Newspaper Page Text
THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISHED KVKRY THURSDAY HY TIIK CAUCAHIAN PUB. CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Oee Year Sis Moetes. Three Motlki, 1.00 He. 11. Captain Thingumbob, and Judge Lynch would be veil adajrted to ntralghten out mont of the tangled of ordinary life. Then, too, the society might turn it augut attention to the weak kneed, watery-eyed foreigners who .no I annually Nt-k our honpltable hore ns I intent Un finding Home unoffend ing American maiden whur lather hat a Uik Income and diges tion, and sharing with her a title albeit a little tarnished and frayed, but neverthelee Immensely proud We Miggewt this a being a very profitable field for the new society. The prospective father in-law would, of coure, be willing to deal very liberally with It for It aerviceH in protecting hla turm from the havoc which a poorly-propid title might bring. In every way we we'eome the . . . . new comer, it win prove me out wark of wjciety, prevent the un hctuihjIou.h from Hailing under fabe colore, safeguard American helm, and protect our real heroes in the iMjHHeHion of their iet names. No more Hhall the ubiquitous colonels ABCUT U.C38 JCia TBS STfilKE A- CAIRST STEEL ttAKOf ACTOtlES. TIIK KI.IMINAI ION OK TIIK NKJIM AH AN InHVK. Inferring to the recent three-day; ntl-McI.aurin iiolltical meeting in South Carolina, the Lnarioue nr werver huvm that one of the thing) made manifest by thone meetings Is, that the difranchlsiunent of the negro, while it hart driven him from il4 mils, has not taken him out of I w laities. HiM-aklng more correctly, he is dragged in again and In about as much of an issue as ever. At the time the constitutional amendment disfranchising the negro I inir. It waH boldlv asserted t .1 1 . 1 rwi irui irif. I captains and "judges" flaunt their by those whose chance to get Into I r J n iniut-r ami wcure otnees defended ....... .i. .... a eves. We bid the Society for the uton me aoopiion 01 iu wiwiu- - ment. that the disfranchisement of Huppresion of Spurloua Title. God the netrro would eliminate him n sjieed. MR Oil THE TRUSTS- uun cs m scanners mcx. Jake Ci arret erne Km!! mm tmm An Old Pastor. Aehevltte, X. C, Aug. 1 Jake fi arret t, a white man living ueir Paint rock, was killed thJ evening by the Seaboard train on the South- The Ohio mm WorUw rmii4 u ow i,.rD between Hot Sorinip and l'aintl 1 - Tee rtlr -A ricbt fur Meetery Be- J Iiock t Mwifrt mma wm! vrockri lle had been to Marshall where he I'itUbunr. Pa.. Auirut 12. The J had a case in court suing the road strufirie for mastery between manu-1 for killing hla little girl. The case - m a s a s m . I r.,-,ir inj men in the steel In-1 wai not 10 come uu ine Wat or me durttry L now fairly launched, and I ween, no ne sunea nome on wie 3 nihil find show of Mtremrth ad-iocioeic train, lie mat ucicei 10 vantage is with the former. The! Hot Springs, so the conductor say. general strike onler hwued by Prwii-1 The conductor put him off twl e ru.t HhAffer. f the Amalgamated I fW leaving Hot Springs, but he Afwociatlon, has so far been obeyed I claim that It wan at a station each by about 14,000 men, according to I time. the betfiirurea obtainable here. The! The engineer on the 7 o'clock rt two nreliminarv calls were I train saw him kneeling with hla answered by about 40.000 men, ho head on the rail at the very spot that the total number now out is in I wnere His little girl was allied, but the neighborhood of 60,000. ' unable to stop In time. Gar- The strikers made gains here t-1 rett's head was badly crushed and day over the showing of last night his left ear cut off. He was brought and their prospects for further ac- u ot springs ana leit in cuarge or The trial of the OaUia-KlUrodam- ae taw has been coctlnued at Ox ford unUl the fall tenu. A POOH JtlUaU?! Allah. Ltly atarrvd is Lob do bftcat b roald set dices t his food- Karly B Af Dr. Kiara N Utr i'Ut voaM bar aarcd him Tay argth & the atonab. aid dtuoa pro- Bool Ualioa, iaproTe appetite !nM2S MostT bak if sot aU- fled. Soki by U. II. Holllday. iMicksl fCAPUDlNE HEAD ACME CURE. : Leaves no BadEffeetWhatever. 