OCR Interpretation

The Caucasian. (Clinton, N.C.) 188?-1913, February 29, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

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""""" '
VOL. xxx.
No. 7
If the Democrats make their cam- !
j !
;.-, tt themselves coming back.
!nt Chairman Morehead' ban
la.t night was the largest affair
kind ever Riven in this State.
av your poll
tax before May 1st
on can vote in November for a
of I) mo-rat le o.'lu'e-hold-
I, en
it eornes to it question of
:.) ha; b'-en standing the plat
there are ery few Democrats
h can afford to throw any stones.
The Democrats will, of course, try
10 dodge the Issue, but they must
raeet the question of low prices of
farm products and Democratic high
If crime is not on the increase un
der "Democratic good government"
in North Carolina, why do they want
to increase the number of judges !
and solicitors in this State?
Since Aycock was elected Governor
you never ecen hear anybody
sing, "Oh, listen to the mocking"
probably for the reason that they
don't hear the mocking-bird any
It. is announced that ex-Governor
Aycock will open his Senatorial cam
paign April 1st. Wonder why he
wants to give himself a black eye
to start with?
If the delegates to the National j
Republican party from North Caro- I
Una have been sold for a price, as j
charged by the Greensboro Daily
News, then who sold and who got
the price?
If the Democrats can't do any
more with the tariff question on the
stump than they have done with it
in Congress, it would be to their ad
vantage to let the subject drop clear
out of sight.
The Progressive Democrats now
say that Wall Street nominated
Judge Parker for President in 1904.
Well, others knew this at the time,
but this is the first time any Demo
crats have been heard to admit it.
The Democratic politicians are
pleased to refer to Republicans as
office-seekrs. But, right now, it
would take an adding machine to
count up the number of Democrats
who are chasing the office in this
Colonel Watterson says the Demo
crats should select a Presidential
candidate who has made a death
bed repentance. Don't know about
that, but whichever candidate is se
lected to selected to run will doubt
less live to repent it.
Democratic House Leader Under
wood has openly declared his candi
dacy for the Democratic nomination
for President and has opened head
quarters in Washington. If they
keep trotting them out each of the
forty-seven varieties will soon have a
candidate of their own.
A Democratic paper printed in
Norfolk, Va., reports that Woodrow
Wilson is for local option. Wonder
how this will strike Wilson's Demo
cratic boosters in this State the
Netws and Observer, for instance
which claims to be as dry as a bone?
Governor Kitchin has challenged
Senator Simmons to a joint canvass
in this State. Why doesn't Simmons
accept the challenge so he can tell
the people about Kitchin's failure
to prosecute the trusts, or it is pos
sible that Simmons, too, is opposed
to prosecute the trusts, or, is it pos
to prosecuting the trusts?
The Progressive Democrats say
that Judson Harmon is Wall Street's
candidate, Colonel Watterson claims
that Woodrow Wilson is not a truth
ful man, the Wilson men say that
Oscar Underwood is not sincere in
his candidacy, but is running in the
interest of Harmon, Clark and Wil
son, and Underwood thinks Bryan
should be knocked into a cocked
hat, and still they talk of Demo
cratic harmony!
A Storm of GritClSm Acainst
Their Sham Investigation of
Money Trust
f v '
Republican Declare
Roosevelt Will Secure
the omination, while the standv
Tat Republican Are Just as Con
fident That Mr. Taf.t Will Jle ll
nominated Democrat Now Talk-
inj; Wilson or Clark, anil llryau
May lie Nominated in Case of a
. . ;
Deadlock Aycock s Activity Will ;
Make Him ;
date in the
Formidable Candi
I'rimury. (Special to The Caucasian.) ..
Washington, D. C, Feb. 27, 1912.
The Democratic leaders in Con
gress have become frightened at the
storm of criticism that has come up
from all over the country of their
proposed sham investigation of the
"money trust."
It will be remembered that Con
gressman Henry, Chairman of the
Committee on Rules, offered a reso
lution providing for a searching in
vestigation of the money trust and
directing the lines of investigation
to be followed. At once a protest
from Wall Street went up against
such an investigation, and all of the
Congressmen who were thought to be
most friendly to the New York con-
centrated money power got busy to j
beat the Henry resolution. The fight
waged warm and strenuous for some j
time, and finally when the vote was j
taken the Henry resolution was de- !
feated and the "milk and cider" res
olution simply to direct the banking
and currency committee to investi
gate the "currency" and report up
on the same was passed as a substi
tute. It will be remembered, that every
one of the North Carolina Congress
men voted against the Henry resolu
tion and for the "Wall Street resolu
tion." Since then protests have been
coming to Congressmen from their
constituents from one end of the
country to the other. The North
Carolina Congressmen got frighten
ed early and got together and pass
ed a resolution declaring that they
were in favor of an honest investi
gation, and addressed a letter to the
Chairman of the Committee to the
effect that they meant a searching
investigation and did not want a
The Caucasian has pointed out in
a former issue how ridiculous these
Congressmen made themselves by
declaring that they were in favor.of
an honest investigation, when they
had just joined and voted down the
resolution that Wall Street opposed.
