen, the commission merchants, have ben enjoying and getting rich upon. In conclusion, to condense the advantages, will say that the bale is fireproof, waterproof, dustproof, and proof that it is a labor-saving and money-making bale to the farmer. Morris & mokkn. Keo, Ark., June 7th. Child Katen by m Mail Hog. Columbia, S. S., Aug. 12. A sto ry comes trom vieorgetown couniy of the eating alive of a young negro child by a wild hog which ventured ont of a swamp and seized upon its prey. The mother of the child came upon the scene just in time to save a r c i . 0 il. jiliiMla Yirk.4w ... . . i i.rn unon which tne animal was buii mnnehincr. The swamps in that sec tion were at one time filled with wild boars and animals of that class. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, but her vital - a..i peoplt : by the Vot of tho people organs were ""m.nueu auu ueatu 4 L 1 H.., fri'UICU IlllllllllCUti X- VI bill CC Ull'UVUO liny Duve assumeu aumuiuv mu . .... ,,.,: -.!, .nrf.M nt. . i n 1 1 f i.iiiiv iiru &i i.rooa u ui auu uuuiu i w w sleep. She hnally uiecoyerea a way 10 recoverv. bv purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New discovery for Con sumption, and was so much relieved on taking nrst, that sne siept an nign. ; and with two bottles, has been abso lutely cured. Her name is Mrs Luther Lutz' Thus writes w.u. uamnicn s Co.. of Shelby. N. C. Trial bottles free at all Drug stores, iteguiar size doc Kvery bottle guaranteea. . A great many exquixits having been made, and some muatdersUnd mar having arisen, eoncerntng achol arships in the Agrieaitural and Me chanical College and the method of seenring them, the following state ment is made for the benefit of the public and parties interested. First. The number of seholanbip is 120, being one for each member of the House of Representatives Each county is entitled to as many schol arships as it has Representatives. Second. Appointments to these scholarships can be made by any member of she Bouse of Upresen tatives and any member of the State Senate and any county board cf ed ucation. Third. Appointments when once made are good until the student graduates, usually four years, pro vided his record is honorable f.jr scholarship, conduct and character. Students already in the College un der appointments previously made retain their scholarships. Fourth. Persons receiving ap pointments to scholarships must com ply with the following conditions: a. They must be at least fifteen years old. b. They must be of good moral character. c. They must have knowledge of arithmetic through vulgar and deci mal fractions, of English grammar and of the leading facts in American history. d. The appointee must be unab'.e and his parents or guardian, if he is a minor, must be unable to pay his tuition and room rent, and this must be certified to by the appointee, by his parent or guardian, and by the person making the appointment. Fifth. Blank appointments and certificates will be furnished on ap plication. Sixth. Examinations to test the preparation of candidates will be nem in each county court House on Saturday, Aug. 19th, at 10 a. m., by the County Superintendent. Candi dates can be examined at the Col lege on Tuesday, Sept. 5rh. Seventh. Appointees will be noti fied by the President of the College whether they pass the examinations successfully and whether their ap pointment to scholarships have been confirmed by the College authorities. Until this notification is made they cannot rely upon the appointment. Eighth- As there may be more ap pointments than there are vacancies the following order will be observed for the present year by the College anthorities m ratifying appoint ments: a. All nominations for appoint ments must be received before Aug. 2bth. b. Vacancies from any county will be filled by the appointment of young men from the same county. c. If there be nomination by Aug. 2Gih to fill vacancies from any coun ty a selection will be made among the nominees from other counties ac cording to priority of nomination, d. In ease there are not enough scholarships for all the nominees, the appointments will be made after wards as vacancies occur, in accord ance with the above rule. Ninth. Persons making appoint ments will notify President George T. Winston, Raleigh, N. C., as soon as possible, as selection will be made according to priority of notification. Tenth, The scholarship entitles its holder to free tuition and room rent. He must meet all other expenses. Geo. T. Winston, President. Raleigh, N. C IICIJ Kidney trouble preys upon the . k. v 1UIUU) UIDWUitg tU AVJUWll o u.