16. S6 aod iQ CroUat lncgiU. UAl.KKlH.N.c. from iolltIcM, and forever still the cry so frequently heard and ho base ly usd "nigger domination." So much stress was laid upon this as sertion, it was iterated and reiterat ed with such loud emphasis, and such brazen, eold-blood(l attempts were made to force it down the throats of the voters of the state, that they came to look upon It with the eye of suspicion. To the dls- cerniuir it was plainly evident that certain democratic, political high waymen, seeking to promote their own selfish ends, in proclaiming that the negro was about to disap pear from the itolitical horizon and that future campaigns would be fought out on other grounds than the "nigger question," were really attempting to wheedle and cajole tho electorate of North Carolina with out seriously Intending that there should ever Ik; an end of the abomi liable effort to make the negro an Issue. Such, in truth, has proved to I hi the case, and the Charlotte Ob server Is absolutely safe in saying he (the negro) Is alxnit as much of an Issue as ever." The fact of the matter is that without the negro to fall back upon the democracy In several Southern Htates would be In a pretty bad way. It cannot afford to let the fear of "nigger domination" be altogether eliminated, for that fear(?) is one of its strongest cords. Although there is not now and never has been In North Carolina any reasonable fear of negro domination, yet that lartlcular note has been and will continue to be struck with every possible variation in order to furnish ammunition for a gang of spoilsmen who look upon the control of a great state and its resources much as the pro-consuls who went forth from ancient Koine looked upon the provinces they were sent to govern as legitimate prey. ANOTIIR HOLY ALLIANCE. In a self-laudatory announcement, teeming with fulsome praise of Its own accomplishments, the esteemed! News and Observer, among other interesting things, has the following to say: The News and Observer has no enemies except the enemies of the Democratic party, and its straight lorward policy has caused it to be recognized as the chief exponent of Democratic doctrines and Demo cratic policy." In a spirit of utmost respect, for the purjiose only of seeking light on a subject interwoven with much that is mysterious and preplexing, we would like to inquire If the article of Democracy dispensed by tho News and Observer is really the genuine thing to which all the faith ful must subscribe. We had always supposed that the respected Morning 1'ost ana Charlotte Observer were devoted to spreading the orthodox Democratic creed, and were also of the opinion that the News and Ob server did not claim very much in common with our other two en ter prising lrlenus. ui course, we may be mistaken. The Post may have patched up Its differences with its rival a id to gether with its Charlotte contem porary consented to drw olitical doctrine from the fount of Demo cracy presided over with such be coming modesty by Mr. Daniels. In this view of the matter the News and Observer may not be departing too far from its straightforward policy when it claims to be the "ex ponent" of Democratic doctrines. cessions at both McKeesport and Wheeling during the week are very favorable. The action of the Amalgamated men at Chicago, Joliet and Bay View in refusing to come out and their failure to secure any recruits in the Carnegie group throughout the Klsklmenetas Val ley and the big plants at Youngs town and Columbus, Ohio, have been markedly disappointing to them. They are keeping up the fight, however, in a spirited manner and claim that they have strength physicians who said he was dying and would not live twenty minutes. New X. C PostofHces. Washington, Aug. 13. New DOt ofllos have b en establl&ed at Dol lar, Stokes county, with John Ht Fag postmaster; Thcmall, Cum berland county county, with Mary C. Lawraiaun po tmaster. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS u Tir....t. a,... o 1.. l rrva xuhinh will anmrluA thf!r I -w 01 r 1 (een usea tor cnuaren wnue teeumuf. KN1 OK PROMISCUOUS TITLES. At last it has come. Not the mlllenlum, nor yet the dethrone ment of the Simmons' Hedshlrt Machine, but something of vast and lar-reacnmg importance namely: a society for the "Suppression of Spurious Titles." Of all the oppor tunities that have been offered to re formers none should prove more inviting than that which seeks to prevent the cheapening of the honors which a begrudging world bestows upon its favorite sons. Of generals, colonels and captains galore Tho doting oia eartn has such a store That he who would shun oblivion's hore Mast be a plain private and noth ing more. It Is said, In fact, that today the number of generals, colonels, mayors, captains and humble officers is so prodigiously large that there is room lor serious uoudc as to whether or not any private at all served in the civil war. We may look for the new society to settle, once for all this . momentous question, and it it accomplishes nothing more it may rest in the consciousness of duty well and falthftilly performed. The Investigation, however, might be made to cover a much greater scope. For instance, the society might look into the question of who is and who is not entitled to the appelation "Democrat," and thus conclusively determine, without resort to further electrifying, hot air contests such as South Carolina has lately seen, whether Tillman is the genuine article or whether his warlike opponent represents the only original, 18-karat, simon-pure oranu 01 .uemocracy. to oe sure the society might encounter serious difficulty in determining what con stltutes Democratic doctrine, for a last accounts the subject was con siderably involved in haze, but, no doubt, the society after coming in contact with General so and so it soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, 'curea wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twen ty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gits throughout the world. visited by opponents. They assert that they have gained a foothold in the Carnegie mills in this city and at the time desired the men will come out. They are piesslng their advantages at McKeesport and Wheeling and . f - A 1 1 1 - A. . I t uicui;uiKi0o own " I A passenger train was hJd up those two cities. by bandits near Deni. on. Tex Officials of the National Tube Monday night. The mail car and Company and Mayor Black clashed I all the passengers were robbed. today over the question of protec- . , . 11.1 I CUUDOHPv A large crowu 01 Btriera aaemuieu hfi vv thls WHfik . 1 1 1 1L ( . 1 I arounu ine worKS mis morning aim their pickets Intercepted tube work ers on their way to the mills. There was some excitement and the mill officers claimed that their men were being threatened and in danger of violence, and called on Mayor Black to clear the streets and pro tect them. The mayor said that he would only interfere to stop actual rioting and assault. Two other ap peals were made to him later in the morning but he insisted that there was no danger of an outbreak. Hut. Juum PoiuUexuir, Coluaibu, O. No man In the capital city of the Htaw of Ohio la better known than the Iter. James Poind ex ter. For many years b has been the succeeaful pi tor of ths Second Baptidt Church of that city. Every daj bis venerable figure and kindly face may be seen on the streeti of the city where he has labored for so many years. What a historj of tner- olence and self-sacrinco might be writ ten by simply giving the details of ths very-day life of thh faithful pastor and eloquent preacher. Bat old age comes to the best of men. The rfieumatics peculiar to advanced age had already begun its insidious rav ages when it became necessary to find a remedy, if possible, that his days of use fulness might not be shortened. An efficient nerve tonic that would stimulate the circulation, improve the dij- oti.n, and increase the tone and vii'or of his whole system, was needed. The only remedy capable of meeting all these indications was found to be Pe- rnna. In a recent letter to Dr. liar tman, he states : "My attention was called some time ago to your medicine lor rneumauo troubles by Mr. Cook, an old reliable druggist of this city, and take pleasure in saying that I have tried them and found them good. It is my opinion that the remedy, Peruna,is justly en til led to the fame which it has throughout the United States." Address The Pernna Medicine Co. Colum bus, O., for free catarrh book. An early Anglo-Haxon custom was that of drinking diluted bnoey for thlrtv davs after inarrUgr. From w this custom con. the word honey moon, or honeymonth. Kx. RAG ISO, ItUAKlM) FLOOD Washed dovn a telesrraph lt bichChaj. C. Uis. of Liaboa. U.,l bad to repair. "Mlaodinr waist deep ia the iey waur,' b wriUe. 