A majority of the Democratic mem
bers of Congress have now gotten so
frightened that they have met and
declared for the Henry resolution,
except that they have left the inves
tigation to be made by the banking
and currency committee, instead of
by a separate committee as directed
by the Henry resolution. What will
be the outcome of this new shift the
people will wait anxiously to see.
Roosevelt Would Accept Nomination.
All other questions have yesterday
and to-day been overshadowed here j
by the publication yesterday morn
ing of the letter written by former
President Roosevelt to the nine Gov
ernors who had urged him to accept
the nomination for President. Col.
Roosevelt frankly states that If the
convention nominates him he will
There are almost as many differ
ent opinions being expressed about
the situation that has thus developed
as there are Congressmen and poli
ticians here. The progressive Re
publicans are all "delighted" and
declare that this will mean Roose
velt's nomination and his election.
They further declare that they now
see hope for the party to win for
the first time because they were sat
isfied if President Taft was nomi
nated he would be defeated.
Of course, the stand-pat Republi
cans, on the other hand, take the
opposite position. They declare that
Roosevelt cannot be nominated, and
that if he was nominated he would
be defeated. They point to Mr.
Roosevelt's speech before the Con
stitutional Convention of the State
of Ohio last week and say that his
utterances are too radical to be ac
cepted by" the country. Between
these two extreme views there is
every kind of an opinion that can be
imagined among Republicans.
The Democratic Congressmen and
politicians are discussing this situ
ation with equally as much interest
as Republicans. Some declare that
they are glad that Colonel Roose
velt has announced his candidacy,
and others shake their heads and say
that they are not so sure it means
anything good for the Democratic
(Continued on, Page 6.)
Chairman Morehead's Banquet Complimentary
To The Republican State Executive Com
mittee a Brilliant Success.
There were a number ol goad speeches on the program Twhlch were
greeted with warm applause
log and go for the Democrats.The sentiment nas strong lor local
sell government, thai the people shall rule Commlttee.endorses
achievements ol the administration. --;j3
At the meeting of the Republican
State Executive Committee held in
Raleit,h yesterday afternoon the com-
mittee, after hearing the commit
tee's representing Charlotte and Ra
leigh, decided on Raleigh as the
place for the meeting of the next
Republican State Convention, and
May 15th as the date. Charlotte
made a strong pull for the Conven
tion, but the Raleigh delegation pre
sented the fact that this city now
had a nice and commodious audito
rium, ample hotel accommodations
and that the Convention would be
given a square deal both by the pa-
! pers and the citizens of Raleigh.
While the committee was not called
i to meet until yesterday afternoon,
I many Republicans began arriving in
! the city Monday night, and other
j delegations on every train into Ra-
leigh until Wednesday afternoon. It
j was truly a great gathering of North
j Carolina patriots. In fact, there has
of representative Republicans in the
citv of Raleigh, which, however, is
oni'y a foretaste of what Raleigh will
witness when the State Convention
meets here on May 15th.
The banquet given by Hon. John
M. Morehead, State Chairman, to the
State Executive Committee, was the
biggest banquet ever given by an in
dividual in this State. The banquet
was to have been held in the Yar
borough Hotel, but several days be
fore the time appointed it was learn
ed that the hotel did not have rom
forlhe"occafoh", and the banquet was
therefore held in the large and spa
cious new auditorium. It was a
fine spread, and it was a fine lot of
.speeches that those around the ban
quet board had the pleasure of lis
tening to. They appreciated Chair
man Morehead's hospitality, and this
fact was clearly demonstrated to
him, still those men were in Raleigh
because it was a meeting of Repub
licans and they were here to meet
other Republicans from other sec
tions of the State to discuss matters
for the party good, and on every Re
publican's face you could see the
determination to fight for Republi
can success.
Meeting of the Committee.
The State Executive Committee
was called to order by State Chair
man Morehead.