-i.- i , : ... j IIIAIiril auiuiMU-i, urnuijr , vigui uiu YlUmLlI cheerfulness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. For pleasing results use Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney reme dy. At druggists, sample bottle by man tree, also pamphlet. Address JLr Kilmer & uo. iungnamton is . THE HEW BULL PEN fUmON LAW 1 1 Irit m latrt4 hf m La-f tmg The recent Lefislatcre repealed tufe non-partisan election laws of 1S9S and 1SS97, which guaranteed to every party the right to be represen ted on election boards by election officers of their own choosing, azd en&eted an election law more vieioa than infamous Simmons BqU-P Election law that was in force before 1695. The leading provisions ot this law as published by the Raleigh News & Observer are as follow: 1. 'That the election for State acd eounty officers shall be held on tte first Thursday in August and every two years thereafter. 2. That there shall be a State board of elections composed wf five persons elected by the Legislature for a term of two years. 3. That there shall be a couniy board of elections consisting of three person., appointed by State board for a term of two years. 4. That the State Board cf elections shall meet in Raleigh the first Mon day in May, 1899, and organize by electing one of their number chair man and another secretary. Another meeting shall be held on the first Monday in April in each election year. Special meetings may be call ed when necessary. For their services the board shall receive four dollars appoint all registrars and judges of elections. Members of the county boards may be remoyed by the State board; and the county board in turn may remove any registrar or judge of election. . G. That county boards must meet not later than the nrst Monday in May for organization, and for divid ing tne counties into precincts and polling places. 7. That before the next general election there shall be an entirely new registration. Among questions to be asked applicant is "whether he has listed his poll for taxation for the current year in which he applies for registration, and for the year next preceding. And if any appli cant shall falsely swear he has listed his poll for taxation, he shall be guilty of perjury and and punished as prescribed by law." 8. That the registration books shall be kept open twenty days and closed on the second Saturday before the election. On each Saturday during the perioc the registrar shall go to the polling place to register voters On such lays the books shall be open for inspection by the- voters of the precinct. There shall be no no reg istering on election day, but voters may be challenged. 9. That on or before the first Mon day in July the county board shall appoint t'o judges of election for oach precipt. iu. lha. to prevent disorder as many as three special officers may be appointed by the registrars and judge of election. 11. That.there shall be one ballot for all State officers, one for judges of different courts, one for members of General Assembly, one for county officers, and one for township offi cers. That all ballots for each of these classes of officers shall be the same size, on white paper and with out device. The size of the ballot must be prescribed by the State board of elections. Tickets in wrong box shall not be counted. 12. That the members of the sev eral boards of election shall consti tute the board ot county canvassers which shall meet at the court house second day after the election, can vass the returns, and declare the re sult at the court house door. ItlMNHNNNNMMMNI THE NORTH GMOlinV COLLEGE. OF 8 2 IAoricULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS.: Term Vegla VTe4ar4aY, SepUaibtr 6tk rariou Agricultural iie ta extraordinary court of instruction at an xtrorditry low cot to fttuiient. It not 4u-ate but prepare its tudenU to be ltU41icrt uiUir oi agricultural and mcbanical eoterpriM. I here are romplfter-pecial and hcrtroue intb industrial, Mechtm.