'gavt- me a terrible cold aod eooxb. it n worse daily. Finally the U-at doetor I in lUkiasd, Hen. eioaa uuy ana Omaha said I had eonaamption and eoold not live. Then 1 began using Dr. Kins? s New Diseovery aod was wholly enred by six bottles.". lsi- tivlv eaa ran teed for eonrbs, evld- aid all thmat and Inns? trouble. Tri al bottles free. Price 50a and $1. Sold by R. H. Holllday. Till man Speaks at Chester. Chester, S. C, August 10. Sena tor Tillman, along with other politi cal leaders of this State, addressed a meeting here today. Senator Till man argued and pleaded that Mc- Laurin be not denied the right of J entering the primary. He does not believe Senator McLaurin will ever make the race, and he does not, he said, want McLaurin to have the excuse that he could not run. Drowned by a Cloudburst. Lexington, Va , Aug. 12. Assist ant Postmaster John G. Pole, and his family, while attempting to cross a mountain stream about six miles from here, were swept down I I is Nature's time for rest; and the man who does not take sufficient time to sleep or who cannot sleep when he makes the effort, is wearing out his nervous strength and consuming his vital oower. Dr. Miles' a Nervine brings sweet, soothing, refreshing sleep. Don't let another night pass. Get it to-day. "I had hard nervous spelT lost all appetite for food and for eight weeks was unable to sleep at night. The onlv thing that helped me was Dr. Miles' Nervine. It cured me.'' Mas. H. Jackson, Bowling Green, Mo. by the waters of a cloudburst yester- As we have before said, we do not! day afternoon, and his wife and nrofonri in imriArafAnri tho mnfror I three daughters, aged from 1 to 8 r - ,-- The straightforward, free-froin -ene mies policy has found us off our guard. We would suggest, however, to the Morning Post and the Char lotte Observer to be at first a little chary in embracing their new-found friend. Enthusiasm is a good thing in its place, but it soon wears off. Elsewhere in this Issue will be found an article copied trom the ( harlotte Observer, stating that one J. F. Jarvls from Madison county. has been sentenced to the peniten tiary for ten years for forgery in one case, and at the expiration of this term, to five years in another case. We think this Is first time a lawyer has been sentenced to the penitentiary in this state. The last issue of the Chatham Citizen contained the following edi torial which is worthy of notice: The four new judges, Winston, Neal, Justice and Jones, appointed by Gov. Aycock, drew the first war rants for their salaries last week. Each warrant was for $229.16, be ing for salary and traveling expenses. We are now paying over five thousand dollars a month for demo cratic justice." How do you like it?" Elsewhere in this issue will be found an article from Chester, (S. C.) stating that Tillman, in his speech at that place, argued and pleaded" that McLaurin be permitted to en ter the primary. If Tillman is sincere in this why did he work so hard to have McLaurin ruled out? The Raleigh Post handles the truth carelessly when it says that Tillman advocates Populist princi pies," while Tillman, like the North Carolina democrats, is an opponent of free speech. Sundays Charlotte Observer con tained an article on Gen. Ransom, headed: "Will not have justice done him until after he is dead." No doubt this is so. We notice that the Raleigh Morn ing Post is advertising for a second hand cane mill. Well it needs to be fed on sweets for a while. Tillman of South Carolina, has at last found something, worse than 44Negro Domination." years, were orownea. Mr. Pole and a daughter about three years old escaped. The bodies were recovered. I SPECIALTEXCURSION RATES 1 To Various l'oin Hal i more and Ohio Kailroad. Louisville, Ky. Triennial Con clave, Knights Templar, August 27 31. One fare for the round trip Tickets on sale August 21st to 24 tb limited for return leaving Louisvillf until September 2, with privilege o extension to September 16 on deposit of ticket with joint agent any pay ment of 50 cents. For tickets and farther informa tion app y to or ftddreS3 Arthur G. Lfavis, S. I A. Balto. & Ohio R. R, Under Atlantic Hotel Noifolk. Va. Dr. Miles' soothes the nerves, nour ishes the brain, and re freshes the entire organism. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. I Know One Sur Remedy fwanobeUnatecold. It name fa Proy-BalMm. MARION BUTLER, Attornky-at-Law, 505 and 504 Tucker Building, RALEIGH, N. C. Practices in all State and Federal Courts. m Moaey Bask If Hoi Wsl! SPECIAL CASH OFFER, HIXGLE HAltllKL SHOT UUNH. Haa a detachable barrel, made of axtra bvjr decarbon ized rolled stetd, cart-folly tapered cboke-borrd, and baa a heavy lug aecuiely bo'td.extf a strong screw key taUn log. t aae hardened frame, top action, rebsondlif lock, ontre hammer, dropped forged steel part, finely check ered pistol grip, engilah walnut stock, robber bait plsu, and fancy checkered fore-end. THOROUGHLY 23 in finish and detail, furnished In llgaore SO Inch barrel. If wasted with Automatic KJctor, send M)oeaU additional JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE CODPAHY. RALEIGH, X. C. GUARANTEED $900 4" a a r r I S A LAKY YEARLY. Men and women of rood address to I represent us, some to travel appoint-1 fffofft it .mint. nh.H fn. Inil mrb lsvnk-I VA l J ing after our interests, swo salary guaranteed j early; extra commissions and expenses; rapid advancement, old established house. Grand chance for earnest man or woman to secure plea-1 SCIENTIFIC ant, permanent position, liberal income I rv vr xrvurr a and future. Hem, brilliant lines. Write at once. STAFFORD PRESS, 23 Church St , New Haven, Conn THE NORTH CAROLINA Normal and Industrial College. LITER AY CLASSICAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PEDAGOGICAL MUSICAL Will Brine Suit Steel Ag-ainat United Statea Corporation . The Attorney General of Ohio will bring suit against the United States Steel corporation under the Valentine Trust Law for not com plying with the law governing foieign corporations doing business that state. Says Son Was Kidnapped. Cumberland, Md., Aug. 11. William Hiles, a well-known farm er, reported to the police at Han cock last night that Chester, his 15-year-old son, had been kidnapped. He charges a man whose home was formerly at McKeesport, with the crime, and alleges that the man is using the boy to assist in carrying on thieving operations. "Your wife Is very forgetful, isn't she?" "Yes, but not nearly so for getful as I'd like her to be. She's forever remembering that she's still wearing her last summer's hat.' Philadelphia Press. SEVEN YEARS IN BED. "Will wonders ever cease t" in quire the friends of Mrs L. Pease, of Lawrence, Kan They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in sev en years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility; but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk." she writes, "and in three months I felt lika a nais - " n vaBVUi Women suffering from headiche. backache, nervousness, sleeplessness melancholy, fainting and dizzy spells will nod it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Only ou eenis. Sold by R. H. Holliday. Driven Inaane by Uncle Tom. St. Pou!, Minn., Dispatch. Thomas Mallay, an old-time actor, who had for many years played in "Unrle Tom's Cabin," was today committed to an insane asylum. Mallay had had so much of Uncle Tom that it affected his brain, and he now imagines that Simon Le- gree is constantly pursuing him with bloodhounds. It is not on record that he ever played the part 01 KiizA in the piece, but ne seems to have gotten the characters mixed. Mr. Nation Brinca Suit for Divorce. Medicine Lodge, Kan., Aug. 9. David Nation, through his attorney today brought tuit for a divorce from his wife, Mrs. Carrie Nation. the temperance crusader. " The petitioner, who is now visiting in Iberia, O., alleges that his wife held him up to public ridicule, neglected her family duties and abandoned his home. thousands of other 1 B IL00 bottle of Wtaa of CarduL Seek belief ! The great proportioa ml women who suffer ntver make serloas effort to benefit then wives. The most of then go on paying ne at tentloa to their little menstrual disorders, he Deving they wfll eventually wear off. They grow worst and worse every Wy. At the period of mcastroatkM a woman Is peculiarly susceptible to cold and other external buluencas and it b also the most favorable time for the development of hidden