In the Yarborough House yester
day afternoon at 1:30, with eigh
teen members of the committee pres
ent, the delegations of business men
from Raleigh and Charlotte were giv
fn an nnnnrl nnitv to nrpspnt their
claims for the Republican
Convention. Both made strong ar
guments why the Convention should
be held in their respective cities,
but when the Executive Committee
went into executive session it decided
on Raleigh as the place and May 15
as the time. After this question
had been settled a resolution was of
fered endorsing and commending
the present national administration
and to also endorse President Taft
for renomination. ' Many of the com
mittee objected t this resolution,
as they did not think that question
came within the province of the com
mittee. After some debate the reso
lution was passed by a vote of 12
to 6, after omitting the section en
dorsing the President's renomination.
Following is a copy of the resolution
as adopted:
"The Settle resolution as endorsed
is given below:
"We hereby endorse and commend
the administration of President Taft.
"Confronted from the beginning
of his administration until to-day
with a series of difficult, complicated
and embarrassing questions, many
of them calling for legislative rem
edies, he has met the situation with
firmness, tact and judicial tempera
ment, and largely through his per
sonality has secuTed much needed
legislation from Congress, when he
has at no time during his adminis
tration been able to invoke the aid
of a cohesive, firm party majority.
"There has not been an hour dur
ing his administration when the Re
publicans in Congress could pass a
strict party measure.
"We especially commend his posi
tion on the tariff. His insistence that
the tariff should be dealt 'with sci
entifically, with the . aid of accurate
knowledge of conditions and details,
rather than In a partisan, theoretic
and speculative manner, and in the
absence of authentic
The party will fiaish their houseclein
and ki owledge.
ii funaataentally
sou ad.
"This is practically admitted by j
the conduct of the Democrats in Con- j
gress. If the wool, the cotton and j
other bills passed by the Democrat j
u lue liiBi section oi congress were
imperative In demands for
Speedy j
action at that time, whose same de-
m a Tl f A n r a a i m rA -- n A X' . i
J-7,l k a 7 o , . " M
PnV, i .7 17 .1 ;
l.o.nd no wavallable. the Democrats
0 . . . . , .
say those schedules are now "too
ew Rn h i ?m theif P,0lDt
view, so they begin an experimental
operation on steel
"Respect for constituted authoritj
is the only sure foundation for gov
ernment of any kind. No stability.
10 progress is possible without this.
We, therefore, endorse President
Taft for his unyielding attitude in
opposition and integrity of the courts
of justice of our land, and we deeply
deplore the tendency to depart from
the fundamental principles of popu-
suYtriuiueiiL a niuucwiea oy me
constitution. He Is the embodiment
rf progressive conservatism.
ine committee commends tnese
suggestions to the peoplefi who are
and of right ought to be, the final
and supreme authority under the
constitution, an dto their conserva
tive and sober second thought, which
has always been the bulwark of the
party and the safety of the Repub
lic." At the Banquet.
The big new auditorium was open
ed at 8 o'clock last night for the
banquet given by State Chairman
Morehead complimentary to the State
Executive Committee. It was an ex
cellent spread and it was an excel
lent body of men that gathered
around the banquet board. Every
one declared it the grandest occasion
of the kind ever given in North Car- i
olina. And Chairman Morehead was i
congratulated on every hand for the i
successful manner in which it was f
"pulled off." Chairman Morehead !
had selected Hon. Thomas Settle as j Boston, Mass., Feb. 26. Standing
toastmaster, and it 13 needless to say j in the Assembly Chamber of the
that Mr. Settle filled all the require- Massachusetts Capitol to-day, The
ments of the position. After the j odore Roosevelt explained and em-
menu had been served there were a
number of interesting speeches by
prominent Republicans from many
sections of the State.
As it is time for The Caucasian to j out boldly at those who have criti
;o to press, it impossible to give even j cised his plan.
an outline of the program, but will j "Our system of government is a
give the program and more about ; confessed failure," he said, "unless
the speeches in the next issue of this j the people are to be trusted to gov
paper. It is sufficient now to say ' ern themselves."
that there was great enthusiasm
ring ine entire meeting. ineyjine aim or tnose wno are wormy or
. .3 x T Af . t ml.
were all in fine fettle and ready Tor ; endeavoring to lead the people right
the fray. , It was very evident that i "to help better, not merely polltical
the aggressive Republicans have , ly, but industrially the condition of
started in to ocplete the house-! those least favored by fortune and
cleaning in their own party, and are i to endeavor to make and to keep
then ready for the common enemy, j the government genuinely a govern
They were glad they had elected Mr. ment of, by and for the people," Col
Morehead Chairman, and now want j onel Roosevelt continued.