-al, Textile aod Civil Art. tua-ot will be allo-ted to Mand tb rotraor examination at th i coi.nty-iwarnof thec.Kiotie in which they retid-, tfcu vicg lb- een ol a trip to Ktivigh. f Eel ranee examination! will be held on the l&th of Auf ut, in the cvrt- biie, und-r the uprviiou of Count) Superintendent. For fnrlher Information, catalogue, etc , apply ta J si PRESIDENT GEO. T. WINSTON. WE.4T KAI.K1GII, X. C Elkin Woolen Mills o o S--.l.Ph H CURE ALL YOUR PAINS WITH Guilford College, !Pain-Kilei - I FIVE LARGE BUILDINGS. I - State nlatforms. i cau an Mi lhe city of liussey. la., empmyea d 100 tne referendum in voting ior a oona issue to establish an electric light plant. The city of Cincinnati, in re- he individual who said "one-half fusinc to sell the Cincinnati South- ua OTftrM dnAsn't know how the .... . . ..i ii i . rn Kailroad, demonstrated tne win other half lives" never resided in a of the people to be overwhelmingly smau village. opposed to the politician. Atier ljob v u iiau uuui n -to uv ,vv, - fiBPT Rkmkdy of the dav i tuko cars t onu of most crowutiui Klv Piiv.lfiii-ii fnr th instant relief of all burns, scalds, etc.. and for pains in tne of most crowd.d streets, the lecislature of Massachu setts granted permission to the street! bruises, car companv to relay the recently torn up tracks; but a member put through a referendum amendment, and the teoile of the city, not "coun try members' will eventually decide tn matter. The city of Duluih Mi' u.. uikiIh a rractical test of the r- loitLdum in voting for the issue of t" nda to build a water plant, in op position to a private plant already in oi.teration. Milwaukee and De have made lemarkftble Btrides in tichtinir monoDolieb and corrup ii'u through the vote ot the people. In Ohio the referendum is employ 1 hv mnnir.inal comorations in vot ifig for improvement of ftreet, side walks, for bond issues, for sewerage, Utctnc lichts etc. iWith this torm of the referendum our people are al ready familiar. They have witnessed Total expenses for year, $133, can be easily reduced to $90. Jb. I hubhs, President, For catalogue address Geo. W. White Treas.. Guilford College, IV. C. $40.00 Bicycle Given 4way Daily- The publishers of The New 5Tork Stab, the handsomely illustrated Sunday newspaper, are giving a High Grade Bicycle each day for the largert list of. words made by using the letters contained in 'T-H-l IN-IS-W x -U-xt-l-. K-T-A-li" no more times in any one word than it is found in the New York Star. Webster's Dictionary to be consid ered as authority. Two Good Watches (first class time-keepers) will be given daily for second and third best lists, and many otht r val- nable rewards, including '.Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, China, Sterling Sil verwear, etc, etc., in order of merit. This educatianal contest is being given to advertise and introduce this successful weekly into new homes, and all prizes will be awarded promptly without partiality. Twelve A Medicine Chest In itself. Simple, Safe and Quick Cure for 'A " AtT , O If you want to exchange your wool or have it manufactured into the best Blanket?, Cassiinors, Jeans, Linseys, Flannels and yarns to be bad ii. America. If you want the best made and most comfortable fitting pnti you ever wore; if you want to trad with the cleverest men you ever had any oeaimgs witn, try the iUKirs wuuhtA AllLLiV and you win never regret it. They have one of the largest mills in the South. They ship their goods to nearly every htate in the Union, and the quality of their work is unexcelled. Write thm for their hsndfom new catalogue, and do not dispone of onr wool nut u vou sflfc it. Address, CHATHAM MFG. CO., Proprietors, ELKIN, N. C. LITERATURE is la intcrnatton-l weekly journal of Htarmr- criticism. It U a compar-tivcl-oew periodical, whiih ha been reoosniied from its firtt aumbor