disease germs which nay be lurking in the system. Any physician knows that disordered menstruation, falling of the womb and kticorrhoea are blighting lives In almost every home. No woman should neg lect herself a moment after she sees indications of female diseases. Almost butane relief can be secured by the use of Y1NE"CAM)1U11 . It will relieve you right la your own home. WU1 you accept the testhaony of Mrs, Bclgkr no reauy sees reuatoasyr All druggists 1 ChloetfO Street, Port Warna, IiwL, March 27, 1900. Tour Wine of Oardai baa done a world of good formaTl have uaadfti fottteaof the Wine and one naekace of ThadftMd'a Riaak-Drnrht. iSff?. no without it la the house. It helpedsar jean baton lore I of age i faellikeai not del l TOUT nothing else helped u medicines, but 1 1 w womanana ao all my bouaework end waahing, which I e MmltookWlaeotparduL I would be very glad to write any and ten her how Z suffered before Z used Wine of CarduL 1b a Terr bad ataLa n,vai found relief la three days. And now I rknad waahing, whioh I eoi The Southerns temporary bridge a A. TIT A - e oi ine waiauga was wasnea away Tuesday. Traffic had to be suspended. Praelca Educa li IN Agriculture, Engineerirg, Me chanic Arts, and Cotton Manu fac uring; a combination of the ory and practice, of study and manual training. Tuition izu a year Total expanse, including ciottnng ana board, 9120. Thirty tacners, 302 aliid. ut. Next ses rion btgins September 4tb. For catalogue address Geo. T. Winston, President. X. C. COLLEGE Agriculture i Mechanic Arts RALEIGH, N O. Annual exrnaea $100 to $140, for non n ld lis of the State $1C0. Faculty of 80 mem bera. I'uriios and Observation School of about 2&0 pupila. To secure board In the dormltorl all fne tuition ap plications should be made before July I5.h. &ion opens September i9th. Correepondtnce invited from those detlricg com petent teachers and stenographers. For Catalogue and other Information addreas President CM A It I. EH D. Mel VEIL, Ureeneboro, N. V. Blkin Woolen Mills 3?C4 GUARANTEED tape A $5,000 DEPOSIT R. R. FARE PAID 200 FREE Scholarships offered. write quick to CA.-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE. Mattn,Cn QQ Q tt 0 (X W S2? H Z O 12 0 55 o H -4 H O 05 55 00 O 0 5 H D O V 5 V" c mm Z v: 6 n WSJ w ii ot. ef rradoetes la eoeUtoaa. Ceejiee. tacladloa TmU AvmA. a . 11 ' u7 ui. e "ki aaa Board la farTaloat rniim, nrsvwirmt a nuoim. tnciiLm lTTd2??A?$L py!.T,f,trJrioa. nader seal, you will never regret It. T Qth. They ship their go Wilbur iTn?n7ir ..riJ? the quality of their work is " - n. nii ' iiT.TT snT?' If you want to exchange your wool or have it manufactured late the best Blankets, Cae si meres, Jeans, Llnseys, Flannels and Yarns to be had in America, if yon want the best made and most comfortable fit ting pants yon ever wore: If yon want to trade with the cleverest me a you ever had any dealings with, try the ELK IN WOOLEN If ILLS sod They have one of the largest mills in tbe goods to nearly every State In th Union, sl! quality of their work is unexcelled. Write them for their handsome new catalogue, and do not dispose of your wool until you see it. Address, Central'Acaflemi, CHATHAH IIFG. CO., Properieton, An Indnstrial and Train In c School for boys and youn men, will begin its annual session Oct. 1st, 1901. r ... luune men aenirinfr t, m n SVSLTrS CALIFORNIA King Gold Mines Company. onear desired immediately: six 3z lfroaaway ana uu mew Htriew York. ior iarm wor, six lor carpenter's worn;, iour ior masonry and plast ering, four for painting and one cr two far printing. For further par tlculars addtess Eev. Chas. E. Tay lor, Principal. Littleton, N. C. University JOHN P. JONES, President. CAPITAL 1,000,000 SHABES-PAB VALUE. ISOO EACH. FULL PAlD-KCa-ASSIESAELL DIBECTOBS: Hon. John P. Jones, Gold Hlll,Nev. TT R KAnatir n.nr1 mlno nwna? OF NORTH CAROLINA. Hon. James B. Grant, Denver, Colo Kx-Uov. of Colorado, of Grant 4 Omaha Smelting Co. Hon. B. F. Pettigrew, Sioux Falls, 8. U. 8. Senator. Hon. Wlllard Teller, Denver, Colo. Attorney at Law. Wm. O. Kean, Jr., PhiladelphU. Pa. " Real Estate and Insurance. John 0. Montgomery, Denver, Cola Pres. Montgomery Investment Co. THE HEAD Of the SUte's Educational System. Academic Department. Law, Medicine, Pharmacy Free Hon. Ashley