a National Committee who will be in j
accord with their progressive ideas s
and one who will help them to build ;
up the party. It was plainly demon- j
strated that they believe in local
self-government that they believe
the people should rule. Whatever
their views may be on the Presiden
tial situation and a few other mat
ters, they believe that the people
should rule and be allowed to voice
their sentiments. If this writer has j ernment, but to make representative
not misjudged the sentiment of the j government genuinely representative
Republicans of North Carolina, there ! to see it corrected If it becomes mla
will not be vestige of the referee ma- representative.
chine left after the next State Con- j "My position," said he. "is that
vention, and then the Democrats may if the people know enough to make
look out. the constitution they know enough in
There will be two State Conven-! the last resort to say what It was
tions this year. The time and place j that they meant when they made It."
for the second convention will be de-1 "The people after due deliberation
cided later. j are to be and must be the masters
1 and their representatives their
Virginia Court Interruption.
Parkersburg Sentinel.
Yesterday morning a rather unusu
al Incident occurred In the criminal
court room while Judge McGregor
was engaged in charging the grand
jury which disturbed the dignity of
the occasion. While the court was
dilating a countryman vrith a basket
on his arm walked into the space be
tween the rostrum and the jury box
and looking over the grand jurors
startled them somewhat when he
said: "Do any of yon gentlemen
want to buy some fresh sassafras?"
When the sheriff hastened to remoYe
him, he said: "Oh, excuse me; I
didn't know anything was going on."
Siys He Will Accept Nomi
nation for President if
Tendered Him
Ill Aftwrr to the crJT llw
Had Aked Him if He Would Ac
cet ihe Nomination V .i ro
Out I m Colonel !Ueeil Of
ike in New York uim1 M:M
While He W n Yiit to
rriend in llotoi Male lit 1-
ition on the Recall of Judicial De
cision. Several day asro M-vt n Republican
Governor wrote to Coloael Theodore
to know if he would accept the Re-
i Dublicati nomination for Pretidcbt
v.'r lnlrtr1 I wc. i .l r .uil
) lat t riclav that he wmi A rivo
answer to the Governor on Monday.
a Sunday night the following Hit
i . ... ... . . . ... V
meni wa given out at atr. uooe-
. - ... x-.v.
Uopy of hU letter to the Republican
I tjovernor:
Colonel IUoeYelt'ft Statement.
"Gentlemen: I deeply appreciate
your letter and 1 realize to the full
the heavy responsibility it put upon
me, expressing as it doe the care
fully considered conviction of the
men elected by popular vote to stand
as the heads of government In their
several States.
"I absolutely agree with you that
thls matter Is not one to be decided
i with any reference to the personal
j preferences or interests of any man,
but merely from the standpoint of
the interests of the people as a
whole. I will accept the nomination
for President if it is tendered to me,
and I will adhere to this decision un
til the convention has expressed its
preference. One of the chief prin
ciples for which I have 6tood and for
which I now stand, and which I have
always endeavored and always shall
endeavor to reduce to action, is the
genuine rule of the people; and,
therefore, I hope that so far as possi
ble the people may be given the
chance, through direct primaries, to
express their preference as to who
shall be the nominee of the Republi
can Presidential convention.
"Very truly yours,
Colonel Roosevelt Explains His Lim
ited Recall of Judicial Decisions.
! phasized his new project for the lim
ited recall of judicial decisions.
Colonel Roosevelt, whose visit to the
j State House was unexpected, struck
; After declaring that it should be
, . . . . . .. -
"Genuine Popular Rule."
"And because I believe in gen
uine popular rule, I favor direct
eluding direct preferential presi
dents primaries, not only for local
but for State delegates. 1 believe
in the adoption of wisely chosen de
vices under which the initiative and
referendum can be used, not a a
substitute for a representative gov-
servants," declared Colonel Roose-
f velt.
Texas National Committeeman Un
qualified in Ills Indorsement of
San Antonio, Texas, Feb. 26. Ce
cil A. Lyon, National Committeeman
and Chairman of the Republican
Executive Committee of Texas, to
day said of Colonel Rosevelt'a an
nouncement: "While all the Initiated knew It
was coming, Its effect will be none
the less electrical.