aa a raviaw of tb highest standing. CRITICAL REVIEWS I Thoughtful, thorough, and cotnprehennve review of all important pabllaa tiont in the civilized world, t ranch, German, Italian, Spanish, a wt English and American works, ara treated from weak to week. BELLES-LETTRES ppear weekly In the paper, somrtinK tinder tha fltle ol iks," written by such well-known a-ihocs and c-itics as . w. D. Howell ?pfal article ai " Among My Bool EDMUND aOSSE SIR HERBERT MAXWELL MAX MILLER DEAN 5TVBBS and from time to time original piacas of literary work. poem, ftrtion, and pu writers, suili as enayi ara published, but in each e only Irom tba pane of worid-famoas OEORQE MER EDITH RUDYARD KIPUNd Eacn wcck a icaoiinr -ma t. he nature of an editorial anneara. Thaw laaaera are prepare- oy tne editor, ana i Henry James AMERICAN L ttlively with literary sub)ects. LETTERS The Bi-weekly letter, written by William Dfi HowalU, daala to that author's original and keen way with subjects ot vital interest in tba Americas world of letters and art. FOREIGN LETTERS French, English, German, and Italian letters will be published, making this interested in the growth of Utaratura. , and men of like ability, will i periodical of great value to reader interested in the Occasional work by nenry Ja NEURALGIA. 25 and 50 cent Buttles. ; BEWARE OF IMITATIONS- stomach and bowels as well as in sod den attacks of cholera morbus. No family should pretend to keep house without it always by them. Avcid Biihstitutpp. there is but on Pain- Kiiior. lVrrv Davis'. Price 25c and 50c - - A Wife Says: . - m -t r r "WfTaI if. - We have tour cnuaren. wun mw sM, mnBZ u. -CCia fnr-1 TUn C ilM.mA AH4 .WI.t.ffaJmcunbe-xaMepaloafr " yrtri I HC OldlC UUIIIIdl OIIU - ' " . I inirLHHU WHtfiH-H Lllai & u uaui 1 u null J2 to 14 hours, and had to be placed undef ith f all particnlars and list of over the influence of chloroform. 1 used vast 00 valuable rewards. Contest opens jgj CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS, I COLDS, RHEUMATISM. I s 5 P BUY ONLY THf GENUINE.jji g PERRY DAVI1 ; BOTH FOR ONE PRICE. The question of government owner ship of railroads is growing in public favor and tne people want honest in formation on the subject. Tbk Cauca sian has secured for its readers a large supply of the "Railroad Question" This reliable work by ex-Governor Larra bee can be bad for a short time until the present supply is exhausted with Thb Caucasian as a free gift with the book. The price of "The Railroad Question" is $1.50 in cUth bindiLg, but we will send both The Caucasian and "The Railroad Ques tion" for the price of the book alone $150. (This offer is good for old or new subscribers or for those whose time is in arrears.) Send quick before the supply is ex hausted and the offer is withdrawn. Address this office. Rudysrd Kipling Edmund Gmm SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS will ba published, devoted to descriptive article on such subjects as rare and curious books, book-pistes, special eduioaa of famous books, aoUwonhy American editions, etc. A FREE Trial Subscription, 4 Weeks, as Cts. 10 Ctntf m Copy Subscription, $4 OO a Ttmr AddreM HARP2R ft BROTHERS. PubUsHaca. Hmw Yarfc. N. V. PREMIUM OFFER A lull set of LITERATURE'S famous portrait rjpp'its at distinguished men of letters (jo in all) for one year's aubacnptMM vi!$- ''SxillAvffSiei'rt TCC ALuUak CKai-kAM. Acbsv Atiaata, Wii iacaai. kf Or faa-lanorarm. XaaftvU, Srm Yra, Boaao-i. KJtmomA. whixiwi orTo UCTUBOrSD. Jt 4-L 41 L JUw York. rA.K. KlIvuam cur-aa rai-aoaifiua 1 Um li Ham mora LH-aa av WaaMngton Kctiol A C-L 3avM uraa Korf.'l. aTCT wuc ronaaaouLh iZvm tmm lTpil VWa Ar Hrafafioa. 11 matl iff m Aj lKifi-an. 17 Uauos 4 Urr 7 .m f iu limm 'FinMl S Uaai t ( Baa a iCaai Ifrcw aaa lv Um t llv T-vsr LIFE, to t prvus ani hcilthy, rjuit rhmphocic Acid and Nttrogm. ThcM csmtitl elrmcntt are t plant, mhat bread, meat -vod water arc to man. Crop flourivh on toils well supplied with Potash. Oar pMpaOrta t9 tvw to Wy -uatrra, tad art few to aX Lt Ihtr-aa . . . . , L.k--.. -kaafora Ho. 11 ooa .... H a Hi sH . .... Wasiaaborsx... aaona. Wilna-nrtoo i'-urkua ... 