W. Cole, Brooklyn ,N. Chairman Board of State Ball road Commissioners. Stllaon Hutchinn, Waahlngton, D. C. Publisher and mine ownr. Harry II. Oorham, Carson City, Nev. Pres. Bullon Ex char re Bank and Snpt. Comstock mln a. Hon. Stephen W. Dortey, N T. EX IT. 8. Senator and mine owner. Jerome B. LandAsld, Jr Blnjbam ton, 27.Y. Director Blnghamtoa Trust Co. J. B. Landfleld, Jr. Secretary and Treasurer. C3 Broadway, New York. Hn. a p. sixam 'AdTlaorf Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on tttvm f EUREKA rURHESS OIL U necjualed by any other. Renders hard leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oiL Harness An excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness. Never burns the leather ; its Efficiency is increased. tecurea best service. ' titches kept from breaking. Oil s sold in all Localities - e, 1900 and 190L all term begins September 9, 1901. Addresp, F P. TENABLE, President, CHAPEL BILL, N. C. STEPPED INTO LIVE COALS. "When a child I burned mv foot frightfully, " writes W. H Ead, of J on grille, Va., "which caused hor rible leg sores for thirty years, but Rucklen's Arnica Salve wholly eared m after everything else failed." In fallible for burns, scalds, cats, sores, 3 l T a. ' ittiw suu puev. rniw zoe. Sold by B. H. Holliday. Wages Cut Fourteen per Cent. Fall River, Mass , Aug. 12 The Manufacturers' Association today voted to reduce the price of weaving from 19.8 to 17 cents per cut, which is practically a cut down in wages of 14 per cent. The vote taken on the 1 matter was . unanimous. The cut goes into effect September 3rd. Bill When neglected, afenoct invarUM reautte In a score of serious eoov pllc&ttons, frequenuy causing uremic poisoning resuttlna eia. Strkv tnra. even wh . i vhntenriiMnr mrA ' . " wwcna UN Dfc Bathaway yean ago discarded these old-time b.r, Hooaand perfected a svm t yJZT rnere fes era operation. The treatment la amH4 k .k- ,T btoe It U palnlee. take, no tfbutnS effects k permanent and aQ complications of thTaeMT tlons are removed. This method tittt .L tare Is eaclusJvely used DT " orTlsf!1' Norrous. Blood and other dleaaae. U KXWTOirEJlTEaWAT.X.S. -hkale ZZZ. k wwea y him by hlsexcIuslTS system. WrltatWceenathl.e'!!? wy; n mam DOW M Daee mj vmptntn M.nV. .nil tnr fr -"tfVm WHfl tflyfea. u eoei NIWTOH HATHA WAV, M. nV th q...& Or. Hatha war Oe. Eighty-five Scholnranfna tuition to teachers and ministers sons. .Loans for the needy. I bankebs: 527 Students. 43 Instructors. I Wells. Fargo A Coa Bank, e 1 new Dormltoriea Witn. Inn . nn Ant mi . Central Heating srstem. """ ZUJ.UJJ MIM ir81SUr MOCK at 53.00 tit Skill. s.120 nnn an.. . . I -. , provement8 In I Th Pallfornla Klne HaM Mlnu o . t,- Basin, four miles from the Colorado Blver in California, and 20 es by direct toad from Yuma, Arts. lvelopmen t work has been in progress for ths last six yean, and more than 10,000 feet of shaft, drifts, levels and cuU have been com pleted and paid for by the owners. Upwards of fifteen million tons of ore are now ready for the mill all of which will be mined by open eats at a nominal cost. A contract has been entered into for tho erection of a mill and cyanide plant capable of handling L000 tons of ore daily, which will be completed this year. The directors guarantee that this plant will bt p 05iln lUott.refUenw of the amount of treasury stock subscribed. Tfe ne Profit after commencing operations will exceed mfiOO S -V,npnba,bly retch),000 a month, within a year. The ore In sight will supply such a plant for more than forty years. The property is owned by the directors. There Is no promotion stock or promotion money. No talarlea to oOcers. Every dollar ra SSJI'JSJ?;8 ?fs?toek lnl the treasury to pay for ths plant Not a share of stock has been offered for sale before. 5ffl? of J S!?00 BeU London ; Wm. A Fartah, Denver; Zmer Si B4llVfr.; P- ' Boto, Berkeley, Cal. J. L, Bneperd and then, KSfi tln??ine6rB aree ln reeonrosBdlng this property. Application will be made to list stock on the Doaton Etock Exchanf- Pr OS PeCtUS and anv Infortneimn riaalnul if w. am annll- catlon. " w- -r. Subscripilons received by THE CALIFORNIA KING GOLD U1NE3 COM 323IlOADWAYiN. Y. , Noyxs & D Aic a. 27 CtaU Boston. f Wtkhi, Pxwc ft Co, iNoiBats Eldj- PUadslpkl Pksitox, Watt A ficnoTsa, 411 Wood Bt, PI ttsB"