"The candidacy of Colonel Roose
velt will appeal to Americans of all
parties. If he Is nominated, as I
confidently expect, he will sweep the
Utes&try x i 414 la HM U U
j tt &ssil&?4 U-at U. if Mr. Taft
J It &ctala!4-- rs-UH aa
J cla 4rv:&c Weo4rv WSlica cf
j el i tvcMKtmu a
i 'Sir. rvi4ai -
XlZKll rAfTTY WOaKKlix
lrritl aa4 tttW Ej
The N atra J
'A'.itl Jfrs TSh tt IS,
rrsnr, Hon, Jr. a U Vor!f$' f,r
Sts'.e ChsrRis rs4 Ho. Mirk3
Rutlcf ft r NsHv?! CV:s -silt a
TM -irr.rJ r-alHt v.r, W
P. iM-tion.fc. o it Clcr of tie t?3.
W.or Co;m of Hsarca Vetr 4
bo i aio Cus!.t ti!r of t&t
counts. Chatrtran cf tttt
atorUl 3!tr!rt: asd i feearr.lf r
with tim la ail fc. .& J t 2!r
to ie M !etl03 iay eaorjnat.
If e detire to wja la l!i! iui
n4 to tui!4 up ttrnnf as 3 tier.
U party orcaniration. e tat w
lect oar trongt and tnot adit
party worker, men of courage ao4
of coman4lBc personality, who r
wie, brave and lasarlot n4 who
will work together ts hartno&r for
party groath and party ttjecea.
Settle, Morehea4 and liutltr U1
make a atrong team, and it wa a
happy e!etion that Chairman W.
oma ha usitete4 to lead ui la the
; coming campaign. V have har4
no man auggeated from the lUt for
our candidate for Governor. aa4 lh
Eat la willing to concede that pUr
to the Weat, and If th raaJMata U
to come from hte Went. Iherw ! ao
man better fitted for this honor :haa
Hon. Tho. Settle, of Aaheville.
The State Chairman J now from
the Western Central portion of Iho
State, and we learn that Mr. More
head is contemplating moving to
Charlotte, which will remove him Hill
farther to the WeaL but howerr
that may be. an4 whatever h!a domi
cile may be, we or convinced that
I the State Convention will make a
I great mistake if they do not give him
another term of two year a BtaU
Chairman. He la a blg-bralned and
big-hearted patriot, who not only has
the love of his Ktf i k.. i.
i - - - m t i, wi4 k t m
j intensely loyal to hit party, and if re
elected and given a term of uninter
rupted management of the party for
two years, without Interference from
a National Committeeman, who ha
been antagonistic to his administra
tion and endeavored to bring dis
cord Into the party, then, and not un
til then, will the Republican party
become a powerful and dominant
force In the State.
1 The present National Commlttre
jman. Mr. Duncan. Uvea In the Eaat,
and when he 1 dltplaced. as he
should be. and will bo at the next
Convention, then in order to glv th
.organization proper equilibrium, and
I the East repreented, it ts neceaary
jto select the strongeat man from the
jEafet a National Committeeman, and
! without question ex-Senator Marlon
Butler is the Ideal aclectloa. A a
party organizer he has no equal In
the State. He i loyal and reoure
jful and la untiring and unaeiSth in
j laboring for hi party and hi piny
I associates. We do not know that th
I ex-Senator 1 a candidate for Na
tional Committeeman, but If he will
j accept the place, it 1 doe the party
;to tender it to him as the party needs
j his wiie and renourreful counvel la
(the future a much a It ha received
his labors and sacrifice In the paL
A an Eastern Republican, who baa
, the interest of the party at heart and
desires to see it become the domi
nant party in the State, and who da
j sires to tee harmony and co-operation
among the party leader. let me,
Mr. Editor, add ray endoraraent to
that invincible trio. Settle, Morehead
land Butler.
Two Colored Cfilidrra Homed to
! Iath In ThHr Home.
j A special from . Lexington. N. C.
jto Sunday Charlotte Observer says:
two colored children were burn
ed to death In their bed when fire de
stroyed the home of Felix Halgler at
7 o'clock this morning. The mother
made frantic effort to save her chil
dren, but in vain. Driven back at
every entrance by the flames, the
could but stand by and se fir claim
its victim. The older child was
and the younger 3. None of the- con
tent of the home were saved.
The charred remains of the chil-
fdren were buried in a mass of smoal
) deling ruins. The mother bad been
out of the house only a few moment,
and on her return she was met by
j tongues of flames leaping from the
open door. All avenue of entry or
exit were cut off before ah could
reach the scene.
Meat Packer Still a Trial.
The Chicago meat packers trial has
entered upon tie twelfth week. Dis
trict Attorney Wllkerson ttated It
would take th Government thre
weeks more to conclude its case '

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