7 &uamlre-a Ua"U) irt.i ,rvr--f-Tb-. k r.- --. Jlt K faav-er L? I'olatQbua, Ar Cili0-i.8.A-L . 4i-nl la Ur-Mti ioaai. Irtmm buavU-a. 11 U-axt. 1 Klrrton M. ..ISOCraa t41a At Al&a-ia 1 Ui 4- VX V.'lrxW 1 rpm 4 9wt r Alia&ta CaoLral UcMi . StKvta OKTH BOUND. ho 4ii Krf. H. Lv k l-aaiUtt isUaiUioia Li UUt a 7 bJm Lr WuMkr 2 4"f-o 1m Oi a L7 ALUna. 1 Uta 11 1V Fltarwn 4 isw 12 Ab!TUa bldpia IXMrm iirwjarood Aslt m S LOaua litiiuii. jpm J ifi- p t l olautbi i:. h a. Ltt.ll 4vni LV . UrnlrT, ttVaTX. Ar. bernxi. ...... Lv ... .. MatTilrf ... At WilmauKtou. Lt So- I'inaa Kalb Ar Hendf rwoq- , AxXhiraam. Lt iurbazu . . . ....V4ni m ...lHii auuajii . . . . . -i C5ui ...11 (Uam 'ftuuaai ..t Item llaai ...1 anaaa U bf ...17 liaoi 14 Itn ..17 UUm tlO lMaBb At WaUoa Atom J ipco Hicbmond A.O.L.I S 3 tarn 7 litxu Waahu-jflon, I'ona K K.1X Xlpm 11 8Utu Hall Lmora 1 4p 1 Umuu 1'biladolpbla. New York t ZLvm &3n K. 8T JOHN. VkrnBk!at aad Ora' V ' E. McBEE. Gn'l BarrinUndnt.. H.W. B- GLUVKK, Traffic Matter. T. J ANKKbON, Oan'l PaaoraM AjrV ManwalOffloaa: I'OETtiMOin fi VA. SI. OO A YEAR FOU DEMORESrS Tbc anbachption price of ptMII V .totlOU.year. MiQAZINE. DEMOK&ST8 FAMILY MAGAZINE a mora than FASHION M AGA21NK, at iknnrf tt rlvta Lba FSSrZXf&iZP t0rf latcot I.ODM this is only ona of A. & li. C. RAILROAD. TIM 12 TA.lla.lC a. To iaAa aVar M r. M Jna jn U I paa-Wo TlaM Tabat 7. ol aJ aOl oopflaai aala I UfTBOriD TKilXf. VTATlUM I. G .kl.bufO.... liaU W 1-tUraitc' rauibc W kt-MO0 t oavoii . . af k u a Ar !. W W Ar L t"ra CtwaK Tuarmran.. ...... VUtt a N w b r a .... , KlvrfWlo Ar Lt W Ar r . r. m. I till .. a aa a .. o ouu 43u ..11 a U . .. f U f 4f. J a 4i0 41A ... 43 a ? .. f CM t ft la .. f 7 (W f u 7 AW .. i Jki r u : ..ISM 11 .. a ftu a a 41 ..COM f oa : ...!) tM . J" 4i ic: ilatalotk Nrw nnct VVliiwocM. AUaoUc Morobaodt'Ur AtUatlc U(Ma4 . M. OtyUorot.... M r. m. V KUTboCMl TUA1X. 4 111 P.M. 43 BTATION. fW JMACAZI l...i tar?; ita cuaoy traJuabla f eatorea. It baa aoa rtiitnc for rath member of tbo fam ily, for every do portzuotit of tbo LoQaeboUl, and iu aned coatenta ara of tho h if beat grsda, making It pra-erut. Dently THE FAM ILY MAGAZINE W Watr Btatlm-s TaUrra b aution. OF THB WORLD. It forniabaa tbo thougbU of tho moot totrreatinjr and moat proercaalTO writer, of the day. and la abreaat of the time in OTerythlnr Art, Iteraope. I Science, Boctety Anaira. icbn. Houaebold Mattera, 8 porta, etc a nele Minibej- fro qnently contalnlrr rrom -i to aaj floe en-gra-iofra. makiocTt the MOHT l)HYLt7tK AND MOST PROFrnELY ILIXSTKATKl) of the GREAT MONTH LI EH. DEM0RI-T8 MAGAZINE Vmion It. Dartment is in ererr way far ahead of tbai contained in any other publication. ttuDeen oera are enuuea eocn ooou u pat tern of the la teat fashion in women'! at tire at so coot to tb km other than that ttac eoaary for postsf and wrapping. NO BETTER CHRISTMAS UIFT than a year' a sabaertption to DEM 0RE8T8 MAUAZlJiKcan be ttuaoo. uj rcntimr at ones yon can get tbo mayaripe a too rw- daced price, and will also reoriTC tba Umiui aorae--Mnt X-mas Nam bar with iu imu- tifal Donet oictaro supplement. Remit 1 1.00 by money order, rmtered 1k- ter or cnock. USEFUL Al POPULAR BOOKS. WORKS OF INTEREST AND VALUE TO PEOPLE OF ALL CLASSES AND TASTES. Ar W w Lt Ar W Lt Ar Lt Ar Lt Goldtiorp ..m hmtm lKraiMP" Kaiiint aaol.. klnatoo ...... tOawall. IOTar1 Caral'rsrl.M.. 7'U-aa-rir.... larla... Neolrs.... KiTrda)o..M.. roaun.M.... Harelu(k..M-.... a owjwrt.. o Wilcfwot-I f AUaxlic f MorabeMlOtf.. jo Allan tie IJo4 .... M.t'ity DwfaM.. Daily at- sulay. A. M. . 11 Oft . a lu 4i . a 10 27 . a 10X3 . a Itfll . a . r . f f f svo It ir 17 s u ( Ui 7 an 7 v ;u 7 a 7 22 t 7H a-M. 4aUy. 1 AM. C 40 a a a 07 ' s AST a A 47 , f Soft tS I ill 0 hut, 1 47 45 I 4 11 i I 4 (M O 4UI 0 so -f Bio 1 s o ' A.M. f tor oa kf nal. a-lUrnior oit. H. L. DlLUtnt. " W I I.MING TON A WRI.-XIX l.1T ANH II KAN C II EH. AND FLORENCE KAIIJiOAD. . CoitaVti OCJiftbCUU i "iRAJjea GOING POCTH. DATED Arg. laL MR. a. u. r LT Welrtoo II W i , Ar RocAt Moont. U SO. 10 t Lt Tsrboro. IS 12. a. a. s.w nuuf avwii aw m f m. t .. . tt' bT niiwa..IHMi inn ttt ImMmm S 00 Lt rarettrmlie..! 4 40 I 14 AT Fl-4rooo Great Special Crabbing Offer; for frompt oaooenpuons: i ONLY If 1.75 FOU I THIS CAIJCrVI3IarVV 9"8en4 your obociiptio&s Is to tfco&os 1 , S X, ,r. a ach Book Consists of a Handsome Octavo Volume of 64 Large Double- Column Pages, Neatl Bound In an Attractive Paper cover. tealtby boy, doing thH people goincr to the polls and vo- my housework up uti i; on a measure oi comijiuu tmrtfe of Mother's Friend before our Last child came, which is a strong, fat and Industrial College OF NORTH CAROLINA. inter- partnership haTiDg no part in tlie contest, politicians being if? toreih the srood of the commnnity ''t ing the only motive. Well have the Democrats any one rise to sucrcrest for Dean of the ''nivereity Law School. Jt seems to us there are one or two more men pf their r.artv who have been a Ju3tic of the Peace or caanty attorney thai Uiey haven't as vet. named for the mt mf r 9t "A Gentk Wind of Western Birth Ttlla no sweeter story to hwnxn'.ty than the announcement thdt the hciUh-gmer nd health-bringer. Hood' s Sf.rsApdnlU, ttlls of the birth of an en of good health. It is the one reliable specific for the cure of all blood, stomach and liver iroubles. I Jl iyj.JallXI.i l to within two hours of birth, and suf fered but a few hard pains. This lini ment is the grand est remedy ever made." Mother's Friend will do for every woman what ft did for tha Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not to use it during pregnancy if a mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering. Mother's Friend equips the patient with a strong body and clear intellect, which ia turn are imparted to the child, it relaxes the muscles and allows them to expand. Il relieves morning sickness apd nervousness It puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual labor is short and practically painless. Dan ger of rising or hard breasts is altogethef avoided, and recovery is merely a matter ol a few days. miSelita sell Mother' Friend for SI a bottled The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. - Send for our free lUuetteted book. and awards commence Monday, Jnne 21st, and closes Monday, Angnst 21st, 189y. Your list can reach ns any day between these dates, and will re ceive the award to which it may be entitled for that day, and yonr name will be printed in the following issue of The New York Stab. Only one list can be entered by the same per son. Prizes are on exhibition at Thb Star's business cmces. Per sons securing bicycles may have choice of .Ladies7. Uentlemen's or Juveniles' 1899 model, color or size desired. Call or address Dept. E,'' The New York Star. 236 W. 39th Street, New York City. - "LIVE QUESTIOJS" aa EX-GOV. JOHN P. ALfGELD. A Book for the People SOffTMNO ALL THE FAMOUO SP-tCNtO. LCTTCRa, BKOOAOCS ANO BOOATO OF TME AUTHOR. kvchv nout or national importance and POPULAR INTEREST EARNESTLY CONSIDERED. Trusts. Monopolies, Government, Ownership, Civil Service, Taxation, Money Question. Tariff, Education, Election Frauds, Strikes, Labor Organizations, Imperialism and a m unbred Other Topics Discussed. - HANDOOOIE LIBRARY EDITION. I.OOO Paata. SUBSTANTIAL CLOTH. POSTPAID S2.60 CE0. S. Bjiei & Su, Ooftj Bids., Cncia Writs tor term. Offers to young women thorough tit' erary, classical, scientinc, and incus trial education and special pedasrnei cal training. Annual expenses $90 to $130; for non residents of the Staff, $150. Faculty of thirty members More than four hundred regular stu dents. Has matriculated about 1,700 students, representing every county in the State except one. Practice and Ob servation school of about 250 pupiis To secure board in dormitories, all free tuition applications should be made before August 1. - Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers For catalogue and other lrforraa- tionKaddress rKJ-SllJJSKiT MCIY J-K, Greensboro N. C THE UNIVERSITY OFX.NORTH UNA. CAR0 al Guide to FJorleul- .'WJ-if Trto-'Ivi V A- I. EeTfor4. one of t' IraUing r ,?' , . H I V l i es Trick. DiversioDi. I' Um, V ..JSW'.Jt J V Irani, bbadov rnUmlm. Ait- ... '"i .V'V.-tI-. rM lif I -I for aocial (tatberinfra, public iiJ,ft- B?5! 1 V'-'jr b . Knmn . . m v J X - . , . r 7pr " jA - ... "Z ' ' Widest patronage and fullest equip iment in its history. Faculj 38 Students. 495; 3 Aoademie Courses : 3 Elective Courses: 3 Frofessional Schools, in Law, in Medicine and in I Pharmacy; New Building?, Waff r , Works, Splendid Libraries Labors , tones, Etc. . : - , Advanced Classes open to wemen. , Tuition $60. a year; Board $8. a month. I Ample opportunity for self-help Scholar&hips and loans lor the needy.1 Free tuition for -teachers. Summer' School for Teachers. ; 24 Instructors, , 1 147 students. Total enrollment 644. For catalogue, Address ... J President A.d.rj an, i Chapel Hill, N C. Priof AAirriniinna nf a Mlnrt lutt nf naf f nl and Ttonttlar viwo- -irl nTina nf mMvt th oHwt beinir to Ttleaao all taaUi and requirement. Earh la a com plete text-book upon the special theme of which It trmtn. and trxr rr- rl r I rp. a f .-U t.Tiua aa to place them witnm tne ru-a or :!. ..a. irwOTmc.n rj t i i .... -----'"- these bonks; no homo ehould In T.'.tor.t t-.i.'Kvhli-m'iiTiA 'i 'r. li n -to Tc.lnmf cf 64 large doubl-column pafes. nxely jinnti aa.l boon 1 ia attrairtlvo jr ;-r c -nj f thrm ara handsomely iliustrattd : V hoi 77a u. n Trifn Atiimala Tllia book, written by an espeiience-l aoimal tratn:-r, ws how. to (each borites. dogs, cats ina'os, poatu, b-r ai:i iUrr JT&. if animals, alo tirila. to perform iiiit reuisrL-b.c tckj V7-'TV No. ft3i Every lloy nia Own Toy-Mater. XT . ., - -'-jJk ? .;- . f '4 A creatbooK lorboyn, teilingho tomaaaaswain i.kiub. v", - jj .iiT A ., ..':. m I ..,!,, rr. ..). . r. f'. t..t-. Wirt.litiiM MirnMWM. l I W""- O " - 7 ' .. r-t . ' U..hina i:alvani. h.H.l" V tet H. T.U. ntf.h. Tl"'ll!M ' IT ' ' r Mate Lantern, Boau, Kite-, fcalloonaT aaU uiu oOier tniugs. No. ft 29. The Practie, tare, a compete imicue flower and plauta. by Eben K. aatbonue upon all matte.' ). Ao. uome A lection of Games, i'uzz! ExDerimenta. Tableaux log Cbaradua and Proverba, and nnvatft anrertaiamAnta and aveninz No. fta Motlern Etiquette for all occa sions. An excellent work npon tins "ui jeer. -tatniag the rule of deportmeut for a'l ooeaeion b-tli for ladiea and gentlemen, aa observed by the Iwt society. No. ftai. The Ready Reference Manual ot Facts, Figures and Statistics. A cileciiun of useful fact, figure, atatistica and date eororn!nm of valaable information for tiie nae of every man. vouan and child, conveniently arranKed for ready refer-nco. No. hi:. The Practical Poultry Keeper. An entirely new book on poultry keeping, jurt pnblndied. inrolTinir the experience of gncceiifl poultry ketpera, and embracing ail the latest ideas on the subject. - No. 16. The Practical Horse and Cattle Doctor. This valuable tmok tit-acriiiea me nvinp tomn of every diseaM with nhich horses and cattle are afflicted, pi re the causes of such dipaeR. toietiier Willi plain and explicit directions for their treatme-t. No. hi. The Handy Cyclopaedia of Erery Day Wants, tompvii lin:u of useful and Ta!mi.iie inlorm-aon11'ieJ with practicsT receipt, bints, be'pa and auggeationa, of toe jrreate use to erery housekeeper. No. ft9. The Family Doctor Book, toiitaln Inc plain tod simple direction for the treatment of erery "known dia-a.-e or ailment of the human fmnie. and u gasting simple home remedies which usually effect a cure without the necessity of employ in . a physician. No. hi. The National Handy Dictionary. a complete picket dictionary of tbe English lanmaa-k con taining 30,0iWworK with their orthography, deiuutiuu and pronunciation, anl 2T Uluatratiooa Si. h. Tha ladies' Model Taney -Work Manual. Aa en.ur.l- new book enitxxtviup nil the latest ideas in needlework, crochet, knitting and embroid ery. It contains maoy new lace and crochet patterns, and directions for making many articles of wearing apparel and for decorative purpocee- No. . Ths American Family Cook nook. A complete cook book, compiled by an experienced house keeper, and conta'Oin more than seven bun urea ot Ue cboteest recipes. claiael lor readv reierence. N. h3b. The Ladies' Guide to Beauty. This book contains minute and practical Instruction, ac companied by m-av valuable recipes, Ut eerurin a oand aome form, a clear and smooth Bit in, a beautiful eomplax ion, beanufal hair, etc., etc . , , .o. nt. jurat. -uri- i . , contenu of which are very, very funny. .The last ana 1 coaef aner f-tlelormS rtS-g tegal -.ia-r- In all onlu-r, ewpao- tt will aav pioying 5erp-i . . Made Easy. This boo trlla too bow to rea.l a Twrnne character hy the.i-?pla-ct otSfieir and tb. accuracy of the- r-llio. . LU baaa-xpru. toy d No'wi "isons in Shorthand, , on Cnrnej-a Srateni l A ;!flJ5 art of phonography ar a-orthaad writing, ahowiog how any one nay acquire aad become proOchaat la tklav-- "sfw Tbe Modern Boyle, conutlnlim tha'lateet nclalrtilea I2' chaaa, cribbage, domlnoea, poker, draught-, bed que, bac gammon. Kapoleon. sola wblat. ecarta, etc . Tba ahove booka In other edition- are naually aoia at canta eacn, am . M ... , WawinaendaBTa of tha abewa booka by nfl poat-pahi po RMd 0-tr LlaCrti OlfCr I recetptof only Vn Cnta; anyA-rfoc T-r.r-r ! : .-. -- -,. . Bv faxrviiiff ten booka at a UaM ro taaa at aatt by tba nam ben aa given. IGoldaboro. ....... 1 LfManalM ' Ax WUmliMtioo..' : t ! TRAINS OOI50 KOETH. u a s 11 7 Ol Haul 4 U as r. u. FA5J..rMACA2lSSI a THE DESIGNER PuMUhed noathljr ITM HANDSOME colored PLAras;j r-rTrxjt-jat-Jlri-jr f ALSO lUrSTTlATLS - a Jhi Celebrated lull la a k ,a-ai. r.m. , Lt Tlorrutx ; 4S ....) t IS Lt ftrcOarllla.. Jl V 10 J0 .....-. Lt fVlnia........ i if) ... Al VriiawB 1 12 .... IS 10... Lt Wilnit&jrion Lt Majrnoi-a ... LTOoM-bnrv... ! r. . a. I I J 7 i mm i a a h at .10 !...., Lt VTilaon 1 1 42 rlLocky Moan-.; ttl .... UU U fS Lt Tarboro...... til 12,... j a -. ai.V.. is xau ao zs v 1 29 Lt &0C-7 Mooat Ax Wa-don...... S t3 .... S 2 .... if. u. ISM ... !a. K.-r. f .4. ; ft- 'si arm i Standard Patterns Tb only rcUakle pattcnu, touu they allow Li-SCTiptftm Price ; $1.00 i ttsA I A ceil ' itjl caplea. jrrAS$ERS WANTED rCB :U J rU-HJ CATION lirvr t4 14th Street, Mm Vorfc Ot. - vwrvte- .y a. Caa-re. An J r CaU wUf, Um w . dxtiik w-dKaU dlacw.err of IU. i-t- ant M reiraliiBf to the taste, art rrull stti r AUirelj ob Aldcuiya. lirrr mud Jfvrr cieAuair ; tbe entire ay at. in. dtwl r-otd core beadachr. terr, ba4:r ttitt and bLUoitao-aa. Pleatr tnj axd try, bo. of ac.aio-d-ry;:o,1tr5tcei.t. b-4daa comb, ateed tep-ur oy mil draccM. The If a-a-awr aa SkeaM I Wltk a Orals r MalU Takn tlially tionA Mooday. IJMij txarpt Tnun oa tba Seatleod Vk UrmBtM Kami Wevae Weklos Cltt p. O-, HmUmx AJA b. go-. am tb KvUattd ck at A p. to.. Ora- rtl6i7 p. ta.. K lrMoa J JA p. m- Keat tnr ktra kibatoa IM . a. Orenr-LM i a. in-. axrlTtrn Ualuax 11:11 a. u. Waldos ll-Oa ta. Tralba ob Waab-tiK-BB Braxtd. Vaara Waab vKtoa an a. n. mad 1A p. mm; rrrre far neie 10 m. ta. mod Zt p. cu, marBtnc IceTt I wX-M-t ItZb m. bl. mod AM p. rnjv rirm Vimmhingurn 11 -Ub a. aa aad " JU p. , dmiij. Trala WaiTaa Tarboro. . C-, dalfjr aaurp Baodar ftAO p aa.. bumUj AM p. aa-,-r-riTca rlT-ttouLb 7.4U p. , p. aa rators ttur IaTs iTinoatb dmJj excr SuAdey 7 M m. ta.. aad basdaT a. a-, arrrrea Tar boro 10MA a. a. aad 11I0 a. aa. - - Tra-a ob UK-tad X. C. Braocb laana GoUkbaro daily, mum -ta&day, 7.10 a. -a-, rriTuf 6&ilfie-t aJU a. b- rcrtlaf . U.-..i,l4 m n . i il. I I nl 1 1 I kmn 1 tL. Trataa oa N--.TiUa r-ranca laawr Becky Mount at 4 JO p. aa-, airtve Kaabr-Ua iA p. m.. omn? v.ov . retoram mbto 8fiMow a. aa. KMbnlie AJi m, mm. imn mt l&ndkj Moost m, m, daiiy orctBaadBT. Trala oa Oialoa Braac-i Vaarra' ter lltatoa daJy, mxmpt (ku-day, U:14 1 aad 4c 10 r n, rararaiat 7.-00 a. aa. d4 S.O0 p. m. Traill So. 7S BtaAaa tk Wektoa for all potato Kectb datly. alt taU yte Kacb-aood, aao mt Sookr Maant wttb Norfolk aad CaraU-M JL K. far Korfo-k aad mil poittU Kortb ia KorfoiA L M. rnKsaov, B 1 J. K. KEKU, a'l Maa. T. M. EMZKaOX. Tn0 ! The way to the seaside is by ib Seaboard Air Line. Saturday and Sunday cxeuraiODS from If ay '20th to September 24th to Virginia Beach. Oeean View and Old Point Comfort, round trip $3.50 yia the Seaboard i Air Liae. TiekeU will be on sale a ,imu -b rmm -tMt rt . ai i sis i . . . - . ..V -i-jjTT J r.e. tmm tan tar iwt eii. "-fyli l J yai-gaaa apai-yjrS A fvkl lMfc,"l"',''?i'"rTalff'